Kathleen's Friends!

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I love all of my friends. They are all very special to me!

Some of my great Cobber friends and I enjoy a beautiful football game!!

Aundi and I at the Cobber Football game!

These are my friends Emily, Erika, and Kali!! They are beautiful!

Erika and I.

Meg and me...so pretty!!

This is me and one of my best friends B!

Chelsea and I ready to cheer on the Cobbers!! :)

Jami,Kirstin,Jen and I!

This is Jen and I at Jonny Holmes 2002!! I love her!

Hot KEEA!! Yeah!

Jami and I share some love.

Erika and I are so sexy! We are getting ready to audition for Family Weekend!!

Jenbo and I at the Park!

Jami Lynn and I at our beloved park!


Jen, me and Jami swinging away!

Kirstin and Jenbo on the swings...we go to this park to check out the cute boys who play frisbee golf!

CORNSTOCK 2003! Heck yeah!

Kirstin and I before the events!

Jenbo and I battle it out and the bounce and box!

Erika, Emily and I are crazy about Fair Weather Friends!

Here is the band Fair Weather Friends!

What in the heck are Erika and I doing??! I have no clue!!

Here are some pictures from my 21st birthday. My friends and I went out to eat at Fridays!

Here is Jenbo Megs and Angie!

I enjoy my friends company!

Here I am with Angie! We look very beautiful!

These are some pics of my William and I. He is very handsome.

This is my William on the purple dino. He looks SO cute!

William gets a kiss!


Here we are in the hall!

Diana and I.

Here we are at Olive Garden. Dan Megs Kat William Ang Di and Jered.

Please visit my site again!! I hope you have enjoyed it!

Love, Kathleen