Welcome 2 The Help Out The Guild Section Of ((TrApPeD iN a BoX))!

Everybody always asks me wut they can do 2 help out around here. Here's a pg that'll answer those ?s lol Well, hopefully if ur here, ur already a member:) If not, wuts wrong w/ ya?!?! Everybody doesn't have 2 help out bit every little bit is greatly appreciated! I think my main 2 goals 4 our guild right now r 2 put a lot more on this site & 2 gain more members. If everybody pitches in just a lil bit, then we will do just fine:)

1st of all, u have probally noticed that we have a banners & buttons pg, I have codes under all of them. Al u have 2 do is copy the code in2 ur shop description or where eva u can. This will get tha word out there that we exist & tha banners r pretty eye apealing so Im hopin that ppl will notice em & come check us out;) There r a lot of ppl on NPs who probally absolutely love No Doubt & would love 2 b in a No Doubt guild but just dunno that there is 1, its up 2 us 2 reach those ppl & show them that there is. All the banners I have r 1s that ppl have made 4 me, so if ur a creative person u can make some banners & email them 2 me @ trapped_in_a_box87@yahoo.com.

Do u go on chat a lot? I do @ least 3 xs a day, while ur on, post some messages advertisin 4 our guild. Make sure u tell em wut its about maybe post tha link 2 it, by the way, tha link 2 our guild is http://www.neopets.com/guilds/guild.phtml?oid=just_a_girl95. U can just say somethin like, Attention All No Doubt Fans, in tha subject & then tell more inside. Wut eva u want, but if ur on chat, hey, it'll only take 2 seconds:)

If u have eva been member of tha month or have had a pet who has been pet of tha month or have won 1 of our contests, u know that I do give out prizes. They're nothin really big, I usually give out things that cost between 500-1,000 NPs & if Im feelin nice;) Some xs I go up higher. I buy tha prizes w/ my own NPs. I get most of mine from profits in my shop. Tha more I have, tha better tha prizes I give so if u want, u can come shop @ my shop. I have good prices:)

I dun really use tha notice board a lot, but some1 suggested it 2 me. That's another way 2 advertise 4 our guild. Ive used it several xs, I think its ok, but I still think advertisin on chat is better, I think it would get tha word out 2 more ppl easier. If u use tha notice board I recommend puttin 1 of our banners in2 tha description of it, it would get more attention than just a bunch of words.

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