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A timeline of the most important Greasy Feces gigs and events!

*MAY 9, 1990*
At John's house, audition Vito Dottolo for singer position and jam afterward. See Vito's entry on HONRARY FECES PAGE for more info on this event.

*MAY 11, 1990*
Play a gig, with no singer, in some kid's basement. The band Overdrive also plays.

*JULY 2, 1990*
Jam in new singer Scott Murray's attic until neighbors complain about the noise.

*AUGUST 17, 1990*
Gig at Fuoco's opening for Nyte.

*SEPTEMBER 8, 1990*
Gig at Fuoco's opening for Roxxen.

*MARCH 29, 1991*
Audition new drummer, Dave Pasano, in Dave's garage.

*JUNE 1, 1991*
Attack on Bayberry. The Feces play a party in Liverpool with Teezer.

*JULY 8, 1991*
Jam in drummer Dave's basement. Singer Scott is not there. Hilarity ensues and many photos are taken.

*OCTOBER 18, 1991*
Ham and Scott go to see John at work at A&W. They then go to Penn Can Mall to promote a show, but end up visiting Scott's sister at Pavone's Pizza.

*OCTOBER 19, 1991*
Gig at Fuoco's with Tailspin.

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