Same Day

New York City



Grace rushed to her desk as soon as she entered the office and picked up the phone.


“Good morning, Q-Prime.”


“Grace, its Mick.”


“Mick, hi.  Where are you, on layover somewhere?”


“No I’m not.  I’m still in England.  Canterbury to be exact.”


Grace looked at the clock – 9:15am - knowing that it was 2:15pm in England.  “Why are you still there?  I thought you were flying back today?”


“Grace……is Jerry there?  I need for him to contact the publicist.”


“No, he isn’t   Just me and the website guy so far.  Is everything alright?”


“No Grace.  Everything is not alright.  I have some bad news.  Very bad news.”


The first thought that crossed Grace’s mind was Tyler.  “Mick…..can you tell me?”


“I guess I can, but Grace……….nothing can be repeated until a formal public announcement is made.”


“Yes, I understand,” she nervously said.  “Mick, please tell me.  Is Ty okay?”


“Yes Grace, he’s fine.  It’s the other boys.  They were in a fatal car accident last night.”


Grace almost dropped the phone as her hand went to her mouth.  “Fatal?”


“Yes Grace.  I couldn’t report anything to the public until their families were notified.  Kevin suffered serious injuries, the biggest being to his spine.  He just came out of surgery and is in intensive care, but still unconscious.  But Grace….the other two…Mark and Randy.  They….they didn’t survive.”


Grace was rendered speechless for a few moments as every nerve in her body stood on end.  Her eyes welled up with tears instantly.  “No!  Oh God, Mick, no!  They’re…..they’re dead?”


“Yes Grace.  The three of them went out after the awards show last night.  Ty stayed home for some reason or other, but it probably saved his life.  The boys were hit head on by a drunk driver, who also didn’t survive.  Ty’s here right now and his dad and brother just arrived from Sheffield, as well as Kevin’s dad from the States.  I have to get a hold of Jerry.  We need to make a press release to the public on this.”


Grace’s mind began to reel as she thought to the message she received from Ty the previous evening.  She then wondered if the reason he didn’t go out with the other lads was because he wanted to remain behind to talk to her.  To tell her how he felt.  She then realized that staying home to call her last night indeed save his life.  Now she knew why he hadn’t called her back after she left her answer for him.


“Oh my God….Tyler,” she whispered.  “What would I have done if something happened to you, especially after you told me how you felt?”


“What Grace?”


Mick’s voice interrupted her thoughts.  “N…nothing.  Mick, this is horrible.  Those poor lads.  They were so young…so successful.  This isn’t fair.”


“No, its not Grace.  Please, find Jerry for me and have him call me either on my cell or at the hospital directly and have me paged.  Tell him its urgent, but don’t say why.  This will be all over the news by this evening over there in the States anyway.”


“Okay, I’ll find him.  Please……please send my regards to Kevin’s dad and tell him that I’ll be praying for him.  And….please tell Ty to call me when he’s up to it and that…..I’m thinking of him.”


“I will Grace.  Let me get going.  I’ll await Jerry’s call.”


Grace hung up the phone, put her face in her hands and cried her eyes out.  How would she have handled losing Ty right after he told her how he felt?  Was it fate that caused him to stay home last night?  Or….was it love?


Either way, she didn’t care.  As saddened as she was over Mark and Randy’s death and Kevin’s serious condition, relief over Ty being alive and well overwhelmed her.


This was it.  After all these years since they were teenagers, they had finally come full circle as to what they want and where they stand with each other.  They had indured young lust, young love, heartbreak, separation, betrayal, animosity and now….tragedy.  This was a sign that they belonged with one another.


No matter what happened, no matter what they faced together in the future, she’d never lost sight of that fact



Grace came home that evening around 6:15 to find Tina sitting in front of the television and Shane playing in a blocked off area.


Tina turned to her with tears in her eyes as Grace caught the announcer on VH-1 reporting the news.


“….again, if you’re just joining us, shocking and tragic news in the rock world today.  Crossfire bass player Mark Shepard and drummer Randy Spencer were both killed in a head on collision yesterday evening in Canterbury England.  Lead guitarist Kevin Schon was severely injured in the crash as well and remains in critical condition at Chaucer Hospital.  The band’s management and lead singer/guitarist Tyler Savage, who was not involved in the accident, have no plans to release any other public statement until further notice.  However, they do ask for prayer’s for Kevin’s recover, as well as for Mark and Randy’s family.  We promise to keep you updated on any further news on this untimely tragedy that has the music world reeling…..” 


Grace fought back the tears that she had been fighting all day.


“Grace….my God!” Tina exclaimed.  “I….I can’t believe it.  This is a nightmare!”


“I know Tina.  Mick called me from England this morning to tell me.  I was an absolute zombie all day.”


“Grace……Tyler.  Thank God he wasn’t….”


“I know,” Grace interrupted.  “That thought has been haunting me all day.  Tina, I have to go to him.  I just have go.  I’ll okay it with Mick and Jerry, but I’m sure they’ll understand.”


“Of course they’ll understand,” Tina said.  “You need to be with him, Grace, especially after that phone message from him that you played for me.  Go to him Grace.  Its where you belong.”


“Tina, would you like to come with me?  You and Shane?”


“I’d love to Grace, but I can’t.  At least, not now.  I know I’m only part time at work, but they’d freak if I took time off now.   And I need this job.  Perhaps another time.”


“Look, why don’t I get changed and we’ll order some pizza or something then make my plane reservations on the net, okay?”


“Sounds fine.”


Grace went into her room to get changed just as her phone rang.  “’ello?”


“Grace,” came an anguished whisper.


Grace’s knees almost collapsed.  “Tyler?  Tyler is that you?”


“Yes.  I waited until I knew you were home from work.  Its 11:30pm here and I’m still at the hospital.  To be honest, I’ve rarely left. Mick told me he spoke to you this morning and told you everything.”


“Yes, he did.  Ty, I……..God, I don’t know what to say.  I’m still in shock over it.”


“Grace, I didn’t get your message on my voice mail until late.  I’m sorry I didn’t call you back, but….”


“Ty, you don’t have to explain.  You have more important things to deal with.  I’m not going anywhere.  I’m right here.  For you.”




“Yes,” she quickly said.


“You don’t know what I was going to ask.”


“Doesn’t matter.  Whatever you need, the answer is yes.”


“So you told me in your message,” Ty said.  “However, I was gonna ask you to come out there.”


“I’ll be there Ty.  As soon as I make the arrangements and okay it with Mick.”


“You don’t have to.  I already told him that I wanted you here.  He really has no choice.”


Grace chuckled over his feeble attempt at arrogance.  “Ty……I’m so sorry.  You have no idea.  I can’t imagine what you’re going through.”


“Its been hell Grace.  Please get here soon.”


“I will.  Sit tight and I’ll be there before you know it.”






“I love you.  I love you so much.  Please don’t leave my life now.  I never should’ve let you out of it in the first place.”


“I love you too, Tyler.  I never stopped.  And you better mean what you said, because once I get back in your life, I have no plans of getting out.”


“I’ll hold you to that.”





Grace arrived at Heathrow Airport where she was met by her father.


“Daddy,” she choked out, throwing herself into his arms.  “Oh daddy, I’m so glad to finally be here.  Thank you for meeting me here.”


“Its what I’m here for lass,” Joe replied, kissing his daughter’s forehead and stroking her hair. “C’mon, I’m taking the tram with you into Canterbury.  Your mum and J.T. will stay behind with Aunt Paige. Plus she has Chelsea to check in on her as well.”


Grace pulled back and looked up at her father with puzzled eyes.  “Chelsea?  Did you say Chelsea?”


Joe’s face was filled with mirth.  “Um, yeah I did.  Guess I’ve got quite a story to tell you on the tram ride.  C’mon, lets go.”


Several hours later, they arrived at Chaucer Hospital.  The entrance to the hospital was swarming with the press, all wanting to be the first to get any news on Kevin Schon’s condition.


Joe and Grace immediately got clearance past security to go to Kevin’s floor.  Once they entered the waiting room, Sav sighed with relief at the sight of his longtime friend who’s support he needed right now.   He rose to meet Joe halfway and hugged him.


“Joe, I didn’t know you’d be here,” Sav said with exhaustion.


“Well, I didn’t want Grace traveling by herself.  Plus, Abby and J.T. will check in on Paige.  So will Chelsea and her mum, so she’s well looked after.  Any change?”


“No, none,” Sav said.  “Neal’s in with him now.  Fortunately, Kevin’s CAT scan was clean.  His heart rate and blood pressure are good, considering that he was bleeding internally.  He still hasn’t come to yet, which is baffling the doctors, since there’s no sign of brain damage.  We’re just waiting and….praying.”


Joe and Sav went to go sit down while Grace looked around the room.  She didn’t see any sign of Ty and went back out to roam the halls.  At the end of the hall, staring out the window, was Ty and Scott.  Her heart lept, if only for the fact that the two brothers were together again, even if a tragedy had to make it happen.


Grace walked down the hall, waiting for Ty to turn and see her.  Scott saw her first and smiled with relief.  He then tapped is brother on the shoulder and pointed to Grace.


Ty almost broke down upon finally seeing Grace and practically ran down the hall to meet her.  Grace sped up as well until they both fell into each others arms hugging and kissing.


“Oh God….oh God….thank you…thank you Grace,” Ty murmured against her neck while breathing in her scent.


“I’m here luv, I’m here,” she murmured back, kissing his face and running her fingers through his hair.  Even though they had been apart for years, she never forgot the feel of him.


They stood there in a tight embrace which seemed like forever.  When they finally parted, they just stared at each other’s faces, drinking in the welcome sight, their eyes speaking what their voices could not.


Scott watched the two of them for a moment before he tiptoed past them.  “Um..I think I”ll leave you two alone.”


Grace grabbed hold of Scott’s arm.  “Oh no you don’t,” she said.  “You stay right here Scott Savage.  Or…should I say….dad!”


Scott blushed with pride.  “Your father told you?”


Grace nodded.  “Yes he did.  Scott, I can’t believe it.  This is incredible.  After all these years you have Chelsea back in your life.”


“Just as you have Ty,” Scott replied.


The three of them thought on those words for a moment before they all hugged.  They were all back in each others lives – where they truly belong.


Just then, they heard footsteps come down the hall.  Ty looked up and saw Neal.


“Neal…what is it?  Is he awake?”


“No, he isn’t,” Neal said through a haze of fatigue.  “Tyler, I….I’d like you to go in there with him.  Talk to him.  Sing to him.  Anything!  I want my son to wake up”


Without a word, Ty nodded and took off with Neal.





Ty slowly opened the door to the intensive care unit where a nurse led him over to the partitioned off area where Kevin lay unconscious.  Ty had only seem him briefly in the last few days, rather giving Neal the much needed time to spend with his son.  Now that he was here with an unrestrained amount of time, he took his time to look Kevin over as he lay motionless in bed.


A breathing tube forced air in and out of his lungs that he wasn’t able to do himself.  A metal ‘halo’ was affixed to his head and shoulders to keep his head immobile due to the repaired damage to his spine.  An IV bag dripped life sustaining fluid into his arm while a heart monitor showing steady and even ‘blips’ gave the only indication that he was still alive.  His handsome face was marred with cuts and bruises sustained in the crash, however they were nothing compared to his internal injuries.


Ty went over to to Kevin’s left side and pulled up a chair.  A white sheet and blanket covered Kevin up to his mid-section while his bare upper half was covered with a maze of wires affixed to him to monitor his vital signs.


The first thing Ty noticed was Kevin’s tattoo on his left, a mirror image of what he, Mark and Randy had.


Mark and Randy.  Oh God, how was he ever going to tell Kevin what happened to them when he wakes up?  If he wakes up?


Ty remembered Neal’s charge to him and would do what he could to break through Kevin’s unconscious state.  Ty the took Kevin’s limp hand in his own.


“Aye mate,” Ty began, not knowing what to say.  “Oh wait….…I remember.  When we first met, you despised me calling you mate.  Remember when we met, Kev?  I thought you were the most arrogant, obnoxious arse I ever came across.  But, you backed up every boast you made.  It was that swaggering confidence that made you such a mega guitarist.  We’ve come a long way, didn’t we?  Everything happened so fast.  Just, what…..2 ½ years ago we’re playing pubs and here we are…..millionaires!   But Kev….you need to wake up so you can spend all that money you made, you know?  C’mon, Yank.  Open your eyes.  Your dad’s dying to talk to you.   We’re all here.  Well…..not all of us……”


Ty broke off as he began to cry over Mark and Randy’s demise.  He stood up and walked to the wall and leaned against it until he composed himself.  He couldn’t lose it now.  He put too much energy into crying for them where there was nothing he could do to bring them back.  Right now, he had to use whatever energy he had to get through to Kevin.


He went back and sat down, trying his best to remember a song from a band that was popular during the time of his dad’s band.   Bon Jovi, he thinks it was.    Ty had once looked up all the band’s who were his dad’s competiton way back when.  While surfing the lyrics, he came upon the ones to a particular song that was about boyhood friends who bonded to be blood brothers.  The only lyrics he seemed to remember was the chorus, which had always stuck in his mind.


He held Kevin’s hand again.  “Aye, I’m back.  Sorry about that.  Well, maybe my voice isn’t familiar as much as my singing.  I’m a little rusty, but lets see if you can understand this.”


Blood on blood

One on one
We'd still be standing
When all was said and done
Blood on blood
One on one
nd I'll be here for you
Till Kingdom come
Blood on blood


Ty wished he remembered the rest of the lyrics but he didn’t.  Even if he did, he didn’t think he’d be able to sing them.  His voice was cracking from the emotion.  He couldn’t stand seeing Kevin lying there like that.  It wasn’t him. 


Ty stood up and stalked around Kevin’s bed, this time getting angry. 


“C’mon Kev, enough with the posing, alright?  I know you’re alive!  That heart monitor tells me so.  I know you’re tired from the tour, but I think you’ve slept long enough.  Its time to wake up.  Now!  I’m getting tired of waiting Kevin.  I need you awake.  I need to hear your voice.  I miss you calling me a pansy Brit!  Please, Kevin.  You can’t leave me too!  I can’t deal with all three of you leaving me.  What the fuck am I gonna do?  You gotta wake up and help me.  We’ve got to help each other.  Kevin, please, whatever’s wrong in the long run, I”ll be here for ya, mate.  We’ll figure something out for our future, but I need you alive.  Please Kevin!  Please!”


Ty broke down, absolutely spent from his tirade.  He went over to the wall and punched it in frustration, then leaned his forehead against it to cry – again!


His sobs were so overwhelming that he didn’t hear the sound of a strained, raw whisper behind him.


“Oh will you shut the fuck up, Brit?”






Ty’s ears were pricked by what he thought was someone talking to him.  Maybe  a nurse came in to tell him to quiet down.  Before he could turn around to see, he heard the sound again.


“Stop crying, you frigging pansy!”


Ty whipped his head around to look at Kevin’s huge brown eyes.  Since he couldn’t turn his head, Kevin had his eyes strained to look over to his right side.  Ty stood there, disbelieving that he was awake. He was also eternally grateful.


He went to Kevin’s side and looked down at him.  “Kevin?  You’re awake!  Bloody hell, you’re awake!”


“Amazing how smart one year of college makes you,” Kevin hoarsly whispered, the breathing tube impairing his speech.


Ty smiled the first smile in what seemed like days.  Then he took off like a shot out of ICU.  He skidded into the waiting room where he found Mick staring blankly at the telly, Joe and Sav sitting side by side talking, Neal pacing and Scott and Grace looking at magazines.  Neal was the first to look up when Ty came in.




Ty’s face broke out into a brilliant handsome grin.  “He’s awake!  He’s bloody, frigging awake!”


The entire waiting room came to life.  Joe and Sav stood up, as did Grace and Scott.  Neal left the waiting room to get the doctor immediately as Ty stood there, his body trembling from the emotion and elation.  Grace came over to him first.


“Oh Ty, I knew you could get through to him,” she sweetly said to him.  “He’s gonna be alright, I just know it.”


Ty didn’t say a word and just hugged Grace – tight.  All he thought of was how precious life can be.


Neal then stuck his head back in the room.  “Tyler, can you come with the doctor and I?  Now that he’s awake, they’re gonna take his breathing tube out and get him to talk some more.”


“Of course,” Ty replied, kissing Grace on the forehead and leaving.


Once back in ICU, Ty waited back a few moments as the doctor attended to Kevin to remove his breathing tube and check his vitals.  When all was clear, he called Ty and Neal in.  Kevin glanced at one of his best friends and his dad and his eyes glazed over.


“Dad,” he whispered with a raw throat. 


Neal came by his side and took his hand.  “Its okay son.  You’re gonna be fine.  You gave us quite a scare.”


The doctor then came by Kevin’s side.  “Kevin, are you up to answering some questions?   I need to be sure your memory hasn’t been affected.”


Neal looked up.  “Well, if he had amnesia or anything, he wouldn’t recognize me, would he?”


“Well, there might be certain things he remembers, and certain things he can’t,” the doctor replied.  “I just want to be sure.  Now, Kevin, can you please tell me your full name.”


Kevin winced a bit then spoke.  “Kevin…mmmmmm….Schon.”


The doctor knitted his brows while Neal chuckled.  “I’m sorry son, could you say that again?”


Kevin blew out a breath.  “Kevin Hubert Schon.”


Ty’s blue eyes were alive with laughter.  “Hubert?”


“It was my grandfather’s name, okay,” Kevin whispered with embarrassment.  Next question.”


“Where do you live?” the doctor asked.


“Everywhere!  I’m a rock star.”


Ty shook his head.  Obviously Kevin didn’t forget how to be arrogant.


“Well, I’ll settle for where you were born,” the doctor said.  “Can you tell me that?”


“Um…San Mateo, California,” Kevin replied.


“You recognize your father, I see.  Whats his name?”


“Neal,” Kevin replied.  “He was the guitarist for Journey.  A kick ass one too!”


Neal couldn’t help but smile proudly through his tears of joy.  The doctor then pointed to Ty.


“Do you know who this is?”


Kevin’s eyes perused Ty.  “Yeah. Some pansy Brit who was sobbing like a little girl after he got done serenading me like Enrique Inglesias!”


Ty’s insides bubbled with laughter.  He couldn’t remember a time when he welcomed an insult more!  “Well, that may be true, but how about telling the doctor what he really wants to hear?”


Kevin got serious as tears welled in his eyes.  “That’s Tyler Savage.  Lead singer and guitarist for our band, Crossfire.  Not to mention my very best friend in the whole world.  Just don’t tell Mark or Randy I said that.  They think they’re my best friend.  By the way…..where are they?”




This was the one question Ty dreaded the most.  He wasn’t ready for this now.  Kevin didn’t need to be emotionally burdened so soon after waking up.  The doctor then leaned into Kevin.


“Lad….do you know why you’re here?  Do you remember what happened?”


Kevin strained to remember. “Uh…..the last thing I remember was an awards show.  Yeah, the British awards.  Then…….we all went out.    Oh yeah, Randy drove his classic ‘vette.  We went to a pub. We hit on some pretty girls.  Then………I don’t remember anything after that.  Can I safely assume that we were in some kind of car accident?”


“Yes, you were,” the doctor replied.  “The car you were in was hit head on.  The injuries you sustained were very severe.  Your spine was cracked and we had to insert steel rods in it to repair it.  We don’t know how much your spinal cord was traumatized, though there was no visible damage.  I’m gonna have to ask you if you feel anything in your………”


“Where’s Randy and Mark?” Kevin asked, cutting him off.


Kevin followed the doctor’s eyes which traveled over to Neal.  Kevin’s eyes then glanced to the other side to his father, the frustration of not being able to turn his head getting to him. 


“Dad?  What?”


Kevin then looked at Ty at the foot of his bed.  “Ty, where are they?  Are they okay?  Or are they somewhere crying like sissies too?”


All Ty could do was shake his head back and forth.  “They’re not here, Kev.”


Kevin’s chest began to rise and fall as the heart monitor gaged his increased heartrate.  “Tell me, dammit!  Where are they?”


Neal took his son’s hand to calm him down.  “Kevin….listen to me.  The accident……the car was hit head on.  Mark and Randy were in the front.  They……they didn’t survive.”


Kevin’s anguished brown eyes went from his father to Ty.  The tears that Ty was trying to hold back told him it was true.


“Ty…..no,” Kevin choked out.  “Please don’t tell me……..this is a joke, right?  Right?”


“Kevin, calm down mate,” Ty replied through his tears.  “You can’t afford to….”


“Don’t tell me what to do,” Kevin tried to shout, wincing at the pain in his throat. “And don’t tell me they’re dead!  No!   Oh God, no!”


“Kevin, relax,” the doctor said.  “I know this is a shock, especially after you just came to, but you need to concentrate on getting better.  I need to check if you have any feeling….”


“I don’t!  I don’t have any feeling!  I can’t feel my fucking legs, okay?  I’m lying here hooked up to all these contraptions, I just found out that two of my bandmates are dead and now I’m gonna be told that I’ll never walk again.  Is that it?  Is this what I woke up to find out?  If that’s the case, I’d be better off dead too!”


Neal squeezed his son’s hand.  “Don’t you dare say that!  Do you think that would’ve made things better?  Ty’s already lost two friends, he doesn’t need to lose another one.  And I don’t need to lose my son.”


Kevin began to cry as his tears slid down both sides of his face.  “Oh my God!  Please….please don’t let this be happening.  I don’t want to live like this.  Its not fair that I live at all.  How come I lived while they had to die?”


Ty came around to the other side of the bed.  “I don’t know mate.  I wish I knew the answer to that one.  But they were in the front.  The entire front of the car was caved in.  Hell, it was fate that kept me home that night.  No…I take that back…it was Grace that kept me home.  She saved my life and I know that yours was spared for a reason.”


“What reason is that, Ty?  I’m so glad you got your precious Grace back in your life, but what about me?  Who’s gonna want me like this?  The only reason a woman will want me now is for my money.  No one wants a crippled former rock star!”


The doctor saw that Kevin’s vitals were being affected by his emotional state.  “Mr. Schon, I’m gonna have to give him a sedative.  He must calm down.”


Neal nodded as the doctor prepared a needle then stuck it into Kevin’s arm.


“What?  What are you doing?”


Ty took Kevin’s hand.  “Its okay mate.  You need to calm down a bit.  I’ll be here.  I’m not going anywhere, okay?  And…no matter what happens, I’ll be here for you.  We’re all that’s left, mate.  We’re gonna create something good out of this tragedy.  You and I.  I promise.  That should be an incentive to get better, okay?”


Kevin looked at Ty with half closed eyes, the sedative working its magic.  “Ty….I…..I didn’t mean it.  I don’t want to die.  You promise?  You’ll be here for me?”


Ty smiled and nodded as Kevin’s eyes closed. 





The following few days were the hardest for Ty.  His father, Joe and Scott stayed on to accompany him to Randy and Mark’s funerals.  It was the hardest thing he ever had to do in his young life.


Randy and Mark were waked at the same time in the same funeral home.  Ty opted to go early, ahead of any family and friends for privacy’s sake.  As soon as he saw Mark lying in his casket, he almost collapsed to his knees.


With Sav on one side and Grace on the other,  Ty walked on shaky legs to kneel in front of Mark’s casket, totally breaking down upon seeing his cold, but peaceful face.  His wooden Washburn bass lay next to him.


Ty put a picture of the band in his casket with shaky hands.  “You’ll never be alone, mate,” Ty whispered, as if Mark could hear him.


Sav then backed away while Grace knelt next to Ty, soothingly rubbing her hand across his back.  Once they were done, they went next door to Randy’s wake.  He lay there as calm and peaceful as Mark.  Instead of rosary beads entwined in his cold, clasped hands, there were a pair of drumsticks.


Ty placed a picture in his casket as well and cried all over again.  This was still a nightmare to him and seeing his two bandmates like this was a hard shot of reality.


The following day,  Ty insisted that Sav, Joe and Scott go back to Sheffield.  Even though the Easter holiday was upcoming, Ty didn’t want to break his word to Kevin.  He wanted to stay here in Canterbury until such a point that Kevin could be released.  Scott also needed to get back to Chelsea and Stephanie so he could spend time with them before he headed back to finish off school.


Grace, however, stayed behind.  She stood in the middle of Ty’s Canterbury home and looked around with amazement.  “This is a lovely place, Ty.” 


“Thanks luv.  It was also lonely until now.  Are…are you okay about staying with me?”


“Of course I am,” Grace replied.  “There’s no more question between us, Ty.  I love you and I’m here for you as long as you want me.  Mick gave me a few more weeks as a leave of absence.”


Ty brought her hand to his lips and kissed it.  “Thank you Grace.  Having you here has made this so much easier.  I didn’t know how I was gonna get through yesterday.  To see the both of them…lying in those caskets…I just wanted to shake them awake, ya know?”


Grace cupped his face.  “I understand sweetie.  But now you have a friend that needs you.  Who’s counting on you.”


“He’s gonna get better Grace.  I just know it.  As soon as he’s out of here, he’s gonna go back to California.  He has extensive physical therapy to undergo.  But, as soon as he’s settled, I’m gonna visit him and we’re gonna do something with our futures.  The band is gone, but some part of it has to live on someway.”


Grace turned to him and put her arms around his neck.  “Tyler Kenneth Savage…I am so very proud of you.  You set your mind to something so long ago and you made that dream happen.  I know that whatever you put your hand to will prosper.”


Ty leaned down and kissed her slowly and sensually.  He then broke the kiss, the desire for the only woman that he had ever loved evident in his eyes. 


“Grace, I’ve grown up fast since that day in your backyard when you broke up with me right before I went off to university.  I guess you have to live the fast life and get it out of your system to realize that there are more important things than screwing around.  It’s a lonely, empty unfulfilling feeling.  The only good thing that came out of it was the success of the band.  But, we all realized that we wanted stability in our lives with one person after the last tour.  Randy and Mark deserve to be here – to find the loves of their life, the way I did.  But I just didn’t find you Grace…you were always there.  Even though we were separated, you were always there somehow and I thank God that we’re finally back together – where we should be.”


Grace tightened her hold around his neck.  “So…where do we go from here?”


Ty smiled wickedly.  “Well, first and foremost…if I don’t make love to you  right this moment I’m gonna die!”


They didn’t even make it to the bedroom.  They just dropped to their knees in the middle of Ty’s living room, tore at each others closed and loved each other and loved each other as if not one day had gone by since their first time on the family room couch.  Their joining this time was one of need for each other as well as love, rather than teenage curiosity and lust. 


Afterwards, they lay on the floor, giggling like the naughty hormonal teenagers they once were.


“Grace, if we’re gonna be together, what are we gonna do about your job situation?  I’m here and you’re in New York.”


“I know,” she replied.  “I really can’t afford to quit right now.  Plus, the rent I pay to Tina is helping her with her mortgage.  Anyway, I do love working there, even though I’m sure I could find something similar back here.”


“Well, I don’t want you to give up something you love,” Ty said.  “Maybe once Kevin is released, I can come to New York and stay with you a bit before heading to see him in California.  Either way, we’ll work this out.  Even if I have to marry you to do so.”


Grace raised her eyebrows.  “Oh?  Is that a formal proposal?”


Ty looked sheepish.  “Well, not a formal one.”


“Good, because since I was a little girl, I dreamed about a man getting down on one knee to propose to me, not laying naked on the living room carpet!”


“Ooooh, demanding already, aren’t you wench?”


“No.  If I were, I’d demand that you pick me up, carry me to your bedroom and make love to me properly in bed.”


Like a flash, Ty scooped her up in his arms while standing up.  “Now, those are demands I can live with!”






7 Months Later

October, 2023

Sheffield, England


Everyone was gathered at Joe and Abby’s for a joyous reunion and a celebration of life and good news.


Two days earlier, Grace had flown in from New York with Tina and Shane in tow, keeping her promise to her friend to visit her home country.  Scott had sailed through his post-grad studies over the summer and had began his internship at Shrewsbury Hospital.  Chelsea and Stephanie still continued to live with her grandmother while Scott remained with his parents so he could save and prepare for a very special occasion in the future.


Sixteen year old J.T. had invited his new girlfriend over, a tall, blonde lass that had Joe groaning.  “Oh crap, here we go again!”


But the most surprising guests of all were Neal and Kevin Schon.  Kevin was still undergoing massive amounts of physical therapy to strengthen the muscles in his lifeless legs.  He had learned over the months not to get discouraged.  If he was never able to walk again, so be it.  He was alive and he and Ty had been talking extensively about an interesting and exciting business venture. 


As the day went on, Sav and Joe stood on his deck overlooking the yard where everyone was gathered on an unusually warm fall day. 


“Tell me Joe, did you ever think all would end up this way?”


“If you had asked me that when they were still randy, wild teens, I’d say no,” Joe replied.  “You know, you want to steer your kids around the potholes because you don’t want them to fall into them like you did.  But I think our children drove straight into them, however, they came out with nary a scratch.  For that, I’m proud of their resiliance.”


“So am I, my friend,” Sav said.  “So am I.”


Just then, Ty whistled in the middle of the yard.  “Excuse me everyone.  I have an announcement to make.”


He took Grace and pulled her close by his side.  “I just want you all to be the firsy to know that this beautiful lass has agreed to marry me.”


Paige and Abby almost knocked each other over in an effort to get to Grace.  “Oh my God,” Abby exclaimed, hugging her daughter.  “This is absolutely wonderful.”


Paige hugged her son and kissed his cheek.  “Congratulations lad.  Somehow I knew that the two of you would end up together.”


Up on the deck, Joe looked at Sav with a sour face.  “Does this mean I’m stuck with you as an in-law?”


Sav held out his arms and gave Joe a brilliant smile.  “Welcome to the family, mate!”


“Oh God, shoot me,” Joe groaned as Sav embraced him.


Scott glanced down at Chelsea after Ty made his announcement.  “Soon luv.  Very soon.”


“I’ll wait for you forever Scott,” Chelsea replied.  “I’ve got this, remember?”


Chelsea held up her wrist to display the beaded bracelet she made with Scott’s name on it so many years ago.  She had always held onto it.  When she showed it to Scott, he couldn’t believe that she still had it.  Scott promptly tied it around her wrist, as he had done all those years ago, signifying his promise to her.


Amid the congratulations, Ty looked around.  “Aye, where’s Kev?”


“He’s inside,” Neal said.  “The therapist had given him some daily exercises for him to do on his own.  He’s been very religious about it.  He went into the family room to do them.”


Inside the house, Tina went to get some more ice for Abby.  Shane, who had just turned two, wandered off to roam the house in the meantime.  When he came into the family room, he stopped.


Kevin looked at the little face staring at him.  “Well, hello little fella,” he drawled out in his California twang.


Shane boldly walked over, mesmerized by Kevin’s wheelchair.  “Can I wide this?”


Kevin smiled.  “Sure.  Hop on my lap.”


Kevin helped Shane climb onto his lap.  Once he positioned himself, Kevin hit the button for the electronic wheelchair to go forward, backwards and around in circles.  Shane’s bellylaughs were so loud that they brought Tina in to investigate.


“Shane?  Shane what are you doing in……oh…..”


Tina stopped short when she saw Kevin.  Kevin, in turn, blushed a bit with embarrassment.  Ever since he arrived, he hadn’t been able to take his eyes off the lovely Tina.  His usual cocksure self was reduced to insecurity due to his disability.


“I believe this little guy belongs to you,” Kevin said to Tina.


“Yes, I’m sorry.  He’s not very shy, as you can tell.  He goes to just about anyone, which worries me if I ever lost him in the mall.  Shane, come on.  Get down.”


Shane turned in Kevin’s lap and threw his arms around him.  No!  I wanna wide mommy!”


“Shane, down.  Now!  I don’t want you bothering…..”


“He’s not bothering me.  Really,” Kevin said.


“Well, if its okay with you.  But…don’t you want to come back outside?  Ty and Grace just announced their engagement.”


“Aw, I knew about that for a while.  He bought her ring while he was visiting me in California.”


“I’m gonna miss her,” Tina said dejectedly.  “She’s been renting a room from me in my house for over a year and we got to be good friends.  She’s really helped me through some rough spots since my husband died.”


“Oh….I’m sorry,” Kevin said with shock.  “Was he sick?”


“No……car accident.”


Kevin immediately felt a chill run up his spine at the sound of those words.  Tina saw it immediately.


“Oh God.  Oh Kevin, I didn’t….I mean…..I’m sure you’ve got some bad memories as well.”


“Yeah, I do.”


“Anything I can do to help?”


Kevin smiled at her.  “Well, you can sit here for a bit with me.  You’re my only American ally among all these Brits!”


Back outside Grace looked around for her friend.  “Hmm, where’s Tina?”


“I think she went to get ice for your mum,” Ty replied.  “C’mon, lets go inside.  Even though Kevin knew I was gonna propose, I want to formally tell him.”


Ty and Grace went inside to hear a buzzing sound coming from the family room, followed by laughter.  Grace entered her parents family room to see Kevin buzzing his motorized wheelchair around and around with Tina and Shane in his lap. 


Grace turned to Ty and smirked.  “Think there’s something going on here?”


Ty shrugged his shoulders.  “Who can tell.  Um…excuse me kiddies.”


Tina looked up, guilty at being caught.  Kevin looked his usual unaffected self.    “Yes?”


Ty took Grace’s left hand and held it up to show the ring.  “I did it!  Its official.”


“Now we’ve got to set a date,” Grace said.


“That’s for you and the mum’s to deal with.  Just tell me when and I’ll show up.”


“Just like a man,” Grace huffed.  “Doesn’t want to be involved until its time to take a shower and throw his tuxedo on!”


“Actually luv, I plan on being involved straight from the wedding night!”


Kevin rolled his eys.  “Okay, enough.  Go find another room to make out in.  There are children present here.”


Ty and Grace left the room, leaving Tina and Shane still on Kevin’s lap.  Shane hopped off and stood in front of the telly, mesmerized by a funny commercial.


Tina looked to where Ty and Grace stood.  “Guess they couldn’t wait.”


“Guess not,” Kevin drawled.  “Not a bad idea, you know.”




“Making out,” he whispered as he snaked his hand behind her neck and pulled her down for a kiss.  It started out soft and slow, then turned a little heated.  Tina had her arms around Kevin’s neck and he had his wrapped around his waist. 


After a few moments, he pulled away…a shocked look on his face.  Tina flushed.


“Oh God, I’m…I’m sorry,” she sputtered.  “I shouldn’t have gotten so carried away.”


“No, its okay,” Kevin said stunned.  “Kiss me again.  Quick!”


Tina did as he commanded and after a few moments again he pulled away with a big smile on his face.


“What?” Tina asked.


“Um…how can I put this delicately,” Kevin said with a leer.  “I uh……felt it move.”


Tina knitted her brows.  “You felt what mo……..uh……..oh,” she said, turning red as a beet.


“Maybe this was the kind of physical therapy I really needed!”


Tina leaned down.  “Maybe so,” she said before kissing him again.


Ty and Grace headed back to the family room, thinking they were rude the way they left.  When they came upon Kevin and Tina kissing, they immediately backed away.


“Guess you were right luv,” Ty said.  “I think something definitely is going on.”


Grace then looked out the window that overlooked the yard to see Scott nuzzling Chelsea as a now 6 year old Stephanie ran about the big yard.


“Guess there’s something going on all over,” Grace cooed back at him.


“Well, look who we take after,” Ty said.  “And…you know what they say…..like father, like son!”





7 Years Later

Christmas Eve – 2030

Canterbury, England


Ty put his silver Mercedes SUV in park and turned the ignition off.  He then turned to his wife.


“Do you want to come luv, or would you rather stay in the car?”


Grace draped her hand over her very swollen belly.  “I think I better stay put.  This wee one’s due any day now so I’m afraid to stand up longer than I have to!”


Ty smiled over her humor at her condition.  “No problem luv.  I won’t be long.  And…… I’ll take him with me, okay?”




Ty got out and opened the door to the backseat to unfasten his son from his seatbelt.  “C’mon little mate,” Ty said as he hoisted him down.  “Come take a walk with daddy.”


The adorable four year old looked up at his father with his mother’s brilliant green eyes.  “Where we going daddy?”


“To go visit some friends.  C’mon, lad.”


Ty took his chubby little hand and began to walk upon the cold hard ground filled with barren patches and dead grass.  When he came to his first stop, his heart, as it always had for the past 7 years, seemed to catch in his throat as he slowly bent down on one knee.


His eyes roamed over the etching on the stone in front of him – Mark Shepard – 2/17/00 – 3/29/23.


Ty fought back tears as he always did when he visited here.  He then glanced at the ground to the array of fresh flowers and notes that were obviously from fans.  His heart warmed at the thought of fans still remembering them this way.  It was a testimony to the mark their band left behind.


“Daddy, where…..where’s your friend?”


Ty looked at his son’s bewildered face.  “Well, little mate.  He’s actually in heaven.  But I come here to remember him.”


The precious four year old looked up at the sky and his huge green eyes widened.  “Can he see us?”


“Maybe,” Ty replied, tousling his wavy light brown hair.  “Maybe.  Now….come with me.  We’ve got to see another friend.”


Ty took his son’s hand and went back two rows and a few stones over till he reached the one he was looking for.  Randall Spencer – 8/13/99 – 3/29/2023.


Ty knelt down again and smiled wide when he saw that someone had stuck a pair of drumsticks in the ground.  He then dropped his head in remembrance for a bit, but then lifted it when he heard a tapping sound.


His son had pulled the drumsticks out of the ground and was tapping them on the headstone.


“Mark Randall Savage,” he mildly scolded him.  “Put those back lad.  Its not proper to do that here.”


“But daddy,” he pleaded.  “I like pwaying the dwums.”


“I know you do, but not here.  Now put them back.”


Little Mark frowned and stuck the drumsticks back in the ground.


“Looks like he may take after one of his namesakes after all.”


Ty turned around to see that Grace had come up behind him.  “Yeah, maybe so,” Ty replied.  “Is he ever gonna be surprised tomorrow morning.  Um….should you be walking around?”


“Ty, if I can force this bugger out, I’m gonna do so,” Grace said with frustration.  “I’m tired of looking like a waddling duck.”


“Duck!  Quack, quack,” Little Mark said with a snicker.


“Mark, that’s not nice to make fun of mummy like that.  Remember, that’s either your brother or sister in her belly.”


“Sorry mummy.”


Grace went over and caressed her son’s head, then her husband’s shoulder.  “You alright?”


Ty shook his head.  “Even after seven years, its still hard to come here.  I miss them so much Grace.  So damn much.  Well, we better get going.  We’ve got a full house for the next several days.”


Later on that day, Ty and Grace’s Christmas company arrived at the same time from Sheffield.  Joe took one look at his daughter and rolled his eyes.


“Lass, when are you gonna drop that thing?”


Abby looked apalled.  “God Joe, could you be any more tactful?”


“Yeah Joe,” Sav said, approaching Grace.  “I’d rather my grandchild not drop on the ceramic tile floor, thank you very much.  Ignore him, luv.  I have all these years.”


“Yeah, Merry Christmas to you too, Sav,” Joe sarcastically said.


“You two will never stop,” Grace snickered.


Paige then came up to Grace.  “Hmm, why do I have a feeling we’re gonna have a Christmas baby here?”


“Aye, just as long as I don’t have to share a birthday with my new niece or nephew.”


Everyone turned at the sound of Scott’s voice to see that he, Chelsea and their children had arrived.  Thirteen year old Stephanie had taken off her coat, displaying low rise jeans and a high rise sweater.  Scott rolled his eyes and pulled the hem of her sweater down.


“Dad!  Will you quit it!”


“Forget it Scott,” Joe called over to him.  “I tried that with Grace and it doesn’t work.”


Scott stared at his newly teenage daughter, already displaying a tall, lithe figure and exquisite fine, boned features.  He remembered a lady coming up to him in the store suggesting that she become a model. 


Just then, the sound of another little voice down below called out as he ran towards Sav.


“Grandpa!  Grandpa!”


Sav leaned down to catch Scott’s four year old son Trevor, just as he slammed into him.  “Whoa, easy there lad. Gonna knock your grandpa flat on his bum.”


Joe laughed.  “I can still remember a time when you fell……”


“Shut up Joe!”


Ty looked around.  “Where’s J.T.?”


“Spending the holiday with his girlfriend’s family,” Abby replied.    “I think she may be the one!”


“Well, why don’t you all get yourselves settle in your rooms,” Ty said.  “We just had the caterer deliver stuff for lunch.  Oh, Grace…..where did you put……Grace?  Where did she go?”


Everyone looked around until they heard the sound of the door to the half bath open and Grace came out, a very sheepish look on her face.


“Um…….my water broke!”




“C’mon luv……you can do it……push!”


Ty stood above Grace’s head in the delivery room, trying his best to encourage her.


“Bloody friggin hell!” Grace gasped as she gave another push.  “I’m done after this one!  You got that Tyler Savage?”


“Guess I don’t have much of a choice,” Ty replied, just as Grace gave one last push.


In the waiting room, Joe, Abby, Sav, Paige, Scott and Chelsea all waited patiently.  Stephanie remained back at the house to watch Mark and Trevor.  They all looked up when Ty finally emerged from the delivery room, a look of pride upon his face.


“Well?” Joe was the first to ask.


“You’ve got your granddaughter, Uncle Joe,” Ty replied.


Scott went over to his brother first.  “See what I’m going through with Steph right now?  Etch it in your brain because you’re gonna go through the same thing.”


Everyone hugged and rejoiced as they waited for Grace to be transferred to a private room so they could all to in and see her and the baby.


When they all entered the room, Grace was sitting up holding a tiny white blanketed bundle with a pink cap on its head.  Joe went over and kissed his daughter’s forehead, then looked at his granddaughter.


“She’s beautiful luv, just like you.”


Sav, Paige and Abby all kissed Grace, then the baby’s tiny little hand.


“So,” Sav said.  “What’s her name?”


Grace and Ty eyed each other before looking at their mum’s.  “Abigail Paige.”


If Joe and Sav didn’t think that their wives cried enough, they couldn’t be more wrong.  It was a beautiful tribute to two strong, wonderful, loving women.


Christmas was celebrated a few days late as everyone waited for Grace and little Abby to come home from the hospital.  With everyone present and accounted for, all the adults sat back as four year old Mark and Trevor turned the living room into a sea of colored paper and bows.


Ty excused himself when the phone rang.  “’ello?”


“Merry belated Christmas, Brit!”


Ty smiled upon hearing Kevin’s voice.  “Thanks.  Same to you.  Actually, we’re just celebrating it today.  Grace had the baby two days ago.  Little girl.  I tried calling you, but you weren’t home.”


“Hey, hey, congrats there,” Kevin said.  “Actually, we spent Christmas Eve through yesterday in New York with Tina’s family.  And um…..I actually have some news of my own.  It works!”


“What works?”


“My pecker, you moron!  It works!  Tina and I are expecting!”


“Oh mate, that’s mega!  I knew you could do it, Yank.”


“Yeah, well if I can only walk without a cane I’d be real happy.  But, its kinda distinguised in a way, don’t you think?”


“Yeah, whatever,” Ty said, rolling his eyes.  “Aye listen, we’re opening up gifts here.  Let me call you later.  There’s this new band that I want to run by you.  May be worth a look.”


“Well, that’s the purpose of Crossfire Records Brit.  To give young bands a chance to be heard.  I’ll talk to ya later.”


Ty hung up then went back into the living room.  Trevor was kicking a soccer ball around while Mark looked a little lost.  “Whats wrong there, Mark?”


Mark just shrugged his tiny shoulders, but Ty knew what the problem was.  There was a certain present he was expecting and he didn’t see it.


“You know,” Ty said, taking his son’s hand.  “I believe Santa left you a very special gift, but he hid it in the dining room.”


Mark ran like a shot into the dining room where everyone followed.  He stopped in the entrance way and his eyes bulged.


“Wow!  Dwums!”


Mark ran over to the little drumkit that Ty and Scott had put together early this morning and hid in the dining room.  He sat behind it and immediately began to wail away.  Ty immediately pinched his temples.


“Now are you glad you bought those?” Grace asked, as she walked up to him with little Abby in her arms.


“I’m not so sure.  Hopefully his interest will fade over time!”


“Well, his grandfather was a musician.  So was his father.  What do you think?”


Ty rolled his eyes.  “I think I better build a sound proof room!”


The day began to wind down with everyone sharing tea and cookies in front of the twinkling Christmas tree.  Mark and Trevor were engrossed with their new toy trucks and had been playing for hours.  Scott got up and went over to his brother.


“You know, I’ve been thinking.”


“You mean you can think, Dr. Scott?” Ty mused.


“That and more!  Listen, Mark and Trevor are gonna be entering kindergarten next year.  Chels and I were thinking…..wouldn’t it be nice if they could grow up and go to school together?    They get along so well and love playing together.   I mean…..they are cousins after all.”


“You must be reading my mind, bro.  Between you and I, Grace and I have already contacted a realtor to sell the house.  We’re thinking of moving back to Sheffield, for the very same reason.”


“Ty, that’s super.  I think its where they should be raised.  Dad was raised there, we were and now our children will.”


Ty and Scott looked over at their sons who were playfully wrestling with each other amid their new toys.


“How about it, Ty?  Think those two lads are gonna start their own string of broken hearts when they get older?


Ty grinned.  “I don’t think there’s any escaping it.  Dad did and so did we.  You know the saying..,……like father, like son!”


………………to be continued!