Another description to do and again, I have nothing to say. Well, as you see, this is a game chess (dah!!!) and the game is started. Who do you think is going to win this game; the white or the black??? (I'm sorry Jolie if I copy your question from your site.) | |
Well, would somebody like to play??? Normaly, I don't play so much with chess, but when I do, I always win. The only person who beat me is my friend Marie. So, Marie, would you like to lose next time??? I think that I'm readdy to beat you to chess. | |
Well, before I got everyone sleeping in front of the computers, I need to describe the last chess picture. So... finally, I have finish because my head is not working well today. I hope that you like playing chess and that you like my work. |
Ti-Pite / Kitchen / Animations