The week before Christmas, Grace was at her locker getting books for her next class.  As she shut the door, she was startled by Scott standing behind it.


“Scott!  Lord, you frightened me.”


“Sorry, luv,” he said with a little uncertainty in his voice.  “Um….dad told me this morning that you’re going to the States for Christmas.”


“Yeah, we’re visiting mum’s family.  I’m not looking forward to traveling, though.  Its so hectic around the holidays.”


“Yeah, I know.  So, when’s your next class?”


“In about 15 minutes.  Why?”


“Can I talk to you?”


“Sure,” Grace said with hesitation, not knowing what to expect.


They went out into the courtyard to a bench under a tree.  “Grace, I won’t keep you long, but….we really haven’t spoken since…..”


Grace lowered her head to cover her blush.  “Yeah, I know.  I think we’ve been purposefully avoiding each other.  Not because I want to, but because………”


Grace trailed off, afraid to speak her true feelings.


“Because of what?  Tell me Grace, please.”


She looked up into his dark blue eyes, so different from Ty’s light blue ones that mirrored his father more. 


“Because…….because I’m afraid that…that I may want you to ……you know……kiss me again.”


Grace saw Scott give out what looked like a relieved sigh.  “Grace, that’s the same reason I’ve been avoiding you.  I mean, I don’t think what we did was wrong, but it felt……..”




“Yeah.  I think….I mean, at first I thought it was because we were just, you know, leaning on each other.  You and Ty broke up and I lost Chelsea and, I guess we just sort of needed each other to help us get over it.  But….but its beginning to feel like……”


“Something more?”


Scott faintly smiled over the fact that Grace did, indeed, feel the same way he did.  “Yeah.  Something more.  But Grace, its not some rebound thing.  I’ve..I’ve always felt….I mean…..we’ve known each other since we were babies, and, well…I guess I always felt..you know…close to you.  Maybe closer than just a ‘brother/sister’ thing.  But, I know that you developed stronger feelings for Ty so, well, I just kept those feelings to myself and tried to forget about them.  Then Chelsea came into my life and changed everything.  I loved her – I guess my heart still does – but that doesn’t mean that I stopped caring for you.  I guess what I’m trying to say is….well….with Chelsea gone and you and Ty broken up, I’m wondering if…maybe this is our chance to, you know….see if these feelings we have mean anything.”


Grace sat there with tears welling her eyes.  She can’t recall Scott ever saying so much at once, let alone revealing his deepest feelings.  She had no idea he had always felt that way.  In a way, she had always felt some kind of a pull towards him, but her heart tugged in Ty’s direction harder.  And, even though it was still there, there were officially broken up and free to date other people.  Maybe Scott is right – maybe this is an opportunity to see if there is something between them, besides helping each other mend their broken hearts.


“Scott, I…I didn’t know you felt…..that is….I guess I always had a secret fancy towards you, in a way.  But, I thought it was because we grew up so close together.  But, Ty grabbed my heart the way Chelsea grabbed yours.  I know part of our hearts will always remain with them, but maybe you’re right.  Maybe this is sort of fate that we just happened to become unattached at the same time.”


“That’s what I was thinking too,” Scott said.  “But, I’m just worried about, you know…Ty.”


“Yeah, that might be a bit awkward if Ty finds out about us,” Grace agreed.  “But, we’re broken up and….and I’m sure being in a coed dorm that he won’t be alone too long.   If you want, we can just keep it cool for a while – you know, keep it a secret.  I know he’s coming home for Christmas, but I’ll be in the States and probably won’t be back until after he goes back.  We’re staying until after New Years.”


Scott frowned a bit.  “Oh..wow, I won’t see you for a while then.”


“Yeah.  I’ll miss your birthday too.  Seventeen!”


Scott grinned.  “Yeah, getting up there!  Dad’s already taking me driving so I’ll be ready to get my license soon.”


“I probably won’t be driving until next spring,” Grace said.  “I think I’ll have my mum take me instead of dad.  I think he’ll freak too much!”


They both shared a laugh before the bell for the next class went off.  Then they both stood up.


“So……you agree that we should, you know….spend more time together?” Scott asked.


Grace shyly smiled and nodded before quickly looking around then giving Scott a quick peck on the cheek.


Scott blushed and looked around himself before smiling.  “So much for keeping it a secret!”


 He then bent down and gave her a soft kiss on the lips, pulling back just in time before it got out of hand.


“Bye Grace,” he said with a wink.


“Uh….b..bye Scott,” she stammered, shaken from his kiss.


As he took off, she stood there a little dazed before dashing back inside the building for class. 


From an upper window inside the school, a few girls sighed as they looked out into the courtyard at Scott and Grace.


“Hmm, some girls get all the luck!”





Several days before Christmas, Sav waited at the station for Ty’s tram to come in.  As it pulled in, he stood in the back as he watched the passengers depart.


Almost last, Ty stepped off, a canvas bag slung over his shoulder and his guitar case in his right hand.  Sav grinned over his growing fondness for the instrument, but not as much as he couldn’t get over a noticable look of maturity on his son’s face.


He went over to greet him.  “Aye lad,” he said, giving his son a hug.


“Aye dad,” Ty replied, hugging him back, heavily dropping the bag.


Ty looked at the bag on the ground, then back to Ty with a questioning look.


“Um….laundry,” Ty sheepishly said.


Sav threw his head back and groaned.  “I don’t think your mother’s going to appreciate that lad.  Hope you know how to operate the washing machine.  If not, I’m sure she’ll show you.”


“Ugh,” Ty groaned.


“Aye, you’re quite old enough.  She’s not your maid.  But, trust me, she’ll be showering you with enough attention and affection as soon as you walk through the door.  She can’t wait to see you.”


“Um….anyone else who can’t wait to see me?”


Sav folded his arms.  “Like who?”


“Um, well….we usually see Uncle Joe on Christmas.”


Sav put his arm around his son as they walked to the car.  “Uncle Joe isn’t here.  He, Abby, Grace and J.T. went to the States for the holiday to visit Abby’s family.  They won’t be back until after New Years.”


Ty tried not to look dejected.  “Oh.”


“You still miss Grace, lad?”


Ty shrugged.  “I don’t know.  Yes and no.  I guess…I guess she may have been right in what she did, but I do think about her a lot.”


Sav regarded him with a leer.  “She may have been right in what way?”


Ty rolled his eyes.  “Dad!  You know!  I mean, I am in a coed dorm.  The girls are…well….different.”


“You mean wild?”


Ty couldn’t hold back a wide grin and shook his head.  “Dad, c’mon!”


“Just as long as you’re not neglecting the real reason your’e at university, lad.”


Ty glanced down at his guitar case, knowing that shagging girls wasn’t the real reason he was losing interest in school already.  But, he couldn’t tell his father.  Not yet.  He still had to try, just in case.  He and Mark thought long and hard about their decision to form a band.  They felt that it was too soon to make a decision about quitting school, that they should finish their first year out and make the decision after that.  In the meantime, they made a pact to continue to jam together and learn as many covers as possible, while Ty continued to write.


As soon as Ty came through the front door, Paige nearly knocked him down as she hugged and kissed his face.


Ty scrunched his face up as Sav laughed.  “Told you she couldn’t wait to see you!”


“Oh stuff it, Rick,” Paige snipped.  “I missed my son.  Shoot me for it.”


“Did you miss him enough to do all that laundry he brought home?”


Paige looked at the overstuffed canvas bag and frowned.  “Um, no.  Not that much.  I’ll start it, lad, but you’ll finish it.  And….you ‘ll fold everything instead of just stuffing it back in this bag.”


“Oh…yeah…right!,” Sav mused.


Just then, Scott came bounding down the stairs, trying hard to mask the guilt on his face in front of his brother.


“Aye little bro,” Ty said, smacking him in the arm.  “I’m here to cause an uproar while I’m here.”


“Yeah, well, it has been quiet since you left,” Scott quipped.  “Now I know who has the biggest mouth in the family.”


“Guess so,” Ty agreed.  “Aye, maybe I should’ve been Uncle Joe’s son.”


Sav held his hands up in surrender.  “You said it, I didn’t!”


Ty turned to Scott.  “So, whats been going on?  Anything?”


“Um, nothing much,” Scott tried to sound truthful. 


“I hear the Elliott’s are in the States till New Years.”


“Uh, yeah.”


“So…..how’s Grace?”


Scott got a little paranoid.  “Uh…why do you ask?”


Ty looked at him funny and shrugged his shoulders.  “Just asking.  Why, is something wrong?  She’s seeing someone, isn’t she?”


Scott gulped, but realized that he and Grace weren’t ‘officially’ seeing each other, so he didn’t have to lie.


“Um, no she isn’t.  Honestly.”


Ty shrugged again.  “Well….I guess it doesn’t matter if she was.  I mean, we’re broken up, right?”


“Um, right.  So, how are the coeds?  Meet anyone yet?”


Ty flashed a wicked grin and looked around to make sure his parents weren’t in earshot.


“Well, nothing serious, that’s for sure.  But man, these two girls on our floor, me and Mark, my dormmate.  They bloody latched onto us like pirannah’s.  Lets just say when lasses are away at school, they get very naughty!”


Scott grinned, trying to mask how his brother could forget about Grace so easily.


“Leave it to you to delve right into hedonism,” Scott replied.


“Yeah, well Grace did break up with me so I could be free to experience university without any strings attached.”


“So…you wouldn’t be upset if you found out she was seeing someone else?”


Ty suddenly frowned, realizing he didn’t like that.  The old double standard was a tough thing.


“Crikey, Scott.  Is she seeing someone?  Is that what you’re trying to break to me?”


“No, she isn’t I told you.  Its just, you sound as if its okay for you, but not for her.”


“Well, I guess it would bother me.  I mean, I do still care about her.  I think about her a lot.  Its just….I don’t know.  Maybe it is for the best.  If she wants to see someone else, then fine.”


“Remember you said that big bro,” Scott thought to himself.





The holidays were soon over and Ty was preparing to go back to school.  Instead of taking the tram back, he decided to drive his car back so he’d have transportation.  Sav offered to drive back with him for the 5 hour or so ride and take the tram back home, but Ty refused.  In truth, he really wanted to be alone.


He used his travel time wisely to do some serious thinking – about his direction and about his feelings.


First, came school, which he really wasn’t looking forward to going back to.  He was starting to wonder if this is the path he was meant to take.  Although he was only one semester into his freshman year, his mind was far from deciding upon a major and what he wanted to do with his life. 


What he truly wanted to do had nothing to do with university.  His passion towards playing and writing was growing stronger everyday.  And, having a dormmate who shared his interest and desire to form a band only fueled it.  What was bothering him was his denial over it and fear of telling his parents.  He knew that his father would support him in anything, and would probably be proud that he followed in his footsteps, but he didn’t want to seem like a failure in school.


He then thought about his feelings, which led him to think about Grace.  He had hoped to see her during the Christmas break, but in a way he was glad that she was in the States with her family.  Even though they parted on good terms, he stilled missed her and thought about her often.  He knew it would probably be a while before these feelings would pass. Not even Michelle could erase Grace from his memory.  Sowing his wild oats did not purge what was lodged deeply in his heart.


Music was his escape, but it was only temporary.  Unless….unless the far fetched dream of putting a band together and becoming famous came to fruition.  Then he could really escape, going out on tour, putting his entire heart and soul into his music, hoping that it would, in time, reveal what was truly important in life.  At almost nineteen, he hadn’t a clue yet.




In between classes, Scott sought out Chelsea at her locker.


“Hey, welcome back,”


Grace looked up into Scott’s welcomed, and handsome, face.


“Hi, thanks.  We got back the day before yesterday and I’m still kinda jet lagged.  How was your Christmas?”


“Good.  Dad’s taking me for a car this week since I turned seventeen the end of last month.”


“I know.  I’m sorry I missed your birthday Scott.  Perhaps we could, you know…..go out after you get your car and celebrate.  Dinner or something.”


Or something?” Scott thought.


“That would be nice,” Scott said.  “Although, this is the second time that you’ve asked me out.  The movies was your idea the night of the dance and now this.”


“Sorry, I guess I’m just a little more forward than you are!”


“I think you are,” Scott agreed.  “I’m not good at chatting up girls.”


“But I’m not just any girl, Scott.  We’ve known each other forever.”


“Yeah. Forever,” he drawled out softly.  “Um…so….how was your Christmas?”


“Hectic!  My mum’s brother and sister and their kids – everywhere!  But, Christmas in New York City is really pretty.  We went ice skating in Rockefeller Centre, went to see the Christmas Show at Radio City Music Hall.  Oh, and I got pictures of the new World Trade Center.  They rebuilt them several years ago after that terrible collapse back in…when was it….2001?  It was so sad to hear mum talk about it.  My uncle is a retired police officer and was there that day.  It was so awful.  But, it was wonderful to see that they rebuilt them.”


“Wow, I’d love to see them,” Scott said, enthusiastically.  “So, sounds like you had a good time.”


“Yeah, I did.  But, I really much prefer having Christmas at home.  Next year we’re gonna fly mum’s family here to spend with us.”


Scott just smiled, not sure what to say next.  He saw Grace look as if she wanted to ask something, but wasn’t sure.


“So….did um…..Ty get back off to school okay?”


Scott knew that’s what she was thinking about, but didn’t want to make him feel bad by asking, especially with what was growing between them.


“Um, yeah he did.  It was good to see him.  Mum was beside herself with joy.”


“And just what is your mum gonna do next year when you go away to school?”


“Don’t know,” Scott chuckled.  “That’s dad’s problem!”


She and Scott both shared a laugh over that.


“Then again, I may not go away,” Scott said.  “I may go to a local university.  All depends on what I decide to do.”


“Well, you’ve got another semester before you really have to start deciding,” Grace said.  “But, it would be good if you didn’t go away.”


Scott allowed the corner of his mouth to hitch up in a smile.  These little messages they were exchanging back and forth were only increasing their growing fondness for each other.  However, he did detect a note of sadness when she asked about Ty, so he didn’t want to push this sudden attraction between them.  Especially since he hasn’t quite overcome Chelsea’s absence altogether.


Suddenly, the bell signaling the next class rang, snapping both of them from staring at one another.


“Um, I better go,” Grace said.


“Yeah, me too.  So uh…..I’ll let you know when I get my car and we can have my late birthday celebration, okay?”


Grace smiled wide.  “Okay.  I can’t wait,” she said before taking off down the hall.


Scott stood there smiling after her.  “Neither can I,” he said to himself.






Several weeks later, Grace tiptoed downstairs to the entertainment room to find her father sitting on the couch watching the telly.  She snuck up behind him, only to find his arms folded, head to the side, sleeping like a baby.


Grace allowed herself to smile.  At almost 60, he looked very much like a younger man in his relaxed state.  No wonder he was such a stud when he was younger!


Hell, her mum still thought he was stud!


Wrinkling her pert little nose over the thought of her parents going at it, she gently shook her father’s shoulder.


“Daddy?  Daddy, wake up.”


Joe let out a deep sigh before his eyelids fluttered open.




He craned his head back to see his daughter standing behind him.


“What is it luv?”


Grace came around to sit beside him.  She put her arm around his neck and rested her head on his shoulder, so much like she used to do when he was a little girl.


Joe smiled, though not over his daughters affectionate gesture.  He knew she wanted something.


“You were tired daddy?”


“Not really,” Joe replied.  “Well, maybe I was.  Please, no old jokes!”


“Daddy!” Grace said, appalled.  “I would never do that!”


“Of course you wouldn’t.  Especially when you want something from me.”


Grace looked at him with even more audacity to which Joe just rolled his eyes.


“Don’t bother Grace.  I know the signs.  You’ve been giving me that big ole green eyed pout since you were a little girl whenever you wanted something.”


“Hmm, and did your green-eyed stare work on grandma and grandpa?”


Joe chuckled, remembering the antics he pulled with his parents when he was a young lad.  “Sometimes.  But, lads don’t give cow eyes like lasses do when they want to get their way.  They charm their mums instead.”


“So, that’s where you learned how to charm the ladies,” Grace said, pouring it on thick.  “You practiced on your mum.”


“Nevermind me,” Joe said.   “What was so important that you had to wake me up?”


Grace took a deep breath before asking.  “Well, I was wondering if I could go out Saturday night and, if I can, if I can have some extra money.”


Joe looked down at the top of her head.  “Well, you know very well I’m not gonna say yes until you tell me where you’re going, who you’re going with and what you need extra money for.”


“Yes, I know.  Okay, here it goes.  “I want to treat Scott to a belated birthday dinner.”


Joe wondered if he should say something, then figured….what the hell?


“Hmm, you and Scott have been spending a lot of time together, haven’t you?”


Grace lifted her head and looked clearly uncomfortable.  “Daddy, its…its not what you think.  Scott and I have been around each other since we were babies.  Why should it make a difference now?”


“Because you’re not babies anymore,” Joe said adamantly.  “You’re young adults who look at each other a lot different than you did when you were ‘babies’.”


“Daddy!  Its…its not like that.  Its just…well, we’ve both suffered breakups and, well, we’re just leaning on each other.”


“Well, as long as your intentions towards each other are clear.  You may be looking to Scott to lean on, but he may see your attentiveness as something totally different.  You may have known him all your life, but he is a teenage lad.  I don’t think I have to go further than that.”


“Daddy, can we please not go into that,” Grace said, clearly embarrassed.  “We’re just gonna go somewhere closeby to have dinner.   That’s all.”


“Well, if that’s all then I guess its alright.”


Grace then put both her arms around her fathers neck and hugged him tight.  “Thanks daddy.  Um…oh….yeah..one more thing.”


“Yes?” Joe drawled out.


“Well, you know that Scott turned seventeen and got his license.  Uncle Sav just got him a car last week.”


Joe leaned his head on the back of the couch.  “Those two lads of his are spoiled rotten!  Um, I suppose that’s what you’re hinting at since you’ll be seventeen this summer?”


“Uh, well no I wasn’t, but now that you mention it……”


“One at a time, Grace!”


“Okay, sorry.  But, the reason I told you that was because Scott’s gonna drive Saturday night.  Is…is it okay?”


“Oh Lord, my daughter alone in a car with another Savage lad!” Joe groaned to himself.


“As long as its definitely somewhere close,” Joe warned.  “Scott’s a new driver, so I don’t want you going anywhere far, is that understood?”


Grace kissed his cheek and hugged him.  “No, we won’t.  Thank you daddy.”


“Hmm, well, you may not want to shower me with too much affection there, baby girl.  There is the question of how much money you’ll need out of me.”


Grace sat back and pouted at her father.  “Well, enough for dinner for two.  I can’t make Scott pay.  Its his birthday gift.”


Joe smiled and stroked her cheek.  “Alright.  I’ll make sure you have enough.”


Grace smiled and jumped off the couch.


“Um, don’t I get a kiss for that last one?”


Grace turned around and hugged and kissed her dad one more time before bounding upstairs.


Joe sat back and sighed.  He loved the affection he got from his kids – Grace especially.  He’ll never forget the night his attorney brought her to the house, along with the adoption papers.  It was his and Abby’s dream come true.  She would always be extra special to him.


His reminiscing was quickly replaced with his concern over this ‘date’ with Scott, wondering just how innocent it really is.





Several days later, Ty got out of class and headed straight back to his dorm.  He had a hard time getting back into the swing since he got back from Christmas break.  He had Economics and Contemporary Lit homework to do, but didn’t care to do any of it.


He entered his dorm to find Mark there.


“Hey,” Ty said dejectedly.


“You don’t sound very convincing,” Mark replied.


“I’m still trying to convince myself,” Ty said in frustration as he flopped on his back on the bed.  “I can’t get back into the groove, Mark.  I tell ya, I’d quit school tomorrow if I knew it wouldn’t make me feel like a failure.”


“Ty, did you talk to your dad when you went home?  You know, about wanting to start a band?”


“No, I couldn’t. I mean, I know he’d support me, but I don’t want him to think that I’m giving up so easily on school.”


“Yeah, but would he want you to try to stick with something you’re unhappy with – especially since he’s footing the bill?”


Ty laughed.  “Yeah, right!  I just…….I don’t know.  The more I’m trying to give school a try, the more I lean towards music as a way of escaping.”


Mark sat next to him and nudged him in the shoulder.  “Then I guess that’s your answer, Ty.  Don’t worry about trying to please your dad with school.  Man, he’s a former rock star.  I think he’d be bloody proud that you’d want to follow in his footsteps.”


Ty turned his head to  look at Mark.  “It’s a big step, Mark.  If we do this, you know…get a guitarist and drummer, its gotta be two people who are serious.  And…..you too.  How do you still feel?”


“Well, I guess I’m guilty of the same think you are,” Mark confessed.  “I really want to do the band thing.  I haven’t been into playing so much till we started rooming together.  I guess that’s telling me something.  I just…I just don’t want to officially give up on school until I know this band thing’s gonna fly.”


“Well, if you put it together, it’ll have to be quick.  We’ll have to advertise.”


Mark looked at him weird. “Advertise?”


“Yeah.  That’s how Def Leppard found their guitarist Steve Clark.  He advertised that he was looking for a band to play in in his college paper and their other guitarist at the time, Pete Willis, saw it and, well, that’s how they got Steve.  And, when their original drummer quit, they advertised and got Rick Allen.  Why cant’ we do the same thing?”


“I guess there is no reason why,” Mark said.  “But, don’t forget Ty, you and I are tight on a lot of these songs that we’ve been practicing.  We’ve got to start all over from scratch when we get these two new guys.”


Ty sat up, suddenly excited to finally talk about something that truly interested him. 


“Well, I was thinking this.  We advertise for a guitarist and drummer together and list the influences that we need them to have. We’ve been playing a lot of 80’s and 90’s stuff with only a handful of 70’s classics thrown in.  We can specificy certain bands to narrow it down.  If we find guys who are familiar with the stuff we’ve been practicing, then all we’ll have to worry about is meshing the sound together.  What do you think?”


Mark let it sink in as he slowly smiled.  “Mate, lets do it now!  I want this so bad I can taste it.”


“Yeah, right,” Ty mused.  “You just want to get shagged by groupies!”


Mark leaned back and put his hands behind his head.  “Aye, it comes with the territory!  And I certainly won’t be one to say no!  I mean, we already got a headstart with Erin and Michelle.  You think those two girls would be interested in us if we weren’t serenading them everynight?  The first day you came here and we played with your dad, they wanted us.  Girls dig musicians – plain and simple.  Just ask your dad!”


Ty looked at Mark with a smirk.  “I’d rather not!  I think he’d rather forget those days.  Well, at least when my mum’s around!  So….is it a go?  Are we gonna do the ad?”


Mark got up, got a piece of paper and pencil and sat back down next to Ty.


“Go ahead….dictate!”





Saturday night, the doorbell rang at the Elliott house.  And, Joe was waiting like a vulture to answer it.


“Evenin’ Scott,” Joe said, running cautious eyes over the young man.


“Evenin’ Uncle Joe,” Scott replied, a little nervously.  He had never felt this way around Grace’s dad before.   Not until he admitted to her that he had feelings for her.  The look on his uncle’s face made him wonder if his dad told him that he caught him and Grace kissing.  He immediately colored up over that thought.


Scott walked into the kitchen as Abby came from upstairs.  “Oh, hello Scott.  My don’t you look handsome tonight.”


Scott glanced down at his beige Docker trousers and pale blue golf shirt.


“Um, thanks Aunt Abby,” Scott blushed as he went to give her a kiss.


Just then Grace came downstairs and into the kitchen. 

“Okay, I’m ready,” she breathlessly said.  “We can go now.”


Joe and Scott turned to look at Grace at the same time.  And both sets of eyes almost popped.


Joe did not like the very short black suede skirt she had on.  Crikey, he had no idea his daughter’s legs were that long!  And they looked even more provocative in matching black suede boots.


Joe just eyed his daughter, then down to her skirt, then back up to her eyes.  Grace answered him with a look that asked him to please not embarrass her.


Joe decided to comply, until he looked at Scott who’s jaw was practically brushing the floor as he stared at her legs. 


“Grace, its cold out tonight,” Joe said.  “Um…make sure you wear your long coat.”


“I don’t want to wear my coat, daddy.  I have a suede jacket that matches the skirt.”


“I……..,” Joe was about to say before looking at Abby.  “Is that a new outfit?”


Abby held her ground with her husband.  “Yes, it is.  And, before you go popping off, she bought it with the money she got for Christmas.”


Joe leaned into Abby and whispered.  “With all that money she got, she could’ve gotten a skirt that had more bloody material!”


Abby pushed Joe away.  “So, what restaurant you kids going to?”


“Um, I made reservations at Barbarella’s,” Grace said.  “Thought Italian would be good.”


“Sounds great to me,” Scott said. 


“C’mon Scott, lets go,” Grace said, taking his arm and getting him out of the house before her father did anymore damage.”


“Um, just a minute,” Joe said, halting them.  Grace turned around with a pleading look on her face.


Joe ignored her and turned to Scott.  “Lad, since you’re just going out to dinner tonight, I take it you’ll be bringing Grace straight home, correct.”




Scott turned to her.  “Grace, its okay.”  He then looked back at Joe.  “We’ll be home right after dinner, Uncle Joe.  No problem.”


Joe just nodded as he watched them leave and get into Scott’s brand spanking new silver SUV.


Abby came up beside him.  “Joe, stop being such a….a….”


“Father?  Abby, she is still only sixteen.  They said they didn’t have any plans afterwards, so there’s no reason for her not to come straight home instead of……of…….”


“…..of them going somewhere to park?”




“Tell me Joe, when you were Scott’s age, did a girl’s curfew ever stop you from trying?”


Joe let out a groan as he watched Scott and Grace take off.  “Crikey!”





Scott and Grace sat at Barbarella’s and kept their conversation to neutral subjects like school and stuff.  Both were purposefully avoiding talking about their relationship and where it was headed.  In truth, Scott was waiting for Grace to say something first, and vice versa.


It wasn’t until the subject of Ty innocently coming up did Grace get a little uneasy.


“Oh, I got a couple of cool CD’s for Christmas,” Scott began to say.  “Ty got them for me.”


Grace tried not to be affected.  “Oh…..really?”    


“Yeah.  Speaking of music, he’s still into playing the guitar a lot.  Stuff I haven’t heard of.  I think he’s writing his own songs.”


Grace took a drink of pop and nodded her head.  “He is.  He told me he was.  We were in the hall talking and he was telling me how he was playing a lot.  Funny, he even talked about forming a band.  He even told me that someday he’d write a song about……….”


“About what?”


Grace clamped her mouth shut, but not in time.  She didn’t mean to blurt that out, especially when she was trying hard to forget about Ty.


“Well…it…it was when we were dating, and….its nothing Scott.  I’m sorry I blurted it out like that.”


“Did he say he’d write a song about you?”


“Um, well about us actually, him and I, I mean.  So, you say he’s still writing and playing, huh?  Maybe university isn’t his calling after all!”


Grace desperately tried to change the subject, cursing her big mouth.  She couldn’t help it.  After all, Ty was an intregal part of her life and they shared a lot together.  She just couldn’t forget certain things, but she had to restrain herself from bringing them up in front of Scott.


After dinner, Scott kept his promise to his Uncle Joe and brought Grace directly home.  A block away from her house, she made Scott pull over.


“Scott, I want to apologize again for, you know, bringing that stuff up about Ty.”


Scott took her hand.  “Grace, its okay.  Really.  I mean, you guys were serious.  I can’t expect you to just block everything out just because we’re……we’re……”


“We’re what, Scott?  What exactly are we?  Where do you see this going with us?  Can we do it?”


Scott brought her hand to his lips and kissed it.  “I don’t know, luv, but I’d sure like to try.  You and I have too many ghosts in our closet.  Too many memories.  I guess, if its meant to be, it’ll happen.  But….I’d like to try to see, that is, if you still do?”


“Yeah, I do,” she whispered, trying to forget the feeling of his lips on her hand.  “I mean, I want to do it for the right reason, Scott.”


“So do I, Grace.  I don’t want to use you to get over Chelsea.  And I know you don’t want to do the same thing with me to get over Ty.  Its still kinda soon.  Lets just take it slow like we agreed, okay?”


Grace smiled with relief that he wasn’t offended as she nodded her head.  Then, out of nothing but appreciativeness, she tilted her head up to kiss him quickly, but softly, on the lips.  As soon as she pulled away, she saw the look in his eye and knew that would never be enough.  Alone in a car, although a block from her parents house, was too much temptation.


Almost simultaneously, Grace’s arms went around Scott’s neck as his went around her waist, under her suede jacket.  He felt the heat of her skin through her thin shirt and groaned into her mouth as their lips met and tongues touched.


The kiss was totally different from the one they shared after the movies.  It was deep, passionate and very, very hot.  Grace pulled him towards her to where he was leaning over the center console, almost on top of her.  Scott carefully balanced himself as he released one hand from around her waist and slid it down her hip until he felt her bare leg past her short skirt.


He was breathing heavily as he caressed her skin, forcing himself from sliding his hand up under her skirt.  But Grace tugging on his dark blonde hair in her overly passionate state was weakening him.  He slowly slid his hand up until his fingers grazed the satin of her panties underneath.


Grace suddenly flinched and Scott hopped right off her.  He grabbed the steering wheel and rested his head against it to calm down as he lowered the window to cool off.


Grace sat back and held a hand to her very hot cheek as she tried to slow her breathing. 


“Scott, I’m….I’m sorry.  I didn’t mean…..”


Scott shook his head back and forth from where it rested on the steering wheel.  “No, I’m sorry Grace.  I went too far.  So much for taking it bloody slow!”


In his frustration, he lifted his head to bang it softly against the steering wheel, only to hit the horn instead.  As soon as it sounded in the quiet of the dark night, both teens looked at each other horrified.


“Crikey, I better get you home before someone looks out their window and spots us,” Scott said.


He took took the car out of park and drove up to Grace’s house.  Before she got out, she looked at him.  Embarrassed, Scott was unable to make eye contact with her.


“I’ll um…..see you at school, okay?”


Scott nodded his head.  “Okay.  Thanks for tonight, Grace.  I really appreciated it.”


She gently put a hand on his.  “Happy Birthday, Scott,” she said before she got out.


He sat there in his car until she got in the house before driving off.  He drove around for a few minutes, not wanting to go home in an aroused state.  He shifted the obvious hardness in his cotton twill trousers, willing it to go down.


After circling the block a few times listening to some music, he pulled in his driveway and went in the house.


He went to the kitchen for something cold to drink to further douse his heated state.  As he leaned against the counter drinking a bottled water, his father came around the corner from the family room.


“Aye lad,” Sav said.  “Just get home?”


“Mmm, hmm,” Scott mumbled as he continued to drink.


Sav folded his arms.  “Have something salty for dinner or what?”


“Um no.  Just thirsty, is all.  Crikey dad, what’s the heat on in here?”


“Its not that high,” Sav replied.


Scott felt his forehead.  “God, I’m so warm.”


Sav narrowed his eyes upon noticing something and walked towards Scott.


“Hmm, I can see why,” Sav said as he rubbed something off Scott’s face with his finger and held up up.


“Lip gloss?”






A couple of weeks passed and Grace and Scott were very careful around one another, at school mostly.  They IMed each other on the computer rather than call.  Scott told her about his dad seeing her lipgloss on his face from their kiss that night.  That, combined with the fact that he already caugh them kissing, all but told Scott that he couldn’t hide his true intentions towards Grace around him.


Her dad was another story.  Grace told Scott that her parents had hinted about something going on between her and Scott, but Grace always played dumb.  They both just hoped that Sav kept what he saw to himself and not tell Joe.


However, another reason Grace was content with playing it safe was her continual thinking of Tyler.  Since she rambled on about him the night she and Scott went to dinner, she realized how much she retained about what they talked about when they were dating.  As much as she wanted to see if a relationship with Scott was in the cards for her, she didn’t want to do so just to get over Ty.  But even as her heart quickened whenever she was around Scott, it still fluttered whenever she thought of Ty or heard something about him.  She wondered if she ever would get over him!





One night, Scott signed on his computer to do some research for homework.  He signed onto his Yahoo Messenger in case Grace wanted to chat.  He then saw a message that he had an e-mail waiting for him in his box.


He went to check it and his heart began to beat.  It was from Chelsea.  All the e-mail subject said was ‘Hi’.


Taking a deep breath to calm himself, he clicked it on to read it.



Hi there stranger,


I’m sure you may have wondered if you’d ever hear from me again.  To be honest, it took me a long time to decide whether I should write you or not.  I didn’t know if you’d be mad at me from not answering your e-mail to me.


You’ve been on my mind and heart so much that I just had to write to you.  I’m sure, as a lot of time has passed, that you’ve gotten on with your life and may even be seeing someone.  But, I just needed to write to you to let you know what has transpired since I last wrote you and also to put some closure to this.


Unfortunately, things have not turned out well for me here.  I won’t get into too many details (mainly because they are painful) but I got involved with the wrong crowd at school.  I was going through a slight depression and worry over other things in my life as well.. 


To make a long story short, because of the trouble I got into, among other situations, I had to drop out of school.  I was messed up pretty bad (I still feel like I am) and am currently under the care of a physician and a therapist.  I feel so bad for putting my mum and dad through this, but, well….things happen that I just didn’t have the strength to stop.


I have made a vow that I’m going to make the best of this situation and get myself back on track.  I’m gonna try to attend summer school to make up what I missed.  If I can’t, I may have to repeat the 11th grade all over again.  Its gonna be a long road ahead of me, but I am determined to finish school and put this terrible mess behind me and go on.


I’d like to be able to attend university, but it may prove to be difficult.  Right now I’m just focusing on getting better, taking care of myself and finishing high school.  I’m gonna do what alcoholics do – take it one day at a time.


Scott, you don’t have to respond back to me if you don’t want to.  This e-mail wasn’t to re-establish a connection, since I’m sure its been as painful for you as it has been for me to try to make a clean break so we can go on separately.  I just didn’t want to leave you hanging after that last e-mail.


If I could have anything from you, I would greatly appreciate your thoughts and prayers.  Trust me, I could use them right now.  Just knowing that you’re thinking of me, even once in a while, will be more than I could hope for.


I hope all is going well for you in school and I’m sure you’ll be looking at universities soon.  I’m sure that whatever path you choose, you’ll be successful in.  I never doubted anything about you for a minute.


Take care of yourself, Scott.  I think of you everyday.  Its impossible not to.


Luv Chelsea




Scott finished reading and wiped the tears that slid down his cheeks.  He couldn’t imagine what she had gone through.  Although she wouldn’t say, just saying that it was painful to talk about meant that it was bad enough.


A wide smile formed on his face as she was concerned about him not being mad at her for not writing.  He was glad that she was on the road to recovering from whatever it was.


He thought about writing her back, but remembered her line about thinking about and praying for her instead.  Something told him that to continue a correspondence may make things more painful for her, seeing that she still didn’t seem over him.


As Scott sat there thinking of her, he wondered if he’d be able to ever get over her as well.





The month of March rolled in as Ty and Mark found themselves banging their heads against respective walls with each drummer and guitarist audition they had.


Granted they weren’t experts in the areas of critiquing talent, but they knew what kind of sound they were looking for, not to mention a chemistry that just jumped right out and hit them.  So far, they felt like hitting every one of them!


As Ty and Mark slept in their dorm one Saturday morning, after a late night of pubbing the night before, a soft knock came upon their door.


Mark didn’t budge as Ty groaned and looked at the clock.  10:00am!  He hopped out of bed, slid his jeans on and answered the door.


On the other side was a pleasant looking young man with wavy, dark blonde hair, deep green eyes and a brilliant smile, way too chipper for this early in the morning.


“Aye mate,” the young man said.  “I didn’t wake you, did I?”


Ty rubbed his eyes. “Whatever gave you that idea?” he mused.


“Sorry, but I was told that you and another bloke are auditioning for a drummer.”


Ty looked down and saw that the young man had a pair of drumsticks in his hand, furiously tapping them against the side of his thigh.


“Uh, yeah we are.  Um…how did you find us?  The ad said to call.”


“Oh, well, again I’m sorry about just showing up like this,” the young man said.  “Actually, a mate of mine has a cousin who said he just auditioned for two Canterbury blokes.  Told me which dorm you were in.  I just asked around for two blokes who play the guitar and bass and was led right here.”


“You’re quite a forward chap, aren’t you?”


“Shows I’m serious,” the young man said.  “So, if you’re serious, and are seriously looking for a drummer, trust me.  You won’t have to look no farther.”


The young man smiled with a bit of arrogance and humor.  Ty didn’t know what it was but he liked him instantly.  He also had a good feeling about this guy.


“Well, if you’re as good as you’re hinting, I may not have to,” Ty said.  “Um…do you have your own set?”


“Oh yeah, but not with me.  My mate’s cousin said that you auditioned him at a local pub.”


“Well, we may have to wait till they open in an hour or two.  Um…by the way…what’s your name?”


“Randy.  Randy Spencer,” he said, extending his hand.


“Good to meet you Randy,” Ty said, shaking it.  “I’m Tyler, but call me Ty.  I’m the guitarist and my sleeping beauty dormmate here is the bass player.”


“I heard that Ty,” Mark grumbled from behind before coming into view.”


Randy took in the two of them and chuckled.  “Too many pints at the pub last night, maties?”


“Uh, you could say that,” Mark grumbled.  “So….who are you.”


Randy held his drumsticks up.  “Probably the guy you’re looking for!”




Two hours later, Ty and Mark sat in a local pub near campus, trying to pry their jaws back up from where they rested on the table.


Randy was positively phenomenal.  At twenty years old, he was the youngest of four children who’s parents grew up during the MTV days.  Because of that, his parents CD collection consisted of a lot of 80’s and early 90’s rock and pop classics.  Randy knew at least three drum tracks from each band that Ty and Mark threw at him. 


Ty smiled after Randy finished up a piece of Nirvana’s ‘Smells Like Teen Spirit’, and asked him if he knew one more.


“So Randy…..do you know any Def Leppard?”


“Oh yeah,” Randy said with a grin.  “Aye…didn’t Nirvana kill them in the early 90’s?”


Ty made a face and got defensive.  “No, they didn’t smartass!” he fumed back.  “Def Leppard lived to see the new millenium, and then some!”


Randy smiled deviously, displaying a wicked dimple in his cheek.  “Calm down, mate.  I know you’re just defensive because you’re partial.”


Ty looked at him funny.  “Huh?”


“I know who you are.  Well, moreso who your dad is.  My mate’s cousin told me that the guitarist is Rick Savage’s son.  Aye, don’t shoot me.  Grunge killed a lot of the 80’s metal acts, I was told.”


“Yeah well, Def Leppard survived,” Ty stated proudly in defense of his father.  “Now, what songs do you know?”


Randy twirled his drumsticks and immediately went into the drum intro to ‘Rocket’.  Randy smiled smugly as he continued to play.


Ty leaned into Mark who was clearly blown away by Randy.  “Well?”


Mark looked at Ty.  “Well what?  The bloke’s incredible.  He knows a lot of the same stuff I do, so we’ll do well as percussionists.  I say snag him!”


Randy finished up his piece and looked over at his two possible future bandmates.


“What do you think, mates?”


Ty threw his hands up in surrender.  “Okay, I’m convinced.  You got the job.”





Not only was Randy a superb drummer, but he had connections as well.  Well, at least for practicing.  His brother and wife had a small house with a pretty good sound resistant basement where he said the band could practice at night. 


They did about as much as they could as a threesome, but they still had no luck in getting a guitarist.  Ty had taken some of his money that he had stashed away since Christmas and went to a music shop and bought a newer used Gibson electric guitar, much like the kind Steve Clark used.  He was able get a better rhythem sound than with his accoustic.


The guys then chipped in and bought a pair of used amps.  The owner of the music store took pity on the poor lads and gave them a bargain.  He saw the intense, determined look in these lads and had a very strange feeling that, someday, they won’t have to be buying secondhand anything!


The ad ran out and, running low on funds, the lads made up flyers, copied them and placed them just about everywhere.  Ty had no choice but to put his cell phone number on the ad.  It began to ring constantly, but a majority of the callers were quickly dismissed after a brief over-the-phone interview.  A lot of guys who called didn’t possess the seriousness and determination that they needed for a lead guitarist.


After another week of no luck, the lads were getting a bit dejected.  Randy threw out an idea.


“Ty, why don’t you just play lead and we’ll just go as a threesome?”


Ty immediately shook his head.  “Absolutely not.  We need that twin guitar harmony.  Especially for all the songs that I’ve written, that I hope to record someday!”


“Yeah, well hopin’ ain’t gonna get us a guitarist,” Mark said in frustration.  “We can’t keep going on practicing without one.  The more we do, the more he’ll have to catch up.”


“Well, he’ll just have to be that much better than the rest of us, won’t he?”


Just then, Ty’s cell phone rang. 


“Crikey, I hope its not another loser,” he groaned before answering it.




“Are you the guy who’s looking for a guitarist?”


The first thing that struck Ty was that he was American with a bit of sarcastic arrogance.


“That’s me!  And, we’re still looking.  Can you tell me a little bit of what you know.”


“Just about everything,” the caller confidently replied.


“Well, that’s awfully straightforward of you, mate” Ty mused.  “Tell me, do you….”


“Listen,’mate’.  I already told you what I know.  I also found out through the grapevine that you Brits are nothing but a bunch of college boys.”


“Yet you still were interested enough to call,” Ty sarcastically retorted.


The American fumed on the other end.  “Look, I think I should start off by telling you that I don’t want to waste my time.  I don’t want to work 9-5 and play stupid little pub dates every other weekend.  I’m not looking for a hobby.  I’m looking to go all the way.  Now, knowing this, tell me.  Am I wasting my time?”


Ty sat there dumbfounded as he listened to this American lay it out on the line.  Well, he did want someone who was serious and determined.  But, he wanted this guy to know that they were as serious as he was.  Ty would not be intimidated.


“I’ll tell ya right now, Yank.  You won’t be wasting your time.  However, when you get here, you better be as good as you say, else you’ll be wasting mine!”


“We’ll see who’s wasting who’s time, you smart-mouthed Brit.  Give me an address and I’ll be there.”


Ty gave him the address of Randy’s brother’s house and hung up.


Randy and Mark looked at him wide eyed.  “Who the hell was that?”


“Either our dream come true or our worst nightmare!”





About a half hour later, the doorbell rang at Randy’s brother’s house.  Since his brother and wife were out, Randy ran upstairs to answer the door.


Standing there was a tall young man with dark curly hair and enormous brown eyes that were slightly sunken in a soulful, moody way.  He held the neck of a glossy, tortise shell finish, Les Paul guitar in his right hand.  His left hand came up to take the lit cigarette out of his mouth before taking a drag and blowing the smoke in Randy’s face.


“Please tell me I’ve got the wrong address?”


Ty warned Randy and Mark of this guy’s sarcasm and arrogance and just shot back some of his own.


“See something you don’t like already, mate?”


“Yeah, I do, mate,” he snipped back.  “How friggin’ young are you guys?”


“Well, I’m twenty, old man.  And you?”


“Almost twenty two,” he replied as he threw the cigarette to the ground stomped it out and brushed past Randy as he walked in.


“Come on in, please,” Randy joked.


The young  man looked at Randy with annoyance.  “Look, I’m not here to socialize, I’m here to audition.”


“Ah, I see,” Randy said, tapping his finger against his chin.  “So, if we let you in the band, you have no plans on ever talking to any of us?”


“That’ll depend,” the young man said.


“On what?”


“On whether you keep continuing to piss me off by flapping your jaw instead of telling me where I’m auditioning.”


“Sorry mate,” Randy said in his usual chipper mood.  “I’m just a natural at chatting people up.”


“Yeah, well go ‘chat up’, or whatever you Brits call it, someone who won’t be bored to tears!”


Randy wasn’t deterred or offended by his insults.  He was fully prepared to give back as good as he got.


“Right this way, mate,” Randy said, stressing the word ‘mate’, as he walked over to the basement door.


The young man followed in a huff, mumbling under his breath.  “Smart ass little Brits.”


Randy heard him, but pretended not to.  He only smirked as he headed down the basement.  When they both reached the botton of the stairs, Ty and Mark looked up.


“Well mate, this is it,” Randy mused, waving his hand around the basement.  “Welcome.”


The young man rolled his eyes around the basement as if appraising the primitive rehearsal space.


Ty stood up and walked over, extending his hand.  “I see you made it okay.”


The young man glared down at Ty’s extended hand and reluctantly extended his own to shake it.


“You’re very observant,” the young man sassed.  “You must be the brains of the bunch!”


Ty pulled his hand away and smirked.  “Well, I haven’t gotten my final grades yet, but I’ll take that as a compliment, mate.”


“Will you quit calling me ‘mate’!  I’m not your mate!”


“Well, since you haven’t had the good manners to give us a name, I really have no choice.  Unless you want me to call you by a name that I really think fits you.”


Randy and Mark held in their laughter.  The young man regarded Ty with a somewhat impressed look.  It was if he was almost baiting him to see if he’d stand up to him or be intimidated.


“My name is Kevin and that’s all you’ll find out, for now.”


“Ooooh, secrets,” Ty said with mock fright.  “Well, Kevin, I see you already met Randy, our drummer.”


Kevin turned to Randy who smiled wide and waved his hand.  “Yeah.  I would’ve been down here sooner if he didn’t….what was that you called it…..’chat me up’?”


“Well, if you make the band, get used to it,” Randy warned.


“Then you better get used to getting your assed kicked,” Kevin retorted.


Ty shook his head and motioned to Mark.  “This is Mark, our bass player.”


Mark just gave a salute as he sized Kevin up, not sure of what to make of him.  Kevin pretty much did the same to Mark.


After the introductions were made, Ty backed away towards his chair.  “So, Kevin.  You told me that you know just about everything.  Granted, we don’t have all night, but I’m dying to see if you’re all talk and no action.  You can plug in here.”


Kevin glanced at the used Marshall amp and rolled his large, dark eyes.  “Where the hell did you get that?  On the sidewalk?”


Ty was getting into to the baiting game with Kevin.  He stood up and bowed before him mockingly.  “Oh, have mercy on me, oh guitar God!  But this was all us poor peasants could afford.”


Mark and Randy couldn’t contain their laughter and busted out.  Kevin turned around to glare at them before turning back and plugging into the amp.


“This piece of garbage ruins my guitar and I’ll have your British ass in a sling!”


Ty was unaffected.  “Brits don’t have ‘asses’.  We have ‘bums’.”


Kevin pinched his temples in frustration.  “Whatever.  Get ready to be knocked on your ‘bum’!  Do I have any requests, mates?”


Ty pushed aside Kevin’s arrogance and went for the jugular.  “Fine.  Lets see….we’ll start in the 70’s and work up.  Yeah, that’s right, the 70’s.  Bet you didn’t think us ‘college boys’ knew the 70’s existed, huh?”


Kevin looked at Ty with very little patience.  “Just name it, Brit!”


“Led Zeppelin.  Bowie.  Aerosmith. Kiss. Pink Floyd….”


“No problem Brit,” Kevin quipped.  “Name the song, and then we’ll go into the next decade.”


Before Ty had a chance to request something, Mark blurted out “how about starting with ‘Rock n Roll’, then going into ‘Suffragette City’ and we’ll take it from there.”


Kevin shook his head.  “Wow, challenging stuff,” he snided.  “Hmm, lets see what I can do.”


Kevin then proceeded to do just what he predicted.  He knocked each and every one of them on their bum!





Ty, Mark and Randy sat in Randy’s basement for the next hour or so totally flabbergasted.  For all his arrogance, sarcasm and just plain annoyance, Kevin backed up every boast he made about his playing.


They covered all the influential bands and their classics from the 70’s, 80’s 90’s and beyond.  If Kevin knew the song, but not the guitar part, then he pretended to hear the song in his head and winged it – usually right on the money.


As Mark and Randy watched Kevin in sheer, utter awe, Ty looked at him in a different light.  He saw someone who wanted what he did.  Even though Kevin was a sharp-mouthed, overconfident wanker with the personality of a scorpion, he knew he could look past that if it meant having a guitarist that would bring his fantasy of having a successful band to fruition.


As Ty thought on it more, he smiled to himself.  Kevin’s obnoxious manner reminded him of someone very close to him.


When the lads ran out of requests, they gave up.  In truth, they could’ve given up about 8 songs ago, but they were too into hearing Kevin play.   After Kevin was done, he unplugged his guitar and readjusted his strings while Ty, Mark and Randy conferred. 


Leaving it up to Ty to be the one to give the news to Kevin, Randy hopped up off a beat up sofa.


“Well, I don’t know about the rest of you, but that made me work up an appetite.  I’m going upstairs for something.”


Mark hopped up too.  “I’ll go with ya, mate.”


Randy turned back.  “Ty, Kevin…want anything?”


Ty shook his head as Kevin just waved them away.  Randy and Mark headed upstairs as Ty leaned against the wall, arms folded, and regarded Kevin.


“Well, I’ll admit.  I am truly impressed.”


Kevin turned to him.  “I never doubted for a moment that you wouldn’t be.”


Kevin then folded his arms, mimicking Ty, and stared him up and down.  “So, exactly how old are you?”


“Eighteen.  I’ll be nineteen in July.”


“Christ!” Kevin blurted.  “So, you’re mommy was able to wean you before she patted you on the head and sent you off to college?”


Ty pursed his lips before smirking.  “Actually, I stopped breast-feeding when I discovered that my  girlfriend’s tits tasted a whole lot better!”


Kevin couldn’t hold back and finally let out a laugh, along with a brilliant smile.  “Ah, so I’m assuming that you’re a man in the biblical sense?”


“You assume correct.”


“Getting laid doesn’t make you a man,” Kevin smugly said.


“And……you know this from personal experience?”


“Listen Brit,” Kevin huffed.  “I’ve been on my own since I was your age.  I’ve traveled all over the States, working odd jobs to support myself in whatever matchbox room I could find, while pretty rich boys like you had everything handed to you on a silver platter.”


Ty glared at him with disdain.  “Hmmm, if I’m as rich as you think say I am, then maybe I wouldn’t have this piece of crap amp to plug your precious guitar into!”


“Ooooh, do I take it that you don’t ask daddy for everything?”


Ty leaned into him.  “What are you getting  at?”


Kevin threw his hands up in the air.  “I know who you are, oh first born son of Def Leppard’s Rick Savage.  Like I told you on the phone, I heard stuff through the grapevine.  I’m sure if you placed a call to daddy right now, he could probably buy you brand new amps, as well as a guitarist with a better mood to plug into it!   Isn’t that right, Brit?”


Ty glared at him before letting a slow smile creep up his face.  He then walked over to a table and grabbed a phone book.  He went back over to Kevin and slammed it on top of the amp next to him.


“Why don’t you find yourself the number of a good crane company to carry around that huge chip on your shoulder, Yank?”


Kevin stared at the phone book, then back at Ty.  For the first time that night, he was speechless.  He regarded Ty with a look of admiration and respect and felt a twinge of hope for a musical future.


“Well, if I could reach, I’d pat myself on the back,” Ty said.  “I see that I succeeded in shutting you up.   Now, first and foremost, yeah, I’m Rick Savage’s son.  Would my father get me a brand, spanking new electric guitar and amps to match, instead of me draining what money I had on used ones?  Yeah, probably.  But, the truth is, mate, is that my dad has absolutely no idea that I’m putting a band together.  He taught me to play and taught me the mechanics of writing songs, which I’ve been doing a lot of lately.  I’m losing interest in university and am finding myself fantasizing about being up on stage in front of thousands of screaming fans singing out the words to the songs I wrote.  I am dead serious about this and so are the guys upstairs.  If you’re as serious as you say, then I’d be bloody honored to have you in this band.  You are as good as you say – maybe even better – despite your foul disposition.  If you want in, you’re in.  The choice is yours, but you better be prepared to practice till we’re perfect because I intend on having me a house someday that’ll have a room just for my guitars.  What do you say to that?”


Kevin leaned back against the table behind him and looked at Ty with sheer intensity.  He felt something very good deep inside, as a grin popped up on his face.


“You write?”


Ty nodded.  “You?”

Kevin nodded.  “Anything I can look at?”


Ty thought a bit.  He hadn’t even showed his dad what he wrote, but he was discovering a kindred spirit in the embittered guitarist before him.


Ty turned and retrieved his folder of songs he’d written, as well as sheet music of classic songs from popular bands.


“I’ll only show you mine if you show me yours,” Ty said.


Kevin chuckled.  “Save that line for the ladies, dude!  Okay, fine.  Tomorrow night, we’ll compare songs.  Lets see if there’s any promise, should we sign with a record label someday.”


“So….do I take that as a ‘yes’ that you’ll join the band?”


“Its about as close as a yes that you’ll get out of me,” Kevin snipped.  “Do you have anything in there that I can look at?”


Ty took out his purchased sheet music and handed it to Kevin.  “Just this.  Songs that you’ve already played and a couple you didn’t.  So, where exactly did you learn to play?”


Kevin smirked as he sifted through the sheet music.  “Like you.  My dad.”

He continued to go through the music until he came upon one song that he seemed intrigued by.


“Hmm, why didn’t you ask me to play anything by this band?”


Ty looked at the song and shrugged.  “Don’t know.  Guess it didn’t come to mind.  You know anything by them?”


Kevin smirked again.  “You could say that.”


Ty shook his head. “Okay Yank.  Just what are you getting at?”


Kevin pointed to the top of the sheet music.  “See the guy who wrote the song?  He’s also their guitarist.  Their um…..lead guitarist.”


Ty looked at the name and shrugged.  “Yeah, I  know.  So?”


Kevin feigned sudden realization.  “Oh, that’s right.  I never told you my last name.”


“No you didn’t,” Ty replied.  “So…..what is it?”


Kevin, again, pointed to the songwriter’s name at the top of the sheet music.  “Same as that guy.”


Ty, again, looked at the name, then to Kevin, then back to the name before staring wide eyed at Kevin.


“You mean you…….you’re his……”


“That’s right, Brit.  You’re not the only one who descends from rock royalty!”





The next day, Scott was walking around in a fog for most of the day.  He couldn’t get Chelsea’s e-mail off his mind.  As much as he was relieved to hear from her, part of him wished he didn’t.


He was so confused now, with lingering feelings for Chelsea and growing ones for Grace.  He wondered if he’d truly ever be able to be with Grace without thoughts of Chelsea invading his mind and heart.


He went to his locker to get his books for his next class.  His eyes diverted down the hall to the seldom used teachers lounge and he was suddenly flooded with memories.  That was where he and Chelsea first made love the night of the harvest dance. 


As he continued to stare, his mind went rampant with thoughts of that night.  He still could feel Chelsea’s soft skin and her hands roaming all over his body. 


He was so into reminiscing, that he didn’t feel a soft, feminine hand slide up his back from behind and rest on his shoulder.  Scott didn’t even flinch, for he thought he was still reliving that night, remembering how Chelsea touched him.


He absentmindedly closed his eyes, leaned his head back and let out a little sigh at the touch, until the owner of the hand snapped him back.




Scott turned his very flushed and aroused face around to see Grace’s beautiful green eyes staring at him bewildered.  Her hand still stayed upon his shoulder and he was reluctant to remove it.  At this moment, his body was craving the touch, but he had to remember where he was – in the school hall.


“Grace.  Hey,”


“Scott, you okay?  You looked like you were, I don’t know, out of it.”


“Yeah, I’m okay.  Its just….my mind was elsewhere, that’s all.”


“Anything you can tell me?”


How would Grace feel if he told her that he heard from Chelsea and that he was fantasizing about their first time together?  He wanted to be able to talk to her about Chelsea, but he didn’t want to hurt her feelings either.


“Oh, well, I um….got an e-mail from Chelsea last night.”


Grace removed her hand and looked a little sheepish.  “Oh?”


“Yeah.  Seems things haven’t been too good for her.  She um…got involved with a bad group and got into trouble.  She didn’t go into detail, but she had to quit school and is in counseling.  I was just worried about her, that’s all.”


“Oh…oh, I see.  Wow, how awful for her?  Scott, if you write to her again, tell her that I asked about her.”


“Well, I don’t think I’m gonna write to her.  She sort of asked me not to.  I guess by keeping a connection, its hard for her to get on in her life.  I guess its her way of making a clean break for good, but she just wanted me to know that she was doing okay.  I guess I can understand where she’s coming from.  Its hard to move on when you have lingering memories.”


“Scott, I know you still care for her – a lot.  Its okay, I understand.”


“Because you still care for Ty, right?”


She then ran her hand lovingly up his arm, which sent shivers down his spine.  “Its gonna take time, Scott. I know it.  But, all we have is time right now.”


“Do you think we’ll ever get over the memories?”


Grace thought long and hard about all she and Ty shared and had to answer honestly.


“I….I don’t know.”





That night, Ty, Mark, Randy and Kevin had their first full practice session together.  It didn’t come together as magical as Ty would’ve hoped, but they displayed a promising chemistry and were able to pick up on each other’s styles to make things jive better.


They chose a set of songs that they were all familiar with and worked those once each.  They decided to go through as many cover songs that they all knew as a foursome as they could to better work on their sound and tighten themselves up so that everything flowed.


After they were done, Mark and Randy went upstairs to watch some telly and unwind while Ty and Kevin remained downstairs.  Each had their songs that they had written and was ready to swap.  As much as Ty needed to hear his work critiqued, he also dreaded it.  The last thing he wanted to hear was that his songs sucked!


Before they looked at each other’s stuff, Ty wanted to get to know a little more about Kevin.


“So, you said that you traveled all over the States.  Exactly where are you from?”


“I was born and raised in California,” Kevin said.  “Same as my dad.  He and my mom are divorced and, as I got older, I was frustrated with going back and forth between them.  My dad taught me the guitar, but he had hard knocks ethics.  He wanted me to learn to survive without anything handed to me.  It was hard for me to grasp that because he was a rich, famous rock star, but I guess he was trying to teach me a lesson in humility.”


“Is your dad still involved in the music business?”


“He has his hands in it in terms of writing.  The band went through a crisis period which involved their lead singer and, well, he had to quit.  Dad kept the band going with a new guy and even did some albums on his own in the mid-nineties.”


“So, what made you come to merry ol’ England?”


Kevin lit a cigarette, took a drag and blew it out hard.  “Don’t know.  Change of pace, I guess.  I worked all kinds of odd jobs during the day, and mainly had hotel rooms as my place of residence.  All I did at night was play the guitar and write.  I was so tempted to call my dad on occasion and ask him for money, but I just couldn’t.  I guess I wanted to find my own way.  However, I wound up contacting my mom and she sent me money – alimony from dad, you could say.  Anyway, I got fed up in the States and went to London.  I roomed with these two guys I jammed with in a pub one night.  Had a couple of gigs with a band that needed a fill in and cleaned tables in a tea shop during the day.  When I had enough of that, I decided to come out this way.  I heard that pubs around college campuses draw big crowds so I decided to either put my own band together, or join one that could play visible places and build some sort of following.  Guess who I chose?”


“Correction mate,” Ty said.  “We chose you!”


“Yeah, whatever.  Hey, listen.  We’ve got to come up with a name.”


“I know,” Ty said.  “I’m hoping something catchy automatically pops into my brain.”


“How about, ‘Three Brits and a Yank’?”


Ty laughed.  “Yeah, that’s catchy alright, but it sounds too much like that movie back in the nineties……..um……I think the actor was British.”


“You talking about ‘Four Weddings and a Funeral’?”


“Yeah!  That’s it!’


“I’m sure we’ll think of something,” Kevin said, as he began to read Ty’s songs.  Ty, in turn, perused Kevin’s stuff.


After a few moments, Kevin let out a long slow whistle.  “Wow, this song is awesome!”


Ty perked up.  “Which one?”


“’You Release Me’,” Kevin said.  “The music you have written with it is rockin’!  I can just hear it in my head with the twin guitar harmony.”


“Thanks.  That happens to be a uh…favorite of mine.”


Kevin grinned.  “I can tell.  Who’s the chick you wrote it about?”


Ty paled.  “Huh?”


“C’mon, Ty, don’t play dumb.  Who’s the girl who ‘released you from the memory of the hell that you went through’?  Is it the one who’s tits you left your ‘mum’s’ for?”   


Ty gave Kevin a warning look.  “Aye, watch what you say!  Especially about my mum.”




Now it was Ty’s turn to let out a deep sign.  “Yeah, it was.  She was my high school sweetheart, I guess you could say.  We’ve known each other all our lives.  She’s Joe Elliott’s daughter.”


Kevin whistled again.  “Talk about keeping it in the musical family!”


“Yeah, I guess,” Ty said with a little sadness.


“And….I take it you’re still hung up on her.


“In a way I am.  She broke up with me before I left for school.  I screwed up pretty bad with her and she found out.”


Kevin took another drag of his cigarette.  “Screwed up or screwed around?”


“Both!  I gave into some conniving bitch and instantly regretted it afterwards.  It slipped out one night and she found out.”


Kevin picked up another of Ty’s songs and looked at the title before looking back at Ty.


“Would this conniving bitch be the star of your song ‘Regret’?”


Again, Ty was astounded.  “How?  How in bloody hell…?”


“Part of the talent of being a songwriter,” Kevin confidently said.  “When we start out, we always write about what we’ve experienced.  But, I gotta say, this song is deep.  She really screwed with your mind!”


“Don’t remind me,” Ty groaned.  “So, does your dad know where you are and what you’re up to?”


“He knows I’m in England, but doesn’t know about the band thing yet.  Like you, I want to spring it on him.  But I just don’t want to surprise him, I want to blow him away!”


Ty took the sheet music to one of the song’s that Kevin’s dad wrote and perused the lyrics.


“Well, seeing the talent and the success your dad had, he’s gonna be a touch act to follow.”


“Same goes for you, Brit,” Kevin replied.


“Yeah.  You’re right.”


As Ty continued to read the lyrics to the song, one caught his eye.




Kevin looked up.  “What?”


“There’s a line in the chorus of this song – ‘caught in the crossfire’.  What do you think of that for a band name?”


Kevin thought on it for a bit.  “Hmm, does sound catchy.  Not too wimpy, but not thrash either.  We both come from ‘across’ the Atlantic, so to speak.  And, no doubt we have fire.”


“Crikey, that sounds so corny,” Ty complained.


“But its true.”




“I like it.  Lets run it by the other guys, but…..I’m game!”