History of the Guitar
-1283-1350: Guitarra Latina and Guitar Moresca were in the poems of Archpriest Hita
-1306: A "gitarer" was first played at the Feast of Westminister in England.
-1487:Johannes Tinctoris described the guitarra as being invented by the Catalans.The guitarra
is the four course guitar. A course is one pair of double strings.
-1546:"Tres Libros de Musica en Cifras Vihula" by Alonso Mudarra is the first book to ever include music
for the guitar.
-1551-1555: Nine books of the first tablature,which include the first five pieces for 5 course guitar,
were published by Adrian Le Roy.
-1600: Many tablature's for the guitar begin to appear and the guitar's popularity also increases.
-1674: "Guitarre Royal"by F. Corbetta boosted the guitar's popularity. "Guitarre Royal" was dedicated to
Louis XIV.
-1770-1800: The sixth string was added to the guitarn and courses were replaced by single strings.
-1800-1850: Guitar began to grow even more thanks to performers and publishers such as Fernando Sor,
Mauro Guiliani, Matteo Carcassi and Dioniso Aguado.
-1850-1892: Manual Torres makes the guitar a bigger instrument which we know today.
-1916: Segovia performs at Ateneo, an important music hall in Madrid, Spain. This
performance proved some wrong when it was loud enough to be heard all over the venue.