Nick Stokes, Lab Rat Extraordinaire

Nick Stokes, Lab Rat Extraordinaire


Chapter 6:

Nick was nervous. Very nervous. He was extremely nervous. He was so nervous he almost didn't get any sleep. Friday night had been great. He'd had to fend off a few admirers, but for the most part the night was great. He really never felt that confident before.

People kept hitting on him and asking him for help with things and generally paying attention to him. Not that Nick had an attention problem. He had been perfectly content with having no spotlight on him.

He'd be perfectly happy with no spotlight... and well Greg's attention. Not that Greg hadn't been paying attention to him before they started dating. He had been paying attention, but now he liked Greg's boyfriend attention. He liked kissing Greg. He liked touching Greg. He liked being around Greg. He liked Greg.

And really, he was thirty-four years old. Sex was no big deal. He'd had sex before... a few times. It wasn't like he was a virgin on prom night or anything. He'd had sex before. Granted some of that sex had been less than stellar and one had been with a girl.

Becky Wilson. She had been a friend of his sister's and, as a favor to Tina, she'd came on to poor unsuspecting Nick. Before Nick knew what was happening they were having sex and, being that he was sixteen and it was his first time, it hadn't been all the great. Course that could've had something to do with the fact that boobs just didn't do it for him. Neither did black hair or girl parts. No, Nick was very much happier when he finally did realize he was gay.

Thomas Kingston. He'd had sex with him just once, but he was just so... yeah, Nick wasn't going to think about it. Whatever Thomas was it was nothing compared to Greg. Thomas had worked with Nick on a lab during college. Nick knew the score. Nick knew Thomas was a player, but at least he had some experience and really Nick just wanted to get the experiment over with and figure out if he was gay or not. Boy, was he gay.

There had been a few strings of relationships after that, but most of Nick's sexual encounters had been one-time deals he'd rather forget about.

It couldn't be like that with Greg. It had to be special with Greg and he knew how corny and girly that sounded, but it was the truth. He cared about Greg too much for it to be anything less. It had to be just perfect.

Part of him protested that it didn't matter. It would be perfect even if it wasn't the best sex he'd ever had, which he strongly doubted. Very strongly doubted. This was Greg. Anything they did together would be special because it was Greg.

He'd waited so long for Greg and he wasn't going to let a little thing like sex- okay so it was sometimes a big huge elephant size thing- get in the way of his happiness with Greg.

Nick nervously looked in the mirror. He'd gone with a nice maroon button up shirt and black jeans that were a little tighter than he usually liked. He looked wearily over at the leather jacket laying on his bed. He'd tried it on. It was comfortable. It was unbelievably comfortable.

Seriously, it was the best jacket he'd ever worn in his life. He knew Greg had liked it. He'd remembered when they were purchasing all the clothes and the saleslady had been eyeing them wearily. He put the jacket up first stating that if they were going to get kicked out he wanted to buy the one thing that really mattered. Sighing, Nick grabbed the jacket from his bed and put it on.

He looked nice. He'd managed to finally style his hair the way Josh had had it. He'd put in his contacts tonight and really he couldn't have been more please with the way he looked. Now if Greg would just get there already and they could start their date.

Nick hated being nervous. He was rarely nervous. There was really nothing for him to be nervous about. He led a pretty simple existence. He slept, went to work, had a few conversations at work, came home, watched boring tv and then slept again the meals mixed in there. There was no reason for him to feel the least bit nervous about anything.

But this was out of his relative scope of things. This was dating Greg.

Nick jumped a bit when he heard his doorbell ring. He took a deep breath and walked out of his bedroom, into the living room, past his kitchen and to the front door. He took another deep breath before opening the door. He's greeted with the sight of a slightly unkempt Greg.

He's wearing jeans, a pretty baggy pair for Greg, a white shirt with some weird design on it that Nick can't see very well and a hooded jacket. His hair is in a state of disarray and not in the usual Greg way. Nick could tell there was no product in it whatsoever. He's got what looks like the makings of stubble on his face and big awkward looking sunglasses, though they're only awkward because the sun's pretty much down.

"Greg." Nick said.

"Hey, sorry I'm a bit late Nicky. Grissom almost didn't let me leave today." Greg said leaning in for a kiss.

He got a small peck considering Nick looked pretty concerned.

"Greg, have you slept... at all." Nick asked.

"Yeah, yeah. I caught some catnaps while waiting for samples to be processed by the dayshift." Greg said.

"I thought you were working that shooting with Sara and Warrick."

"I was, but Grissom, being that he wants me to succeed in becoming a CSI 3 put me on this different case. It's no big deal. I've gone longer without sleep." Greg said.

"I don't know. Maybe we should just re-schedule..."

"Nicky, you took all this time getting ready and you look amazing. You're wearing the jacket I bought you."

"Yeah, it's pretty comfortable. Greg are you sure..."

"Yes, let's just go okay. I'll be fine. I swear." Greg said. For some reason Nick just didn't believe him.


Dinner had been excellent. There was no reason for them to stand on airs. It had been the best dinner date that Nick had ever been on and he knew that had something to do with already knowing a lot about Greg's life. Conversation was easy and light and Nick made sure to not bring up whatever case Greg was working on.

It was clear that whatever the case was, it was affecting Greg deeply. Sure Greg was known to be just as bad as Sara some times when it came to pulling over time, but Nick had a feeling that he would have at least stopped to sleep a bit knowing that he'd be going out with Nick the next night.

Greg claimed he was fine, downing coffee after coffee in an effort to stay awake. He'd close his eyes every once in awhile for a little bit before opening them to smile at something Nick said.

Only Greg could be exhausted and still pay attention to whatever it was Nick was saying. Not that Nick was complaining. It was nice to know that now matter how tired Greg was he'd still pay attention to Nick's inane chatter.

After dinner they made their way over to the movie theater. They had parked Greg's car and were walking down the street to where the theater was. Greg had said he wanted to see some sort of action flick that Warrick had told him about and Nick said he didn't care either way.

"So, get any compliments on how you were dressed at work on Friday?" Greg asked. Nick smiled.

"Yeah, quite a few actually. You'd think I'd had drastic plastic surgery or something. Just a hair cut, some contacts and new clothes and people are pawing all over me." Greg frowned at that.

"Pawing, that doesn't sound good. Am I gonna have to defend someone's honor here."

"Oh, the pawing was just Catherine. Everyone else was a little more subtle about it."

"That hussy... am I gonna have to tell her something. Like why it would be bad for her health to be touching my guy." Despite the teasing tone, Nick detected that some part of Greg was being very truthful about what he was saying.

"I don't think you need to worry about Catherine, Greg. She's in love with Warrick or quite possibly Grissom. I have yet to form an opinion on that one. Besides she said that I was totally in love with you and couldn't be more obvious if I had a sign around my neck saying so. She actually said we should get matching signs." Nick said with a smile.

"Hmm, signs might interfere with my work... might interfere with yours. We could get shirts." Greg said. Nick smiled at him.

"It was really funny. Jacqui got so tired of seeing all these girls all over me and called a lab tech meeting."

"You lab rats have meetings?"

Nick rolled his eyes at him.

"Yes, we do. We all take our breaks at the same time and have meetings. Usually it's just to discuss our lives or the lives of the CSIs."

"Ah the great Catherine/Grissom/Warrick/Sara debate. Can't believe you guys actually sit down to discuss that stuff."

"It's Jacqui's idea... and Bobby's... and Archie really goes along with it."

"And you?"

"You've met Jacqui right. You've seen how scary she can be."

"Right so she called one of these meetings of the minds to discuss..."

"Well me... and you. God it was so embarrassing. She's all like 'Nick and Greg are practically married so all you other little techs that think you stand a chance... push off'. I let her have her little meeting before a I yelled at her." Nick said.

"Really and what was her reaction to that?" Greg asked.

"She rolled her eyes! Seriously she just sat there and rolled her eyes and said whatever. Told me she was doing me a favor. Something about jealous boyfriends. Anyway, Bobby and Archie looked scared. David just looked amused."

"You guys are like the major techs, huh. Heads of the lab."

"Well I guess. Jacqui pretty much runs things... and Bobby. Those two are like a team. Archie really just goes along with everything. I like to stay low key and David likes to stay even lower key." Nick said.

"Yeah Hodges seems like the loner type to me."

"You know you're going to have to be nice to him... if only for me." Nick said with a pout on his face. Greg licked him lips and cleared his throat.

"Nicky if you knew the magnitude of things I'd be willing to do for you, you wouldn't even say that."

Nick felt himself blush. Greg was always saying things like that. Always sweet talking and laying on the charm, but Nick knew, he just knew, that this wasn't about charming him. Greg was being a hundred percent truthful. Greg had always been the one to start their kisses. Nick never felt comfortable enough to, but right at that moment he wanted nothing more than to kiss Greg.

He leaned in and kissed Greg's soft lips, his hands at Greg's waist pulling him closer. He had intended for it to be a quick small kiss, but nothing was ever quick and small when Greg was involved. No, Nick was pulled into it, Greg's hands holding Nick's head in place as the kissed. He felt Greg's fingers run throw the small hairs at the base of his neck.

Nick broke away from the kiss, not moving too far away from Greg. Their foreheads were still touching and their lips were merely inches away from each other.

"Greg... how badly do you want to see that movie?" Nick asked his voice raspy.

Greg felt himself shiver at Nick's raspy Texan drawl.

"Well, Warrick said it was pretty cool. The graphics are supposed to be really killer..."

"Greg, fuck the movie."

"Well, I'd much rather fuck you." Greg said seductively. Nick moaned.

"Who's place is closer?" Nick asked.

"I believe yours is. Still, this wasn't really much of a date. I mean sure I took you to dinner, but I promised you dinner and a movie."

"Well, you can make it up to me in other ways." Nick said. Greg smiled at him.

"If I must. Come on lets get back to my car." Greg said grabbing Nick's hand to drag him back to the car.


By the time they had made it back to Nick's, Nick had lost his confidence. Before it had been sort of an in the moment thing, but he'd had a ten minute car ride to think about it his little insecurities were threatening to rear their ugly heads.

"Nicky, we don't got to do anything you don't want to do. Remember." Greg said.

They were sitting on the couch quietly absorbing each others company. Nick was currently lying comfortably between Greg's legs, his back pressed against Greg's chest. From the moment they stepped inside his house, Nick had started feeling nervous again.

He hurriedly took off his jacket and placed it on coat rack, Greg following suit and looked around his place. He mumbled and he babbled and he offered drinks. Greg didn't want one and he told Nick that he wanted to sit down. So they sat down, Greg practically pulling Nick onto his lap.

"I know. You said that. It's not that I don't want to, Greg, but..."

"You're nervous. What do you think I'm just here for the sex? I would have stopped after the first breakfast date."

"I know you're not here for sex. I mean you've made that abundantly obvious, but... sex is a big deal in a relationship."

"Well, it's not everything, but I guess it is pretty important."

"And, well, I've never had a real... relationship you know. And it's been awhile since..."

"Hey, it's okay. I'm not just gonna throw you down on the bed and ram into you." Greg said in a teasing tone.

He was trying to lighten the mood. Nick knew this and it actually helped a bit.

"You get one chance with this Greg. It's like the first kiss."

"You gotta admit our first kiss was spectacular." Nick blushed a bit.

"Yeah it was. I'm just... I'm letting nerves get the best of me."

"Don't worry about it. Nicky I... this thing with us can't be wrong."

"I know. Just... just kiss me." Nick said a little shocked at his boldness.

"Now how could I turn down an invitation like that." Greg said smiling.

Nick turned so he was straddling Greg's legs. Greg pulled his head close to his own and started to kiss him. The sensation of kissing Greg always made Nick forget where he was and just feel.

He couldn't help it that Greg brought out a side of him he'd never thought anyone could bring out. In fact, Nick didn't even know about this side. Nick didn't even realize when Greg had pushed him down on his back, Greg's weight settling down on top of him never once breaking their kiss.

He was thrilled that he had decided to wear a button up shirt. Greg didn't have to pull away at all as he unbutton Nick shirt and pushed it aside, Greg's hands roaming at his sides skin touching skin. It had been so long since anyone had touched Nick like that. Nick tried to protest when Greg broke their kiss, but he couldn't.

Greg's lips were elsewhere now, nibbling at his neck, sucking on the skin on his chest, licking at his nipples. It felt like Greg was everywhere at once and all Nick could do was shift where Greg was paying attention to and moan and groan and mewl as Greg tortured him.

He felt Greg's hands at his pants. Felt as Greg undid them and slowly, with practiced ease, pulled them off of Nick. Felt as Greg did the same for his boxers. He watched as Greg's eyes glazed over, a hungry look in them. Watched as they took on a desperate look. Watched as Greg hurriedly took of his own clothes, yanking his shirt off and tugging his pants off.

Nick was pleasantly surprised to see that Greg wasn't wearing any underwear and he groaned as he thought of Greg walking around during their date without any on. Greg draped himself over Nick again, lips barely grazing Nick's, his hand going straight for Nick's cock stroking it lightly. Nick gasped sharply and Greg smiled.

"Like that, huh."


"Ooh... sweet innocent little Nicky cursed again." Greg said in a low voice sexy smile on his face.

"Guess you just bring it out in me." Nick replied.

Nick was very well aware of the fact that they were still on his couch. That they were still on his couch, very naked Greg's hand lazily stroking his cock. He wanted to speak. He wanted to tell Greg that they should go to his room, but his brain was currently turned to goo. He could hear Greg saying something. He knew Greg would be a talker. He just knew it.

"Nicky, baby, were gonna have to move." Greg whispered into his ear.

"Don't wanna move... can't move." Nick gritted out.

Did Greg really think he could have a coherent conversation when he giving him a hand job? If he did than Greg was crazier than he thought. Just the thought of Greg's warm hand on his cock sent Nick haywire.

"Baby, I refuse to fuck you for the first time on your couch." Greg said letting out a little laugh.

Nick groaned, his hips thrusting up more in Greg's hand.


"Come on... it won't take too much to make it to your room." Greg said.

Nick very much doubted that, but didn't have a chance to protest, both the loss of Greg's hand and moving, as Greg stood up and practically hauled him off the couch, urgency back with a vengeance. Nick though if Greg could he probably would have thrown Nick over his shoulder and ran to his room.

They made it to Nick's bedroom, Nick stumbling a bit as they walked and Greg practically threw him on the bed. Greg followed draping himself on top of Nick settling between his open legs. He began to kiss Nick again, the kiss passionate and desperate and needy and filled with lust. Nick couldn't help the small whimper when Greg pulled away.

"Condoms... lube..." Greg whispered his lips on Nick's.

Nick racked his brain trying to figure out if he had these items. Sure he had lube. He was pretty sure it was in the nightstand. He wasn't so sure about the condoms. He hadn't had sex in two years. He new he really should have been prepared for this, but he wasn't. He was tempted to just let Greg fuck him anyway even if they didn't have condoms.

"Nightstand." Nick whispered.

Greg pulled away and started looking for the items he'd asked for. He found the lube right away and kept searching for condoms, his efforts coming up empty. "Shit, there aren't any condoms in there." Greg said.

"Fuck... I didn't think so. I... I don't think..."

"I've got one in my wallet... in the living room."

"I told you it wasn't a good idea to move from the couch." Nick said pouting.

"Fuck, Nick don't... don't pout like that. I'll be right back. Don't go anywhere." Greg said kissing his forehead.

"Well where the hell I'm gonna go like this." Nick asked clearly frustrated.

He was hard, very hard and Greg was right there and they were so close.

All Greg did was smile as he practically ran out into the living room. It took a few minutes before he was running back, foil wrapper in hand. He got back to the position he was in before he left and put the condom next to the lube on the bed. Greg leaned down to kiss Nick again, but Nick stopped him.

"Enough with the fucking foreplay. Just fuck me already would you." Nick said his voice low and husky his accent more pronounced.

He'd have blushed at hearing himself say that, but the blood was currently flowing to other regions. He never remembered being the turned on in his life and he just need Greg inside him already.

Greg smiled.

"Someone's a little impatient." Greg said uncapping the lube.

He squirted some onto his fingers Nick watched intently as Greg's finger went down and disappeared. Seconds later Nick could feel it gently pushing inside him and he let out a sharp gasp as it slid in with some resistance.

"Bet you were thinking about this all day. I know I was. I was thinking about even while I was on that case. Thinking about how I was going to take you out and then take you back home and fuck you. Even had to jerk off in the shower I took before I got here? Were you thinking about this all day." Nick nodded his head.

"I bet you were nervous. Bet you were fidgeting in that fucking cute way of yours. Did you have to jerk off because you were thinking about how I was going to fuck you tonight?" Greg said as he pulled out his finger and added another one, his fingers pushing in and out making little scissoring motions.

Greg knew now that Nick had wanted it. Knew that he was going to say no this time. He'd known it from the way Nick had been nervous energy all night. He just knew Nick wasn't going to turn him away tonight.

"I jack off all the time thinking about you fucking me." Nick said.

"Hmmm, that right. What am I doing to you? Am I fucking you hard... from behind... face to face? Fucking you on your bed... on your couch.."

"Everywhere. I think... I think about you fucking me everywhere."

"You want me to fuck you right now. How bad do you want it, Nicky? Come on, tell me how much you want it, baby."

"Fuck, so much Greg. Never wanted anyone as much as I want you. I fucking need you. Please Greg... want you so bad... please fuck me." Greg let out a grunt and pulled out his fingers.

Nick whimpered at the loss, but watched with heavy lidded eyes as Greg tore open the condom wrapper and rolled the condom onto his cock. He hurriedly added some lube before pushing against Nick's entrance.

"Please... Greg... please I want you... I need you."

"Fuck, Nicky you're so fucking gorgeous like this. So fucking hot, begging for my cock."

"Please, Greg."

"Shh, baby I'm right here. I'm gonna fuck you so hard you're not gonna be able to move. You want that."

"Yes, fuck yes. I want it, Greg." Slowly Greg pushed past the initial resistance and was inside Nick.

Greg was inside of him. Fully and completely inside of him and Nick's brain was turning into a pile of mush. He looked up to see Greg, eyes wide but more than likely unseeing, his mouth slackly open as he panted for breath. He wasn't moving. He was so still and Nick knew that was for his benefit.

Because it had been so long and sure it hurt when Greg was pushing in to begin with, but now it just felt good. Really good. Greg's skin was on him. Greg's breath and face close to his own. Greg's hands on his waist Greg nestled in the spot between Nick's legs, while Nick's legs were wrapped around his waist. Greg's cock buried deep inside him and it was the best thing Nick ever felt in his life.

And then Greg was moving, one slow slightly unsteady thrust as though Greg wasn't sure it was okay to move and wasn't really ready to move all at the same time, and Nick knew that that was the best thing he'd ever felt in his life.

"Fuck, Nicky... so tight... feels so good. Wanted this for so long." Greg moaned as he thrust again.

"You know what I want. I want you to fuck me harder." Nick said.

He saw the predatory glance in Greg's eyes. He heard the small growl Greg let out. He felt the hands on his waist tighten in their grip. He moaned when Greg's thrust became harder, faster, switching angles as Greg pounded into him mercilessly.

This was the way Nick had imagined it. Greg going wild and just pounding into him Nick's hands clawing at Greg's back as he did so.

Nick knew he'd be sore in the morning. Knew he'd probably have bruises on his hips, but he didn't care. Not when he saw Greg's face. Not when he heard Greg's voice talking deliciously dirty words to him.

"Holy Shit Nick... ah... fuck... so good... so fucking good." Nick couldn't help it especially when Greg's cock pounded against his prostate.

"Yes... FUCK, Greg, right there... shit harder, Greg, please fuck me harder. Please Greg don't stop... fuck don't ever stop."

Greg kept thrusting hard, pounding against Nick's prostate. Greg's hand began to stroke Nick's cock and Nick felt zings of electric pleasure rush through him. He was already so hard before Greg started fucking him and now it was near the point of painful.

"Greg, I'm gonna..."

"That's it. Come on baby... come for me."

Greg kept thrusting into him, his hand moving in time with his thrusts and Nick wasn't sure he could take it. Knew he couldn't last much longer, but the erratic thrusts and Greg's hard breathing... Nick knew Greg wasn't too far behind.

Nick felt himself tense. Felt his orgasm overwhelm his sense.

"GREG!" He yelled as he came spurts of milky white cum jetting out of his cock coating his stomach and Greg's hand. Greg was still thrusting his eyes shut tightly closed his teeth grinding. Nick panted, his brain still hazy in that after orgasm way. His harsh breathing met with Greg's even harsher breathing.

"Shit... Nicky, fuck... baby... not gonna... gonna cum..."

"Do it, Greg. Let go. Come on, baby... come for me." Nick said through his haze. Greg let out a choked off sob. He screamed Nick's name as he came, hips still thrusting a bit as he did.

Greg collapsed on Nick after his body stopped shaking. He was still breathing harshly just as harsh as Nick was. It took him a few minutes before he rolled off of Nick onto the bed. His eyes were still closed and Nick smiled.

"We should really get cleaned up." Greg whispered.

"I can't move." Nick said.

Greg smiled softly, his eyes still closed.

"I've rendered you incapable of movement. Score one for me."

Nick lightly, with as much strength as he could muster, smacked Greg.

"There should be some tissues on the nightstand." Nick said.

Greg cocked an eyebrow, but didn't say anything as he leaned over to grab some tissues. He turned to Nick and started to clean him up, Nick's eyes closed as he felt himself become tired.

Greg finished cleaning him up and threw the tissues in the wastebasket along with the used condom.

"So those for when you jack off thinking about me fucking you from behind?" Greg asked. Nick attempted to roll his eyes, but it took too much effort.

"You're not going to let me live that down. It was in the heat of the moment."

"Hey, I told you I jack off thinking about the same things. Could probably do it just thinking about you smiling at me." Nick was glad he was already flushed because he knew he would have been blushing at Greg's words.

"Well guess we don't have to fantasize anymore."

"On the contrary, I think it would be very good to fantasize. Think of things we could do to each. Definitely gonna have to watch you jack off one of these days."

Nick was almost certain he was blushing now, but his mind was so hazy that he couldn't really care. He felt like he was fitting sleep and wasn't sure why.

"Hmm... but that conversation is for another day. You're obviously tired."

"And you're not." Nick said sleepily, turning to rest his head on Greg's chest. Greg's arm wrapped around Nick's back meeting the other at Nick's waist.

"Never said that. I'm actually very sleepy."

"Hmmm, yeah sleep's good."

"Go to sleep. I'll still be here when you wake up." Greg said lightly kissing Nick's forehead. He felt sleep pulling him as well.

"Hmm kay." Nick said letting sleep take over him. Greg wasn't far behind.

Chapter 7

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