Several Days Later


Ty laid on the black leather couch in the family room of Neal Schone’s sprawling California home blankly watching the telly.  He had arrived two days ago and hadn’t stopped brooding since.  Not even Kevin’s irritating sarcasm seemed to bother him.  He was impatiently waiting for Randy and Mark to arrive from England to start rehearsals tomorrow for the tour.


Kevin walked in on him, completely used to his mood by now.  But he knew it had to change.


“C’mon Brit,” Kevin jested, sitting on the couch next to him and swatting his leg.  “You gotta get over it, man.”


Ty glanced at Kevin without even moving his head.  “Yeah well, when you’re brother shags and knocks up your girlfriend behind your back, then you can give me advice, thank you very much.”


“First of all, Ty, she wasn’t your girlfriend at the time.  Secondly, you were in London with us recording the demo and we we’re doing a lot of…..shagging of our own. Now, I know it was a shocker to find out that it was Scott, but better him than a stranger, right?”


“No, wrong!” Ty adamantly said.  “I’d rather it had been a stranger.  A stranger wouldn’t have known better.  Scott did.”


“Ty, you said they admitted it was a mistake.  A costly one, but a mistake nonetheless.  I know you’re hurting, but you’ve got to get past this.”


Ty was silent for a moment, pretty much the same as he’d been these last two days.  After a while, he sat up and looked at Kevin.


“You know, you’re right.  You’re absolutely right.  I’m gonna deal with this the same way any other rock star would.  First I’ll get piss drunk, then I’ll write a song about it and then I’m gonna bang every willing groupie from New Mexico to New York.”


Kevin looked at him bemused before picking up a nearby phone received and mocking a phone call.


“Uh, hello?  Acme Pharmacy?  Um, about that condom order for Crossfire?  Better make that two cases!”


For the first time in two day, Ty smiled.  Kevin put the receiver down with a look of triumph then swatted him on the leg again.


“You’re gonna be alright, Brit.  Pretty soon, we’re gonna be rockin’ everyone’s world.”


Ty looked at Kevin who was trying so hard to cheer him up and had to chuckle to himself.


Kevin was puzzled.  “What?”


“Oh, just thinking back to when we first met,” Ty said.  “You were such a cocky wanker on the phone when you first called, and even worse when you showed up.”


Kevin thought back to that day he showed up for his audition with whom he thought was nothing but some naïve, no-direction college boys.  Never had he dreamed that a little over a year later they’d have a record deal, an album, an opening slot on tour and a very bright future ahead of them.


“Yeah, well, just don’t think I’ve gone soft on you, Brit,” Kevin assured him.  “I can still be a bastard when I want to.”


“And you can be ‘alright’ when you want to also,” Ty replied.


Kevin rolled his eyes.  “Oh, don’t go all sensitive on me, you pansy!”


Ty made a face then turned back to the telly.


“Hey?” Kevin asked.


“What?” Ty replied.


“I’m glad I showed up that day.”


“Me too.”



Several days later


Mark and Randy had already been in California a few days and rehearsals were well under way for their first show in Phoenix with Switchback 5 in two weeks.  There were a total of 15 shows all on the West coast lasting the next three months that Crossfire was going to open for.


Again, Mick Stein kept Crossfire’s tour entourage simple and understated from staff to wardrobe.  He wanted to keep the expenses as low as possible so there’s be some kind of profit left over when all was said and done.


Two days later, the band got the most incredible news.  Mick just got off the phone with Mercury, a jubilant look on his face, and walked in on the lads in the middle of practice.


“Aye boys, guess what?”


“Yeah?” Ty replied, not taking his eyes off tuning his guitar.  Mick then looked at Kevin, Randy and Mark who hadn’t bothered to look up at him at all.  Mick just took on a casual attitude.


“Sorry if you guys don’t want to be disturbed,” Mick said.  “Just thought you might want to know that Detonate went platinum.  Have a good rehearsal.”


The lads looked up astonished as they saw Mick spin on his heel to leave.


“What?” Ty said.


“Wait, wait, did you say platinum?” Mark asked, absolutely astonished.


“You better not be dickin’ me,” Kevin warned.


Randy put a hand on Kevin’s shoulder.  “Um, I don’t think you’re his type, Kev.”


Mick stood there at their lit-up faces.  “No, I’m not Kevin.  And, yes, I did say platinum!  One million copies!  A lot of the sales were generated from the “You Release Me” video and the single all over the airwaves.”


Ty’s insides tightened a bit at the mention of that song, since it was all about Grace.  But, instead, he chose to let the magic of this moment help him to begin to go forward and forget about her.


If he ever could!


“Oh man!” Randy exclaimed, spinning around the room.  “I can’t believe it.”


“I do,” Kevin confidently said.  “We fucking rock!”


“Damn straight,” Mark agreed.


“Boys, listen,” Mick said.  “I know our time frame to get ready to start the tour is tight, but I have everything set up to get the next video shot before you leave.  I want it to be in rotation on VH-1 simultaneously with the tour.  We’re gonna boost these sales even more.’


Kevin rubbed his hands together.  “So, when can I buy my Porsche?”


“Forget cars,” Randy said.  “When can I start dating supermodels?  They love to date rock stars!”


“I’m gonna get me a banging fine flat in the heart of London,” Mark said with elation.


Mick listened to their wild dreams and desires, shaking his head.  He then looked at Ty.


“So, what do you want?”


“Me?” Ty said pointing to himself.  “I’ll just mooch off these guys.  I’ll drive Kevin’s Porsche.  I’ll date Randy’s leftovers and I’ll crash at Mark’s flat.”


Everyone laughed before Mick brought them back to earth.  “Boys, you’re a long way off from that kind of spending.  If this tour and debut album prove to be a success, the pressure to follow up that success is gonna be great.  I figure we may put out just one more single and video.  You don’t want to do more than that.  Gotta keep the fans anticipating.  That’s when you go for the jugular and get the next album out.  By then, you’ll have enough material to do a tour of your own.”


Everything was happening so fast for the band that they could’t quite grasp it.  This was everything they ever wanted and it was all laid out before them.  They knew it was gonna be hard work, but they were ready.   Whatever it took.


With a silent understanding, all four bandmembers closed in on each other for a group hug to which Mick just grinned at before leaving them to their privacy.


“This is it guys,” Kevin whispered in the group hug.  “This is it.  We’re in it for the long haul.”


“Just like what Ty’s dad said,” Mark said.  “Gotta think of this band like  a marriage.”


“I have a feeling we’re gonna be around for a long time,” Randy said.  “You guys are my brothers….my family.”


Ty then thought of what his father said to him a little over a week ago.  “You may have band brothers now, but Scott’s your flesh and blood.  Don’t you ever forget it.”


Ty knew he could never forget.  His problem was forgiveness.  Over time, he knew he would.


After all, what was the hurry?





Two Months Later

Month of May


The lads were having the time of their life!


After opening 15 shows for Switchback 5 on the West coast, the band was then siezed to open some East coast dates for another established act, Clandestine, who had just begun the first leg of their tour.  The lead singer of Clandestine, a lovely redhead named Claire, immediately zeroed in on Ty, much to the dismay of the other 3 lads.


However, there were so many willing women backstage for both Clandestine’s male guitarists and drummer, as well as for Crossfire, that they didn’t pout for long. 


The lads were becoming such a fast success that Mick Stein had to adopt a second cell phone.  Every major music magazine knew these lads were hot property and all clamored to get them on the front cover.  Offers from MTV and VH-1 for on screen interviews were set up as well.


Since the start of the tour in March, along with the release of the second video for the song ‘It Isn’t Love’, their album, Detonate, pushed another million units, putting the album at double platinum status.


And they weren’t done yet.


And, true to rock star form, they were enjoying every single perk that came along with the business.  Although the lads steered clear of drugs, they made up for it with booze and women.


Oh God, the women!


Although Crossfire rocked hard enough for their growing male fan base, they were sexy and gorgeous enough for the women.  And it didn’t take the lads long to work out a routine.


And tonight was no different than any other.


Mark was working the right side of the stage.  He stood very close to the edge, clad in a strategically ripped tank top and equally ripped blue jeans.  His arms and face were slick with sweat as he plucked his bass to the song, allowing his body to move against it as his eyes worked a lovely brunette in a black, zip up halter top in the front row.  When the brunette caught him staring at her, she unzipped her top to reveal her delicious breasts with the words ‘I Love You Mark’ written in red lipstick across her chest.


All Mark could do was throw his head back and thank God for his luck.  His eyes then caught one of the roadies down in the audience to which Mark nodded towards the brunette.  The roadie went over to the brunette and slapped a backstage sticker on her generous chest.


At the end of the show, Randy took his drumsticks and wrapped backstage stickers around them, pointed out two very hot looking girls in the front row and tossed them to them. 


Kevin had done his own share of eye contact and was driving the roadie on his side of the stage crazy passing out backstage stickers.


Ty knew that Claire was waiting backstage for him, however there was a girl, approximately in the 6th row on the floor, that caught his eye from the moment he stepped out on stage.  She was absolutely impossible to miss with waist length blonde hair that was a mass of wild ringlets.  She wore a bright aqua colored spaghetti strapped tank and fitted white hip huggers.  Even six rows away, Ty could tell she was absolutely gorgeous.  In between songs, Ty gave a quick description of her to one of the roadies off to the side, who immediately went into the audience to hunt her down and give her a backstage pass.  Hopefully, she wasn’t with a boyfriend or anything.


After the show, the lads showered and changed then went out to meet and greet some fans who had won backstage passes from a local radio contest.  They chatted, signed autographs and took pictures, waiting for the last fan to leave before they headed behind closed doors for more amusing activities.


Kevin spotted the two girls that he couldn’t make his mind up over tonight.  He went over to them.


“Ladies,” he greeted them with a naughty grin.


One of them pressed her body hard up against him.  “Trust me, I’m no lady,” she purred in his ear.


The other one pressed her body up against him from behind.  Her hand rubbed over his fly as her tongue licked his ear.  “Neither am I,” she stated as well.


Mark then found the girl who had the lipstick message on her chest.


“Now that was my idea of a sign,” he grinned at her.  “So, you love me, eh?”


The girl answered by wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling his mouth down to hers in a hungry, wild kiss.  Mark came to his senses after a few moments.


“C’mon, lets get back to the hotel.  Fast!”


Randy wasted no time finding his ‘drumstick girls’.  They both stood off to the side, waving the drumsticks at him.  He smiled wickedly and walked over to them.


“Please don’t tell me I have to choose between the two of you.”


The girls looked at each other and giggled.  “Nah,” one of them said.  We happen to be friends.  We already agreed on sharing you.  The maybe, if you’re a good boy, the two of us may put on a little ‘girl-on-girl’ show for ya.”


Not wanting to waste one more second, Randy grabbed them both by the hands and dragged them towards the back entrance.


Two white stretch limo’s waited out back to take the lads and their female guests back to the hotel.  Randy went up to Kevin and they high fived each other.


“You got two, also?” Kevin said, eyeing Randy’s two girls.  “Maybe we can make it a six-some afterwards.”


Randy winced.  “I don’t want to see you in action!  How about we just switch?”




As Ty was getting ready to leave himself, he easily spotted the girl with the wild blonde hair in the tight, white pants smiling at him as she leaned up against a wall.  He began to walk towards her, but Claire intercepted him with a hug and a kiss.


“God, Ty, I couldn’t wait for you guys to finish tonight,” she cooed as she ran her hands over his arms and shoulders and covered his face with kisses.


Ty politely took her wrists and held her at arms length.  “Was a good show, wasn’t it?”


Claire was perplexed, but only for a moment.  “Mmm, hmm,” she murmured.  “And now its gonna be a great night.”


Ty was hoping to avoid her tonight, but he had no such luck.  She was fun to be with in the beginning, but now she was getting a little too clingy.  At first, he kept stringing her along because she was the lead singer of the act they were opening up for and didn’t want to ruin their chances.  But, he couldn’t take it anymore.


“Claire, listen luv, not tonight, okay?”


Claire looked at him puzzled and caught his eyes glance over by the wall.  Claire turned around and her eyes locked on the gorgeous, wild haired blonde who sarcastically waved at Claire.


Claire turned hot eyes back to Ty then violently pushed at him.  “I hope you catch something and your fucking prick falls off!” she spat at him before storming out.


Ty bent his head and held onto it with both his hands, willing the stress out of his temples.  He then felt soft hands slide up his back from behind and begin to massage his neck.  ‘Better?”


Ty slightly turned to see the blonde.  His eyes raked over her tight, curvy body in her fitted clothes.


“Like what you see, Ty?”


“Are you kidding?  You’re bloody gorgeous!”


The blonde ran her hand over his face.  “So are you.  I can’t believe you picked me out tonight.  But I’m gonna make it worth your while.  I, for one, hope your prick doesn’t fall off because I plan on working my magic on it all night!




The following morning, each member of Crossfire woke up to the sound of Mick pounding on their hotel doors.


“C’mon, boys, we gotta be up and out in an hour!”


Ty gingerly lifted his head off his pillow at Mick’s bellow. Then quickly groaned and lowered it back down.  The previous night’s activities that consisted of too many glasses of champagne combined with hard, rough sex made his head and body feel as if it were hit by a freight train.


He looked at the clock and saw that it was 7:30am.  He had just gotten to sleep a little over 4 hours ago after he saw his overnight companion out of his hotel room.  As strong as his libido is for an almost 20 year old lad, he couldn’t keep up with her.  She wanted to go all night and he needed some sleep.


He then looked over at the other bed to see that Mark hadn’t budged one bit.  Mark, too, had shuttled his little conquest out of the room about the same time as Ty’s.  Gone was any sense of shyness between the lads when it came to engaging in sex acts with girls in the presence of each other.   All the moaning, groaning, screaming and fucking that went on was quickly becoming commonplace.


He threw the covers back and rolled his body, covered in dried sweat, out of bed and into the bathroom.  After taking a piss and brushing his teeth with his eyes barely open, he stumbled into the shower, letting the hot water sink into his bones.


After he stepped out of the shower, he wrapped a towel around his waist and left the bathroom in time to see Mark finally wake up.


“You look about as bad as I feel,” Ty said taking in Mark’s hungover, wrung-out body.


Mark held his head and went to sit up.  “Crikey, what did those girls take last night – Ecstasy?  They were bloody animals.”


Mark then looked up at Ty and noticed something on the side of his neck.


“Hmm, seems they were animals, in the literal sense.  What the hell did she do, Ty?  Bite you?”


Ty went over to the mirror and saw bite marks on his neck. 


“Who the hell was that lass you were with – Elvira?”


Ty ran his fingers over the bruised bite marks.  “I don’t know…think I need a tetinus shot?’


“Might not be a bad idea, mate,” Mark said on his way to the shower. 


Ty dressed quickly then threw the rest of his stuff in his overnight bag.  Mark showered quickly, dressed and did the same.  They then met Randy and Kevin in the hallway as they waited for Mick and the rest of the crew.  Kevin honed in on Ty’s neck.


“Who’d you sleep with last night, Brit?” Kevin asked with a smirk. “Cujo?”


“No, just some over-sexed lass with very sharp teeth,” Ty replied.  “How come the two of you are so chipper?  Especially since you had two apiece last night.”


“Well, actually, we only had one each,” Randy said with a devious grin.


Mark crossed his arms and regarded Randy.  “Spill it!”


‘Uh well, turns out that one of the two girls I was with and one of the two girls Kev was with were um………how can I delicately put it…….into each other.”


“Oh man,” Mark half groaned, half laughed.


“Yeah, so they put on  a little private performance of their own for us while the other two were sucking the juice out of us,” Kevin boldly stated.


“Yeah, so I didn’t mind a woman leaving me for another woman, especially since I got to see them going at it together!” Randy said exuberantly.


Ty was about to comment when his cell phone rang. “Ty here.”


“Tyler, its me.  How are ya lad?”


“Good dad.  Just getting ready to leave a hotel in Pennsylvania.  We’re getting on the bus and heading for Virginia next.


“Um, Tyler,” Sav said on the other end.  “Will you be getting  break next month at all?”


“Don’t think so dad.  Why?”


“Well, Scott and Grace are graduating next month.  It would be nice for you to be here for your brother.”


Ty was silent for a while, not wanting to be reminded of everything that happened before he left.




“Yeah, I’m still here, dad.  Like I said, I’m not gonna be able to make it home.”


“Well, at least call him and wish him congratulations.”


“I’ll try to,” Ty replied hesitantly.




“Dad, please.  I said I’d try to call, okay?”


“Tyler, I thought you resolved all this before you left?  Why are you still bitter?”


“I’m not,” Ty lied.  “He and Grace explained what happened and I accepted it.  End of story.”


“Yeah, but did you forgive?  Or are you choosing just to forget?”


Just then Mick called out for everyone to get a move on.  “Dad, listen, we gotta get out of here.  My cell phone may be out of range while we’re traveling, so I’ll call you at my next stop.  Tell mum I love her, okay?”


“Okay,” Sav said with a sigh before Ty clicked off.  He held the receiver in his hands hoping that once this tour was over, his son will wisen up and truly heal the rift between him and his brother that he allowed to remain open.  He didn’t want any bad blood between them.


You never know when you’re gonna need each other.





Two Months Later

Westfield High Graduation Day


Sav, Paige, Joe and Abby and J.T. sat in the bleachers outside on a sparkling, sunny July afternoon as they watched Scott and Grace receive their high school diplomas.  As usual, Sav and Joe beamed, Paige and Abby cried and poor J.T. was bored stiff.


After the ceremony, each child went over to their respective parents.


“Congratulations luv,” Joe whispered in his daughter’s ear as he hugged her tightly.


“Thanks dad,” Grace replied before her father released her.  She then looked at J.T.


“Good on ya, Grace,” J.T. said.  “You actually made it!”


“Stuff it, squirt!”  Grace replied before she went to Abby.


“Oh,” Abby cried as she hugged her daughter.  Grace rolled her eyes at her mother’s show of emotion.


“Mum, its just graduation!”


“Yes, but you’re gonna be going away in a few months,” Abby sniffed.


“Bloody hell, Abby,” Joe groaned.  “She’s only going to EBS in London.  She can come home every weekend if she wants.  Its not like she’s going halfway across the world like Scott.”


“God Joe, you men just don’t understand,” Abby fumed at him.  “However, you’re right about Scott.  I don’t want to be in Paige’s position right now with both her sons gone.”


“Mum, dad, its okay about the party tonight, right?” Grace asked sheepishly.  “A bunch of us are going over to Endcliffe Park.  We’re gonna have a cookout and just hang out and celebrate.”


“Of course its okay,” Abby said.  “Just don’t come traipsing in the house at 3:00am, young lady.  And um….who’s driving?”


“Oh, Beth got her mum’s car.  Allison’s coming too.”


“And how many boys will be there?”


Grace rolled her eyes at her father’s question and decided to play with him.  “A lot!”


Joe groaned and Grace poked him in the arm.  “Daddy, stop!  I’m eighteen now.  Legally an adult.  So stop treating me like a little girl.”


Joe put his hands on his daughters shoulders and looked into her eyes.  “Grace…you will always be my little girl.  I don’t care how old you are. Don’t you ever forget that.”


Grace saw her father’s eyes tear up a bit.  She leaned up and kissed him on the cheek.  “I know that daddy, but stop worrying so much.  Besides, all the boys that’ll be there have been to our house at one point or another.  Plus Scott’s gonna be there as well.”




Several yards away, Sav stood back with his arms folded and an incredulous look on his face as he watched his wife hang onto her youngest son for dear life.


“Oh Scott, I’m gonna miss you so much,” Paige sniffed into his chest.


“Mum, I’m not going anywhere yet,” Scott replied with exasperation, looking to his father for help.


“Paige, let go of the lad so I can have a turn,” Sav said, prying her arms away.  Sav then hugged him.


“Congratulations lad.  I’m so very proud of you.  You have no idea.”


“Thanks dad.”


“You’ve been through a lot these last few years,” Sav continued.  “And now you’re gonna embark on a new journey.  I know you’ll do fine.”


“Then why am I so scared?”


Sav pulled away and looked at him.  “Wouldn’t be natural if you weren’t.”


Scott then looked around the field as if he were specifically looking for someone.  “No chance that Ty will magically appear, eh?”


Sav glanced guiltily at Paige before looking back at Scott.  “No, I don’t think so.  They’ve got two weeks worth of shows left before they’re done.  Then he’ll be home.  He’ll see you before you leave for school, but he did say he’d try to call you today.”


“Yeah, well, I’m not gonna hold my breath,” Scott said.  “Besides, I won’t be home later if he does.  Got a big party going on over at Endcliffe Park.  I probably won’t be home till very late.”


“Well, if he does call, we’ll tell him that,” Paige said.


“Trust me mum.  He won’t call.  That’s okay.  I understand. When he left that day he didn’t look as if he totally accepted what happened.  Guess he needs time.”


“Scott, he will come to terms with this,” Sav said.  “He can’t hold a grudge forever.”


“I know.  At least I cleaned my conscious in front of him.  The rest is up to him.  But, no matter what happens, he’s still my brother.  I’ll always be there for him if he needs me.”


Sav couldn’t resist putting an arm around Scott and drawing him in again.  “You have grown up, lad.  A lot.”


“I’d like to think so,” Scott smirked at him.


“So Scott, is this Karen that you’ve been pretty friendly with lately going to the party also?”


“Um, no.  She can’t.  She has family in from out of town and they’re taking her out.  She’s pretty bummed about it.”


Sav looked over at Joe and Abby then back.  “Is Grace going?”


Scott looked over at Grace who was still with her parents.  “Yeah.  She is.”





Later that night, a group of about fifty very rowdy, very randy and very tipsy seniors celebrated their forage into adulthood.  Several small cookers were fired up to cook hamburgers and bangers while two very large kegs of ale were tapped and flowing freely for everyone except the designated drivers for the evening.


Scott, being one of those drivers, having driven three of his soccer mates over, sat on the ground devouring a hamburger and washing it down with a Pepsi.  Some of the lads were sneaking off with some of the lasses into dark, secluded areas as dusk had long fell upon Sheffield.


A few moments passed when Allison came sauntering up to Scott.


“Aye there, gorgeous,” Allison drawled with a slightly drunk slur.


Scott blushed before glancing up at her.  “Aye, Allison.”


Allison bent down to sit next to Scott on the ground.  “Where’s Karen?”


“Celebrating with her family tonight.”


“Mmm, so Scotty-boy’s all alone tonight,” Allison purred as she ran her finger up his arm.


Scott was getting a little uncomfortable, knowing it was the ale that was causing her to act like this. 


“Yes, I’m quite unattached tonight,” Scott said.


“You’ve been unattached for a long time, Scott.  Oh, I know that you and Grace tried to start something and that you and Karen have been cozy since the dance, but you’ve kept it cool.  No one’s seemed to have been able to snag you since Chelsea.”


Scott sombered a bit over the mention of Chelsea’s name, then quickly remembered that this was a new chapter in his life and it was time to move on.


“Well, I didn’t want to get seriously involved with anyone, especially since I’m heading off to the States for university.”


Allison continued to caress his arm.  “Didn’t want to leave any broken hearts behind, eh?”


Scott tried to make light of her condition.  “Oh, now Allison, you give me too much credit.”


Allison’s drunken state got the best of her as her wandering hand went from his arm to high thigh.  “I don’t think you get enough!”


Scott practically jumped off the ground as he felt Allison’s hand venture near his fly before he grabbed it and held it.


“Lass, I think you better ease up on the ale.”


“What for?  I just graduated from high school.  I’m celebrating.  Plus, Beth’s driving.  She’s the only one of us staying sober.’


Scott looked at Allison concerned.  “What about Grace?”


Allison snickered.  “She’s even more tanked than I am!  She’s got balls when she’s drunk.”


“Why do you say that?”


“Because a little while ago she strutted over to Tommy Martin, took him by the hand and led him up behind that stone wall.  I’d say that Grace is gonna make Tommy a very happy lad.”






Allison was too drunk to be startled when Scott shot up and dashed over to the wall which was several yards away from the party area.  As he got closer, he didn’t hear anything which he wasn’t sure if it should make him nervous or not.  He then heard muffled noises, like the sound of someone trying to talk with their mouth covered.  It was then followed by the sound of escaped whimpers that sounded desperate rather pleasurable.


Scott hopped the stone wall to find Tommy Martin on the other side, pinning Grace’s body up against it with his own.  He had his mouh covering hers, one hand up her shirt fondling her breast, while his other grasped her bum.


Scott put both hands on Tommy’s shoulders from behind and yanked him away from her.


“What the bloody hell do you think you’re doing?”


Tommy spun around and cast glazed eyes on Scott.  “Aye, mate,” Tommy slurred.  “Go find your own.”


Tommy then turned back to Grace who looked as if she didn’t know what she was doing.  Again, Scott grabbed Tommy from behind.


“Listen, mate.    Unless you want to find my fist in your face, I suggest you leave her alone.” 


“Aye,” Tommy again slurred.  “W..w…who the hell are you to….to……tell me what to do?  She……she dragged me out here.  Horny bitch wants it bad.”


Scott couldn’t care less that he was drunk.  He connected his right fist with Tommy’s jaw, sending him sprawling a few feet away.  The punch, combined with the ale, knocked Tommy out cold.


Scott turned away from him disgustedly and looked at Grace who looked fit to kill.


“What’s wrong with you, Scott?”


Scott stood in disbelief.  He just defended her honor and she was reaming him for it.


“Whats wrong with me?  What’s wrong with you?  God, Grace, you don’t get piss drunk and take off with some equally drunk lad to some dark place.’


Grace placed her hands haughtily on hips.  “Excuse me, Scott,” she said with a hiccup. “But I believe I left my father home!  Don’t think to take his place!”


Scott stepped closer to her.  “Grace, I don’t believe this!  This isn’t like you.  I know you’ve had too much ale, but c’mon.  That drunken wanker had his hands all over you.”


Grace crossed her arms and regarded Scott sarcastically.  “Jealous?”


Scott narrowed his eyes at her.  “What?”


“You heard me.  I guess it was okay for you to put your hands all over me.  And even more!  You’re stupid brother, too.  Well, he’s history.  You both are.  I’m out of school, I’m eighteen and I’m an adult.  I can do what I what, when I want, whenever I want.”


Grace hiccupped again after her little tirade.  Scott didn’t take offense to anything she said because he knew she was drunk.  He walked forward and gently grabbed her shoulders.


“I don’t think your father would agree with that, Grace.    Just because you’re an adult doesn’t mean you can lay down for every lad that you come across.”


Scott didn’t see Grace’s hand come up to slap him across the face.  He took it willingly, although in Grace’s state, she didn’t have much might behind it.


“You….you sonofabitch,” Grace stammered.  “How….how dare you?  Who are you lads to talk?  You and that brother of yours can shag as many girls as you want, but I have to play the virgin princess?  You’re a bunch of hypocrits!”


Scott took her by the arms again to calm her down.  “Grace, stop, okay.  You don’t know what you’re saying.”


“Yes I do,” she began to cry.  “You don’t understand.  You…..and your brother.  I love both of you.  But I can’t have either of you.  It just can’t work for us and Ty wants no part of me.  I’ve lost everyone!  I have no one.  I’m so damn lonely!”


Grace covered her face in her hands and sobbed.  Scott took her in his arms and held her close.


“Shhh, its alright Grace.  You haven’t lost everyone.  I know you’re lonely.  I understand.”


Grace then looked up at him with liquid green eyes.  “Then lets try again, Scott.  Please.  I know we can make it work this time.”


Grace’s pleadings nearly did him in, but he knew it was the alcohol talking. 


“Grace, you don’t know what you’re saying.  We’ve already discussed this.  We agreed that it was a mistake.”


“But…but maybe we were wrong,” she tried to convince him.  “Maybe if we try again.  Don’t you want me?”


Scott looked down at her as she posed him that dangerous question.  “Grace, I…..we….we can’t……”


Scott didn’t finish his sentence as Grace pulled his head down to kiss the daylights out of him.  She brazenly rubbed her curvy teenage body up against him as her tongue wildly danced with his.  She huskily whispered in his mouth.


“C’mon Scott.  You know you want it.  You know how good it feels.  Just one more time, c’mon.”


Scott’s senses we’re reeling between lust and responsibility.  “Grace, I….we…no.  You don’t know what you’re doing.”


“Oh yes I do,” she slurred into his mouth as her hands wandered to to fumble with the fastenings of his shorts.  “C’mon, Scott.  How about if I just push you up against the wall and go down on you.  You’d like that, wouldn’t you?  What do you say?  Want me to suck your cock for ya?”


“Ah, shit,” Scott’s brain reeled.  His body was rapidly responding to her trashy talk and becoming out of control.  He struggled for something to grasp onto to get the strength to do the right thing.  He then thought of his father’s words earlier.


“I’m so proud of you, lad.  You have no idea how much.”


Would his father be proud of him now for taking advantage of a drunk lass?  Nevermind his father, what about his Uncle Joe?


As if a bucket of cold water was thrown at him, Scott grabbed Grace’s hands and held them up.


“Grace…..Grace, listen to me.  We can’t do this.  We can’t.  Please, luv, you’ve had too much to drink.  Don’t do something you’ll regret, or make me regret as well.  We don’t need to go through that again.”


Scott’s sobering words his her and immediately caused her to come down from her ale-induced wildness.  She suddenly took in her surroundings, looked over at Tommy beginning to stir on the ground, looked at her own clothes that were twisted, and the button and fly of Scott’s shorts almost undone.  She then realized what she had done and pulled away from him and went over to the wall and sobbed.


“Oh God!  Oh my God!  What did I do?”


Scott buttoned and zipped up, took a deep breath to further calm his body down and went over to her.


“Grace, its okay.  You didn’t know what you were doing.  Its okay.”


Grace only cried harder.  “Oh God, I’m so ashamed.  I acted like an absolute trollop!  No, worse….a tease!  Oh Scott, I’m so sorry.”


“Grace, I said its okay,” Scott reassured her.  “C’mere.”


He turned her towards him and allowed her to cry on him.  Her eyes then glanced on Tommy just getting up.


“Did…..did you hit him?”


“Yeah, but he probably won’t remember.  Damn wanker is thoroughly pissed.”


“Guess I am too,” Grace admitted, coming down a bit. 


“Guess so,” Scott agreed.  “I think you better quit.  You don’t want to stumble in the house drunk tonight.”


“No, I don’t.  Scott…..I’m sorry for what I said.  For what I did.”


“Shhhh, no more talk of it, okay?”


“Okay.  You know something…I think I want to go home.”


“You know something, me too.  Why don’t I take you to the car then I’ll go find Beth to tell her I’m taking you home.  We’ll stop off and get you some tea to sober you up some more before you go home.”


“Okay.  Thanks Scott. I guess I was wrong when I said I lost everyone.  I’ll always have you.”


“Lifelong friends never stray from each other Grace,” Scott reassured her.  “Whether I’m in Sheffield or the States, no matter who we wind up with, we’ll always be a part of each other’s life.  Don’t you forget that.”


With that, Scott took her by the hand and led her to his car.





A few weeks later, the phone rang at the Savage house.  Scott got to it first.




“Aye, Scott.  How are ya, lad?”


“Uncle Viv?  Aye, good, how are you?  Funny you called.  I was addressing your thank you note for my graduation gift.”


“Oh, lad you don’t have to send a note,” Viv said.


“Yeah, but mum made me,” Scott grumbled a bit.  “Said its good etiquette.”


“Well, a woman would know that, eh.  So lad, getting ready to leave for university?”


“Yes and no.  All I’m bringing with me are my clothes and my laptop.  Dad’s gonna fly out with me and we’re gonna shop for anything I need for my dorm.  Can’t be lugging lamps and mattresses and stuff on a plane.”


“No, I guess not.  Listen, I hear Ty’s gonna be home right before you leave for school.  Guess you’re all looking forward to seeing him.”


“Yeah, we are,” Scott said unenthused, knowing his brother probably wasn’t looking forward to seeing him.  “I certainly know mum is.”


“Aye, any chance of you and your dad stopping by here before heading over to Arizona?  We’d all love to see ya, lad.”


“Well, I……….”


Scott thought about it for a moment.  As much as he knew that Ty had to face him when he got home, he knew that it was gonna be awkward.  He knew that his mum missed out on seeing her eldest son the last time he was home and would want some pleasant time with him, without the shadow of the tension between them hovering about.  He then made his decision.


“Hey Uncle Viv.  How’d ya like a visitor in a few weeks for a couple of days?”


“What?  Who, you?  You want to come out here?”


“Well, I just have to coordinate it.  I’d figure that I’d see you, Uncle Rick and Uncle Phil since I haven’t seen you all in so long.  What I’ll do is bring all my stuff for school that I need to take.  Then I’ll just have dad fly out here to meet me and we’ll fly to Arizona together and get the rest of what I need out there.”


“Wonderful idea Scott,” Viv exclaimed.  “But um….you’d miss seeing Ty.”


“Oh, well…..I’m sure we’ll catch up somehow.  I really want to get away from Sheffield and unwind before I start school.  He’ll understand.”


“I’m sure.   Well, as soon as you arrange everything let me know,” Viv said. 


“I will.  Um…did you want to talk to dad?”


“Yeah, put him on lad.”


Scott yelled out for his father who picked up the phone in another room.




“Aye, Sav.  Guess I’m gonna have a visitor in a few weeks.  Scott’s gonna fly on over and see all of us before he heads for school.”


Sav raised his brows.  “Oh?   And when did he decide this?”


“He just asked me know if he could spend a few days with me.  Then he’s gonna see Phil and Rick too.  Said he’d arrange it and work it out with you to come meet him out here then fly to Arizona together.”


Sav blew out a frustrated breath.  “Well, I’m glad he’s gone ahead and made this decision without discussing it first.  He’s got a lot to do before he leaves for school.”


“Well, he said he’s gonna bring whatever he needs with him and that you’re gonna buy whatever you can’t fly over when you get to the campus.  How much can an eighteen year old lad need?  Not as much as an eighteen year old lass, that’s for sure!  I practically had to ship out Lily’s entire bedroom when she went to school.  Damn lasses need everything!”


“Yeah, well wait till Una goes off.”


“Think I may have a hard time with her,” Viv said.  “She’s been seeing this guy from school whom she practically adores.  She may never want to leave him.  Maybe while Scott’s down here I can have him check this guy out, ya know?  See what his intentions really are!”


“Thank God I have boys!” Sav said with joy.


“Speaking of which, I’m surprised Scott wanted to come out before Ty came home.  I thought for sure he’d want to see him.”


Suddenly, it all made sense to Sav – Scott’s trip to the States coinciding with Ty’s homecoming.  The lad was still hurting a bit from not hearing from his brother on his graduation day – or anytime after that.  In a way, Sav didn’t blame Scott for not wanting to be around Ty.  He certainly hoped this hit and miss between them had ended by now.


“Yeah well, I’m sure they’ll catch up at some point,” Sav said.  “Listen, I’ll work out the details with Scott then call you with his flight information.”


“Okay.  I better tell Jewels now to stock up the fridge.  I’ll call Phil and Rick to and let them know.”


“Thanks mate.  Appreciate it,” Sav said as he ended the call before searching out his son.  He found him downstairs watching the telly.


“Don’t you have some flight arrangements to make lad?”


Scott looked at his father a little sheepish.  “Um, I was gonna tell you dad.  Once you got off the phone.”


“Yeah, well your Uncle Viv beat you to it.  Um…I know why you’re doing this Scott.  You don’t want to see Ty, am I right?”


Scott let out a long sigh.  “Dad, look, its just better this way.  I’m not gonna hang around here in the same house with him and have him feel as if he has to do something he doesn’t want to and that’s forgive me.  Its obvious he hasn’t.  He didn’t call for my graduation or anything.  I know he’s touring, but he’s got a cell phone.  He’s found time to call you and mum and probably doesn’t ask about me.”


“Scott, I’m as disappointed in Ty’s behavior in this as you are.  Your mum and I plan on straightening him out on…….”


“No, dad.  Don’t.  I don’t want him doing anything that he’s forced to do.  It still won’t mean anything.  He’ll do it when he’s ready and its obvious that he still isn’t .   So, I’m gonna give him his space when he comes home.  Mum can spoil and fret over me these next three weeks before I take off for California and then she’ll have Ty all to herself.  I’ll then be off to school and he’ll probably go off to do his next album or whatever.  It’ll work out perfectly.”


“What about Christmas, Scott?  Your mother and I are gonna want you lads here together for that.”


“I’ll deal with it then.  Hopefully  Ty will to.  We just need our space now, that’s it.”


“Well, come on then.  Lets make your reservations for California.”






Three Weeks Later


Scott stood at the edge of the Campbell’s inground pool, took a deep breath, then dove into the water.  He surfaced, shaking his wet, dark blonde hair away from his face, and looked up in time to see Jewels come out with a glass of iced tea and a sandwich.


“Scott,” Jewels called to him.  “I made you a little something for when you get out.”


“Aunt Jewels, you don’t have to spoil me like this,” Scott called out.  “I pretty much know where everything is.  I don’t want you to wait on me.”


“Oh, I’m not,” Jewels said.  “Plus, its nice to have someone with an appetite around here.  Lily’s off in Montreal for a few weeks with her friends, your uncle will only eat certain things, and that youngest of mine just picks here and there.  Trust me Scott, you’re no problem at all.  Just fill up now because when you get to your Uncle Phil’s you may starve!”


“Well, I may need to diet once I get there with what you’ve been stuffing me with – and I’ve only been here two days!”


“Well, I promised your mum that you’d at least eat well.  I just got off the phone with her a little while ago.  Tyler should be coming home any day now.”


“Yeah, I know,” Scott said unenthused.  “Um, where’s Una?”


“Where else?  Her and a friend went to the mall.  Probably meeting ‘whats-his-name’ there as well.”


“Aunt Jewels, his name is Tony, and he’s quite a nice bloke.  I met him when she invited me to go have pizza with him two nights ago.  Plus, I scoped him out a little better for Uncle Viv and everything seems cool with them.”


“Yeah, well, Una can be a little wild when she wants – worse than some of those friends of hers.  Well, I’m sure she’ll go for a dip when she gets home.  Typical August day in California – sweltering!  Well, Iet me get back inside before I melt.”


“Thanks Aunt Jewels,” Scott said before diving under the water and swimming to the other side of the pool.  He then got serious and did several laps.  His eighteen year old body had matured nicely and he had a lean, hard, lightly muscled upper body and strong legs from his years playing soccer to prove it.


After his laps, he got out and wolfed down his sandwich and iced tea before diving back in, grabbing a raft and floating for a while and work on his tan.


Several minutes later, he heard the sound of the pool gate open followed by the sound of Una’s voice.


“Hey you lazy ass Brit,” she called out to him.  “Be prepared to have your quiet disturbed.”


Before Scott could react, Una had dove into the water, swam over to him and overturned him.  Scott resurfaced and chased her down, splashing her.


“You bloody twit,” he scolded her with a smile.  “Couldn’t just leave me be, eh?”


“Hey, I haven’t seen you since Rory’s wedding.  Gotta make up for lost time.  Plus….we um…have some company.”


Scott looked up to see a very attractive lass in a lavender bikini step into the pool from the shallow end.  Scott tried to casually take in her magnificent body, silky dark, honey streaked hair and a very naughty look in her eye.  He was interrupted by Una clearing her throat and gently nudging him.


“No drooling in the pool, Scott,” she mused quietly to him.  “That’s my friend Vicki.  We just came from shopping.  Hope you don’t mind the company.”


Scott took in Una’s sarcastic leer and splashed her for it.  Just then, Vicki had made her way over.


“So Una, is this your friend from England who’s staying with you?”


“Friend?” Una replied.  “Scott’s practically my brother.  Scott, this is my friend Vicki…..Vicki, Scott.”


Scott extended his hand to Vicki.  “Nice to meet you Vicki.”


Vicki took his hand and shook it.  “Mmm, I just love that English accent.”


“Well, you Yanks have an accent to us,” Scott replied.


“So, how long are you here for, Scott?”


“Just three more days and then I’m going to stay with my Uncle Phil for a few days and then my Uncle Rick.  I haven’t seen them in a while and wanted to spend some time with them before I leave for university.”


“Where you off to?”


“University of Arizona,” Scott replied.


“Should’ve came to school out here Scott,” Una called out.  “You’re gonna be surrounded by nothing but cactus and tumbleweeds out there.  Plus, it gets so hot down there that you can practically fry an egg on the sidewalk.”


“Well, I did consider one school here, but Arizona has a better sports medicine program.”


“So, you’re gonna be a doctor I see,” Vicki cooed at him.


“Well, just a specialist to the athletes,” he answered.


Suddenly, Vicki’s eyes trailed his wet, muscled upper half.  “Looks like you could be an athlete yourself.”


Scott was blushing slightly from her bold flirting.  He glanced over at Una who was snickering over his embarrassment.


“Well, I’ve played soccer since I was old enough to walk.”


“And none of this ‘soccer is real football’ crap,” Una spat.  “Especially in California with rabid Rams and 49ers fans!”


Scott just rolled his eyes, refusing to argue with Una.  “So um….what are you two lasses up to the rest of the afternoon?”


“I plan on staying in this pool till I prune,” Una answered first.  “Then I’m gonna get out, take a long shower and call Tony.  He and some of his friends are going to see the Dodgers tonight.  God, I’m gonna miss seeing him.”


“Well, I don’t have to be home any time soon,” Vicki said as she circled Scott in the pool.  “My parents have some boring function to go to tonight for my dad’s company, so I’m just gonna be alone.”


Suddenly, Una swam over.  “Hey Vick….since your parents are gonna be out late tonight, why don’t you sleep over here tonight.  I’m sure my parents won’t mind, especially if they know you’re gonna be home alone.  What do you say?”


Vicki looked over in time to see Scott climb out of the pool, his wet swim trunks clinging to his strong legs and tight bum.  She licked her lips and turned to Una.


“Sounds like a plan to me!”





Same Day

Back in Sheffield


Paige was in the process of emptying the dishwasher when she heard the garage door go up and then the door connecting to the kitchen open.  Figuring her husband had come back, she continued to put the glasses away as she spoke.


“Rick, it’s a few hours till dinner.  What do you want?”


Just then, Paige felt hands upon her shoulders from behind and a voice whisper in her ears.


“How about reservations.”


Paige’s mouth dropped at the sound of the voice that was not her husband’s and turned around to see a pair of blue eyes that only he was able to pass off.


“Tyler!  You’re home!  Oh God, why didn’t you call first?”


Paige hugged her eldest son as he hugged back.  “Well, it wouldn’t have been a surprise then, would it?”


“How long are you home for?”


“Well, we’re only gonna take a month or two off before we begin writing for the next album.  We already wrote a majority of it on the road, so we probably won’t have much.  Mick said we shouldn’t rest on our laurels since we’ve got momentum.”


“Well, you deserve the rest lad.  You’ve been gone for six months.  We missed your 20th birthday and need to celebrate”  Paige then perused his face and noticed how much he had matured into a fine looking young man.  No doubt, the ladies he met along the way thought so too.  Paige then narrowed her eyes at him.


“Um, you did behave while you were gone, didn’t you?”


“Mum!  Don’t ask me that.  Put it this way, I am my father’s son.  You can conclude from that!”


“Nevermind, sorry I asked.  Anyway, we don’t have to go out tonight.  I just did some shopping and got a fridge full enough to feed an army.”


“Um…well, that’s a good thing, because I brought one with me.”


Paige looked at Ty a little puzzled before he turned around towards the kitchen door that led to the garage.  “C’mon in mates.”


In walked Kevin, Randy and Mark who each waved a sheepish hello.  Ty then looked back at his mum.


“I  know I should’ve called to let you know I was bringing the lads with me, but I wanted to surprise you.  They’re only gonna stay for a day or two before Mark and Randy take the tram back into Canterbury and Kevin heads back to the States.   Just want to show them around my stomping grounds a bit.”


“That’s right Mrs. Savage,” Kevin said.  “And…..since we made a few bucks off this album and tour, we’re gonna treat you and Ty’s dad to dinner this evening.”


“Well, that’s very kind of you lads,” Paige said.  “And, I accept.  Your father should be home any moment. I thought you were him.  He can’t wait to see you.”


Ty turned to the lads.  “Go out and get your bags.  We’ll camp out downstairs in the entertainment room.”


As soon as the lads left the kitchen, Ty looked in the direction of the hall to the steps upstairs.  “Um, I saw Scott’s SUV in the driveway.  Is he home.”


“No, he isn’t.  He’s in California visiting Viv, Phil and Rick for a few weeks before your dad flys out to meet him.  From there they’re gonna head to Arizona.”


“Oh….oh, that’s good,” Ty said, almost relieved.


Paige looked at him with concern.  “He really wanted to see you Ty.  He also missed hearing from you on graduation day.”


“I know mum, I’m sorry.  I told dad I’d try to call, but it was so hectic I forgot.”


“Tyler, listen to me.  You already know where your father and I stand on this issue with you and your brother.  We’re not gonna continue to harp on you because you’re an adult, but don’t let this animosity come between you.  You’re brothers – you can’t avoid each other forever.  All I’m gonna say on this subject before I close it for good is that you don’t wait.  Forgive him, Ty….and mean it, okay?”


Ty just nodded before he heard the rest of the lads come in with their things.




Later that night, the lads treated Sav and Paige to a wonderful dinner at Viva Tequilia as Ty filled his parents in on the last six months – well, the clean parts anyway!


Afterwards, Sav and Paige went home in their car while the Kevin, Mark and Randy piled into Ty’s SUV to head out to a pub for a bit.  They entered The Frog and Parrott where they proceeded to engage in darts, snooker and a few very attractive young ladies.


Since Ty was driving, he kept himself sober, however, the other three were pretty tanked.  He pulled them out of the pub and proceeded to stuff them into his SUV until Mark saw a sign on a shop down the street.


“Aye, whats that blaring thing?”


Mark began to wobble down the street as the other three followed.  They all stopped in front of the shop when Mark turned and grinned to them.


“What do you say, mates?” Mark asked with a devilish grin. 


Ty looked at the sign and wondered.  “I don’t know.  I never thought about that before.”


“Aye, why not,” Kevin slurred.  “We’re certainly old enough.  And famous now.  Kind of a rite of passage or something.”


“Well, if I’m gonna do it, it better be now when I’m drunk cuz I don’t think I’d do it sober,” Randy sputtered as he opened the door to go in.





Sav slowly opened sleepy blue eyes when he heard the faint sound of the front door opening, following by muffled male laughter.


He raised his head off the pillow and looked at the clock.  5:30am!


“What the….?” he mumbled as he gingerly got out of bed, careful not to wake Paige.


He threw his robe on over his t-shirt and pajama bottoms and decended the stairs to find the lads sucking down an entire gallon of orange juice.  Sav folded his arms as he snuck up behind them.


“Whats the matter lads, dehydrated from too much drinking?”


Ty turned around at his father’s voice and almost spilled his juice. 

“Uh….oh, dad.  Sorry, didn’t mean to wake you.  I um….didn’t drink last night, but these three have serious cotton mouth.”


“Got any aspirin that I can wash down?” Randy asked, holding his head.


“Right up in that cupboard,” Ty pointed.


“Tyler, what the hell are you lads doing coming in at this hour?  Where’ve you been all this time?”


“Well, not drinking, that’s for sure,” Kevin snickered as he held his arm.


It just hit Sav’s sleepy brain that the lads were shirtless and one of each of their upper arms were bandaged.  Sav threw his head back and groaned.


“Oh Lord, don’t tell me…..”


“…….yep,” Mark stated.  “We were safe and snug in the tattoo parlor for the last six hours.  Had three burly blokes working on us.  Can’t wait to see how they came out.”


“I can’t believe you lads did this,” Sav said.  “Well, you three, since you were drunk.”


“Well, we got to thinking about what you said to us a while ago dad,” Ty said.  “You told us to think of this band as a marriage.  So…..these tattoos are kinda our wedding rings, so to speak.  We already agreed that no one’s gonna quit, or start acting like diva’s, else we’re kick their arse.  This is our commitment that we’re in this for the long haul.”


Although Sav shook his head over his son’s spontaneous act, he had to admire their loyalty and dedication to each other.  It was the first step in any band having a long, prosperous career.


“Well, we’re gonna go downstairs and crash,” Ty announced.  “Don’t wake us till dinner time.  We promise to take you out again tonight so mum won’t have to cook.  Then, the lads go home tomorrow and she’s got me all to herself.”


Sav watched the four of them file downstairs and closed the door behind them.  He, too, went back up to bed.  He looked at the clock one more time and realized that it was around midnight in the States on the east coast, which meant it was around nine on the west. 


He wondered if Scott was enjoying himself.





Scott was in the Campbell’s lower level entertainment room with Una and Vicki watching a movie on cable.  Una was sloppily draped over a large easy chair munching on microwave popcorn while Scott and Vicki shared the couch.


Although they stayed on opposite ends, Scott knew that she was dangerously close.  Ever since she stepped into the pool this afternoon, she had been wickedly flirting with him all day.  During dinner, she shamelessly teased him by erotically working a breadstick in her mouth while she ran her toes up his leg under the table.


Scott was trying hard to hide his fluster.  Luckily, Viv and Jewels were absolutely ignorant to what was going on, but somehow Una seemed to know…..even expect that sort of behavior from her friend.  It was if she was almost enjoying watching Vicki bring Scott to temptation.


He was getting worked up from her teasing, but tapped into his willpower to overcome it.  By morning, she’d be gone.  What could possibly happen under his Uncle Viv’s roof?


Around 11:00pm, Una and Vicki were still awake in Una’s room, chatting away.


“God Una,” Vicki said breathlessly.  “I can’t believe how fucking hot he is!  How did you restrain yourself all these years just being friends?”


“Easy,” Una said, unaffected by her friends brazeness.  “I’m in the States and he’s in England.  We don’t see each other that often, especially since our dads stopped recording and touring.  Plus, he’s too much like a brother to me.  It would be too weird.”


“Yeah, well I have no sisterly intentions towards him,” Vicki purred. 


“Yeah, I could tell.  You’re not very subtle with your flirting.  Go easy on him, Vick.  I don’t think they grow wild ones like you in merry ol’ England.”


“He does seem a bit shy,” Vicki said.  “But I think that’s such a big turn on.  It’s the shy, quiet ones that are the naughtiest.  I’d like to find out if that’s true.  Boy, I’d love to try my little uh…..technique on him!”


Una rolled her eyes.  “Christ, ever since you got that thing you’ve been wanting to try it out on every fine guy you see!”


“Only two….so far,” Vicki said with a giggle.  “And, judging from the results, I’d say its worth the investment.”


“Yeah, well you’re going home in the morning and he’s leaving the day after so I guess you’ll never find out if it works on him now, will you?”


Una then shut her light off, fluffed her pillow and promptly went off to sleep.  Vicki laid there wide away.


“That’s what you think, Una!”




Around midnight, Vicki saw that Una was sound asleep and slowly got up and crept out of the room.   She walked down the hall of the very dark, very quiet house until she came upon the room where Scott was staying in.  She saw a faint light from under the door and quietly knocked.


When she didn’t hear an answer, she slowly turned the knob and went inside.  The light from the television was the only thing that lit the room as Vicki gazed upon Scott was was sprawled on his stomach across the bed, sound asleep.  He was clad only in a pair of thin soccer shorts, and the amount of exposed, smooth, sinewy skin made her heart begin to pound.


She walked over and turned the television off, a move that made Scott instantly wake up.


“What the?  Vicki?  Is that you?”


“Um, yeah,” she innocently said.  “I didn’t mean to wake you.  I couldn’t sleep and when I saw the light coming from under your door I thought you were awake too.  I knocked first then came in and saw you were asleep.  I just thought to turn the tv off and leave.”


Scott sat up and rubbed his sleepy face before running his fingers through his hair.  The move caught Vicki as she watched the play of his young muscles in his biceps and hard flat abdomen.


“Have you been sleeping long?” she asked.


Scott looked at the clock.  “No, as a matter of fact.  I must’ve only been out for about fifteen minutes.  I was too wired to sleep so I left the telly on, thinking it would lull me out.”


“Hmmm, what are you wired from?”


You bloody teasing me all night,” Scott thought to himself.


“Oh, nothing in particular,” he lied.  “I guess my shoulders are a bit sore from those laps this afternoon.  I hadn’t swam like that in a long time.  Should’ve known better.”


Vicki saw the open door and went for it.  She walked over to Scott and sat on the bed behind him.


“May I?”


“What?  I……….oh, bloody hell!”


Scott sighed deeply as he felt Vicki’s fingers work the knots in his shoulders and upper back.


“Feel good?”


“Mmmm, yeah.  Real good.  You’ve got good hands, luv.”


Vicki leaned in and whispered in his ear.  “My hands aren’t the only thing that works magic, luv,” she teased.


Scott’s heart started to pound again with excitement at her husky voice and sexy words before he felt her lips on his bare shoulder.  He immediately squeezed his shoulder blades together at the unexpected feel.




“Don’t want me to?”


“Yes….I mean, no….I mean…..”


Scott was cut off again as she ran her lips and tongue across his broad shoulders and smooth back.  Scott arched forward at the sensation, not at all certain where this was going, or how far.


“You like that Scott?”


“Mmm, feels good,” he murmured. 


She, again, whispered in his ear.  “I’ve got something that’ll feel better,” she promised before she leaned around to kiss him.  Scott turned to better access her and wrapped his arms around her waist.  As soon as he opened his mouth, she slid her tongue inside to meet his.


The young, randy couple were kissing and fondling for a few minutes before Vicki leaned him back on the bed.


“Stay right there,” she ordered as her mouth began to trail down his chest to the waistband of his shorts.  Scott squeezed his eyes shut at the exquisite feeling, completely forgetting that his aunt and uncle were two doors down.


He felt Vicki pull his shorts down and then a teasing lick of her tongue on his erection.

“Ah, yeah,” he hissed. 


“Wait, it gets better,” Vicki said confidently before engulfing him whole.


Scott almost came off the bed.  Holy fuck!” he cried out, a little too loud.  Vicki hummed a response all around him. 


She let her mouth work up and down until she went for the kill with her tongue.  And that’s when Scott truly lost it.


“What the……?  What the fuck…..?  Oh…my…God….what the hell is that…..,I……oh bloody fucking hell!”


Suddenly, Vicki released him to lightly take his testicles into her mouth before letting her tongue perform its magic.


“Dammit, Vicki!  What the hell are you doing?  What’s that I…….I….fuck, I’m gonna come already!”


Vicki quickly let go of his testicles and took him in her mouth again in time for him to come hard and fast down her throat.


Scott grabbed his pillow and held it over his face as he bit down while crying out from his release.


After a few moments, Vicki released him and looked up at him, licking her lips in the process.  Scott’s chest was rapidly rising and falling and she could hear his heartbeat through his chest.  She pulled the pillow off his face to see the practically unconscious look on his face.


“Told ya I had something better than my hands,” she bragged.


Scott finally got his wits and focused on her in the dim room.  “What…..what the hell was that I felt?  It was bloody incredible!”


“Oh…you mean this,” Vicki said as she opened her mouth and stuck her tongue out, revealing a large, sterling silver stud pierced right through the center.  “Guess you never got a blow job from a girl with a tongue ring, huh?”


Before Scott could answer, there was a knock on his door.  “Scott,” Viv said through the door.  “you alright?”


Scott absentmindedly pushed Vicki off the bed and onto the floor on the other side.


“Um, yeah Uncle Viv.  I’m fine.”


Viv opened the door to peek in.  “You sure?  Thought I heard a sound like you were in pain or something.”


“Oh, well my shoulders hurt a bit from my laps, but not too bad.”


Meanwhile, Vicki was sliding her hand up from the floor, under the blankets and right for Scott’s groin.  Scott jerked a bit.


Viv noticed.  “Is it hurting now?” Viv asked.


Scott tried discreetly to shove Vicki’s hand away.  Thank God it was dark in the room.


“Um, no.  Not too bad.  I’m okay uncle Viv.  Go back to bed.”


“Okay.  Goodnight lad.”




When Viv closed the door, Vicki began to quietly giggle.  Scott looked down at her on the floor.


“Had your fun?”


“Oh yeah!”



The following day, Ty saw Randy and Mark off at the train station while Kevin took a limo to Heathrow to catch his flight back to California.  He then headed back to his house, passing Grace’s on the way. 


He saw his father’s car in the driveway, knowing that he stopped over there to do a conference call with the New York office.  Ty wanted badly to see Joe and Abby, but he was concerned about running into Grace.


He then remembered his mum’s words about getting over this and getting on.  Although it was easier said than done, it was something he knew he had to do.


He drove up the driveway and went to the door and rang the bell.  Abby answered.


“Tyler!  Welcome home,” she exclaimed, giving him a hug.


“Thanks Aunt Abby.  I just came back from seeing the rest of the guys off.  Was on my way home and saw my dad’s car here.  Thought I’d stop by and say hello.”


“I’m glad you did,” Abby said.  “Your mum’s happy that you’re gonna be home for a while.”


“Yeah, about a month or two and then Kevin and I are gonna get together to do some writing for the next album.  Um….is uh Grace here?”


Abby was pleased that he asked about her, hoping that the tension of what happened was finally put behind them.


“No, she isn’t.  She out doing some last minute shopping for school.  We’re going there for orientation this weekend and then we’re leaving her there.  She’s already been in contact with two other girls she’s gonna room with so she’s all set.”


Ty was a mixture of relief and disappointment that Grace wasn’t here.  Although he was ready to face her, part of him still wasn’t.


“That’s good to hear Aunt Abby.”


“Well, come on in.  Your dad and uncle are in there.”


Ty walked into to Joe’s office room and knocked on the open door.  Joe’s face lit up as he stood.


“Aye, the prodigal son returns,” he mused, going over to give Ty hug.


“Aye Uncle Joe.  Thought I’d stop by to say hi.  Just saw the rest of the guys off.”


“Yeah, and I heard about your little adventure the other night,” Joe said.  “Lets see.”


Ty rolled up his sleeve to display his fresh tattoo of the band’s symbol of a black, outlined medieval cross with a red flame behind it.  Joe looked impressed.


“Nice!  Real nice.”


“Thanks.  We all got the same.  Kevin and I got it on our left arms and Mark and Randy on their right.”


“You know lad, now that I think about it,” Sav interrupted.  “Did you even think to check your management contract to see if you’re allowed to get tattoos?”


Joe raised an eyebrow at that while Ty look confused.  “What do you mean allowed?  I have to ask permission to get a tattoo?  I’m a bloody adult!”


“Yes, you are but you’re arse is owned by the management and record companies who’s job is to sell your image, which means they’re in control of it.  They usually don’t want you doing anything drastic like marking up your body or dying your hair orange or anything.”


“Are you kidding me?  I can’t believe that!”


“Its true Tyler,” Joe said.  “We had certain stipulations in our contract way back when.”


“Yeah, I wasn’t allowed to cut my hair until after the Adrenalize tour,” Sav joked.


“And that was a sad day for all of us,” Joe sarcastically said. 


“So you mean I gotta check with management before I make any changes, is that what you’re saying?”


“Lad, didn’t you read your contract?”


Ty shrugged as if he couldn’t be bothered.  “No.  I left that up to the attorney.”


Sav shook his head.  “Well, hopefully Mick won’t go through the roof when he finds out.  I mean, one of you getting a tattoo is one thing, but all four of you, not to mention the same thing, is another.”


“Yeah, don’t want fans to think you’re some cutesy little boy band who has to do the same thing together.”


“Uggghhh!” Ty groaned.  “I didn’t think of that.”


“There’s the magic words, Tyler,” his father scolded.  “You didn’t think.” 


Ty thought about it a bit then waved it off.  “You know what, I don’t’ care.  The decision to get the tattoo was spontaneous, but we all agreed on the design.  It was something we wanted to do to solidfy our commitment to the band.  Hopefully, that’s what the fans will see.”


“Good angle lad,” Joe said.  “Now, just sell that Mick and the Mercury.”


Ty put his head down and shook it.  “I can’t believe all this crap I have to go through just to be in a band.”


“Its called responsiblility,” Sav said.  “And I think you and the rest of the lads better take more interest in the mechanics of your career rather than thinking that all you have to do is write songs, record them and play them live.  There’s a lot more to this business.  Soon you’re gonna find out the pressure of doing a successful followup album.”


“Thanks dad.  That’s just what I needed to hear.”


“That’s what I’m here for,” Sav said with a smile.  “To lead you in the right direction and prepare you for the worst.”


“I think I’m gonna go home now and crash.  Um, tell Grace I said hi, Uncle Joe.  Maybe I’ll get to see her before she leaves this weekend.”


“Will do lad.”


Ty walked out of the office, said goodbye to Abby and walked out the front door and smack into Grace.






Grace was startled at the unexpected sight of Ty’s incredibly handsome face that was inches from hers.  Her shopping bags fell from her fingers from the jolt.


“T…T..Tyler,” she stammered.  “I….I didn’t know you were home already.”


Ty couldn’t keep his eyes from slowly raking her up and down, from her beautiful green eyes, glossy dark blonde hair and long, lithe sweetly curved body clad in fitted low rise tan cargo pants and a black crop top.  He clenched his fists in an effort to keep his hands from running themselves all over every inch of her.


“Uh, yeah,” he replied.  “I got home two days ago.  The other lads came with me and I just saw them back.  I just came to say hi to your parents and your mum said you were out getting things for school.”


Grace tore her eyes away from Ty’s gorgeous blue ones to see her shopping bags toppled on the sidewalk.  She bent down to pick them up.


“Uh, yeah, just some last minute things.  I’m leaving this weekend.  I have orientation for a few days and then I officially start the week after that, so I’m just gonna stay up.”


“That’s…..that’s good,” Ty said.  “Your mum said you’ve got two roommates.”


“Yeah, two really nice girls.  I wound up getting their ID’s and we’ve been IMing each other and getting to know each other.  I think we’re gonna get along right well.”


“I’m glad to hear that.”


“So…how long are you home for?”


“A month or two, and then we’re gonna start work on the next album.   By then, we should have a tally on what we made off the album and tour so far.  I’m thinking of maybe getting a small place of my own.”


“Oh, really?  Where you looking at?”


“Well, I was thinking LA, but I don’t know if I want to live in the States.  If I want to go there, I can always crash with Kevin.  I then thought about London, but its just too damn busy there, plus I’ve got our dad’s flat there when I want to stay.  New York’s worse than London.  Maybe someday I’ll be rich enough to have small flats in each of those cities for convenience, but right now I just want to establish a main base.  I was thinking of Canterbury.  I really liked it there when I was in school and Mark and Randy are from there too.  Its really nice and peaceful there, so I think maybe there.”


“I think your mum would like that, not having you too far away,” Grace said.  “Especially with……..”


Grace cut off her sentence which caused Ty to question.


“Especially with what?” 


“You know….with Scott being in Arizona.  At least she’d have one of you nearby.”


“Yeah, I hear he’s in California right now visiting the rest of the uncles before dad flies out to meet him.”


“He missed seeing you Ty, really he did.  And, I know he missed hearing from you too.”


“Grace, please, I’ve already been read the riot act by my parents.  I know.  I gotta take it one step at a time.”


“Is the first step here with me?” Grace asked.


Ty looked at her, longing to forgive and forget that the beautiful young woman, whom he had loved for so long, had an impassioned fling with his own brother.  He could forgive, truly he could.  But, could he ever forget?  Would his memory ever be able to erase the picture in his mind of the two of them together?


“I guess it is,” Ty replied.  “Forgetting’s gonna be hard, but I guess I should start with forgiveness first.  I’m sorry for all that you had to go through and for all the mean things I said.  It still stings a bit, but I hope that will pass with time.”


“So do I Ty,” Grace said.  “You don’t want something like this eating at you. I know that things may never go back to the way they were between us, but we still are a part of each other’s life.  I just hope that we can learn to be around each other without all this tension around us.”


“So do I, Grace.  So do I.  Well, I’ll let you get inside.  Um…if I don’t see you before you go, good luck in school.”


Grace smiled warmly as tears threatened her eyes.  How badly she wanted to fling her arms around his neck and hug him tight and kiss him senseless.  Now he felt like a stranger and it was killing her to be this platonic with him.


“Thanks Ty.  I appreciate it.”


“Yeah, well…….” Ty said nervously, not knowing what to do next.  Of course he knew what he wanted to do!  He wanted to kiss her, that’s what.  But it just didn’t feel right.  Plus, he wasn’t sure how Grace would feel, thinking that he might be taking liberties too soon.


He leaned in towards her as if he was going to.  He saw what he thought was a look of hope on Grace’s face, but wasn’t sure.  He then backed away.


“Bye Grace,” he solemnly said.


“Bye,” she quietly replied before turning to go inside the house.  As she shut the door, Ty almost lunged towards it, as if trying to go after her.  He stopped himself, knowing he should’ve taken the opportunity when he had it.


Damn!” he cursed under his breath.   


Inside the house, Grace leaned her back against the closed door, dropped her bags, buried her face in her hands and cried.








Back in California……


Scott woke up the following morning feeling as if every ounce of energy was sucked out of his body.


In a way…..it was!


He looked at the clock and saw that it was almost 11:30am.  Feeling like a lazy wanker, he got out of bed, grabbed a clean t-shirt and shorts and headed for the shower.


A half hour later he bounded downstairs to find Una at the kitchen table dressed in track pants, crop top and a brand spanking new pair of Nike’s.  She looked up at Scott and smiled.


“Good afternoon, sleeping beauty,” she mused.  “Its about time you got up.” 


Scott ran his fingers still his still damp hair before opening the fridge to get some juice.  His eyes then darted about and didn’t see Vicki anywhere.


“Yeah, I guess the sun and the laps knackered me out last night,” he replied.


Una wickedly giggled.  “Hmmm, sure it wasn’t something else that knackered you, Scotty-boy?”


Scott looked at her nervously, wondering what she knew.  “W..w..what do you mean?” he stammered a bit before taking a sip of juice.


Una was calm non-chalance. “Oh, nothing.  I just thought that maybe Vicki snuck into your room last night to introduce you to her new tongue ring!”


Scott almost spit his juice onto the gleaming tile floor.  The move caused Una to break out in a fit of hysterics.

“I’ll take that as a yes that she did!”


Scott turned bright red from embarrassment.  “Oh God, I…..I can’t believe she told you that!”


“There’s not much she doesn’t tell me.  She’s become quite the little ‘head queen’ since she got that thing.  Some kind of power trip or something.  So don’t worry – she’s not gonna expect you to marry her or anything.  Anyway, her dad picked her up about ten so you don’t have to worry about hiding out from her.”


Scott leaned against the center island, too embarrassed around Una, even though he knew her all his life  Una noticed it and pulled a chair out beside her.


“Oh, sit down Scott and stop being embarrassed.  Its me, remember?”


“Yeah, but still,” Scott said, sitting down.  “Its not something you go around blabbing, you know?”


Una rolled her eyes.  “Scott, you don’t have to announce it to know its something that you’ve probably already done before.  Hell, between you and that rock star brother of yours, you’ve probably scored more times than the Rams offense!”


Scott propped his elbows on the table and buried his beet red face in his hands.  Una realized she went a bit far.  She knew that Scott was a lot shyer than Ty and things that Ty would naturally brag about, Scott would get flustered over.


“Oh, I’m sorry,” she said.  “I didn’t mean to go overboard.  You’re certainly not like most teenage boys who like to brag over their conquests.”


“Yeah, well I much prefer a relationship with someone, rather than have a conquest here and there.  That’s not how I am.”


“So…..anyone special then?”


Scott shook his head.  “No.  Not since Chelsea moved away.  I’ve had a date or two here and there, but it hasn’t been the same.  Plus, it didn’t seem wise to get involved with someone back home when I’ll be going to school here.”


“Well, maybe you’ll meet someone here.  Who knows?”


“Whats the point?  Only to be apart once school ends and I go back to England for the summer.  The last thing I need is another broken heart.  I just don’t know, Una.  The only thing I do know for sure is what I want to do and that’s be a sports medicine physician.  As far as having a steady girl, I……”


“What Scott?”


“Una, I know we’re still young, but……have you ever loved someone so much that, even though you’ve broken up and probably won’t see them ever again, you just can’t get them off your mind?  That everyone else pales in comparison to them?  That, as soon as you think you’re moving forward, something comes along that reminds you of them and the memories start to haunt you all over again?”


Una sat there with a dropped jaw, completely dumbfounded.  “Wow!   You were really bananas for this Chelsea, weren’t you?”


All Scott could do was nod.


“Then what are you waiting for, Scott?  Now that you’re here in the States, track her down.  You must still have her e-mail addresss.  Start there and…..”


“I can’t do that Una.  You don’t understand.  According to the last e-mail she sent me, she kind of made it clear that she needed to move on.  She got in some kind of trouble when she got to her new school and I think the depression of leaving – leaving me – was too much.  She last told me that she was getting help and I guess she needed to move on from whatever it was that was holding on, and that was me.  Not in a bad way, but it was unhealthy for her to emotionally hang on.  So, if I get in contact with her, I’m afraid that it’ll do more harm than good.  Plus, its been so long.  Maybe she’s involved with someone else already.”


“But what if she isn’t?  You don’t know for sure…..”


“And I don’t want to know,” Scott interrupted.  “If I find out she is, it’ll hurt me.  Its best I don’t know anything and try to move on too.”


“But you’re not moving on Scott.  Thoughts of her are still holding you hostage.”


“I know,” he sighed.  “Its something I have to deal with.  One way or another, I will. How, I don’t know, but I will.”








The next day, Scott headed over to Rick’s to spend a few days.  Having only had a daughter, Rick looked forward to spending some quality time with his ‘nephew’.


On one particularly fun evening, Rick took Scott to his downstairs practice room where he still had his accoustic and electronic drumkits still set up.  Rick taught Scott a few drumming basics on the accoustic set and even let him have a go with drumming on the electronic one, chuckling as he watched Scott ineptly try to coordinate the foot pedals.


“I give you a lot of credit Uncle Rick,” Scott said in frustration.  “I really don’t know how you did it all those years.  I can’t even do it with two bloody hands!”


“Well lad, when you have no choice, you just do it,” Rick replied.  “I’ve been playing the drums longer with one arm than I had with two.  I don’t even think I’d remember how to drum with two arms if I had them, though I wouldn’t mind being in that position to try.”


After a few days, Scott made his final stop at his Uncle Phil’s.  Rick dropped him off and waited for Phil to come to the door.


“Ah, there’s the lad,” Phil said exuberantly as he hugged Scott.  “I see you’ve saved the best for last, eh?”


Phil wiggled his eyebrows arrogantly as Rick just rolled his own eyes.  “Good luck lad, you’re gonna need it,” Rick mused before taking off.


Scott proceeded to spend the next three days just chilling, knowing that his father would be arriving the next day to meet him before heading off to Arizona.  He soaked up the sun and swam during the day and the evenings were spent kicking his Uncle Phil’s arse in soccer on the Playstation or watching the telly.


On his last night there, Scott walked into the kitchen to find Anita preparing a vegetable lasagna and made a sour face.  Anita caught onto it and made a decision.


“Tell you what, Scott.  Why don’t I throw this in the oven to heat for Phil while I head on out and get you something a little more appetizing?  Um…how does a big sloppy cheeseburger and greasy onion rings sound?”


Scott’s entire face lit up.  “Brilliant!  I’m sorry, Aunt Anita.  I just can’t grasp all this healthy stuff for too long.”


“Not a problem kiddo.  I’ll be back in about 45 minutes.”


“Okay,” Scott replied then went off into Phil’s room that he uses for guitar work.  He had a cabinet full of CD’s and Scott looked through them to find something he liked.  While searching, he came upon an oddly decorated box.  He just looked at it funny as Phil came in.”


“Whatcha doing, lad?”


“Oh, just looking for something to listen to until Anita gets back.  She felt sorry for me and went out to get me cooked animal flesh to consume!”


Phil wrinkled his nose and saw Scott looking at the box.


“Ah, I see you found my secret box, eh?”


Scott looked at him funny.  “Secret?”


Phil walked over and took the box then headed for the couch.  “C’mere, lad.  Sit down.  Anita will be gone for a bit so we can look through this.  I think you’re old enough, but remember….I never showed you these, alright?”


Scott was intrigued.  “Okay.”


Phil opened the box to display a bevy of photos.  “Ah, memories,” he sighed, scooping the photos out and  handing them to Scott.  “Those are pictures taken of the band over the years.  Some of my fondest ones.”


Scott sifted through the old pictures of Def Leppard, chuckling over what young studs they once were.  “Um, what are they kept in this box?”


“Um…well….you see….” Phil stammered, “some of them were taken by a rock photographer, Ross Halfin, who traveled with us.  Some of those are a little um….risque, to put it mildly.”


As soon as Phil said that, Scott’s eyes practically bulged.  “Uh….you mean…like this one?”


Scott held up a picture of several half naked girls in what looked like to be a dark room.  Phil grinned wickedly.  “Yeah, like that one!”


Scott looked back at it and blushed.  However, what made him even more moritified was, in the backround, he spotted a shirtless Phil, Steve and……


“….is…..is that my dad?”


Phil looked at the picture.  “Oh yeah!  That picture was taken during out Hysteria tour when we played in the round.  That was taken under the stage and, well, the roadies would get the best looking women and tell them that if they wanted to get under the stage, they’d have to take their tops off. Your dad, Steve and I would take a break during the gigs and, well, they’d be waiting for us to um…..entertain us for about 20 minutes!”


Scott covered his pink face.  “Oh my God!  You mean….you had all those girls every night?”


Phil smiled proudly.  “Just about.  They really loved your father, let me tell ya that, although Steve and I didn’t do too bad either!”


Scott proceeded to flip through the pictures cautiously, not knowing what else he’d find.  He then came across a picture of a topless girl straddling Phil, another naked one sitting on Steve’s lap and another topless one with his father doing……


“Oh shit!” Scott exclaimed, before covering his mouth.  “Sorry Uncle Phil, but…..is….is that girl doing what I think she’s doing to my dad?”


Phil looked at the picture and grinned.  “Yep,” Phil replied, unabashedly.


“Uh, I don’t think I want to look at these anymore,” Scott said sheepishly.


“Here, let me take these and pull out any that show  your dad in um….compromising situations.”


Phil then sifted through the pictures one at a time.  “Lets see….this one….this one…..DEFINITELY this one,” Phil said as he yanked them out.  Scott had a hard time picture his dad being that wild, even though he was in a rock band.


Phil then handed them back to Scott.  “Okay, these are pretty safe.”


Scott finished looking at them before taking a few more out of the box to look at.  One picture in particular caught his eye and he stared at it with a very puzzling look.


“Uncle Phil, why is my dad in a tuxedo?  And who’s that woman with him?  I don’t think that’s mum.”


Phil took the picture and paled.  He also realized that Sav never told his son’s about his past before meeting Paige.


“Um….her name is Dara, lad.  She was your dad’s first wife.”


Scott’s mouth dropped as he stared at the picture then back at Phil.  Wife?  He….he was married before mum?”


“Yes, he was.  And, I can tell that he never told you.”


“No, he didn’t,” Scott said, a little upset.


“Scott, listen to me.  I think he had his reasons.  There was really no need for you lads to know.  It happened so long ago.  They married in 1993 then split three years later.  Not much longer after that he met your mum and they’ve been together ever since.  I think he didn’t feel a need to tell you lads because he wants to forget himself.”


“What could’ve been so bad that he didn’t want to tell us?”


Phil then proceeded to tell Scott a little of the history between his dad and first wife, leaving out any dirty, gritty details that he just didn’t need to know.  He told Scott how Sav had gotten sick just two months after he got married and thinks that the stress and strain of it may have contributed to his marital problems.  Scott felt a little sick himself afterwards.


“How could someone be so mean, Uncle Phil?  How could she do that to my dad?”


“Scott, your dad was always a very private person and there may have been instances we don’t know of that contributed to their breaking up.  Its not for me or anyone else to know.  All I do know is that your dad finally found peace with your mum and the day you and your brother were born were the best of his life.  He wanted children so bad and was positively beside himself when Tyler was born and then when you came along fifteen months later.  I’ve never seen him  happier.  You lads are everything to him and he had to jump a lot of hurdles and endure a lot of pain and suffering before he was able to get to the point of being able to finally have children.  But, to him, you lads were worth the wait.  You have no idea how much he loves you and your brother.  There’s nothing he wouldn’t do for you lads.  Nothing.”


Scott stared at the picture and suddenly imagined his father’s life in the years that passed after the picture was taken.  He was sure that his Uncle Phil hadn’t told him everything, but he could tell from the pained look on Phil’s face as he spoke that it wasn’t all good.  He’d never know it, looking at his father now.  Probably because he was so happy now.  He had one son that was following in his footsteps and another off to become a doctor and it was all because his father had sacrificed for them so they could have the best.


Scott felt a newfound respect for his father, one that he would keep inside of him.  “Thank you for sharing that with me, Uncle Phil.  I promise that I’ll keep it to myself.  My father didn’t want us to know for a reason, and I’ll respect his privacy.”


Phil winked at him  just as he heard Anita come through the front door.


The next day, Sav arrived at Phil’s to collect his son.  When he pulled up in front of the house, Scott went out to greet him.  As Scott saw his father’s face, he couldn’t help but think about all that was revealed to him the night before.


“Aye lad,” Sav said, hugging his son.  “Well, this is it.  Hope you’re rested and ready.”


Scott hugged his father back very tightly, which bewildered Sav.  When Scott finally pulled away, he looked at his father with sincere eyes.


“Thank you dad.  Thanks for everything.”


“Well, you deserve the rest before heading off to…..”


“No, I mean, thank you for all you did for me…all my life.  I wouldn’t have any of this if it wasn’t for you.  I…I just want to say thank you and…..I love you”


Scott hugged his father again as tears pricked Sav’s eyes, wondering what brought all this one.  At that point, he didn’t care. 


This was one of the joys of being a parent.





One Year Later


Everything seemed to be progressing smoothly for the young ones. Grace and Scott finished a successful first year in university and business school respectively and Ty and the band had just put the finishing touches on their new album.


During this time, Ty had purchased a two bedroom townhouse flat in Canterbury, close to Mark and Randy.  Kevin landed himself a flat in London and another apartment in L.A. for when the lads met out there.


Crossfire’s soon to be released, and much anticipated, sophomore album was a blend a deep, tear-out-the-heart ballads and hard driving, hook-infested rockers whose lyrics were much more mature and catchy than their first album.  Ty and Kevin’s songwriting had improved vastly and owed their grown up taste to what they had experienced so far.


When it came time for their promo shots, the photographer had decided on a kitchy angle.  Taking a cue from Clive Arrowsmith who had photographed Def Leppard for their ‘X’ promos years back, the photographer had the band all dressed in black sleeveless tops and jeans.


He shot them at an old abandoned junkyard on a typical, overcast London afternoon.  He had the four lads lined up with their backs to him.  He then had Ty and Kevin turn partially to the left while Randy and Mark turned partially to the right so that their arm tattoos were visible.


Since Crossfire’s new album was entitled Brothers In Arms, the photographer thought the matching tattoos would work well.  With the lads dressed in black on a cloudy day, their hair naturally windswept, they gave their best serious, yet sensual gaze into the camera for a classic black and white shot.


A hair and makeup girl wove herself inbetween the guys to touch up inbetween shots.  As she darted away, Kevin feigned being appalled.


“I feel like such a piece of meat!”


“Yeah, well I’d like to give her a piece of my meat!” Randy said with a wicked grin.


After taking a wardrobe change for a few more poses, the photographer then took an upclose shot of Ty’s tattoo – the design which would serve as the album cover.


After the session, it was off to L.A to shoot the video for their first single.  They chose the song Eighth Deadly Sin as their lead in single for its pure rock sound and brilliant lyrics.  The video’s backround was black and red, much resembling Hades, while a tale of turbulent love played out as Ty sang:


Its pride that keeps us together,

But envy that keeps us apart,

When burning need…..is nothing but greed,

Its too late to get a grip on your heart


When lust is the pill….that makes us ill,

And we swallow everything but this rage,

We’re too lazy to fight, to make things right,

But too eager when we don’t want to change.


When you feel on the outside, looking in.

When it all becomes a game that you just can’t win,

It all becomes clear, as your mind starts to spin,

Love must be the eighth deadly sin.


The song reflects the seven deadly sins, figuring love to be the eighth one.  With all that Ty had been through in the past, it was something that he could identify with.


When Grace finally went off to school the previous year, Ty had continued on with his two month hiaitus before he Kevin, Randy and Mark flew to Hawaii for a few weeks to reconnect.  They soaked up the sun while lusting after every bikini that passed by during the day, hit the hotspots at night then poured themselves back into their hotel to work on their songs till the sun came up the following morning. 


About a month or so after that, they found themselves in the New York recording studio this time around with a different producer who refined their edgy, rocking sound to match their maturity.  The lads were getting older and needed to act and connect on that level as well.


When they broke for Christmas, Ty went home to Sheffield to find that Scott was already home from Arizona on his break as well.  It was the first time that the two brothers had seen or talked to each other since that day in the kitchen where Ty walked on out Scott and Grace.


As awkward as it was, both brothers made the best of it, if only for the sake of their parents.  Their demeanor towards each other was civil, but gone was the closeness and comraderie they had shared when they were younger.  They both had wondered if it would ever get better with time.


Now here he was, a year later, finishing up the first video for his second album.  After the shoot in L.A., he went back to Sheffield to see his parents before embarking on a slew of media promo’s throughout the U.K. and the States prior to the new album’s release. 


Since it was August, Scott had already left to go back to Arizona and Ty figured that Grace had left for London as well.


He drove into the center of town the following afternoon to do some shopping and to visit a few pubs to catch up with local friends.  He walked into one pub, looked around, didn’t see anyone, then proceeded out when  sweet feminine laughter coming from a corner booth behind him caused him to turn.


All he saw was a flash of silky blonde hair, which caused his heart to stir a bit.  He walked over and came face to face with Grace.


Who was holding hands with a handsome young lad sitting across from her.





Ty casually eyed the lad sitting across from Grace before looking at her.  He hadn’t seen her in so long that the changes in her were very apparent.  She was no longer a pretty girl, but a beautiful young woman of 19.  His breath still caught in his throat at the sight of her sensual green eyes, perfect cheekbones and full kissable lips that he still felt on his own.


“T…Tyler, hi,” she nervously stammered. 


“Aye Grace,” he replied.  “I thought you had gone back to school already.”


“Oh, I’m leaving this weekend.  Classes don’t start until next Tuesday.”


Ty then glanced at the other lad, then back to Grace, waiting for an introduction.


“Oh, forgive me,” Grace said a little embarrassed.  “Ty, this is Stephen.  Stephen, this is Ty.  Ty and I….we…we’ve grown up together.”


Among other things,” Ty thought to himself.


Stephen extended his hand.  “Nice to meet ya, mate.  You look familiar.”


“Well, I’m in a band,” Ty replied, shaking his hand.  “Crossfire.”


Stephen’s eyes widened.  “No flippin’ way!  I knew I’ve seen you somewhere.  Your videos were practically all over the telly, not to mention I heard you made a big splash in the States.”


As much as Ty wanted to, he couldn’t dislike this guy.  He seemed like a nice enough chap.  “Yeah, we did.  Thanks.  As a matter of fact, we’ll be releasing our second album in a few weeks and I’m leaving tomorrow to begin promos.  I’m here visiting my parents before I leave and I thought I’d stop in town to chat with some old friends.”


Stephen was completely ignorant of any long time sparks that were flying between Ty and Grace and looked from him, to Grace, then back.


“Well, it looks like you’ve found one,” Stephen said, referring to Grace.


Ty looked at Grace, who’s somber face almost caused him to collapse.  “Yeah, I guess I did,” he softly said, before changing the subject.  “So…how did you two meet?”


“Well, I’m the assistant manager at the Atrium in London,” Stephen said.  “Grace came in there one night for dinner with her two roommates to celebrate one of their birthdays.  I took one look at her and, well….I had to meet her.  We’ve been dating ever since and I came home with her to meet her parents.”


Ty tried to sound enthused.  “Hmm, meeting Uncle Joe and Aunt Abby, eh>  Sounds serious.”


Grace looked a bit embarrassed, but Stephen was unaffected.  “Well, lets just say that I think she’s a very special lass.  Although, since you’ve known her all your life, you probably know that already.”


It was getting too much for Ty to take.  He had to get out of there.  This was hitting too close to home.  Even though they had broken up and it had been a year since they had any contact, seeing Grace with someone else just re-opened the wound that he thought had long since healed. 


Just as he wondered if things would ever get back to normal between him and Scott, he wondered if his heart would ever move on from Grace.  Being on the road had only afforded him one night stands with nameless, faceless girls and not the pleasure of a normal relationship.  And now, with another tour on the horizon, now was not the time to start a relationship either.  Maybe when this tour ended, before they start their third album, will he think about the possibility of trusting his heart again with someone.


Ty cleared his thoughts to answer Stephen.  “Yes, I do.  Grace is a lovely lass and you’re fortunate to have found her.”


Ty was beginning to feel his throat tighten and his voice on the verge of cracking.  Grace,  however, couldn’t hold back the mist that had clouded her eyes.  Fortunately, Stephen was a little too starry eyed over meeting a bonafide rock star to notice. 


“Hey Ty, would you mind giving me your autograph?”


Stephen took a clean, paper placemat, tore it in two before looking at Grace.  “Luv, do you have a pen in your purse?”


“I believe so,” Grace said, as she fished for one.   Pulling it out, she turned to Ty and handed it to him.




“Thanks lu…Grace,” he replied, taking the pen and brushing his fingers against hers as he did.  The touch did nothing to calm him, it only made him want to get out of that pub even quicker.


Ty signed his name for Stephen and handed Grace back her pen.  “Well, I think I’ll leave you two to your lunch and head back to my parents and pack.  Stephen, it was nice meeting you mate.”


Stephen shook Ty’s extended hand.  “Same here.  Thanks for the autograph and I’ll be looking out for the new album.”


Ty nodded then turned to Grace. “Good luck in school, luv,” he said, biting his lip over calling her ‘luv’.  He just couldn’t help it.


“Thanks Ty.  Good luck to you too.  I’ll be looking out for the album and video.”


Ty just stared at her before nodding with a smile.  As he turned to leave, Stephen got up to go to the loo.


Once Ty got outside, he quickly got into his SUV, but not before looking back at the pub to see Grace staring at him through the window next to her booth.  The look made Ty want to run back in there, take her by the hand and run off with her somewhere.  Poor Stephen would be dumbfounded if he did!


Before Ty acted upon his emotions, he Grace one long, last look before closing the door and driving off.