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Strike Force 626

    Strike Force 626 is commanded by Supreme Chaplain Velial himself. This force leads raids on known Fallen locations that need strategic strikes instead of an all-out offensive.


Strike Force 626 is a 1750 point Dark Angel Battleforce army. It fulfils many roles, from capturing terrain to destroying an enemy. All Veteran Sergeants in the army are made Deathwing, and are therefore stubborn. The current configuration of Strike Force 626 is:


Supreme Interrogator-Chaplain Velial - found in Characters section

"Velial's Ascension" - 5 man Assault Squad with a Veteran Sergeant (equipped with a Powerfist and Plasma Pistol), melta bombs, and two plasma pistols -

Grand Master Melchior - found in Characters section

"Melchior's Vengeance" - 5 man Deathwing Terminator squad - weapon combinations: 1x Stormbolter and Power Fist, 1x stormbolter and chainfist, 1x storm bolter and cyclone missile launcher, 1x assault cannon and power fist, 1x Sergeant with storm bolter and power sword -

Squads Alpha and Beta - Identical Tactical Squads, each with 10 men, a Rhino (Extra Armour and Smoke Launchers), a Missile Launcher, a flamer, frag grenades, and a Veteran Sergeant with a bolt pistol and power weapon.

Venerable Brother Marius: Dreadnought with an Assault Cannon, Dreadnought Close Combat Weapon, Storm Bolter, and Extra Armour

3x Ravenwing Bikers, one Veteran Sergeant with Close Combat Weapon

Squad Omega - 5 man Devastator squad with a Lascannon, Missile Launcher, Heavy Bolter, and Plasma Cannon. Veteran Sergeant is equipped with a bolter.

Author's Note: Soon I hope to have pics of all my squads and characters up within a month or so (dated 10/8/03)