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Early 90's and rock is considered to Be the dying source of the music industry. However a new species of Metal and hip hop was reborn in southern California.
The huge successful world wide know as Korn began to originate in Bakerville California USA.The four members James Munky, Shafer, Brian Head, Fieldy and David Silvera first formed the band L.A.P.D the band was not to be. Two of the four member soon met one Jonathan Davis in a bar.

Jonathan set out to make a career for himself as a mortuary attendant however he had a change of mind casting him back to went to see a psychic how told Davis that he be come a rock artist.

He joined the band and Korn was created the name was written left handed to represent a Steven King title a K instead of a C the backwards R to seem like a child had wrote it.The band sent of many demo tape and Epic Records decided to take them on.

I like to say a big thank you to the people at Epic Records for granting us permission to use photos of the band and a exsert from the bands new album.

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