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 - WRESTLEMANIA   28th March Update!!!!

World Wrestling Entertainment WrestleMania XIX

Rock vs. Stone Cold

20 Years in the Making

Vince McMahon vs. Hulk Hogan

WWE Championship

Brock Lesnar vs. Kurt Angle

World Heavyweight Championship

Booker T vs. Triple H

HBK vs. Chris Jericho

Undertaker & Nathan Jones vs. A-Train & Big Show

WWE Tag Team Championship

Los Guerreros vs. Team Angle vs. Rhyno & Benoit

WWE Cruiserweight Championship

Matt Hardy vs. Rey Mysterio

WWE Women’s Championship

Victoria vs. Jazz vs. Trish Stratus

Appearances by:


Miller Light Catfight Girls

Startin from bottom to top, this event is gonna kick ass, Miller Light Catfight girls! What might they be doin, predictions could be: fighting, accompanying wrestlers, or promoting Miller Light by spilling the cold beer on their T shirts! Hubba hubba! Limpbizkit!!! 2 performances in 1 night! Wow! Can’t wait to hear em, now on with the match predictions! First off with the Women’s Title, as much as I don’t want her to win, my prediction is going out to Jazz, she seems to have won last year’s WrestleMania triple threat match when she had the title, and she might just do it again, but u never know Trish could hit the big one, or will Steven Richards interfere in this match on Victoria’s behalf? Next, the cruiserweight championship, my prediction, Rey Mysterio, ever since Rey arrived in WWE he’s been wowing us with his high flying moves, and there’s no doubt that he’s gonna show us what he’s got in this match, will the same apply for Matt Hardy, who has the aid of his #1 MF’r, Shannon Moore? The WWE Tag Team Championship, Team Angle arrived in WWE showing us a new breed of technical wrestling, then winning the tag team titles from Los Guerreros, and defending it up till now, Benoit has set his sites on the titles along with his returning partner Rhyno, will this animal hungry team win the titles? I do hope so, because my prediction is off to them, Undertaker & Nathan Jones vs. A-Train & Big Show, this truly is the battle of the giants, with the Undertaker having the most experience in WrestleMania, along with his student Nathan Jones, will they be able to overcome the power of the +800 lbs. team of Big Show and A-Train? My answer is yes! HBK vs. Chris Jericho, Jericho has been having the biggest rivalry with Jericho which dates back to before the Royal Rumble, and now they get to settle the score on the biggest stage of them all, HBK has had his fair share of WrestleMania moments, will this be another one? Or will Jericho end HBK’s career once for all? All I hope for is HBK wins. The World Heavyweight Championship, Triple H vs. Booker T, week after week Booker T has been mocked by Triple H and his manager Ric Flair, but then he took his turn and won a tag match this past Monday against Triple H and Flair with his partner Goldust, now with the upper hand going in to WrestleMania, will Booker T become the 6-time world champion? My answer is yes! The WWE championship, Brock Lesnar vs. Kurt Angle, the battle of the two most technical wrestlers in the WWE, we will truly find out who is the better man, Brock craves the WWE title, and so does Angle, who will win? My prediction goes to Brock. 20 Years In The Making, Mr. McMahon vs. Hulk Hogan, with all the build up going into this match, who knows what will happen in this street fight, Mr. McMahon always has a plan up his sleeve and in WrestleMania we will find out if Hogan will retire from wrestling, my prediction, McMahon will win, and last but not least, The Rock vs. Stone Cold, the Rock has done it all, won the title 7 times, beat Hulk Hogan twice, but the one thing he hasn’t done was beat Stone Cold at the previous WrestleMania’s, will he accomplish this goal? Or will the rattlesnake make it 3-0 against the Rock, my prediction is…THE ROCK! And that’s all for now……

Sary “BloodGutter” Bibi

P.S: Goldberg IS COMING!

Over & Out
