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Greasy Feces was formed in late 1989 when guitarist John Ferrara and bassist Brian Hamilton decided to form a band. They quickly recruited fellow classmate Jeff Cronk (formerly of Overdrive, Distortion, and many other bands named after amplifier settings) on guitar. This trio perfected their skills together for weeks while still searching for other band members. Clasmate Brian Malmendier was soon added to play drums.

The search for a singer would not be so easy. During this time, Greasy Feces did something unheard of in the music industry: they performed a group of cover songs in front of large crowds without a singer! This proved successful in getting the Greasy Feces name around. After countless auditions, including the multi-talented Vito Dotollo (see the Honorary Feces page), the band was introduced by another Honorary Fece, Brian Kennedy, to fellow Penn Can Mall alumnus Scott Murray. As soon as the band heard his vocal style, similar to that of Geoff Tate, the band was complete.

After an extensive tour of Syracuse and Liverpool, NY, the band would lose drummer Brian Malmendier. The reason why depends on whom you talk to. Some say he left because of constant jesting in the band. Some say he was kicked out because he was too musically inclined to fit with the band. A search for a new drummer was begun.

By now Greasy Feces was a household name and had, consequently, every Brian, Bob and Kangaroo (no idea what that means, some inside joke I imagine) banging on their door and their drums to join the band. The Feces finally chose Dave Pasano to fill the empty toilet seat. With his unique style using fluctuating tempo he was perfect for the job.

After some more extensive touring, Greasy Feces soon took over the world. But all greasy things must come to an end, and instead of going out with a bang, The Feces went out with a simple flush. No one really knows what became of the group, or why it ended so abruptly. All we know is that Greasy Feces left their stain on the world, never to be forgotten.

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