After dinner that evening, Grace helped her mum clean up then went upstairs to quickly change and freshen her hair and makeup before Ty picked her up at seven.  It took some convincing on her part to get her father’s permission to go in a car with Ty, even if it was just to go in town to get ice cream and hang out with their friends a bit.  Recalling the conversation with her father caused her to chuckle.


“What do you mean….hang out?”


“Daddy…you know…hang out!  Chad, Jack, Beth and Allison are meeting us there as well.   The guys are feeling good about the win today, it’s a nice, warm, spring night and, well, we want to go get ice cream and just….hang out!”


Joe knew exactly what she meant, but he was still a little leary about letting her in a car with Ty.  Yes, they had been a steady item since her party last July, but he knew that as time went by, curiosities went up and he knew all too well the benefits of having a car are to a exploring teenage couple.  Not that he didn’t trust Ty to respect Grace, but he didn’t want her ‘car dating’ until she was sixteen.


“Daddy..its not a ‘date’, so it doesn’t count.  Its not like we’re gonna drive into London and hit the town or anything.  We’re just going a few miles to the ice cream shop.  Then maybe walk or something.”


Joe raised an eyebrow.  Or something?”


Grace rolled her eyes.  “Daddy, stop it!  I already told Ty that I have to be home by nine.  What can happen in two measly hours?”


“A lot!” Joe thought to himself.


“Alright Grace, but no later than nine.  It’s a school night.”


“I know, daddy.  We both understand.”


Grace finished lining her eyes a bit and applying some peach lip color before changing into a peach colored cropped t-shirt.


At seven, the doorbell rang in which Joe got to it before Grace.  Ty stood there in jeans, sneakers and short sleeved black buttoned shirt, looking like he was going to his execution.


“Hi Uncle Joe,” he gulped.  This was no longer his ‘uncle’.  This was Grace’s ‘father’ – which was a lot more dangerous.


“Aye lad,” Joe replied.  “Um, I laid down some rules with Grace and now I’m gonna tell you.”


“Daddy!” Grace said from behind as she came down the stairs to rescue Ty.


Joe turned around and groaned at the site of Grace’s slightly exposed, taut midriff, knowing exactly the effect it has on seventeen year old hormones.


“Its okay Grace,” Ty reassured her.  “Uncle Joe, we’re going into town for ice cream with Chad, Jack and the girls.  She’ll be home by nine sharp.”


Joe looked out the door at the compact SUV that Sav got him after proving his responsible driving for six months of having his license.  Joe then looked back at Ty.


“No speeding, lad!”




“C’mon Ty, lets go.  The others are probably there already, saving us a seat,” Grace said, coming to his rescue.


She kissed her father on the cheek before pulling Ty out the door.


“Be careful,” Joe blurted, having the need to have the last word, as usual.


“We will!” they both sang back to him.




Meanwhile, at the Savage house, Scott came down the stairs dressed in jeans and his FIFA World Cup Soccer t-shirt.  He ran his hand through his dark blonde hair as he found his dad in his office.


“Aye dad, I’m gonna go over to Chelsea’s for a bit.”


Sav raised a brow.  “Oh?  Do you have homework?”


“Nope, not tonight.  We’re just gonna watch a movie or something.”


“Or something?”


Even after all these years, Joe and Sav were on the same wavelength when it came to their kids.


“Dad!  We’re just gonna watch the telly.  She just doesn’t want to be alone tonight.”




Scott gulped, knowing that he probably shouldn’t have revealed that.  “Uh, yeah.  Her parents are going out to dinner for a few hours.  Just nearby in town.  I should be home by 8:30 or so.”


“Scott, does her parents know you’ll be there without them home?”


Scott began to blush over what his father may be implying.  “Yeah dad, they know.  Chelsea’s dad was at the game today and she asked him there.  You can call and check if you don’t believe me.”


“Scott, I believe you.”


“Dad, we’re just down the street a bit in case of anything.  No emergencies are gonna happen in two hours.”


“Its not the ‘emergencies’ I’m worried about,” Sav thought to himself. 





Ty, Grace and their friends all sat in the ice cream shop eating sundaes.  The girls chatted incessantly about their outfits, shopping, school and stuff while the lads recounted their come-from-behind win today.


Several other kids from school had come in as well, coming over to their table to further rave about the game.  Ty was already pumped from scoring the winning goal today and was looking forward to being alone with Grace for a while before taking her home.


A little after 8:00 o’clock, Grace nudged Ty and suggested they drive by the soccer park before she had to be home for nine.  Ty, not needing to have his arm twisted, happily obliged.


When he said goodbye to everyone, Chad and Jack protested.


“Aye mate….where ya going?” they both said.


“Grace has to be home by nine,” Ty responded quietly.


“But its only eight,” Chad said.


“I know…..we’re gonna stop by the park for a bit,” Ty said with a wink and a leer before leaving.”


Chad and Jack sat there with grins on their faces.  “Looks like Grace is gonna congratulate Ty on his win today the ‘right’ way!”




Scott came up to Chelsea’s door and rang the bell.  She immediately answered it.


“Hey Scott…come on in.”


Scott took in Chelsea dressed in navy blue jersey shorts and a matching zippered top and felt his mouth go a bit dry.  Her youthful, shapely legs and tight little bum were evident through the fitted shorts and he felt himself respond immediately.


“Aye luv,” he said back.  “Did your parents leave yet?”


“Yeah, they left about fifteen minutes ago.  C’mon, lets go in the living room.  You want something to drink?”


“Pop is fine, if you have it.”


Chelsea came back a few minutes later with two bottles of pop and a bowl of microwaved popcorn.  They both sat on the couch, playfully feeding each other popcorn while Scott flipped through the channels on the remote until he found something decent to watch.


“Aye…this was a good movie,” he said.  “It came out about 15 years ago, but it was really cool, especially the special effects.”


“What is it?”




“Ooooh, yeah.  I think I saw parts of it, but I didn’t see the rest.  From what I saw it looked good.”


Scott gave her a smug look.  “Yeah, sure.  You probably just liked swooning over the guy who played Spiderman…whats his name?   Oh, Toby McGuire.”


Chelsea shoved him in the shoulder playfully.  “No I didn’t.  I don’t swoon over movie stars.  Besides, I think you’re a better looking lad than him.”


Scott blushed at her praise, but it was also beginning to arouse him a bit.  Here he was, alone in the house with her for the next couple of hours, wondering what would happen.


Halfway through the movie, Chelsea turned the lamp off, curled up on the couch by tucking her legs under her and rested her head on Scott’s shoulder.  He had his right arm around her while his left hand held her right one.  Everything was completely innocent until it came to the scene in the movie where Spiderman was hanging upside down.  The girl he just saved decides to thank him by peeling his mask off just to expose his mouth and giving him a long, lusty kiss.


Chelsea saw Scott fidget a bit uneasily and decided to relax him a bit.  With the scene getting her in the mood, she lifted her head off his shoulder and nuzzled her face in the crook of his neck, delicately kissing the sensitve area.


Scott shivered, causing gooseflesh to rise on his skin, and something else to rise as well.  Chelsea continued to tenderly kiss him there, slowly making her way up to his face.  Scott turned his head and met her lips with his. 


They began to kiss slowly and cautiously until it fast became hot.  Chelsea had her arms around his neck and began to lean back until he was practically laying on top of her. 


Scott knew this was getting out of control, but it felt too good to stop.  And, since he and Chelsea declared their love for each other on New Years Eve, he felt that what they were doing was alright.  But when Chelsea parted her legs under him to caress his long leg with her foot, Scott groaned in her mouth and hardened to the point of pain, as he felt that part of him press up against her center.


Chelsea then roamed her hands over his hips and bum before pulling his t-shirt out of his jeans to slide them underneath to feel his bareback.  She lightly ran her short nails over the smooth, taut skin and Scott began to lose it.


He decided to make a move.  He broke the kiss and began to kiss her neck and below, stopping to where her zippered top ended.  He looked at the zipper, and the convenience of it, before looking back up at Chelsea.  With liquid, golden brown eyes, she nodded her head before Scott grabbed the zipper and slowly pulled it down.




Over  at the soccer park, Ty pulled his SUV in the entrance and over to a little patch of road under a big oak tree.  He turned the car off, but kept the radio on for some music.  He then turned to Grace with an arrogant grin.


Grace acted a bit non-chalant.  “Mmm, nice night, huh?  Look at all the stars out already.”


“Yeah…right…the stars,” Ty said with feigned interest.


“Don’t you think they’re romantic?”


“Um…I guess so.”


Grace playfully pinched him.  “Just like a lad.  All sports and no romance.”


“Well, sports isn’t the only thing on my mind, luv,” he said with a leer.


“So I gathered,” Grace replied.  “You’re an impatient little boy, you know that?”


“No, just horny out of my mind because my girlfriend throws all these wicked hints around!”


“Sorry lad, didn’t mean to get you all riled up.  Ty….I really appreciate you being patient with me.  It means a lot.”


Ty turned to her and showed her that he could be romantic.  You mean a lot to me Grace.  Very, very much.  I think we’ve been fated to be together since we were babies.  You know what my dad told me?  He said that when you’re mum and dad first got you, they brought you over to our house the next day and I walked up to you and stuck my hand in your baby seat and you immediately grabbed my finger.”


Grace was astonished.  “Oh my God!  Really?  Hmm, maybe you’re right.  Maybe it is fate.  Its gonna be hard, ya know…when you go off to university.”


“Well, maybe not as hard as you might think.  I didn’t say anything yet, but…I got accepted to Canterbury.  Although I”ll be living on campus, I should be able to come home just about every weekend.”


Grace threw her arms around his neck.  “Oh Ty, I’m so happy for you.  Well, at least you’ll still be in England, even though you’ll be several hours away.”


“Yeah, it won’t be too bad.”


Grace frowned a bit.  “Unless…….”


“Unless what?”


“Ty, you’re gonna be surrounded by college girls, while I’ll just be a junior in highschool.  There’s a chance you may take a fancy to someone else and forget about me.”


Ty took her face in his hands.  “Never, Grace.  No matter what happens in my life, or several years down the road, I could never forget you!”


Ty sealed his promise with a kiss, to which Grace pulled back from slowly.  “Well, I’d like to get a head start on making sure you never forget me.”


Ty grinned with anticipation.  “Which is…?”


“Well……first off….does your seat recline all the way back?”






Scott bit his bottom lip as he slowly pulled the zipper on Chelsea’s top down.   He tried his damnest to control his breathing and beating heart but, as soon as he saw the exposed flesh of her smooth, narrow midsection and firm, young breasts covered by a pale pink lace and satin bra his mind was gone.


He then looked back up at Chelsea who was anxiously looking down at him, wondering if he were pleased with the sight of her.


“Touch me Scott,” she whispered.  “Its okay.”


Scott lowered his mouth and placed his lips on the skin covering her rib cage while his hands ran over the softness of her tiny waist.  His hand then ventured further until it came into contact with the satin and lace of her bra.  He leaned up to kiss her as his hand enclosed over her pert breast, the feel of it in his hand causing him to involuntarily grind his hardness against her leg for some kind of relief.


As he ineptly fondled her breast, Chelsea reached both hands down and unclasped the front of her bra.  Then, before Scott knew what was hitting him, she reached down and grabbed the hem of his t-shirt and yanked it over his head.  When the smoothness of his bare chest came into contact with the curvy softness of her breasts he thought he’d lose it for sure.


“Chelsea!  Oh God, you feel so good!  Are…are you okay with this?  Are you sure?”


“Yeah, very sure.  I want you to touch me so badly.  And, I want to touch you.  Your feel so good….your skin, the muscles in your arms and back, God I……oh!”


Chelsea gasped out that little whimper when she felt Scott cup her bare breast.


“Mmm, yes Scott.  That feels so nice.  I wanted you to touch me there so bad.”


“Chels,” he trembled, “can….can I…you know…put my mouth…..?”


“Yes!  Please, yes!”


Scott bent his head down and, for the first time in his precious, sixteen years, experienced the pleasure of the feel of a woman’s breast in his mouth.  He didn’t waste any time as the male in him instinctively suckled her nipple, which caused Chelsea to throw her head back and jerk her body up against him.


“Oh  my God!  Oh, God yes!”


Scott was empowered by her cries of pleasure and swiftly moved to suckle her other breast, all the while Chelsea ran her hands over every smooth inch of him.


When it go to be too much to where Scott thought he was gonna embarrass himself and lose it in his jeans, he pulled away and buried his face in her neck.


“Chelsea,” he panted.  “Crikey, I can’t take it anymore.  Its too damn much.”


“Scott…..if you want, we can….we can…..”


Scott lifted his head and looked at her with cloudy blue eyes and his mouth parted with arousal.


“Chels, do…..do you?”


Chelsea smiled blushingly as she reached down to the floor and felt under the couch.  She then pulled her hand back up displaying a condom between her fingers.  Scott just grinned wide.


“I…. I didn’t know if we’d….well, you know.  I wanted to be prepared, just in case things got to heavy on the couch.  Scott, I want you so bad.  I know we thought it was a mistake the night of the dance, but its been almost five months since then.  I love you and you love me.  It..it can’t be wrong to do it, can it?”


Scott gently kissed her while his hand went to grab the condom from between her fingers,


“No luv, it isn’t wrong.  It couldn’t be more right!”



At the soccer field, Ty flushed with excitement as he reclined the drivers seat all the way back, anxiously awaiting what Grace had in store for him.


When he was laying practically flat, Grace climbed over the center console and began to kiss him.  She laid her body on top of his for a moment, before beginning to move it down. One by one, she undid the buttons on his shirt until his lightly muscled chest and torso were bared to her view. 


“Damn, you’re a sexy lad,” she huskily murmured as she began to run her hands and mouth all over his smooth, taut skin.


Ty squirmed in his seat at her feel of her searching hands and hot mouth.


“Yeah!  Oh yeah, Grace.  Crikey, that’s bloody fantastic.  Love your mouth.”


Grace then got bolder when she darted her tongue out to circle his nipple before gently nibbling them, a move that almost caused Ty to go through the sunroof.


“Bleedin’ Christ, Grace!  I……”


His speech was cut off when Grace ran her tongue down the center line of his stomach, stopping to circle his navel.  Ty was out of his mind as he sucked in his breath and involuntarily began to thrust his hips up in preparation of what he hoped was to come.


“God, Grace you’re killing me!”


Grace answered him by lightly brushing her hand over the hardness behind his fly.  “Hmm, I can tell,” she coyly responded.


Ty jerked at her touch.  “Dammit, yes!  Yes, touch me there Grace.  Please!”


Grace felt empowered over turning this lad into a begging, throbbing mess.  She only wondered what her next move would do to him.


“Oh, I’m gonna touch you alright, Ty luv,” she cooed.  “But….not with my hands.”


She emphasized her words by unbuttoning and unzipping his jeans.  Ty was already one step ahead of her as his hands came up to bury themselves in her silky blonde hair.


“Yes!  Oh, God yes!” he continued to groan out, until he practically screamed it out.  “OH….God…..dammit!”


That response was a result of Grace decending her mouth upon his erection.  She had never done it before, and only had pointers from Allison who had already given several to Jack.  She only hoped that she could pull it off and, judging from his reaction, she was!


She held the base with her hand as she worked her mouth up and down, pausing every now and then to swirl her tongue around the tip.  With every moan and groan, with every hiss of breath that escaped from Ty, she got more confident and more bolder.


After teasing him for the last time with her tongue, she decended down with a tight suction that proved to be Ty’s final undoing.


“Grace,” he panted, trying to pull her head up.  “Grace luv….I….you can’t do that anymore or else I’m gonna……Grace, c’mon, you don’t know what…..”


All Ty felt was Grace shake her head ‘no’ and increase the tempo.  He tightened his fingers in her hair and couldn’t hold back any longer.”


“Grace!  Bloody hell, I…….ahhhhhhhh, dammit!”


Ty climaxed in her mouth as Grace pulled back a bit at the force of it, but valiantly clung on.  Allison had prepared her for what it tasted like and how to swallow without gagging.


After a few moments, Ty laid there with his chest heaving, his body on fire and Grace tenderly kissing her way back up his body.  When she got to his chest, she leaned her chin on it and looked up at him.




Ty couldn’t do anything except smile.  “I should score the winning goal more often!”


He and Grace shared a laugh before he buttoned and zipped up to take her home.  As he dropped her off, she shared another kiss of promise before Ty pulled away first.


“Grace, I…..thank you luv.  Thank you so much.”


Grace answered by cupping his face and smiling.  “I…I just wanted to show you how much I…I….”






“I love you.”


“Oh Ty,” she exclaimed as she threw her arms around him.  “I love you too.  So much.  So bloody much!”


They parted and kissed one last time, then, with a smile and a tear in her eye, Grace went inside the house.


Ty arrived home and came inside the house whistling.  Sav heard him and came out of his office.


“You’re awfully happy.”


“Yeah, well, it was a flippin’ fantastic day, dad.  And…I’m right knackered from it.”


“Hmm, takes a lot of work to score the winning goal, eh?”


“Oh yeah, it feels so good to score.  Well, ‘night dad.”


As Ty bounded up the stairs, his words finally sunk into Sav’s brain.  And caused him to groan.


Oh crikey, what did those two do?” he thought.


He then walked over towards the window and looked out. “I just hope that young lad of mine is behaving himself a little better!”




“Dammit, Chelsea….God, you feel so good!  So bloody good!”


Scott heaved out those words as he thrust his overwrought teenage body in and out of Chelsea.  She  had her legs up and wrapped around his waist, taking as much of him as she could.


“Yes, Scott!  Ohhhh, God yeah!  Oh you make me feel so good.  So good. I….S..S..Scott! OH GOD!”

Scott felt Chelsea throb around him, even through the thin barrier of the condom.  And, it couldn’t have happened a moment too soon.


“Chelsea!  Chelsea!  I…….yeah!  Yeah!”


Scott felt his release come upon him, nearly knocking the breath from him.  He continued to thrust until the sensation became too unbearable to handle.  They both laid there in silence for a moment or two, just softly touching each other and sighing in wonder.


“God, I love you Scott,” Chelsea whispered as she kissed his forehead.


“I love you too, Chels,” he whispered back through labored breath.  “I love you too.”


After enjoying the moment for a while longer, they got up, cleaned up and straightened themselves out in time for Chelsea’s parents to arrive home a half hour later.  After sharing a kiss full of secrets, Scott flashed Chelsea a heartstopping grin before heading home.


As he came in the door a little after nine, Sav sheepishly met him at the front door, preparing for another arrogantly, satisfied look.  Instead, Scott was his usual, quiet, hard to read self.


“Have a good time lad?”


“Um, yeah.  Watched Spiderman again.  Nothing much else on.  Well, I’m gonna head up to my room.  ‘Night, dad.”


“’night,” Sav replied as he watched Scott disappear.


Somehow Sav didn’t know what was worse – a son that wore his emotions like a cheap suit, or one that concealed them like the sun during an eclipse.






The next morning, Grace sat at the kitchen table drinking orange juice and eating a bagle before school.  She stared off into space as her mind was still stuck on last night, and those three wonderful words that Ty said to her.


“Grace, will you be staying for practice today, or are you coming right home after school?  Grace?  Grace?  I’m talking to you.”


Grace snapped out of her trance when she heard her mum’s voice.  “Huh?”


“Didn’t you hear me?”


“She doesn’t hear anything,” J.T. teasingly sneered.  “She’s in loooooooove!”


Grace kicked her little brother’s foot under the table.  “Shut up you brat!  What would you know?”


“Because I saw Ty’s name written all over your notebooks, that’s what!  You wrote his name and yours together.”


J.T. emphasized that by blowing kisses in the air.


“You…..you sneaky little twit!  What were you doing in my room looking at my stuff?”


“Grace, cool it,” Abby said.  “And, J.T., that’s enough out of you.  You do not go snooping around in your sister’s room.”


“That’s right, that’s my job,” Joe said as he entered the kitchen.  That comment earned him a shocked look from his daughter.


“I’m only kidding, Grace.  Why are you so touchy?”


“She’s in love, dad, that’s why,” J.T. answered.


Grace answered back by kicking him again under the table.  “I’m gonna knock your bloody head off if you don’t shut your mouth, shrimp!”


“Grace!  Watch your language,” Joe sternly said. 


Grace looked at her father, then at her little brother, who had a smug, victorious look on his face, then got up.


“Mum, I’m ready to go to school.  I’ll meet you outside.”


“Grace, you didn’t answer my question.  Are you staying for practice today, or are you coming home?”


“I’m staying for practice, if that’s alright,” she replied before turning to leave.


“Oooooh, can’t get enough of watching Ty with his shirt off, eh?” J.T. snickered.


“You little……” Grace sneered as she went for her brother, only to be stopped by Joe.


“Alright Grace, stop.  He’s just pushing your buttons.  And you lad, keep your comments to yourself.  I don’t want you kids at each other.”


Grace and J.T. just stared at one another with darts before sticking their tongues out at one another.


“I bet Ty likes it when you stick your tongue out….especially in his mouth,” J.T. let slip out quietly.


Grace was appalled.  “Daddy!”


Joe agreed with his daughter this time and lightly grabbed his son by the arm.  “Joseph Thomas Elliott!  I said enough!  Cross me one more time lad, and you’ll find your arse locked up in that room with the telly, computer and CD player missing!”


J.T. knew he pushed too far and only the anger in his father’s eyes told him that he better shut up or else.


“Sorry,” he murmured to his dad.


Grace turned to leave as Abby followed behind to take her school. Joe wasn’t naïve to think that, after being each other’s steady, Grace wouldn’t start to feel something for Ty.  But, with him going off to university several hours away, he wondered if he and his wife would be nursing a broken heart.




At the Savage house, Scott sat in the kitchen trying to concentrate on his bowl of cereal.  His thoughts were on Chelsea and last night.  Even though he always prided himself on keeping his feelings to himself, he had to allow himself a wicked grin of satisfaction.


Just then, Ty came bounding in the kitchen, still on a hormone high from last night with Grace.


“You ready little bro?”


Scott immediately wiped the grin off his face, not to give his older brother any ammunition against him.


“Yep, almost finished.”


Ty studied his younger brother with intent.  He knew that he and Chelsea had been steady since before the harvest dance, yet his face never gave away anything of what they might be up to.


“You saw Chelsea last night?”


Scott bit his lip to avoid grinning.  “Yeah.  Why?”


“Nothing.  You just look too somber for someone who was alone with his girlfriend while her parents were out.”


Scott knitted his brows.  “How did you know we were alone?”


“When Grace and I went into the ice cream shoppe last night, we saw her parents going into the restaurant across the street, that’s how.”


“Oh,” Scott mumbled, getting up to put his dish in the sink. 


Ty nudged his shoulder.    “Whats the matter, mate?  Lass still not giving up any?”


Scott learned how to control his emotions, as well as his temper, since Ty sent him over the edge the night of the dance.  He just regarded him with with polite sarcasm.


“Hmm, I bet Uncle Joe would love to hear you say crap like that.  He’d have your ballocks in a vice so fast that you’d never be able to get any ever again.”


Ty playfully shoved him in the arm.  “Smart-ass,” he blurted out.  “It just so happens that I’ve been on my best behavior.  Its Grace whose been….you know…the aggressor.  Maybe that’s what you need, to have Chelsea make all the moves.  I’ll be outside.”


Ty grabbed his car keys and went out to the garage, leaving Scott behind grinning like an idiot. 


“Oh Ty, if you only knew!”





Spring quickly fell into summer as Ty’s graduation day approached.  Sav was, indeed, one proud papa as he watched his eldest son receive his diploma, dreaming of the bright future he had ahead of him.


A huge party followed in the Savage’s backyard, filled with Ty’s friends from his graduating class.  As the lads grouped with one another, Grace sat off with Allison and Beth, unable to contain her excitement over the decision she had just made.


“Well, I want you girls to be the first to know.  I’ve um….made a decision.”


“Yeah, well…what is it?” Beth asked.


Grace leaned in and whispered.  “I’m gonna go all the way with Ty.  You know, sort of a ‘graduation gift’!”


Beth and Allison gasped together.  “Oh my God…..are you sure?”


“Yeah, I’m sure,” Grace said with a blush. “I mean, we love each other. And he’ll be leaving for university in a month.  I guess….I’m a little nervous about him, you know….meeting someone else.”


“Grace, don’t do it just because of that,” Allison warned. 


“I’m..I’m not,” Grace stammered.  “I happen to want to do it.  I have been for quite some time, but I just wanted to wait until I was sixteen.”


“You won’t be sixteen until next month,” Beth reminded her.


“Well, that’s close enough,” Grace replied.  “I don’t want to wait any longer.  I want us to be each other’s firsts, ya know.”


“So….when is this magical event going to take place?”


“Well, my dad and Uncle Sav have to go into London next Friday for a few days.  J.T. has an end of school field trip that same day and my mum’s going as a chaperone.  I was thinking of having Ty over and……”


“Ooooooh, you got it all planned out, eh lassie?” Allison said.  “Are you um…prepared?”


“Uh, well, no,” Grace said.  “I was gonna ask you Allison, since you and Jack have…you know….done it.  Do you have any condoms I can borrow.”


“Well, I don’t, but Jack does.  I can ask him.”


“No!  Don’t do that!  He’ll tell Ty and it’ll ruin everything.  I want it to be a surprise.”


“Grace, why don’t you just go to the pharmacy and buy a box?”


“Are you nuts?  What if someone sees me?  Oh God, I’d die!  And…what if someone saw and told my dad?  I’d be dead for sure!”


“Um Grace,” Beth said.  “If…if you can’t get one, I can get one for you.”


Grace and Allison looked at Beth.  “Oh?”


“Uh, yeah. My um……oh God….dad has a box in his nightstand drawer.”


Grace and Allison both scrunched up their faces. “Ewwwwwwww!”


“Yeah, I know,” Beth said.  “Nothing like knowing your parents still do it.”


“I know my parents still do it,” Grace said.  “I think my dad’s a nymphomaniac!”


Beth smirked.  “Hmm, bet my mum would love to know that!”


“Oh stop it,” Grace shrieked.  “Don’t talk about my dad like that.  Its gross!”


“And um…speaking of dads,” Allison said.  “How is it, Beth, that you know yours keeps a box of condoms in his nightstand?”


Beth fidgeted.  “Um, well….because I went snooping around to see if he did have any.”


“And why were you looking for…..uh…oh…did…did you and Chad……?”


“Shhh, yes,” Beth whispered.  “We finally did.  Last week.”


Allison let out a little whoop.  “Well its about bloody time, lass.  Now all we need is for Grace to get rid of her cherry, eh?”


Grace covered her face with her hands.   “Okay, okay, stop talking about it like that.  Now…can one of you get your hands on a condom for me?”


“Don’t worry, Gracie,” Beth said.  “We want you good and prepared for monumental event.  But….you better give details.”


Grace smirked, then turned to look over at Ty.  Not only did she want to generate details to spill to her girlfriends, but she hoped to create a memory that would last forever!





The following Friday, Joe and Sav left early to take the tram into London while Abby took off with J.T. for his school field trip.


Grace awoke to an empty house and brimming with anticipation.  Today was the day that she was going to give herself, body and soul, to Ty.  She was fully prepared for this moment, and had waited long enough. 


She bounded out of bed and immediately hit the shower.  Doing her hair and makeup just so, she then dressed in a pair of tan cargo shorts and a fitted white halter.  Since school had ended last week, she already sported sun kissed skin, and was showing a lot of it.  She then rubbed some shimmering body lotion on her arms and legs, making them look silky and glistening.


She had told Ty to come over around 10:00am so they’d have a good amount of time together before her mum came home with J.T.  She was so nervous she could barely think straight.


A little after ten, the front doorbell rang.  She was tingling all over just thinking about the look on Ty’s face when she confesses the real reason she wanted him here.  It was hard for her to contain her secret all week long, but she wanted to surprise him.


Ty stood there in blue jeans and his Westfield soccer jersey, looking every bit the newly eighteen year old, soon to be college freshman – tall, gorgeous and sexy.  He was no longer a lad, but a young man.


“Hey there,” Grace said with a little coyness.


Ty took in her outfit and her glimmering tanned skin and wondered how he was gonna behave himself all alone in the house with her.  Lord, if he only knew what was in store for him!


“Aye luv,” he grinned as he walked in, not being able to take his eyes off her lean curvy body and long legs in those shorts and halter.


As soon as Grace closed the door, she turned to him and wrapped herself around him, kissing him with every ounce of passion she felt.  Ty wasted no time in matching it, at the same time, wondering what she had up her sleeve for their long day alone.


“Wow, that was quite a greeting,” he said after they broke their kiss.


Grace continued to stand with her arms around his neck, her body pressed dangerously close to his.


“Just a preview of things to come,” she purred against his lips before turning and walking away from him.


Ty’s smile was a mile wide with anticipation as he followed Grace inside the house.



Back at the Savage house,  Scott lazily stretched in bed.  He looked at the clock and saw that it was after ten.  He knew his dad and Uncle Joe had already left for London and wondered what his mum and brother were up to.


When he got up and went out into the hall, he saw that Ty’s bedroom door was open, but he wasn’t in it.  He thought for sure that he’d still be asleep.  He went downstairs and saw a note from his mum on the kitchen table.



Went to go run some errands.  Ty’s out as well.  Be gone a few hours.  Call me on my cell if you need anything……luv mum.


Scott wondered where his brother was off to this early, but didn’t care.  He quite liked having the house to himself.  He grabbed a glass of milk and a package of cupcakes, a typical teenage breakfast, and plopped down in front of the telly.  Almost an hour later, the phone ran.




“Hi Scott, its me.”


“Aye luv.  What are you up to?”


“Oh nothing really,” Chelsea casually said.


Scott laughed on the other end.  “School’s only been out a week.  Don’t tell me you’re bored already?”


“No….not bored.”


Scott noticed the difference in her voice.  She didn’t sound bored but….dejected.


“You okay, luv?”


“Um..yeah, I guess.  Its just……”


“What, Chels?”


“Its….its just that I was thinking about you all morning and, well, I’d like to see you.”


“Chels, of course you can see me.  You’re my girlfriend.  You live right down the street.  You don’t need an invitation.  Um, if you want to come over you can.  My dad left for London, my brother is out and my mum went to go run errands for a few hours.”


“I’d…I’d like that,” Chelsea stammered a bit. 


“Okay, give me a half hour to take a shower and get ready.”


“Okay, I’ll see ya then.  Bye.”


“Bye,” Scott replied before hanging up the phone.  He wondered what was up.  Chelsea didn’t sound her normal happy self.  She seemed almost sad.  Maybe her parents were having problems again.  He hoped not.  Perhaps it was just the summertime blues coming a bit early.


He headed upstairs and took a fast shower before dressing in shorts and a t-shirt.  He decided to meet Chelsea outside.


He waited at the end of the driveway and saw her walking slowly up the street, her head down a bit.  He was instantly alarmed.  Something was wrong and his mind began to whirl over what it may be.


“Oh God, maybe she wants to break up with me or something,” he immediately thought. 


He stepped out into the street and called out to her.  “Chels?”


Chelsea looked up and saw Scott waiting for her.  She immediately smiled and picked up her pace.  Scott felt relieved when he saw her smile and happiness over seeing him.  When Chelsea got right in front of him, she halted and just stared up at him.


Scott smiled down at her face which seemed a bit unreadable. “Aye luv?”


Chelsea answered by throwing her arms around him and kissing him passionately.  When they finally managed to pull away from one another, Chelsea took him by the hand proceeded towards the driveway.


“Lets go inside.  Quick!”









Back at the Elliott house, Grace poured her and Ty glasses of iced tea before joining him down in the entertainment room.  Grace decended the stairs to see Ty sprawled out on the couch looking very relaxed, very comfortable and very sexy.


“God, don’t let me chicken out,” she thought to herself.  “Even though I want him so much, I’m scared.”


She walked over to him and put the glasses down on the coffee table then sat down next to him.  Ty smiled as he felt her body next to his and immediately put his arm around her shoulders.


“This is quite a surprise,” he said.  “I didn’t think your dad would want me over without anyone being home.”


Grace snuggled into him.  “He doesn’t, actually.  But, he’s not here, isn’t he?”


Ty looked at her and raised an eyebrow.  “Does your mum know I’m here?”


Grace shook her head.  “Nope!  And her and J.T. won’t be back until around 2:30.  We have several hours all to ourselves.”


Ty was getting a bit warm over the possibilities ahead.  “To do what?”


Grace shifted on her knees, wrapped her arms around Ty’s neck, and whispered into his mouth.  “Everything!”


She then kissed him and laid him back until she was laying on top of him.  Ty, being a true eighteen year old male, didn’t balk and wrapped his arms around her, holding her body dangerously tight against his as their lips and tongues furiously mixed.


When Grace began to rub her lower half against Ty’s hardness, he gasped in her mouth before tearing his away.


“Crikey, Grace!  What are you doing to me?  Not that I’m complaining, but…..”


“But…..you don’t want me starting something I can’t finish?”


“Sort of,” he said.


Grace leaned up and sat astride him.  She wanted to capture the precious look on his face for this moment.  She reached in one of the pockets of her cargo shorts and pulled out a condom and held it up to him.


“Then lets finish it,” she brazenly said.





While this was going on, Scott was busy with the amourous advances of his own girlfriend.  Chelsea had pulled him so fast inside the house that he almost tripped.  As soon as the door closed behind them, she continued to pull him to their family room until they both fell on the couch, exhaused and breathless from running inside.


Chelsea wasted no time in finishing what she started outside.  She pushed Scott down on his back and laid down on top of him.  The young couple held onto each other as they kissed, working themselves up into a frenzy.  When Scott felt like he couldn’t take anymore before embarrassing himself, he broke free.


“Chels,” he panted.  “S….slow down a bit.  I’m gonna….damn, you got me all wound up!”


“I want you Scott,” she whispered against his neck.


“I want you too, luv.  So bloody much.”


Chelsea lifted her head and sat up.  She grabbed the hem of his t-shirt and pulled it off, revealing his young, smooth, lightly muscled upper half.  She ran her hands over his taut skin, enjoying the expression of pleasure on his face.  A feeling washed over her, wanting to remember every look about him.  It was important for her to remember.  He made her so happy and she wanted to show him how much.


“Scott, I….I don’t have a condom, but……th…there’s something else I want to do.”


Scott gulped hard, trying in vain to control his aroused teenage body.  “W..what, luv?”


“This,” she said as she took his hand, brought it up to her mouth and sucked hard on his index finger.


The sensation caused him to throb in his shorts as he felt a bit of wetness seep out of him.


“I’ve never done it before,” Chelsea said as she began to unfasten his shorts and releasing him.  “Let me know if I do anything wrong.”


As Scott felt her lips trail down his chest and stomach before slowly licking the length of him, he didn’t think there was anything she could do wrong.





Ty stared up at Grace with a look of astonishment on his face.  His eyes quickly darted from the condom in her hand and back to her face – wondering if this was some game she was playing or if it were for real.


“Grace?  Are….are you saying….?”


“Yes, Ty.  I want to.  Now.  With you.”


She punctuated her declaration by handing him the condom.  Ty mindlessly took it from her, disbelieving the turn of events. 


Grace then got off of him and began to undo the ties on her halter, her heart pounding the whole time about finally baring her body to him.  Ty laid there motionless as she stripped her top off, feeling the air leave his lungs when her young firm breasts were bared.


He shot up off the couch, pulling his jersey over his head as fast as he could.  When he was naked from the waist up, he grabbed Grace around the waist and pressed their bare flesh together as he kissed her.  He murmured in her mouth in between kisses.


“Grace….Grace…are you sure luv?  Tell me now, please!”


“Yes,” she breathlessly said.  “I’m positive.  I want this more than ever, Ty.  I want my first time to be with you.  Only you.  Please, before I lose my nerve!”


Ty ran his hands up the bare flesh of her back as she lowered her hands to begin unfastening his shorts.  As soon as he was unbuttoned and unzipped, Ty pulled away and bent down, startling the life out of Grace as he took the tip of her pert breast in his mouth.




Ty couldn’t help but grin at her use of his full name.  It empowered him knowing that he was giving her her first taste of this kind of pleasure.  As much as he would like this to last, he couldn’t wait any longer.


He pulled his shorts down as Grace began to undo hers.  As their clothes fell to the floor, they just stood there staring at each other for a few moments, taking in the sight of each other’s bare body.  Grace suddenly felt very vulnerable and crossed her arms about her.  Ty grabbed her hands and pulled them away.


“God, no Grace,” he said.  “Don’t cover up.  Damn, you’re perfect!  Absolutely perfect.”


Grace smiled with relief as he let her eyes roam all over him.  True, she had already seem him without his shirt many times, but standing there fully nude, he was no longer the lad she fancied.  He had turned into a strapping man – in all areas!


She had allowed herself a glance down to that one specific area before averting her eyes away.  She knew it was going to feel a lot different than his finger and that it would probably hurt.  Allison already told her it would.


Grace sat on the couch and laid herself down, crooking her finger at Ty to join her.  He immediately did, not wanting to wait a second longer to lay naked with her.  They kissed and stroked each other’s smooth, bare flesh, working themselves up to the point where they could wait no further.


Ty quickly ripped the condom out of the package and put it on.  He then came down upon Grace, who instictively brought her legs up to clasp around his waist.  He kissed her as he prodded for her entrance, easing in a little at a time once he found it.


When he felt himself going farther in, he felt Grace tense under him.  He looked down at her face as she tried to hide her wincing.


“Grace…you alright?”


Grace bit her lip, but managed to smile through it.  “Yeah, don’t worry.  I knew it would hurt.  Just keep going.  I’ll be fine.”


Ty kissed her face as he continued to enter her.  He knew he still had a little ways to go after breaking through her barrier.  He didn’t’ want to hurt her, but he knew it was unavoidable.


“Grace, I……I gotta …..”


“Do it, Ty.  Just do it.”


Grace lifted her left leg a little higher, causing Ty to fully  embed himself all the way in.  She sucked her breath in at the initial sting and squeezed her eyes shut, knowing that it would pass.




“Its okay,” she said, shutting him up by kissing him.


As moments went by, Ty began to move…and so did Grace.  It was a feeling unlike any other for her.  But, more than the physical sensations was the overwhelming surge of emotion and closeness she felt to this very special young man.  It was so powerful that tears pricked her eyes.


Ty moved in and out of her as sensations of his own began to build.  No sooner than it did, Grace tightened her hold around his neck and buried her face in its crook.


“Tyler!  Oh…..I….yeah!  Its….its that feeling again.  Oh, don’t stop!  Its….its gonna…..Tyler!”


Through the thin sheath of the condon, Ty felt Grace’s insides pulse around him, grinning arrogantly over what that meant.  And, it wasn’t a moment too soon, for his own release couldn’t be held back anymore. 




He panted heavily as he spilled himself, the condom protectively catching it all. 


They lay there for a few moments, catching their breath and relishing the amazement of the moment.  Ty couldn’t believe that he had someone as wonderful and special as Grace and, yes….he did love her. Very much.  He only hoped that his going off to school wouldn’t change things between them.


He lifted his head and looked down at her, noticing the tears in her eyes which alarmed him.


“Oh Grace, I’m so sorry.  I couldn’t avoid hurting you.”


Grace touched his face.  “That’s not the reason for my tears, Ty.  Its….I mean, this was more than I thought it would be.  It was so close, so emotional, I feel so different.”


Ty’s amazing blue eyes lit up knowing that he caused her to feel this way.


“But most of all, I feel special,” she continued.  “As much as I wanted you to be my first, it means so much more to me knowing that I’m yours as well.”


In an instant, the light in his eyes died.



Scott threw one arm back and grabbed the armrest of the couch while his other hand went to the back of Chelsea’s neck, holding her in place as she began to pleasure him with her mouth.


After a few teasing licks, Chelsea took a deep breath and took him all the way into her mouth until he hit the back of her throat.  Scott almost jumped off the couch.


“Bloody hell Chelsea!”


Chelsea immediately let go.  “S…Scott?  Did….did I hurt you, you know….my teeth?”


“No…no luv,” he heavily breathed.  “No, please…don’t’ stop.  It was fine.  Perfect.”


Relieved, Chelsea continued.  Her mouth began to work faster and faster, working up the suction a little at a time.  Her hand was resting on his thigh when she suddenly felt it tense up.  She heard him breathing heavily and knew he was close.


“Chelsea, stop!  You gotta stop now!  You can’t do anymore, else I’m gonna……”


Chelsea momentarily released him to whisper “its okay” before continuing on.  Scott knew what continuing on meant, that he was gonna wind up releasing himself in her mouth.  The thought excited him to the max and also frightened him a bit.  It was a much more intense sensation than when they had sex since the suction of her mouth was tighter and there was no condom to dull it.  He felt his whole body tense as an incredible feeling washed over him before building up to a point of almost pleasurable pain.


“Chels!   Oh…….God…..  DAMMIT!”


Scott held onto her hair as his hips came off the couch and spilled himself into her mouth.  His mind and senses reeled from the incredible sensation and he felt Chelsea pull back a bit until her mouth was only around the head.


She tried in vain to hang on as long as she could, taking most of him, before pulling away completely.  She then slid to her knees on the floor, covering her face with her hands and crying.


Scott recovered quickly and sat up.  “Chels, whats wrong?”


Chelsea shook her head back and forth.  “Nothing.  Nothings wrong, except me.  I wanted to do that right for you and I screwed it up.”


Scott pulled his shorts up and slid to the floor with her.  “Chelsea, you didn’t do it wrong.  God, it felt fantastic.  Please don’t cry.  You don’t have a reason.”


She put her arms around his neck and hugged him.  “I’m sorry Scott.  I just couldn’t take it all……you know.  Are….are you sure it was alright?”


“It was perfect.”


Even though he reassured her, she still continued to cry.  “Oh Scott.  I wanted this to be perfect.  You…you mean so much to me.  I….oh, God I love you so much. You have no idea how much. I’m sorry for crying, but I can’t help it.  You’re……you’re just everything to me.”


Scott smiled a beautiful smile that lit up his adorable face.


“I….I don’t know what I’m gonna do without you,” Chelsea continued.  “I…..I don’t want to leave.”


“Chelsea, you don’t have to leave.  You can stay the rest of the day.”


“No, that’s not it.  I mean…I’m….I’m leaving Sheffield.  England.  My….my dad got transferred to the States.  We’re leaving the end of the month.”


In an instant, the smile that lit up Scott’s face died.





A week had passed and each Savage lad had their own personal trauma to deal with.


Tyler was wracked with guilt while Scott was preparing to have his heart broken for good.   And each dealt with it in their own way.


Ty spent most of his off time in his room with is guitar.  With the memory of what happened with Diane in California resurfacing, he pulled out the song ‘Regret’ he had written and began to play it, hoping that how he truly felt about what he allowed that day to overcome the guilt he felt about misleading Grace into thinking she was his first. 


When the absolution didn’t come, Ty felt that the only recourse was to write a song about Grace and how their afternoon together, her giving her body to him, made him feel clean and reborn of the dirt of his path.


With his accoustic across his lap and his pencil and notebook on the bed, he began to strum out music and lyrics that would release his mind of the guilt and memory.


Meanwhile, Scott dealt with Chelsea’s impending departure to the other side of the Atlantic by keeping to himself.  After her tearful breakdown that afternoon, Scott just sat there, disbelieving what she had just said, wishing it weren’t true.


Chelsea went on to say how the move would allow her father to keep his position with his company, but would cut down on the travel and time away from home.  This was a good thing in terms of repairing the relationship with her mum. Although Scott felt that it was for good reasons, he still didn’t know how he was gonna deal with her suddenly up and leaving his life after they shared so much together. 


Although there would be a slew of girls in his class who would line up for the chance to take his mind off Chelsea, Scott knew it would be a while before he’d ever feel for someone the way he felt for her.  The only other lass who’d ever come close was Grace, but she belonged to Ty.  At least he had her to talk to and confide in.


Sav had noticed a change in his sons when he and Joe returned from London that week following.  Although Scott was never one to give away much, he noticed a solemness about him that hadn’t been there since he’d been dating Chelsea.  And, even though it pleased him to hear Ty playing and singing in his bedroom, some of the lyrics he heard were just too deep and brooding for an eighteen year old lad.  Deciding not to look too much into it, he just let it be.




The day after he and Sav returned from London, Joe slept a little later than usual.  The late nights at the studio were a lot tougher on him now than when he was younger.  However, he hated thinking that he was ‘over the hill’ in other areas.


He got out of bed, took a shower and dressed comfortably in jeans and an untucked buttoned shirt.  He went downstairs, hungry for breakfast and….his wife!


He found Abby in the kichen washing a bunch of grapes in the sink, and snuck up behind her.  Abby jumped when she felt her husbands arms go around her waist.


“Jesus, Joe….you scared the tar out  of me,” she shrieked.


Joe nuzzled her neck while he reached in the sink to pluck some grapes off the vine and plopped them in his mouth. “Mmm, these are sweet.  But, not as sweet as you.”


Abby rolled her eyes over the fact that he could sound so sappy after all these years.  But, with his voice, even his sappiest line sounded sexy to her.


She turned in his arms and wound hers around his neck.  “Tell ya what.  Both kids are out.  How about you and I spending a lazy, romantic day together and you can find out just how sweet I really am?”


Joe grinned wickedly.  “Luv, you don’t have to twist my arm.  Plus, at my age, I’ll take whatever’s offered!


“Joe, please!  You can be 80 and the woman will still go ga-ga over you.  Don’t go fishing for compliments.”


Abby kissed him quick and handed him the grapes.  “Here take these. I’ll bring down some muffins and coffee and we’ll watch the telly, eat and then maybe fool around.”


Joe grabbed the bowl of grapes and headed downstairs.  He plopped himself on the couch and grabbed the remote.  He surfed around till he found something interesting, then proceeded to stuff himself with grapes.  He began to start throwing them up in the air and catching them in his mouth.  When one bounced off his lip and onto the floor, he softly cursed before picking it up. 


Thinking it rolled under the couch, he slid his hand under and felt around until it came into contact with something other than a grape.  He grabbed whatever it was and pulled it up to look at it, just as Abby came downstairs with coffee and muffins.


Abby noticed the look of shock and anger on his face and put the coffee and muffins down on the snooker table before heading over.


“Joe…whats the matter?  Whats that……?” 


Abby halted when she saw an empty condom wrapper in her husband’s fingers. 





Around seven o’clock that evening, Beth’s mum dropped Grace off at home after she spent the day with Beth at the movies and having dinner at her house.  When Grace entered the house, it was eerily quiet.


“Hello?  I’m home,” she yelled out.


Grace was about to go upstairs to her room when she heard footsteps come up from the entertainment room, then the sound of her mum’s voice.


“Grace, could you come down here please?”


Grace wondered what was going on and went downstairs.  Her mum was waiting for her at the bottom of the stairs.


“Mum?  Whats going on?”


Before Abby could answer, Grace looked over to see her father standing by the couch with his arms folded.


“Grace, your mum and I need to talk to you about something.”


Grace’s heart fluttered a bit, wondering what was wrong.”


“Daddy, what is it?  Is…is it serious?”


“Yes, it is Grace,” Joe said sternly.  “Is there something you want to tell us about you and Ty?”


Grace paled a bit wondering what he could possibly know.  Playing it safe, she played dumb.


“Um….no, why?”


Joe held up the empty condom wrapper.  “Are you sure?”


Grace gazed at the empty wrapper and felt the blood drain from her face.  There was no way she could hide the truth now.  She squeezed her eyes shut, not wanting ot look at her parents.


“Oh God!” she whispered.


“Then its true?” Joe said.


Grace covered her face with her hands and cried as she nodded her head.


“Dear God!” Joe groaned.


“Grace,” Abby softly said as she put her arms around her daughter.  “Grace, how could you?  You’re so young, luv.”


Joe, however, wasn’t as considerate of the situation.  “That’s right you’re young.  And… the fact that Tyler-boy is eighteen makes him legally an adult and guilty of statutory rape!”


Grace looked up in horror.  “What?”


“Joe, my God,” Abby said startled.  “What are you saying.  He didn’t rape her!”


“It doesn’t matter,” Joe fumed.  “He should’ve known.”


“Joe, I’m sure that was the last thing he was thinking about at the time,” Abby tried to reason.


“Oh, I’m sure it was,” Joe said sarcastically.  “He was probably so hepped up on testosterone that he couldn’t think straight!”


“Daddy, stop!  Ty didn’t force me.  It was my decision.”


Abby turned to her daughter.  “Why, Grace?  What made you feel that you had to take such a big step at such a young age?”


“Because,” she sniffled.  “Because….I….I love him, mum.  I love him so much. And….and he’s gonna be leaving for university soon and, well….I…I guess I was afraid that he’d meet someone else while he was there and forget about me.”


“Crikey Grace,” Joe blurted out without tact.  “I thought we taught you to have more respect for yourself than that!  If Ty truly does care about you, he would’nt expect you to have sex with him to keep him.  You just turned sixteen.  I can’ believe he made you go through with this!”


Grace was starting to get frustrated.  “Daddy, I told you it was my idea!  Tyler didn’t force me.  He had no idea I had it planned.  Crikey, daddy, if it were J.T. you wouldn’t be carrying on like this, I bet!”


“That’s different Grace.  J.T. is a lad.  I know it sounds like a double standard, but its just different.  A lass has a reputation to protect.”


“And lads don’t care about their reputation?” Grace challenged.


“No, they don’t,” Joe answered.


“I bet you didn’t, right?”


Joe’s face colored with anger.  “Excuse me young lady?”


Grace was so upset and humiliated over this situation that she didn’t care what she said at this point.


“Just what I said, daddy.  I’m sure when you were Tyler’s age that you didn’t care.  You were probably just like him.  So, it shouldn’t surprise you that I made the decision I did.  After all, I am your daughter.”


Joe snapped.  He stalked over to Grace and slapped her across her face causing Abby to gasp.




“Stay out of this Abby,” he said, never taking his eyes off Grace.  “Now, you listen to me young lady.  Don’t you ever…EVER smart mouth me like that again.  And, don’t you ever compare my teenage years to yours.  Being sexually promiscuous isn’t something that’s hereditary.  And, even if were it wouldn’t matter because you’re not my real daughter anyway!”


“Joseph Elliott!” Abby said with contempt.


Grace held her stinging cheek and looked up at her father with tears in her eyes.  It was evident that those words hurt more than his slap.  Joe finally caught on to what he actually said and, angered or not, he knew he went too far.


“Grace, I didn’t mean it that way.  What I meant was…..”


“I know what you meant!” she cried at the top of her lungs.  “I’m not really yours!  Neither is J.T.  You’re probably regretting adopting me, aren’t you?  You’re probably disappointed in how I turned out, wondering where you went wrong, wishing you adopted another little girl instead.  Well, I’m sorry that you got stuck with me!”


Grace turned around, ran up the stairs and all Joe and Abby heard was the front door slam.  Joe ran both hands through his hair and lowered his head.


“Bloody friggin’ hell!”


“Joe, how could you?” Abby whispered.  “Disciplining her for her sassiness is one thing, but you had no right to say something so hurtful!”


Joe couldn’t even answer his wife, for he knew he was right.  He deserved to get chewed out for it as well.


“Abby, I….I wasn’t thinking.”


“Obviously,” she said without remorse.   “Oh God, Joe, the front door.  Where could she have gone?”



Grace ran down the street as fast as she could.  After several blocks, she had to stop and catch her breath and wipe the tears from her eyes.  She was filled with anger, hurt and feeling unwanted. 


She continued to walk on for a little while longer until she reached her destination and pressed the buzzer on the gate.




“Who could that be?” Sav murmured to herself as he went to the intercom and pressed the button.  “Yes?”


“Uncle Sav?  Its…its Grace.  P..p…please, can I come in?”


Hearing the anguish in her voice, Sav opened the gate then went outside after her.





Sav met Grace halfway down the driveway and put his arms around her to calm her trembling body.


“Grace, whats wrong?  What happened?”


“I…I….I had a fight with daddy,” she said in between hiccups.  “It was bad.  Real bad.”


Sav held her, wondering what in the world they fought about that was serious enough for her to walk several blocks in the dark to his house.


“Okay, Grace, calm down.  Does your dad know you’re here?”


Grace just buried her head in his shoulder and shook her head no.


“Alright, listen.  I know you’re upset, but I’m sure your parents are wondering where you are.  I think I better call them to tell them you’re here and that you’re alright.”


“No!  No, I don’t want them to know,” she cried.  “Let them worry.  They don’t care.  They don’t want me.  He’s such a hypocrit Uncle Sav.  He doesn’t understand!”


Sav could understand how frustrated Grace was with Joe.  He’s not the easiest person to get along with.  Even’s he’s surprised that he remained friends with him after 40 years, considering all the ups and downs they’d been through.


“Grace, look luv.  Whatever your father did or said I’m sure it was in anger.  Sometimes he speaks before he thinks.  Believe me….I know!  And, I think they’ll be upset if I don’t let them know where you are.  I’m sorry luv, but I have to call them.”


Grace just continued to sniff as her crying subsided.  She then looked up to see Joe’s car pull into Sav’s driveway.  Grace turned away from the blinding headlights and walked towards the house, not wanting to see her father.  Sav let her go and instead went to go try and calm Joe down a bit.


Joe got out of the car and walked over to Sav.  “How long has she been here?”


“She just got here Joe.  She’s real upset.  Bloody hell, what happened?  I never saw her that upset.”


“Well, I said something that I shouldn’t of, but there’s more to it than that.  Much more, that I think you should know about.”


Sav knitted his brows.  “What do you mean?”


Just then Joe looked up and saw Ty come out of the house.  He saw Grace, and how upset she was, and went over to hug her.  Joe saw this and began to lose his cool again.


“I mean….I think you better keep those randy sons of yours on a leash, that’s what I mean!” 


Joe began to brush past him to go to Ty when Sav grabbed him by the arm and spun him around.


“Alright, Joe,” Sav said a little hotly.    “You already said something tonight that you shouldn’t of.  Don”t make the same mistake twice.  I know we’re family here, but those are my kids and I don’t appreciate you saying stuff like that unless I know what they hell you’re talking about!”


Joe pulled his arm away and folded them.  “Fine.  Your son had sex with my daughter, is that direct enough for you?”


Sav closed his eyes and let out a frustrated breath.  “What?  You know this for sure?”


“Yep.  Found the evidence in my own family room.  Empty condom wrapper.  I approached Grace with it and she admitted to it.  She said that she’s the one that initiated it, but I know better.”


Sav folded his arms and regarded Joe with a dangerous look.  “Oh really?  Just what is that supposed to mean?”


Joe regarded him back, sarcastically rubbin his chin in thought.  “Oh, lets see now.   Eighteen year old lad with a girlfriend and raging hormones.  You do the math!”


While this was going on, Grace cried all over Ty anew.


“Tyler!  They know.  My parents know about us having sex last week.  My dad found the condom wrapper under the couch.”


Tyler turned white as a sheet as he sheepishly looked at Joe down the driveway, looking like he was having words with his dad.


“Oh God, Grace.  I can’t believe I was so stupid that I didn’t throw it away somewhere.  You’re dad must be pissed.  He looks like he’s arguing with mine.”


“Ty, what are we gonna do?”


“Well, the only thing we can do.  We can’t hide from it, so lets be adults and face it.  Come on.”


Ty pulled Grace by the hand as they approached Joe and Sav who were heatedly going back and forth still.


“I can do without the sarcasm, Joe,” Sav said.


“Yeah, well I can do without your ignorant attitude towards this,” Joe retorted.  “Aren’t you the least bit concerned?”


Just then, Scott had come out of the house having heard all the commotion from inside and crept quietly down the driveway.  No one saw him since their backs were too him.


“Of course I’m concerned Joe,” Sav shot back at him.  “I just don’t fly off the handle like you do.”


“Daddy…Uncle Sav, stop!”


Joe turned to his pleading daughter and her very guilty looking boyfriend.  Joe looked at Ty with steely green eyes.


“Well, I’m sure you know what this is all about, Tyler?”


“Um, yeah,” he shakily said.  “Grace told me.  Uncle Joe I’m…..I’m sorry.”


“Ty, I told daddy that it was all my idea,” Grace said, turning to him.


“And I said that isn’t an excuse for what happened,” Joe blurted out.  “Tyler…you do know that she is only sixteen.  You are eighteen – legally an adult.  Do you know that’s considered statutory rape?”


Sav went beserk.  “What are you saying?  Are you out of your bloody mind?  Do you really think that my son intentionally raped your daughter?  Dammit, Joe I think you should keep your mouth shut and quit while you’re ahead!”


Ty and Grace just stood there silent, not knowing what to say and do.  They were much more upset watching their fathers fight over this.  Scott just hung in the back, still unseen, listening to all this madness.


“Don’t tell me to shut up when it comes to my daughter, Savage!  At least I care!”


“Oh, and I don’t care about my kids Joe?  Is that what you’re implying?”


“No, I’m not saying that.  Its just that you don’t seem to be taking this seriously.  Hell, you didn’t even take it seriously when you found out about Scott.  And he was only fifteen!”


It was getting difficult for Sav to keep his temper in front of the kids.  “Jesus Joe, shut up!”


“What about Scott?” Ty and Grace said together.


“Yeah…what about me, dad?”


Four sets of eyes turned to see Scott lurking behind them, his eyes fixed on his father.


“Tell me dad.  What did you tell uncle Joe about me?”


Sav looked at Joe with daggers, wanting to strangle his best friend, before looking at Scott.  “Scott, its nothing.  Go inside, this doesn’t concern you…..”


“Yes it does!  Tell me!”


“Scott, we’ll talk about this inside….”

“Tell me dad!”


Sav saw that his youngest son was almost in tears and wasn’t gonna budge unless he said something.


“Scott, I know about you and Chelsea….the night of the dance….”


“Oh God!  How…how did….and…and you told Uncle Joe about it?  I don’t believe it!  I don’t bloody believe it!”


“Scott….” Sav pleaded.


“Don’t talk to me!” he spat out before running back inside the house.


Sav turned on Joe.  “I don’t believe you!  I don’t fucking believe you!”


“I didn’t know he was standing behind us,” Joe tried to reason.


“It doesn’t matter, Joe.  You had no right.”


“Crikey dad, what the hell did you tell Uncle Joe about me?”  Tyler asked.


Sav stood with his hands on his hips, shaking his head as he stared at the ground.


“I don’t believe this,” he muttered.


“Let me guess,” Ty said.  “You probably told him about the talk we had the night of Grace’s party last year, I bet.”


Sav looked up at him.  “Don’t try and change the subject, lad.  This is about you and Grace right now.”


“Yeah, and I wonder how long before you’re on the phone to the rest of my uncles blabbing about this.”




“What else do they know dad?  Did you tell them about Diane too?”


Sav was perplexed.  “Diane?”


Joe looked at him too. “Diane?”


Ty got an even more suspicious look from Grace.  “Diane?  Diane who?”


Ty bit his lip and realized what he had done.  He forgot that no one knew about the fiasco with Diane and, in his anger, he just blurted it out.


Grace took his arm and turned him to her.  “Tyler…I said ‘Diane who?’  There’s no Diane in school.”


Ty had no choice but to confess.  “No, there isn’t,” he softly said.  “It was Diane from California.  You know, the niece of Rory’s wife?  It was her.”


Sav felt like he was gonna fall apart as Joe just stared at Ty who was in the process of breaking his daughter’s heart.


“Tyler,” Grace shakily said.  “What happened with her?”


“Grace, lets go for a walk and I’ll tell you.  C’mon, not here.  Not now.”


“Yes, now!” she demanded.  “Right here!  I’m sure our dads would love to know.”


Ty was on the spot and couldn’t get out of it.  He had three sets of eyes staring him down.  Well, he was legally an adult, so he best start taking his medicine like a man, no matter how bad it tasted.


He turned to Grace and held her upper arms.  “Grace, please, you gotta know.  That was a year ago.  You and I were just starting out.  I made a stupid mistake. I…..”


“Tell me Tyler!”


“Grace.  You…..you weren’t the first, okay.”


Joe rolled his eyes as Sav groaned.  As much as they both wanted to say something, they kept quiet and let the kids deal with it.


“What?” Grace whispered with betrayal.  “You….and…her?  I…I don’t believe it!  She was what….nineteen?  And you were only seventeen at the time?  That’s statutory rape!”  But, you probably didn’t care.  Must’ve felt good to have an older girl be after you.”


“Grace, it wasn’t my fault!  I swear!  She took advantage of me!”


“Oh, Tyler save it!  I can’t believe that you were so helpless against a girl. It doesn’t matter that we were just starting out.  We were together then. And you…..you……when?  Where did this happen?”


“Grace, it doesn’t matter.  I’m sorry.  Like I said, it was a mistake.  You have no idea how much this has been eating at me.  I’ve been regretting it since it happened.”


As soon as he said that, Sav suddenly remembered that song ‘Regret’ he read that Ty had wrote.  He was probably writing about his experience with this Diane girl.


“Well, you certainly didn’t look like you were regretting it,” Grace hurtfully said.  “You’ve been playing me the fool all along.  It was so important to me for us to be each others…….you know…..firsts.  God, I feel like such an idiot.”


“Okay, kids that’s enough,” Sav said, deciding that he heard enough.  “Now’s not the time to talk about this.”


“Yeah, well I’m done talking about this, Uncle Sav,” Grace said.  “And…..I’m done with you Tyler!”


“Grace……” Ty called out after her.


Joe stepped in.  “Lad, I think you better let her be.  She needs to cool off.”


“We all need to cool off,” Sav added, directing it at Joe. 


Joe met his eyes but said nothing.  Instead he turned to Grace.  “Get in the car.”


Her original anger against her father now replaced with her anger at Ty, Grace readily got in the car with him.


Joe took one last look at Sav before backing out of his driveway and took off.  Sav stood there for a moment before turning to Ty.


“You and I have some serious talking to do, lad.”


Ty looked at his father with disdain.  “Why?  So you can tell me how disappointed you are in me?  So you can tell me what a screw up I am?  I already know that, dad.  I don’t need you to remind me!”


With that Ty turned and ran back in the house.


Sav stood in his driveway and looked up at the star filled Sheffield sky.  He knew the years of teenage boys would be tough, but he never imagined this.  He now faced one son who thinks he’s disappointed in him and another who probably hates him.


Reluctantly, he walked back inside.





Joe and Grace remained silent the entire ride home.  He already knew he pushed the limit with his big mouth tonight.  He didn’t want to take any more chances until he and Grace were inside and they could all talk calmly about this.


As soon as he pulled the car in the driveway, Grace jumped out and ran for the front door.  Joe softly cursed as he pulled the car into the garage.  Going through the door that adjoined the garage to the kitchen, Joe found Grace crying in her mum’s arms as she soothed her.


“Shhhh, calm down Grace.  Its alright.”


“Oh mum,” Grace cried all over Abby’s shoulder. “F…f..first daddy and…and….n..n…now Ty!  I c…c..can’t believe he d..d..did that.”


Abby looked up at Joe a little perplexed.  She hadn’t found out about Ty’s hasty confession.  Joe just closed his eyes and shook his head as he walked over to Grace.




Grace still clung to her mum.


“Grace, please…come here.” 


Grace pulled away from her mum and slowly walked towards Joe.  She kept her head down and her arms folded.  When she was within an arms reach, Joe closed the gap and took her in his embrace, hugging her fiercely.  Grace collapsed against her father’s tall, strong frame and cried anew.


“Grace, luv I’m so sorry for what I said.  You know I didn’t mean it the way it sounded.  You may not be of my blood, but you are my daughter and I’ll fight to the death for you and your brother.  Don’t you ever doubt how much your mother and I love you.”


Grace just continued to cry.  “Oh daddy,  I know.  Its just….the way it sounded and….and what we were talking about at the time…..it….it sounded like you were disappointed in me…..wondering where you went wrong……I..I didn’t mean to say what I said either.”


Joe reached his hand down and lifted her chin to look at her face.  He then tenderly ran his fingers over her cheek.  “I’m sorry for hitting you, Grace.  But, regardless of what differences we have, I will not tolerate disrespect of any kind.”


Grace just nodded her head.  Meanwhile, Abby grabbed the empty teapot off the stove.


“Why don’t I make us all some tea and we can talk some more.  J.T. is downstairs on the Playstation so he won’t become unglued for a while.”


Grace let out a little laugh about that before sitting down and looking at Joe.


“Daddy….did…did you know about Ty and…..and that girl?”


Abby turned around.  “What is this about Ty?”


Joe let out a sigh and sat down at the table too.  “Well, seems he and that young lady from California, Rory’s new niece, had a little…um……”


Joe was reluctant to say it out loud in front of Grace, knowing how hurt she was.


“….it….it seems they……were intimate,” Joe finished as Grace winced.


Abby’s eyes bulged. “What?”


“Daddy, please, I…I don’t want to hear about it.  I only want to know if you knew.”


“No, luv…I didn’t.  I guess that Ty thought he may have told his father about it, the way he accidentally let it slip out.”


“Yeah,” Grace said dejectedly.  “If not for that I never would’ve known.  Oh, God I feel so stupid!”


Grace covered her face with her hands and started to cry again.  “I….I even said after we…..well, you know….that it was important to me that we were each other’s…..you know……firsts.  He must’ve been laughing inside.”


Joe was still a bit uneasy being reminded that his baby girl was no longer a virgin.  He tried to keep himself calm by reasoning that they at least had the sense to use protection.


“Grace, I don’t think Ty is that mean,” Joe said.  “You saw how upset he was.  The two of you have been close all your lives and even more so this last year since you were basically going steady.  You have to allow him to explain and talk this out.”


“Whats to explain, daddy?  That she forced herself on him?  That it was an accident?  C’mon, I may be sixteen but I’m not that naïve!”


“No, but considering that you were in a relationship with him, a relationship that turned……physical….you just can’t storm out the way you did without so much as another word to each other.  You’re a young adult now, Grace.  Act like one and at least give him the opportunity to talk to you.  I’m sure he’s going through his own personal hell right now because of it.”


Grace suddenly thought of something and looked at her father.  “Daddy, whats this about Scott and Chelsea that you knew?  Did….did they…..?”


“Grace, c’mon, that’s none of your business….”


“Daddy, its plain as day that that’s what they did.  I’m only asking you to confirm it, that’s all.  He was real upset about it, almost as if something more was bothering him than that.”


Abby brought the tea to the table and put the cups down.  “Oh Joe….don’t tell me that….that Scott?  Little Scott?”


“Abby, they’re not babies anymore.   They’re young men.  And, yes, Scott….well, you know.  And I don’t want it going further than this room.  Its bad enough that what he and Chelsea did got broadcasted right in the middle of Sav’s driveway.”


“Speaking of Uncle Sav, the two of you looked like you were really mad at one another.”


Joe took another deep breath as he tried to replay all the heated words he and Sav exchanged back and forth tonight.  He knew that they were only doing it in defense of their children, but as Joe thought more deeply, he realized that he said some things that were over the line. 


“You’re right, luv.  We were arguing pretty bad.  But, we’ve been friends long enough to know that we would never let anything hang over our heads without resolving it.  We’ll talk this out soon, I promise.”


Abby stood behind her husband and began to rub the stiffness out of his neck.  Joe leaned forward to give her better access, sighing softly at the wonderful feel.


“God, that feels so good.  Especially after what just happened.  I feel the stress throughout my entire body.”


Abby smirked knowing what he was suggesting, but, right now, they were gonna have their tea and talk more about what happened this evening.





As Sav walked into the house, he was met by a very concerned looking Paige.


“Rick….what in God’s name is going on?  I was upstairs in the tub when I heard all this commotion going on outside.  I then got out to find Scott storming in the house and barricading himself in his room.  After knocking on his door and getting no answer, I come down to find Ty coming in the same way, and locking himself in his room.  What on earth happened?”


Sav leaned against the closed front door and closed his eyes.  “Everything happened, Paige.  Everything that was wrong, that is.”




“Paige, I know you’re their mum, but trust me…this is something that I need to take care of….”


“You’re right….I am their mother and I don’t like you keeping things from me, Rick.  Now, my sons are upset and I want to know why.”


Sav told Paige about Ty and Grace and her fight with Joe that led her to come over here tonight.  He also told her about Ty’s little confession about Diane which probably split him and Grace up.


Paige responded like any normal mother would who just found out such news about her children.


“Oh God Rick,” she said, covering her mouth with her hand.  “I knew this day was gonna come sooner or later, however, you always hope that it would come later.  This is too much for two teenagers to deal with.”


“Yeah, well they’re young adults who’ve made choices and now they have to deal with the consequences of them.  Ty especially. He made a mistake, got caught and now he has to live up to it.  It’ll prepare him for what the real world has to dish out to him in the future.”


“But….but whats wrong with Scott?” Paige asked.  “What was he all upset about?”


Sav fidgeted a bit.  “Um, well, it seems that your baby boy has become a man as well.”


Paige gasped.  “What?  Rick….are you sure?”


“Very sure.  I uh, read a chat transcript, quite by accident of course, between him and Chelsea after it happened.  There was no doubt, believe me.”


“How long ago was it?”


“Well…..it was the night of the harvest dance last year.”


Paige’s eyes flared.  “You…you knew about this all this time and you never told me?”


“Paige, c’mon,” Sav reasoned.  “There’s just certain things that only father’s should know about their sons.  I felt uncomfortable telling you.  Plus, I could tell by their chat that they regretted doing it, so I didn’t dwell too much on it.  Scott’s got a good head on his shoulders, a lot better than Ty sometimes.”


“Rick, don’t come down on Ty because of this.  He’s a teenage boy, he’s not perfect.”


“I know, I’m not,” Sav said.  “Its just that Ty was always one to act before he thinks – he proved that tonight!  And Scott always thought before he acted.”


“Except for the night of the dance,” Paige said.


“Yeah, I guess,” Sav agreed.


“But, I don’t understand why Scott was upset tonight.”


“Well, Joe was running his mouth and the subject of Scott and Chelsea….you know…came up just as Scott came outside to see what was going on.  Scott overheard that I knew and had told Joe……”


“…..you told Joe but not me?”


“Paige, please.  Its different between men, alright.  Anyway, Scott felt invaded, which I don’t blame him, and probably hates me for it.”


Paige just folded her arms and shook her head.  “Looks like you’ve got some serious damage control to do there.  Better wait until the morning and let them sleep on it and cool down.”


“Paige, I can’t wait till tomorrow.  I’ll never sleep tonight knowing that Scott hates me and Ty thinks I’m disappointed in him.  I can’t.”


Sav ended that note by climbing the stairs. 




Sav decided to face Scott first.  He remembered how angry he was before he ran into the house and how betrayed he must feel.  Quietly, he knocked on the door.


“Scott, its me.  Please open up.”


No answer.


Sav sighed heavily, knowing this night was gonna be longer than he thought.


“Scott, please.  I need to talk to you.  C’mon, lad.”


“I have nothing to say to you,” came Scott from the other side of the door.


“Fine, but I have things that I have to say to you.  They can’t wait.”


A moment of silence passed before Scott spoke up.  “I’m not interested in anything you have to say.  I hate you.”


Sav felt like he was punched in the gut with those three words.  Just then, he felt his wife’s presence beside him as she shouted through the door.


“Scott Savage, I don’t care how angry you are!  Don’t’ you dare let me hear you talk to your father like that.  Now, open this door and let him in to talk to you else I’ll get a screw driver and take it off its hinges!”


Sav turned to his wife who’s fiery, Irish temper made an unexpected, but very welcome appearance.  Paige smiled at Sav and gave him a soft kiss on his temple.


“You know he didn’t mean what he said, Rick.  He doesn’t hate you.  He’s just angry and lashing back.”


Suddenly, the doorknob turned from the other side.  Paige saw it, and turned to retire to their bedroom, giving Sav privacy with his sons for the difficult task ahead.


Sav whispered ‘thank you’ to Paige before entering Scott’s bedroom.  He had sat back on his bed, clutching a pillow to his chest and watching the telly.  Sav grabbed the remote and turned it off.  Scott responded by just closing his eyes, even as he felt a dip in the mattress as his father sat down next to him.


“Scott, I really don’t know where to begin or what to say.  To tell you that I’m sorry for what I found out and telling Uncle Joe about it doesn’t seem to be enough.  The day after the dance, when you left your room after I came to talk to you, I heard a bell go off on your computer.  Naturally, I walked over to see what it was and saw that Chelsea was trying to message you.  However, it seems that the two of you were chatting before I came in and the entire chat came up onscreen as well.  Scott, it may not look like it, but I wasn’t snooping.  My eyes just happen to catch certain words and, well, it was plain what the two of you did the night before.”


Scott kept his eyes closed as he turned his face away, obviously in embarrassment.


“But Scott, I also saw how the two of you realized it was a mistake and, as shocked as I was to find out what happened, I was also relieved that the two of you had the common sense to think about it rationally afterwards.  I never brought it up to you that I knew, nor did I tell your mother.  I kept it to myself, however, when I was at Uncle Joe’s one day he saw that I looked like I had something on my mind.  We began to talk, one thing led to another, and, well, it didn’t intentionally come out.  Even if it did, you know your uncle, it doesn’t take much for him to figure things out.  Scott, you’ve got to believe me.  And, Uncle Joe never should’ve brought it up.  Never!  He and I will deal with that later, but right now its important to me that you know that I never would’ve made light of something so private.”


Scott still continued to look away, trying to fight the tears that were threatening his eyes.  He wanted to say something, but he knew his voice would give away his emotional condition.


“Scott, please say something.”


Scott took a deep breath, hoping to calm his voice a bit.  “I’m….I’m just angry.  I feel so…..so violated, like everyone knows what happened.”


“Everyone doesn’t,” Sav replied.


“Yeah, well Ty and Grace know now, since Uncle Joe shot his mouth off.  And I’m sure mom now knows.”


“Scott, it doesn’t matter.  What matters is that you were smart enough to use good sense in realizing that it should’nt have happened.”


Scott turned to his father, not caring if he saw the threatening tears that started to fall.


“Yeah, well guess what dad?  It did happen again!  It happened twice again!  We may have thought it was a mistake that night, but over time we realized that it wasn’t.  Why?  Because we love each other dad!  I love her.  But, you don’t have to worry about us any more because she’s leaving.  Her dad got transferred to the States and they’re leaving the end of this month.  Just as soon as I found someone, she’s leaving.  Are you happy now?  Relieved maybe?”


Sav felt the anguish in his son’s voice as he watched him wipe away his escaping tears.  He remembered Chelsea’s dad talking about the possibility of moving to the States, but he wouldn’t dare tell Scott that now.  He’d probably be angry at him for not telling him about it.


“No, Scott I’m not happy.  I’m not cruel, you know.  And, I knew you cared for Chelsea more than you led on.  You don’t wear your feelings on your sleeve like your brother.  Your more like me in that respect, that’s why I was able to tell that you were falling in love with her.  Now I know why you’ve been so quiet this week.  I wish you had said something, Scott.  Talking about it always helps.”


“I didn’t want to talk about it,” Scott choked out.  “I didn’t want anyone to know.”


“Scott, we would’ve known once Chelsea left.”


“No, its not that its….I didn’t want anyone to know how I really felt.”




“Because.  Because, I’m a lad.  I…I didn’t want anyone thinking I was, you know, a sissy because I was in love.”


Sav smiled.  “Scott, loving a lass doesn’t make you a sissy.  Lord knows I had my share when I was your age.”


Scott looked at his father.  “Were you in love at my age?”


Sav thought back so many years ago.  “Well, not in love, but I had it bad for a lass or two back then.  However, as I got older and had more mature relationships did I start to experience love.  Unfortunately, as soon as my feelings started to grow, they ended, mainly because of my lifestyle.  Its hard to maintain a steady relationship when your writing and recording albums and touring all over the world. I’ve loved and lost a lot of times Scott.  And Chelsea may not be the first girl you experience that with.  You’re only sixteen.  You’ve got university and the real world waiting for you.  If you can get through this, then it’s a stepping stone as to how well you handle what life has in store to throw at you.”


Scott drew his knees up and rested his elbows on them.  He then leaned his forehead into the palms of his hands. 


‘”I don’t know, dad.  I don’t know if I’ll ever get over this.  I’m gonna miss her so much.”


“I know lad.  And she’s gonna miss you too,  Remember, she has the hardest part of fitting in in a new country and new school, having to make new friends. You know, you can still keep in contact with her, chatting on the computer.  I think she’s gonna need all the help and encouragement she can get.”


“Yeah, but its not gonna be the same as having her here.”


Sav didn’t say anything, he just watched Scott shake his head back and forth in his hands.  He didn’t realize how bad he was hurting over this and thought that, since he said what he had to say, it was best to leave him alone now.


Sav put a hand on his shoulder.  “Why don’t you get some rest now, lad.  If you want to talk about this again, just ask, okay?”


Scott nodded his head.


Sav got up and turned to leave.  As he reached for the doorknob, he was halted by Scott’s voice.




Sav turned around.  “Yeah?”


“I don’t hate you.”


Sav didn’t stop himself as he walked back over to the bed, sat down and embraced his distrought son.  Scott gave in and hugged him fiercely, allowing himself to openly cry.


Sav comfortingly rubbed his back, so reminiscent of the years when he was a little boy.  He was suddenly flooded with the memory of when Scott was just starting to walk.  He had crawled over to the coffee table, pulled himself up and took off, only to trip over a stuffed animal in his path, sending him sprawling to the floor.


The jarring action of hitting the floor the way he did caused him to cry.  Sav remembered picking him up and putting him over his shoulder, rubbing his back in comfort pretty much as he was doing now.  And like back then, Scott cried on his shoulder as he hugged him, until it subsided.


When Scott realized that he let enough out, he broke away from his father and wiped his tears.


“Sorry dad.  I didn’t want to cry like that.”


“Don’t be sorry lad.  Its better than holding it in.  And, it wouldn’t be the first time you cried on me.  That’s what I’m for.”


Sav clapped him on the shoulder and got up to leave, mentally preparing himself to deal with Ty next.





Sav made his way to Ty’s room, hoping it would go as well as it did with Scott.  When he got to his door to knock, he heard him strumming the guitar and softly singing.  He lowered his hand and stood there a few moments, trying to make out the lyrics.


Didn’t take much…..just what you thought enough to give

Yeah you surrendered….and gave my soul a chance to live,

Just with on touch, you washed away the pain,

Yeah with your love, my pride replaced my shame


And now I’m standin’ here today,

As the memory all but fades away,

And all it took was you….

Yeah, all it took was you,


Because you….gave your all to me

You released me from this prison,

Yeah, your love has set me free


And just like me,

To want all of you,

To release me from the memory,

Of the hell that I’ve been through.


Oh you…..you…..you release me.



Sav stood there dumbfounded.  It seems that Ty’s songwriting skills were getting stronger and better.  However, the content of the lyrics left no question as to what inspired him.  When he heard him stop playing and singing, he knocked.




“Ty, its me.  Can I come in?”


There was silence for a moment, followed by some shuffling of papers.


“Come in dad.  Its not locked.”


Sav opened the door and saw Ty sitting on the bed, plucking at the guitar that lay next to him.  He saw the neatly piled sheets of paper behind him that were probably songs that he’d been working on.  Not being able to hide back some smirk of pride, he walked over, grabbed the chair from the desk and sat down.


“Go ahead…get it over with.”


Sav heard the anxiety in Ty’s voice and needed to reassure him that he wasn’t here to come down on him.


“Ty, the reason I wanted us to talk was not to berate you.  For me to rehash what happened and shake my finger at you about it is kinda irrelevant now.  It happened and there’s nothing anyone can do about it.  But, know this…I am NOT disappointed in you.  Nor are you a screw up.”


“Yeah, well I’ve done a good job at it,” Ty said.  “I made a mistake, I blurted it out and now Grace hates me.  I don’t blame her, but…it wasn’t my fault.  I didn’t want it….I mean, with Diane.  I mean, maybe…maybe I did, I don’t know.  She snuck up on me in the garden at Rory’s wedding, right after Grace and I had some words.  She had her eye on me since I got there and I had a feeling she was trouble.  She must’ve overheard Grace and I fighting and, well…took advantage of the situation.  I mean, I know it takes two, but…..I…I just wasn’t thinking.  Afterwards, I realized what a manipulative bitch she really was.  I felt like an absolute wanker.  I regretted it happening ever since.  I even……”


“You even what?” Sav asked.


“Well, I started playing the guitar after that happened.  I uh…I wrote a song about it – just to get it off my chest.  But it still stayed with me.  Then Grace and I……well, you know what happened.  She may not have been the first, but it felt like the first time.  The real first time.  What Diane did was so cheap and what Grace and  I did was….more meaningful.  It was like it erased what happened with Diane.”


Sav then remembered the words to the song that Ty was singing and it was clear that the song was about his first time with Grace and how it ‘released him’ from the memory of what he and Diane did, which was what the song ‘Regret’ was about.


“I noticed you’ve been playing a lot,” Sav said.  “I um…see some papers behind you.  You writing too?”


“Yeah.  Just stuff that I’ve been going through, mainly all this.”


“I heard you singing and playing before I came in.  Sounded good.  Seems like you got the musical gift, eh?”


Sav tried to lighten the mood a bit and it worked when Ty grinned.  “Yeah, maybe.  Its been helping me get stuff off my chest, that’s all.”

“Ty, you’re too young to have so much on you like this.  But, I guess it’s a good way to introduce you to the real world.  This isn’t the first bad decision you made and it certainly won’t be the last.  But, as long as you own up to them and don’t run away from them is the true test of how you’ll handle the rest of your life.”


“Do you think Grace’ll ever talk to me?”


“Oh, I’m sure once she calms down she will.  Even though she’s angry with you, I know she’ll miss you.  If I know your Uncle Joe and Aunt Abby, they’re probably talking with her right now.”


“Speaking of Uncle Joe, will the two of you ever talk again?  You guys were going at it pretty bad.”


Sav reflected on their heated exchange earlier.  “Oh, I’m sure we will lad.  If we haven’t given up on each other after almost 40 years of friendship, then chances are we never will.  We’ll work this out, and so will you and Grace.  But Ty, remember what I told you when you were thirteen.  I know you care for Grace, in fact, I’ll even go as far as saying you love her, but you can’t force her in this matter.  She’s hurt and she’ll have to get over it her own way.”


“I know.  And, you’re right….I do love her. I never told her, but I do.”


“You didn’t have to say it,” Sav said.  “Your song said it all.”


Ty looked at him astonished.

“Ty, the song you were singing before I came in, I could tell it was about Grace.  After all that was revealed outside, it became clear that it was about her and what she did to……’release you’ from Diane.”


Ty looked down to hide a blush of embarrassment.  “I…I didn’t know you were listening that intently.”


“Ty, I just wasn’t listening to the words, but the music as well.  As I said, you’ve got a talent lad.  Better than you think.  And I’m not just saying that.  Someday, when you’re ready, I’d like to read what you’ve got written or even hear you play.”


Ty felt a twinge of pride, but still wasn’t comfortable with his dad, or anyone else, reading what he wrote.  Right now, he still wanted to keep it private.


“Maybe….someday.  Just…just not now.  Especially now.”


“Its okay, I’m not prying.   I just wanted you to know that I have never been disappointed in you, Ty.  You’ve turned out to be more than I could’ve ever imagined.  I waited a long time to have children, so when you arrived I was overjoyed.  When I held you at the hospital I instantly pictured you kicking a soccer ball while holding a guitar!  And look at you today, doing exactly that, thought not at the same time!”


Sav and Ty shared a chuckle over that for a moment before Sav continued.  “I couldn’t be more proud of you and your brother.  Never, ever doubt that!”


“Speaking of Scott….is what happened between him and Chelsea true?  Did they….?”


“Ty, please…..I don’t want you giving your brother a hard time about this.  You’re in no position after what you went through tonight.  Your big mouth uncle never should’ve brought that up.  I just came from his room to smooth things over.  You may have lost Grace temporarily, but he’s losing Chelsea permanently.  She and her family are moving to the States and he’s upset about it.  I don’t want you ribbing him about it, understand?”


In truth, Ty did feel bad for Scott, especially knowing that he could very well be in the same boat, should Grace not forgive him.


“Don’t worry, I won’t,” Ty agreed.


“Good.  Now, I’m gonna call Uncle Joe tomorrow to settle things with him and see how things went with Grace.  Don’t beat yourself up over this, lad.  Whatever happens, we’ll deal with it then, okay?”


“Yeah,” Ty reluctantly said.  “And dad…..thanks for not tearing into me.  I feel bad enough as it is.”


“It was never my intention to tear into you Ty.  Your regret and the consequences are enough punishment.  But, and I said this to you before, now that you’re a man, you’ve got to exercise a little self control else you’ll find yourself in this position again.  I don’t think you want that.”


Ty just shook his head.  Sav said no more and decided that enough was said.  He got up and left, closed the door behind him and stood there for a few moments.  A slow, grin spread across his face as he heard Ty begin to strum the guitar again.


Although Sav was happy that Ty was off to university in a month, he couldn’t help but picture Ty up on a stage, guitar in his hand, singing out to a crowd of adoring fans, just as he did for many years.  And, being the fine looking lad he is, he’d no doubt have the women clamoring over him.


Just as he had so many years ago!