The fifth and final show in Los Angeles arrived all too quick for Crossfire.  From their first show in San Diego to the one the night before in La Jolla, each one had turned out better than the last.  The lads were getting better and playing tighter with each show.  The chemistry they had on stage was clearly evident to the audience and it was only magnified by their music.


The band was doing soundcheck that afternoon when Kevin came up to Ty and nudged him.


“So, loverboy….anticipating tonight?”


Ty glanced at him.  “Meaning?”


“Damn, are all you Brits that slow?  Isn’t Gracie-poo coming tonight?”


“Yes she is, smart-ass,” Ty replied with a smirk.  “I’d appreciate it if you’d at least try to act like a human being around her.”


“Am I anything but?”


“No!  You’ve been a horny animal these last four shows.  Which reminds me.  Who was that girl you were snogging last night?”


Kevin scrunched up his face.  “Snogging?”


Ty rolled his eyes.  “Kissing.  Sucking face.  Tonsil-hockey.”


“Oh, well those I understand.  Speak English, dude.  And not your English!  Um….what about her?”


“She looked mite familiar.  I’ve seen her at all the shows.”


Kevin smirked mischievously.  “Well, seems only natural that Jason Leed’s girlfriend would come to his shows.”


Ty almost choked.  “That….that was Jason’s girlfriend you were with?  Are you flippin’ nuts?  The bloke hates us as it is.”


“C’mon, Ty, where’s your sense of adventure.  And, I could care less if he hates us.  After tonight, we’ll never see his ugly face again.  He’s only pissed cuz we’ve been upstaging ‘em.”


Ty had to agree.  “Yeah, its been bloody incredible.  And the look on Jason’s face is precious when we come off stage and the crowd is still cheering for us.”


“Yeah, well, I’d love to go up and spit in that precious face of his,” Kevin fumed.  “There’s something about him I just don’t like.”


“So, you’re getting back at him by bonking his girl?”


Again, Kevin looked confused.  “Bonking?”


Again, Ty rolled his eyes.  “Shag.  Screw.  Nail………Fuck!”


Kevin feigned recognition.  “Ah, okay, now I understand.  However, no I haven’t bonked her.  Not yet, at least!  Maybe tonight.  Perhaps as a little ‘going away’ present. Anyway, she’s sick of him.  Can’t blame her.”


“I think you’re playing with fire, mate.”


“Or….maybe you’re just frustrated because you’ve been on your best behavior these last four shows, mate,” Kevin mocked. “God, the women backstage are unbelievable.  Randy and Mark probably thought they died and went to heaven!  They’ve been coming onto you big time, but you’ve just given them an autograph and a kiss.  Such control.  Or…should I say…..love!”


“I do love Grace,” Ty said.  “I guess I kinda always did.  I already screwed up once.   I don’t want to do it again.”


“So tell me,” Kevin whispered as he put his arm around Ty.  “You gonna bonk her tonight?”


Ty glared at him.  “That’s for me to know and for you never to find out!  We just agreed to try another go at this.  I don’t just want to toss her in bed.”


“Yeah, but you’re pecker’s probably about to explode,” Kevin said.  “Hows about taking the edge off with a quick blow job?  I see two lovelies sitting out in the floor right now.”


“Kevin!  Quit it!”


“What?  A blow job isn’t sex.  Remember that scandal they had about 20 years ago in the States with the president.  His intern was sucking him clean under his desk while he was on the phone with some dignitary or something.  When he was questioned, he said he didn’t consider oral sex to be the same as sex, so it wasn’t cheating.  If it’s a good enough excuse for the president, its good enough for you!”


“Nice try, bloke, but I don’t think many women would agree with that.”


Kevin smacked him on the back.  “Well, grab a Penthouse and whack it.  Its your case of blue balls, not mine.”


Ty shoved him.  “Get out of here.”


While the lads continued on with their sound check, a roadie for Carnal Substance stood off to the side, intently scanning their equipment.  He specifically targeted Kevin’s amp and smiled devilishly.


Once their soundcheck was over, he had some serious wire-cutting to do. 





An hour before they were supposed to go on, Crossfire paced the confines of their dressing room, mentally preparing themselves.  A knock on the door caused them to break their concentration.




The door slowly opened and Phil popped his head in.  “Yoo-hoo,” he playfully sang.  “Is this the private sanctuary of the young rock Gods, Crossfire?”


“Uncle Phil!”  Ty crossed the room and hugged him.  Phil hugged him back before holding Ty out in front of him to inspect.


“Crikey, did you grow up or what?  Haven’t seen you since Rory’s wedding.”


Ty grimaced only temporarily about his awkward encounter with Diane that day and quickly let it pass as Phil looked him over.


“Tall, curly hair, open shirt, ripped jeans – just like your dad,” Phil mused.  “Oh wait…..” Phil reached down and popped the button on Ty’s jeans.  now, you’re just like your dad!”


“Stop Uncle Phil,” Ty said as he rebuttoned his jeans.  “C’mon, meet the other guys.”


Just as Phil shook hands with Kevin, Mark and Randy, more voices assailed their ears from behind.


“Ah, backstage before a concert,” Rick said as he entered.  “Certainly brings back memories.  Well, only the naughty ones.”


Ty smiled as Rick came in and hugged him before introducing him around.  Randy was especially honored to be in the presence of the famous drummer from Def Leppard.


“Aye, you guys said you were gonna wait for me so we can go in together!”


Everyone turned to see Viv enter.  “Quit complaining Campbell and get over here,” Phil shouted.  “Come greet your nephew and meet the lads.”


Viv quickly embraced Ty and took him in.  “Lad, everything about you screams ‘rock star’,” Viv said proudly. 


“Yeah, only he’s better looking than his dad,” Rick mused.


“Well, the ladies who used to crawl all over him wouldn’t think so,” Phil said, giggling.  “Aye, speaking of which, where is the old man?”


“Went to go pick up Uncle Joe and Grace from the airport then they’re coming over together.”


Phil shook his head. “Those two are up each other’s arses too much.  I’ll always wonder about them!”


Ty playfully shoved Phil.  “Ugh, Uncle Phil stop!  And no raunchy, embarrassing stories.”


“Um, speak for yourself,” Mark and Randy both said together. 


“Yeah, my ears are always open,” Kevin said.


“Well, you won’t get too much out of me since I never participated in, um…understage activities,” Rick said with a wiggle of his brow.


“And I believe I came into the picture way after that,” Viv countered.  “So, unless Sav is willing to spill his guts, which I wouldn’t count on, all we have is Phil to play storyteller!”


Phil looked at the ground and shuffled his foot with an ‘aw shucks’ attitude.  “Well…..if you really insist.”


“No,” Ty said appalled.  “Please, I really don’t want to hear sex stories about my dad.”


“Am I that revolting, Ty?”


Ty turned to see that Sav just walked in on the conversation and rolled his eyes. 


“Its not that, its just…..no one wants to hear about their parents ‘doin’ it.”


Sav looked hurt.  “Oh, and I was so ready to plop you on my  knee and tell all.  Oh well, your loss.”


Randy, Mark and Kevin were in the backround raising their hands.  “Um…we’re willing to listen!”


“Nevermind,” Ty said, just as Joe walked in with Grace behind him.  The sight of her distracted him to a point to where he felt like the only one in the room.  However, Joe came up to him first.


“Better late than never, eh lad?”


Ty gave him a hug.  “I’m glad you’re here.  You and Grace.  Thanks Uncle Joe.  It means a lot to me.”


Joe looked at him.  “I  know how important it is to have family and friends supporting you.  You won’t find a better bunch than who’s in this room right now.”


Ty nodded before Joe walked off to greet his old friends and the rest of the lads.  Ty shyly walked over to Grace, who looked positively smashing dressed in fitted black jeans and a black sleeveless top.  Her silky blonde hair was twisted up and held with a butterfly clip and silver hoops hung from her ears.  He couldn’t get over how beautiful she was.


“Hi luv,” he said, wanting to touch her, but was afraid to.


“Hello Ty,” she said.  “My, my, you certainly are the cardboard cutout of a rock star.”


Ty looked down at his faded, torn jeans and barely buttoned shirt with the sleeves rolled up before holding his arms out.  “Well, I didn’t exactly pick this out.  A wardrobe person selected our stage apparal.”


“Well, you’ve always looked good in anything,” Grace said with a blush.


Ty moved in closer to her and whispered in her ear.  “Or nothing!”


Grace looked at him wide eyed, which caused Ty to bite his tongue.  “Sorry, luv.  Didn’t mean to be so bold.  But, I just can’t forget…..you know.”


Grace cupped his face.   “I know, but we still have a lot to catch up on before we go that far again.  I mean, as soon as we caught up with each other again, you were wisked off to record and now this tour.  Whats gonna happen after this.”


Ty shrugged.  “Don’t know.  Mick hasn’t said if he has anything lined up.  I guess, maybe I’ll come home for a bit.”


“I’d like that.”


Ty was just about to lean in to kiss her soft lips when someone else entered the room and cleared his throat.  Ty looked up to see Neal standing there with a big grin on his face.


“Let me guess, this must be Joe’s daughter?”


“Um, yeah.  Grace, this is Neal Schon.  Kevin’s dad.  He was the lead guitarist for Journey.”


Neal took her hand gently.  “Nice to meet you, darlin’.  Ty’s been looking forward to seeing you tonight.”


Ty blushed over Neal’s remark, but not as much as Grace did.  Ty decided to hold off any more amorous advances towards Grace until they were alone.  They walked with Neal over to the rest of the group.  When Joe saw Neal, he threw his head back and let out a chuckle.


“Well I’ll be damned,” Joe said, hugging Neal.  “Sav told me you’d be here for the shows.  How are ya, mate?”


“Real good.  I hear things are going good for you as well.  Back in Sheffield, I see.”


“Yeah,” Joe said.  “Here we couldn’t wait to get out and now we moved back willingly.  Go figure!”


Neal then greeted Rick, Phil and Viv as everyone engaged in talk about Crossfire’s four successful shows and looking forward to a fifth.


“This has been exhausting, but I really don’t want it to end,” Randy admitted. 


“Mick hasn’t mentioned anything else lined up,” Mark said.  “Probably wait until after the album is released next week.”


Sav knitted his brows.  “Next week?  I thought it was scheduled for after the new year?”


“Oh well, Mick moved up the release date,” Ty said.  “Thought it might be better to release it right after the shows, while interest was still high and the video was going strong.”


Sav couldn’t help but grin very wide at the wondeful turn of events in his son’s life.  If he swelled any more with pride, he’d explode.”


Phil noticed it and giggled, before slapping Sav on the back.  “What a perfect picture of a proud papa you are,” Phil exclaimed.  “Crikey, Sav, I haven’t seen you smile that wide since…..since you were understage getting your…….”


Phil was cut off when Sav got him in a quick headlock with one arm and cupped his hand over his mouth with the other.


Ty groaned.  Grace covered her face.  Kevin, Mark & Randy panted.  “What?  What?”


Sav looked back annoyed.  “Nothing!  Besides, Phil’s always been a bloody exaggerator!”


“Yes, and my daugher is here Collen, so I’d appreciate it if you keep your filthy stories to yourself,” Joe said.


Phil was wildly shaking his head and trying to demonstrate with  his hands,  not being able to get out of Sav’s grasp.  Sav looked down at him.


“You may be in better shape Phil, but I am bigger than you, so watch it!”


Sav released him and Phil struggled to catch his breath.  “Aw, c’mon Sav.  I wasn’t gonna say anything.”


“Like hell you weren’t,” Sav retorted.  “Remember Phil, I’ve seen you do some pretty sick things on the road too.”


“Join the club,” Rick added.  “I think Phil was always the kinkiest.”


“Well, I’m not afraid to try anything once,” Phil said proudly.


Viv narrowed his eyes.  “Define anything?”


Phil gulped.  “Okay, well, anything that had to do with a woman.”


Sav folded his arms and looked at Phil non-chalantly.  “Or, a certain non-poisonous snake that some woman wanted to introduce to you one night, if you know what I mean?”


Phil’s mouth dropped.  “How?  How?  How did you know about that?”


Joe’s eyes almost fell out.  What?  What’s this about you and a snake?”


Grace gratefully covered her ears as Ty tapped Joe on the shoulder.  “Um, Uncle Joe….I don’t think now’s a good time for Uncle Phil to ask that.”


Joe looked at his daughter and immediately regretted it.  “Crikey, sorry.  But later Collen, you’re spilling it?”


Phil looked at Sav with daggers.  “Big mouth!”


Neal took all this in and laughed.  “Damn, I think Steve Perry, Jon Caine and I were choir boys compared to you guys.”


Joe put an arm around Neal.  “Well, perhaps after the show, us dads can all go out and trade war stories, eh?”


Neal shook Joe’s hand, sealing the bargain when the stage hand came in to tell Crossfire they were on.


Ty turned to Grace.  “Kiss for good luck, luv?”


Grace couldn’t turn that down and leaned up to touch her lips to his.  She never forgot how good they felt.  If anything, they felt better.  More the kiss of a young man than a teenage lad.


“Good luck,” she whispered.


Kevin tapped Ty on the shoulder.  “Um, can we get in line to get one too?”


“Get your ass onstage and stuff it,” Ty hotly retorted.


Kevin shrugged in defeat at Grace then walked out of the room.  Randy and Mark both walked past Grace and winked and she, in turn, blushed.


Ty growled with jealousy.


“Oh, they’re only flirting,” Grace said.  “Besides, I think they’ll have their share of female company once the show’s over.”


“Will you be here for me luv?”




Ty winked at her and headed out.


As the band got on stage, the tech helped Ty, Kevin and Mark strap on their guitars and assured that everything was a go.


Randy and Mark began ‘Ready to Rock’ as Ty came in when the curtain came down.  The crowd of about 3,000 was wild and ready for a good time, however a collective groan came over them when they realized that no sound came from Ty or Kevin’s guitars.




Ty and Kevin paled as they looked to one another, then back down at their guitars as they nervously plucked them, willing the sound to come forth.


Mark was up on the drum riser with Randy looking over at them, wondering why Ty hadn’t come in with the first verse or guitars.  It was then they realized that there was a glitch with the amps.


The crowd was getting restless and shouting ‘turn it up’.  Ty turned to Mark and Randy to motion to them to stop playing.  He then gathered his wits and remembered not to lose his cool.  Everything had been going too perfect up until this point.  He had to realize that things like this were gonna happen.


It was all how you handled it.


“Okay Los Angeles,” he shouted into the mic.  “I guess you’re doing a whole lot better than we are.  Can’t have a rock concert without any guitars, eh?”


The crowd shouted their agreement.  Meanwhile, Kevin walked over to his amp to adjust the knobs, but to no avail.  He then saw the extra plug that led to Ty’s guitar.  Their guitars were never plugged into the same amp.


What the fuck,” he muttered under his breath before waving a tech over.


As the young man darted onstage behind the equipment, he knelt down in front of the amp.  Kevin leaned over into him.


“Fix this quick!  What the hell is Ty’s guitar doing plugged into my amp?”


The tech shook his head.  “I don’t know.  We were short a hand and had one of Carnal Substance’s roadies help us set you up and plug you in.  Probably didn’t realize it.”


The tech was dumbfounded as to what the problem was and the crowd was none too happy.  Kevin leaned down into him.  “Get another amp – I don’t care from who!”


Kevin then took  his guitar off and walked towards his mic.  Ty looked at him a little weird, but Kevin just motioned for him to follow his lead.


“Well, looks like it’s a little more technical than this high school graduate can figure out.  So….Los Angeles….while the problem is being fixed…how about a meet and greet….Crossfire style!”


Without warning, Kevin jumped off the stage and onto the floor, the gate in front of the front row protecting him from the wild fans cheering his spontaneous move.


He grabbed a security guard and motioned for him to follow him.  He then turned to Ty and waved him to come down.  Ty took his guitar off and motioned to Mark.  Mark came over.


“No, you guys go down,” Mark said.  “Randy and I will stay here and play, juice them up a bit.”


Ty and Mark high-fived before Ty jumped down as well, much to the delight of the many female fans in the audience.


A security guard quickly came by his side and Ty pulled a magic marker out of the guard’s shirt pocket.  The guard led him around as both guys and girls held their shirts out for signature.  Ty signed the backs of the male fans and the fronts of the female fans.  One young woman unzipped her top to reveal her full breasts barely contained by a lacy bra.  Ty grinned at her and penned his name across the swell of her breast.


Kevin was doing pretty much the same, his wild, carefree California attitude fitting in perfectly with the crowd.


Meanwhile, back up on stage, the tech saw that the screws on the back of the amp were a little loose.  He motioned for another guy to come over with a screwdriver. 


From the side, the Leps, Neal and Grace watched everyone hustle, wondering what was going on.  When no music was heard, Sav stuck his head out and didn’t see Ty or Kevin onstage.  The cheering of the crowd told him something was going on and he looked out farther to see Ty and Kevin in the audience signing shirts while Mark and Randy remained uptop. 


Meanwhile, the tech got the back panel off and his jaw dropped when he saw the cut wires.  He turned to the other tech.  “Go find Carnal Substance’s tour manager.  Tell him we need another amp -  now.  This was done on purpose, and I don’t think it was anyone in our camp.”


The other tech dashed backstage.  As he passed, Joe grabbed his arm.


“Whats going on?”


“Someone cut the wires in the amp,” he breathlessly said before dashing off.


Joe colored with anger, as did Sav, Neal and the rest of the guys.  They then beamed with pride when they realized that the lads used some clever quick thinking to handle this crisis by turning into a golden opportunity with the fans.


Grace nervously looked out as Ty went around signing t-shirts, glossies and demos for fans.  Even in a crisis, he was acting cool.  She was never more proud.


The tech was on his way to find Carnal Substance’s tour manager, when he was halted by one of their roadies.


“Whats going on?”


The tech took the roadie by the shirt color.  “Tell me.  Do you know anything about Crossfire’s amp wires getting sabotaged?”


The roadie paled a bit, just as Mick Stein came upon them.


“Hey, hey,” Mick shouted.  “Whats wrong?”


The tech explained everything to Mick who, in turn, looked to the roadie for answers.  The kid was young and a bit intimidated.


“Look, I didn’t do it, but……but I saw one of the other roadies tampering with it after their sound check.  Look, I just wanted to travel with a rock band.  I don’t want any trouble.”


The tech tightened his  hold on him.  “Do you have access to their amps?”


The young roadie nodded.


“Good.  Lets go.”  The tech pushed him in the direction, Mick following close behind.


A half hour later, two of Carnal Substance’s Marshall amps were positioned on stage and Ty and Kevin’s guitars were plugged into them and checking out fine. 


While all this happened, Jason Leeds and the band emerged from their dressing room where they’d been sequestered with a bunch of cheap looking groupies.


“What do you say, mates?  Show started ten minutes ago.  Think those young, starry-eyed punks realize they have no sound,” Jason snickered.  “C’mon, lets go see them crying their little hearts out.”


The band pushed the girls away and walked towards the stage area.  As they got closer, the sound of the rhythm and lead guitars assailed their ears. 


A seething look came upon Jason’s face when he saw Crossfire well into their first song.


“What?  What the fuck?  How the hell are they playing?”


Jason realized he spoke too loud as 5 Leps and one Journeyman looked at him with raised eyebrows.  Sav stepped forward and put an arm around Jason.


“With heart and soul, mate,” Sav said.  “That’s how they’re playing!”





When Crossfire finished their set to roaring applause, they bounded off the stage and headed right for their dressing room to wind down.  The Leps, Neal and Grace were waiting for them in there.


When they came in, they were greeted with hugs of congratulations, but there was an uneasy feeling in the air that they couldn’t quite figure out.


“Talk about averting a crisis,” Kevin exclaimed.  “I thought things were going too perfectly for us.”


“I gotta hand it to ya mate,” Ty said.  “That was quick thinking on your part, going into the audience like that.  They never expected anything like that and passed the time till they got that damn amp fixed.”


Mark wiped the sweat from his brow with at towel.  “Did they figure out what it was?”


All of the adults looked a little sheepish, except for Sav and Neal, who looked furious.


“Dad?  Whats wrong?” Ty asked.


“Ty….there wasn’t a glich in the amps,” Sav cautiously said.  “The tech opened the back panel and found the wires cut.”


Ty’s eyes widened.  “What?  But….why?  Who……?”


Kevin was livid.  “Cut?  Someone sabotaged our amp?”


Randy joined in.  “Who’d do something like that?”


Kevin narrowed his eyes, threw his water bottle across the room and headed for the door.  “I know who!”


Kevin stormed out as his bandmates followed.


“Ah, crap,” Neal said as he went after his son.  Sav quickly followed as did Phil and Joe, but not before turning to Grace.


“Stay here,” he commanded.


“Go ahead Joe,” Viv said.  “Rick and I will stay here with her.  Just shout if you need help.”


“Thanks mate,” Joe said before dashing out the door.  Joe caught up with Sav, Phil and Neal just as they saw Kevin and the lads push the security guards that were in front of Carnal Substance’s dressing room out of the way and storm inside.


Jason Leeds and the rest of the band disengaged themselves from some half naked groupies and shot up upon the intrusion.


“Get the fuck out of here, you talentless little punk!”


Kevin was out of control as he took Jason by the collar and slammed him up against the wall.


“Talentless?  Maybe you were looking in a mirror when you thought of that word you sick piece of shit!  Who the fuck cut the wires in our amp?”


Jason struggled against Kevin, who was much bigger than him.  He then glanced at his bandmates who were wisely thinking twice about coming to his defense, seeing they were outnumbered by Kevin’s three bandmates and four, tall, pissed off older men.


“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Jason spat out, still trying to struggle.


Just then, security came in and immediately got on Kevin to pull him off Jason.  Neal began to go stop him, before Sav and Joe held him back.


“No, don’t,” Sav said.  “Let them fight their own battles.”


“C’mon, lets wait outside and let them handle it,” Phil wisely said.


Together, Phil, Joe, Sav and Neal left the room.


Inside, Ty went over to the security guard holding Kevin back and pulled him away.


“Take you bloody hands off him,” Ty fumed. 


“You’re nothing but a hot-headed little punk,” Jason threw at Kevin.


The remaining members of Carnal Substance stood on one side of the room as the groupies they were with desperately adjusted their clothes.  Mark and Randy got behind Ty to back up Kevin.


Just then, Carnal Substance’s tour manager came inside.


“Alright, what the hell is going on?” the tour manager demanded.


“I’ll tell ya whats going on,” Jason spat.  “This little band of nobodies stormed in here and that guitar punk attacked me.”


Ty  held Kevin back from going after him as he turned to the tour manager.  “Someone cut the wires in our amp,” Ty said.  “I highly doubt someone from our camp did it.”


“Why not?” Jason said.  “Nothing like a good practical joke!”


Randy advanced on Jason.  “The only practical joke will be your face after I pummel it!”


Carnal Substance’s bass player interceded and pulled Randy away to which Randy turned on him.


“Take your bleedin’ hands off me!” Randy yelled.


Just then, Mick Stein came barreling in the room and right up to the tour manager.  “Your band has some explaining to do.”


The tour manager looked at Mick with absurdity. “About what?”


Mick looked towards the door.  “Get in here!”


Just then, the young roadie who had witnessed someone tampering with Crossfire’s amps walked in.  Mick went up to him.  “Tell him.”


The young roadie looked at the tour manager.  “Earlier after Crossfire’s soundcheck, I saw one of the other roadies screwing around with one of their amps.”


The tour manager turned towards the roadie.  “Which one?”


“Um….Nick,” the young roadie quietly admitted.


The tour manager looked at Jason?  “Nick?  Isn’t he your little brown nosing puppy dog that does your every bidding?”


“Perhaps they’re lovers,” Mark snickered.


“Piss off you little twerp,” Jason spat at Mark.


“Where’s Nick?” the tour manager asked.  “Go get him.  Now!”


“He didn’t do nothing,” Jason said smugly.  “And, even if he did, he wouldn’t say a thing.”


Seconds later, Nick walked in, his eyes going directly to Jason.  The tour manager walked over to him.


“What were you doing with Crossfire’s amps this afternoon after their soundcheck?”


Nick turned hate-filled eyes towards Jason as he spoke.  “I cut their wires – just like Jason told me.”


Jason flew into a rage at Nick.  “You fucking liar!  I never told you anything of the sort.  You’re just trying to save your own sorry ass.”


“Save it from what?” Nick spewed.  “You told me to do it.  You knew I’d do anything for you!”


All four members of Crossfire raised their eyebrows, as did the remaining members of Carnal Substance.


Jason’s eyes flared at Nick.   “Get out!  Your’e fired!”


Nick looked at Jason smugly.  “Why, Jason?  Want me out before everyone finds out just how close we really are?”


Mark snickered towards Randy.  “Oh man!  I was only kidding about the lover’s thing.”


Jason was appalled.  “You sick, sick fuck!  Your disillusional, that’s what you are.”


Nick was undeterred.  “Hmm, those weren’t the words you used to describe me last night.  Remember, when we were in bed together?”


Kevin and Ty covered their mouths to prevent the laughter from escaping, while Randy and Mark fell on the couch, letting theirs out.


“Perhaps in your dreams, you flippin’ queer,” Jason said to him.  “If you haven’t noticed, I happen to like women.  See those groupies over there?  I was halfway in her pants when you blokes barged in here.”


All of a sudden, Ty raised his hand.  “Um, does the term ‘bi-sexual’ ring a bell, Jas!”


The lads shared a chuckle, but Jason got even more pissed.  “Maybe that’s what you pansy lads are, but not me.”


Kevin feigned deep thought.  “Hmm, no wonder your girlfriend had her tongue down my throat last night,” he said to Jason.  “Probably found out about your little um….’dark side’.”


Jason went after Kevin.  “You were screwing with my woman?”


Kevin waved his hand towards the groupies.  “Little hypocritical, huh Jas?  What are they…coverups?”


“This is all bullshit!” Jason shouted.  “This little prick is only saying this out of spite.”


“No I’m not, Jason,” Nick said calmly.  “Um, perhaps you were in ecstasy too much to remember that we had a third party with us last night.  A third party who had a uh…disposable camera with him.”


Randy and Mark laughed so hard on the couch they fell off.  Ty just covered his face.  “Oh man, this just gets better and better.”


Jason’s face sufficiently paled as Nick’s face bore a winning smile.  “Ah, now you remember.”


Jason looked to his bandmates who regarded him with weird looks before looking back at Nick with hurt filled eyes.  “Why?”


“Because you told me that if I did that for you, cut the wires in the amps, that you’d stop pretending you were straight and…you know…’come out’.  I believed you.  But, when I found you before the show with these cheap sluts, I realized you were just using me – again.  That’s why I confessed.”


Jason was sufficiently embarrassed and couldn’t do anything to retaliate.  It was the tour manager who finally decided to end this.


“Okay, lets just end this right now, okay?  There’s no more to be heard.”


“Um, well, there is the instance of our damaged amp,” Ty said.


“Yeah,” Kevin agreed.  “I think two brand, spanking new ones might be worth the cost of us….keeping out mouths shut about what we just heard.”


“And,” Randy added, recovering from his mirth.  “I think you’d do well to give Nick his job back, Jas, else I have a feeling that Metal Edge magazine will be printing those pictures right soon!”


The tour manager turned to Mick.  “You’ll have your amps replaced, don’t worry.  And…I’m sorry about all this.  Didn’t think it would turn out this awkward.”


Mick had to chuckle.  “Me neither.”


Jason couldn’t stand it anymore.  “That’s it!  I’m outta here!  Cancel the show, I don’t care!”


Jason stormed past everyone, out the door and out of the arena.  The rest of Carnal Substance slumped against the wall, while Mick orchestrated Crossfire out of the room. 


When they got back to their dressing room, they were greeted by the Leps, Neal and Grace who looked to them quizzically.


Sav held his hands out.  “Well?  Did you straighten Jason out?”


All four members of Crossfire fell to the floor in fits of laughter.  If Sav only knew the irony of those words!





Crossfire recovered from their hysterical laughter long enough to pick themselves up off the floor and make it to the showers. Afterwards, they relayed the bizarre situation that just occurred in Carnal Substance’s dressing room.   Soon, six, grown men flew into their own fits of laughter, as Grace politely chuckled as she blushed.


“Well, that is certainly interesting,” Phil said as he wiped tears from his eyes.


“So much for the big, tough rocker,” Joe added.


“I can’t believe you guys left and missed all that,” Viv said.


“Yeah, well we were gonna stay,” Sav said.  “But, these lads have to learn how to handle things on their own.  We’re not always gonna be there to come to their defense.”


“And…I’ve got to say,” Neal said.  “I am so impressed by what you guys did when you discovered the amp didn’t work.”


Neal then went over to Kevin and put his arm around him.  “You didn’t crack under the pressure and you turned a potentially bad situation into a real treat for the fans.  I’m proud of you.”


Kevin’s anger from earlier paled from the praise his father gave him.  “Thanks dad.”


“You lads did some pretty quick thinking,” Rick said.  “Not many young bands can deal when the reality of problems strike, especially since things have been going so smoothly for you.”


“Hey Joe,” Phil said.  “Can you imagine us jumping into the audience all those years ago?”


Rick threw his head back and laughed.  “Oh God!  He never would’ve survived getting past the front row!  The women would’ve eaten him alive!”


Joe got a wicked look on his face, as if intrigued by the idea.  “Hmmm, maybe I should’ve done that!”


“You wouldn’t have survived Joe,” Viv said.  “And Sav wouldn’t have stood too much of a chance either, once they got their hands on that head of hair he used to sport!”


“And since Phil only wore pants on stage, he probably would’ve been stripped naked,” Rick added.


Phil liked the sound of that.   “Hmm, you’re right, Joe.  Why didn’t we think of that?”


“Okay, okay, enough about you guys,” Ty said. 


“Um, yeah,” Grace finally spoke up.  “Somehow I find it difficult to picture my dad getting mauled by a pack of women.”


Phil slapped Joe on the back.  “Guess your daughter doesn’t appreciate you for the sex symbol you really are, aye?”


“Ugh,” Grace said disgustedly.


“There’s your answer, Phil,” Joe said.  “Okay, whats the plan now?”


Kevin wiggled his brows and grinned wickedly.  “Uh, well I don’t really think you want to know what I intend on doing, especially with a young lady present!”


Kevin glanced at Grace, who blushed at his innuendo.


“Yeah, um Mick said there’s a small group of lasses waiting to um….meet us,” Randy said with a leer.


Mark then looked at Ty.  “Well, I think we all know what you’re doing, mate.  And who you’re doing it with!”


Joe turned hot eyes to Mark.  Excuuuuse me, lad?”


Mark paled.  “Uh…uh…I…I didn’t mean that.  What I meant was, was that whatever Ty was gonna do, that he was gonna be with Grace, that’s all.”


Grace covered her face and turned towards the door.  “I think I’ll just wait outside.”


Ty grabbed her arm.  “Not a good idea, luv.  I don’t know if anyone from Carnal Substance’s camp is lurking about.  I don’t want you anywhere near them.”


Neal knitted his brows.  “Wait, should’nt they be onstage by now?”


“Oh, yeah….we forgot to tell you,” Kevin said with exuberance.  “When Jason was…..um….outed, he got so embarrassed and pissed off that he walked out of the arena.  I think they had to cancel their show.”


“Oh crikey,” Rick exclaimed.  “The fans are not gonna be happy.”


“Aye, maybe you lads should go back on and play a few more,” Viv said.


“We’d love to,” Ty said.  “But we already did six songs from the album.”


“Yeah, and we don’t want to do covers,” Kevin added.  “Those days are over!”


“Hmm, can’t wait to see what the write up in the paper’s gonna say about this,” Sav pondered.


“Well, from what I know, Carnal Substance’s album isn’t doing too hot,” Randy said.  “They were probably jealous because the crowd liked us more than them.  Which is why Jason decided to sabotage the amp.”


Phil began to giggle.  “Boy, doesn’t this sound familiar.”


Sav looked at Phil.  “Familiar how?”


“Well, remember when we were booked to open up for Billy Squier after Pyromania was done?  Remember what happened when we played Chicago?”


Rick, Joe and Sav all grinned wide, while Neal and Viv look puzzled.


“What happened?” they both asked.


“Well, we went on first, and it was great,” Phil continued.  “Then, when we were finished, some of the crowd began to leave before Billy came on.”


“Needless to say, Billy wasn’t too happy about that,” Sav said with remembrance.


“Yeah, and we had about what……40 more shows with him,” Joe added.  “He was probably regretting having us open for him.  Sorry to say, but we blew him away! We wound up leaving the tour to headline our own!”


Sav looked at Ty.  “You guys are what we were back then, and Carnal Substance is Billy Squier.  His career was on a bit of a decline, when our star was just rising.  Same as you lads.”


“But, be patient,” Joe advised.  “You’re far from being able to headline right now.  We had put out three albums back then and your debut album has yet to be released.  Maybe once you do a followup, and have more material, you can headline some smaller venues.”


Ty shook his head.  “This is all happening so fast.  I don’t know what Mick has planned for us after this.”


“Well, all I know is what I have planned for tonight,” Kevin announced.  “I’m off to go meet those lovely ladies.”


“We’re with ya,” Randy and Mark said, close behind.


“Um…do I get a ‘goodbye’?”


Kevin turned to his dad and gave him a hug.  “Thanks dad.  Thanks for everything…and for being here.  I’ll call you regularly to let you know whats going on.”


“I’ll hold you to that, Kev,” Neal said.


When Kevin, Mark and Randy left, Ty went up to Joe.  “Um…Uncle Joe, I’d like to take Grace out for a few hours, if that’s okay.”


Joe looked a bit apprehensive.  “Ty, I hope you don’t plan on taking her back to the hotel, especially if those three are gonna be there with God-knows-who?”


“No…no, I wasn’t even considering that,” Ty quickly said.  “I thought we just might go to a coffee shop.”


Coffee?  You don’t drink coffee.” 


“Well, I don’t have much of a choice, do I?  This is L.A., not London.  There aren’t any tea shops around – just a Starbucks on every corner.”


Joe from Ty, to his daughter’s pleading eyes, then back to Ty.  “Okay, fine.  Starbucks it is.  And…bring her back to the hotel before midnight.  Make sure you both have your cell phones on, okay?”


“Okay, thanks Uncle Joe.”


“Go on, get out of here.  You deserve it, lad.”


Ty gave his ‘uncle’ a hug, before saying goodbye to everyone else.  He saved his dad for last.


“Thanks dad, about before.  You know…letting us handle it ourselves.”


Sav smiled at him.  “You have no idea how proud I am of you, lad.  I feel like I could bust.”


Ty hugged his father before taking Grace by the hand and having Mick lead them out a back way.


Sav stood there with a proud look on his face and sighed, before Phil put his arm around him.  “Well, looks like its just us old blokes.  How’s about hitting a Japanese restaurant?  Flirt with some cute geisha girls?  Talk about old times?  Give Neal an earful?”


Neal spread his arms out wide.  “I’m game!  Lets do it!”


The six men chuckled as they left the arena for a night out.





Ty and Grace sat in a nearby Starbucks in a cozy corner booth.  Ty’s senses were nearly knocked to the floor at the strong coffee aroma as soon as he entered the shop.  He decided to stick with tea, whereas Grace was bold and went for the White Chocolate Raspberry Latte.  They sipped their beverages then stared at one another.






Grace decided to go first.  “Ty, I gotta say again.  You lads were beyond mega tonight.  I see a long, prosperous career ahead of you.”


“Thanks luv.  That means so much coming from you.  I can’t even describe the intoxicating feeling of being on that stage and having people cheer for you.  Especially here in the States where we’re not that known.  If it wasn’t for Mick and promotion that he’s done to get our name out before the shows, I think we would’ve flopped.”


“I don’t know,” Grace said.  “I think as soon as they heard the music they would’ve gotten into you.  You’ve got a great sound.  More polished than a garage band, but not the hard crunch of those alternative, headbanging bands.  You lads have a good presence, great lyrics and a great sound.”

Ty widened his eyes.  “Wow, Grace. Maybe you should consider a career in PR.  You really know how to use words there.”


“Well, I am my father’s daughter,” she said with a twinkle.  “And…you are your father’s son.”


“Yeah,” he said shyly before looking up at her.  “So, what do you think?  After school you can come on the road with me.”


Grace looked at him sympathetically.  “Ty, you know I can’t do that.  I’ve already applied to business college.  Although, traveling with a rock band sounds kind of interesting.  Always wondered what our dads went through.  Wait….scratch that….no I don’t!”


“Well, I think Kevin, Randy and Mark are getting a good head start in the hedonism department,” Ty said with a chuckle.


Grace gave him a side look.  “And you?”


Ty raised his hands.  “I’ve been a good lad, I swear.  I really meant what I said about making things up to you Grace.”


Grace took his hand.  “Ty, that means so much to me.  But, I want you to be sure.  As much as I love you and want to be with you, the fact is I can’t.  You’ve got an album coming out in a week which means serious promo time, then possibly another tour as an opening act.  How much time do you think we’re gonna be able to spend together?”


Ty looked down.  “I…I hadn’t thought of that.  God Grace, as much as I wanted my music career to take off, it couldn’t have happened at a crappier time.  Maybe I’ll have a couple of days to come home before we have to start album promo stuff.  I really want some time with you, Grace.  And…..not in a coffee shop or a pub.”


Grace glanced up shyly at him.  “Well, its only 10:30.  We could go back to the hotel for a bit.  The men will be out for a while.”


“Grace, your father doesn’t want me to bring you back there.  I don’t know if the other lads will have….”


Our hotel, Ty,” Grace corrected him.  “The one daddy and I are staying at.  Not the one you and the band are at.”


Ty slowly digested this.  “Oh…okay,” he nervously said, not having been alone with her in a long time.  “Are you sure?”


“Yes,” she said.  “As much as I want to take this slow, I do want some alone time with you.”



Ty drained his tea and stood up.  “C’mon, lets go then.”


Grace got up and took his hand.  He lovingly brought it to his lips and kissed it.


“Thank you so much for being here, luv,” he whispered.  “Even though tonight started out in disaster, it ended perfectly.  I only wish Scott could’ve been here.”


A look that Ty couldn’t quite describe came upon Grace’s face.


“What?  Whats wrong?”


“Uh…..oh, nothing,” she stammered.  “Its…its just when you mentioned Scott I just remembered that he was attending the senior dance tonight, that’s all.”


Ty grinned.  “Hmm, seems my little bro is finally getting over Chelsea, eh?”


“Yeah, I guess,” Grace said with a sigh.  “Since he’s several hours ahead of us, he’s probably home by now.  Wonder how he made out tonight?”





Earlier that same evening

Sheffield, England


Scott hooked his index finger in the collar of his dress shirt and pulled a bit as he rang Karen’s doorbell.  He felt like he was suffocating.  Even though he decided that going to his senior dance would be a good thing for him, and that Karen was a likable lass, the entire situation was too eerily familiar.


Even though it had been two years since the harvest dance that he attended with Chelsea, he couldn’t help but be assailed by those memories, especially what happened that night.  He willed himself to get a grip as he heard the knob turn.


“Well hello there, you must be Scott,” a gentleman, who was no doubt Karen’s dad, said.


“Um, yes sir, I am,” Scott replied.  He shook his hand as he entered the house.  In his other hand was a clear, plastic box that held a gardenia wrist corsage that he almost forgot.  Thank God he had his mum to remind of these things while his dad was away.


He looked up to see Karen come down the stairs with her mum right behind her.  If Scott felt like he was suffocating before, he should be turning blue by now.


Karen was attired in an ankle length, amethyst satin dress that hugged her slim, curvy teenage body to perfection.  The spaghetti strap top and open back showed an ample amount of skin, which glimmered with shimmery body lotion.


Scott managed to find his breath and walked forward as he opened the box.


“Aye luv,” he whispered, suddenly shy with her parents around.  “You look right lovely.”


Karen blushed as her eyes swept his well-tailored black suit and white collarless shirt.


“Thank you Scott,” she equally whispered.  “You look awfully handsome.”


Scott blushed as well as he slipped the corsage on her extended arm. 


After enduring several mandatory pictures, Scott led her out to his SUV and they took off for the dance.


Surprisingly, Scott had a very good time.  He and Karen sat with some of his soccer mates and their dates and spent a good portion of the evening talking and laughing.


Of course, when the standard slow dance song came on at the end of the dance, each lass at the table had to practically yank their lad up by the arm to get them on the dance floor.


Scott felt a little nervous as he allowed Karen to lead him to the dance floor. He hadn’t held a lass this close since that very intimate moment with Grace.  Even though he had kept his focus this year on school, entrance exams and the path of his future, he couldn’t quite possibly neglect the fact that he was an almost 18 year old lad with very eighteen year old hormones!  And every detail of Karen’s body was perfectly outlined in her beautiful dress only intensified that fact.


Karen stopped when she got to a clear area on the dance floor, turned and cautiously moved closer to Scott, putting her hands lightly on the tops of his shoulders.  He, in turn, placed his hands on her narrow waist, the sweet curve of it against the palm of his hand causing him to groan inside………… and react elsewhere!


Their faces were inches apart and both were nervous about making direct eye contact.  Karen noticed his nervousness, especially after enjoying such a fun, comfortable evening, and wondered if it was due to their closeness.


“Did you have a good time tonight, Scott?”


Scott was grateful for her distracting question and looked at her with a warm, gorgeous smile.


“I did, Karen,” he replied sincerely.  “I really did.  I’m glad you asked me.”


Karen licked her lips nervously.  “I’m glad you accepted.  I had a good time too.  And I’m….glad for the opportunity that I got to know you better before we all head separate ways after graduation.”


“Well, we still have an entire semester before that happens,” Scott said.  “So…this really isn’t goodbye.”


Karen glanced down at the floor.  “No, it isn’t.  The next six months just may be well worth looking forward to.”


Scott wasn’t sure what she meant by that, but he was starting to get very warm……..all over!  Throughout the dance, he felt Karen try to move her body closer to his.  As she did, he pulled his back.  If she pressed up against him she would’ve felt just how much of an affect she was having on him and he’d positively die of embarrassment.


Karen felt him do this too and wondered if he really wanted to dance with her this close or not.


“Scott, you alright?”


He turned startled eyes to her.  “Uh, yeah.  Why?”


“You don’t like dancing, do you?  Most lads don’t.”


“Well, I don’t consider myself a ‘dancer’, but I like this.”


“Oh.  Only because I feel you pulling away, that’s all.  If you don’t want to dance anymore, that’s……”


“No, no Karen, its fine.  Really.  Its just…….”


Oh God, what was he gonna tell her?  That the reason he didn’t want to get too close to her was because he didn’t want her to feel his stiff pecker poking her thigh?


Scott turned pink as he bit his lip, cutting off his sentence and his thought.  He was not surviving this dance as well as he thought he would.


Karen stifled a grin, having somewhat of an idea why Scott wasn’t getting too close.  If it was what she was thinking, the ride home should prove to be interesting!


The song ended and Karen stepped back a bit. “Um, well I guess we should say our goodbyes and head on out.”


“Yeah, I guess,” Scott replied.  “Why don’t I get your coat and I’ll meet you at the table?”


A few minutes later, Scott came back to the table and helped Karen on with her coat.  After saying goodbye to his mates, he turned to Karen.




Karen looked a little disappointed that the evening was ended.  “Yeah, I’m ready.”


“What’s wrong?”


“Oh, nothing.  Its just that it was such a lovely evening and it went by so fast.”


Scott looked at his watch which read 11:00pm.  “What time do you have to be home, luv?”


“Not until 12:30,” she breathlessly said.  “Why?”


“Do you want to go to the tea shop for a bit?”


Karen’s face lit up a bit.  “Oh, yes.  I would love that!”


“Good, lets go then.”


A little while later, they entered the tea shop and went to get a table.  Before they sat down, Karen took Scott by the arm.


“Scott, I have a better idea.  Why don’t we get it to go and go drive down to the overlook.  There must be a zillion stars out tonight.  They say on a starry night like this, you can make out certain patterns, like the Big Dipper and such.  I know its December, but the tea will warm us.”


Scott grinned, liking the idea very much.  “Sounds brilliant.”


As Scott ordered their tea to go, Karen equally grinned.  Oh, she planned on Scott being warm later, but not from the tea!





Scott and Karen pulled up to the railing at the overlook.  It was a beautiful spot in Sheffield where a lot of people, couples mostly, sometimes parked to get romantic and look at the stars.  But, on this mid-December night, Scott and Karen were the only ones there.


As soon as Scott turned off the car, they each took their tea from the cup holders and sipped.  Scott then hit the sunroof button to open the cover, but kept the glass down so it wouldn’t get chilly inside.


“I can start the car and turn the heater on if you’re cold, luv.”


Karen licked a drop of tea from her upper lips and looked at him.  “No, I’m okay for now.  I’ve got my coat on and this tea’s hitting the spot.”


“Yeah, same with me,” he replied taking a longer gulp.  He then looked out the windshield at the stars and squinted.


“You know….you’re right,” he said with interest.  “I think…..I think I can make out the Big Dipper. See.”


Scott pointed out the pattern and Karen used it as an opportunity to move in closer to him.


“Hmm, I think that is it,” she exclaimed.  “When that was first discovered in Alaska, the formation became the symbol for Alaska’s state flag.”


Scott looked at her impressed.  “Wow, you know your astronomy!”


She shrugged.  “Oh, its just a little something I picked up on the net.  I like to surf around to sites and discover things I never knew.  Can never know too much!”


“Guess not, but that’s interesting to know,” Scott said, suddenly getting a whiff of her enticing, lightly floral perfume.


He turned his head to find it very close to hers.  His heart began to beat when Karen didn’t move hers.  He just watched as her eyes trailed from his down to his lips, signaling what she wanted.


Scott couldn’t deny that she was a beautiful lass, not to mention smart and fun to be with.  His body was also beginning to respond again to her being so close, especially with her face so close to his.  As much as he didn’t know where this was going, he couldn’t stop himself from giving into what he was screaming inside to have.


He slowly leaned his head down to hers as Karen followed his lead and tipped her head slightly up.  When their lips met, Scott felt a rush of what he could only describe as lust sweep through his body, making it come alive and tingle.


The kiss started out soft and safe, but when he felt Karen part her lips and slowly slip her tongue inside his mouth, it turned into anything but.


Scott’s body was acting independently of his brain.  He groaned at the feel of her tongue mingling with his and put his arms around her waist as hers came up immediately to twine around his neck.


They both sat there in the front of the SUV kissing deeply as their hands roamed over safe areas.  The center console was preventing them from getting too close.  As it poked Karen in her hip, she broke the kiss.


“Hey, I have an idea,” she said.  “Why don’t you recline to two seats in the back so its flat.  This way here we can lay down and look up at the sky through the glass in the sunroof.”


Scott had a feeling that laying down to look at the stars wasn’t all she wanted to do, but he was in no position to question.  After that kiss, he was so hot that all he wanted to do was kiss her again and feel more of her.


He grinned and got out the SUV and opened the back door.  He pushed one seat down then reached over to do the other.  While he did this, Karen got out and got in the back from the door on her side.  Scott climbed in on his side and shut the door.  They both laid down so that both their heads were directly under the sun roof, staring up at the starry, Sheffield sky.


“Better?” she asked.


“Much,” he replied.  “Um…what other star patterns can you make out?”


Karen answered by placing her finger on his chin and turning his head to face her.  “Do you really want to continue to look at the stars?”


Scott had to be honest.  “No.”


Karen propped herself up on her elbow and leaned her head down to his.  “Good, neither do I,” she whispered and bent down to kiss him again.  Their arms went around each other and there was nothing to come between them, except their clothes.


The warmth that they were creating in the small space was enough for Karen to shed her coat and Scott his overcoat and suit jacket.  Once they were back in each others arms, Scott’s hands came into contact with the exquisitely soft skin on her back. 


He then felt Karen pull his dress shirt out of the back of his suit trousers and slide her hands up his smooth, muscled back.


Both teens were breathing very heavily and pressed tightly up against each other.  However, as incredible as Karen felt, the gentleman in Scott knew he had to stop before it got too far.  He broke the kiss and pulled away a bit, desperately trying to catch his breath and still his heart.


“Karen,” he hoarsly whispered.  “We…..we better cool it a bit before it…..you know…..gets too far.”


Karen answered by pulling the long skirt of her dress up to expose her long, sleek legs then hooked one over Scott’s body.


“Scott,” she seductively whispered.  “I’m ready for it to get too far.  And…..”


Her hand slid from his bare back to the fly of his trousers, lightly stroking his hardness.


“……so are you!”


Scott’s eyes closed slightly as his head fell back at the feel of her hand fondling his erection.  He was so aroused that he felt like he was drunk.  This was all happening so fast – too fast.  He knew this wasn’t right – going this far on a first date.  But, the almost-eighteen year old in him couldn’t care less about right and wrong right now.


Except for……


“K….Karen,” he stammered as he moved himself against her hand.  “I…I don’t have anything on me.  You know……a condom.”


No matter how horny he was, he would not make the same mistake twice!


Karen smiled beautifully and leaned down to whisper in his ear.  “I do.”


She then lifted her head to retrieve her tiny evening purse from the front seat, opened it and pulled out the packaged condom.  She held it up in front of Scott and blushed a bit.


“I……Scott, I…..you’re probably wondering why I brought this tonight.  Its just….well….I had my eye on you since last year.  I thought that since you were no longer with Chelsea that I could get to know you and maybe go out sometime.  But there were rumors about you and Grace being an item, so I just forgot about it.  But, when the school year started and I realized that you and Grace weren’t together, I figued there was a chance. When the senior dance came up, I wasn’t sure if you were planning on going, since you didn’t have anybody steady.  So, I just decided to swallow my pride and go for it by asking you instead, only after I asked Grace to ask you if you’d go if someone invited you.  I was so happy that you agreed and, well, I’m really attracted to you and, well, I think its mutual.  I ……I know this seems fast and I want you to know that I don’t do things like this – I never have.  But….I….I don’t know what it is.  I just want to be with you so much in this way.  I know I sound like some kind of trollop, but I just can’t help it.  If….if you don’t want to, then that’s fine.  Its just…..you kiss so good and your hands feel so good on me that…..”


She dropped the condom and covered her face.  “Oh God, I can’t believe I’m doing this!  Here I had all these plans to seduce you and all I look and feel like right now is a cheap slut!”


Scott propped himself up on one elbow as he reached his other arm around her neck.


“You’re not a slut, Karen.  You’re just honest about what you’re feeling.  Crikey, I’m feeling the same way right now.  You’re so damn pretty and you feel so good that I…….God, I want it too!”


Karen looked at him with languid eyes.  “Then….then its not wrong?”


Scott was beginning to think like a mature young man that he was becoming.  “No, its not wrong to have these feelings, but I think that this might be happening too fast.  I like you a lot and would like to continue to see you for the rest of the school year, but…I have to be honest.  I can’t have anything serious.  All the schools I’m looking at are far away, and it just wouldn’t be fair to get into a serious relationship, only to break up after graduation and break each other’s heart.”


She cupped his face.  “Scott, I understand.  I’m looking at a school in Ireland, as well as California.  I perfectly understand that, whatever happens, we only have the rest of our senior year together.  But, like I said, if you don’t want to, its okay.  I….I shouldn’t have even brought it up.  Maybe you should just take me home.”


Scott sat up and took her with him.  “Come here,” he whispered and took her in a comforting hug.  “Don’t worry Karen.  You didn’t do anything wrong.”


“Thanks Scott.  Thanks for making me feel better.”


Scott pulled away and looked into her eyes.  “Anytime, luv.”  Then, the look on her face completely did him in.  He couldn’t help himself from kissing her again.


Before they both knew it, they were laying back down, mouths and bodies fused against each other in a very hot, wet kiss.   Scott’s hand wasted no time in finding her firm little breast as Karen’s hands dipped below to grasp his bum.  As he fondled her breast, Karen lightly bit the side of his neck, expressing her pleasure.  She further expressed it by grinding her lower half against his.   Both were completely out of control.


“Scott,” she breathlessly whispered against his lips.  “I can’t stop.  Oh God, I can’t stop.  I…..I want……”


Scott knew what she wanted and it was the exact same thing he did.   “Karen, I……dammit, I can’t….I mean…..I want to…..”


Karen fumbled around where they were laying until her fingers felt the cellophane package.


“Here,” she said, handing him the condom. 


Scott’s hormone’s chased his sensible speech he just gave seconds ago right out the sunroof!  He quickly undid his belt and unfastened his trousers.  Karen had pulled her long, satin dress up to her waist, exposing a tiny pair of lavender colored panties.


Scott quickly slipped the condom then leaned over Karen, who laid on her back.  His eyes went down to her long, slender lower half clad only in a pair of panties.  His fingers grasped the waist band and slid them down.  He then rested between her legs as she instinctively brought them up.


“Scott….oh Scott….please….oh, I want this so bad!”


So did he. He positioned himself and slowly made his way inside her.  He heard he cry out a bit and stilled, before she told him it was okay.  She was so tight and felt incredible.  Having the go ahead, he continued to move in and out of her, the heavy petting they had been doing bringing him to the brink almost immediately. 


He squeezed his eyes shut, buried his face in her neck and groaned out her name as he gave into his release. 


But it wasn’t Karen’s name that his mind was screaming.  The lass who was his first love and the lass who was his lifetime friend,both whom he had yielded his heart and body to, danced through his head.  The lass who lay beneath him had not a clue.


He had done something he didn’t think he was capable of doing.  He hardened his heart, and gave in to the urges of his body.


He felt like the biggest wanker in the world!





Back in California


Ty and Grace entered the elevator of the hotel that she and their fathers were staying in.  When they got to her floor, she walked to her room, which adjoined her father’s, then looked cautiously back at Ty before letting themselves inside.


Grace noticed Ty’s eyes immediately fall on the queen size bed and gulped.  She wondered if she did the right thing, asking him back here.  Although she wanted to take their rekindling relationship slow, she had been desiring him physically since she first laid eyes on him tonight.


He had grown up a lot since she last saw him a year and a half ago and, if anything, he was even more sexy and gorgeous.  However, she wasn’t naïve to think that in this past year and a half that he’d been celibate.


Who was she kidding?  Neither was she!


“Um…daddy has a little fridge in his room,” she said.  “Do you want me to go next door and get you a can of pop?”


Ty sat on the bed and looked at her.  “No, I’m fine.  What I want is for you to sit right here next to me.”


Grace watched him pat the space on the bed beside him and walked forward.  She did say she wanted to have some alone time with him and he wasn’t thinking that she wanted to be alone to talk.


Grace sat down and turned to him. 






Grace giggled.  “Didn’t we start our conversation in Starbuck’s this way?”


Ty laughed too.  “Yeah, you’re right.  So….enough talk.”


He leaned into her and touched his lips to his, the memory of their sweetness and softness coming right back to him.


Grace, however, noticed a difference in Ty’s kiss.  It wasn’t one of an inexperienced teenage lad, but one of a young man who’s gotten a lot of practice lately.


And it felt soooooo good!


Their arms went around each other as they instinctively fell backwards on the soft bed.  Their lips and tongues couldn’t get enough of each other as their hands wandered everywhere they could reach.


Ty felt a change in Grace’s body.  Her curves were more prominent and her breasts were fuller.  Indeed, she had become a woman since he last saw her.


His hands skimmed the indentation of her waist and traveled down to the swell of her hip and down her thigh then back up to cup her breasts. 


Grace whimpered slightly into his mouth, then relaxed, obviously loving the feel of Ty touching her.  But, she knew that if this kept up, it would only lead to one thing.  Little did she know, Ty was already thinking it too.


He broke the kiss and whispered in her ear.  “Grace….God, luv I want you.  I want you so much.  I still remember how you felt that day.”


“Mmm, yeah,” she whispered back.  “Me too.”


Ty’s hand went directly to the button of her black pants and unbuttoned them.  As soon as he did that, her eyes flew open and she sat up.


“T..Ty,” she nervously stammered.  “W..w..wait.”


Ty’s hand stilled as he too sat up.  “Grace, whats wrong.  Don’t you want to?”


“Uh…well, yeah, I do, but…..do…do you have anything?”


Ty blew out a frustrated breath and ran his fingers through his hair.  “No, I don’t.  Damn!  Um….maybe there’s another way.”


Grace looked intrigued.  “Oh?  How?”


“Well, I could….you know…..pull out just before I come.  That way….”


Grace jumped off the bed.  “No!  Absolutley not!   I….I don’t want to take that kind of a chance, Ty.  What if…..what if….?”


The memory of her accidental pregnancy came rushing back.  Grace realized her emotional outburst and covered her face with her hands.  


“Oh God, I’m sorry.  I didn’t mean to jump like that.  Its just……I’m sure its hard for a lad to pull out at that point.  I don’t think we should risk it.”


Ty stood up and hugged her.  “Grace, its okay.”


Grace buried her face in his chest and let out a relieved sigh.  “I’m sorry Ty.”


Ty’s eyes suddenly twinkled.  “Well, there are other things we can do?  Remember?”


Grace got a wicked grin on her face and looked up.  “Yeah, I remember,” she said pushing him back on the bed.


Her fingers then began to unfasten his jeans and pull them down to his hips.  She licked her lips upon seeing how hard he was for her.


“Hope our fathers stay out a while,” she murmured against his thigh before taking him in her mouth.




L.A Japanese Restaurant


Joe and Sav were well into their second bottle of saki and feeling the effects of it.


Phil and Rick sipped matching club soda’s like good little boys as they eyed them.


“Uh Joe, go easy there,” Rick mused.  “Remember, you can’t hold your liquor the way you did when you were younger.”


“Its not liquor, Allen,” a glassy eyed Sav replied for Joe.  “Its saki.  Its not the same.”


“Tell that to your brain,” Phil snorted.


“Ah, screw off,” Joe fumed.  “I’m having a bleedin’ good time.  I’m here with my favorite mates, well….most of the time you’re my favorite.  We’re filling Neal in on all the missing years, we just saw our ‘nephew’ give the performance of his life and……..I know I’m not that drunk to notice a table of very lovely ladies not too far from us.”


Sav perked up and turned.  “Where?”


Viv chuckled.  “Oh, now I know Sav’s drunk!     He never flirts….especially when he wasn’t married.”


Sav looked at Viv.  “What?  I’m not flirting!  I’m a married man.  Very happily, thank you.  I was just….you know…curious.”


“Yeah, well they look pretty curious too,” Joe said with a smile.


“Hey, since I’m the only officially unattached one, I should be the one to look,” Neal proudly announced.  “Besides, didn’t you guys charmed your share of women already.  Leave some crumbs for the rest of us.”


“Yeah, but no one wants us now that we’re old and…….old,” Sav glumly said.


“Age is a matter of the mind,” Joe said.  “Right Phil?”


Phil chomped on a piece of ice.  “Don’t bring me into this!”


“Aw, c’mon Phil, take a look,” Joe said as his eyes casually glanced over at the ladies at the table.  “Mmm, they’re kinda young – just how you like ‘em.”


“Joe, you better keep your mouth shut,” Rick warned.  “Your bold and brash enough when you’re sober and its only worse now that you’re drunk.”


Joe rolled his eyes.  “I am not drunk!  I’m just….you know….feeling good.”


“Yeah, well, keep it down a bit,” Viv said.  “Except for Neal, we’re all married here.”


“Or permanently attached,” Rick quickly added.  “And….since Phil, Viv and I live here, there might be people who recognize us.  If word gets back…..”


“Oh, you blokes are so whipped,” Joe slurred a bit.  “There’s nothing wrong with a little harmless flirting.  Hell, I love Abby to death and I would never cheat on her, but there’s nothing wrong with looking.  And….I know for a fact that when our women go out with their friends, and see some young guys, they most certainly look and comment.”


“This is true,” Sav said, shaking his finger in the air.  “Lets face it, Paige would leave me in a  heartbeat for a young stud if she could.”


“No she wouldn’t,” Phil reassured him.  “She’s put in too many years with you.  She’s gotta hang around to get a return on her investment!”


Sav glared at Phil and clumsily gave him the finger as he downed another small glass of saki.  Suddenly, Joe ducked a bit.


“Crikey, three of those ladies are coming over here.”


“Probably heard you, big mouth,” Rick chided.


The women, very attractive in their mid-30’s, stopped at their table and focused on Rick Allen.


“Pardon us,” one of the women said.  “We don’t mean to intrude on your privacy, but……aren’t you Rick Allen?  The drummer for Def Leppard?” 


Rick grinned and tapped his left shoulder.  “Now, what gave me away?”


The woman blushed with embarrassment.  “Oh…no…no, really.  Its just, we see you around L.A. a lot.  And…you’re Phill Collen and you’re Viv Campbell, correct?”


Rick, Phil and Viv perked up and smiled, while Joe grumbled.  Phil heard it and turned to him.  “Whats the matter Joe, not used to the ladies not noticing you first.  Or…..your saki-soaked friend next to you.”


Joe looked at Sav to see him desperately try to pick up a piece of hibachi shrimp with his chopsticks. 


The women turned in Joe’s direction.  “Oh God, that’s right.  You’ve got to be Joe Elliott.”


Joe held his hands out and grinned.  “The one and only.  You ladies fans?”


“Well, our……..”


“No, no don’t say it,” Sav interrupted. “Don’t say……your parents were.  God, that makes me feel so old!”


“Well, actually they were,” another woman said.  “But, they turned us on to you and a lot of other bands that were popular at the time.  We still listen from time to time, you know, to take a break from all the current stuff.  We still like it very much.”


The third woman then spoke as she handed a paper menu and pen to Joe. “I hope you gentlemen don’t mind us asking you for autographs.


“Not at all,” Joe said taking the menu and pen.  He signed his name, then handed it Sav who was next to him.


Sav grinned and took the pen, signed his name, then, wanting to see if he still had it after all these years, he kept his head slightly lowered while he glanced his still-dazzling blue eyes up at the woman.


“Here you go, luv,” he said in a low, seductive tone.


The woman turned a bit pink. “Um…oh, th….thank you,” she stammered before walking over to Phil.  He signed with a large smile before giving Rick and Viv their turns.


One of the women looked at Neal, trying to figure out who he was.  Neal caught on and beat her to the punch.


“No darlin’, I’m just along for the ride tonight.”


“The hell you are,” Joe said a bit too loud.  “Have you ladies heard of Journey?”


All three of them nodded.


“Well, that’s Neal Schon.  He was their lead guitarist.”


“And a banging fine one too,” Phil said, saluting him with his club soda.


“Wow, really,” one of the women said, walking over to Neal.  “Please, could I have your autograph too?”


“Absolutely darlin’,” he said exuberantly. 


After the women went back to their table, all six men had smug, triumphant looks on their faces.


“I don’t care how old I get, I still got it,” Joe exclaimed.


Sav drunkenly leaned into him.  “And….you’re still full of it!”


“Well, I think we should wrap this little get-together up,” Phil announced.


Joe looked at his watch and saw that it was twenty minutes before midnight.  “Hmm, I wonder if Ty brought Grace back yet?”




Ty and Grace lay on the bed with most of their clothes practically off, kissing and caressing each other in the wake of their individual releases.


After Grace finished pleasuring Ty with her mouth, he in turn decided to show her that a tongue is good for more than French kissing.  At first, Grace was hesitant, thinking it was way too intimate.  But Ty was able to convince her enough to relax and, when she finally did, she thought she’d die from the pleasure, it was so intense.


When Ty finished, he kissed his way back up her body until he reached her lips.  The taste of herself on his lips was intoxicating and scary.  When she pulled away, she looked at him a little leery.


“And just where did you learn that?”


Ty lowered his head and blushed.  “Grace, c’mon.  Don’t ask……”


She held her hand up to him.  “Ty, its okay.  I didn’t mean it that way.  We’ve been apart a year and a half and I’m sure you haven’t spent that time alone.”


“Grace, please….I don’t want to talk about that,” he stammered.  “Its kinda awkward.  What I did…..who I was with….it doesn’t matter now.  Besides, I’m sure you must’ve dated while we were apart.”


Grace gulped a bit.  Dating a total stranger would’ve been easier to confess to Ty than dating his younger brother.  Well, she and Scott didn’t really date .  Just that one time she took him out to dinner for his birthday.  As far as anything else, Ty didn’t need to know, the same way he didn’t have to tell her about the women he was with.


“Well, actually, no I didn’t,” Grace replied.  “Unless…..you count Scott.”


Ty gave her a puzzled look.  “Scott?  My brother?”


“Do you know any other Scott?  Anyway, it was after my parents and I returned from spending Christmas in the States.  I felt bad about missing his birthday, so I took him to Barbarella’s for dinner.  That was about it.”


Ty felt a bit of skepticism come over him before he pushed it away with a grin.  “Well, if you can’t trust your baby brother, who can you trust, eh?”


Grace felt her insides sink with guilt.  “I guess.”  She then tried to change the subject quickly by looking at the clock.


“Ty, its almost midnight.  Our father’s will probably be back any minute.  You better get on out of here.”


Ty put his discarded clothing back on while Grace turned her back and slipped into her pajamas which consisted of a tiny pair of satin shorts and a matching tank top.


Ty groaned as his eyes ran over her naked backside before slipped her shorts on.


“Crikey, Grace!  You’re gonna kill me!”


Grace turned to him with a wicked look, not even bothering to cover her bare breasts.  “Oh?  And how am I gonna do that?”


His eyes popped at the sight of her fuller, more mature breasts and took two long strides towards her and grabbed her arm, pulling her to him.


“You bloody little tease, you,” he hissed.  “You tell me I have to go and now you’re doing this?”


Grace giggled and rubbed her breasts against his chest that was exposed from his unbuttoned shirt.  “Doing what?”


“Why you little…….” Ty warned before he gave her a stinging slap on her satin clad bottom.”


“Ow!” she shrieked, trying to pull out of his grasp.  “Ty…that hurt!”


“Too bad,” he stated.  “Before you lit the match, you should’ve thought of the size of the fire you were starting.”


Grace reached down and stroked him through his fly.  “I’d say it’s a pretty good size!”


Ty’s eyes widened and his mouth dropped.  “You’ve turned into a saucy little wench, haven’t you?  C’mere!”


Ty pulled her to the bed.  He sat down then threw her over his knee.


“Tyler Kenneth Savage!  What do you think you’re doing?”


“This,” he said before smacking her bottom again.


Grace desperately tried to get off his lap.  Even though she was rather enjoying this sexy little play, her bottom was stinging.


“Tyler, stop it!  I mean it.”


He smacked her again.  “Try to stop me luv.”


Grace finally won her struggle and rolled off his lap onto the floor.  She quickly grabbed her top and put it on.  She headed to the door and opened it.


“C’mon, Ty,” she said, trying to catch her breath, and rubbing her sore behind.  “You gotta leave.”


Ty sauntered over to her and kissed her in the open doorway.  “Don’t ever tease me again, else it’ll be worse next time!”


Grace raised an eyebrow.  “Oh, really?”


Ty leaned his mouth into hers.  “Really,” he countered, before kissing her hard.


They wrapped their arms around each other in a passionate farewell kiss.  They were so into each other that they didn’t hear the elevator doors open down the hall, nor the footsteps as they came closer.


“Aye, aye, none of that!”


Ty and Grace broke the kiss and looked up to see their fathers, looking a little….well…..dazed.


“D…d….daddy,” Grace stammered.  “Um…Ty was just, um….dropping me off.”


She hisdbehind Ty, hoping her father wouldn’t see her satin pajamas and know she was lying.  Joe just gave her a stupid grin.


“Oh, no problem luv,” Joe slurred a bit.  “I’m just glad you’re back safe.  And…Ty…..again, banging fine performance tonight, lad.”


It was then that Grace realized her father was drunk.  She then looked at Sav.


“Um…did you guys have a good time?”


“Mmm, brilliant time,” Sav equally slurred a bit, causing a giggle from Ty.  “Even gave autographs to some thirty-something ladies, can you believe it?  I can still charm ‘em.  Um….you didn’t hear that, lad.”


Ty raised his hands.  “Uh, don’t worry dad.  I won’t say a thing to mum.”


Grace walked forward a bit, forgetting about her state of dress.  “Um, daddy.  You didn’t drive, did you?”


“Are you kidding?  With all the saki Uncle Sav and I drank tonight?  Nah, we left our car at the restaurant and Uncle Phil took us back here before he went home.  We’ll just get the car tomorrow.  Right now, all I want to do is sleep.”


“Mmmm, sleep,” Sav replied, trying to put the key in the doorknob.


“Nighty night, sweet,” Joe said, giving his daughter a sloppy kiss on the forehead before heading into his room as well.


When both doors closed, Ty and Grace looked at each other and laughed.


“Think they’ll remember this tomorrow morning?”


“Probably not!”




Grace returned to school the Monday upon her return from California.  She missed Ty already and, with his album being released any day now, wondered when she’d see him again.  She was hoping that he’d at least be home for the Christmas holiday.


As she walked down the hall, her mind still on that fun, sexy night they spent together, she almost walked right into Karen.


“Oh, goodness Karen,” Grace exclaimed.  “Sorry.  Wasn’t watching where I was going.”


“No problem Grace,” Karen replied.   “So…how was California?  How were Ty and the lads?”


Grace smiled wide.  “Mega!  Absolutely mega!  They have an album due out very soon.  I can’t believe it.  Everything happened so fast.  They are so incredible.”


Karen noticed the look on her face.  “Looks like you and Ty did some serious catching up, huh?”


Grace blushed.  “Well, yeah, kinda.  I mean, when we broke up, I remember telling him that it was really a ‘hitiatus’.  I didn’t know if we’d every try to get back together.  But, its gonna be difficult once this album comes out.  He’ll be busy promoting it and probably do some small venues and such.  Maybe now’s a bad time to try to get back together, but we’re just taking it a step at a time.  So um….how was the dance?  Did you and Scott have a good time?”


Now it was Karen’s turn to blush.  “Um, yeah.  We did.”


Grace noticed the blush and also that she didn’t elaborate.  It was obvious that Karen had fallen for Scott.  She knew it would be difficult for any lass not to.


“Oh, I’m….I’m glad,” she said, feeling a little weird inside.  “I told him that he should go if someone asked him.”


“Well, turns out we have a lot in common,” Karen said.  “He wants to go into medicine and I want to be a nurse.  But, we know that it would be difficult to get into anything, you know….serious right now.  Once we graduate and go off to school, we may never see each other again.  Scott said he’s  seriously considering a school in the States.”


“He….he did?”  Grace was puzzled.  Scott never menetioned his preference to her.  She almost felt a bit jealous that he’d confide this in Karen and not in her.  After all, he’d been getting Grace’s opinion on universities ever since he started applying.


“Yeah, so I guess it wouldn’t be a wise thing to do.  I could easily lose my heart to him.   Then again, I think I may already did.”


Grace saw the dreamy look on Karen’s face and wondered just how good of a time they had at the dance.  Either way, it was none of her business.  Her heart belonged to Ty and Scott’s heart belonged to……to whoever he wanted to entrust it to. 


However, a tiny part of her heart will always be saved for that time they had and what they overcame together.  No one will ever take that away from them.  No one.


Suddenly, she saw Karen’s eyes look up past her and practically light up.  Grace turned to see Scott smiling upon seeing Karen as he walked towards them.  His eyes then looked to see who she was talking to and his countenance changed upon seeing Grace.


“Grace, hi luv,” he said almost guiltily.  “When did you get back?”


“Very late Saturday night,” she said.  “I slept most of the day yesterday to recover from jet lag.  Um…Karen said you guys had a good time at the dance.”


Scott looked at Karen and shared a knowing grin with her.   “Yes, we did.  I’m glad you talked me into going.”


Grace looked from Scott to Karen and back, seeing their visual exchange.  It was obvious they were a bit smitten with each other.  Even though nothing serious would come of it, she still felt a pang deep inside that she had no right to feel.  She convinced herself that it was envy because Karen had Scott while Ty was so far away.


“I’m….I’m glad you did, Scott.”


“So, how was Ty’s show?”


“Incredible.  He really wished you were there.”


“I’m sorry I missed it, but I know I’ll catch one sooner or later.  Damn entrance exams, but I think I did pretty good.”


“That’s good to hear,” Grace said, suddenly feeling like a third wheel.  “Um..I better head onto class.”


“Me too.  Got Trigonometry next,  Karen and I.”  He then looked at Karen.  “Lets walk together, luv?”


Karen smiled.  “Sure.”


Scott took Karen’s hand before turning back to Grace.  “I’ll see ya later, okay.  We’ll talk more about your trip.”


“Okay, bye,” Grace said as she watched them walk down the hall hand in hand. 


She took a deep, heavy sigh before realizing that she was acting foolishly.  She wanted Scott to go to the dance, have a good time and even have some happiness with someone that he deserved.  And…he was doing just that.  She knew that what she was feeling was due to her lonliness.  She so hoped that she’d Ty at Christmas and hoped they’d be able to weather storm of his budding musical career.   





Although Grace’s parents promised her last Christmas that they would be remaining home this Christmas, they changed plans last minute and spent the holiday in New York with Abby’s family.  Abby’s dad was fell ill and wasn’t able to make the trip to England so they went there instead. 


At first Grace gritted her teeth, since she’d miss seeing Ty at Christmastime, but immediately felt bad since her grandfather was sick.


Ty did come home briefly for Christmas, only to leave the next day to rejoin the rest of the band and Mick for a series of album promotions, interviews and autograph signings. 


It seemed that Kevin’s native California had quite a fondness for Crossfire, especially after their five show run earlier in the month.  Mick took advantage of that and scheduled a combination autograph signing and small set at a few local malls. The lads signed CD’s and performed 3 songs from the new album.


Word of this got out and, before long, Mick’s cell phone was ringing constantly with people wanting the lads to make an appearance.  Radio stations, magazines, malls, small clubs, etc, wanted a piece of this hot new band who’s debut album was being quickly snapped up.  Their video for ‘You Release Me’ was still a highly requested video on MTV and VH-1. Mick decided to schedule the makings of the second video, but not too soon.  Even though the lads were hot, he didn’t want to shove them down the public’s throat too fast.  He wanted to keep them wanting a bit.


After their California appearances, they headed across the country to New York to do an in studio interview with MTV.  The lads fielded a bevy a questions and, of course, Ty and Kevin couldn’t avoid being questioned about the influence from their famous fathers.


This exhaustive process went on for the next month and a half.  The lads went from staying in the London apartment supplied by Mercury, to the small New York flat supplied by Q-Prime, to crashing at Neal’s place in L.A.  In between, Ty made frequent phone calls to Grace, promising he’d be home soon.


During all this, Mick received a call from the manager of Switchback 5 wanting to know if Crossfire were available for an opening slot on their tour beginning in March.  Switchback 5 was a very popular band that had been on the rise for the last 5 years and were about to release their much anticipated third album next month.  Their musical style was pretty much similar to that of Crossfires – hard driving, melodic rock.  Mick thought the pairing of the two bands would make for one of the hottest tickets of the year.  After confirming that everything could be set up for the lads to start touring the following month.


The lads were positively ecstatic and were all given reprieve to go home to spend time with their families before beginning the long, exhaustive trek ahead of them.


The Savage household was busy preparing for Ty’s visit, as well as a mysterious announcement that Scott said that he planned to make that evening.  Sav knew that he received several acceptance letters and figured that he’d be announcing which one he chose tonight.  He wanted to celebrate the achievements of both his sons this evening at home.  Only Joe, Abby, Grace and J.T. attended the intimate gathering.


When Ty finally arrived home, his mum was the first to greet her prodigal son at the door with a fierce hug.


“Oh my God Tyler,” Paige gasped as she fought back happy tears.  “I’m so glad to see you.  I’ve missed you so much.”


She then stood back and looked at him.  “My, you’re getting taller.  You’ve become a man overnight.”


“Mum, stop.  You’re making me blush.”


Paige wrinkled her nose.  “You?  Blush?  Ha!  Come on in.  Everyone’s here.  Yes, Grace is here too, before you ask.  We’re just gonna do a cookout on the deck.  I’ve got everything ready.”


Ty grinned and kept quiet as his mum continued to ramble, too happy to see him.  That was…until Sav finally saw him.


“Get over here lad,” Sav said as he approached him with open arms.  Ty hugged his father, feeling the pride that soared inside of him.


“Getting ready for the road?”


“Somehow I don’t think its gonna be as much fun as I’m thinking it is,” Ty said a little skeptical.


“You’re right, it isn’t,” Sav replied.  “You’re gonna be dead tired, but you’ll wouldn’t want to trade it for anything.”


“I second that,” Joe said as he came in the room, holding a bottle of Guinness up in toast.  “These are your peak years, lad.  Take advantage of them.”


Abby then came in and gave Ty a big hug.  “Its good to see you Tyler.  I’m so happy for you.”


“Thanks Aunt Abby.  Um…is…..?”


“Yes, she’s here.  She’s in the family room.”


Ty excused himself and went in search of Grace.  When he walked into the family room, he halted upon seeing Grace and Scott on the couch with their heads close to each other, looking at something in Scott’s hands.


Ty cleared his throat.  “Interrupting something?”


Scott immediately pulled the paper behind his back and stood up, as did Grace.  When Scott saw his brother, his face lit up as he went forward to embrace him.


“Aye, bro.  Long time, no see.”


“Same here,” Ty replied hugging him, all the while keeping his gaze on Grace.  All he wanted to do was wrap himself around her, but controlled himself.


“So…whatcha hiding behind your back there, bro?”


Scott quickly pulled the paper out from behind his back, then hid it again.  “Oh, its my college acceptance letter.  I plan on announcing my destination after dinner.”


Ty looked from him to Grace and then back.  “Hmm, and how come Grace is so special that she gets to know ahead of time?”


“Well, she’s been a big help to my selection process.  Plus, I couldn’t wait any longer.  I had to tell someone.  Um, look, I’m sure you guys want to be alone a bit.  I’ll uh…….go disappear.”


With that, Scott gave Grace one last look and left the family room.  When they were alone, Grace and Ty finally hugged.


“Oh God, Ty….I thought I’d never feel you again.  Its been so long.  And now you’re going on the road in a few weeks for God knows how long.”


“I know luv, I know,” Ty murmured into her ear, breathing in the scent of her hair as his hands roamed her back.  “What horrible timing for the band to take off, eh?”


Grace pulled away and looked at him.  “I know how important this is to you, Ty.  As much as I love you and am gonna miss you, I won’t do anything to interfere with it.”


“Yeah, but what about us, Grace?  Like you said, I don’t know how long I’ll be gone for.”


“I guess us will have to be put on hiaitus again,” Grace regretfully said.    “I want you to enjoy yourself, Tyler.  I…I know there’s gonna be girls everywhere you go.  That’s a given.  And, there’s nothing I can do about that.  I know you said you’d be faithful, but you can only resist temptation for so long.  As much as it hurts thinking of you with someone else, I have to be sensible about this.”


Ty looked at her.  “Grace, I told you I wasn’t gonna make another mistake with you.  Why are you giving in so easily?  Is there someone else?”


“No, of course not,” Grace replied.  “Its just…..c’mon, Ty.  You’re young, you’re gorgeous and you’re a rock star.  You’ve got a once in a lifetime chance and I want you to enjoy it to the fullest, being careful of course.  I…I just don’t want you to resent me for keeping you from something you want to enjoy.  I’m here for you.  I’ll always be here.  But, while you’re on the road, I won’t expect you to…you know…..”


Ty knew that her words were true.  Rock stars were privy to many pleasures – women being one of them.  And, if the lads and him enjoyed themselves before they became widely known, then he could only imagine what would happen to them now.  However, he didn’t want to do anything to lose Grace either.


He hugged her tighter.  “Luv, I want you to know that I will do everything to stay faithful to you.  I love you so much, Grace.  You’re so beautiful, wonderful.  God, I just wish you could come with me for a while.”


Grace squeezed her eyes shut at his words.  “Me too, Ty.  Me too.”


Just then, Paige stumbled in upon them.  “Uh…..oh, sorry you too.  Ty….your father just fired up the cooker and is in the process of fighting with your uncle over the proper way to barbecue.  Uncle Joe has the spatula, but your dad has the pitchfork, so I think he’ll win.  For once!  Anyway, I’ve got to find Scott and send him out for ice.  We’re pretty low.”


“Oh, that’s okay mum, I’ll go,” Ty offered.  “I haven’t been into town in so long.  Maybe I’ll run into a few familiar faces.”


“Okay, luv.  Thank you.”


Paige left and Ty turned to Grace.  “Wanna take a ride with me into town?”


“I’d like to, but I think I better stay here and help your mum and mine set up.  Don’t worry, we’ll try to sneak off later somewhere.”


“I plan on it,” Ty said wickedly as he kissed her before leaving.


About fifteen minutes later, Ty paid for two large bags of ice.  As he headed out, he held the door open for a young woman with a stroller.  Ty smile down at the wee lad when he heard the young woman say ‘thank you’.

Ty looked up at the young woman and gasped, as did she.


“Tyler?  Tyler Savage?  Is that you?”


Ty gulped, as lusty memories of Grace’s fifteenth birthday party came flooding back.


“Aye Julie,” he answered.





“Oh my God, it is you,” Julie exclaimed as she unabashedly threw her arms around Ty and hugged him.  “How are you?”


Ty cautiously hugged her, not having been this close to her since the night of Grace’s 15th birthday party.


“Um, good, good,” he said, pulling himself back and looking at her.  “And you?”


Julie eyed the baby in the stroller.  “What do you think?”


Ty looked at the little infant girl in a pretty pink outfit then back up at Julie.  “Yours?”


Julie signed heavily and nodded her head.  “Yeah.  Quite a surprise, huh?”


Ty knew that Julie had a reputation for being promiscuous and guessed it finally caught up to her.  Hell, he had barely said about ten words to her at Grace’s party almost 3 years ago before she lured him to the jacuzzi room to suck him off!


“Um, I’ll say,” Ty said, trying not to sound rude.  “Are you still in school?”


“No, I’m not.  I found out I was pregnant in April of my junior year.  She was just born in January.  I never even entered my senior year.”


“Are you gonna plan on finishing school?”


“I don’t think I’ll be able to,” Julie replied.  “At least not full time.  My mum and dad work during the day and I can’t afford daycare.  I may have to take night classes or something.”


Ty bit his lip a bit.  “Um, not to be nosy, but what about the father?  Won’t he help?”


“Yeah, right,” she sarcastically replied.  “He doesn’t even want to be bothered with me.  Said I tried to trap him.  My dad is insisting I go after him for some support.  I just don’t want to be bothered.  I don’t care.  I made a mess of my life and I’ve got to live with it.  I guess spotless, priviliged lives are for others, like you.”


Ty winced a bit at her bitterness.  “Julie, trust me.  I’m not perfect.  No family is.”


“Hmm, I understand you’re a budding rock star now, huh?  I still have a few friends from school who’ve called and kept me up to date with everything that’s been happening.  And….I do mean everything!”


“Yeah, well that happened kind of fast.  Our band just got a slot to open up for Switchback 5.  We’ll be leaving in a few weeks to start the tour.  As you can tell from the bags of ice in my hands, my parents are having a little get together to celebrate my career and Scott’s university acceptance.  The Elliott’s are at my house as well.”


Julie raised a curious eyebrow.  “You’re quite the good sport, aren’t you?  Guess you don’t hold grudges.”


Now it was Ty’s turn to be curious.  “What do you mean?”


“I mean Scott.   Before I left school, he and Grace seemed to be quite an item.  Tried to keep it real hush hush, ya know.”


Ty registered what Julie was saying and began to react to it, before shaking it off.  “Oh, I don’t think it was what you thought.  Before I left for university, Grace and I broke up, but I did ask Scott to, you know…..kinda look out for her.”


“Well, he did a lot more than look out for her,” Julie said with a wicked tone.  “As I said, they tried to keep it under wraps during school, but I guess the real action took place over the summer.”


Ty insides were beginning to jumble a bit, wondering what the hell she was talking about.  Grace never mentioned having a thing for Scott, and vice versa.  Then again, why would Grace or Scott tell him if they were seeing each other after he left for university.  However, Julie always had a wicked streak and could just be playing mind games with him.


“Well, I don’t know what you’re talking about Julie, or what you or your friends saw, but there’s nothing going on between Grace and Scott.  For your information, Grace and I have been rekindling our relationship.”


“Well, there’s nothing going on between them anymore, but there was.  A lot.  Just don’t want you looking like a fool getting back with her knowing that your own brother bird-dogged you.”


Ty shifted the melting bags of ice in his hands and started to leave.  “Julie, look, I’ve got to get going, okay?  I don’t mean to be rude, but my parents are waiting for me to return.”


“You don’t believe me, do you Tyler?”


Ty signed heavily with frustration.  “Julie, look.  I don’t want to be mean, but I know you had a reputation in school, not just for your….behavior, but also for being a little malicious. I know you’re probably pissed at me because I all but ignored you after Grace’s party that year and I’m sorry.  I realized shortly after that that I loved Grace and I wanted to be with her.  Now, I’m not gonna stand here and listen to your twisted gossip.”


As Ty turned to leave, Julie took his arm.


 “Fine Tyler, you want to be that way?  I tried to warn you without coming out and telling you, but since you’ve already got me pegged as malicious, maybe I better live up to it.  The truth is this…..my mum is an emergency room nurse.  Last summer, right before school started, your precious little Grace was brought in there with severe stomach cramps.  Turns out she was pregnant and was having a miscarriage.  My mum was the nurse in charge who attended her.  And…..since the only lad she’d been seen with  was Scott, chances are, he was the father.  If you plan on rekindling your relationship with her, better get all the skeletons out of the closet.  Enjoy your little party when you get back, Tyler.  I’m sure there’s gonna be quite a blast there once you confront your brother and Grace with this.”


With that, Julie let go of him, grabbed the stroller and headed into the store.


Ty stood there with both bags of ice still dripping as he was shaking from her words. 


Suddenly, little things started coming back to him.  Like when he called Grace one day and Scott picked up, just happening to be there.  Like walking in on the two of them today with their heads so close together.  Like Scott confiding in her and entrusting her with his school decision before anyone else.  Sure they all grew up together, but Scott had never been this close to Grace.


It all made sense now. 


As he had been all his life, Ty reacted before thinking.  In anger, he slammed the bags of ice down on the sidewalk, drawing several stares from passers by, before hopping into his car to head back to confront Grace and Scott.




Ty came to a screeching halt in the driveway of his parents house before getting out and going in, signaling his return with a loud slam of the front door.


Paige heard the noise and looked down the front hall leading to the door from the kitchen.


“Lord, Tyler!  Why did you slam the door so hard?”


Ty walked towards his mother with a burning look on his face.  She narrowed her eyes at his expression before noticing his empty hands.


“Where’s the ice lad?”


“Splattered all over the sidewalk,” he coldly stated.


“Did you drop it?”


“No, mum,” he half shouted.  “I smashed it to the groud, that’s what!”


Paige’s bewilderment turned to anger.  “Tyler, whats with your attitude?”


His eyes glanced around.  “Where’s Scott?”


“In the family room with Grace, why?”


Ty sarcastically chuckled.  “How bloody cozy,” he sneered before heading to the family room.


Paige was now a little concerned and grabbed his arm.  “Tyler, what…..?”


Ty violently snatched his arm away.  “Leave me alone,” he dangerously whispered before storming towards the family room.  Paige went to the slider that led to the deck to get Sav and Joe.


“Rick, somethings wrong with Tyler.”


Joe took over the cooker as Sav went after Ty in the family room.


When Ty entered the family room, he found Grace and Scott pretty much the same way he did before – sitting close and talking.


“Thought you had to help our mum’s set up, Grace?”


Grace turned around at the sound of sarcasm that dripped from Ty’s voice and saw the weird look on his face.  “Oh, I did.  I’m all finished.  We were just waiting for you to return.”


“What took you so long, bro?” Scott asked.  “I’m famished.”


Ty folded his arms and looked from Scott to Grace with a dangerous look.  “Oh, I ran into an old acquaintenance from school.  Told me quite an interesting story.  About you two, matter of factly.  Just what the hell’s been going on between the two of you, huh?”


Just then, Sav walked in, followed by Paige, in time to hear Ty yelling.


“Tyler, whats the matter…….?”


“Stay out of this dad,” Ty said sharply, never taking his eyes off Scott.  “I asked you a question, bro.”


“What do you mean whats going on?” Scott said a little nervously.


Ty unfolded his arms and slowly stalked Scott.  “I mean…..you….Grace, playing sneaky, kissey face at school as soon as I took off to university.”


Scott hung his head a bit as Grace brought a hand to her temple.  “Ty, that was right when we started our junior year,” Grace said.


Ty raised his eyebrows.  “Oh?  So you’re not denying it?  The two of you were fooling around?”


Scott suddenly found his backbone.  “You know Ty, not for nothing, but you and Grace did break up.  And, from what I recall, you’ve been spreading yourself around with the co-ed’s, not to mention what you and the band were doing while staying in London.  So don’t be a hypocrit.”


Ty slowly smiled and folded his arms again as he looked Scott dead in the face.  “You’re right, Scott.  You’re absolutley right.  However, I didn’t get any of those girls pregnant!” 


Grace fell to the couch.  “Oh my God!”


Paige gasped behind Sav.  “Oh my God!”


Ty looked at Grace with shock.  “Its true?”


Grace buried her face in her hands and cried.


“Is it?” he demanded louder.


“Tyler….” Sav said, trying to calm.


“I said stay out of this dad!” he shouted at his father before looking back at Grace.  “Is it?”


All Grace could do was nod.  By now, Abby and Joe had heard the commotion coming from the family room.  Abby made sure J.T. stayed outside while they went in to see what the matter was.


Ty looked from Grace to Scott with disgust before looking at his parents.  “And you knew too?”


Sav sighed deeply.  “Yes Tyler.  We knew.”


Just then, Joe came into the family room.  “Is everything alright……?”


He halted upon seeing Grace crying.  “What’s the matter?”


Sav looked at Joe.  “Tyler found out about Grace’s pregnancy.”


Joe looked at Tyler.  “How the hell did you…..?”


Tyler met his look with one of contempt.  “Nevermind how I found out!  Oh, man, I don’t believe it!  I don’t fucking believe it!”


“Watch your mouth……..” Sav began to say.


“Or what, dad?  What do you want me to say?  How am I supposed to act?  More importantly, why the hell didn’t you tell me?”


“What for, Tyler?” Sav shouted back at him.  “It wasn’t for you to know, because it was something that never should’ve happened.  Scott and Grace realized that almost immediately, but it happened nonetheless.  They were both very upset about it and just want to put it behind them.  And, just like Scott said, you were no innocent yourself.”


Ty roughly ran his fingers through his hair.  “Its not the same, dad!   I know Grace and I broke up……or should I say….she broke up with me.   The fact is, she was my girlfriend.  Scott’s my brother.  He should’ve known better.”


“Ty, I know,” Scott said.  “Like dad said, it was a mistake.”


“Was it really, Scotty-boy?”  He then looked at Grace.  “How about it, Grace?  Was that why you were so eager to ‘give me my freedom’ when I went off to college because you  had Scott waiting in the wings?”


Joe was getting a little angry at Ty for talking to his daughter that way.  “Alright, Tyler….that’s enough…”


Instead, Ty ignored Joe and continued to focus on Grace.  “Was that what you had planned, Grace?  Hmm?  Oh, and how generous you are to let me go on the road and slam groupies, no questions asked, and that you’ll be waiting for me with open arms when I return.  Bet Scott’s gonna keep you good company while I’m gone.”


“Tyler, shut up!” Scott yelled.  “That’s not how it was.”


Ty advanced on Scott and grabbed him by the neck of his t-shirt.  Both lads began to struggle as Grace stood up hysterical.


“Stop it!  Stop it, both of you!  Tyler, he’s right.  There’s nothing going on after that happened.  I swear!  It was a mistake and we paid horribly for it. How can you be so cruel?”


Scott pushed Ty away from him.  When he did, Grace interceded inbetween them and put her hands on Ty’s arms.


“Ty, please.  We didn’t want anyone other than our parents to know.  Do you know how horrible it was for us?  What I went through?  What Scott went through?  Please, Ty, don’t act like this.”


Joe, Abby, Sav and Paige just stood back silently, allowing their children to handle this on their own.  Sav held his breath, knowing Ty’s tendency to react first before thinking and hoped that he’d listen to reason. 


Ty looked down at Grace’s pleading face, then up at his brother’s contrite one.  All he could see was the two of them together, in the throes of passion – kissing and caressing as Scott thrusted his body in and out of her.


He suddenly couldn’t stand it anymore.  He roughly shoved Grace from him.  “Get away from me,” he dangerously whispered. 


Joe couldn’t stand it anymore either and advanced on Ty.  “You better watch how you handle my daughter, lad,” Joe warned him.


Ty looked at his uncle square in the face.  “Don’t worry, Uncle Joe.  I won’t be handling your daughter anymore.  I want nothing to do with her!”


Ty then looked to his brother.  “And you!  I hope whatever university you choose is far away, and you stay there.  Because I never want to see your face as long as you live!”


All Grace could do was collapse to the couch and cry.  Scott leaned against the wall and hung his head in deep regret.


Ty brushed past everyone before Sav caught his arm.  “Don’t you think you’re being a bit harsh?”


Ty pulled his arm away.  “Let go of me!  I’m outta here!”


Ty practically sprinted to the front door and out to his car.  Sav got outside in time to see Ty peel out of the driveway and drive away.


He turned and went inside to pick up the pieces of the damage done by his son.  Grace was crying hysterically on Abby’s shoulder.  Paige was crying over the ruined day.  Scott retreated to his room, unable to hold his emotion in.  And Joe stood there seething over seeing his little girl hurt.


A string inside of Sav snapped.  He violently swiped his car keys off the counter and went out the kitchen door that led to the garage.  He planned on hunting that ornery son of his down to give him what he truly deserves.









Sav spent the next twenty minutes driving around past places where Ty might have stopped to cool off and think.  The soccer park.  The lookout.  Even Westfield School.  He wasn’t at any of them.


Trying to keep his own seldom-seen anger at bay over his son’s behavior, Sav then raced his Porsche into the center of town, figuring there could only be one place he could possibly be.


He slowly rolled past each and every local pub, looking for Ty’s SUV parked outside.  Turning onto Trippett Lane, he spotted Ty’s SUV in front of The Dog and Partridge.  He immediately parked his car and went inside.


Even for a Sunday afternoon, the pub wasn’t overly crowded.  Sav scanned his eyes until they fell upon his son sitting on the last stool at the curved bar, quickly downing a glass of dark ale.  As he watched Ty signal the bartender to give him another, Sav took a deep breath and went on over.


Ty looked up and saw his father walk towards him.  He immediately rolled his eyes and jumped off the barstool.


“Crikey, can’t a bloke go anywhere to be alone?”


Ty brushed past his father as he uttered that in an effort to leave quickly.  Sav grabbed his upper arm, stopping him in his tracks. 


“You’re not going anywhere lad.  Go sit in that corner booth.  Now.”


“Look dad, I’m not in the mood for a lecture……”


Sav tightened the grip on Ty’s arm and pulled  him in closer.


“I don’t think you heard me Tyler Kenneth,” Sav said with seething quiet. “I said now!”


Ty knew that all parents used their children’s full christian names when they were pissed.  Even though he was just as pissed, he wasn’t going to argue.  Best get it done and get it over with.


“Fine,” Ty huffed.  “Just let me get my ale…..”


“Forget it,” Sav cut him off, leading him to the booth.  “Not if you’re driving.”


Ty slid into one side of the booth, immediately leaning back and folding his arms, looking anywhere but at his father.  Sav slid in across from him and wasted no time.


“I think you know what I’m here,” Sav began.


Ty took on a sarcastic tone as he tapped his finger against his chin.  “Hmm, lets see.  Probably to chastise me for getting upset over my little brother bonking my girlfriend and knocking her up.”


“Cut the attitude, Tyler.  I won’t have it.  Not in this instance.  You have no idea what happened.”


“Uh, dad….we had the sex talk, remember?  I know exactly what happened.”


Sav leaned across the table and took Ty’s chin in his hand, making him face him.


“I don’t care if you will be 20 years old this July, Tyler.  I am your father and you will show me respect, understand?”


Sav dropped his hand as Ty just nodded.


“Now, first of all, how the hell did you find out about this?”


“Remember Julie?” Ty asked.  “The redhead from Grace’s 15th birthday party?  I ran into her in the store when I came to get the ice.  Her mum’s an emergency room nurse.  She was on duty the day Grace was brought in.  Her mum must’ve told her and seems like Julie couldn’t wait to spill it to me.  Guess Julie was pissed that I blew her off after she blew me.”


Ty smirked at his father in a feeble attempt to inject some humor into this.  Sav didn’t find any.  He was positively livid over the breach of confidence of the hospital staff.  However, he wouldn’t waste any time now fretting over that.  He’d take care of it first thing tomorrow morning.  Now he’d deal with his son.


“Tyler, listen to me.  I know you’re angry and hurt.  I understand.  However, how you acted, not to mention what you said to your brother and Grace, was completely out of line.  You have no idea what those two kids went through during that time.  They knew they made a mistake in doing something they shouldn’t have.  But it happened.  The pain over losing Chelsea was hard on Scott and breaking up with you was hard on Grace.  They leaned on each other for comfort and obviously it went a bit far.  Nothing can be done to change that.  Grace didn’t even know she was pregnant.  Abby rushed her to the hospital one morning when she was bleeding and doubled over with pain.  That’s how they found out.  Your brother was positively sick that he hurt or ruined Grace because of the miscarriage.  And what Grace went through was even worse.  Thank God there was no physical damage to her because of that, but they were scared nonetheless.”


Ty sat there absorbing every word his father said.  But it still didn’t ease him inside.


“Okay dad, fine.  So they turned to each other in their heartbreak and it got to hot and heavy.  Am I supposed to believe that, after all that, it was only a mistake and ‘life goes on’?”  Her and Scott seem a little bit too close for me, even after she and I agreed to try to get back together.”


“Tyler, they have gotten closer since this happened.  Their helping each other get over this, that’s all.  For your information, your brother’s been channeling all his energy in school to get into a good university, an announcement that he was to make tonight that you ruined.”


Ty rolled his eyes.  “Oh, great!  My fault, right?”


“Exactly!  Your fault!  You’ve been so caught up in your fledgling rock career that you completely forgot that other people have agenda’s other than yours.  You have stars in your eyes lad, but don’t let them blind you.  I love you with all my heart and I support your career and will be there every step of the way as long as you want me to be, but Scott’s my son too and I’m gonna support whatever he does as well.  I take some responsibility for what may have happened between Grace and Scott because I was so caught up with you and the band that I neglected what was going on in my own home.  While I was off in London recording your demo, I had no idea how bad Scott was hurting.  But that’s part of being a parent.  You have to learn balance.  Now, back to the matter at hand.  You stormed out of that house after hurting everyone in it.  I think you know what you have to do.”


Ty sat there for a few moments in thought before he looked at his father.  “I can’t dad.  I can’t go back there.  Not now, at least.”


Sav narrowed his eyes at him.  “Tyler, don’t do this.  Your mother is positvely heartbroken over the wrecked day that was supposed to be joyous for her two lads.  Grace is beyond upset and was crying all over her mum when I left.  Scott locked himself in his room and your Uncle Joe probably would’ve kicked your arse if I let him.  Maybe I should!”


Ty looked at his Sav with incredulous eyes.  “How come everyone else being upset is justifiable, but I’m not?  Do you know what it was like for me to find this out the way I did?  Crikey, dad, if it was a complete stranger that got Grace in trouble, it wouldn’t have been as bad.  But my own brother?”


“Tyler, I’m not saying you don’t have a right to be upset for finding out what you did, how you did.  But….as Scott said, you haven’t been an alter boy since you went off to university, not to mention what you and the lads got into in London when we were recording.  I don’t think Grace would be too easy hearing about that.”


“You’re wrong, dad.  She told me herself that she wasn’t naïve to think that I wasn’t with anyone in the time we were separated.  And….she even told me to go off on this tour and enjoy myself, doing whatever, no questions asked, saying that she’ll be here for me when I return.  Crikey, now that I think about it, what am I complaining about?  It’s the perfect relationship every bloke dreams about!”


“Is that what you really want to do, Ty?  Do you even know what you want in that sense?  You’re barely 20 years old.  I know you love Grace, even after this fiasco.  But Tyler, perhaps she’s a little bit wiser than you are.   You’re the children of two men who went out in the world just the way you did and at about the same age.  She more than likely knows what you’re gonna face. Women, alcohol, drugs…….or worse.  And I’m gonna tell you right now, you’re gonna face it, not that you already haven’t in some capacity.  Perhaps…….perhaps this isn’t the best time to rekindle with Grace, and not because of what happened.  Perhaps she’s giving you the freedom to enjoy what will probably be the best years of your life, rather then keeping you on a tight leash, only to resent her for it later on.”


“I’ve thought about that,” Ty said.  “Maybe you’re right.  Especially after what just happened.”


“No!  No, Tyler, don’t let what just happen affect your decision.”


“How can I not, dad?  Finding out the way I did.  My own brother, no less.  Regardless of the circumstances.”


“So, what are you gonna do lad?  Hold a grudge forever against the two of them?  What you said to your Uncle Joe about Grace, not wanting anything to do with her, was cruel.  And what you said to Scott about never wanting to see him again as long as you live was worse.  You may have 3 band brother right now, but Scott’s your flesh and blood.  Don’t you forget it.”


Again, Ty sat in thought for a few moments before answering.  “I know dad, its just……I can’t right now.  I need some time to think and cool off.”


“Don’t wait too long, lad.  You’re leaving in two weeks for the tour to which you may not be home for a while.  Grace and Scott will be graduating and going off to university while your’e gone.  Resolve this before then Ty, promise me.”


“I…..I promise, dad.  I just don’t know when.  I’m sorry, but I can’t come back to the house.  I just can’t.”


“Tyler,” Sav said with a warning.  “Your mother…..”


“I  know dad, I know.  Please, I promise to call her later and come by tomorrow morning.  After Scott’s gone off to school.  I just can’t face anyone now.”


“Where are you gonna stay?”


“I’ll just get a room for the night.  I do have a bit of money now, you know.  Not much, but enough.”


“And after tonight?”


“I don’t know dad.  Maybe I’ll just pack up and head on out to California to stay with Kevin till we leave.”


“But Tyler, you promised to resolve this before you leave.”


“I know, I will.  I don’t know how, but I will.”


Sav spent the next hour talking to his son, hoping that by the end he’d change his mind and come home.  But he didn’t.  They solemnly walked out the pub and Ty hugged his father with regret before getting in his SUV in search of a room for the night.


Sav got in his car and sat behind the wheel for a moment or two before driving home.   He noticed that Joe and Abby were still there.  He went in to an eerily quiet house in search of everyone.  He opened the slider to the back deck and found everyone, sans Scott, trying to salvage what remained of the day.  Paige noticed her husband and stood to go over to him.


“Did you find him?”


“Yes, I did.  At The Dog and Partridge about to get himself drunk.  We had a long talk and, well, he doesn’t feel right coming back here now.  He said he’d call you tonight and come by to see you tomorrow.  He apologized for how he acted and promised to resolve this difference with Grace and Scott privately.”


Grace looked up at Sav with eyes swollen from crying.  “He hates me, doesn’t he?”


“No luv, he does not.  Nor does he hate Scott.  The shock of what he found out was what sent him reeling.”


Joe stood up.  “How the hell did he find out?”


When Sav repeated what Ty told him about Julie and her mum, Joe went ballistic.


“What?  I thought hospitals were supposed to keep things like that confidential?”


“They are, and I’m placing a call to that hospital tomorrow and demand that Julie’s mother get reprimanded for this.”


“Where is Tyler now?” Abby asked.


“He got a room in town for the night.”  He then looked at Grace.  “Luv, he promised me that he would resolve this with you and Scott before he leaves for the tour.  He’s just angry and hurt.  Don’t worry.  Everything will be okay.”


Just then the sound of the slider opening behind Sav caused him to turn.  Scott stood there with a sunken,  pale face and red-rimmed eyes. 


Sav went over to him and hugged.  “I found Tyler and talked to him.  Everything’s gonna be alright lad.  Don’t you worry.”


Sav released him and looked into his blank, expressionless face as his eyes scanned everyone on the deck.


“Just so you’re all not kept in suspense any longer,” Scott began.  “I’ve decided to go to the University of Arizona.  They have a good sports medicine program.  Hopefully that’ll be far enough away for my brother.”




Late next morning at school, Grace walked down the hall in a fog.  The hurt of all that Ty said and did yesterday was still painful.  As hard as she tried to justify the hurt and deception he must’ve felt, she couldn’t justify the cruelty in his words towards her and Scott.  She took comfort in the fact that Sav had been able to talk some sense into him and that he would eventually face both her and Scott to work this out.


As she rounded the corner, she almost ran smack into an equally dazed Scott.  They both looked at each other, almost reading each others mind.


“You don’t want to be here anymore than I do, right?”


Scott knew his face broadcasted his feelings.  “No, I don’t.  I just want to go home.  I don’t want to be around anyone.”


Grace looked a little sad.  “Me included?”


“No, of course not.  Its just….I can’t concentrate on anything.  As much as I want to resolve this thing with Ty, part of me hates him for what he said yesterday.”


“I know, I’ve been thinking the same thing,” Grace said.  “I could never hate him, but his words really cut me deep.  But I have to realize that they were words said in the heat of the moment.  He was shocked by what he found out.  I can’t believe Julie’s mum blabbed that personal information.  I feel as if the entire school knows.”


“Well, you can’t do anything about it if they do,” Scott assured her.  “Anyway, listen, I think I’m gonna head on out of here.  I’ve got only one class left and its an elective.  Hell, what do I care.  I already got accepted to university.”


“Um, Scott.  Could you take me home too?  I don’t think I want to be here anymore.”


Scott smiled at her.  “Sure luv.  Why don’t we just go to my house and finish those leftovers from the cookout yesterday? You can call your mum when you get there.”


Grace grinned.  “Mmm, sounds good.  I’m a bit famished.”



Back at the Savage house, Paige opened the door upon hearing the bell to find her distraught, eldest son standing on the doorstep.


“Hi mum,” Ty meekly said.


Paige threw her arms around him and hugged him.  Ty hugged her back.


“Mum, I’m so sorry about yesterday.  I didn’t mean to ruin it for you.  I know how much you looked forward to it.  That’s why I told dad I’d come by this morning to see you – alone.”


“Its okay Tyler, come in,” Paige said as she stepped aside.  Ty walked in the kitchen and sat down at the table.  Being the worried mother, Paige immediately took in his tired, scruffy appearance.


“Tyler, did you eat?  Do you have a clean change of clothes?  Do you want to take a shower?”


“No, I didn’t eat.  Not yet.  I still have no appetite.  I took a shower at the motel and just put on what I had yesterday.  I left without my bags.  I’ll have something to eat and then I’ll change.”


Paige immediately put something together for him from yesterday and sat down at the table with him.


“Tyler, your father explained everything to you, correct?”


“Yeah, he did,” he said as he tore into a piece of leftover baked chicken.  “It still hurts, mum.  I’m sorry about what happened with them, its just….look, I don’t want to talk about it.  Its all I’ve been thinking.  I just came here to see you and just have some peace before I leave.”


Paige was puzzled. “Leave?  Leave where?  I thought you don’t leave for the tour for another two weeks.”


“I don’t, but I can’t stay here.  I just can’t.  I called Kevin from the motel last night and I’m gonna fly out to California to stay with him.  Randy and Mark are in Canterbury with their families now and will fly out there the middle of next week.  We then have rehearsals and such to do before the first actual date, which is in Phoenix, Arizona, so its best I stay in California.”


“Speaking of Arizona, that’s where Scott’s going to university,” Paige told him.  “He made the announcement after your father got back after talking to you.  It wasn’t the way it was supposed to be, Tyler.”


“I know, mum.  Dad already told me how I ruined the day yesterday.  I’m sorry, okay, but give me a break.   Look what I found out?”


“I know, don’t remind me,” Paige said.  “Your father and Uncle Joe are at the hospital right now meeting with the Director of Staff.  Julie’s mum had no right saying anything, even to her own daughter.  I wish you didn’t find out like that.”


“Then why didn’t you just tell me?” Ty demanded.


“Like your father said, it wasn’t for you to know.  Tyler, please, you’re right.  Lets not talk about that.  I’m not gonna see you for who knows how long and Scott’s taking off to the States in the fall, so I want as much pleasant time with my lads as possible.”


Ty smiled at his mother.  “Okay, mum.”


Just then the sound of the garage door opening up caused Paige to turn.  “That must be your father.  I wonder how he made out at the hospital.”


The connecting door from the garage to the kitchen opened up and in walked Scott and Grace.  The center island blocked their view from Ty sitting at the table.


“Aye mum,” Scott announced as he walked in.  “Grace and I couldn’t stay at school any longer.  We’re just gonna have something to…….”


Scott stopped in his tracks when he noticed his older brother.  Grace felt her insides drop when Ty’s eyes met hers.


Ty then looked up at the unexpected site of his brother then turned back to his plate and threw his fork down and stood up.


“I think I better leave……..”


“No!” Paige said.  “No more running, Tyler.  The three of you are here, so now is a good a time as any.  Please, I don’t want this discord to go on in our family any longer than it should.”


That was more of a command from Paige, rather than a request.  She then went upstairs to give the children privacy to talk about this.


When they heard Paige close her bedroom door, Ty got up and crossed the kitchen to the other side.  He wasn’t ready to face this so soon.  But, he did promise his father he’d resolve this.


He crossed his arms and regarded Grace and Scott.  “How convenient that you’re both here at the same time.  Still comforting each other, I see.”


Scott rolled his eyes while Grace pinched her temples.  Ty saw this and retracted.


“Okay, fine.  I’m sorry.  I couldn’t resist.  What the hell am I supposed to think, huh?  Man, I’m just so……”


Ty had to stop before his mouth spoke independently of his brain again.


“Ty, look, lets go in the family room and talk about it,” Scott suggested.


“No,” Ty blurted.  “I’m fine where I am.”


“Then lets sit at the table,” Grace then said.


“I said I’m fine where I am,” Ty reiterated a little hostile.  He then saw the reaction on Grace’s face to his temper and tried to get a grip.


“Look, I wasn’t ready to face this so soon.  I’m still reeling from it.  I’m only doing this because it means so much to mum and I also promised dad I would before I left.”


“That’s all well and good Ty, but don’t say anything just because you’re forced to.  Do it because you really mean it.”


“Fine,” Ty said.  “I take back what I said yesterday and I’m sorry for what you two went through, but I’m not sorry for how I feel.  The both of you have no idea what went through me when I found that out.”


“Kind of ironic, Ty,” Grace said.  “How do you think I felt when you accidentally blurted out about you and Diane?  And that was while we were going together.”


Ty looked at Grace.  “I know Grace, but dammit, my own brother?”


He then looked at Scott.  “And I even asked you to look after Grace while I was gone because I felt bad about what happened.  The fact that we broke up meant nothing.  I still……….”


Ty cut himself off before Grace filled in.  “Still what, Ty?”


“I still loved you, you know.  I never stopped.  Man, I even wrote that song about you.  I can’t even watch VH-1 because they play that bleedin’ video so much.   Do you know how hard its gonna be performing it?”


“Tyler, I don’t know what to say,” Grace said with tears in her eyes.  “We didn’t keep this from you to be deceitful.  I just didn’t want anyone to know.  You didn’t have to know.  I didn’t think we’d ever try getting back together again.  Part of me secretly felt that I should tell you, but what would that of done?  I just wanted to put it behind me and go forward.  Don’t make me out to be some kind of slut because of it.”


“I’m not Grace, its just…….I’m still having a hard time accepting it, that’s all.  I wasn’t ready to resolve it with you two today, but, like mum said, we’re here.”


“But does this resolve anything?” Scott asked his brother.


“I don’t know, Scott,” Ty honestly answered.  “Like I said, I’m sorry for my words, not my feelings.  Those are gonna take a while.”


“So what happens in the meantime?” Grace asked.


“Well, I’ve made a decision Grace.  Remember what you said to me yesterday about having this once in a lifetime chance and enjoying it to the fullest.  That’s exactly what I’m gonna do.  I’m leaving tomorrow to go stay with Kevin in California till its time to leave for the tour.  No strings.  No attachments.  Nothing.”


“No us, you mean,” Grace said to him.


Ty looked her square in the face and shook his head no.  Grace sat down at the table, trying hard to accept this.  She did tell Ty to go out on tour and enjoy himself without any guilt, so she had no right to feel this way.  But, for some reason, it felt more permanent.  This incident will always hang over their heads, no matter how many apologies are made.  Somehow, she felt that there were never gonna be any hopes of them getting back together.


Ty then looked at Scott.  “Mum said you’re going to school in Arizona.”


Scott nodded.  Ty looked at the floor, took a deep breath then looked back up at his brother.  “Congratulations,” he managed to eke out.  “Good luck.”


“Thanks,” Scott replied, trying to find some sincerity in his brother’s voice.


Ty then realized he couldn’t stand the tension anymore.  “I’ve got to go.  Tell mum I’ll call her later.”


Without another word, Ty swiped his bag of clothes off the floor from where he droped it yesterday, left the kitchen and the house.  Scott joined Grace at the kitchen table and sat down.


“I’m sorry Grace,” he said contritely.  “I’m so, so sorry.”


“Its okay, Scott.  I did want him to have his freedom on tour.  And he chose it.  However, I don’t think it’ll be the same for us when he returns.  I just have to accept that.  Ty’s got the band and you’ve got med school.  Once I get my business school letters in I’m gonna concentrate on my future.  Whatever happens down the road because of this, we’ll just have to leave in God’s hands, I suppose.”