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1/15/05: Fat Night Follies

Hey guys, we got a call earlier from Hank of Lowercase asking if we could come help them out. Not all of Lowercase was there because of schedule discrepancies, so Andy and Bryan filled in and played "The Crowing" by Coheed and Cambria. It went very well and we'd like to thank everyone that came out to Fat Night at CHS. A few pictures, courtesy of Mark Perdomo, will be up later.




1/13/05: NEW SHOWS!

What's up everyone? Well, we have some more shows coming up. Firstly at RHHStival! We were chosen to play at RHHStival, the local music festival at River Hill High School in Ellicott City, Maryland. It starts at 6pm and I'm not sure when we play but that will be posted later. Also, after that, we will be headlining the CHS Coffee Shop at Centennial High School. We're headlining this with our buds Lowercase. Anyway, come check us out, the shows section is updated.




1/6/05: Thunderdome Re-Cap

Thunderdome went great tonight! We met some new bands which were really cool and we played a good show. They want us to come back for another show and we're in the works of planning it. Anywho, Luke, our roadie, took pictures of us playing at Thunderdome and they're already up in the Media section. Go check them out!


1/2/05 : Happy New Year!

Hey everyone, happy new year from Define! Okay so the CD is done and it's ready to be sold, only $1, we're just trying to break even and get the sound out there. So if you would like a copy, please e-mail your address to:  (along with your name, of course) and we will send you a copy VIA the mail for a buck. CD's are also available at every show and from any member of Define. ALSO we have joined a local record label, HalfEmpty Records (  so check that out. THUNDERDOME TICKETS ARE FOR SALE FOR $6 FROM ANY MEMBER OF DEFINE OR VIA MAIL.

Thanks Guys




12/30/04: MORE NEW MP3'S & NEW SHOW!

Hey again guys, we re-recorded vocals for XI and the updated version is now up on Purevolume. Also, we finally finished Control and that is also on there. Bigger news is that we have a show coming up on January 6th that we need everyone to come to. It's at Thunderdome and you all need to come and support us. Buy tickets from any band member [Mark/Andy/Bryan] or e-mail for more information. The basics are in the Shows section! Thanks everyone!




12/28/04: NEW MP3'S!

Hey everyone! We put 2 brand new MP3's from the new DefinEP on go check them out now! Download them. One more PREMIERE song is going up there in a day or so called "Control" (our personal favorite). Anyways, check that stuff out, Bryan got new Pearl drums for Christmas, Mark got a Schecter C-1 Diamond and I got...nothing bass related but I have my top gear already. So anyways, listen to that stuff again, hope you had a good holiday.






So what's up guys? Yeah we finally finished the DefinEP, it's got 5 tracks, we decided to exclude one due to it...sucking. So anyway, the DefinEP is ready and for sale for $3 from the site, shows or any band member. We will have copies available by January 1st. Let's see... in other news, we are working on new material for the full-length CD set to be out sometime in August or so, we're not rushing anything. We DO expect to have more shows coming up, we're getting new professional press pictures taken, lyrics will be put up, and more songs will be updated on our purevolume site. Please stay tuned for all this new stuff.

Happy Holidays,
