As the summer months approached, soccer season officially started.  And, as usual, Grace and her friends attended just about every practice and home game.  Scott had taken up where his brother had left off and was quickly recognized as the best player on the squad, even over any of the senior lads.


Grace sat in the bleachers with Allison and Beth, talking their normal girl talk which, at the moment, consisted of the half naked sweaty lads on the field.


“Well, I certainly see several lads who could easily take my mind off Chad,” Beth said.  “Crikey, I think they remove their shirts on purpose, knowing that half the junior and senior girls are here watching!”


“Can you blame them?” Allison asked.  “They are lads after all.  They know we come here to watch them and not because we’re interested in the actual game!”


Grace tried to keep a neutral face on as her eyes followed every move Scott made.  Several months had passed and they were still taking things slow.  Neither one had brought up Ty or Chelsea in front of the other, but knew that lingering thoughts still existed.  But that was only when they were apart.  Whenever they saw each other, their eyes told a totally different story.  Grace knew that she cared for Scott and was very physically attracted to him, but didn’t know if those feelings were generated because of the empty space Ty left.


“So Grace,” Allison said.  “How long are you and Scott gonna play secret kissey-face until you really make a move on each other?”


Grace looked at her friend appalled.  “I…I….what do you mean ‘make a move’?”


“Don’t ask her to spell it out,” Beth said to Grace.  “You know how blunt she can be!”


“Stuff it Beth,” Allison said.  “I’m gonna spell it out anyway, in my most tasteful, ladylike fashion.  So….Grace…..are you gonna let him in your pants or what?”


Grace buried her face in her hands.  “Oh Lord!  You two better quit coming to practice cause its putting your hormones in overdrive!”


“That doesn’t answer the question lassie,” Allison said.  “Yes or no?”


“I….I….God, I haven’t thought about that!”


“Uh-huh, sure you haven’t,” Beth said sarcastically.  “C’mon, Grace.  We see you sneaking kisses.  You’re obviously interested in him more than you thought.  And…..crikey, look at him.”


Beth swept her hand towards the field.   Scott was running backwards, defending a player who had the ball.  The only thing that covered his sweat-sheened, lightly muscled teenage body was a pair of dark blue nylon shorts that grazed his mid-thigh.  His dark blonde hair was damp with sweat and showing faint signs of his father’s natural curl.


“Now tell me,” Beth said, trying to make a point.  “Can you look at him and honestly tell me that you don’t have carnal thoughts about him?”


Grace’s glazed eyes and warm cheeks as she watched the muscles play over Scott’s bare chest as he ran all over the field was answer enough.  Beth just giggled.


“Didn’t think so.”


Grace just continued to watch Scott as nary a thought of Ty was present in her mind.  All that mattered at the moment was the incredibly fine looking lad running half naked all over the soccer field.  She immediately thought to their very passionate kiss in his car a few months ago and she felt her body get warm all over – especially in forbidden places.


As she continued to stare, she absentminded licked her lips as her thoughts became more rampant.  Then, when Scott looked up in the bleachers and saw her, he waved and flashed her a charming smile that made her skin melt.


“I think we lost her,” Allison said to Beth. 


“I think she’s gonna lose a lot more than that if she keeps staring at Scott the way she is,” Beth replied to Allison.


Grace ignored her friends comments as her eyes fixed on two senior girls that made their way to the sidelines.  Their heads were close together and pointing on the field.  One of them was clearly pointing at Scott.


Grace didn’t like it one bit.


She was suddenly filled with her father’s boldness as she stood up and lept down the bleachers and headed to the sidelines.  She stood back from the rest of the players, hands seductively shoved in the back pockets of her jeans, a curvy hip thrust out to one side.  Some of the guys were checking her out, but it was clear that Scott was in her line of vision.


She waited until the coach blew the whistle for a break and watched Scott trot off towards where she was.  As he approached the sidelines, one of the two senior girls stopped him by running her hand up his sweaty bare arm and said “nice footwork out there Scott”.


Scott smiled politely and thanked her before he saw that Grace had come down from the bleachers.  Scott completely forgot about the two senior girls and walked over to Grace.  As he did, he saw Grace’s eyes look him up and down very, very slowly.  This caused him to get warmer than he was and harder than he’d like.


“Aye luv,” he said as he stood in front of her.  “Whatcha doin’ down here?”


Without a word, Grace slid her hand up his arm until it cupped the back of his neck, pulled him down and kissed him hard.


Up in the bleachers, Beth and Allison applauded and whooped, as did few of the lads on the sidelines who witnessed it.


“Looks like someone just made her move!” Allison commented.  


“And someone’s gonna be in someone elses pants very soon,” Beth added.





A week later, Ty and the rest of the band were in the middle of another practice.  The band amazingly got better and better with each one.  He was in awe at the chemistry between all of them and, for all of Kevin’s irritating habits, he was becoming rather fun to be around.


After acing several cover songs, they took a step forward and decided to do a couple of original songs that Ty and Kevin wrote.  They already went through what they already had, putting aside the best ones in a folder labeled ‘First Album’ which was their obvious goal.  Instead of going through what was left, Ty and Kevin decided to collaborate together to come up with a couple of originals.  It was becoming quite clear that they were the songwriting talent of the foursome.  Randy and Mark were quite content with their roles and much preferred playing to the strain of writing.


When the time was drawing close to trying to get a pub gig, Kevin came up with a suggestion.


“You know guys, even if we get a gig, no one’s gonna know us,” he said.  “We’ve been rehearsing down in the basement for several months and no one knows we exist.  We need to build a small following before we actually head out public.”


Mark shrugged.  “How in bleedin’ hell we gonna do that, mate?  We can’t build a following until we go public.”


“Unless we’re heard elsewhere before we actually do a gig,” Randy added.  “Maybe an open practice session somewhere where people want to come and watch.”


All of a sudden, Ty got a brainstorm.  “The university auditorium!”


Mark looked at him.  “Yeah?  What about it?”


“We can see if we can get permission to practice there.  Since the  school year’s almost out, there’s really not much going on.  I’ll see if we can use it for a few hours a day or…whatever.”


“Hey yeah,” Randy added with excitement.  “Chances are, there’ll be a lot of students hanging around hearing us play.”


“And will want to come in to check us out,” Ty finished.


“May as well start with the students,” Kevin said.  “They’re gonna be the ones filling the pubs. 


“You know, I heard that a lot of students stay on campus during the summer instead of going back home, especially if they live far away. “


Kevin stood up and clapped his hands together.  “Well, what have we got to lose?  Lets go for it!”





Two weeks later, a man and woman in their mid-40’s was perusing the campus with their 18 year old daughter and orientation guide.  They went in and out of each building and studied the surroundings for it was apparent that the young lass was planning on attending.


As they walked towards another larger building, they saw a posse of kids rushing in and out.  The faint sound of what was clearly rock music assailed their ears all the way outside.


“What’s going on in there?” the young girl asked.


The orientation guide pursed her lips together.  “Oh, a couple of lads put a little band together.  They’ve been rehearsing in there for the last 10 days or so.  They’ve been told not to play too loud, especially during the day.  Blasted music goes clear through the walls!    Also, students have been skipping class just to go in and listen.  I just can’t imagine!”


The young girl pulled her parents by the hand.  “C’mon.  Lets go in and check them out a bit.”


The parents gave in as the orientation guide rolled her eyes and kept her ground.  “Take your time, I’ll be waiting out here.  I can’t standing listening to that horrendous noise!”


As the young girl opened the door, the loudness and clarity of the music inside nearly knocked her into her parents.   She then pulled open the double doors and looked in to see an auditorium filled with about 60 kids, while a band that consisted of four very good looking lads rocked their hearts out on stage.


She continued to walk closer as her eyes began to focus on the tall, blue eyed, wavy haired lead singer dressed in faded blue jeans, black t-shirt and black boots.  He strummed his electric guitar to the rhythem of the song as he belted out the lyrics.


Standing in the rain, with his head hung low
Couldn't get a ticket, it was a sold out show
Heard the roar of the crowd, he could picture the scene
Put his ear to the wall, then like a distant scream

He heard one guitar, just blew him away
He saw stars in his eyes, and the very next day
Bought a beat up six string, in a secondhand store
Didn't know how to play it, but he knew for sure

That one guitar, felt good in his hands
Didn't take long, to understand
Just one guitar, slung way down low
Was a one way ticket, only one way to go

So he started rockin'
Ain't never gonna stop
Gotta keep on rockin'
Someday gonna make it to the top

And be a juke box hero, got stars in his eyes
He's a juke box hero, he took one guitar
Juke box hero, stars in his eyes
Juke box hero, (stars in his eyes)
He'll come alive tonight


Her eyes then flashed to the dark haired, dark eyed lead guitarist who arrogantly strutted as he sliced into his riffs.  They then wandered to the bass player with sexy golden brown eyes, plucking his bass as he moved his body in time with his throbbing beats.  Behind him was the drummer with penetrating green eyes, wicked dimples and a brilliant smile, keeping the infectious beat as he alternately twirled the drumsticks in his hands for show.


She looked at the sign on the base of the stage.  ‘Crossfire’.  She surmised it was the band’s name.


Around her, guys pumped their fists in the air as the girls seductively moved their bodies in time with the music. 


As she looked up, the lead singer caught her eye and winked at her.  The young girl blushed, even as she felt the wicked excitement course through her.


Just then, her parents came up behind her.  “Aye, I know that song,” her father said.  “That’s ‘Jukebox Hero’ by Foreigner.”


The girl then flashed at the lead singer before turning to her parents.  “I think I want to come here in the fall!”





A week later, Grace finished helping her mum clean up from dinner.  Her mind was more and more on Scott and less and less on Ty.  That kiss she gave him at practice a few weeks ago caught him off-guard and sent him reeling a bit.  She should’ve known better kissing him like that, being as shy as he is, especially in public, but he surprised her back by giving into it, despite the pleased crowd around him.


She now wished she never did it because she did it for the wrong reason.  If not for her petty jealousy, she never would’ve done it.  She just didn’t want to give him the wrong signals.


Or did she?


After she was done, she decided to go for a walk.  It was a little after seven in the evening but it was still fairly light outside.  She went down to the park and sat on the bleachers for a bit before heading back out down the street.  It wasn’t long before she found herself in front of Scott’s house.


She rang the buzzer on the gate and was surprised that Scott answered.


“Scott?  Its me Grace.  Can….can I talk to you?”


“Y,….yeah, sure,” his voice stammered through before he let her in.  He waited for her at the front door dressed in beige cargo shorts and a thin white t-shirt.  His hair was damp and he had a towel around his neck.”


“I just got out of the shower,” he said.  “We had a late practice at school today.”


“Oh, I see.  Um, where’s your parents?”


“Your dad didn’t tell you?  They headed to Ireland for a few days.  An elderly aunt of my mum’s passed away and they went for the funeral.”


The temptation of being alone in the house with Scott was too much for Grace to bear.  Little did she know, Scott was feeling the same about her.


“Scott, we need to talk.”


“Um, okay,” he said warily.  “Lets go in the family room.


They both sat down on the couch and Grace struggled with her words.   “Scott, about that kiss I gave you at practice a couple of weeks ago.  Um, I want to apologize.  I……I didn’t mean to act like that.  I mean, I did want to kiss you, but not for the reason…..I mean…..”


“Grace, why did you kiss me?’


“I…..I saw those two senior girls and, well…….I was just stupid, that’s all!  I don’t even know why I’m jealous.  I mean, we’re not steady, right?  We agreed that we were gonna take this one day at a time.  I guess that means if you fancy another girl, then you have every right to……..”


“Is that what you want, Grace? 


“Scott, I don’t know what I want!  I feel like an idiot.”


“No you’re not,” he said.  “I feel the same way.  This thing between us is confusing.  We want to, but we think its wrong.”


Grace looked at him.   “Is it wrong?”


“For me to care about you?  No, it isn’t.  But considering you were my brother’s steady girl, it feels wrong.”


“I know,” she said.  “I guess that’s what’s been holding me back.”


“Holding you back from what?”


Grace stared at his damp hair and couldn’t help reaching up and running her fingers through it, the coolness a relief to her hot skin.  Scott closed his eyes and leaned into her hand.


Grace,” he whispered.  “Dammit, you start touching me like that and……”


She reached her other hand up to cup his face.  “And what?”


Scott reached up and took her face in his hands.  “Crikey……this!”


He pulled her mouth up to his as they furiously made out.  It wasn’t long before they were no longer in a sitting position.  Grace had wanted to feel his body on hers so badly that she leaned back, taking him with her.


They were both very much out of control, breathing heavily and not thinking.  Not at all!  Their hands began to fumble with each others shorts.  Grace unfastened his while he slid her out of her cotton terry ones.


No question that the heat of the moment took away all sense, reason and, most of all, responsibility.  Consequences were not on their mind, only the feel of each others skin and bare bottom halves grinding against one another.


Grace instinctively brought her legs up to hook around his waist as Scott instantly pushed into her with mindless need.  Grace broke away from the kiss just enough to gasp from the invasion.


“Yes!  Oh God, yes!  Oh, that feels so good!”


Scott took her mouth again as he thrust in and out of her, the exquisite feel spinning him out of control.  It was so intense that the buildup of his release came upon him like lightening.


He broke the kiss and buried his face in her neck.  “Grace!  Dammit, Grace.  Oh….my……God!”


As he said those words, his thrusts became faster and faster until he spilled himself inside of her, the force of his climax causing him to cry out in painful pleasure into the armrest of the couch.


Grace lightly bit down on his shoulder and pulled his damp hair as she felt her own set of pleasurable throbs.”


It didn’t take long for the glow of what just occurred to wear off before they both looked at each other horrified.


“Oh God!” Grace groaned out.  “What have we done?”






Two weeks later, Ty sat in his dorm room for, what he knew within his heart, would be the last time.  He juggled his cell phone between both hands, contemplating the call that would probably change his life.


Across from him, Mark sat on his bed trying to offer his encouragement.  “Ty, you can’t put it off any longer.  I already broke the news to my parents.  They think I’m wasting my life, but I told them that if things didn’t work out, I could always go back.  That appeased him somewhat.”


“Yeah but this is different, Mark,” Ty said.  “My dad is an expert in this business.  Its one thing to tell him I failed at university.  But to make a go into music and fail?  I’m his son – that’s one area I shouldn’t fail at!”


“Yeah, and my dad’s been a music teacher most of his life,” Mark reasoned.  “Ty, you have nothing to worry about.  You’ve been in that auditorium the last month and a half.  You see the crowds we’ve drawn.  And, just like Kevin said, they became our base and it was wild when they all showed up at our first pub gig.  It looked as if we were already established.  We blew that bleedin’ place away.”


“Yeah, but my dad and uncle aren’t teenage students.  They’re grown men who’s been in this business since they were teenagers.”


“Mate….don’t back out now,” Mark said.  “This was what we talked about when we started rooming together.  We thought it was just a pipe dream.  Maybe it is, who knows?  But we won’t know until we take a shot.  And, right now, you hold the key to that shot.  But we’ve got to convince them first.”


Ty stared down at his cell phone and slowly punched in his dad’s number.  It rang a few times before he answered.




“Aye dad.”


“Aye, Tyler,” Sav said on the other end.  “Are you finishing up lad?”


“Um, just about.”


“So, when you coming home?”


“Well, I won’t be home for another week or so.”


“What?  Why?”


“Well, actually…..um….Mark and I have this um…..extracirricular project we’re working on and, well, we’ve got to finish up a bit.”


Mark looked at him strangely from across the room as Ty motioned for him to shush.


“Oh, okay,” Sav said.  “Glad to see you’ve got enthusiasm, lad.”


“Too bad its not for school,” Ty murmured.


“Speak up lad, we’ve got a bad connection.”


“Oh, nothing.  Um, dad listen.  I was wondering if you could do something for me.”


“What son?”


“Well, I was wondering if you could come here next Friday.  There’s something I need to talk to you about.”


Sav was quiet on the other end.  “Ty.  You alright?”


“Oh, yeah I’m fine dad.  Its just, well, something I want to do in person.  And, well, since Mark and I are doing this, um…project, I can’t come home just yet.  But, come in on the late tram since I’ll be kinda tied up all day.  There’s a great pub on campus we can go for dinner and talk.”


“Alright Ty,” Sav relucatantly said.  “You sure everything’s alright?”


“Dad, I’ll say this much.  I haven’t felt this good in a long time!”


Sav perked up on the other end.  “Well, great.  Okay, I’ll get the schedule for Friday afternoon and I’ll call you when I get in.”


“Okay.  And dad…one more thing?”




“Bring Uncle Joe with you.”


“Do I have to?”


Ty snickered.  “Well, I can’t say what, but it kinda involves him as well.”


Sav was really confused now.  He wondered if it had anything to do with Grace.  “Okay, well, I’ll call him and see if he can make it.”


“Okay.  So, call me on my cell as soon as you get in.  I’ll make arrangements at the pub in the meantime, okay?”


“Okay Ty.  See you then.”


“Bye dad.”


Ty clicked off his cell phone and looked at Mark.  “Showtime!”     





That Friday, Joe and Sav left their respective houses to takethe 4 o’clock tram into Canterbury.  Abby and Paige used the opportunity to go out to dinner as Grace stayed home to watch J.T.  As soon as her parents left, Grace called Scott, knowing that he’d be alone as well.




“Hi, its me.”


“Hi,” Scott said awkwardly on the other end.  “Is everyone gone over there?”


“Well, its just me and J.T.  He knows better than to bother me.”


There wasn’t even laughter from Scott’s end.  The silence between them was tense.






“Are you angry with me?”


“No Grace.  Of course not.  I’m angry at me!”


“Scott, don’t be.  It was both our faults.  We just got to carried away.”


“Yeah, well admitting our mistake now is too late.  Grace, what if……oh God, your dad….my dad….”


“I know, I know,” Grace trembled on the other end.  “I guess, all we can do is wait.”


“Its gonna be hell waiting,” he said.


“I know.  Scott….I’m….oh God, I’m scared!  I’m sorry.  I know that’s the last thing you need to hear.  I’m sure you’re scared too, but………I just can’t help it.”


“I’m scared too Grace.  But…..now that I think about it….”




Scott got very embarrassed on the other end.   “Um…well…not to bring it up but, well, the night before Chelsea left for the States, we um….had unprotected sex.”


“What?  You did?”


“Well, she mentioned something about just finishing her…..you know….monthly time, so she was safe.”


“Yeah, well I guess you’re safer right after rather than right before,” Grace said.  “I….I can’t remember how far back I finished my…..you know….last time before we did it.  Again, all I can do is wait.”


“Grace, what’ll happen if….?”


“I…..I don’t know Scott,” Grace said as she began to sob.





Sav and Joe arrived in Canterbury close to eight that evening.  As soon as they got off the tram, Sav took his cell phone and called Ty.




“Ty, its me,” Sav said.  “Uncle Joe and I just got in.  Tell us where to meet you.”


“Oh, okay.   Well, here’s the address of the pub where I’ll meet you.  Um, dad….I may be a little late.  Mark and I are kinda tied up, so if you and Uncle Joe want, you can have dinner when you get there and just wait for me.  I’ll grab something when I get there.”


Sav was puzzled.  “Ty, how late are you gonna be?  I thought we were gonna have dinner together.”


“Um, well, we may not be able to have dinner, but we do still need to talk.  I’ll explain when you see me.  Don’t worry dad, nothings wrong.”


Sav sighed deeply as he took the address of the pub from Ty and clicked his phone off.


“What’s going on with him, Sav?”


Sav shrugged at Joe.  “I haven’t a clue.  Part of me is concerned, but he said there’s nothing to worry about.”


“I wonder why he wanted me here,” Joe said.


“I wondered the same thing.  At first, I thought that it had something to do with Grace.  What, I couldn’t imagine?  But, from what I could interpret from what he was able to tell me, I don’t think it is.”


“Well, lets get a taxi to the pub.  I’m starved!”




All during dinner, Sav kept looking at his watch.  It was almost nine o’clock and Ty still wasn’t there.


“Joe, now I’m getting worried.”


“I don’t think there’s anything to worry about, but it is a little puzzling,” Joe replied.


Just then, Sav’s cell phone rang.  “’Ello?”


“Dad, its me.”


“Ty, where in bleedin’ hell are you?”


“Dad, calm down.  I’m sorry, okay.  I told you, Mark and I got tied up.”


“Are you on your way?”


“Uh….yeah.  Lets just say that you’ll see me in a few minutes.”


“Okay, hurry up,” Sav said as he hung up.  He then turned to Joe.  “He’ll be here any minute.”


Joe then saw the flyer that was in a plexi-glass stand on the table.  “Aye, whats this?”


Joe stared at the flyer for a band that was performing tonight at 9.  “Hmm, guess we’ve got some entertainment tonight.”


He then looked at the band’s symbol – a medieval style cross with a flame behind it.  “Crossfire,” Joe said in deep thought.  “Wonder how good they are?”


“Well, we’ll soon find out,” Sav said as the houselights began to dim.  They both looked towards the curtained stage and waited for the act to come on.





Behind the stage, Ty had clicked his cell phone off after calling his father, whom he knew was seated just outside.  He threw the phone down with his stuff as he strapped his guitar on.  Turning to Mark, he took a deep breath.


“Well, this is it.”


“Yeah,” Mark agreed a little nervously.  “This is it.”


Then, Kevin came over.  “Ty, your dad here?”


“Yeah, he’s out there.  Uncle Joe too.”


“My parents are here as well,” Mark said.  “And Randy’s brother and wife too.”


Kevin sombered a bit.  “Man, what I wouldn’t give to have my dad here,” he said. 


“Next time mate,” Ty reassured him.  “And, in the immortal words of my Uncle Joe….’there will be a next time’!  Besides, he’s on the other side of the Atlantic.”


Just then, the pub owner’s voice blared from the speakers to announce the band.


“Okay, everyone.  You’ve been waiting all night.  Here they are………Crossfire!”


A crowd of about 40 college students, mostly girls, lined the front of the stage screaming and applauding.


From their table, Joe and Sav sat back with a surprised look on their faces.  “Wow, this band’s got quite a little following,” Joe said.  “Look at all those pretty young things up front?”


Sav smirked.  “Kinda reminds you of our shows in the early days, eh?”


Joe chuckled as he began to hear the opening guitar riff of a very familiar song.  The house was still dim and the curtain was still closed.  All that was heard was the blaring guitar intro, followed by a voice that sang out the opening verse:


Those crazy nights, I do remember in my youth

I do recall, those were the best times, most of all

In the heat with a blue jean girl



As soon as the first few opening lines were sung out, the curtains opened as the drums and bass entered the song as the lead singer/guitarist continued verse.




Burnin' love comes once in a lifetime

She found me singing by the rail road track

Took me home, we danced by moonlight


Then the entire band came in with the harmonic chorus:



Those summer nights are callin',

stone in love

Can't help myself I'm fallin'

stone in love


It only took the band to get through the first few lines of Journey’s ‘Stone In Love’ before Joe edged forward in his chair to get a better glimpse of the young talented lads rockin’ on stage.  He then turned shocked eyes to Sav who had removed his glasses to clean them with a napkin before putting them back on.


“Sav…..is….is that….?”


Recognition hit Sav like a ton of bricks.  “Crikey!  That’s my son!”






Through five straight songs, Joe and Sav sat in the pub with equal looks of shock and joy.  Joe was totally taken by surprise, not to mention pleased as pie, that Ty was not only a guitarist, but the lead singer as well.  He grinned as if Ty were his own son, but it was nothing compared to the expression on Sav’s face as he watched his first born son up on stage doing what he did best for 30+ years.  If he smiled any wider, his face would’ve split in two!


They also couldn’t get over the crowd of young people that hovered up front, cheering and clapping as if they’d been following this band for a long time.  It just occurred to Sav that Ty had been up to this for quite some time, which explained the loyal following they had so far.  He wondered why he hadn’t told him about forming a band, but decided that tonight was Ty’s way of telling him. 


As they finished off the fifth song, the place filled with applause as Ty grabbed a towel off the speaker to wipe the sweat from his face.  The rest of the band did the same before taking long drinks from their respective water bottle.  His throat a bit cooler and his skin a bit drier, Ty went back to his mic and stared out into the dimly lit pub.  The bright lights on stage made it a bit difficult for him to see his dad – although he was glad he couldn’t have direct eye contact with him.  He was nervous as hell!


“Okay, you guys are brilliant tonight!” Ty shouted out as the crowd responded to it.  “This next song is from a band that was around a long time and enjoyed mega success.  This song is the also the title of their best selling, multi platinum album.  It also has a very special meaning to a very special someone in the audience tonight.  You’ll know who you are when we start playing it.”


Ty then turned to Randy who clicked his drumsticks together on a four time count to start the song. 


When the familiar guitar intro began, Sav thought he’d bust inside with pride.  He looked at Joe, who looked back at him, very impressed.




They watched the band doing a dead on renditon of ‘Hysteria’, and watched the girls at the front of the stage completely melt as Ty made eye contact as he sang the bridge.


“I gotta know tonight if you're alone tonight
Can't stop this feeling, can't stop this fire…”


As soon as they finished the song, they announced their last.


“Okay, we’re gonna end this on a rockin’ note,” Ty said into the mic.  “This is a personal favorite of our guitarist, Kevin.  And….just to let him know tonight….he owes me one, since this song makes two!”


Kevin grinned as Randy, again, counted off before Kevin and Ty ripped into their guitars together to open the song before Ty began to sing.


When you've been picked and it's over

What's that chip on your shoulder?

Outside were solid rainbows

Inside is where the heart grows

Picking up the pieces

Something more to believe in


As you search the embers

Think what you've had, remember

Hang on, don't let go now

You know, with every heartbeat, we love

Nothing comes easy


Hang on, ask the lonely


Sav and Joe watched Kevin go into his guitar solo and were astounded, pretty much as they were all night.  Sav then leaned into Joe.  “You know….his style, his presence………he reminds me of someone, but I don’t quite know who.”


“Well, he obviously studied a lot of guitarists,” Joe responded.  “But, I gotta say, he got an arrogant confidence about him that’s electric.”


When the song ended, the entire pub was on their feet clapping and screaming.  The band removed themselves from their instruments and hurried backstage.  Once they got to a private backroom, the removed their sweat-drenched shirts and ran cool, wet towels all over themselves.  Once dry, the put on clean t-shirts they brought with them, then brisky rubbed the sweat from their hair with another towel. 


Once refreshed, they each grabbed an ale and headed out front.  As they emerged, a small crowd of college kids began to cheer and surround them.  One sweet looking lass went right up to Ty and slinked an arm around him.


“You were mega, Ty,” she cooed at him.  “You have no idea how turned on I am from watching that.”


With that, the lass leaned up and planted a kiss on his mouth, as her hand slid down to the fly of his jeans.  Ty jerked back a bit and took her hand.


“Later luv,” he whispered.  “Right now, we’ve got some people to meet with.”


The girl frowned and walked away, but not before a few of her friends tried the same thing with the other band members.  One of them approached Randy who wasn’t as shy as Ty.  When the girl indicated exactly what she wanted to do, Randy put his arm around her, swept her backwards and gave a deep kiss – tongue and all.


“Aye, later drummer boy,” Kevin shouted in his direction.


“I suppose you’re not interested either?”


Kevin looked down to see a very pretty brunette leaning up against him, her breasts brushing his chest very provocatively.


“Oh, I’m very interested darlin’,” he drawled out in his California twang.  “We’ve just got some band business to take care of.”


“Well, when you’re done, I can take care of you!”


The brunette grabbed his butt as she said that before walking off.  Kevin leaned his head back and let out a groan.  They then had to pull Mark away from two girls before the four of them took collective breath’s before heading over to Sav and Joe’s table.


“Moment of truth,” Kevin whispered to Ty as they approached the table.  When they did, Sav and Joe stood with ridiculous grins on their faces.


Ty held his arms out and shrugged his shoulders.  “Surprise!”






Sav just stared at his son with a look of pride and joy.  Without a word, he walked over to Ty and hugged him fiercely.


“That was bloody fabulous lad,” he whispered in his ear before letting go and clapping him on the shoulder.  “All of you lads were incredible.”


“Dad, you’re not just saying that right?  I mean, you’re being totally honest?”


Sav motioned to Joe.  “Well, you’ve rendered your Uncle Joe speechless, which is a testament to how good you were!”


“Stuff it, Sav,” Joe grumbled out.


“I spoke too soon!  So, Mark,” Sav said, extending his hand.  “You’ve become quite proficient with the bass, lad.”


Mark shook Sav’s hand.  “Thanks, Mr. Savage.  Actually, you have Ty to thank for that.  He worked with me a lot.  I guess you taught him well.”


Sav looked at Ty proudly.  “I guess I did.  Now, who are the other two?”


Ty motioned to Randy.  “This is Randy Spencer, our drummer.  H brother has been letting us use his basement to rehearse these last few months.”


Sav shook Randy’s hand.  “Good to meet you, lad.  You’re quite talented.”


“Thank you sir,” Randy replied, on a high from all the praise.  “I’ve been playing for a long time, but this is my first time with a group.  Its awesome!”


Sav smiled at Randy’s exuberency before turning to Kevin.  Ty saw, and smirked, awaiting his father’s reaction.


“Now you are an amazing guitarist,” Sav said to Kevin.  “Both Joe and I couldn’t get over how well you mastered all those solos.”


“That’s right,” Joe added.  “You’ve got the guitarist’s attitude – very confident.”


“Thanks sir,” Kevin answered.  “Lets just say that I …..learned from one of the best.”


Kevin then extended his hand.  “Oh, by the way, I’m Kevin.  Kevin Schon.”


Sav took his hand and shook it as slow realization came over him.  His mouth dropped as he turned to Joe who let out a laugh.  “I knew there was something familiar about you, lad!”


“Kevin Schon?” Sav questioned.  “As in…….Neal Schon of Journey?”


Kevin shrugged his shoulders.  “Is there any other?”


Joe laughed out loud again.  “Boy, you do have attitude lad!  I like you already!”


“So Kevin,” Sav said.  “How is your dad?”


“Well, I haven’t spoken to him in a while, but last I did he was doing fine.  Doing a lot of songwriting mainly for a lot of current acts.  He likes to keep himself involved.  Its really hard to stay away from something that’s been your life for so many years.”


“Tell me about it,” Sav said.  “We don’t know the meaning of ‘retirement’ yet, right Joe?”


“Retirement is for old people,” Joe retorted.  “We keep ourselves on top of things with the London and New York studio and the management company.”


Kevin, Mark and Randy eyed Ty at those words and Sav and Joe caught on.  Sav pulled a chair out to sit down, as did everyone else.


“So Ty, is this why you wanted us to come out here so badly?”


“Yes I did, but….um…there’s more.”


Sav eyed Joe before looking back at Ty.  “What is it, lad?”


Ty took a deep breath and let it out.  “Dad, we want to do what you guys did when you first started out.  We want to record a demo for the radio stations and hope for a record label.”


Sav digested this very slowly.  Yes, his son was desiring to follow in his footsteps, but it also meant something else.


“Ty, what about university?”


Ty looked down.  “Dad, I…..I don’t want to go back.  I’m not doing that well anyway.  That isn’t what I want.  This,” pointing to the stage, “is what I want.  I’ve never been more sure about something in my life.  And, if this doesn’t work out, I could always go back.  I promise.”


“Ty, I don’t want you doing something that you’re not happy with.  And, I’m not one to discourage you from following your dream.  If my dad did that, I wouldn’t be where I am today.  But, you don’t have to go the route we did.  With what we heard tonight, we can mix a demo in the London studio and I can send it right to Q-Prime to shop for a label.”


“No,” Ty said emphatically.  “That’s not what we want.  Dad, Kevin and are the major songwriters.  I don’t want people seeing our names listed on the credits and think that the only reason we got where we did was because of who our fathers are.  We want to get to where we want because of the music – nothing else.”


“Ty, I promise you that you can still do that and not have to go through all the obstacles that your Uncle Joe and I did.”


“I can second that,” Joe said.  “You don’t have to struggle that way, Ty.  But, you won’t have it handed to you either.”


“How so?”


“We can record your demo, send it to Q-Prime without any songwriting credits on it.  Only the band name will be on it – no individual names.  If you get a record contract, it will be because of the music and not your names.    And, if your original stuff is anywhere as good as how you played tonight, you won’t be waiting that long.”


Ty turned to his three bandmates who were grinning with hope then turned back to his dad.  “So, you and Uncle Joe will do it?  You’ll record us?”


Sav turned to Joe.  “What do you think, Joe?  Think they have promise?”


“Well, judging from that posse of lasses that latched themselves onto you as soon as you came out, I’d say you’re on the right track.  I’d say…lets get you recorded and get you heard!”


The four young lads jumped out of their chairs and group-hugged, clearly unable to contain their enthusiasm.


Sav sat there and watched them as memories of Def Leppard’s early days invaded his memory and warmed his heart.  Only Joe’s clap on the shoulder startled him.









A week had passed as Ty and the band packed up their stuff and took the tram into London.  Sav and Joe picked them up there and took them to a their flat in the District.


As soon as the lads stepped into the meticulous 3 bedroom flat, they dropped their bags and and looked around.


“Whoa,” Randy exclaimed.  “You mean we’re actually staying here?”


Mark went over to the wall unit that had a small built in wine rack with a tiny stocked bar underneath.  “Well, we’ve got all the provisions we need!”


“Nevermind, lads,” Sav chided them.  “Joe and I got this place so we didn’t have to stay in a hotel whenever we had to come to town.  Since there are four of you and two of us, you lads can stay here and we’ll take rooms at a hotel while we record.”


“And since it should only take a few days to demo around 4 songs, there won’t be enough time for you lads to do any damage,” Joe added.


Just then, Kevin came out from perusing the bedrooms.  “Uh, okay…there’s three bedrooms and four of us.”


“The couch has a pullout,” Sav quickly said.  “As for who gets it, my advice to you is to take turns.”


Ty slung an arm around Kevin’s neck and regarded him smugly.  “Well, since this is a family residence, I think it only fair that I sleep in bed every night!”


Kevin playfully smacked him away.  “Bite me, Brit!”


“So um….are the beds big enough for two?  Or……three?”


Randy’s question caused the lads to chuckle and whoop and Sav and Joe to sternly narrow their eyes at them.


“Okay lads, here are the rules,” Sav said.  “Now, this is a respectable flat building with neighbors who would balk if they knew a young rock band was living here for a few days.  So, look around the flat.  This is how it better look when you lads leave.  I don’t want anything messed up or broken.  Also, no wild parties and no blasting loud music, else there will be complaints.  And, last but not least, if you plan on entertaining company of the female persuasion, um…..keep it clean!”


“Sure dad,” Ty said with a grin.  “After we’re all done shagging, we’ll all take a bath together in that huge jacuzzi.  Is that clean enough?”


“Jacuzzi?”  Mark, Kevin and Randy darted to the bathroom as Sav narrowed his eyes at his son. 


“Don’t get smart, lad.  You know what I’m talking about.  You lads can have your fun after we’re done with you at the studio, but not too much fun that you stumble in late and half tanked the next morning.  Is that understood?”


“Gee Sav, you kinda sound like Mutt,” Joe mused.


“Mutt?  You mean Mutt Lange?”


“Slavedriver extrodinaire,” Joe replied.  “He brought us to tears, but he also brought the best out in us.  The result was a 7 million selling album.  Now, this is just a demo, but it’s a good stepping stone as what to expect when you land a record contract.”


When?  Don’t you mean ‘if’ Uncle Joe?”


“No, I mean when, lad.”


Ty puffed a bit with pride, feeling very good about this venture that he and the lads were taking.  Just then, the other three emerged from the bathroom.


“Oh man…..the entire wall behind the jacuzzi is mirrored!” Randy gushed. 


Ty folded his arms and looked at his father warily.  “Aye, dad.  If this place is for when you and Uncle Joe are in town, why do you need mirrored bathroom walls in a jacuzzi, hmmm?”


“Yeah, really,” Kevin shouted.  “Do you guys, uh…entertain when you’re in town?”


Sav and Joe stared at a snickering Kevin then back to Ty.  “No, you smartmouths.  It just so happens that when your mother and I come into town, we sometimes stay here instead of taking the tram back into Sheffield.  Which means, that jacuzzi gets put to good use!”


Ty covered his ears.  “Ugh, dad please!  No sex talk about you and mum!”


“Tyler, your father and I may be old, but we could probably outshag you lads any day of the week,” Joe said


“Oooh, group challenge,” Randy called out.


“Nevermind,” Sav said.  “Now, we’re going to check in and get some dinner.  You lads can either join us or go off on your own tonight.  But….10:00am bright and early tomorrow at the studio.  Since you lads don’t want any special treatment, you can grab a taxi or take the bus.”


Mark spread his arms out wide. “What?  No chauffered limo?”


Randy slung his arm around him.  “Don’t worry mate.  There’ll be plenty of those once we make it!”


“Now that’s the way to think,” Joe said.


Sav and Joe left the flat and, after closing the door behind them, looked at each other with reminiscent grins. 


“Reminds me of the time the five of us were crammed in that tiny little flat for months while recording Pyromania,” Joe said.


“God, does it ever,” Sav agreed.







A few days later, Grace woke up on Sunday morning to very familiar cramping in her lower belly.  She had been in knots this past month ever since her and Scott had sex and she hoped this was the sign she’d been praying for.


She jumped out of bed and headed to the bathroom, letting out a long, relieved sigh at the very much welcomed arrival of her period.


She put her face in her hands and said a prayer to God and vowed that she would never be so foolish and irresponsible again – no matter how bad her hormones were raging.


She cleaned herself up and grabbed a pad.  Rubbing her lower tummy, she took a couple of Pamprin to ward of the onset of her cramps before heading downstairs to get something to eat.  Since her stomach wasn’t a jumble, she was suddenly very hungry. 


J.T. was at the table slurping up the last of his Captain Crunch as Grace came in.  She saw his feet up on the edge of the table and knocked them off.


“Aye!” J.T. protested.


“Aye, nothing,” Grace replied, taking a loaf of bread out of the fridge.  “Just because dad isn’t here doesn’t mean you can act like a little runt.”


“Yeah, well don’t think you can act like a princess,” J. T. sneered back.


“Stuff it squirt,” Grace shot back, her good mood restored.  “I am the princess of the house.  And you’re just the little toad!”


“Just because you’re older and taller doesn’t mean anything,” J.T. sassed.  “I’m a lad and I can whoop your arse!”


Grace popped two slices of bread in the toaster and pushed them down.  “You couldn’t whoop a kindergartener, you little sissy boy!”


“Blimey, I’ll show you,” J.T. said as he shot out of his chair and began to wrestle his sister. 


Grace playfully fought with her younger brother as they both fell to the tile floor, laughing and giggling.


“Sissy wanker,” Grace gasped, trying to catch her breath from laughing.


“Girly girl,” J.T. shot back.


Grace was laughing so hard that she didn’t feel the shooting pain in her lower stomach when it first hit her.  When it finally did, she pushed J.T. off her and doubled over on her knees.


“Grace?  Grace, did I hurt you?”


Grace was in tears from the pain as she continued to hold her stomach.  Her cramps had never been this bad, but when she felt a rush of warmth flow out of her and saturate her pad, she knew that something wasn’t right.


“Grace? Grace, whats wrong?”


“Go….go get mum!”


J.T. went running up the stairs calling after Abby.




An hour later in the emergency room, Abby waited outside a curtained area while a doctor examined Grace.  She had dropped J.T. quickly off with Paige before rushing Grace to the hospital.


She didn’t want to leave Grace alone, but the doctor needed to examine her in private.  Abby waited closely nearby.


After a while, the doctor approached Abby with a pensive look on his face.


“Doctor, whats wrong?  She said she got her period this morning, so she thought it was cramps, but they’ve never been this severe.”


“Mrs. Elliott, sit down,” the doctor said. 


Abby nervously sat down at the doctor sat next to her. 


“Mrs. Elliott, Grace’s pain and bleeding aren’t the result of her period.  They’re the result of a miscarriage.”





Abby slumped back in her chair.  “What?  A miscarriage?”


“I uh….take it Mrs. Elliott that you didn’t know your daughter was pregnant.”


Abby dropped her head in hand.  “No, I didn’t.  Doctor, is Grace alright?”


“Yes, she’ll be fine.  Because it was in the very early stages, there was no significant damage.”

”How….how far along was she?”


“Only a few weeks,” the doctor replied.  “A month at the most.”


Abby’s brain searched back to when this could’ve happened.  Of course, there was no question as to who the father was.


“I….thank you doctor.  When can she come home?”


“Well, we’re just gonna do a little procedure to clean her up inside.  She can go home after that, but she’ll need to rest and take it easy for a few days.”


Abby nodded, somewhat thankful that Joe was away.  How would she every explain this to him?  Should she ever explain this to him? 


Several hours later, Abby brought a very tender and sore Grace home.  They hadn’t talked of the incident the entire time, preferring to wait until Grace was home and situated.


Instead of climbing the stairs, Abby helped Grace down to the entertainment room so she could lie on the couch.  Abby then sat on the edge next to her and caressed her head.


“Are you okay, sweetie?”


Grace put her head down and shook her head.  She then put her face in her hands and began to cry.


Abby put her arms around her and rocked her back and forth.  “Its okay, Grace.  Its gonna be okay.”


“I’m sorry, mum!  I’m so sorry!  God, you must hate me.”


“I don’t hate you, luv.  I’m just thankful you’re alright.  But, I am concerned.  It…it was Scott’s, wasn’t it?”


Grace nodded her head against her mum’s shoulder.  Abby closed her eyes and let out a long, slow breath.  “I knew the two of you have been leaning on each other quite a bit, but I had no idea it went this far.”


Grace responded by crying even harder.  “I’m sorry!  I’m so sorry!  We….we didn’t mean for it to happen.  We knew it was a mistake right away.  Please, mum….don’t be mad at him.  I wanted to…….we…we both did, but it was a mistake.  Oh God, please don’t tell dad!  He can’t know, mum!  He just can’t!  He and Uncle Sav won’t be back for a few more days.  Please, mum!”


Although Abby didn’t like keeping things from Joe regarding their children, she considered Grace’s request.  However, she would at least have to tell Paige.  And, Scott.


“Grace, listen sweetie.  I’ll discuss it with Aunt Paige.  And, I believe that Scott should know as well.   I’m gonna call her now to have her bring J.T. back.  I’ll see if Scott can come over as well.”


“No, I….I don’t want to see him right now.  You can tell Aunt Paige and she can tell Scott.  I…I don’t think I can.  Especially now.”


“Okay luv,” Abby said kissing her forehead as she stood up.  “I want you to rest.  I’ll bring you down your pain medication and a glass of water later since you just took one before you left the hospital.”


Grace sniffed and nodded, wiping the tears from her eyes.


Abby slowly climbed the stairs to call Paige.





Paige numbly hung up the phone on the other end and sat at the kitchen table.  She rested her forehead on the heels of her hands as she wondered how she was gonna tell Scott.  Hell, how was she gonna tell her husband?


After much deliberation back and forth, the wives decided that it was wrong to keep it from their husbands.  This is a serious incident and they have every right to know. At least they had a few days to determine when and how before they got back from London.


She went to the family room to find Scott sprawled across the couch flipping through the channels.  Scott looked up upon seeing his mother enter the room.  Paige just walked over to the televison and turned it off before turning to Scott with a serious face.


Scott then sat up.  “Mum, whats wrong?”


Paige sat in the easy chair across from the couch.  “Scott, Aunt Abby just called.  She….she had to bring Grace to the emergency room.”


Scott’s mouth dropped.  “What?  What for?”


“She was having terrible stomach pains,” Paige continued.  “It was from…….Scott, were you aware that Grace was pregnant?”


All the blood drained from Scott’s face.  His heart began to beat rapidly as he fell back against the back of the couch.


“N…n.no, I didn’t.”


“Did you think she could be?”


Scott looked down, unable to look at his mother.  “Yes,” he whispered.  “I……oh God!”


Scott placed his elbows on his knees and rested his head in his hands.  “Why….why is she in the hospital?”


Paige got up and sat next to her son, putting a comforting arm around him.  “Scott, she had a miscarriage.  That’s why she was having pains.  Apparantly, she didn’t know she was pregnant either.”


Scott looked at his mother with glassy blue eyes.  “You mean she…..she lost the baby?”


Paige just nodded and Scott looked back down at the floor.  “Is…..I mean, she’s gonna be alright, isn’t she?”


“Yes, she’s gonna be fine.  And, I think you should go see her.  Not today though.  She’s had too much of an ordeal.  And, don’t worry – Aunt Abby and I spoke and everything is fine.  The two of you are too young to be going through this kind of thing, so Aunt Abby isn’t mad at either you or Grace.  I know you’ve been spending a lot of time together since Chelsea moved away and Ty went off to school, but we had no idea it….”


“Mum, we didn’t mean to,” Scott choked out.  “It……it just happened.  I’m sorry.  We knew it was wrong right afterwards, but it was too late.  Oh God, are you sure she’s okay?”


“Yes luv, she’s fine.  And, she’s looking forward to seeing you tomorrow, Aunt Abby too.”


Scott looked at his mum with panic.  “What about dad?  What about Uncle Joe?    I’ll be dead for sure!”


“Scott, don’t worry about that.  I’ll take care of your father and Aunt Abby will deal with Uncle Joe.  Everything will be fine, lad.  I promise you.”


Scott felt some comfort in his mum’s words.  If she said it would be fine, then it would be.  But, somehow, he wondered if he’d ever be the same inside.




The next day, Scott rang Grace’s doorbell.  Abby answered it and looked at Scott’s tormented face.


“Hi Aunt Abby,” he whispered towards the ground.


“Hello Scott,” Abby said.  “Come on in.  Grace is waiting for you.”


Scott walked in, all the while keeping his head down.  He then stopped and turned around.


“Aunt Abby?”




His voice cracked from the stress of the entire situation.   “I’m sorry!  I’m so sorry.  I didn’t mean for Grace to go through this!”


Abby walked forward and put her arms around the grieving lad.  Even though he was only seventeen, he was experiencing the loss of his child.


“Its alright Scott,” Abby soothingly said.  “And she’s alright too.  I’m not mad at either of you.”


Scott pulled away and sniffed before nodding at Abby and walking down to the entertainment room.


Grace was slouched down on the couch mindlessly watching the telly as her hands protectively held her lower tummy.  Tears still continued to well up in her eyes over what had happened.  Even though she was far from ready to be a mother, she lost a baby.  And it hurt.


She then heard footsteps and thought it was her mum or J.T.  She gingerly pushed herself up to see Scott looking down at her.


“Hi,” he hoarsly said.


Grace couldn’t say a word.  All she did was cry.  Scott immediately dropped to his knees beside the couch and held her as they cried on each others shoulder.


Together they created this child and together they would work on making the pain of its loss go away.





That same night, in London, the band broke after finally completing the third track on their demo.  Three down, one to go.


Ty was absolutely stressed, completely regretting asking his father and uncle to do this.  They were worse than perfectionists.


“Dad, can’t we just stop at three?”


Sav looked up from the other side of the glass at his knackered son.  If he intended on making it in this business, he better get the hang of what the recording process is really like.


“No, you can’t stop at three,” Sav said through the mic.  “I think that one you and Kevin did – the ballady one, should be the last track.  You’ve already got two that are pretty hard, but melodic.  The middle two are a little smoother, but not considered a ballad.  I think you should round it of with one.”


Ty rolled his eyes at looked at his tired bandmates.  Randy had teethmarks in his drumsticks, Mark was slouched on the stool, balancing his bass on the floor between his feet and Kevin just put out his tenth cigarette of the day.


Sav and Joe looked at each other and decided to give in.  “Listen lads,” Joe said into the mic.  “We’ll call it a day today, but tomorrow we’re not gonna stop until this is finished.  Go back to the flat, rest up, go get some dinner and be back here tomorrow at nine.”


The lads looked at Joe like he was out of his mind.  “Nine?” came a collective groan.


“We can make it eight if you’d like,” Sav threw back.


The lads abandoned their instruments and hightailed it out of there before Sav changed his mind.


When they got back to the flat, they crashed for a few hours before showering, dressing and heading out for dinner.  And…maybe a little action.


The headed to the South Side Bar around eight which catered mostly to a student crowd.  They got a table on the floor halfway from the stage area and ordered sandwiches, chips and ale.  It was then that the guys noticed Randy’s shirt.


Ty grabbed the side of Randy’s  black t-shirt with the band’s medieval cross and flame logo on the back done up in diablo red.  “When did you get this made up?”


“Right after we came up with the name, so don’t go and change it,” Randy stated.  “I thought it might be good PR.”


The guys went through dinner discussing the happenings of the last several days and their hopes for the future.


“Here I though your dad was gonna go easy on us,” Mark whined.  “Guess its payback for staying at that smashing flat!”


“You think this is bad, wait until we record an entire album,” Kevin warned.  “My dad used to tell me some hellish ones when he was with Journey.”


“None can’t compare to the boot camp that Mutt Lange put Def Leppard through,” Ty said, almost proudly.


Kevin drained his glass of ale as he thought about it.  “Yeah, I guess you’re right.  I remember seeing a show about the making of that album a long time ago”


Mark looked around.  “So, when does the band start? I hope they’re decent.”


No sooner than he said that, four guys in their early twenties took the stage as the houselights came down just a bit. 


Kevin pushed his chair back and arrogantly kicked his feet up on the edge of the table.  He folded his arms and waited to assess this band.  He then looked over to the side to spot a table of four sweet looking young ladies – two brunettes and two blondes.  All four were hot!


Kevin caught the eye of one blonde who stared at him while her tongue erotically rolled around the neck of a Guinness.  Kevin answered her by raising one eyebrow.  The brunette next to her then looked at Kevin and pointed to Ty.  Kevin nudged Ty and nodded his head in the direction of the girls.


Ty looked and saw the brunette lick her lips at him.  Mark and Randy saw the exchange and where it was coming from and wasted no time in joining in.  The other blonde and brunette flirted back with them as well.


As this outrageous table flirting went on, the lead singer of the band cleared his throat into the mic.  The lads looked up and saw the band looking straight down at them, then to the girls at the table – clearly indicating that they were with them tonight.


“Okay, South Side,” the singer said into the mic, almost unenthusiastically.  “Lets get things rolling tonight!”


Kevin cupped his hands over his mouth and shouted towards the stage, “I’d rather have it rockin’!”


The entire pub cheered over his comment and Kevin glanced over at the blonde who’d been teasing him and winked before looking back at a fuming lead singer.


“Oh, its gonna rock tonight, mate,” he said, directly at Kevin.  “Lets hit it guys.”


Just as they started the song, Randy leaned into Kevin.  “You’re gonna get our arses kicked, you crazy Yank!”


Kevin gave Randy an absurd look.  “These prima donna’s?  Please!”


The lads sat there through three weak, boring versions of some popular 90’s stuff.  After one song, instead of clapping, Mark pretended to fall asleep by letting his head fall to the table.


The band onstage was getting a little tired of the heckling and rudeness of the four young lads at the table.  After ending their last song, the lead singer took the mic in his hand and directed his comments to their table.


“Well, well, well,” he sarcastically said.  “Seems we have a bunch of musical critics in the audience, don’t we mates?”


Randy looked at the lead singer.  “Well, I don’t work for a magazine or anything, but I do know a thing or two.”


“You blokes don’t know bloody squat!”


“Oh man, this is gonna be good,” Kevin whispered to Ty.  Ty looked at him, knowing exactly where this was going.  So did Mark and Randy.


“Yeah, well we probably know more than you,” Kevin shouted back.  “Like maybe….how to generate some applause!”


The crowd was cheering and clapping, having a wicked time witnessing this sassy exchange.


“Bloody big mouth Yank,” the lead singer seethed.   “I’d like to see you and those three pansy blokes you’re with come up here and do better!”


Kevin slapped his hands on the table and regarded his three bandmates.  “Shall we, gentlemen?”





The houseband was a little stunned when they saw the four lads who were heckling them most of the night, head on up.  They hadn’t planned on them calling their bluff, but couldn’t wait to see them fall flat on their faces.


Kevin cringed at the lead guitarist’s guitar before he strapped it on.  He did the best he could to tune it since it wasn’t the high caliber Les Paul he was used to.  Ty and Mark did the same thing with the rhythem guitar and bass.


It wasn’t until Randy took the seat of the band’s drummer that the drummer saw his t-shirt.


“Hey, I heard of those guys,” the drummer said to Randy.  “One of my mates saw them in Canterbury.  They’re supposed to be mega!”


Randy smiled smugly.  “They are mate!  And we’re gonna show this place just how much!”


The drummer paled when he realized that these four lads were Crossfire.  He stepped off the stage to rejoin his bandmates at the table with the four girls.


“You just stuck your bloody foot in your mouth mate,” the drummer said to the lead singer.  “Those blokes are Crossfire.  That band out of Canterbury.”


The girls looked up at Crossfire with light in their eyes as the lead singer narrowed his.  “What?  They can’t be!  That bunch of hooligans?”


“Don’t judge a book by its cover, mate,” the drummer said.  “Also, rumor has it that their lead singer and lead guitarist have famous rock star fathers.”


Before the lead singer could answer, Ty’s voice rang across the pub.


“Well, ladies and gentlemen.  It seems as if a little challenge was issued.  So, as my Yankee guitarist said earlier, “lets get this place rockin’!”


Ty shouted that as Kevin began the opening chords to ‘You Shook Me All Night Long’ by AC/DC.  Being such a classic, the crowd recognized it and began to cheer and whistle.  But, it wasn’t until Ty began singing out the wicked lyrics, that the pub came alive.  Especially the women.


She was a fast machine
She kept her motor clean
She was the best damn woman I had ever seen 
She had the sightless eyes
Telling me no lies                                                
Knockin' me out with those American thighs
Taking more than her share
Had me fighting for air
She told me to come but I was already there
'Cause the walls start shaking
The earth was quaking
My mind was aching
And we were making it and you -
Shook me all night long
Yeah you shook me all night long

When they were finished, the roar of the crowd was so loud, it was deafening.  They began to leave the stage, when they began chanting for more.


The guys looked at each other and smirked and put their heads together to come up with another song.  They then went into Puddle of Mudd’s “Blurry”, the angry, hard rocking chorus showcasing the sexy rasp in Ty’s voice.


When the finished the song, they abandoned the instruments, much to the dismay of the crowd.  They then went over to the houseband’s table.


Kevin took the lead, since he started this entire mess.  He leaned both hands on the table and looked directly into the lead singer’s face.  “Well?”


“Well what, smartass?”


“You bet us that we couldn’t’ generate any applause and we damn well nearly shattered the mirror behind the bar, that’s what, smartass?”


“Yeah, so?”


Ty interjected.  “So….I believe that every lost bet means you have to forfeit something.”


“Fine,” the lead singer said, standing up and reaching into his pocket.  “Waitress!  A pint of lager for these guys.”


Kevin waved his hands back and forth.  “Oh, no, no, no,” he said.  “I’m afraid beer just won’t cut it.  No, we had something more…..prizeworthy in mind.’


Kevin directed his comment to the blonde who was teasing him earlier.  Ty, Mark and Randy bravely joined in, as they set their sights on each of the three remaining girls.


The entire houseband got out of their chairs to stand the lads down.  “You’ve got ballocks the size of Texas, Yank,” the singer said. 


“All the more reason I think the lady would rather be with me tonght,” Kevin mused, giving the blonde a wink.


The singer had enough.  He lunged across the table to grab Kevin around the neck of his shirt.  He lost his balance while leaning over and wound up falling to the floor.


The lads burst out laughing, but not before the other three members of the houseband went after them.


They only got a little pushing and shoving in until the manager and a few bartenders came over to break it up.


“That’s enough lads,” the manager said.  “Take it outside if you want.”


Randy pushed the band’s drummer off him.  “Nah, I wouldn’t waste my time.”


Each member of Crossfire gave the houseband a look before turning to walk out.  But, before they did, they looked back at the ladies.


“If you’re still interested in that bet lassies,” Ty said, “meet us outside.”


The lads then went out and waited by the corner.


No more than ten minutes later, the four girls emerged from the pub and spotted the lads immediately.  The lads, in turn, spotted them and smiled, meeting them halfway. 


But before they could hookup, the houseband barreled out of the pub and right into each member of Crossfire.





“Crikey!” Ty sputtered as soon as the bass player’s body collided with his, sending them both to the ground.He immediatley rolled to the side, barely missing the fist that came sailing towards his jaw.


Meanwhile, the lead singer set his sights on Kevin.  “You’re mine, you big mouth Yank,” he threatened as he swung at him.


Kevin ducked, then pushed him into a parked car on the street.  “Sorrry mate,” Kevin said to him in mock Britsh.  “You’re not my type.”


The drummer had Randy in a headlock before Randy reached his arm back and grabbed him by the back of the neck, flipping him to the ground.  The drummer pulled Randy down with him and swung at him, connecting with his eye.


“Bloody bastard!” Randy yelled as he balled his right fist and connected with the guys jaw.  As he went to swing at him again, the drummer rolled and Randy’s fist his the concrete sidewalk.


He hopped up and held his painfilled right hand, just as the drummer came after him again. Randy side stepped before tripping him to the ground.


Mark and the band’s guitarist traded a few body punches before they each connected with each others face, while Ty and the drummer were still on the ground trading a few of their own.


The girls ran to their cars and started them, pulling up right in front of the fight, and not a moment too soon.  A group of patrons came out to break up the rival bands fighting.  As soon as a few guys pulled them apart, the girls honked the horns of their cars.


“Hurry, get in,” the girl in the passenger side of one car shouted in Ty’s direction.


Obvious that the girls were abandoning their guys in favor of them, Ty took advantage of the houseband being held back by the patrons and signaled for the guys to get in the cars.


All four lads made a mad dash towards the girls cars.  Randy and Kevin got in the backseat of one and Ty and Mark in the other.  As soon as the doors closed, the girls took off.


“You lads alright?” the brunette driver asked Ty through the rearview mirror.


“I’ll live,” Ty groaned, slouching down. 


“Those guys were sissies,” Mark snickered.  “If I get a black eye from that girlie punch I’ll be surprised.”


The blonde in the passenger side turned around to assess the guys.  “You guys don’t look too bad,” she said.


Mark smiled at her.  “Like I said, they were sissies.  What were you ladies doing with a bunch of losers like that?”


The blonde smiled back at Mark.  “We’re not with them anymore, aren’t we?”


Ty and Mark looked at each other before looking back at the blonde.  “So, do you ladies want to continue this evening elsewhere?”


“Like where?” the brunette asked.


“Our flat,” Ty answered.


The two girls looked at each other and grinned.  The blonde then took out her cell phone and called her two friends in the car behind him.


“Hey Val, its Cindy.  Follow us.”


In the other car, Randy continued to hold his injured right hand.  The brunette in the passenger’s side, Val, clicked off her cell phone and turned to the driver.


“Follow Amber and Cindy,” Val said, before turning to the Randy and Kevin in the back.  “Looks like we’re going to your place, lads.”


Randy smiled at Val.  “I guarantee you’ll have a much better time than if you stayed with those wankers.”


The blonde driving looked in the rearview mirror at Kevin.  “You okay back there?”


Kevin gave her a wicked grin through the mirror.  “Nothing a little TLC can’t fix!”


“Oh, I think that can be arranged,” the blonde said.  “By the way, I’m Jessie and this is Val. Cindy and Amber are with your’e other two friends. ”


“I’m Kevin and this bloke cradling his right hand here is Randy.”


Val looked at Randy with puppy dog eyes.  “Can I kiss it and make it better?”


Randy peered up at her with his sinful green eyes.  “My hand….or something else?”


All four of them giggled before Val turned in her seat, got on her knees and  crooked her finger at him.  As Randy leaned forward, Val put her hand behind his neck and drew his mouth towards hers.


Randy forgot all about his busted hand and pulled Val over the seat and into the back, falling on his lap.  They then proceeded with their snogging session as Val began to run her hands up his t-shirt.


Kevin was getting horny watching Randy and Val kiss and grope each other and Jessie noticed it in the mirror.


“Don’t worry, guitar boy,” she said huskily through the mirror.  “You’ll get yours.”


The eight of them arrived at the flat and Ty fumbled with the key as he had Amber practically all over him.


They all stumbled through the open door and, without bothering to turn the lights on, fell to the couch, loveseat and floor.  Ty at least made it to the wall unit to turn on some music.  He grabbed two bottles of Guinness out of the fridge, then pulled Amber into one of the bedrooms.


Randy pulled Val into the bathroom.  “C’mon luv.  I think I need to soak my hand in the jacuzzi!”


Mark and Cindy both discarded their tops before he grabbed a small bottle of champagne out of the fridge and led her to one of the other bedrooms.


On the couch, Jessie straddled Kevin and ripped the buttons off his shirt, trailing her mouth all the way down.


“Told you you’d get yours,” she purred. 


Her hands quickly worked to unfasten his jeans and pull them down to his hips.  Kevin threw his head back and groaned as her warm, wet mouth engulfed him.


In one bedroom, Mark and Cindy quickly got out of the rest of their clothes and fell on the bed.  Cindy ran her hands and mouth all over him before Mark couldn’t take it anymore.  He reached for the nightstand drawer and pulled out a condom.  Cindy couldn’t open it or get it on him fast enough.  As soon as she did, Mark flipped her on her back and rode her to oblivion.


In the other bedroom, Ty had Amber flat on her stomach, her hands pinned under his as he kissed and lightly bit her neck and back.  She wiggled her bottom up against his erection in pleasure, not being able to stand it.  The excitement of the night had them all turned on.  Ty let go of her long enough to grab a condom and put it on.  He then took a pillow, propped it under her pelvis, laid his body back on top of hers and thrust into her from behind.


In the bathroom, Randy held his injured hand directly in front of the jets as Val slide her sexy, wet body up and down his.  She poured the champagne down his throat with one hand as her other stroked his stiff cock under the water.


If only all bets could end like this! 





The next morning Sav and Joe were up early to head on out to breakfast before meeting the lads at the studio at nine.


“Hey Joe, it’s a little after eight.   How’s about stopping by and taking them to breakfast?  This way here we can talk over whatever we need to so we don’t waste any time at the studio.”


Joe looked at his watch.  “Think they’re up?”


“They better be,” Sav replied.  “Plus they were so knackered when they left yesterday, they probably passed out for the night as soon as they got home.”




Sav and Joe arrived at the flat around 8:15am.  Sav knocked on the door and waited.  Nothing.  He looked at Joe before knocking again.  Still, nothing.


“Think they already went out?” Joe asked.


“Maybe.  Why don’t we……..whats that on the floor?”


Joe bent down and picked up what appeared to be a butterfly clip.


“Well, I know this doesn’t belong to any of the lads,” Joe said suspiciously.  “Grace has enough of these for me to know that this goes in a lasses hair.”


Sav, once again, knocked on the door a little louder, and, still no answer.  He then took out his key.


Joe widened his eyes.“You’re going in there?”


“Its our bloody place,” Sav said, inserting the key quietly before turning the knob. 


The flat was pin drop quiet with the exception of the sound of the shower running coming from the bathroom.  He scanned the floor to see clothes and underwear that most definitely didn’t belong to any of the lads, strewn across the floor.


Joe grinned ear to ear.  “Guess they didn’t pass out when they got home yesterday, after all.  At least…..not alone!”


They rounded the corner to see two bodies under the sheets of the pull out bed of the living room couch.  They were both sufficiently covered, but one was most definitely female.


“Now which one could that be?” Joe wondered with a smirk.


Sav crept over to see that it was Randy flat on his stomach, his bandaged right hand thrown over the back of a lovely brunette who was nestled against him on her side.  Sav folded his arms and regarded Joe who couldn’t contain his mirth.  They both then looked at the three shut bedroom doors.


“Kinda like ‘Lets Make A Deal’,” Joe jested.  “I wonder whats behind each door!”


“Stuff it,” Sav said before gently shaking Randy awake.  “Randy…..Randy…..lad, wake up.”


Randy slowly opened his eyes and groaned.  He turned his head and winced, quickly holding his bruised eye.


“Randy,” Sav whispered, noticing his face.  “Crikey, what happened to you?”


Randy looked up in horror at Sav and Joe.  “Uh……uh-oh,” he stuttered.  Just then, Val turned her body into his.


“Mmmm, go back to sleep Randy,” she sleepily whispered.


“I’m afraid he can’t do that, lass,” Sav said. 


Val opened horrified eyes at the two men standing above the bed.  “Oh God,” she shrieked and hid under the covers.


Randy looked down and smiled.  “Um….since you’re down there Val……”


“I think you’ve had enough,” Sav said.  “Do you know what time it is?  You’re supposed to be at the studio in 45 minutes.  We came by to take you lads to breakfast and knocked and knocked.”


“Um…well….I guess I was pretty much out of it,” Randy groaned.


“I can see,” Joe said.  “Who danced on your face last night?”


“Uh….its kind of a long story,” Randy grinned.


Just then, the sound of the shower turned off and male and female laughter could be heard from the bathroom.  Suddenly, the bathroom door open and Mark and Cindy came out with one big bath towel wrapped around both their bodies.  Sav cleared his throat and Mark and Cindy looked up.


Upon seeing Sav and Joe, Cindy too let out a yelp and extracted herself from the towel and ran into the room.  All Joe and Sav saw was a flash of her tight little bum before it disappeared into the bedroom. 


“Oh man!” Joe groaned.


Mark stood there with the towel and immediately covered down below.  “Uh……I didn’t know you were here.”


“Obviously,” Sav said.  “Well, at least one of you was up and getting ready.  And, I see your face looks no better than Randy’s.”


“Um, we had a little mishap last night,” Mark stammered.  And um… I was gonna get the rest of the lads up when we…I mean…I got out of the shower,” Mark stammered.


“Well, since Randy is already up, he can go in next,” Sav said looking down at him.


Randy looked around for his jeans as Val continued to hide under the sheet.  Meanwhile, another bedroom door opened and Kevin emerged in nothing but a pair of boxers and stared at Mark standing there naked holding a towel in front of him.


“Who the hell are you talking to, nature boy?”


“Um, us lover boy,” Joe said. 


Kevin looked over and gulped.  “Ahem, good morning.”


“Not as good as your night was,” Sav said.  “And I see you’ve got a matching shiner as well.  I can’t wait to see what my son looks like.”


“Well, lets see shall we?” Kevin said as he slowly opened Ty’s bedroom door and peeked in.  He stifled a laugh, then turned to Sav and Joe.


“Um, I don’t think he can come out just yet,” Kevin snickered.  “He’s a little….um….tied up.  Literally!”


Joe couldn’t stand it anymore and bust out laughing.  Sav just buried his face in his hands and shook his head back and forth before looking up.


“Well lads, your evening of drinking, fighting and hedonism is over,” Sav said.  “I suggest you get your bums in gear, escort your……overnight guests to their vehicles and get to the studio, pronto!”


Randy looked up from getting his jeans off the floor.  “What about breakfast?”


“Looks like your appetites were already appeased,” Joe chortled.


“Grab a scone and tea on the way down,” Sav said.  “The later you get there, the later we stay.  Remember, we’re wrapping up today.”


Randy groaned and flopped back in bed.  Mark dashed into his room to finish drying off and get dressed.  As Kevin headed to the bathroom, Jessie called out to Kevin as she emerged from the bedroom wearing nothing but his shirt with the buttons torn off.


“Kevin, whats all the…….?”


Kevin came out of the bathroom and quickly pushed Jessie back inside the bedroom, smiling over at Joe and Sav as he did.


“Um, we’ve got some company luv,” Kevin said to Jessie, as he closed the bedroom door. 


“I think we better leave and let these lads get ready,” Sav said to Joe.  “I’ll deal with Ty later.”


As Joe and Sav shut the door of the flat behind them, they looked at each other and bust out laughing.


“Brings back too many memories, aye?”


“You can say that again!”





Sav and Joe stayed true to their word about finishing up today.  The lads were not in good shape when they showed up and their elders were making them pay.


“I want to do the final chorus one more time,” Joe said.  “The drums didn’t sound too good on the playback.”


Randy had a hard time holding onto his drumstick with his injured right hand and it was prevalent in his playing.


“Randy, lad,” Sav said.  “You’ve got to play tighter.  That last half of the song sounded horrible.”


“Um, well, I’m having a little trouble here,” he said holding up his bandaged hand.


“Should’ve thought about that last night before you lads played Clint Eastwood,” Sav said.


“Aw, c’mon,” Randy whined.  “How am I supposed to play with one good hand?”


Ty rolled his eyes to Randy.  “Mate, you’re looking to the wrong guys for sympathy!”


“He’s right Randy,” Joe said.  “If our drummer was able to play with one arm, you can certainly play with a busted hand.”


Kevin snickered towards Randy.  “Touche’!,” he said before grabbing his head and wincing.  “Ow!”


“Problem there Kevin?”


“Uh no,” he sheepisly said.  “I guess the aspirin didn’t kick in yet.”


Joe and Sav were having a little fun at the lad’s expense.  They better learn now that evenings such as last night wouldn’t go over well when it came time to record an album.


Sav looked at his son who was rubbing his wrists.  “Rope burns, lad?”


Ty rolled sarcastic eyes towards his father who met him with matching, twinkling blue eyes.  “Ha, ha, very funny dad,” Ty groaned out.


Joe smacked Sav on the arm and mocked chastisement.  “Sav, whats wrong with you?  How can you get rope burns from being tied up with satin panties?”


Sav and Joe snickered as Ty put his hands on his hips.  “Whats the matter dad?  Jealous?”


Sav looked at his son surprised.  “Hmm, do I take it you want to hear sex stories about your mother and I?”


“No, no!  God no,” Ty said with regret.  “I take it back”


“I want to hear,” Joe said.


“You’ve heard and seen more than I care to admit over the years,” Sav replied.


“So what you saw this morning brought back some memories, I gather?” Mark said.


Joe leaned into the mic and looked at Mark.  “Son, you have a loooong way to go before you even experience half of what we did.”




“What?  Its not like it’s a secret.”


“Tell, tell, tell,” came Randy, Kevin and Mark.


“No, no, no,” came Ty.  “Can we please finish so I can go home and go to sleep?”


Just then, the intercom rang in saying there was someone here to see the lads.


“Oh crikey,” Mark groaned.  “Maybe it was those goons from last night.”


“Who is it?” Joe asked into the intercom.


“The owner of South Side.”


The lads let out a collective groan. “That’s it.  We’re in for it now,” Ty said.  “That’s where we were last night.  We got into a fight with the houseband.”


Sav spoke into the intercom.  “Send him back.”


Just then, a gentlmen in his mid-40’s came back and smiled upon seeing the lads through the glass.


“Sorry, don’t mean to disturb you, but I was trying to track these lads down.  Somebody overheard them talking last night about being here recording an album or something in a studio.  Since this is the only studio I know, I figured they’d be here.  I was uh….wondering if they’d like a job playing one night a week and on the weekends at my place?”


Sav and Joe looked at the lads with impressed looks upon their faces.  “Well, lads?  May as well keep your playing sharp while this demo gets shopped around.  And….make some money while you’re at it.”


“How much does it pay?” Ty directed to the gentlemen.


“Well, if you’re really interested, why don’t you stop by the pub and we’ll discuss it,” the gentlemen said, before turning to Sav and Joe.  “These lads blew the bleedin’ house band out of the water last night.  They were so mega that the houseband’s girlfriends wound up leaving them for these lads.”


Sav looked at the lads with awe.  “Those were their girlfriends we found you with this morning?”


The lads grinned and nodded before Sav turned to Joe.  “Crikey, not even we were that good!”


“Yeah, well if I figure they can take their girlfriends away, maybe they can pull a few patrons from other pubs into my place,” the gentlemen said.


“Go easy sir,” Joe said.  “That room isn’t big enough for all their heads.’


“Well, I’ll be at the pub should they want to come by and talk,” he said before leaving.


Ty looked around at the rest of the lads.  “What’ya say mates?”


“I’m up for it,” Randy said. 

“Count me in,” Mark dittoed.


“Can we stay at the flat?” Kevin asked.


Ty looked at Sav and Joe.  “Well?”


Sav and Joe thought about it a moment and nodded.  “As long as you keep the orgies down to one a week,” Joe jested.


“Ty, don’t you want to come back to Sheffield a bit and see your mum?”


“Do you really think mum’s ready to see my face like this?”


Sav looked at his son’s bruised face and complied.  “No, you’re right.  And I guess it’ll do you well to stay in playing form.  But the money you lads make will have to sustain you.  You buy your own groceries, everything.  And…..you keep that place clean.”


“Dad, can’t you get the cleaning lady to come by?”


Sav folded his hands and smugly looked at his son.  “Tyler, 20-something lads rooming in one flat supporting themselves don’t have cleaning ladies.  They either let it go to crap, clean it themselves or find some sweet, young thing to clean it for them.  Since that flat belongs to your Uncle Joe and I, you can safely say that option #1 is out so I strongly suggest you look into the next two.”


Kevin nudged Ty.  “Aye, maybe one of the girls can come by, you know, dressed in one of those little French maids outfits.”


“Alright enough chatter lads,” Joe said.  “Lets get finished so I can get home.”


Joe then turned to Sav.  “Speaking of which, I wonder how things are at home?” 






Joe came through his front door early the next day, completely wiped out from just recording a demo.


“Crikey, I am getting old,” he thought.


Abby met him at the door with a hug and a kiss.  “Missed you,” she murmured in his ear.


Joe let out a sigh of pleasure and smiled into his wife’s neck, happy to feel her warmth and softness.


“Missed you too, luv,” he whispered back, kissing her neck below her ear.


He just stood there a moment holding her, until the tightness of her hug signaled something more than just missing him.


Joe held her away from him and looked at her face.  “Abby, is everything alright?”


Abby dropped her head a bit.  “Well, everything is alright now, but it wasn’t a few days ago.”


“Tell me,” Joe insisted.


“Joe, why don’t you go get settled and relax and we’ll talk about it after dinner?”


“No, I want to know what it is now,” he replied with concern.


Abby took him by the hand and led him to the door to the entertainment room.  “Come downstairs.”


As they got downstairs, Joe saw Grace on the couch, her pale, panic-stricken face instantly hitting him.


Joe immediately went over to her. “Grace?  Luv, are you sick?”


“N…no, daddy, I’m not sick,” she shakily replied.  “Um….how did Ty and the band do?”


“They did good,” he answered, still not convinced of his daughter’s well-being.  The worried look on Abby’s face confirmed it.


“Okay, I want to know now. What happened while I was gone?”


Abby came around and sat on the couch next to Grace.  Joe sat in the chair across from them.


“Joe,  a couple of days ago, I had to take Grace to the emergency room.”


Joe sat forward and widened his eye.  “What?  What happened?”


Joe noticed that his daughter kept her eyes on the ground the entire time, almost as if she were afraid to look at him.


“Joe, she……she was having terrible lower abdominal pains.  And……she was bleeding.   She thought it was her period, but………”


Joe saw Grace cover her face in her hands.  “But what Abby?”


“Joe…….it turned out that she was having a……a miscarriage.  Grace was pregnant.”


At those words, Grace broke down crying into her hands.  Abby hugged her close, never taking her eyes of her husband’s shocked face.


Joe slumped back in his chair, completely disbelieving what he just heard.


“Pregnant?  But, she and Ty have been……”


“Not Tyler, Joe.  It was Scott.”


Joe’s face paled with shock.  He had been so wrapped up the last several days recording Ty and the band, that he completely forgot that Ty was no longer seeing his daughter.  Scott was.


Oh my God,” Joe murmured, rubbing the tension from his face.  However, it was the sound of his weeping daughter that made him forget any anger towards the situation.  He got up out of the chair and sat on the other side of Grace.


“Luv, are you okay?”


Grace turned into her father and hugged him as her gut-wrenching sobs poured out.


“Oh daddy!  I’m so sorry!  Please don’t be mad at me.  And….and….don’t be mad at Scott.  We….we didn’t mean to, it….it just…..it just…..this….this wasn’t supposed to happen.  Please daddy, please don’t be mad!”


Joe hugged and rocked his daughter back and forth as he felt his own eyes well up.  “Grace, I’m not mad.  All I care about is that you’re alright.”  He then looked at Abby.  “She is alright, isn’t she?”


“Yes, everything’s fine,” Abby replied.  “It was very early in the…….pregnancy, so no damage was done.  The doctor said she’s perfectly  healthy.”


Joe closed his eyes with gratitude and continued to rock Grace.  He knew how affected he and Abby were, not being able to have children.  He couldn’t stand the fact that Grace would have to suffer the same.


“Grace, I knew that you and Scott were getting a little close, but only because…..well……because you were helping each other get over your broken hearts.  I had no idea that it ………..”


“Please, daddy, please don’t talk about it,” Grace choked out.  “I’m sorry.  Scott’s sorry.  Oh God, daddy he feels so bad.  He feels responsible.  He’s taking this really hard.”


Joe looked at Abby who nodded in agreement.  “She’s right.  He came over here the day after it happened to see Grace.  He cried the whole time.  He said he never would’ve forgiven himself if something happened to her.”


“Poor lad,” Joe said.   “Grace, everything’s gonna be fine.  You’re gonna be fine.  I’m here and I love you so much.”


“I love you too, daddy!”


Joe took a long, deep breath.  “Looks like Sav’s gonna have the same kind of homecoming I did.”





Sav entered his house equally exhaused from the last few days.  The first face he saw was Scott’s.


“Aye lad,” he said, rubbing his shoulder.  “Looks like your big brother may be on his way to rock stardom.”


Scott tried to feign enthusiasm.  “That’s…that’s great dad.  Its what he wanted all along.”


Sav noticed his somber mood and thought it strange.  “Whats wrong?  You’re not gonna miss him when he goes on the road, will you?  Thought you couldn’t wait for him to go off to school.”


Before Scott could answer, Paige came down the stairs and entered the kitchen.


“Rick?  Did you just get in?”


“Yes, and I’m bloody friggin’ tired.  Those lads were a handful.”


Paige sheepishly looked around.  “Did…did Tyler come back with you?”


“No, he and the lads are staying in London.  They booked themselves a permanent job at the South Side Pub. Got quite a nice reputation so far!”


“So, you’re alone?”


Sav looked around.  “Why, am I not supposed to be?”


Scott sat at the kitchen table, not looking at his father, knowing that his mother was going to bring up the events of the past few days.


“No, its not that,” Paige said.  “its just that, well, Scott and I need to talk to you about something and, well, it might’ve been a little awkward with Tyler here.”


Sav leaned against the counter.  “Whats up?”


Paige grabbed the back of a kitchen chair and looked down at the top of Scott’s downturned head.  “Well, something happened a few days ago.  Abby had to rush Grace to the hospital.”


“God, what for?” Sav asked with worry.


“She was having pains and…..bleeding and………”




Paige pinched her temples, knowing there wasn’t an easy way to say this.  “Rick, it turns out that…..that Grace was pregnant and the pain and bleeding was because she miscarried.”


Sav’s shocked eyes immediately went to Scott.  “What?  Scott, was……was it…..?”


“Yes dad, it was me,” he quietly said.


Paige bit her lip, waiting for her husband’s response.  Sav just lowered his head into his hand.


“Is Grace alright.”


“Yes, she’s fine,” Paige calmly said.


Sav just shook his head back and forth.  “Oh God!   I had no idea….well, maybe I did.  Scott, I……I can’t believe that……”


Before Sav could finish, Scott stood up so fast that he knocked his chair back. 


“You can’t believe what, dad?  That I screwed up?  That I disappointed you?  Well, I’m sorry I’m not like your golden boy Ty who’s off to follow in your footsteps.  At least you have one kid you can be proud of!”


As Scott ran out of the kitchen, Sav pushed away from the counter. “Scott!  Scott!  That’s not what I……”


But all Sav heard was the slamming of his bedroom door upstairs.  He turned puzzled eyes to Paige who looked at him disappointedly.




“Rick, how could you?”


“How could I what?  I didn’t say anything to make him think I was disappointed.  He didn’t even let me finish.”


“Well, I guess you didn’t have to say too much,” Paige said.  “He’s been taking this very badly and, well, he probably just couldn’t take it anymore.”


“Yeah, but he didn’t have to jump down me like that,” Sav said.  “I’m not disappointed in either of my lads, nor do I play favorites.”


“Well, I think this newfound interest you’ve taken in Ty and the band is leaving him to feel a little neglected.  And now with what happened with Grace, he really feels like a screw-up.”


Sav ran his fingers through his hair and, without a word, headed upstairs.  He softly knocked on Scott’s door.


“Scott, its me.  I need to talk to you?”


There was silence for a few moments before he answered.  “Its unlocked.”


Sav opened the door to find Scott sprawled on his bed.  He immediately sat next to him and put his hand on his lower back.


“Scott, you didn’t give me a chance to finish what I was saying downstairs.  I never gave any indication that I was disappointed in you.  Your mother told me how hard you’ve been taking this, and rightly so.  You’re gonna be 18 in December and Grace just turned 17.  You’re too young to have to go through this.  But it happened and there’s nothing we can do about it except deal with it and go on.”


Scott lifted his head and just stared down at the bed.  “Dad, you don’t understand,” he choked out.  “Grace could’ve been…..I mean, she could’ve been ruined because of this.  She could’ve been hurt bad, all because…..”


“But she’s not Scott.  She’s fine.  Lets be grateful for that instead of dwelling on what might’ve happened, okay?”


“I guess,” he murmured.


“Now, about this business of me caring more about Ty than you.  I’ll tell you right now that its utter nonsense.  You lads are everything to me.  Ty and his band are young and starting out and I’m there to offer any help they need in getting off the ground.  If it was you who took the musical route, I’d do the same.  Whatever you choose to do with your life, Scott, I’ll be no less proud of you.  Don’t you ever doubt that.”


Scott wiped his eye and nodded.


“Speaking of which,” Sav continued, “you’re gonna be a senior next month.  You’ve got some decisions to make about your future.  Have you thought of anything?”


“As a matter of fact, I have,” Scott quietly said.

“Can you tell me?”


Scott sat up, glad to have his father’s ear.  “Well, I was thinking about going into sports medicine – you know, so I can work with the athletes.”


Sav’s face lit up.  “Really?  Scott, I think that’s brilliant, not to mention a very promising career.”


Scott looked at his dad for assurance.  “You think so?”


“Absoutely!  But, it doesn’t matter what I think.  You’re the one who has to be happy.  Just like I told Ty.  He wasn’t doing well in school and felt himself being pulled more and more towards music.  I don’t want you to do anything or stay where you’re heart isn’t, just because of me.  Anyway, your Uncle Brian will be happy about your possible medical future.”


Scott laughed.  “Yeah, I guess he will be!”


Sav put his arm around him.  “And so am I.”


They just looked at each other for a bit before Sav leaned in and hugged him.  “Scott, I’m so sorry for what you’ve been going through these past few days.  Believe me, I wish I was here instead.”


Scott broke away.  “Dad, Ty doesn’t have to find out about this, does he?”


“No, I don’t think that’s a good idea.  And I’m sure Uncle Joe will agree.  This is a private matter that we’ll just keep to ourselves.  However, if he ever does find out, how I don’t know, we’ll deal with it then.  This doesn’t concern him so he doesn’t need to know.  You and Grace will bounce back from this, you’ll go back to school next month and plan for your future, okay?”




Sav rubbed his head before getting up to leave.  Scott brought his knees up to his chest and leaned his head on them, wondering what the future had in store for him. 





The following Friday night, Crossfire took the stage at 9:00pm at the South Side Pub to an overwhelmingly packed house.  Word had spread about their infamous upstaging of the houseband a week and a half ago, and their even more infamous fight that led to them taking off with their girlfriends.



The crowd, usually made up students, now had an age range of anywhere from 18 to 30.  The band did a mix of cover songs from the 80’s, 90’s and a few popular songs of current bands as well.  The crowd was 100% into them and the cheering and applause was deafening.


By the end of their set, the guys were practically soaked through their shirts.  Ty pulled off his long sleeved buttoned shirt and tied it around the waist of his ripped blue jeans.  He then grabbed a South Side baseball cap and placed it backwards over his damp curly hair.  Randy took his lucky Crossfire t-shirt off and tucked it the back waist of his cargo shorts.  Both Mark unbuttoned his short sleeved shirt and let it slide almost all the way off his shoulders, while Kevin had on nothing but an open vest.


All four, young lads were blessed with hard, lean, lightly muscled physiques to which the young ladies in the audience took no time at all noticing.  The lads were greeted with a bevy of female screams as they exposed their taut upper halves.


Over at a nearby table, Val, Amber, Cindy and Jessie kept a sharp eye on their lads, and an even sharper eye on the rest of the women who were hungrily devouring them with their eyes below the stage.


Behind the bar, the owner was about to frown upon the band taking their shirts off, only because of a health code, but when he saw the reaction from the women in the audience, he immediately let it slide.  He knew that these girls would get worked up enough to where they’d have to drink more!


As he continued to watch the band, a slow idea came over him.  He recognized Rick Savage when he entered the studio last week to offer the lads a job at his place and knew that the lead singer was his son.  Yet, these lads chose to go the hard, honest road to stardom and he admired that.  He knew that it wouldn’t be long before they were discovered, but, seeing the increase in business these lads were bringing, he thought it wouldn’t hurt ot help them along.  He went back to his office to make a phone call.


Back onstage, the band preparef for their final song.  Ty went over to Kevin.


“Lets do an original one,” he said.  “I’m getting tired of doing covers.  Let these guys know that we write our own songs as well.”


Kevin nodded in agreement before they decided on a song.  Then Ty went over to Mark and Kevin to Randy to let them know what song they were doing.  Both were esctatic over finally doing an original.


Ty then got to the mic.  “Okay, gang….last one of the night.”


He was immediately met with groans and boos.


“Aye, but we’ll be back tomorrow night! Anyway, were gonna close it off with one of our original songs.  We’ve just put a demo out that’ll hopefully make it to the radio stations soon.  Here’s a little taste.  This one’s called ‘It Isn’t Love’.”


Ty turned to Randy who clicked his drumsticks together for the count.  They band segued into the intro before Ty began to sing:


Isn’t it real, this feeling deep inside?

Isn’t it fate, that took me for this ride?

Isn’t this how, a love’s supposed to be?

So how can you, deny it all to me?


If you choose to walk away, I wouldn’t hold a grudge,

But look at me…one more time….and say, it isn’t love!


Don’t’ say ‘it isn’t fair’,

Don’t say’ it isn’t right’,

If you say it isn’t love,’

It’ll only be a lie,


Don’t say’ it isn’t me’,

Don’t’ say ‘it isn’t you’,

If you say it isn’t love,

It’ll only be unture.


Say anything at all…..but just don’t say…..

It isn’t love.


The crowd ate up the upbeat, melodic rock song with catchy hooks and a wicked guitar solo that Kevin threw his entire body into, just like his father used to.  It was almost as if the crowd looked at this band in a new light, knowing that they wrote their own songs as well.


When the band finally finished off to standing applause, they abandoned their instruments and headed to the back room where cold water, a hot shower and clean clothes awaited them.  But before they touched either of them, they gave their sweaty selves a group hug.


“That was awesome!” Randy shouted.  “Bloody flippin’ awesome!”


“Man, it felt so good to do one of our originals,” Kevin stated.  “They loved it.”


“Yeah, well I hope there’s a record label out there who hears it and loves it too,” Ty said.


“C’mon, lets shower and go out there and greet our adoring public,” Mark mused.


One by one the guys hit the tiny shower stall in the backroom bathroom.  While this was going on, out in the main pub area, several girls tried to cajole the bouncers to make their way back.


“Is the band still back there?” of the girls said.


The bouncer smiled.  “Yes they are luv.”


The girl looked to three of her friends then back to the bouncer.  “How much to get back there?”


The bouncer was incredulous.  “You kidding?”


The girls reached into their purses and pulled out several pound notes.  “Nope!”


“Well, what if I want something besides money?” the bouncer leered.


“Forget it bloke,” one of the other girls said.  “Its either this or we’ll find someone else willing to take the money to let us back there.”


The bouncer greedily took the money and pocketed it and let the girls into the backroom.  As the girls disappeared back, Val, Amber, Cindy and Jessie approached the same bouncer.


“Why did those girls go back there?” Val demanded.


“You figure it out ladies,” the bouncer smugly said.  “They want to see the band, and not to play darts with them either!”


The bouncers naughty chuckle caused the girls to anger.  “Those are our boyfriends,” Amber stated.  “I think you better grab those slut bitches and get them back out here and let us back there!”


The bouncer folded his arms.  “Hmm, and how do I know that you’re their girlfriends?”


Cindy waved her arm towards the bartender.  “Just ask him.  He’s seen us here with them.”


The bouncer looked at the bartender then back.  “Sorry ladies.  Don’t feel like it.  Look, I’ll let you back tomorrow night, depending upon how much you’re willing to offer.”

“Screw you!” Jessie sneered before she tried to push past him.


“Whoa, whoa,” the bouncer said, pushing her back.  “Don’t make me have to toss you ladies out.”


“Why I…I….” Jessie said, flabberghasted.


“C’mon gals,” Val said.  “Lets go back to our table.  The guys know we’re out here waiting for them.  Those girls won’t get far.”





The lads just finished getting dressed when there was a knock on their door.


“Yeah?” they all called out.


The door opened and one of the pub’s bouncer’s appeared.


“Got some visitors, laddies,” he snickered as he ushered the girls in and closed the door behind them.


The lads looked the girls over, each one pretty much dressed the same in low rise jeans and skimpy, mid-riff baring tops.  They were also very pretty and had a naughty look in their eyes.


“Bangin’ fine show there, lads,” one of the girls cooed as she headed over to Kevin.  “Especially you.  I just love guitarists.”


“Me too,” another girl said as she headed over to Ty.  “You guys can really rock!”


“Thanks luv,” Ty gulped, as she backed him against the wall.


The two other girls sat down and looked at Randy and Mark, then patted the seats next to them.


“You lads want to unwind before you go back out there?”


“You don’t have anyone waiting out there for you, right?”


The lads looked at each other as they finally remembered the girls out there at the table.


“Um, well…..kinda,” Mark said as he sat down next to one of the girls.  “But……I think they’ll wait.”


The girl next to Mark put her hand on his thigh.  “Good, I’m glad.”


The girl next to Randy turned to him.  “We just want to let you lads know how much we loved the show.  Then again..” she leaned her body into him, “maybe……show you.”


“Is that so?” Randy grinned.


“Mmm, hmmm,” she murmured before leaning into kiss him.


It wasn’t long before the girl Mark was with began making out with him as well.  The girl in front of Kevin put a hand on his chest and pushed him to the back of the room until he landed on an old easy chair.  She then pulled her top off, baring her perfect little breasts and straddled him.


The girl in front of Ty pulled him into the alcove of the room, just as the moans and groans of his bandmates began to assail his ears.  The girl flattened him against the wall and hungrily made out with him.  She then unbuttoned his shirt and ran her hands all over his smooth, taut chest before moving lower to unfasten his jeans.


“Damn, you’re so bloody sexy,” she huskily whispered into his mouth. 


Ty was reeling from the feeling of her hands and lips all over him.  Yeah, he knew Amber and the rest of the girls were out there but, its not like they were serious with them or anything.


“Whats your name?”


“Sara,” she whispered into his ear before licking it.


“Well, Sara….there’s a little box of condoms out there if you want…..”


“Oh no,” she said dangerously.  “I don’t need one.  I’ve been wanting to suck your cock since I laid eyes on you.  Trust me, you’ll never get another blow job like this in your life!”


Ty’s head fell back against the wall as Sara’s mouth decended down his body.  It wasn’t long before he matched his bandmates moans and groans with ones of his own.




Almost a half hour later, a delerious, but well satisfied, Crossfire finally emerged from the back room to the main pub.  Their four female followers were close behind but didn’t quite make it out all the way before Val, Amber, Cindy and Jessie ambushed them.


“What the…?”


That was all the lads blurted out when they saw their girls attack the ones who followed them to the back room.


“You bloody, dirty sluts!” they yelled as they went after them.


“Sorry lassies,” one of the other girls sneered back.  “Guess you don’t have what it takes for these guys!”


The bouncer quickly broke up the 8 women before they did some damage.  The lads just kicked back and gloated over the scene before going over to the girls to calm them down.


“Amber,” Ty said as he grabbed her arm.  “Calm down, will ya?”


Amber yanked her arm away.  “Fuck you, Ty!  Fuck all of you!  Stay here with your little groupie whores, I’m outta here.”


“Yeah, so are we,” Val, Cindy and Jessie said as they each pulled away from Randy, Mark and Kevin respectively. 


“Jessie,” Kevin said as he pulled her back.


“Forget it,” she spat out.  “I don’t’ want to come near you now.  God knows what diseases they gave you!”


Randy and Mark had no luck with Val or Cindy as all four girls stomped out of there.  Little did the lads know that the entire pub witnessed this and began to cheer at the little escapade.


The owner witnessed it as well, which only confirmed his decision to make the call he did earlier.  These lads were hot property and he knew it wouldn’t be long before they’d never have to play another pub again.


However, the lads didn’t find too much humor in the incident.  They knew the girls were waiting out here for them, but…..well, they just couldn’t help themselves.  A lad just doesn’t turn away a hot, sexy girl willing to do anything!


They had a feeling that incidents like these were gonna be commonplace in their future.





The next morning, Ty awoke to the sound of soft knocking upon the door.  He looked around to find, Kevin, Mark and Randy asleep on the living room sofa and floor, which is where they crashed when they poured themselves into flat 2:30 this morning.


The knocking continued as Ty pulled himself up off the floor and went to answer it.


Standing there was a very contrite looking Amber, Val, Cindy & Jessie, eaching holding full shopping bags.


“Aye,” Ty said with sleepy surprise.


“Hi,” Amber said cautiously.  “We waited until 10:00 to come over.  We weren’t sure what time you guys got in.”


“We um….brought you guys a little peace offering,” Val said, shifting one of the bags.”


“Yeah, we want to apologize for how we behaved last night,” Jessie said.


“Can we come in?” Cindy asked.


“Yeah, sure…come in,” Ty said, stepping aside.  As the girls entered, the other guys were just waking up and rubbing the stiffness out of their joints.


“Jessie,” Kevin said upon seeing her.   “What are you girls doing here?”


“Well, if you let us….we’ve come to make you breakfast.”


“So I take it you girls aren’t mad about last night,” Mark asked.


The girls looked at each other before Val spoke up.  “Well, we are and we aren’t.  I mean, I think it was pretty crappy of you guys to take up with those sluts when we were there waiting for you.  However, we also know that, well, we’re all not serious with each other anything, so maybe we overracted….to some extent.  Anyway, we know once you guys get famous you won’t be around here for long.”


“Just promise not to forget about us somewhere down the line,” Cindy said with a smile.


“I guess what we want to say is…..we’d like to be with you guys in whatever capacity we can,” Amber said. “We know it won’t be forever, but we really like you guys and enjoy your company.”


“So, if all’s forgiven, we’d like to start your day off with a breakfast big enough to choke a horse,” Jessie said.


At the mere mention of decent food, the guys perked up.  Kevin walked towards Jessie and peeked in her bag.


“What’cha got there, darlin’?”


“Everything.  Eggs, cheese and fresh vegetables to make omelettes.  Bread to make French toast.  Bacon, tea, orange juice….”


“….and, I’ve got some provisions for later on,” Amber said.  “Lunch meats, potato chips, ice cream, cookies, pop…”


“Crikey, I’m drooling just listening to this,” Randy blurted out.


“The kitchen’s all yours, ladies,” Ty said.  “Just don’t burn it down. This is my dad’s place.”


“No problem,” Amber cooed at him.  “Oh, by the way, its bloody sweltering outside.”


Ty wrapped his arms around her from behind and felt the soft skin of her exposed midriff.  “Mmmm, I can tell. This tank top and shorts leave nothing to the imagination,” he murmured.


“Well, we thought that we could hang with you guys today inside, where tis cool,” Val said.  “You know, watch a movie, relax…..”


“Massage your aching joints,” Cindy added as she squeezed Mark’s neck.


“You’ve got no argument from me, luv” Mark groaned at the exquisite feel of Cindy’s hands.


“Great,” Jessie said.  “You guys go shower and wake up and we’ll have breakfast ready when you get out.


An hour and a half later, the four lads were positively stuffed from the girls incredible breakfast.  After the girls cleaned up, each lad took their respective girl to work it off!


A couple of hours later, the four young couples relaxed in the living room watching a movie on the telly.  Mark laid across the couch with Cindy nestled comfortably in front of him; Amber sat on the loveseat as she lovingly stroked Ty’s light brown curly hair from where his head rested on her lap; Kevin was sprawled on his stomach on the floor as Jessie sat astride him, kneading the knots out of his shoulders and back; and Randy sat on the floor in front of the couch while Val straddled him, feeding him Ben & Jerry’s Cherry Garcia ice cream.


“Mmmm,” Randy said with a mouthful of ice cream, “if this is a dream, don’t wake me.”


Oh yeah, Jessie…..yeah,” Kevin moaned as she magically worked her fingers into his knots.


“Sounds like you’re getting fucked,” Ty chuckled towards Kevin.


Kevin got on his hands and knees, clasping the back of Jessie’s knees so that she was riding him piggy-back.


“Speaking of which,” Kevin said.  “That sounds like a ……what do you Brits say……..smashing idea!”


Jessie wrapped her arms around Kevin’s neck from behind as she held on all the way into the bedroom.


Randy swallowed another spoonful of ice cream before his hands cradled Val’s hips.  “What say you, luv?  Its 3:30 and we’ve got to be at the pub for 8:00.  Wanna go take a nap?”


Val put the ice cream down and wrapped herself around Randy.  “You’ll need one when I get through with you!”


“Ooooooh,” Randy said, standing up with her in his arms.   “Well, I’m off too!


Randy and Val disappeared behind the second bedroom, which left the third one free.


Ty looked and saw Mark and Cindy asleep on the couch, then looked up at Amber.  “C’mon, luv….before they wake up.”


Ty popped up, took Amber by the hand and disappeared into his bedroom.



Later that night, a well rested, well fed and well shagged Crossfire took the stage at South Side for the second night in a row for an even more wilder crowd.


As soon as they finished their last song, they made their way back to shower and change.  They were just out of their shirts when there was a knock at the door.


“Oh no,” Mark said, holding his head.  “Not again!”


“Well, I like a cat fight as much as the next bloke, but not after what the girls did for us today,” Randy said.


Kevin opened the door to find a fifty-ish man dressed casually in trousers and a golf shirt. 


“May I come in, boys?”


“Sure,” Kevin said, stepping aside.  “What can we do for you?”


“A lot, I hope,” he said, reaching into his pocket and retrieving a business card and holding it out in front of the lads.


“Mitchell Stern – Mercury Records.”