Kevin took the business card in his hand as 4 sets of eyes stared at it, stunned.


“Mercury Records?”


“That’s right, son,” Mitchell said. “I’ve been in London this past week on other business.  I know the owner of this place really well and he placed a call to me last night to come by tonight.  Said that there’s something that I had just had to see.  And…..he was right.  We’d like to talk to you boys about a record deal.  Do you have representation?”


“Well, sort of,” Ty spoke up.  “We just finished a demo that Q-Prime in New York is going to shop around.”


Mitchell folded his arms and regarded the handsome blue-eyed lad.  “I’m curious as to why you didn’t take the easy road, Mr. Savage?  I take it you’re his son, correct?”


Ty glanced down, then back up.  “Yes, I am.”


Mitchell then looked at Kevin.  “And, I understand that you’ve got a famous rock star father as well, correct Mr. Schon?”


“You are correct, Mr. Stern,” Kevin said with a smile.  “But, to answer your question, we went this route because we didn’t want anyone saying that we only reason we got anywhere in the music business was because of our fathers.  We put the demo out with just the band name – no individual credits so no one recognized our last names.  If we’re gonna make it, its gonna be because the music sold us – not the other way around.”


“Which is why I believe you boys are gonna make it,” Mitchell said confidently.  “You’re not afraid of hard work.  And, this business is not the fun and glamour you read about or see in MTV.  Its gonna be hard, especially studio time.”


“Trust me, Mr. Stern, my dad taught me the hard way,” Kevin said. 


“And I’ve already told mine that we didn’t want any help getting our foot in the door,” Ty said.


Randy looked at Mark.  “Don’t you just hate not being famous?”


Mark looked back and mimicked.  “Oh yes, I’m so glad I’m not famous!”


Ty and Kevin turned to them and slung their arms around their shoulders.  “These blokes are the heart, here,” Ty said.  “Got the beat and the percussion.  The four of us together make a great team.”


“Indeed you do,” Mitchell said.  “That crowd out there loved you boys.  Especially the girls!”


“Tell me about it,” Kevin boldly said.  “Half the girls in the pub tonight we’re probably coming in their pants watching us!”


The lads snickered as Mitchell blushed a bit.  “You’re probably right,” he chuckled.  Well, I guess I should contact Q-Prime to talk about a deal.”


“Here, let me give you their number,” Ty said as he wrote it on the back of Mitchell’s card and handed it back.


Mitchell took it and looked at it.  “You boys will be hearing from us very soon.  Count on it,” he said before turning to leave.


As soon as the door closed, the four lads let out a collective hollar and practically wrestled each other to the ground.


“Crikey, I can’t believe it,” Randy shouted.  “I can’t bloody, flippin’ believe it!”


“It happened,” Mark said.  “It really happened.  Man, I can’t believe that I was falling asleep in class less than a year ago.”


“You and me both,” Ty said with uncontained joy.


“And to think I was never gonna call you British college boys to audition,” Kevin jested.  “I thought you were nothing but a bunch of silly pansies.”


“Bite me, Yank!” Ty said, shoving him.


“Piss off, Brit!” Kevin replied.


AAAAAAAAAAAAAKKKKK!” they all shouted at the top of their lungs.


“Wait…wait, wait,” Ty said, grabbing his cell phone and placing a call.






“Tyler!” Sav said on the other end.  “What’s wrong?  Why you shouting?”


“Dad!  You’ll never believe it!  Guess who showed up at our show at the pub tonight?  A guy from Mercury Records!  He’s calling Q-Prime…..he wants to sign us to a deal….dad, he bloody loved us….he thinks we’re gonna make it……”


“Tyler, Tyler, slow down,” Sav said on the other end.  “Alright, listen to me and listen good.  I’ll call Q-Prime first thing tomorrow and let them know to expect a call from Mercury.  You don’t talk to anyone or sign a bloody thing until we have an attorney look everything over, you understand?”


“Yeah, yeah, okay,” Ty breathlessly shouted.  “Dad, I can’t believe it!  We didn’t even need the demo.  The pub owner knew this guy and called him to come down and see us.  Dad….we did it all on our own.”


“I know you did,” Sav said with unabashed pride on the other end.  “And, I couldn’t be more proud of the way you did it.  Now, you lads just hang tight till you hear from either me or the management company.  Just stay by the phone tomorrow.”


“Don’t’ worry, we’re not going anywhere,” Ty said as he clicked off his phone.  He then jumped up on a chair and raised his arms.


“Who’s up for getting drunk and getting laid?”





The following morning, Grace got out of bed looking forward to finally being able to get out of the house.  Its been a week since her miscarriage and she would find out from the doctor today if everything was okay.


As she came out of her bedroom, J.T. almost ran smack into her from barreling up the stairs.


“Aye, watch it squirt,” she joked.


J.T. stopped in his tracks with concern on his face.  “Grace, I’m…I’m sorry.  I don’t want to hurt you again.”


“What do you mean ‘again’?”


“Well, we were getting a little rough with each other the morning you had to go to the hospital,” he said.  “I…..I didn’t want to hurt you again.”


Grace knew that J.T. had no idea what really happened.  He was too young, not to mention had a big mouth, so they kept it that way.


“J.T., our horsing around didn’t cause me to go to the hospital,” she said.  “I was already having ……….a stomach ache since I woke up that morning.  It just got worse.  You know……woman stuff!”


J.T. put his hands over his ears.  “Okay, okay, I don’t want to hear about that stuff,” he said disgustedly as he ran into his room.


Grace chuckled, knowing that successfully discourage him.  She then went downstairs where she found her mum and dad in the kitchen.


“Morning,” she said.


Joe got up and went to her.  “Morning lass,” he said kissing her forehead.  “How are you today?”


“Daddy, I’m fine,” she groaned a bit from his overprotectiveness.  “Besides, the doctor said I”d be able to go out after a week.  I’m tired of being cooped up.”


“Grace, you’ll still have to take it easy,” Abby said.  “You can’t overdo it, so no going out and about with Beth or Allison.”


“I won’t,” she said.  “Besides, they’ve been calling.  I hate lying to them, but I guess its best that this stays between us.”


“Yes, exactly,” Joe said.  “Well, I know your mum has to go out and do some errands today.  Maybe you can tag along.”


“How exciting,” she said with feighed enthusiasm.


“Speaking of exciting, guess what?”




“Looks like Ty and the band got their big break.  Uncle Sav called last night saying that Ty called him after a rep from Mercury records went to see their show at South Side.  They want to sign them.  I’m on my way over his house now so we can do a conference call with New York.  Mercury should be calling them today.”


Grace’s insides fluttered with excitement for Ty.  This was just a pipe dream last she spoke with him and she was suddenly filled with pride that he actually made it happen.


“Daddy, you’re kidding!  That’s….that’s wonderful.  I knew before he left for university that he’d been playing a lot and writing songs.”


“He told you that?”


“Yeah, he did.  He even said that he’d write a song about us….I mean, me someday.  But, that’s when we were going together.  I doubt he’ll ever do it.  He’s gonna be a big rock star with women climbing all over him.  I don’t think he’d give a wit about his high school girlfriend now.”


Abby turned from where she was facing the counter.  “You still care about him, don’t you?”


Grace looked down in her lap.  “I guess I never stopped.  I know I sound like some kind of…..you know….trollop, caring about my ex-boyfriend and doing what I did with Scott.”


“Now hold on, young lady,” Joe said sternly.  “My daughter is not a trollop!  You and Scott suffered the loss of your first loves and well, you dealt with it in a way that you shouldn’ve, but that doesn’t make you a bad person.  It makes you human.  You and him.”


“I know, you’re right,” Grace said.  “And, I’m sure Scott still pines for Chelsea.  At least I know where Ty is.  He got one e-mail from Chelsea a while ago asking him to think of her, but to go on.  She’s been having some problems, psychological ones I think.”


“Poor thing,” Abby said.  “Must be tough, not just a new school but a new country as well.”


“Yeah, I’m sure,” Grace said.  “Scott and I…well, we’ve grown up together and we do care about each other.  When I broke off with Ty and Chelsea left, we thought it was kinda like an opportunity to see if…if…..”


“If the two of you were mean to be?”


“Yeah, something like that.  I guess we tried to force something that wasn’t mean to happen naturally.  He knows it too.  I just hope that what happened doesn’t change anything between us, especially after what happened.”


Joe got up and kissed her forehead.  “I wouldn’t worry lass.  You’re strong kids and you have a lot of support.  Well, I better head over to Sav’s.”


Joe then kissed his wife and left.








Joe walked in Sav’s front door and found Paige in the kitchen.


“Joe, hi,” she said.  “Rick’s in the office waiting for you.”


“Thanks Paige,” he said as he headed down the hall to Sav’s office, only to see Scott coming down the stairs.  It was the first time he saw him since Grace’s miscarriage.


Scott was chalk-white as he looked at his uncle, who was now more the father of a daughter he got pregnant and could’ve ruined.


Joe regarded Scott with compassion.  “Hello lad.”


Scott glanced down at the floor.  “Hi Uncle Joe.”


The two just stood there silent for a few moments before Joe stepped forward and gave him a heartfelt hug.


Scott felt relief sweep through him as he was held in his uncle’s strong arms.


“Are you okay, lad?”


Scott was too choked up to speak.  All he could do was nod.  But there was something he had to say.


“I’m sorry,” he whispered.  “I’m so sorry.  I care about Grace so much.  I would never hurt her.  Please don’t hate me for this.”


“I don’t hate you Scott,” Joe replied.  “I never could.”


Scott pulled away and cleared his misted eyes.  “Is she doing better?”


Joe smiled warmly.  “Yes she is and, as a matter of fact, she can get out a bit today.  Since she’s not looking forward to going on errands with her mum, why don’t you take a stop over and take her for a ride for ice cream or something.”


Scott’s mouth was agape.  “You…..you mean it?  Its okay?”


Joe put his hand on Scott’s shoulder.  “Absolutely.  You kids need each other to get over this, but I know you’re gonna be fine.”


All Scott could do was smile with gratitude until he heard his father’s voice from behind Joe.




Joe and Scott both turned around to see Sav standing in the doorway of his office, witnessing the entire scene.  He then reached in his pocket and pulled out a set of keys.


“I think it may be difficult for Grace to step up into your SUV.  Here,” he tossed the keys to him, “take the Porsche.”


If Scott’s mouth was agape already, it now fell to the floor.  “Wow!  You sure?”


“Just don’t go too far,” Sav warned.  “And…..don’t tell your brother!”


Scott laughed.  “Yeah, well if he and the band get this record deal, he’ll be buying a Porsche of his own.”


“Probably,” Joe agreed.


“Dad, thanks…..and….you too, Uncle Joe.”


Joe nodded.  “Go on, I’m sure Grace is dying to get out.”


As soon as Scott headed out the door, Sav went up to Joe and put a hand on his shoulder, thankful that he showed his son compassion in the wake of what had happened.


“Thanks Joe,” Sav said with sincerity.  “I know he was a mess worrying about seeing you.”


Joe answered by clapping him on the shoulder.  “C’mon, lets go make that other son of yours a star!”





Scott rang the Elliott’s doorbell and J.T. answered.


“Aye Scott.  You here to see Grace?”


“As a matter of fact I am,” Scott replied.  “I just left your dad at my house and he said she’d like to get out today.”


“Yeah, she had those real bad stomach pains,” J.T. said.


Scott sombered at the reminder of the lost baby, but careful not to give anything away in front of J.T., who obviously didn’t know the truth.


“Yeah, but I hear she’s better.”


“She’s upstairs drying her hair,” J.T. said with a smirk.  “Good luck waiting for her to finish that!”


J.T. took off outside as Abby came in from the kitchen to hear who he was talking too.  Her eyes met Scott’s with concern and comfort.


“Hello lad,” Abby said.  “Uncle Joe must’ve sent you over, I suppose.”


“Yeah, he did.  Said that Grace is okay to go out.  Thought I’d take her for a ride, get something to eat maybe.  Dad even lent me……”


“Whoa,” J.T. said as he hustled back inside.  “Uncle Sav’s Porsche is outside.”


“That’s right, kiddo,” Scott said smugly.  “And I’m taking your sister out in it today.”


“Can I come?”


Abby looked at him sternly.  “J.T., you’ve got tryouts today and tomorrow,” she said. 


“Crikey, I forgot,” he dejectedly said.


“Next time, sport,” Scott said, playfully shoving him.


J.T. let out a frustrated sigh, then headed back outside.  Abby then turned to Scott.


“Grace’ll be down soon.”


“Thanks Aunt Abby.”


Abby went back inside and Scott was about to go outside to horse around with J.T. a bit when the upstairs bathroom door opened.  He stood at the foot of the steps and say Grace walk by, her long, lithe, tanned body clad in khaki shorts and a white spaghetti strap halter.  She saw Scott at the bottom of the steps and halted.


“S..Scott.  Hi.”


“Hi.  I saw your dad at my house and he said its alright for you to go out.  Thought you might want to go get lunch or ice cream or something.”


Grace descended the steps to which Scott hurriedly went up to take her arm and help her down.  She smiled at his chivalry.


“Scott, I’m alright, really.”


“You sure?”


“Positive.  My dad told you to come over and take me out?”


“Yeah, he did.  I was really surprised.  I hadn’t seen him since….you know, and I was afraid that he’d hate me.  I’m so glad everyone’s cool about this.”


“Me too, and…I can’t wait to get out of here.”


“Well,” Scott said, smiling wide while opening the door and waving towards the Porsche.  “Your chariot awaits, my lady!”





Back at the Savage house, Sav and Joe were on a conference call with Mick , one of the agents at Q-Prime whom they asked to shop Crossfire’s demo around.  Mick said that he had just gotten off the phone with Mitchell Stern at Mercury to set up a meeting to discuss a contract.


“Fine,” Sav said into the intercom.  “I’ll call the lads and let them know.”


Sav hung up and looked at Joe.  “Guess they’ll be going to New York next week.”


Joe shook his head.  “Why didn’t things come this easy for us?”


“Yeah, huh?  We didn’t get any real exposure until Pyromania, and that was mostly the result of MTV.  With all the media exposure today, those lads will probably be on the tips of everyone’s tongue with their first album.”


“Well, don’t just sit there, they’re probably panting waiting by the phone,” Joe said.  “Lets call ‘em up.”


Sav punched in the number to the flat.




Sav raised his brows at the sound of a sultry, female British accent.”


“Hello there,” Sav said surprised.   “Is Tyler available?”


Sav heard the girl giggle and whisper ‘stop it!’ before she replied.


“Um, yes…..stop it……hold on….Ty, its for you.”


Ty got on the phone.  “Ty speaking.”


“Dad speaking here.”


“Uh….dad….aye!  Guys!  Guys, c’mere, my dad’s on the phone.  So….did you talk to New York?”


“Just got off the phone with them.  Don’t make any plans for after next Wednesday  If the terms of the contract check out and seem fair, you’ll be going there to sign.”


“Fuck yeah!” Tyler shouted at the top of his lungs.


Excuse me, lad?”


“S..s..sorry, dad,” Ty said sheepishly.  “Oh man, I can’t believe it.”


“Yeah, well believe it.  Um….you lads taking care of the place, or was that the maid who answered the phone?”


“Um, well, that wasn’t the maid, but she and the other lassies have been tidying up for us.”


“Tyler, are you keeping the ‘x’-rated activitied down to a dull roar?  I don’t want complaints from the neighbors.”


“Don’t worry dad.  I assure you that everything is NC-17!”


“Oh, well that’s a relief,” Sav said sarcastically.  “Aye, listen.  Are you lads still playing at South Side this weekend.”


“Yeah, why?”


“No reason, just asking.  Anyway, behave and I’ll talk to you later.”


“Later, dad.”


Sav hung up and looked at Joe.  “Looks like their on the right path to rock stardom,” Joe mused.


Sav let his head fall back with a groan.  “Oh God, what have I created!”


“Like father, like son,” Joe sang out.


“Yeah, well lets hope he has more sense than I did.  Listen, how’s about a surprise visit to see them play this Saturday?”


“Sounds great,” Joe agreed.  “Aye, I’ve got an idea.  Hows about taking Scott and Grace along?  I’m sure Scott would love to see his brother in action and……I think Grace would just love to see Ty period.”


“Hmm, what does that mean?”


“Well, I guess everything that happened between her and Scott was a way to help them get over Ty and Chelsea.  I know Grace still cares for Ty.  She didn’t want to break up with him, but she felt she had to.  Plus, with what they’ve just been though, I think a fun night out would be good for them.”


“Lets put it to them when Scott brings her back,” Sav said.





Scott and Grace drove to the next town over, not wanting to chance running into anyone so soon.  Since it was too early for ice cream, they found a little out of the way place to have a late breakfast. 


As soon as Scott got out of the car, he hurried over to the other side to help Grace out.  Again, she smiled over his courtesy and consideration as he continued to hold her arm until they were safely seated inside.


After they ordered, they just looked at each other.  Having each other and the support of their families was helping them get through this very difficult time.  However, they both knew that the reason this all happened was wrong and the time had come for them to finally discuss it and put things right between them.


“Scott, I think its time to talk about what happened,” Grace finally said.


“Yeah, I know,” he sighed.  “I just hope that it doesn’t change what we always had between us.”


“Well, as long as we agree that what we did was wrong….I mean, its not like I didn’t want to do it, but……..”


“….but, it happened for the wrong reason,” Scott finished for her.


“Yeah,” Grace agreed.  “I still don’t know why I came over that night. Maybe…maybe I wanted something to happen to see if what was going on between us was meant to be or not.  I wasn’t thinking right.  I felt like…..like I used you.”


“Grace, you didn’t use me,” Scott assured her.  “We’ve both been kinda out of it since you and Ty split and Chelsea left.  I do care about you Grace, God, I can’t think of a time that I didn’t, and I thought that was enough to think we should try a go at a relationship.  But, I think maybe we forced something that wasn’t meant to happen naturally.”


“That’s what I’ve been thinking too,” Grace agreed.  “I care about you too, Scott and…..and I can even honestly say I love you, but it’s the kind of love that comes from knowing someone forever.  Not the love that someone has for their soulmate, like I think Chelsea was to you.”


Scott looked down a bit.  “Chelsea was the first girl to really open me up inside, and I still can’t get over it.  I don’t know, perhaps if we started this before she came along and before you started developing feelings for Ty, maybe it would’ve worked.”


“Maybe,” Grace said quietly. 


“I know you still care for Ty, Grace.  I know you didn’t want to break up.  You did it because you had to, not because you wanted to.”


“Well, it really wasn’t a break up – more like a hitaitus.  I wanted him to have his freedom when he went to university.  But, seems like that hitaitus might be longer than expected – especially now that he may be a traveling rock star.”


Scott laughed.  “Yeah, that happened pretty quick.”


“And I’m sure he’s gonna indulge in the lifestyle all the way, if you know what I mean!”


“Comes with the territory,” Scott said.  “That bothers you, huh?”


Grace shrugged.  “I have no right to let it bother me,” she said.  “Like I said, I’m the one who broke it off with him so he can experience his life without any attachments.  And…looks like he’s gonna need that freedom now.  I’m gonna stick to my word and let him be.  If we’re meant to be together, we will be.  This is gonna be my last year in high school and I gotta think about my future.”

“Speaking of which, are you planning on going to university?”


“Actually, I was thinking more along the lines of a business school, something that won’t require four years.  What about you?”


“Well, I already told my dad that I want to go into sports medicine.  I haven’t decided where I’m gonna apply though.  I’m gonna start researching the net for some schools with a good sports medicine program.”


“That’s great that you know what you want this early,” Grace said.  “I know you’ll succeed Scott.”


“Thanks Grace.”


Their order came and they reached for their forks.  But Grace placed her hand on top of Scott’s before he had a chance.


“Scott, promise me one thing.”




“That we’ll always be able to talk like this.  That I’ll always be able to count on you to be my friend when I feel like I have no one else.  That what happened won’t change a thing.”


Scott squeezed her hand.  “That’s a promise I can keep!”





Scott brought Grace to his house first so she could see his parents.  When they came in the house, Paige immediately went to her and embraced her.


“Oh, its so good to see you lass,” she said.  “You look wonderful.”


“I feel even better, Aunt Paige.”


Paige looked from Scott to Grace.  “You two have a good time?”


Grace looked to Scott and smiled.  “Yeah, we did.  Talked a lot of things out.”


Scott smiled back.  “Yeah, we did.”


Paige wasn’t sure what to make out of the eye contact between them, but it looked as if things were on the right path to getting back to normal. 


Just then, Sav and Joe walked in


“Grace luv,” Sav said as he took his turn giving her a gentle hug.  “I’m so glad you’re alright,” he whispered in her ear.


“Thanks Uncle Sav.  I’m gonna be just fine.”


Sav released her then looked Scott.  “I assume my car is in one piece?”


“Oh sure dad,” Scott mused.  “One piece is in the garage…..another is down the road……….”


“He,he, he,” Sav chuckled.  “I see you’re slowly overcoming that shyness, Mr. Comedian!”


“So, what happened with the record company?” Scott asked.


“Well, Ty and the band are gonna fly to New York next Wednesday for a meeting at Q-Prime with Mercury.  If everything is clear cut, then they’ll sign.  I just want to be sure that Mercury isn’t out to take some young naïve band for a ride.  They’ve got another thing coming, if they think that!”


“Oh, I don’t think they’d even try,” Joe said to Sav.  “Especially since they know we’re involved.”


“Wow, I can’t wait to hear them play,” Scott said with a bit of excitement.


“Me too,” Grace replied, with a little something more than excitement.


“Well, funny you should say that,” Sav said.  “Since they’re still playing South Side in London this weekend, I thought we’d all ride in Saturday night to surprise them and take in their show.”


“Oh great, dad,” Scott said.  “This way here, once Ty makes it big, I can always say….’I knew him way back when…!”  


“Good,” Sav said.  “How about you Grace?”


Grace’s heart pounded a bit.  She hadn’t seen Ty since they broke up before he left for school a year ago.  As much as she was dying to see him, she was a bit nervous.  If only she had more support around her.”


“I’d…I’d love to go,” she finally said.  “Hmm, Beth and Allison are gonna die when they hear Ty’s gonna be a rock star.”


“Well, since you haven’t been able to see your friends Grace, why don’t you invite them along?  The lads are staying at our flat, so we’ll get a room overnight and come back Sunday after breakfast.”


“Daddy, you mean it?  I don’t think they’d ever been to London before.  Can I call them now Uncle Sav?”


“Go ahead,” Sav said.


Grace hurried to the phone and excitedly called her two best friends whom she would need around her when she finally laid eyes on the lad who still had her heart.




That Saturday night, Joe, Sav, Scott, Grace, Beth & Allison got to South Side very early to get a good table.  They all had something to eat before the band came on around 8:30.


When they finally did, not even Joe or Sav were prepared for the welcome they got as soon as they got onstage.  The houselights had dimmed a bit, so it was difficult for the band to see out.  Sav’s face hurt, he smiled so wide.  Joe kicked back feeling like a proud papa himself, knowing he had a hand in this as well.


Scott clapped when his big brother and bandmates took the stage, feeling even more of a sense of urgency to make something of his life that that Ty was on the verge of becoming famous.  He then glanced at Grace to see what her reaction would be.  As much as she looked like she was trying to hide it, her face gave her emotions away.


Grace took one look at Ty onstage, his tall, lean body clad in fitted, torn jeans and an open black shirt and gulped.  She hadn’t seen him in a year and it was evident that he’d gone from being a lad to a young man overnight.


A very gorgeous and sexy young man!


Suddenly, Beth and Allison leaned into her.


“Oh my God,” Allison said.  “I’m in love!  Who is that doll on the drums?”


“I don’t think she’s looked past Ty,” Beth mused to Allison.  “Wow, did Ty ever grow up quick.  Must be the rock ‘n roll lifestyle.”


All of a sudden, Ty’s voice filled the pub.


“Evenin’ South Side,” he shouted into the mic.  “Well, this looks like it might be our last appearance here for a while….”


The crowd let out a collective groan.


“Well thank you,” he mused to the crowd.  “However, its for a good reason.  But, we’re gonna give you a show tonight to make sure you don’t forget about us.   Randy?”


Ty turned to his drummer to countdown for the first song.  They started their set off with covers of current hits before using their last night to take requests from the audience.


After playing out their 6th request, the band ended the song and took a moment to quench their thirst and wipe the sweat from their face.  When Ty adjusted his eyes, he scanned the dimly lit pub and came to a halt when he noticed his dad, who was grinning wildly at him.  He then looked quick to Joe, then noticed Scott and….and….


Oh my God,” he whispered inches from the mic upon seeing Grace with her two friends as well. 


Seeing his dad, uncle and brother was one thing, but he wasn’t prepared to see Grace.  Even though its been a little over a year, thoughts of her never really left his mind and heart, no matter how much he indulged his flesh elsewhere.   He was instantly flooded with the memory of how they last parted, their arms wrapped around each other in his backyard as she said goodbye in order to give him his freedom.  Now that he and the band were one meeting away from a record deal, he wondered if he and Grace would ever get back together in the future. 


He saw her eyes meet his as she softly smiled and nodded at him, as if giving her approval of their performance.  He weakly smiled back as his heart suddenly began to beat, only to be interrupted by Kevin.


“Ty, lets end with one of our songs,” he whispered.




Kevin knitted his brows.  “I said lets do one of our songs, something we’ve been saving for the album.  I’m dying to something original.  Lets do ‘You Release Me.”

Ty felt himself turn pale.  “No, no anything but that one!”


“What?  Why not?  Ty, that song has number one all over it.”


“I can’t sing it now, Kevin.  I just can’t.”


“Ty, what…..?”


“She’s here,” Ty whispered.


“Who’s here?”


“Grace, that’s who.  She’s here.  My dad brought her, my brother and two of her friends.  I can’t sing that song, mate.  Its about her.”


“All the more reason you should sing it,” Kevin tried to convince him.  “C’mon, the emotion’s gonna come through and make that song come alive.  You can do it, Ty.”


Ty looked back at Randy then over at Mark who were looking at him puzzled.  The crowd was getting a little antsy, wondering what the holdup was.


Ty took a deep breath and nodded to Kevin who answered by clapping him on the shoulder.  Kevin then told Mark and Randy what song they were doing as Ty headed to the mic.


“Okay everyone, last one of the night.  This is an original of ours that we’ve been saving for a special occasion.  Tonight couldn’t be a better time.  Its called ‘You Release Me’.”


Ty and Kevin started the song with the brooding, somber guitar intro as Ty sung out the first verse:


Didn’t take much, just what you thought enough to give;

Yeah you surrendered, and gave my soul a chance to live;

Just with one touch, you washed away the pain,

Yeah with your love, my pride replaced my shame;


Then the drums and bass came crashing in for the bridge and chorus


The only thing that I can say;

As the bitter past all fades away;

That its all because of you…….your love had brought me through


Because you….gave your all to me;

You released me from this prison, yeah your love has set me free;

And just like me….to want all of you;

To release me from the memory of the hell that I’d been through;


Yeah you…….you……you release me.

Sav sat out in the audience as his mind churned at the familiarity of the words.  He knew he heard this song before and he struggled to remember where.  Then it hit him.  It was the night of the big blowup in his driveway then Ty let it slip out about his escapade with Diane.  He remembered Ty playing and singing this song afterwards as he stood outside his bedroom door.  He could tell from the words that he wrote it about Grace.    He then wondered if Ty sang this song on purpose, knowing that he had spotted her.


Grace sat there totally mesmerized by Ty.  She had no idea he had such an incredible voice and songwriting talent.  The entire band enthralled her for they were positively mega.  But she couldn’t believe that the young man belting out a song as he tore into his guitar was the innocent teenage lad who only dreamed of doing this a little over a year ago.  She was so into watching him, that she didn’t even listen to the words.


When the song was finished, the roar of applause bounced off the walls as the band left the stage to go to the backroom. 


As soon as Ty got into the room, he started to strip his sweat drenched shirt off and head to shower off first.  Kevin caught him before he did.


“Ty, that was awesome,” he said. “You did good, considering the circumstances.  You’re still hung up on her aren’t you?”


Before Ty could answer, there was a knock on the door.  The owner came in and scanned the lads.


“As soon as you’re cleaned up, you’ve got some people here to see you,” he said.  “Ty, its your dad, Joe and some young guests.”


Ty just nodded and left Kevin in the dust to hit the shower first.  Kevin just stood there chuckling.


“Guess that answered that question!”





All four members of Crossfire were showered and changed as they waited for Ty’s dad, brother, Joe, his daughter and two friends to come greet them.


Sav came in first with a big smile on his face, followed by Joe and everyone else.  Sav immediately went to Ty and embraced him.


“Incredible lad, just incredible,” he said before turning to the other lads and praising them as well.  Joe came up next.


“Well, I can see why that rep from Mercury was so impressed,” Joe said. “You lads are just getting better and better.”


Ty kept his eyes averted from Grace for as long as he could.  He focused on Scott first who came forward next.


“Aye little bro,” Ty said hugging him.   “What’ya think?”


“Mega Ty,” Scott said with sincerity.  “Absolutey mega.”


Ty then put his arm around Scott.   “So, what’ya say to quitting school and coming on tour as my roadie?”


Scott rolled his eyes. “Oh great!  Just what I want to do.  Follow you all over the world cleaning up after you!”


“Trust me, you don’t want that job,” Kevin interjected.  “You should see what a slob he is at the flat!”


Sav narrowed his eyes at Ty to which he caught on.  “Don’t worry dad, nothings broken or anything!”


Ty then did the introductions.  “Kevin, Mark, Randy….this is my brother Scott.”


Scott shook hands with the rest of the lads as Ty couldn’t hold off any longer looking at Grace.  She stood back with Beth and Allison, glancing at the floor, waiting for him to notice her. 


Ty had made it very clear to the rest of the lads that they were not to get any ideas about Grace.  Kevin already knew that she was Ty’s ex-girlfriend, and first love, but the other lads didn’t.  Then again, the way Mark and Randy were eyeing Beth and Allison, he didn’t need to worry. 


He walked up to Grace very slowly and stopped just inches in front of her.  He had to will his eyes not to devour her, for the last year had made her even more lovely.


“Long time no see, luv,” he said.


Grace thought she would absolutely melt from the voice she hadn’t heard in over a year.  It was edged with a bit of raw depth that came from maturity, not to mention screaming out songs every weekend.


“Hello there yourself,” she said.  “Surprised to see me?”


“Yes.  And……happy too.”


Ty then looked to Beth and Allison.  “How are you girls?”


“Great Ty,” Allison said.  “I still can’t believe that was you up there onstage.  It was like yesterday we were watching you walk down the halls in school and running around on the soccer field.”


“Yeah, you’re not gonna forget the little people once you become famous now, Ty?” Beth asked.


Ty laughed softly.  “Nah, I promise.  Um….can I get you girls something to drink or anything?”


“No, but you can tell me the dirt on that drummer of yours,” Allison wickedly said.


Grace nudged her.  “Crikey, Allison!  Can’t you just contain it for a bit!”


“Yeah Ty,” Beth said.  “Who are the rest of the guys?”


Ty grinned over Grace’s boy crazy friends.  “Well, Kevin, the one with the dark hair, is our lead guitarist.  He just turned 22, so I think he may be a bit old for you.  Randy, the drummer, is 20 and Mark, the bass player, is 19, like me.  He was my dormmate at university.  That’s how we met.”


Beth and Allison eyed them from across the room.  “Very interesting indeed,” they both said.  “How’s about introducing us?”


“I see you girls haven’t taken any classes in subtlety yet,” Ty joked.


Meanwhile, Randy and Mark were staring down Beth and Allison.


“My, my, my,” Randy said.  “Aren’t we in luck?  The night the girls decided not to show up, these two sweet lasses materialize.”


As he said that, Kevin came up from behind them and put an arm around each of the shoulders.


“Don’t consider yourself that lucky there, Brit.”


Randy turned to him.  “Why?”


“Because there are three of us and only two of them, that’s why.”

Mark grinned devilishly.  “So?  If we’re gonna be rock stars, we should get used to….um….multiple scenarios!”


Just then, the sound of an angry throat clearing made them turn their head in Joe’s direction.  Joe walked over to the three over-sexed lads and laid down the law.


“Okay, loverboys….listen up,” Joe said sternly.  “The lass with Ty is my daughter Grace.  She’s off limits….period!  The other two lasses are her friends……her seventeen year old friends!”


Kevin gulped.  “Whoops!  Too young for me. I think I’ll just head on out to the pub and find me a woman.”


Joe glanced at him sideways.  “Whats the matter?  They don’t know how to find you first?”


Kevin tapped a finger against his chin and feigned thought. “Good point, Mr. Elliott.  Good point!”


Joe swatted him on the arm.  “Get out of here!” 


Kevin ducked and headed out of the room, but not before going over to Ty.  “I’ve been sufficiently warned against these young ladies,” he whispered in Ty’s ear before turning to Grace.


“Ah, you must be Grace,” Kevin said charmingly as he raised her hand to kiss it.  “I’m Kevin.

Grace blushed a bit. “Oh yes, my dad told me about you.  Your dad played in Journey.”


Kevin dropped her hand and looked at Ty.  “Now how is it that our father’s reputations proceed us?”


“Probably because they do,” Ty answered.  “Anyway, these are Grace’s friends, Beth and Allison.”


Kevin kissed their hands as well before getting the hell out of there.  Even though they were young, they were too sweet and too tempting.


Beth fanned herself.  “Yikes, its getting hot in here.”


Allison continued to stare at Randy and Mark.  “And its gonna get hotter.  C’mon Ty, introduce us.”


Ty walked the girls over to Randy and Mark.  Joe saw them come over and warned Randy and Mark one last time.


“Those girls are under my care until we leave tomorrow.  You’re to treat them with respect, not like some groupies-in-training, got it?”


“Yes sir,” the two lads said, before Joe walked away.


Randy and Mark looked at Allison and Beth as they walked forward. The brazen look on their faces and the way they seductively licked their lips at the lads made Randy lean into Mark and whisper in his ear.


“Somehow I have a feeling these lasses don’t want to be respected!”




After Ty made the appropriate introductions, Allison wasted no time zeroing in on Randy.  And it didn’t take long for Beth to hone in on Mark.  She took one look at his topaz colored eyes and thought she’d swoon for sure.


With all three young couples conveniently partnered up, Ty wanted nothing more right now than to have some quiet time with Grace to get caught up.  Ty went up to his father and Joe.


“Dad, you guys plan on staying for a while?”


“Nah, we’re a little knackered from the tram ride.  I think we’re just gonna go back to the hotel.  But, we’d like to take you lads out tomorrow for brunch before we head back.”


“Sounds brilliant to me,” Ty said.  “Um, Uncle Joe, if Grace can stay out, I’d like to spend some time with her, you know…..catch up.”


Joe eyed his daughter and her friends, who were looking too cozy with Randy and Mark.


“Um, on one condition Ty,” Joe said.  “I want you to bring her back to the hotel in two hours – and…..no drinking, understand.”




“Also, keep an eye on those other two with Beth and Allison,” Joe said warily. 


Ty looked back at his two bandmates with Grace’s friends and smirked.  “I don’t know, Uncle Joe.   Looks like Beth and Allison are the ones that need to be watched!  They look ready to eat Mark and Randy alive!”


“Which they wouldn’t turn down,” Joe fumed.  “Just…just make sure they behave.”


“I’ll do my best,” Ty said before looking to Scott.  “Hey bro, want to hang for a while?”


Scott looked over at Grace who smiled at him thankfully, before turning back to his brother.  “Nah, that’s okay.  Don’t feel like being a 7th wheel.  Plus, I think Grace may want to spend some time with you.”


Ty clapped him on the arm before rejoining Grace.  Scott just sighed a bit, but knew that this was all meant to be.


Sav saw the exchange and turned to Scott.  “You okay?”


“Yeah, why?”


“Well, you know….after what happened with you and Grace..and now Ty’s kinda back in the picture…”


“Dad, its okay.  Grace and I had a long talk and came to an agreement about where we stand with each other – which isn’t with each other.  Her heart’s with Ty – always has been.”


“And what about your heart, lad?”


Scott just shrugged.  “Part of it is somewhere in the States, and the rest…..I don’t know.  There’s only one thing I’m sure about and that’s the decision I made about my future.  I’m gonna go back to school, make it my best, get into a good university, graduate and settle in my career.  Hopefully, somewhere along the line, the love of my life will drop in my lap.”


Sav put his arm around his youngest son, feeling pride in his confidence and determination for his future.


“Don’t worry, lad.  She’ll find you. Whoever she may be.”


Yeah, but will she be the right one?” Scott asked himself.







The three couples left South Side to go find a quiet tea shop to talk – Ty and Grace to catch up; and the other four to get acquainted.


After a while of small talk amongst all six of them, Beth and Allison came up with a little plan.  Allison turned to Grace.


“What time does your dad want you back at the room?”


“Oh, I don’t have to be back for an hour and a half.  Why?”


“Oh, no reason.  Just thought maybe we’d head on back to give you guys some ‘alone’ time.”


Beth then turned to Mark.  “Do you lads want to see us back to the hotel?”


Although the guys were disappointed in the shortened evening with them, they remembered what Joe warned them about and shrugged their shoulders.


“Sure, if that’s what you lasses want.”


“Oh, we want it alright,” Beth whispered in Marks ear before getting up.  Randy and Allison followed suit.  “Well, bye you two. I guess we’ll see you at brunch tomorrow.”


Ty looked up at the mischeivous look on Allison & Beth’s face then at the very flustered look on Mark’s face.  He saw Beth whisper something in his ear and wondered if that was the reason.  He then remembered what his Uncle Joe charged him with.  He crooked his finger to Mark.


“Mate, be careful with those two,” Ty whispered.  “They’re planning something, but if my uncle Joe finds out, I’m dead.”


Mark winked before he, Randy and the two girls left.  As soon as they got outside, Randy spoke up.


“So, you girls are calling it a night, eh?”


Allison slunk her arm around his waist.  “Oh no,” she cooed.  “Just because we want you to escort us back to our room doesn’t mean we want you to leave.  Ty won’t be bringing Grace back for over an hour, so it’ll just be us.”


Mark look horrified.  “Um…ladies….Grace and Ty’s dad are on the same floor.  They see us and…well….I don’t want to think about what parts I’ll be missing in the morning.”


“Don’t worry lads, we’ll be very quiet” Beth said, reaching up to kiss Mark on the lips, slipping her tongue in.


Mark groaned and instantly responded, pulling her close and meeting her tongue with his.


Allison did the same with Randy, running her hand down his back until it rested on his bum.  Both girls then pulled away and walked away.


“If you want more, follow us!”



Inside the tea shop, Ty took Grace’s hand.  “So, alone at last!”


Grace looked at him shyly.  “Yeah.  God, Ty, I feel so awkward.  I know its only been a year, but you’ve changed so much.  For the better, I mean.”


“Are you happy for me, Grace?”


“Yes, I am.  I remember all the little hints you threw about playing and being in a band.  I didn’t think you’d ever take it seriously.  I guess this was meant to be.”


He looked in her eyes.  “Like you and I?”


“I…..I don’t know, Ty,” she stuttered.  “I mean, giving you your freedom to go off to university is one thing, but if you sign this record deal next week, you’re gonna be off recording, then doing promo work, interviews, autograph signings, touring……”


“Whoa, whoa,” Ty slowed her down.  “I don’t think we’re gonna have that kind of instant fame.”


“Don’t count on it,” Grace said.  “Ty, are you blind up onstage?  Did you see that crowd?  The applause?  The cheering?  God, they loved you guys!”


“Yeah, well being local heroes is one thing.  Conquering the UK and the States is quite another.  Just ask your dad and mine.”


“But its different now, Ty.  Young bands like yourselves can get more exposure.  You’re gonna be mega – I can just feel it.”


“But Grace….where does that leave us?”


“Ty, c’mon.  I’m not stupid.  I saw the looks on all those girls in the pub when they were watching you.  I’m sure you haven’t lacked for company in that area this last year.”


Ty regarded her with thought.  “And what about you?  Did you date anyone?”


“I….I can’t lie,” she said.  “I did ‘date’ one lad, but that was it.  We both agreed that our hearts were still elsewhere.”


Ty colored with a bit of jealousy. “Who was it?”


“Ty, please, I’d rather not say.  And….I don’t want to know about anyone you’ve been with.”


Ty was fine with that.  No way would he want to tell Grace the escapades he and the band had been involved in these past months!


“Okay, fine…I won’t pressure you,” he said.  “But, chances are, if we get this deal, we’ll go for recording here at the studio in London.  I can come home on the weekends.  Maybe we can start rekindling our relationship.”


“And what about when its time for you to go on the road, Ty?  What then?  How long will it last before we have to part again?”


“It sounds like you don’t want to even bother trying,” Ty said dejectedly.  “Do you even care about me still?”


Grace squeezed his hand.  “Very much, Ty.  And…I do still love you.  I never stopped.  But, our timing is off.  Maybe if you didn’t have the band, you’d be home and it might be possible.  But, this is your dream, and I want you to follow it.  I’m not going anywhere, except to school.  Like I told you when we saw each other last, if you and I are meant to be, we’ll find a way back to each other.”


“Grace, why does it have to be this way?  Being in a band doesn’t mean we can’t be together.”


“And what am I supposed to do, Ty?  Compete with groupies?  You already hurt me once when you cheated on me with Diane and……”


“Grace, I am so sorry for that, you know it!  Did you listen to the words of the last song we did, ‘You Release Me’?  I wrote that song, Grace.  I wrote it about you.  Diane made me feel like I was trapped in my mistake.  Then, after you and I made love the first time, it felt like you released me from the guilt from that mistake.  All because you gave yourself to me.”


Grace had tears in her eyes.  She couldn’t believe that Ty did indeed write a song about her and how she affected his life.


“You….you wrote that for me?  That was about me?”


“Yes, luv, it was.  When I showed that song to Kevin he said it had number one written all over it.  We’re saving it for our first album, but Kevin was dying to play it tonight.  That was before I even spotted you in the audience.”


“What a coincidence, huh?”


“No, Grace.  Not a coincidence.  Fate!”


Grace thought a moment on everything that he just said.  “Tyler, if we do get back together, its gotta be slowly.   We just can’t pick up where we left off.  A lot has happened to each of us this past year and we have to….I don’t know….get to know each other all over again.  We can see each other while you’re recording and, well, when it comes time for you to travel, we’ll deal with it then.  That’s all I can promise.  I do love you and want us to be together, but I want you to have your career and I want to have my future.”


Ty brought her hand up to her lips and kissed it.  “Then lets try to make it work, okay?”




Just then, they were interrupted by some female students.  “Aren’t you the lead singer of Crossfire?”


Ty smiled.  “Um, yes I am.”


“We were just at South Side.  We saw you guys tonight.  You absolutely

rocked!  Can….can we have your autograph?”


Ty actually blushed, disbelieving that he was worthy of giving an autograph at this stage.  As he signed his name, Grace watched the pride on his face.  She knew that this was only the beginning of something big.


When Ty finished, the girls looked around.  “Um…didn’t we see your bass player and drummer here too?”


“Oh, yeah they were here, but they left a while ago.”


“Oh,” the girls said and sadly walked away. 


Ty’s eyes then met Grace’s.  “Just where did those two friends of yours take off with my mates?”   


Grace remembered Allison questioning her about when she’d be back to the room and paled.


“Uh, I think I have an idea where.” 






Inside the hotel room that they were sharing with Grace, Beth and Allison wasted no time in making use of their opportunity with these two future rock stars.


Allison had Randy on one bed while Beth and Mark occupied the other.  The lights were turned off and the only sound other than the music from the clock radio was Randy and Mark in the throes of ecstasy.


“Bloody hell, Allison,” Randy gasped as Allison worked her mouth on his about-to-explode erection.  “Is this what they teach you in high school?”


On the other bed, Beth had something else in mind for Mark.  Since Allison had lost her virginity to Jack, and Grace to Ty, Beth felt it was high time she lost hers.  And she couldn’t have picked a finer looking lad.  One day when he was a rich,  famous rock star, she could always look at him and say that he was her first.


Her and Mark were under the covers as they fumbled with each others clothes.  Once naked, they were frenzied running their hands over each other’s bare skin while they kissed.   With time being of the essence, Beth broke the kiss and reached over on the nightstand for her purse.  She rummaged around inside and pulled out a condom, handing it to Mark.


Mark was wide eyed. “God Beth, you sure?  Especially with those two right over there?”


Beth glanced over at the other bed and could only make out a faint outline of Allison’s head bobbing up and down below Randy’s waist.  She blushed in the dark, then looked back.


“Do you really even think they care?  Plus, you better get used to shagging in close quarters, rock star.”


Mark grinned and took the condom from her, opened the package and slipped it on.  He then flipped Beth on her back and hooked her leg over his waist.  Thinking that she was experienced because of the way she was acting, he pushed right into her, paling almost instantly at the feel of tearing through something, not to mention her unbelievable tightness.


Jesus Christ, Beth,” Mark choked out.  You’re a flippin’ virgin!”


Beth winced a bit at the pain, then took his head in her hands, making him face her.  “Not anymore I’m not.”


“Oh God, oh God,” Mark murmured.


“Nothing’s wrong, Mark,” she reassured him.  “I wanted to do this.  Please, don’t stop.  Its……God, its starting to feel good.  Please move, Mark.”


Mark couldn’t stop if he wanted to.  She was so tight that the feeling was incredible.  He was also so turned on by the scenario that he knew he wouldn’t last too long.  He began to gently thrust in and out of her until she slid her hands down and grabbed him bum to move him in and out faster.


Just as Mark was on the brink, on the other bed, Randy threw his head back and stifled cry as he spilled himself down Allison’s throat.


That was enough to set Mark off as he buried his face in the crook of Beth’s neck and gave into his release.  Even though the lads bit their lips to keep quiet, Beth couldn’t quite help himself.


“Oh Mark!  Oh God, yes!  Yes, that feels so good!” 


Outside her hotel room, Grace halted as she was about to knock when she heard Beth’s little cry of pleasure.  And then she heard Ty groan.


“Oh crikey,” he said.  “What’s she doing – entertaining the entire floor?”


Grace blushed thinking about what her friends were doing inside with Ty’s bandmates.  But her blush was wiped away when she heard another hotel door open.  Sav stepped out into the hallway in pajama bottoms and t-shirt.  The look upon his face told Ty and Grace that he heard Beth as well.


“Um, what the hell is going on?’


Ty stammered.  “Uh….uh…I just brought Grace back dad.  I was saying goodnight.”


Sav folded his arms and walked closer to them.  “Is Grace also in the habit of screaming Mark’s name out?”


Grace covered her face in embarrassment before Sav went to knock on the door.


“Thank God your father is a sound sleeper,” Sav said to Grace before he heard fumbling behind the door followed by a click.


Randy opened the door wearing nothing but a pair of barely fastened jeans.  Upon seeing Sav, he closed the door most of the way so he couldn’t see Mark and Beth fumbling to put their clothes back on.


Randy looked at a  livid Sav as Ty and Grace snickered in the backround, glad it wasn’t them.


Sav tried to look past Randy inside the room, but then went another route.


“Lad, you and that bass player better get dressed and get your bums out of this hotel before Joe wakes up, else the only job you’ll be qualified for is guarding a harem – because you’ll be eunichs!”


Randy gulped.  “Yes sir,” he squeaked out before closing the door to get dressed.  Sav shook his head before going back to his room.


“Uncle Sav?”


He turned towards Grace.  “Yes?”


“You’re not telling daddy about this, are you?”


“Grace, if there’s one thing I’ve learned since meeting your father, is to tell him very little.”


Just then, Randy and Mark came stumbling out with their shirts unbuttoned and sneakers untied.  Sav stared them down before Ty grabbed their arms to get them out of there before any more damage could be done.  Ty gave Grace a quick wink before entering her room, knowing she was gonna get quite an earful from Allison and Beth.




The following Wednesday, the band sat in a conference room with Mick Stein, one of the managing agents at Q-Prime.  They were awaiting Mitchell Stern from Mercury to discuss the terms of the contract.  Before he arrived, Mick wanted time alone with the lads to coach them


“Now listen to me boys,” Mick said.  “I know that Mr. Stern seemed all and well interested.  But, the fact remains that you are a young, upcoming rock band and first time record deals usually aren’t that great.  Now, maybe because of your association with Rick and Joe, he might think twice about trying to put one over on  you guys.  But, in case he does, that’s what I’m here for.  We want a deal that’s fair for all sides.  Just let me do the talking and no outbursts.”


The lads were a little fidgety in their seats as they awaited the meeting that would change their life.


“Mr. Stein, what if this bloke changes his mind?” Ty asked. “Or what if he doesn’t agree to what you want for us?”


“Let me worry about that, Ty,” Mick said.  “My job is to look out for your interests.  We want you lads to land a record deal and get on the road to stardom, but not having to sacrifice your first-born child to do so!  Also, I’ve got a little something planned in the hopper to whet Mr. Stern’s appetite should he waiver.”


Kevin was curious. “Whats that?”


Mick smirked non-chalantly.  “You’ll see.”


Suddenly, the intercom buzzer rang as the secretary announced Mitchell Stern’s arrival.


Mick pressed the button.  “Send him in.”


Ty turned to the other lads.  “This is it, guys.”


Randy couldn’t stop tapping his fingers on the desk and Mark was biting the skin on his lip so much it began to bleed.  Kevin sat there somewhat calm, but his insides were all a jumble.


The door open and Mitchell Stern walked in.  Mick and the lads stood up and they all shook hands before taking their seats again.


“Well, I’ll start this off,” Mitchell said.  “As I’ve indicated, I’m very interested in signing Crossfire to Mercury Records.  I was very impressed with their performance, their stage act and especially their songwriting.  I think we’ve got a future winner on our hands.  This is the final package we put together.”


Mitchell took the contract out of the folder and handed it to Mick.  Having reviewed contracts from Mercury in the past, he was familiar with the format and knew which points to zero in on.  It was a basic contract for a first time, unknown band.  A five year, two album deal, after which, depending on the success of the band, an extension would be negotiatied.


He immediately scanned down to what Mercury was willing to fund during the recording process and what they were expecting as their take in terms of album sales.


Mick’s eyes narrowed over a specific stipulation that Mercury also wanted a certain percentage of any tour proceeds, as well as a merchandise royalty, that was in connection with the band’s first two albums to ensure that they would make whatever money they had to front in case the albums failed.


Mick slid a calculator over and punched some numbers in.  After a few moments, he laid the contract down and folded his hands on top of it.


“Interesting, Mitch,” Mick said coyly.  “By the time this contract is done skinning these boys alive, they may just have enough money left to all rent a studio apartment in Harlem.”


The lads inwardly groaned, knowing that the terms of the contract were not good and Mick wasn’t gonna go for it.  Mitchell chuckled and shook his head, trying to intimidate.


“Mick, c’mon.  These boys are unknowns.  How are we gonna be guaranteed that we’re gonna make back what we put out to record two albums over a five year period?  They could go nowhere and we’d be stuck with two failed albums that we’ll have to take a bath in.”


“Well, you were obviously impressed with them when you saw them perform to want them so bad that you called the very next day,” Mick replied.  “Not five minutes ago you’re saying, ‘we’ve got a winner on our hands’ and now you’re pulling this crap.  Why the second thoughts about their ability?”


“Mick, it’s a basic contract for any unknown band.  You’ve been around long enough to know that.”  Mick then pointed to Ty.  “Or, are you expecting special treatment for these boys because of who his father is?”


Ty stood up and stared Mitchell down.  “Now that I won’t stand for!”


“Tyler, sit down,” Mick said sternly.


“No Mr. Stein, I won’t,” Ty said adamantly before turning back to Mitch.  “When you came to see us at South Side, one of the first things you said was that you were impressed with the fact that we didn’t take the easy road because my father and Kevin’s were famous rock stars.  You said it showed that we weren’t afraid of hard work, and that we would make it because of that.  And now, you have the audacity to turn that all around and say that we’re only here because my father is part owner of this management company?  If that’s how you truly feel, then maybe Mercury isn’t the place for us.  We’ll go back to playing pubs and having our demo circulated around the UK and in the States.  You may have been the first record exec to see us play, but I know you won’t be the last.  With or without you, we will get discovered and we will make it!”


Ty felt about ten feet tall right then and there as he spoke from his heart.  Mick saw it too, and didn’t have it within him to shut him up and make him sit down before he ruined any chance they may have. 


Mitchell sat there in silence as he stared up at the intensely determined blue eyed young man who stood his ground.  Sitting down next to him, his three bandmates stared at him as well, as if in agreement.


As Ty continued to stand there, waiting for somebody to say something, the intercom buzzer rang in again.  It was also followed by the sound of many voices, female ones, cramming outside the door.


“Excuse me,” Mitchell said with a smirk as he pressed the intercom button.  “What is it?”


“Mr. Stein, I think you better get out here,” came the secretary’s nervous voice.  “I’ve got about twenty five young ladies out here with copies of Crossfire’s demo in their hands.  I don’t know how, but the must’ve found out the band would be here today.  I think you may have a mob scene on your hand once those boys walk out that door.”


Ty was dumbfounded as he looked as his three equally bewildered bandmates.  Mick, on the other hand, smiled calmly as he spoke.


“Just keep them quiet and tell them to wait,” Mick said into the intercom.  “We should be done here shortly and the band will be right out to sign autographs.”


Mick released the intercom button and looked at Mitchell’s stunned face.


“Whats the matter, Mitch?  Never seen such a popular ‘unknown’ band before?  Well, you see, part of my job is to sell these boys.  I’ve been distributing their demo everywhere, not just to radio stations.  I’ve dropped some off at local high school’s, colleges, malls, etc.  Seems they’ve got a nice little head start on an American fan base.  Like Tyler said, someone else will come along.  Very soon, I gather.”


Mick handed the contract back to Mitchell and stood up.  “Well, since no concessions are gonna be made, then this meeting is over and done with.”  He then turned to the band.  “C’mon, boys, you’ve got a posse of girls out there waiting for you.”


The lads grinned and stood up, but not before Mitchell halted them.


“Wait just a minute,” he said. 


Mick knowingly rolled his eyes at Mitchell.  “Yes?”


Mitchell took a long, deep sign.  “If I take all these extra stipulations out, will you sign?”


The lads glanced at each other at the sudden change in their fortune.  Mick, however, regarded Mitchell smugly.


“Take them out, and, after our attorney gives it a once over, they’ll sign.”


Mitchell stood up and reluctantly extended his hand to Mick.  “Deal!”  He then looked at the lads who had stood in arrogant stances with their arms folded.


Mitchell nodded at them.  “Boys.  I expect big things from you for what I’m giving up.”


The lads just smiled as Mitchell walked out into a sea of young women.  When the door closed, Mick looked at his watch.


“Never thought those girls would show up in time.”


The lads looked at Mick puzzled.  “Huh?”


Mick smiled.  “Just a little promo stunt, boys.  My daughter attends a local college.  I had her spread the word around school and get as many girls together that she could to show up here while Mr. Stern was here.  However, I think he was more impressed by your speech, Ty.  And…so am I.  I think you convinced him that you’re gonna deliver.”


“Oh, we’ll deliver Mr. Stein,” Kevin interjected.


“I felt like delivering my fist to his jaw,” Randy fumed.


“Hypocritical bloke,” Mark grumbled. 




“Yeah, well forget about him,” Mick said.  “Its pretty much a done deal once I get the revised contract back.  Now…c’mon.  I don’t want these ladies to think they came down here for nothing!”


Mick opened the door and the band walked out to a chorus of female screams.





Two months had passed as Grace and Scott were into their final year of high school.  As he promised, Scott threw himself into his studies while he began collecting university brochures and applications.


Grace decided upon business management and began looking into appropriate schools as well.  She was relieved to have her mind occupied, as so to keep it off how much she missed Ty. 


When he and the band signed their record contract several weeks ago, they wasted no time in finding a producer and getting started immediately at the London Studio.  She thought with him being only a tram ride away, he’d be home on the weekends to spend with her and rekindle their relationship.  However, the process of recording an album wasn’t a cut and dry and she thought.  She should know.  All she had to do was ask her father!


She knew that she would see him sooner or later and just decided to be patient.  After all – they were apart for over a year.  A little while longer wouldn’t matter.


She and Scott kept their promises to each other not to let what happened come between their lifelong friendship.  Fortunately, no inclination of what happened had found its way to school, something that Grace feared.  She and Scott were safe in the knowledge that the entire episode had been kept tightly under wraps so that they can continue to go on with their lives.


While things continued to go swimmingly in Sheffield, they were about to boil over in London.




Randy sat at his drumkit, clenching a drumstick in his hand, wondering how far he could shove it down the producer’s throat.


Ty was beginning to appreciate the medicinal purposes of courvoisier to sooth his raw throat. 


Mark had to get his entire bass re-strung after he yanked the strings out in absolute frustration.


And Kevin had already gone over his quota of cigarettes, beer, curse words, and plotting murder.


They knew that recording an album wouldn’t be easy, but they never expected this.  Even though this producer was no where near Mutt ‘perfectionist’ Lange, he demanded the best the lads had to offer.  He drew upon their talent and worked hard to develop a sound that would be Crossfire’s alone.  However, the lads were already cracking under the stress 10 weeks into recording.


When the producer left the board to take a call, the lads let loose.


“I should’ve saved my bass strings to wring his neck with,” Mark fumed.


“I can’t believe we’re still here after ten flippin’ weeks,” Randy sputtered.  “All the songs were written months ago, so all we gotta do is play them.”


“Randy, playing them in a pub and recording them for an album are two different things,” Ty rasped in a sore voice.


“Oh, excuse me Mr. Know-it-All,” Randy snipped back. 


Ty threw his guitar down and turned to Randy.  Excuse me, mate?”


“You heard me,” Randy retorted, standing up from his kit.  “And, I’m getting sick and tired of hearing all about Def Leppard’s past recording woes.”


Randy then turned to Kevin.  “Nor do I want to hear about what your dad went through with Journey.”


Kevin put his hands on his hips and turned to Randy.  “What scorpion crawled up your ass and took a bite?”


Randy threw his hands up.  “Oooh, you Yanks are really original with the comeback’s, aren’t you.”


“Well, maybe if you run down some pansy, British phrases for me, I’ll use those instead, mate!” 


“You know Kevin, I’m really sick and tired of your bloody insults,” Mark chimed in.  “You’ve been an obnoxious twit since the moment you showed up for your audition.”


“Oh, sticks and stones,” Kevin sang out, feigning hurt.


“Yeah, I wish I had a friggin’ stone to throw at your snobbish face,” Randy added.


“Oh, big tough guy,” Kevin said, advancing on him.  “C’mon, little drummer boy, show me that you pansy Brits can fight!”


“You bleedin’ wanker!” Randy seethed as he stood on his stool and jumped over his drumkit to get to Kevin.  Before he could get to him, Ty pulled him away.”


“Alright, enough of this crap you guys,” Ty said.  “I don’t want to hear anymore, got me?”


Kevin looked at Ty.  “Who the fuck died and put you in charge?”


“Oh, and I suppose you think you should be, you smartass Yank,” Mark stepped in.


Randy looked at Ty with contempt.  “I tell you why Ty-boy thinks he should be in charge – probably because daddy owns this place!”


Ty got in Randy’s face.  “Don’t you even go there, mate!”


“Sounds like you’ve got a major thorn in your side there, Randy,” Kevin said to him.


Randy turned from Ty to advance on Kevin.  “I wouldn’t talk, Kevin Schon!  You sailed through your life with a famous daddy as well!”


Kevin stuck his finger in Randy’s chest.  “Yeah, but my father didn’t pamper me!  I was out on my own traveling all over the States when I was nineteen.  I didn’t want anything from anyone.  I don’t think Tyler-boy would’ve even thought of leaving the comforts of daddy’s home.”


Ty turned on Kevin.  “What’sa matter there, mate?  Chip on that shoulder grew back?”


“Screw you, pretty boy!”


“Fuck you, asshole!”




While the producer was still on the phone, Sav had walked in the front door to make a surprise visit to see how the lads were doing.  The producer waved for him to go back while he finished up on the phone.


When Sav got to the back studio, he looked through the glass to find all four members of Crossfire beating the crap out of each other.





Jesus flippin’ Christ!” Sav shouted as he flew into the studio area and right into the middle of the chaos.


The producer heard him shout from up front and quickly ended his phone call to go back and see what was wrong.  He looked through the glass and saw Sav desperately trying to pull the lads off each other.  He swiftly moved in to help him.


As Sav had Ty and Mark held back, the producer had Randy and Kevin by the back of their shirts.  But that didn’t stop Randy from still trying to take swings at Kevin.


“Missed me again drummer boy,” Kevin teased.


Pissed off and frustrated, Randy broke free of the producers grasp and grabbed Kevin by the shoulders and shoved him hard into the nearby wall.

Sav left Mark and Ty to their own devices and went to pull Randy off Kevin.


“Okay lads, enough!  What the hell started all this?”


“Kevin and his bloody obnoxious attitude, that’s what,” Randy seethed.


“Oh, and you’re such a joy to be around,” Kevin directed at Randy.  “He literally hurdled his drums to attack me.”


“Well maybe if you didn’t push his buttons he wouldn’t have,” Mark said to Kevin.


Kevin baby-talked to Mark.  “Oh, is Marky-warky fighting wittle Randy’s battles for him?”


Mark went after Kevin.  “I’m gonna rip that fuckin’ head of yours off!”


Ty grabbed hold of Mark.  “Okay, enough!  Lets calm down.”


Mark turned to Ty.  “Oh, the voice of reason speaks again.”


“Don’t start with me Mark,” Ty warned.


“What?  Playing the bigshot now that daddy’s here?”


Sav raised his eyebrows at that just as Ty shoved Mark backwards.  “I’m getting fed up with those comments mate.  You leave my dad out of this. He has nothing to do with any of this.”


“He has everything to do with this,” Randy added from across the room.


Sav had heard enough.  “Alright, fine!  Since I have everything to do with this, I’m laying down the law right now.  This is my bleedin’ studio and I will not have fighting going on in it, understand?”


Randy sarcastically saluted Sav.  “Yes sir!”


Sav stared Randy down.  “Watch it, lad!”


“Or else what?”


Sav grabbed hold of Randy by the neck of his t-shirt.  “Perhaps you need a good father figure to smack some respect into that smart mouth of yours.”


“And you have the nerve to say that I’m obnoxious,” Kevin jested towards Randy.


Randy silently stared at Sav as he held him by the shirt.  His dark green eyes began to well up with tears, but not before he grabbed Sav’s hand and pulled it away.


“No, I don’t need that,” Randy spat out.  “I don’t need a father!  I don’t need a mother!  Hell, I don’t need any of you either.  I’m outta here!”


Randy brushed past everyone and ran out of the studio.  All three remaining bandmembers, the producer and Sav just stood there.  The three lads sheepishly looked at each other, wondering what went wrong and how it all exploded in their faces.


Sav saw the regret in their eyes and decided to intervene a bit before Crossfire burned to the ground before it ever got off it.  Sav then turned to the producer.


“I guess not much is gonna get done for the rest of the day.”


“No, I guess you’re right,” the producer said before looking at the lads.  “You lads go and cool off and be back here nine o’clock sharp tomorrow.”


The lads wondered if they’d be going anywhere without their drummer.




Sav followed Ty, Kevin and Mark into the cramped little flat that they were sharing while in London recording.


Kevin swept his hand around.  “Welcome to Paradise!”


Sav regarded Kevin.  “Well, your arses belong to Mercury now, so you stay where they can afford to keep you.  I mean, you wouldn’t want Ty’s daddy pampering you by letting you stay at his flat, now would you?”


Kevin looked away embarrassed, knowing that Sav overheard his mocking comments.


“Didn’t think so, Kevin,” Sav replied to his own question.  “And, I don’t care how much of a Mr. Tough-Independent-Guy you think you are, I knew your father pretty well.  I’m sure you didn’t live in squalor all your life, so stuff it with the martyr act.”


Kevin sat down heavily into a beat up chair.  “Sorry, Mr. Savage.  I didn’t mean it the way it came out.  Guess I didn’t mean a lot of what I said.  I’m just so friggin’ wired I could scream.”


“We all are, Kevin,” Ty said. 


“Yeah, and I’ve got busted bass strings to prove it,” Mark added.


Sav looked at the three, young, regretful faces and frowned.  “Lads, sit down.”


Ty and Mark sat down across from Kevin and all three stared at the floor.  Sav carefully sat down on the wobbly, wooden coffee table in the center so he could look at all three of them.


“Now, I’m not gonna come down on you for your little tussle earlier, nor am I gonna preach to you,  But, if you would, allow an old man who’s been in this business a long time to give you a little advice?”


All three lads nodded, still looking at the floor.


“Now, I know that everything’s been picture perfect for you lads – up till today at least.  That’s because you had no responsibilities other than to yourselves, until Mercury signed you.  They own you for the next five years, and now you have the tremendous responsibility on your shoulders of delivering.  Playing cover songs in a pub and recording a rough demo is kid stuff compared to recording a full length album.  You lads are lucky in the respect that you went in with all your songs written.  You’re almost finished for bleedin’ sake!  I remember sitting in Battery Studios for five straight months listening to guitar parts before we even wrote a single song for Pyromania.  If we ever wanted to kill each other or quit altogether, it was then. But you lads have to remember one thing – don’t think the hard part is over once the album is done.  Its only gonna get harder, because you’re gonna have to sell it.  Your lives are not gonna be your own.  There’s gonna be promos, appearances, autograph signings, small gigs, radio and magazine interviews – anything and everything that has to be done to sell a debut album.  And,  you’re gonna have to do each and everyone one of them even when you can’t stomach the idea of doing another one.  Then you’ll have to tour.  And before you go thinking its nothing but sex, drugs and rock ‘n roll, think again.  You’re tired arses are gonna be dragged through city, country and state.  They’ll be no time to think and even less time to sleep some days.  That’s what its gonna be like, so if you lads can’t handle a recording session without jumping down each others throats, then you best lay your instruments down now and rip up your contract because you’ll never make it.”


All three lads stared up at Sav as the honesty and directness of his words hit home – very hard.  They then stared at each other apologetically, instantly regretting what happened earlier.


“Now, on the other hand,” Sav continued, “how you handle the stress of recording, promoting and touring will be a big indication to whether you have the mettle to survive in this business or not.  Make it through this, survive your first album and first tour and you’ll go farther than just a one shot wonder.”


“I don’t want to be that,” Kevin quietly said.  “I want to go the distance.  Like my dad.”


“Don’t do it because your dad did it,” Sav said to Kevin.  “Do it because you want it.”


“Well, I want it,” Mark said.  “I don’t care what I have to do.”


Sav laughed.  “Remember you said that, Mark.  You may care someday.  But, if you don’t lose sight of the end result of all the stress, tension and hard work, its all worth it.”


Mark swallowed that hard and nodded.  Sav then looked to his pensive son.


“Well, what about you?”


Ty looked up at him.  “I say we’re nothing without our drummer, that’s what I say.  If we’re gonna succeed, we have to work as a team.”


“That’s right lad,” Sav replied.  “Think of Crossfire as a marriage.  You’re in for the long haul…until death do you part….and not just running off to get a divorce when petty little things start to go wrong.  Unfortunately, that’s the undoing of most young, hot bands.  Don’t fall victim to that.  You lads are much too talented to have it be wasted.”


Sav sat there as the lads looked at each other.  Ty was the first to put his arm out.  Mark then put his out, placing his hand on top of Ty’s then Kevin did the same, placing his hand on top of Mark’s.


“I believe your little bond isn’t complete without the fourth arm,” Sav said.


Ty stood up.  “I’ll go look for Randy.  There’s only a few different pubs we’ve been going to, so it won’t take long to find him.”


Kevin then stood up.   “No you don’t.  You just said we have to work as a team.  You’re not going after him alone.  We got into this together, we go bring him back together.”


Mark stood up next.  “Agreed.  C’mon, lets go find him.  We can’t do this without him.”


“Go get him,” Sav said as he clapped each one of them on the back.


One by one, the lads filed out of the flat to find their drummer.




Ty, Mark & Kevin had hit two of their three favorite pubs in the search for Randy.  So far, they had come up empty.  They also quickly perused the insides of other pubs along the way, just in case.


As Ty headed back outside to where Kevin and Mark were waiting, he shook his head indicating that Randy was not inside.


Kevin ran his fingers through his hair.  “Where the frig could he be?”


“I don’t know, but I’m kinda worried,” Mark said.


“Me too,” Ty agreed.  “I mean, did you see the look on his face when he yelled at my dad?  He sounded hateful, but I could swear that he looked like he was about to cry.  Somethings wrong with him.”


“Well, if something was wrong, we’d be the blokes to know what it was,” Mark said.  “We’ve practically been up each other’s arses for the last half year.”


“I haven’t noticed anything suspicious,” Ty said, before turning to Kevin.  “Have you?”


Kevin shook his head.  “Nope, I mean, nothing that could be a warning flag.  He’s been in a damn, chipper mood since the day he opened the front door when I came for my audition.”


“Yeah, he was the same way when he found us to audition,” Mark fondly remembered.  “Woke Ty and me out of a sound sleep at ten in the morning on a Saturday and there he was all bright eyed and bushy tailed.”


“Yeah, well something’s bothering him now,” Ty said.  “He kept dissing on me about my dad a lot.”


Mark thought of something. “Yeah, and what was it he said about not needing a father or a mother?”


Before anyone could answer, they finally came upon the pub that they most frequented.  All three lads went inside and looked around, but didn’t see Randy.  As they turned to leave, a young waitress ran up to them and grabbed Ty by the arm.


“Tyler, thank God,” she said.


“Sue, hi. What is it?”


“Randy was here for about an hour, drinking very heavily.  He wouldn’t talk or anything.  Just sat at the bar ripping up napkins and….and looked……”


Ty turned to her and held her arms.  “Looked, what?”


“He…he looked like he was crying, I think.  The last I saw him, he was walking towards the back.  I thought maybe he went to use the loo, but I never saw him return.  I had some tables to wait on so he may have come back out and left without me knowing.”


Ty looked in the direction of the back before looking back at Sue.  “Thanks luv.  Don’t worry – we’ll find him.”


Ty headed towards the back, with Kevin and Mark hot on his heels.  Randy wasn’t in the loo or the back room.  Ty then looked at the end of the back room and saw the exit door.  He walked towards it and opened it, stepping outside the back of the pub. 


There on the ground, curled up against the brick wall, was Randy.


“Bleedin’ Christ,” Ty sputtered as he fell on his knees beside Randy.  Kevin and Mark had made it out and instantly saw Randy and went to him.  Ty grabbed a handful of his shirt and began to shake him.


“Randy….Randy, c’mon mate.”


Randy slowly opened his eyes, their true green color dulled by the effects of too many pints of ale and too many tears.


“Go away Ty,” he hoarsly whispered, before noticing Kevin and Mark beside him.  “Go away all of you!”


“Randy, whats wrong?  Tell us, mate.  C’mon, we’re not gonna leave you out here.”


“You don’t need me,” he choked out.  “And I don’t need anyone!  All I wanted to do was make them proud of me, that’s all.  Why can’t I please them, Ty?  Why?”


Randy began to cry as he curled himself up in a ball.  Kevin and Mark got on either side of him and helped him to sit up against the side of the building as Ty looked into his face.


“Randy, what are you talking about?  Who are you talking about?”


“Who the fuck do you think I’m talking about, Ty?  My parents, that’s who!  My invisible, ‘I could care less about my worthless son’ parents! What would you know?  You have your father to guide you, Kevin’s got his dad waiting in the wings to discover what we’ve been up to and Mark has his music teacher dad and mum that are probably jumping with glee.  Why do you think I was living with my brother and his wife?  Because I couldn’t stand the disappointed look on my parents face anymore, thinking that all I lived for was to play the drums and nothing else.  Said that I’d amount to anything.  And now, my brother called the other day saying that they’re getting a divorce, blaming their failure with me for causing them to split.  How could they do that?  How could they blame me for that?  All I wanted to do was play the drums and dreamed of being in a band, maybe show them that I’m not a waste.”


Ty sat on the ground so he could be eye level with him.  “You’re right – you’re not a waste, mate.  You’re the heartbeat of this band.  I…I never knew this.  You’re always in such a jolly mood all the time.  I had no idea this was going on inside.”


“Yeah, well I hide it well.  I had only been living with my brother for a few weeks when I chanced upon you and Mark for the audition.  When I got the job, I had some hope and it made me forget about my parents disappointment in me.  My brother believed in me, which is why he was cool with letting us use his basement to rehearse.  I didn’t invite my parents to the pub show in Canterbury, just my brother and his wife.  I wanted to wait until I knew that this band thing was gonna fly and then I was gonna tell them.  But now, they’re splitting and its supposedly my fault so it really won’t matter.”


Kevin put a comforting hand on Randy’s shoulder.  “Dude, why don’t you have your brother call your parents and tell them?  Maybe when they realize that you’re in a band that got signed to a record label they’ll realize they didn’t fail with you?  Maybe it’ll save their marriage.”


Randy sniffed and shrugged.  “I…I don’t know.  Maybe.  I’m….I’m just sorry about all I said in the studio today.  I just snapped.  I had this eating up inside of me for days and I couldn’t take it anymore.  I…I don’t want to quit.  This band is everything to me.  I just want to be the best.”


“Well, you won’t be unless you get your arse up and back to the flat to sleep off your hangover, else you won’t get to the studio on time tomorrow,” Mark said.


Randy tried to stifle a laugh, but couldn’t.  He then looked at Ty.  “Your dad probably hates me, huh?”


“No, he doesn’t.  He gave us a good pep talk earlier.  Should’ve been there.”


“I’m sorry.  I really was a major wanker.”


“You know, I think we should come to an agreement about something,” Kevin said.  “If this band is gonna operate like a team, or…a marriage as Ty’s dad put it, then we need to communicate.  We need to come to each other with stuff, no matter what.  We’ve got to learn to trust each other and lean on each other, especially since we’re gonna be around each other for a loooooong time!”


“Well, I think that’s a start,” Mark said.  “Anything to avoid what happened today.”


“Agreed,” Ty replied, before looking down at Randy.  All he did was nod, too cried out and too full of ale to do anything else.


Kevin and Mark stood up, taking Randy with them.  They walked to the street where Ty hailed a taxi.  When one stopped, Ty turned back to the three of them.


“C’mon, lets go home and make tomorrow a better start.” 




The band finished recording around mid-November and was looking at a first of the year release. 


They were looking forward to a week or so off to rest and regroup when Mick Stein at Q-Prime called.  A popular British alternative rock band, Carnal Substance, had hit it big in the States and were doing five shows in the California area starting the first week of December.  Their opening act’s lead singer had come down with pnumonia and would be out for a month.  Carnal Substance’s manager had heard about Crossfire through the grapevine and the band thought that they would fit the bill until their regular opening act returned.


The lads couldn’t believe their ears.  Ty was completely thrown for a loop.  “A job as an openeing act already?  And we don’t even have our album out yet?”


“Yeah, well I guess the band likes the idea of giving a fellow British band a head start,” Randy assumed.


Kevin frowned.  “So what do I have to do?  Start working on ‘me cockney accent, blokes?”


Mark winced at Kevin.  “You make a poor Brit, mate.”


“And you’d make an ugly Yank,” Kevin shot back with a smile.


Randy jumped up, a much happier version of himself than he was several weeks ago.  “So…when do we leave?”


“Well, we’ve got to stay in London to prepare for the tour,” Ty said.  “Mick said he arranged for a photo shoot, someone to work with us to develop a stage act, wardrobe people, glossy signings, the whole bit.  We may be here for a few more weeks.”


Suddenly, Kevin slowly smiled.  “Five shows – all in California, eh?  My stomping grounds.”


“Guess its time for you to make that long awaited phone call,” Randy said to him.


“Yeah, you’re right,” Kevin said with a bit of nervousness.


“Mate, I don’t know why you waited so long to tell your dad,” Ty said. 


Kevin shrugged.  “Guess I’m just nervous.  I mean, I know he’ll be totally psyched.  I just want him to be proud, that’s all.”


“Be proud of yourself, mate,” Randy said to him.  “That’s what I’ve been learning lately.  I’m not gonna worry what anyone thinks, except the fans.  They’re the ones that are gonna tell the tale.”


“You’re right,” Kevin said, standing up.  “Well, I think I put this call off long enough.”


Meanwhile, Ty took his cell phone and called home to relay the news to his dad.


Sav was incredulous  “Bloody hell, Ty, are you kidding?” 


“Nope!  God, I can’t believe it.  Um…dad, will you be able to fly out for one of them?  I’d really like for you to be there.  Mum and Scott too, if they can.”


“Absolutely,” Sav replied.  “I wouldn’t miss your first real live show for anything.”


“Um, I’d like to call Grace, see if maybe she and Uncle Joe can come out too.”


“Well, I don’t think school will break for the Christmas holiday until the 23rd, but you can ask Uncle Joe if Grace can come out.  Same with Scott.  I’ll check the school schedule with him when he gets home.”


“Dad…..I’m…..God, I’m scared.”


Sav smiled on the other end.  “I know you are Tyler.  But it’ll pass, trust me.  The first time is always the scariest.  This is a big break for you lads, especially to start off in the States.  You get on well in these five shows before the album’s released, who know’s what’ll happen?”


“Well, we’ve got a bunch of promo work, you know, photo shoots and stuff, over the next week.  Then we’ve got to rehearse a stage act, so I probably won’t see you till the show.”


“Don’t worry Tyler.  I’ll get all the information from Mick.  You and the lads just concentrate on what you have to do and we’ll just show up.”


“Thanks dad.  Thanks for everything.”


“Tyler, you did it all, remember?”


“Yeah, I guess I did.  Well, let me go so I can call Grace.  Bye.”


Ty clicked off his cell phone before clicking it back on to dial Grace’s number.  The phone rang a few times before a very familiar voice answered, taking Ty aback.


“S…Scott?   What are you doing there?”




“Tyler?  Is that you?”


Grace looked up from the kitchen table upon Scott saying Ty’s name.


“Um, yeah its me,” Ty said on the other end, a little curious.  “What’cha doing there?”


“Oh, um….. I just got some university brochures and Grace wanted to see them.  She’s helping me figure out which ones to apply to.”


“Uh..oh, I see,” Ty said.  “Um, listen, glad I got you anyway.  Guess what?  We’re doing a five show gig in California starting the first week of December!”


“Are you kidding?  Ty, that’s bloody great.”


“Yeah, I can’t believe it. Anyway, I just got off the phone with dad to see if you, he and mum can come out.  And, I called here because I’d like Uncle Joe and Grace to come to.”


Scott glanced at Grace who was sitting there dying to know what was going on.


“Wow, Ty I’d love to, but I’ve got two finals that week, and then my entrance exams that weekend.”


“Crikey, well we’ll see. Anyway, let me talk to Grace.”


“Sure, hold on,” Scott said handing the phone to her.  “Its Ty.  He’s got some good news.”


Grace took the phone from Scott as he walked out to give her some privacy. 


“Tyler, hi,” Grace said with a slight thump in her heart.  “Whats the good news?”


“Aye, luv.  Well, we’ve got a gig as an opening act for five shows in California starting in December.  I’d really like you and your dad to come out for one of them.   I know school won’t be out by then, but do you think he’d take you?”


“Oh Ty, I can’t believe it!  Really?  I’d love to come out and hear you play in front of a real crowd.  I’m sure daddy’ll make an exception for this.”


“I hope so,” Ty replied.  “Hopefully you can all come to the same one.  I think we’ve got one in LA that I’m gonna call Uncle Phil, Viv and Rick to come.  Too bad Scott can’t come.  Said he’s got finals that week.  So uh….whats this you’re helping him pick out a university?”


“Oh, well, yeah he’s just trying to make a decision on which ones to apply to,” Grace sheepishly said.  “Needed another opinion.”


“Well, how come you don’t have finals that week?  You guys are in the same class, right?”


“Oh, well right,” Grace said.  “But, I’ve decided not to go to university, so I don’t have to worry about entrance exams and I can make up my tests when I come back.  I’m going to research business schools instead.”


“Something close by I hope,” Ty said.


“Like you’ll be around to even see me if I am, Mr. Soon-to be-Rock Star!”


“Grace, I hate that I can’t get to see you before the shows.  I thought I could break away during recording, but it just didn’t work out.  We ran into some snags, personal ones too, and, well, we all had to stick together to work them out.  And now all this promo stuff to prepare for the shows.  I guess I’m not gonna see you till California.”


“You can always call me, Ty.  You know where I am.”






“I…..I can’t wait to be with you again, if you know what I mean.”

Grace suddenly got nervous.  She had thought about that too, but ever since her miscarriage, she was very skittish about the thought of having sex – even protected sex.  But, the thought of being with Ty again after all this time gave her the shivers.


“I’d…..I’d like that too, Ty,” she replied.  “But, we have a lot to rekindle before we jump into……that.  I hope you understand.”


“I guess I do.  Anyway luv, I gotta run now.  I’ll call back tonight to talk to your dad and get his answer.”


“Okay.  I’m looking forward to seeing you.”


“Me too, luv.  Bye.”


Grace clicked off the phone and sighed, not feeling Scott’s presence behind her.


“So, you’re gonna go to California to see Ty?”


Grace whipped her head around.  “Yeah, I want to.  He’s gonna call daddy tonight to ask him.”


“I know it’ll mean the world for Ty to have you there, Grace,” Scott said a little somberly. 


Grace smiled at him.  It was still hard for both of them to deal with what happened and to continue on with their friendship as if nothing did.  Scott had been turning to her for advice on choosing a university and, like the good friend she promised to be, she was there for him.  The pain of what they shared kept them close, but it was still hard to accept that they weren’t right for each other in another fashion.


“So, Scott,” she said.  “Have you thought about what I said?  You know, about the Senior Dance next month?”


Scott rolled his eyes.  “Grace, I don’t know.  I’m really not up for it.”


“Scott, its your final year.  And, as usual, I’ve got girls cornering me asking if you’d ask them.  You should go.”


“What about you?  Don’t you want to go?’


“Well, I’ll be in California for Ty’s show probably, so I won’t be here.”


Scott sighed.  “I don’t know, Grace.  Maybe if someone asks me, I’ll go.  My mind’s just not on that right now.”


“Well, I’ll pass the word around that you’ll go if your’e asked,” Grace said.  “Then its first come, first serve!”


Scott chuckled.  “Crikey, you make me out to be the school stud or something!”


“Well, you are quite a catch,” Grace mused.  “When will you realize how special you are?”


Scott looked at Grace appreciatively.  “I just did.”


All of a sudden, Joe came into the house.  Grace jumped up, eager to tell her father about Ty’s concert.


As Grace begged and pleaded with Joe, Scott stood there thinking.  It would probably do him some good to enjoy himself this last year.  Grace and Ty were working on rekindling their relationship.  It wouldn’t do him any good to sit home and sulk.


He’d go to the dance if asked.




The next day, the lads showed up for their first ever photo shoot.  Waiting for them inside was the photographer, his assistant, hair, makeup and wardrobe people. 


Mick Stein had flown in from New York to accompany the lads, as a good manager should.  They all sat with the photographer to discuss the band’s style and music to come up with an appropriate look to sell them to the right market.


As soon as a plan was mapped out, the lads were wisked away to hair and makeup.  Since they were all young and goodlooking, not much had to be done – just a little fine polishing.


First came Mark.  The stylist, an attractive blonde woman in her early 30’s, assessed him with much thought before deciding what to do.  Mark blushed under the scrutiny, but he was rather enjoying it as well. 


His best feature, beside his handsome, youthful face, was his topaz colored eyes.  His dirty blonde hair did nothing to bring them out.  She streaked some dark low-lights into it to accent the golden color of his eyes.  She then washed, trimmed and blow dried his hair before working in some gel to give it and uneven, piecey look. 


Once he was done, Randy came next.  One look at his dark green bedroom eyes, the 30ish woman thought she’d swoon at the sight of the 20 year old drummer.


Randy arrogantly grinned at the stylist, knowing the effect he was having on her.  She took a deep sigh, as she worked her fingers through his hair, deciding on a shape and style.  Randy closed his eyes and groaned a bit.


“Mmm, that feels good, luv,” he purred.


The stylist got very warm at the sound of his voice and cleared her throat to recapture her professionalism.


“I’m sure it does, lad,” she said.  “However, I’m trying to determine a look for you.”


“Take your time, luv,” he replied with a wicked grin, displaying his dimple.


“Lord, these lads are gonna have their female fans in knots,” the stylist thought.


Randy’s deep, chestnut colored hair already made his eyes spring out, but made his skin seem a bit pale.  She stratetically brushed some lighter brown streaks in his hair to make his skin appear a bit warmer.  She then washed it and gave him a stylish, uneven cut.  After drying it, she sprayed in a shine enhancer to give his hair a glossy finish.  She put a finger under his chin to lift his head up to access her work, then quickly got him out of there before the carnal thoughts she was having weakened her knees further.


As Randy left for makeup, Ty walked in next.  The stylist took one look at him and inwardly groaned.  “Damn, these lads really must’ve been in the front of the line in the gene department,” she thought.  “Each one is better looking than the last!”


“Sit down, lad,” she said to Ty in a very professional manner.


When he did, she scanned his hair and face.  No doubt, his gorgeous blue eyes were his best feature, but his light brown, softly curled hair overpowered them.  She ran her fingers through his hair.


“I’d hate to have to straighten this, but I can’t think of an appropriate style that’ll work with your natural curl.  Don’t worry, it’ll only be temporary for the shoot.”


Ty smiled up at her.  “I’m in your hands, luv.”


Damn, whats with these young ones calling me ‘luv’?” she thought.  She quite liked it though!


Since Ty had natural blonde highlights, courtesty of his mum, she didn’t have to correct any coloring.  She washed his hair and conditioned it with a thick formula to eliminate any frizz.  She then applied a serum to his wet hair and, instead of going very straight, she styled in in a soft, natural wave.  The then applied Bed Head’s Shine Junkie to the ends to keep them from frizzing.  She pulled a few wavy pieces down to brush his brow and frame his cornflower blue eyes before spraying it into place.


When Ty left, she took a long drink of cold water, wondering what the last one looked like.  As soon as Kevin came in with his dark curly hair, and velvety brown soulful eyes, she gave up.


That’s it, I’m gonna have a heart attack now!” she thought.


She could tell he was a bit older than the other lads, and also had a calculating, mischievous look about him.


Kevin plopped himself in the chair without asking as his eyes immediately took in the stylists lovely figure that was clad in dark blue jeans and a fitted, lavender top with a plunging neckline.


As she stood in front of him to work her fingers through his hair, Kevin licked his lips at the sight of her breasts directly in front of his face.


She decided to make small talk.  “How are you today, lad?”


“Well, the view is nice, I can say that much!”


The stylist looked at him with admonishment, to which Kevin just grinned.  “Sorry darlin’,” he drawled.  “I didn’t mean to sound crude.  When I have an attractive woman so close to me like this, its kinda hard to form any appropriate words.”


The stylest rolled her eyes, although she was getting sucked in by his maturity and confidence.


“Well, thank you, young man.”


“So, I went from being a ‘lad’ to a ‘young man’, eh?  Did I grow up that quick in a matter of seconds?”


The stylist laughed at his wit.  “Well, I can tell that you’re older than the other lads, but you’re still young.  Younger than me, that is.”


“Well, I just turned 22.  You’re older than me by what, two three years?”


The stylist stared him down, feeling a need to stay one-up on the sharp witted young man.  “I’m 33, but thank you for the compliment.”


“You sure don’t look it,” Kevin crooned.  “So, tell me, do you like younger men?”


“I see you’re the charmer of the foursome,” the stylist retorted.


‘And the most successful,” he shot back.  “My name is Kevin.  And you are……?”


She put a hand on his shoulder and stared down at him.  “I’m Pamela.  Nice to meet you Kevin.”


“Do you mean that?”


“Yes, I do.”


“How much?”


Pamela laughed.   “And, I see you’re the shyest of the foursome as well!”


“It turns the ladies on, don’t you think?”


Pamela was enjoying this baiting back and forth with Kevin – a little too much.  Having those three good looking lads who just paraded through here got her a little worked up and Kevin was proving to be the icing on the cake.


“Kevin, I think you should stop while you’re ahead,” Pamela said.  “Save the charm for someone your age.”


“Actually, we’re more of a perfect fit than you think,” Kevin boldly stated.


Pamela folded her arms and stood in front of him.  “Oh?  How so?”


Kevin stood up out of the chair, his tall, lean body hovering over her.


“Well, think about it,” he said in a sultry voice.  “A woman hits her sexual peak in her 30’s and a man in his late teens/early 20’s.  So, I think we’d do well together.”


Pamela gulped as she tried to calm her pounding heart.  She stared up into Kevin’s determined face, desperately trying to gain the control back in this situation.


She took on an intimidating tone, and reached up to cup his face.  “Kevin, luv,” she said with all the confidence she could muster.  “Trust me.  You wouldn’t be able to handle me!”


Kevin leaned down, dangerously close to her lips.  “Oh, I’d love an opportunity for you to back that up, luv!”


Pamela felt herself giving in to a very bold decision.  She’d put this arrogant young rock star in his place – pronto!


She slipped away from under his stare, walked over to the door and locked it.  She then turned around and advanced on him.


“Get ready for a lesson you’ll never forget!”





Ty, Mark and Randy stood around running their fingers through their newly coifed hairstyles and adjusted the stylish clothes that wardrobe just fitted them for.


Mark wore black jeans, a white v neck t-shirt and a brown distressed leather jacket.


Randy was dressed in blue jeans, a deep burgendy buttoned up, untucked shirt and a black leather vest.


Ty was attired in dark blue jeans with black leather criss-crosses going up the side of each leg, a pale blue t-shirt with geometric cutouts and a hip length black leather jacket.


They all looked every bit like young, gorgeous rock stars!


As they stood around waiting for the photographer to be ready for them, Ty looked around then back at his bandmates.


“Where the hell is Kevin?”




Behind the locked door, Kevin’s hands gripped Pamela’s hips from behind as he mindlessly thrusted in and out of her body from where he had her bent over the stylist’s chair.


He then released his right hand to fill it with Pamela’s silky blonde hair as he pulled her back so that his chest was flush against her back.  His left hand then slid under her tight, lavender top and effortlessly unclasped the front of her bra. 


One hand fondled her breasts as the other dropped from her hair to her pelvis to hold her tight against him as he rammed in and out of her.  When her gasps began to indicate that she was close to her orgasm, Kevin pinched her nipples and lightly bit the back of her neck, sending her out of control.


“Kevin!  Oh..my…God, what….what ..are..you…d..doing….K…K…KEVIN!!”




Back outside, the lads heard Pamela’s cry of ecstasy, more specifically her crying Kevin’s name, and all looked at each other with awe upon their faces.


“No!” Randy said, shaking his head.  “No way.  He can’t be fucking her.”


All of a sudden, Kevin’s voice shook through the door.


“That’s right, Pamela!  Here’s a lesson you’ll never forget!”


Back outside, Ty broke out into a chuckle.  “Um, looks like he is!”


The photographer and his assistant looked at the three lads who were laughing hysterically, wondering what was up.  Since they were on the other side of the room, they didn’t hear the x-rated scene going on in the stylists room.


After a few moments, the photographer was ready for the band, but they looked at him a little sheepish.


“Um…we’re missing someone,” Mark said, stifling a giggle.


No sooner than he said that, the sound of a door unlocking and opening caused everyone’s heads to turn.  Out came Kevin, his black shirt unbuttoned as well as his jeans.  He met his bandmate’s dropped-mouth stares with a cocky grin.


“Okay, I’m done with the stylist,” he bragged.  He then looked around.  “Um….wardrobe lady?”





Two hours, several wardrobe changes and numerous rolls of film later, the photographer called it a day.  He felt he had enough to get several good promo pics out of what he took.  Fortunately, because of their looks and youth, the band was very photogenic.


Mick Stein went over to the photographer as soon as it was over.  “We need these ASAP,” Mick said.  “The boys are opening five shows in California in about a month and I need to get these promo shots immediately.”


“I can have them ready in a day or two,” the photographer said.  “I’ll pick a few good ones and make them up for autgraphing.”


“Good,” Mick said, just as his cell phone rang.  “Excuse me.  Hello?  Yeah, hey.   What?  Now?  Right now?  But these boys haven’t had a break…….yeah, okay, okay, if it’s the only time you can do it. We gotta get them on tv pronto.  Okay, we’ll pack up here and get the first flight out.”


Mick clicked his cell phone off then turned to the photographer.  “Send the promo shots overnight to my New York office as soon as their done.  Call me if any problems.”


Mick then handed him his card then went over to the lads.  “Well boys, go back to the flat and pack what you need.  We’ve got to catch the 8:00pm out of Heathrow to New York.”


Ty’s eyes almost bugged.  “What?  New York?  What for?”


“Video shoot,” Mick said.  “The director has the facility only for tomorrow so we’ve got to get it done now.”


Mark looked ready to drop.  “Do we have to shoot the video now?  Can’t it be done after the shows?”


“Yeah, the album won’t be released until after New Years,” Randy added.  “We can shoot it then.”


“No, I want to shoot it now,” Mick insisted.  “Listen, I’ve got copies of your demo circulating all the major rock stations in California.  If we get this video done now, I’ve got a friend who’s head of programming at VH-1.  He can get it into rotation for two full weeks before your first gig.  Between the radio play and the video, the fans going to the Carnal Substance shows are gonna know who you are and what to expect.  Plus, its gonna cause major anticipation for when your album comes out.  Trust me, I know what I’m doing.”


“I know,” Ty said.  “Its just all happening so fast.”


“Be prepared, its only gonna get worse,” Mick warned.  “After the video shoot, we’ll put you up till the promo pics get sent out.  Then you’ll have to autograph them.  The complimentary apartment is being used right now, so we’ll have to put you up in a hotel.  Nothing fancy, so don’t get any ideas, but it has a gym that I suggest you boys use to get yourselves in shape.  Once these five shows are done you’re gonna have pre-album release promo work to do.   Then we’ll take a short break for Christmas before getting right back into it.  The album’s scheduled for release on January 5th, which means I only have a month and a half to find who’s touring and get you an opening slot.”


Kevin slumped.  “Damn, I’m friggin’ wiped out just listening to all this!”


Mick smirked at him.  “Maybe you should’ve thought twice before banging the stylist!”


Kevin smiled proudly.  “She came on to me.


“Aye, she was flirting with us too,” Randy said.


“Yeah, but I was smart enough to take advantage of it,” Kevin said.  “You Brits are way too slow!”


“Not to worry mate,” Mark said.  “I plan on making up for it in California, right Ty?”


Ty looked a little sheepish.  “Um, well, to tell you the truth, I think I’m gonna play the good lad.”


“Yeah, right,” Randy said.


“Nope, I am,” Ty said.  “I already screwed up with Grace once, I’m not gonna do it again.”


Kevin rolled his eyes at Ty.  “Ty, now is not the time to play the faithful boyfriend!”


“There’s never gonna be a good time to start, Kev,” Ty said.  “I mean, Grace did mention keeping our relationship on hiaitus a little while longer because of touring, but……I just got her back in my life, though we’re taking it slow.”


“Mate, if she’s giving you the go ahead, then go for it,” Mark said.  “We’re gonna be in California!  Beaches, blondes and bikinis!”


“Guys, I’ve been to California many times,” Ty said.  “Remember, Phil, Viv and Rick live there.”


“Yeah, but you haven’t been there as a rock star,” Randy said.  “This is a little different.”


Ty pinched his temples.  “I know, I know,” he said.  “Its just…..its something I have to prove to myself that I can do.”


Kevin smacked him in the back.  “Good luck, dude.  You’ll need it!”


“Aye boys,” Mick yelled from across the room.  “Enough chit-chat!  Get your things and lets get out of here.  We’ve got a plane to catch.”





The next several weeks was an exhausting whirl for the band.  First up was the video shoot.  They chose to release ‘You Release Me’ as their first single off their upcoming album ‘Detonate’.  The video was simply done with the band playing in a moonlit open field with a backround story of a young man trying to get to his girlfriend’s house to rescue her when a fight between her parents turns violent. 


After that was done, Mick convinced the director to shoot the band performing another song for a followup video and to fill a simple story line in later.  They went with the melodic ‘It Isn’t Love’ for their second video and, with a simple wardrobe and backdrop change, the director shot it in no time flat.


The video for ‘You Release Me’ was quickly edited and in Mick’s hands to be delivered to his close contact at VH-1.  While this was going on, the photographer had overnighted the promo shots which the lads spent a good portion of the morning autographing. 

With very little time left, Mick went into overdrive putting together a small, no-nonsense tour staff with the budget he had to work with.  Equipment tech’s and a few roadies to set up and disassemble were all that were needed since the lads didn’t have any elaborate stage show.  For the five short shows, Mick doubled as the tour manager as well.  A simple wardrobe of two different stage outfits were selected for the lads to alternate between the shows so there was no need for a traveling wardrobe/laundress.


Once this was all set into motion, the lads put together a song set and began the long, tiresome rehearsal of their stage act. While this was all happening,  VH-1 had premiered their video.  ‘You Release Me’s’ catchy lyrics, melodic rock tempo and heartwrenching backdrop story, not to mention the lads youthful good looks and fire, caught the public’s attention and and instantly became a highly requested video.  A week before their first show, everyone was wondering who Crossfire was.


The lads arrived in California two days before their first show in San Diego.  With all the buzz created from their video, Mick siezed the opportunity to get the lads an interview at a local rock radio station that was heavily promoting the concert.  It was for the same day that Carnal Substance was to do their radio interview that afternoon, so Mick scheduled Crossfire’s for the morning.


The radio station began advertising Crossfire and Carnal Substance’s in-studio appearance as soon as it was booked and, the day before the concert when they showed up, there was a surprising sea of fans. 


The lads looked out the window of the car and couldn’t believe their eyes.


“Crikey,” Ty exclaimed.  “They’re here to see us?”


“The album’s not even due out until after New Years,” Kevin said in awe.  “I can’t believe all this is because of the video.”


“That and a lot of heavy promoting, boys,” Mick said.  “And, I did some pushing and moved the album release date up.  It should be in stores the week after the fifth gig.  Since the video’s been in high demand, the 5 week wait for the album to be released might cause some interest to wane.  Mercury had the album ready to ship, but we had originally agreed to wait after the Christmas holiday for conflict reasons.  Now it seems like the the prime time to release it, while the video is hot and after your five gigs are over.  Plus, it’ll be in stores right before Christmas, so it should make for a good gift idea!”


“Wow, Mick,” Mark said in wonder.  “You orchestrated all this so fast?”


“That’s my job,” Mick replied.


“Why do I feel like our’s is gonna be a bit harder?” Randy asked.


“Maybe because it will be,” Mick answered with all honesty.


As the car stopped, the four members of Crossfire and Mick stepped out.  There had to be about 150 fans there, mostly female, ranging from 16-25 years old.  Mick was glad that he decided to bring along a stack of promo pics and the leftover 50 copies of the demo. 


After the lads sat through their first interview, fielding questions on their formation, song writing inspiration, musical influences and, of course, Ty and Kevin’s famous fathers, they left the studio to head to the parking lot where Mick had rounded up a long folding table and four chairs for the lads to sign autographs. 


Mick passed out the remaining demos to 50 lucky fans while everyone got a promo pic.  To try not to even out the ratio of male to female interest, he gave the demos to mostly males.  He knew this business was just as much about image as it was music and the male fans were more music-oriented whereas the female fans were drawn to a combination of image and music.


The lads saw the set up and the long lines waiting for their demo and pics to be autographed.  They just stood there for a moment with dropped jaws, disbelieving that these people were here for them.  It took a little bit of the nervous edge off their first real performance tomorrow night.


The band spent almost three hours signing demos, pics and talking with fans.  They were all propositioned at one point or another by a few female fans to which they dejectedly had to turn down.


As the session wrapped, the crowd had still hung around while Crossfire readied to leave.  As they did, another car had pulled up.  Carnal Substance had arrived for their afternoon in-studio interview and thought that the crowd in the parking lot was for them.


As they got out of their car, several fans from the crowd headed over in their direction.  When they noticed that the rest of the crowd remained back with four young men, they were curious as to what was going on.


Their manager met Mick Stein in the middle of the parking lot.  They shook hands and spoke for a few minutes for parting.


As Carnal Substance’s manager walked back, the band’s lead singer took him by the arm.


“Who in bloody hell are those blokes?’


The manager gulped and looked at the lead singer a little sheepishly.


“Your opening act.”


The lead singer saw the the crowd around Crossfire in comparison to the few fans that greeted them when they got out of the car and grimaced.






Back in Sheffield, Scott just walked out of his Calculus class when he felt a soft hand touch his arm.  He turned to find his classmate, a girl named Karen, look up at him with hope-filled eyes.


“Um, hi Scott,” she nervously said.  “Can…can I talk to you before you go to your next class.”


Scott smiled warmly at her.  “Sure Karen,” he said as they walked through the double doors to a stairwell that wasn’t commonly used.  Once they were away from the noise and the hustle of students switching classes, Karen turned to look up into Scott’s gorgeous blue eyes..


“Um……I hope its not too late, but…well, Grace said that you’d be interested in going to the Senior Dance if someone asked you.”


Scott blushed a bit, knowing where this was going.  Grace had told him that Karen was one of the girls who had shown interest in him over some time.  Between his relationship with Chelsea, and the situation with Grace, he never really took the time to consider any of the other girls in his class.  As he gazed upon her beautiful blue-green eyes and cinnamon colored hair, he realized that his head really has been in the clouds lately.

He did agree to go to the dance, if asked and, right now, this lovely lass was.


“Yeah, that’s right,” Scott replied shyly.  “I guess I’ve been so wrapped in in studying for finals, preparing for my entrance exam and university applications that I hadn’t given much thought to anything fun.  I…I think I’d like to go, since its my last year and all.”


Karen bit her lip.  “So…no one’s asked you?”


Scott gave her a grin that almost caused her knees to melt.  “Not till now,” he replied.


Karen’s heart fluttered with anticipation.  “So…would you like to go together?”


Scott’s grin gave way to a full fledged smile.  “I’d love to!”


Karen thought she’d faint.  “Oh…oh, well good!  Um, how about I give you my number so we can, you know, call each other and confirm everything.”


Karen wrote her name and number down and handed it to Scott.


“Thanks luv,” he softly said, winking at her.  “I’ll, uh….give you a call, if I don’t talk to you in school first.”


Karen’s cheeks pinkened as she smiled.  “Okay Scott.  I’m glad you decided to go.  Its our last year so we should make it special.  I’ll be looking forward to next Saturday night.”


“Me too luv,” he said.  “Um, what class do you have next?”


Karen rolled her eyes.  “Ugh, Chemistry,” she groaned.  “But, I need it, since I plan on going to nursing school.”


Scott’s eyes widened.  “Really?  I’m going into sports medicine.”


“Oh Scott, that’s a great career choice,” she said with all sincerity.  “I’ve been wanting to be a nurse ever since I was a little girl.  I um…..used to play make believe when I was very young, you know…bandaging up my stuffed toys and dolls.”


Scott laughed at her wit and honestly, suddenly regretting the time he wasted in getting to know her earlier.  “Oh luv, that’s brilliant,” he mused.  “Perhaps I should’ve practiced on Ty, since was always coming home bruised and scraped from something or other.”


“Hey, speaking of Ty, Grace tells me that he formed a band and they just got a record contract.”


Scott dropped his head a bit, suddenly feeling like he was paling in comparison with his rock star older brother.  “Yeah, its true.  Taking after my dad, I guess.”


Karen noticed his expression and put a hand on his arm.  “Well, if you ask me I think medicine is a more nobler profession.  Not that I don’t like rock music, but I think we can find more fulfillment in our field, don’t you think?”


“Yeah, I do,” he replied.


Scott’s arm tingled from her touch, realizing that he hadn’t had any physical contact with a lass since that fateful episode with Grace on his couch.  The warmth of her fingers and the genuineness of her words made him feel ten feet tall right now, and looking very forward to the dance next Saturday night.


“C’mon, I’ll walk you to Chemistry,” he said as he absentmindedly took her hand.


As they walked down the hall to their lockers, Grace was rounding the corner to her next class and spotted them.  She saw Scott’s hand entwined with Karen’s and she suddenly felt a pang of jealousy that she had no right to feel.  She truly did want Scott to find happiness with someone and Karen was a pleasant, likable lass. 


Grace knew the reason for her envy lied with the fact that Karen was able to see Scott, whereas the object of her affection was all the way on the other side of the Atlantic preparing for his first show on the morrow.


She sighed heavily, knowing she had to wait until next Thursday when her and her father left for California for Ty’s show in Los Angeles.





Crossfire waited in the hospitality room at the San Diego Sports Arena with a small crowd of people around. It was an hour before showtime and they were too jittery to do anything but pace.


Ty kept looking at the clock on the wall, wondering when his dad was gonna arrive.  Sav arranged to be in California for all five shows, whereas Joe and Grace would be joining him and meeting up with Phil, Viv and Rick at the final show in Los Angeles.


Randy continued to twirl his drumsticks in his hands as Mark sat not too far from him.  Since both their families were in England, no one could be here to see them in their first real show.  In a way, both lads were a bit relieved.  Just in case they fell flat on their faces tonight, they didn’t want any immediately family members witnessing it!


Kevin was especially nervous as he drank a Rolling Rock in between cracking his knuckles.  He, too, kept looking from the clock on the wall to the door.  Everytime it opened, his insides jumped, only to find that it was just someone else associated with the tour.


Just then, the door opened and the lead singer for Carnal Substance, Jason Leeds, came in, accompanied by one of his road crew.  He went up to Ty and shook his hand.


“Just want to wish you good luck, mate,” Jason said with a leer.  “Expecting about 4,000 tonight.”


Ty wished he hadn’t said that.  “Four thousand?  Crikey, that’s a far cry from the pub days.”


Jason slowly appraised Ty before glancing over at the other three lads and grinned a bit mischievously.  Sure, they were young, talented had a hot video out and a much anticipated debut album to be released.  But they were also new to this business and wet behind the ears. 


In Jason’s devious eyes, Crossfire was the perfect band to open up for them -  some untested, unknowns who’d bore the crowd just enough so they’d anticipate Carnal Substance’s performance even more.


Having already put three successful albums out already, Carnal Substance’s fourth release got lukewarm reviews which resulted in poor sales.  They felt their star beginning to fall on their short career and was in dire need of an ego boost.  Having a young, naïve rock band opening for them would do the trick.


Jason looked back to Ty.  “Look a little nervous there, laddie,” he mused.  “How about a shot of vodka to calm the nerves?  Oh, wait….I do believe the drinking age is 21 here in the States. How about a juice box instead?”


Ty narrowed his eyes at Jason’s sarcasm, suddenly feeling uneasy about this arrangement.  Kevin overheard that last comment and immediately came to Ty’s side.


“Thanks for the offer there, Jas, but hard stuff doesn’t go too well before a show, ya know?”


Jason eyed Kevin who, at three years older than Ty, seemed more difficult to challenge.  Before he could give a good comeback, the roadie next to him chimed in.


“Well, I wouldn’t worry about your performance tonight, lads,” the roadie said to Ty and Kevin.  “I heard about the reception you had at the radio station yesterday.  Plus that video of yours is awesome!  You’ll do fine tonight.”


Jason looked at the roadie with daggers.  “Who asked for your fuckin’ opinion!”  Jason then glared at Ty and Kevin before leaving, the roadie not too far behind.


Mark and Randy had witnessed Jason’s outburst and came over to Ty and Kevin just as Jason left.


“What was that all about?”


“I don’t know, probably trying to psyche us out,” Ty said.


“Obnoxious little prick,” Kevin seethed.


As the door swung closed from Jason, it swung back open as Sav walked in.  Ty took one look at his father and sighed with relief.  Sav came over and hugged him.


“Aye lad, how ya feeling?”


“About to wretch,” Ty replied.


Sav looked at the other three.  “This is it, lads.  Moment you’ve been waiting for.”


“Oh, will you stop making it sound like an execution,” Randy complained.


“Maybe we should work off some of these nerves by pounding Jason’s face,” Kevin said.


Sav narrowed his eyes at him.  “What?  Not playing nice already?”


“Something about him I just don’t like,” Kevin said, as his eyes glanced back up at the clock.


“Kevin, stop looking at the clock,” Mark chided.  “We’ve got about 45 minutes left.”


Ty playfully nudged Kevin.  “Can’t wait to get onstage, eh?”


“No, its not that….I…..”


Kevin was cut off when the door opened and a tall man with dark, curly hair laced with a bit of gray, and dark, soulful eyes that mirrored his own, walked inside.


Ty, Mark and Randy looked towards the door to see what cut Kevin off.  They then looked back to Kevin, who’s face was a mix of uncertainty and relief, then back to the man.


Sav turned to look as well, taking only a few moments to digest who it was.  A slow smile crept upon his face at the sight of a familiar face, though years older, after so long a time.


The man walked directly up to Kevin, the smile on his face getting wider the closer he got.  Ty, Mark and Randy moved out of the way as Kevin stepped a bit forward to greet the man.


“Hey dad.”


Neal Schon’s eyes proudly appraised his son, who was about to follow in his footsteps, before closing the gap between them and giving him a hug.


“Hey son.”




As Kevin and his dad broke their hug, Neal turned to Sav.


“Rick Savage, you old bastard!” he exclaimed, slapping him on the shoulder before taking him in a fierce hug as well.


“Feeling old, especially in front of these lads,” Sav said, embracing him.  “How’ve ya been, Neal?”


“Pretty good.  Can’t complain.  Although the last year has had me in a quandry wondering what my vagabond son has been up to.  All I got was phone calls with little bits and pieces about playing in a pub in London.  Then he calls me two weeks ago and springs the whole kit and caboodle on me – record deal, opening act – the works!”


“Well, I didn’t want to say anything solid until I knew for sure dad,” Kevin said.  “And…I wanted to surprise you.”


“Well you did,” Neal said, looking at Tyler next.  Neal put an arm around Ty’s shoulder then turned to Sav.  “I’m assuming this acorn fell from your tree.”


Sav grinned proudly.  “That’s right.  I also have another son, Scott, who’s two years younger.”


“Good work, Sav,” Neal said exuberantly before turning to Mark and Randy.  “And you boys must be Randy and Mark – the percussion team.”


Randy smiled.  “Did the drumsticks in my hand give it away?”


Neal smiled and winked.  “Quick wit, I like it!  Shows you’re not easily intimidated.  Can’t be in this business.”


“Well if that’s the case, Mr. Schon,” Mark said, “Kevin’ll never be afraid of anything.  He’s been jabbing us since he showed up for his audition.”


“Are you kidding?” Ty said.  “He started with his sharp mouth the moment he called me.  We knew he would either be the guitarist we were looking for or our worst nightmare.  Turned out to be a little of both!”


Neal put his arm around Kevin then looked at the other three lads.   “Its all in the California attitude, boys.”


“Oh, I know about that,” Sav said.  “Viv, Rick and Phil live in California and their children have quickly developed it.”


“So, you still in Ireland, Sav?”


“No.  Joe and I moved back to Sheffield several years ago so we could raise the kids there.”


“Joe?  Joe Elliott?” Neal let out a chuckle.  “I think you guys’ll be friends forever. How’s he doing?”


“Real good.  Him and his daughter Grace will be here for the last show in Los Angeles.”


“Great, can’t wait to see him,” Neal said.  “A daughter, huh?  Might not be the best place for a young lady to be!”


Sav eyed Ty who, in turn, looked at Neal.  “Yeah well Grace is kinda my girl,” Ty said.  “We were sweethearts in high school, but we broke up when I went off to university.   We just reconnected and, well….looking forward to it being successful.”


“Ooooh, bitten by the love bug at such a young age,” Neal said, before turning to Kevin.  “Any special lady in your life?”


“Nope, and I don’t plan on it yet,” Kevin said.  He then put an arm each around Mark and Randy’s shoulders.  “Since Ty is playing the boy scout, I guess the three of us are gonna have to divvy the ladies up between us.”


Randy sighed.  “A tough task, but someone’s gotta do it!”


Mark put the back of his hand to his forehead, feigning exasperation.  “So many women….so little time!”


Neal turned to Sav and whispered.  “Sometimes I miss those days.”


Sav grinned and was about to answer before Ty answered for him.  “Be careful what you say, dad else I’ll tell mum!”


Sav blushed and Neal chuckled.  “Guess Kevin’s California sassiness is rubbing off on your British lad there, Sav.”


“Yeah, but this British dad can still smack that sassiness right out!”


Everyone shared a laugh when the door opened.  The stage manager came in and scanned the room until his eyes fell on the lads.


“Better get on out boys.  You’re on in ten minutes.”


The faces of all four lads fell.  They were enjoying themselves with Kevin’s dad so much that they forgot about why they were here.  The nervousness set in again.  Sav saw it and went to Ty, placing his hands on his shoulders.


“Tyler, I know its easier said than done, but just go out and do your best.  Don’t’ worry about winning any popularity contests.  Remember, its your first show.”


Ty nodded his head and bit his lip.  “Okay.  Dad….thanks.  You’re gonna be waiting here, right?”


“I’m not going anywhere,” Sav said warmly.  “Go get ‘em, lad.  And….I’m proud of you.”


Ty had a tough time fighting back the tears that pricked his eyes.  Sav playfully shoved him out the door before turning to Randy and Mark.  Since their families couldn’t be here, he knew they needed encouragement.


Mark looked at Sav.  “Any last minute bass tips?”


“Hold it as if it were the most precious thing in the world, and play it with all your heart.  Ty’s gotta concentrate on singing and Kevin on his solos, so you make eye contact with the crowd, especially the girls in the front row!”


Mark smirked.  “Now, that I can do!:”


Sav then turned to Randy.  “Lad, play like your life depends on it, because it does.  Just put your heart and soul into it and don’t force anything.”


Randy nodded with appreciation before walking out.  As the lads hit the stage, Sav and Neal walked side by side down the corridor to watch from the wings.  As they did, Neal nudged Sav.


“Think they have any idea that we’re about as nervous as they are?”


“Probably not!”






Through the curtain, Crossfire heard the roar of 4,000 fans get louder as the houselights dimmed, signaling that the show was about to start.  The band spent their quick ten minutes with the techs plugging in and doing some minor testing before getting the signal that everything was a go.


The band decided to start the show off with a song off with something powerful to get the audience rocking right away.  The song, ‘Ready to Rock’, not only appears on their debut album, but also on the demo so it would be familiar.   It also began with an infectious drum and bass intro that was guaranteed to wind up the crowd.


Ty tapped his mic a few times before turning to look to Mark, Randy and Kevin.  Ty walked towards Randy as Kevin and Mark followed.  Randy stood up from his drum kit and put his hand out.  One by one, the other lads stacked their hands on top, sealing their bond before breaking.


Ty walked back to the mic and, remembering his father’s words.  He just concentrated on playing his heart out, not winning anyone over.  His young, raspy voice belted into the mic.


“San Diego!”


The crowd cheered louder.


“Are you ready?”


Again, more cheering.


“I said……are you ready?”


Again, louder.


“What I mean is……..are you ‘ready to rock’?”


The crowd took the hint, and, being familiar with that song from the demo, cheered louder in anticipation.  The curtains still remained closed while all that was heard was the drum and bass intro.  Mark stood up on the drum riser facing Randy as they played the intro in perfect time, before Ty came in with the vocals and guitar as the curtain opened.


Get ready……… watch out,

Gonna knock you right off you’re feet,


Rock steady………. and shout,

Till ya just can’t stand the heat,


If it makes ya move,

If you feel the groove,

If you’re mind is free,

Then you must be……


Ready…ready….ready to rock!


“Tell me San Diego are you?” Ty shouted at them


Ready…ready…ready to rock!


The fast paced, hard driving song, in your face lyrics, searing guitar hooks and throbbing percussion got the crowd instantly wound up.  When the lads felt the cheering cut right through them during the chorus, they began to feel a little relaxed.   Since they were only opening, they only had a six song set.


After ‘Ready to Rock’, Ty spoke out to the crowd to interact with them.  The band then segued into another song called ‘Livin’ For The Moment’, before slowing it down with a ballad that sped up towards the end to make it more alive.  They then went into ‘You Release Me’, which got the biggest reaction from the crowd since they were familiar with it from the video.  They kept up the tempo with a fast paced, melodic song called ‘Begin Again’.


No denyin’, anymore…this masquerade you play,

Don’t go cryin’, out that door, when you really want to stay,

You know we’ve, come this far, so tell me what you need,

This love leaves, battlescars, that are too tired to bleed,


Can you feel it?

Deep inside

You can take this anywhere,

But just don’t take me for a ride


When giving up, is giving in

When to care becomes a sin,

Don’t go sayin’ it’s the end,

Lets just begin (begin) again (again),


When hurting you, is hurting me,

When we’re both too blind to see,

Its not worth it to pretend,

Its just better to begin (begin) again (again)


Kevin went to the edge of the stage and stared out into the crowed before he bent his body back to go into his solo.  Ty moved away from his mic to keep the rythem while Mark worked his area of the stage, keeping his bass low and straight and moving his body in time.  He did what Sav said and kept his eyes focused on the front row, which was lined with some pretty hot looking girls.  Mark’s eyes latched onto one very pretty brunette who licked her lips at him.  Mark responded back by winking and running his tongue across his teeth.  The girl then further responded by cupping her full breasts in her hands and bending her head down to lick the tops of them.


Mark threw his head back and rolled his eyes before moving to work another part of the stage, remembering it wasn’t good to stay in one place too long.


Ty had moved over to where Kevin was doing his solo and pressed his back up flush against his.  Ty’s rhythem guitar harmony put a hard edge on Kevin’s solo and the two young rockers jammed together – heads back, eyes closed.  The crowd ate it up.


In the back, Randy pounded the skins until he felt them vibrate through his very being.  He was totally pumped and the pre-show jitters were nothing but a fading memory.


After the song, Ty pulled off his long sleeved, buttoned shirt and tied the arms around the waist of his jeans.  Kevin pulled his t-shirt off and tucked it into the back of his jeans.  Mark had his short sleeved, buttoned shirt undone all the way and hanging off his shoulders.


Needless to say, the female screams were deafening when they did this.


Ty then announced the final song for which he was met with a chorus of boos.  He never thought ‘boos’ could be such a wonderful sound.  He told the crowd that this was another single off their soon-to-be released album and announced the release date as well.  He also told them to be looking out for the video.  With one final countdown, the band ended with ‘It Isn’t Love’.


When they finished, Ty, Kevin and Mark took off their guitars and Randy pumped his fist in the air and jumped up from his drum kit to join them at the front of the stage to take bows. 


Randy pulled his t-shirt off on the way down and wiped the sweat from his brow with it.  As he was about to stick it in the back of his cargo pants, he noticed a pretty blonde leaning against the gated area separating the front row from the main stage.  Her arms were outstretched to Randy.


Randy wickedly grinned at her and tossed her his damp t-shirt.  As it fell into her hands, several other girls accosted her trying to tear it from her grip.  Randy stared at the other lads in disbelief as this happened.

Their ovation was deafening as they shouted their goodbye’s into the mic and waved before running off.


The lads were handed clean, dry towels and bottled water as they came off.  They were on a pure adrenaline rush and continued to shout and whoop until they got to their dressing room area.


Ty briskly rubbed the towel over his damp curly hair and sweat sheened chest and arms as he walked inside the room.  His heart pounded and ears screamed from the excitement, so much that he couldn’t think straight.  He was so full of emotion that, as soon as he locked eyes with his father, he threw his towel and water on a nearby chair and practically ran to him and threw himself into his arms.


“Dad!  Oh my God, dad!  I don’t believe it!  I don’t bloody believe it!   We did it!  We did it!”


Sav was so overwhelmed by his exuberant, trembling son that he couldn’t form any words.  All he did was hold Ty as tears of pride and joy pricked his blue eyes.


After a few moments, Sav found Mark and Randy and embraced them as well.  Neal, equally blown away by the power and energy of the band, clasped Kevin to his chest and gave him the praise he longed to hear.


Crossfire had arrived.


Since the door to the room was open, Carnal Substance passed by it on their way to the stage.  The mini celebration inside, combined with the echos of the crowd chanting ‘Crossfire’, made Jason Leeds look back at his bandmates before shooting a hatefilled look at their opening act.


Jason had four shows left with this hot, young band.  But he’d make sure that they’d find out that all won’t go as perfectly as tonight.