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As a lot of people have already know, I'm in love with the music and the rock band: The Moffatts. I will talk about them... my short Moffatts love story. After, you will understand why I'm so in love with rock music.

Well, I begin to love the Moffatts in 1999. One of my friends said to me that she wants to buy me an album but she didn't know the band name. I said:" You can buy me every albums that you want but I only don't want Nsync because I hate them." A few days after she bring me Chapter 1: A new beginning (UK), I listen to it and I was like "What's the hell are they???" I hated their personnalities and I found their songs like to much slow and boring. But when the Chapter1 (US) got released, my friend bought it for my birthday. I listen to it and I was like "Oh my god!!! They are so cute, their voices are better than ever and their songs were about what I live." So after one year, I was bringing everywhere the Moffatts and my walkman. I was not listenning to the radio, but only to the Moffatts. Than, during the summer 2000, Bang Bang Boom appeared on radio air. Radio= others rock songs. The only way to hear Bang Bang Boom was on radio. And than all the rest...

Now I'm loving others rock groups but the Moffatts is still my favorite band. Every times that I'm living something difficult, The Moffatts' songs are for me the best way to take me out of reality... even if it's something that I didn't like about them. Example: When I learn that Scott smokes, I was very sad because he will kill his self with that "drug". So, for about 3 weeks, I was just listenning to Antifreeze and Aeroplane because that song talks about drugs.

What I like about the Moffatts, it is not only their music and because they are cute, it is the fact that they have great personnalities. When I say this, I think about the time they spend with one of their fans who had cancer and they went singing at her funerals; they gave stuff to sick kids like the teddy bears they got from fans; they gave their instruments to a school; etc. But, I like the way that they are brothers and they will always get each others back no matter what happen. Even if Scott, Clint, Bob and Dave are not anymore The Moffatts since Auguste 2001, they support each others in their projects.

If you want more informations about the Moffatts, just go visit my own web site about them Icy_Moffatt2001.

Scott(23 years old), Bob(22 years old), Dave(22 years old) and Clint(22 years old).

My favorite Moffatt: Dave

Favoite songs: Most of the Moffatts' songs, principaly I don't want you to want me, Bang Bang Boom, Just another Phase, California and Misery.

Favorite album: Submodalities

Moffatts' concert: At the Spectrum, Junary 26 2001 in Montreal and Holiday Train 2005 in Beaconsfield, December 2 2005

Did I meet the Moffatts?: Yes, after their show at the Holiday Train, but Dave was not there since he was not participing to the event.

Now, I don't know what to say... I'm playing keyboard, I would like to try the guitare and drum. I love to "spin" and the radio to record songs on tapes. I'm bringing my walkman everywhere that I can. I only want to listen rock music (pop/rock to punk/rock).

My favorite band pictures
