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Our Most Sacred Mission


   The highest mission of the Death Angels is a seek-and-capture force designed to be mobile enough to track down and capture the Fallen. Their other concerns are trivial compared to this mission given to the Chapter by Azrael, Supreme Grand Master of the Dark Angels, himself. The chapter's chief Interrogator-Chaplain, Brother Velial, even rivals High  Lord Asmodai in the fact that he has collected seven black pearls, each of which represent a Fallen Dark Angel made to repent and return his soul to the Emperor's Light.

   We are a proud chapter, one who holds our heritage in great honour and respect. We honour our savior, the Emperor, along with our Primarch, Lion El' Jonson, before every engagement of battle. We pray to them in ritual four times daily. We invoke their names during battles and during training. Their watchful guidance has kept our mission from going astray and their eyes watch over each and every one of our battle brothers as they give their lives to save our great Imperium.