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Day 3 - Regular Session and B&B Music
Rehoboth Elementary School, July 30, 2003

We started the day at B & B music in Lewes with a presentation from Dan Gold. Dan is the area rep for Fender guitars. He talked about the development of electric guitars and rock music. While discussing the Fender company he showed us some real beauties direct from the custom shop. The Fender goodies (particularly the Greg Koch picks) were a big hit. Thanks to Dan and everyone at B & B music. We also got our 2003 MHRRC t-shirts - which are BLACK this year. B & B sponsored those!

Colleen, in her usual brilliant efficiency, organized our two day recording session jaunt. Everyone got a card which told them which activity they would be at for the next two days.

After we finished at B & B we moved the party back to Rehoboth Elementary School. After a lunch break (the real miracle of the day BTW was that I actually made it down to Louis' Pizza on the boardwalk and back in 20 minutes) we worked on all of the songs mentioned in day two. We also worked on getting tighter and details.

Is this a CD cover or what?
July 30, 2003

Meeting with Dan Gold at B & B music
July 30, 2003

Brittany Wilson (keyboard and clarinet), Eli Fuller (percussion), Kelly "Let's Start a Riot" Bateman (guitar, trumpet)
July 30, 2003

Bass Jumpstart in triplicate
July 30, 2003

Derek Remo
July 30, 2003

Lydia Miller
July 30, 2003