Nick Stokes, Lab Rat Extraordinaire

Nick Stokes, Lab Rat Extraordinaire


Chapter 19:

A Month Later

Greg liked to think that things between him and Nick were going spectacularly. In fact, things were progressing in just the right manner if Greg could say so himself. The shaking hands had stopped, but it had taken a lot of discipline and patience on Nick's part and some understanding on Greg's. Nick could get snarky when he wanted, though Greg wasn't surprised considering the insane amount of time Nick liked to spend with Hodges.

All in all that obstacle had been defeated and Nick was back to being the best lab tech in the second best lab in the country, a little more confident then he had been prior to the explosion. It helped that Greg had loved to flourish him with compliments whenever Greg deemed it necessary and although some of those times Nick had been a little embarrassed by the public setting, Greg knew he secretly loved it. And it wasn't exactly a hardship for Greg.

They'd been keeping it simple for the most part. They rarely went out, but that was more a hazard of their jobs than their own desires. Greg would have liked to eat out at fancy restaurants and maybe pretend to be a tourist every now and again, but any chance Nick could get to throw on a pair of sweatpants and baggy shirt he would take.

Greg thought it was cute and endearing. He thought that Nick's natural homebody state was actually nice. He knew Nick always felt a little guilty about it. Nick thought that Greg was young enough to be going to clubs and having an actual life, but Greg would have none of that. If Nick didn't want to do something, then they wouldn't do it.

Not to say that Greg's whole life revolved around Nick. On the contrary, he still had his friends. He still went out for beers with Warrick and watched as he flawlessly picked up unknowing girl after unknowing girl. They all thought that Warrick being a CSI was just so cool, never fully understanding how much work and self went into the job, just knowing that Warrick got to carry a gun. Apparently a lot of woman thought guns were sexy.

Just to be funny, Greg would mention how Nick hated guns, putting on his best besotted face and watched as the girl that Warrick was attempting to woo would coo over Greg's head over heels behavior. But then Warrick would glare at him and Greg would find some funny, witty, smart and clever way to turn the conversation back to Warrick. It was the price of being a wingman.

And there were times when Sara would call him up, frantic and on the verge of a nervous breakdown and he would run to her apartment, Baskin Robbins quarts of whatever ice cream on hand. It was either about the job or about her lack of a life, but then again that stemmed from the job, so really it was all about the job.

Greg would comfort her as well as he could. He'd been her once, though with more of a life, having nothing but his job to keep him surfaced. Sara didn't have a special someone and she wasn't a guy, no matter how hard she tried to hold her wait in a male dominant profession. Catherine had Lindsey to ground her, but Sara had take-out menus. It was easy for anyone to crack under that kind of pressure.

Nick would understand when he said he had to run to Sara's for a little bit. It had only happened twice in the two months since they'd been dating, both times after the explosion, and Nick had told him to scram. His friend needed him and Greg had an obligation to go make sure she was okay. Greg guessed it was his years of dealing with Jacqui that made him so understanding. Because Nick had little Circle meetings that, though Greg was an honorary Circle member, he was never allowed to attend. Nick got a huge kick out of these meetings and would always come home extra snuggly thought Greg never knew why exactly.

Work had been relatively light or at least had been light where regular days were concerned. They hadn't had a huge case in quite awhile and Greg was perfectly content to work simple homicides that weren't always so highly covered. It helped him do his job. Helped him stay focused and they were much easier to forget when he came home in the morning or whatever hour he managed to make it home.

Perhaps it was the fact that he'd noticed this nice lull that had jinxed it. The next shift after he'd made this nice discovery, they had a huge case. Double homicide at some big casino/hotel and the nightshift were the lead CSIs on the case. Greg had dusted for prints and inspected for DNA evidence and had found the second body in their little double treat all in the span of an hour. He knew the day was going to be long.

And it was made even longer by the fact that he had, on accident he was positive it was an accident, leaked information concerning the case that would definitely make the killers think twice before killing again. As in they would most likely change their MO a bit because that's what all the smart ones did.

He'd been right to think that and the next bodies they had found weren't in a swanky hotel room, but a somewhat crappy motel were people went when they could only afford mediocre or had a prostitute. Greg took his lumps like a good CSI and Grissom had pushed him back to video detail. At that moment Greg made a promise with himself that he would never talk to old college buddies he didn't remember ever again. He didn't care how persistent they were.

Eventually, and with a stroke of genius on his part and Catherine's understanding and helpful nature, Greg was back on the case and working doubles and triples and he couldn't even remember the last time he'd seen Nick let alone talked to him. It felt strange after the past two months of living somewhat dazedly in a little dream world he and Nick had sort of built around themselves. It felt to reminiscent of the old days when Greg only cared about the job. That just wasn't him anymore.

"Dude, Sanders, what are you still doing here? The case is over remember." Warrick said.

Greg was sitting in front of his opened locker staring dazedly into space. He looked over at Warrick's voice spotting him and Sara standing not to far away.

"I know that. I was just packing up to leave. How'd your case wrap up, Sara?" Greg asked.

"Pretty good. We caught the guy responsible, but I'm not sure there's much we can do. He just punched the guy. How was he to know that that would kill him?" Sara said.

"Don't you just hate cases like that. They don't feel like they've... ended." Greg said.

"Yeah well on this job you can't always expect full satisfaction. You know that, Sanders." Warrick said.

"Yeah... yeah I know that." Greg said somewhat dazedly.

Greg noted that Warrick and Sara passed worried glances between them.

"You know, I would have thought you'd have been delighted to wrap up that case. When was the last time you saw Nick anyway?" Warrick asked.

Greg rubbed his palms against his eyes and tried to think past the fatigue that was starting to set in. Fatigue always set in after big cases like the one he'd just worked.

"I don't know... I think I may have delivered him some evidence, but I can't be too sure."

"Then what are you still doing here. I mean it's understandable for me and Warrick." Sara said.

"Yeah I don't have a girlfriend and Sara's practically married to her job." Warrick said.

Sara had the decency to glare at him just a little bit. Greg let a little smile play on his face at that.

"Yeah, I know. Like I said I was getting ready to leave, but you guys stopped to ask questions." Greg said as he closed the door to his locker.

He waved at them as he left the room, jacket and car keys in hand. There was no doubt in his mind that if we were to go over to Nick's, Nick would be asleep. It was morning after all. Nick had been off shift for a little while now and, though he tried to wait for Greg a lot of the time, Greg was absolutely sure that Nick was sleeping at that moment.

Greg sighed realizing that it would probably just be best to go back to his place and sleep before shift started that evening. As it was he didn't have very many clean close left at Nick's. But then again when he thought about it, he didn't have very many clean close at his own place. In fact Greg could hardly remember when he'd been to his place last.

It didn't necessarily puzzle him. Nick's place felt more like home to Greg than any other place Greg could remember living in. The thing was Grissom was getting a little weary of it. He assumed that Greg would be at his listed address and called him with just enough time to get from his place to the crime scene.

It wasn't Grissom's fault. Greg could easily just turn in a change of address sheet, but he hadn't exactly talked it over with Nick. Spending all his time there was one thing, but knowing that he could never have anywhere else to go was another.

With a sigh, Greg found himself in front of Grissom's office. Grissom looked up at Greg when he realized he was standing there and beckoned him to come inside.

"I hope I'm not bothering you or anything." Greg said as he took a seat in the chair across from Grissom's desk.

"Not at all Greg. What's on your mind?" Grissom asked.

"It's about me and Nicky." Greg said.

Grissom raised an eyebrow and nodded.

"What about you and Nick?"

"It's just... I know you were pissed last week when I showed up to the crime scene late and that was because I was over at Nick's and I know I should be at the place listed on my information, but..."

"Greg... I was young once. I get how it all works." Grissom said.

"Me and Nicky are really serious, Gris." Greg said in a strong tone.

Grissom smiled at him, his mysterious smile that Greg could never really figure out, but knew meant Grissom was thinking about something.

"I wouldn't expect anything else from you two." Grissom said.

Greg smiled and nodded.

"I just wanted you to know that." Greg said.

"That's all?" Grissom asked.

Greg looked around nervously. Grissom was good at reading people. He probably sense the real reason Greg was there.

"Well, no, but I'll let you know when there is something more to add."


Nick hadn't seen Greg all day and it was getting pretty close to the end of his shift. The double-double homicide case had taken a weird turn when the suspected killers were found murdered in their own home. From that moment on, Nick hardly saw the backside of Greg's head.

"He's busy, Nick. I mean lately it's been nice that the CSIs haven't been overworked and he's been able to spend time with you in the lab, but he does still have to work." Jacqui said, trying to cheer Nick up.

"I know. It's just... it was nice that he'd make time to stop by and see how I was doing is all." Nick said.

The Circle had all decided to take a break at the same time and were currently lounging in the break room waiting for one anxious CSI or another to come and try and rouse them for evidence. They'd all made it to ten minutes so for without interruption.

"It's the problems of dating someone you work with. You end up expecting them to say hi to you all the time." Bobby said.

"Oh what would you know about it. Your wife's a librarian." Hodges said.

Bobby merely shook his head and took a sip of his coffee.

"I'm just saying that when you get involved with someone you work with it's different then being involved with someone you don't work with." Bobby said.

"Gee, did you figure that out all by yourself, Bobby." Hodges said.

"Now, now, David, be nice to poor Bobby." Jacqui said noticing Bobby's glare.

"Personally I think you guys are doing just fine. I mean I think it's actually easier. I know my girlfriend some times comes down on me because I'm not around as often as I should be. It's the demands of the job, man." Archie said.

"Yes, yes being a lab tech in the CSI crime lab definitely sucks out all personal priorities. I think we all knew that going into this job." Hodges said.

"I still hold out hope that my Prince Charming is out there." Jacqui said.

"Give it a few years." Hodges said bitterly.

Jacqui glared at him and tossed her hair a bit.

"David, I'm a year older than you." Jacqui said.

Hodges merely shrugged his shoulders at that. He may have only been a few years older then Nick, but he acted like he was the oldest man in the lab.

"You guys are right. I'm probably worrying over nothing. It's just that... ever since the explosion the lab has been pretty quiet. I mean you know excluding the whole Sam Braun Lockwood case. It's his first big case back." Nick said.

"It's cute that you worry. Really it is. Not nauseating at all." Hodges said, tone so overly sarcastic that you'd have to be deaf not to hear it.

Nick merely rolled his eyes. His friends had been supportive about his relationship with Greg. In fact they'd been rooting for it to all turn out alright. Even Hodges who seemed to despise Greg for some reason or another. They all just wanted him to be happy.

"So are we at the ring buying stage yet? There going to be some nifty commitment ceremony?" Jacqui asked.

Nick pulled a face and sighed.

"No, nothing like that. That's just too..."

"Corny, cliched, Vegas." Hodges offered helpfully.

"One of those words. No, I think me and Greg are just happy being me and Greg. We don't need some fancy party to make it official or anything. And besides all that we've only been dating for two months." Nick said.

"But you're practically living together right?" Jacqui asked.

"Well, yeah I guess."

"Nick, you might as well be married. Trust me on this one, you and Greg already act like an old married couple. Always have now that I think about it." Bobby said.

"Not that there's anything wrong with that. Just want you to be happy, remember." Archie said.

Nick smiled at him.

"I know, Archie." Nick said.

"So, if you're practically living together why don't you just..."

At that moment Catherine walked in and looked directly at Nick. He tried to think about what she could possibly want him for. Her case was already pretty much solved and he'd barely had to do any work on it. It was close to the end of the shift anyway.

"Nick, I was hoping you were still here. Listen... I need to talk to you. How about you and me grab a coffee at the local diner?" Catherine said.

"Um... yeah okay. I was... well I was going to go home after shift, but I guess I can... go out for coffee I mean." Nick said.

"Great... I'll see you there in five."

"Sure." Nick said and watched as Catherine walked off.

"What was all that about?" Hodges asked.

Nick could feel the rest of his friends looking at him weirdly and he shrugged his shoulders.

"I have no idea."


When Nick arrived to the diner in question, Catherine was already sitting in a both staring down at her first coffee or at least what Nick assumed was her first coffee. He wasn't that late getting to the diner. He had to clean his things up and swear to his friends that he had no idea why Catherine wanted to speak with him before he could get out. He looked around for Greg, but when he couldn't find him, Nick decided to leave.

He sat in the booth across from Catherine and smiled at her when she looked up. She took a deep sigh and closed her eyes for a little while before opening to stare at Nick.

"They found out." Catherine said.

"Who found out what?" Nick asked.

"Remember a little while back. The Sam Braun case. I asked you to do something for me off the record." Catherine prodded.

"Oh... they found out. And they think you may have tampered with evidence."

"I don't think it'll affect you. At least I really hope it doesn't. I think I've caused you enough emotional scaring for the next decade or so." Catherine said.

Nick smiled shyly at her.

"You know the lab wasn't totally your fault. Faulty procedures and bad equipment..."

"Yeah along with my ineptitude. You don't have to be nice and say it wasn't my fault. I know that it was."

"It could have happened to anyone, Catherine. And Warrick was there with you. Trust me I'm not harboring any ill will toward you."

Catherine pfft and let out that little slightly cynical laugh of hers and brushed back her hair. Nick still smiled shyly at her.

"You know, Greg did for a little while there. The funny thing was he acted like he didn't want to. I mean I can understand hating someone that hurt the one you love. I don't know what I would have done in his situation. Hell, no, I do know what I would have done and I can tell you it wouldn't have been pretty." Catherine said.

"Greg really likes you. He speaks really highly of you... of everyone really. I just think he was... thrown. Because it was something that could have happened to anyone and he just... he didn't know how to deal with that." Nick said.

"Still didn't make him any less angry."

"No, it wouldn't, but like you said if it had happened to you it wouldn't have been pretty. I know if something like what happened to me happened to Greg... I don't know what I would do."

Catherine studied him up and down and smiled.

"You'd be strong. I know you would."

Nick blushed at bit and sighed.

"I like to think I would be. I mean I know that his job isn't as dangerous as like being a cop or anything, but there's still risks involved. There's risks involved with any job though."

"Everyone can tell that you two love each other very much. I think we'd all understand if one of you went hysterical cause of an accident like that." Catherine said.

Nick smiled somewhat nervously and sighed. Catherine looked at him weirdly and Nick closed his eyes.

"Nick... something bothering you?"

"What, no, nothing."

"You're not a really good liar, Nick."

"Yeah I know. Lots of people tell me that. Seriously, it's nothing."

"It's something."

"I don't want to unload on you."

"I'm asking you to."

"Really, Catherine it's not that big of a deal..."

"I think you're protesting just a little too much."



They engaged in a staring contest. Nick stared into her eyes, worry and concern and confusion clear in them and Nick sighed.

"It's just... I mean I know he loves me. He's said it. Just... not since the explosion. He's been so focused on taking care of me... you know the doctor's said..."

"The doctor's said what Nick."

"It's kind of embarrassing." Nick said squirming a little.

Catherine smirked at him.

"Does it have anything to do with... sex?" Catherine asked.

Nick didn't even have to answer her, his blush was enough.

"You haven't had any since the accident."

"I don't know why it bothers me so much. I mean I didn't have much sex before the accident and Greg, but..."

"Nick, people are sexual beings. It's totally healthy for you to want to have sex with your boyfriend. I mean you're not dead."

"Yeah, but he's just trying to be... cautious."

"To hell with being cautious. You really want him, just throw him down. I think he'll get the picture." Catherine said taking a sip from her drink.

Nick noticed how relaxed she was becoming. She'd had a hard couple of months and seemed on edge a lot of the time. If Nick could help her relax in a way that was totally different from the way Grissom was helping her relax- if that was still going on- and it was just as good then Nick figured why not. It wasn't like he could really talk about this to Jacqui or Hodges without barfing at least once.

"I don't know."

"Trust me, Nick. Greg's a sweetie and he wants to take good care of you because he loves you, but he's still just a guy. And, honey if it's one thing that guy's always have on the brain it's sex." Catherine said.

Nick smiled at her.

"I just don't want him to think that it's all about sex."

"Have you been having sex in the last month and half?"

"Um... no."

"Well then I'm sure he knows that it isn't just about sex."

"You're sure?" Nick asked feeling less uneasy about the subject then he was before.

"Positive. Now, if you don't mind me asking, why are you talking to me about this? You've got friends at the lab. Why not talk to them?"

Nick coughed a bit to clear his throat and looked at Catherine.

"I just... I love the guys at the lab. I mean they're my best friends, but sometimes you just need someone who... I mean you just need to talk to someone who's going to give it to you straight and you want feel like barfing just by the thought of bringing the subject up." Nick said.

Catherine nodded.

"Did that make sense?"

"Perfect sense. Now, what are you doing sitting around this old diner talking to me for when you've got a boyfriend that needs jumping?"

Nick smiled and got up from his seat. He didn't need to be told twice.

Chapter 20

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