New York City, NY

January, 2003




The members of Def Leppard stood side by side on the red carpet as a mass of cameras clicked about them. They were standing outside the large theatre in New York City where MTV was paying tribute to them with their Icon award. 


In their long, sucessful history, the band had not only proved themselves worthy of being a musical icon with multi-million sellers such as ‘Pyromania’, ‘Hysteria’ and ‘Adrenalize’, but the bands personal history intrigued fans young and old who saw them as true survivors.  They were one of probably only a handful of the so-called ‘hair metal’ bands of the 80’s to have segued into the 90’s and beyond gracefully and successfully.  And, because of that, they were being honored tonight.


Many of todays hottest acts were there to pay tribute to Def Leppard and perform cover versions of the songs that made them famous.  Kid Rock was going to perform ‘Lets Get Rocked’, Creed was going to perform ‘Animal’, Fuel was going to perform ‘Foolin’, No Doubt was going to perform ‘Love Bites’, Sheryl Crow was going perform ‘Hysteria’,  and, believe it or not, N’Sync had a rockin’, melodic version of ‘Pour Some Sugar On Me’ ready to go.


However, there was one new group backstage, who’s co-founders grew up practically worshipping Def Leppard on MTV, that was very nervous.  Sisters Nina and Angie Black, along with their brother Randy formed a band several years ago with two other brothers, Seth and Eric Blue.  Coming up with a band name was a no brainer.  It wasn’t long before ‘Black ‘n Blue’ was born.


Seth and Eric played bass and rhythm guitar respectively, while Randy Black provided the drums. However, it was the Black sisters who were the true stars of the band.  Nina had a set of pipes that would put Ann Wilson to shame and, surprisingly, Angie played a wicked lead guitar.  Since Def Leppard had a big influence on them growing up, Nina would pretend she was Joe Elliott, belting out songs all over the house, desperately trying to hit all the high notes on all the Def Leppard songs. 


But Angie wanted to go a different route.   In the man’s world of rock and roll, she wanted to create an image for herself as a woman who could master screaming riffs and catchy hooks the way a man could, all the while maintaining a dark, sultry, feminine side about her. 


She had one person to thank for her choice of instrument, the one man who was her icon.  And he would be here tonight, in the front row with the rest of his bandmates being honored tonight.


Phil Collen.


“Aye….earth to Angie,” Nina called out to her older sister.  “Are you with us, babe?”


Angie adjusted her black halter top, which criss-crossed in the back, showing off a tantalizing display of tawny skin and a lean, curvy figure.  Checking her sleek, mahogany locks in the mirror one last time, she pushed a sterling silver armlet up her softly sculpted arm and turned to her younger sister.


“Yeah, I’m here.  God, do you hear the crowd out there?  They’ve got to be in here by now.  Damn, Nina….I’m so friggin’ nervous.  I know we’ve performed in front of crowds this size before, but this is different.  We grew up watching these guys on MTV.  They were our icons.  I know we were only 10 and 11 at the time, but ‘Pyromania’ had such a huge impact on our lives.  Its why we are what we are right now.”


“I know what you mean, Ange, but you better get a grip.”


“Get a grip?  Are you kidding?”  Angie looked at her sister with incredulousness.  “Nina….how am I gonna concentrate doing that opening guitar riff, that all but gives the song away, not to mention ending the song with that  solo, knowing that the originator of both will be sitting right there in the front row, watching…critiquing…or….cringing?  God, please don’t let me screw this up tonight!”


“Ange, you’re gonna be fine,” Nina reassured her.  “You’re a kick-ass guitarist for a woman, and you’re respected for it – especially by the guys!  You totally take them by surprise.  They see this gorgeous woman slink out on stage with a guitar in her hands, which is enough to make people groan, wondering if you’re just eye candy or if you can really play.  Then, when you do, you cause eyes to pop and mouths to drop.”


A slow smile spread across Angie’s face which got Nina’s attention.  “What?”


“Oh, nothing,” Angie said with a blush.


“Hey, you’ve never held a secret back from me in your life.  Fess up, girlie!”


“Well….I was just thinking…..God, I’d give anything to make Phil Collen’s eyes pop or his mouth drop.   And….um…not just with my guitar skills.”


“Angela Black!” Nina said with mock chastisement.  “You naughty little girl.  Then again, I’m not surprised.  You’ve had a thing for Phil ever since he shook that tight little ass of his in those white jeans in the ‘Rock of Ages’ video.”


“Yeah, and I was only eleven back then.  I can’t believe I was having thoughts like that about a man who was what…fifteen years older than me.”


“And you’re still having those thoughts two decades later!.  Hmmm, a fifteen year difference doesn’t seem to big when you’re thirty and he’s forty five..”


Angie looked at her sister with shock.  “Nina!  What are you saying?  My God, there is no way….no way in hell that…that me and….Phil…..that…”


“And why not?” Nina countered.  “You’re a rock guitarist, he’s a rock guitarist.  You’re here, he’s here.  You’re presently unattached and, from what I’ve gleaned over the internet, so is he.  Already, it’s a match made in heaven.”


“You were always the bold one,” Angie told her sister.  “No wonder you wanted to take after Joe Elliott.”


“I just hope I can do his vocals justice tonight.  Hell, I’d rather do him!”


Angie’s mouth dropped and she shushed her sister.  “Nina, not so loud!  Seth’ll hear you.”


“Yeah, so what?” Nina sassed.  “We’re not together anymore, remember?  Stupid moron should’ve thought twice before he decided to make out with one of the roadie’s girlfriends.  He cost us a good roadie and our relatioship!  Besides, I heard him make a comment or two on Alicia Keyes and….who’s that newbie jazzie singer….oh yeah, Nora Jones, so I think he’s well over me and moving on.”


“This love/hate relationship you two have is weird,” Angie commented.  “I’d rather settle for a love/love, but being in this business sucks when it comes to having relationships.”


“That’s why its best to have them with other musicians,” Nina rationalized.  “At least you know you’ve got something in common and understand each other.  Which is why I think Mr. Collen would be perfect for you!


Angie rolled her eyes at her sister.


“Alright, I’ll say no more,” Nina replied, catching Angie’s look. “Damn, I can’t wait for us to do our cover of that song.  Its absolutely perfect for us and our style.  I have a feeling we’re gonna rock the house down tonight when we do that song, especially when you end it with the solo.”


“Yeah, we’re gonna rock the house down alright,” Angie thought to herself.  “What I’d really love to do is rock it down with Phil Collen!”


                                                Chapter 2


Def Leppard sat in the front row as a montage of clips from their past were shown on the large screen above as a narrarator ran off a history of the band interlaced with quips from the bandmembers themselves.


As they sat there, looking up at the screen, watching their entire history unfold before their eyes, the guys were lost in memories of their own.


“Crikey….I can’t believe we were ever that young!” Phil groaned as he nudged Rick Allen.


“Speak for yourself, old man,” Rick replied.  “I still look like the cherubic fifteen year old I was when I joined the band.”


“Yeah, you wish Allen,” Joe retorted.  “And I’m Shakira’s sugar daddy!”


You wish, mate,” Sav teased Joe.


Joe thought for a moment.  “Yeah…I do wish!  I think I’m developing a taste for young, latina women.”


Phil quietly giggled and looked in Joe’s direction.  “Mate, you’ve got a taste for anything that has a pair of tits and a nice, tight…….”


“Shhh, quiet, you perverts” Viv said to all of them.  “Here’s the tribute to Steve.”


All five bandmembers sat somberly as images of their original, beloved guitarist flashed onscreen.  Phil especially sat there, his elbow on the armrest of the chair, his finger gently grazing his lips in memory of his best mate, his bandmate, his….twin!


From backstage, Angie peered out into the front row to sneak a peek at Phil.  Black and Blue was scheduled to go on right after Steve’s tribute and she was beginning to get the shakes.


As soon as she heard the audience clapping, she grabbed her Jackson guitar, wondering if Phil would notice that she plays the same brand as him, and got in her position onstage behind the curtain.


As soon as the montage finished, the house lights brightened a bit as the curtain slowly began to rise.  Then, a voice over the speaker announced….”Ladies and gentlemen…..Black ‘n Blue…”


Before they began to play, Nina walked up center stage with a mic in her hand and addressed the audience.


“Before we begin, I just want to say what an honor and a privilige it is to be here tonight honoring a band who’s influence is the reason we’re here today.  I hope I can do Joe’s vocals justice on this song.  As for my sister..well….there’s no doubt as to who her influence was.”


Nina turned to Angie who was trying to hide her blush as she glanced the front row, looking directly at Phil who stared up at her with a surprising look on his face.  She quickly gathered her bearings and said a quick prayer as she awaited Nina’s cue.


“Take it away, sis…” Nina said


The lights dimmed a bit and Angie closed her eyes, threw her head back a bit and played the opening guitar riff to ‘Women’.  Then Nina automatically chimed in “Aaaaah, Aaaah, Aaaaahhhhhhhhh


Nina’s voice was smooth and clear, with a raw, primal edge to it that made Joe perk up in his seat.


“Wow!” he exclaimed to Sav.


“You can say that again,” Sav agreed.  “Damn, she’s brilliant!”


“Yeah  and so is her voice,” Joe said with a twinkle in his eye.


The guys sat there mesmerized by the almost perfect duplication of the sound.  The haunting guitar, the throbbing bass, the pounding drum and the screaming vocals.  It was after the intro, where it was just Seth on bass and Randy on drums providing the hammering percussion as Nina belted out the first verse.


In the beginning…..God made the land,

Then He made the water…..and creatures….then He made man.,

He was born with a passion… and hate….

A restless spirit…..with a need for a mate,

But there was something that was missin’……something lost….

So He gave him what he asked for……here’s what it cost,

It was one part love,

One part wild,

One part lady,

One part child…….I give you….

(Women) (Women) Lots of pretty women

(Man) (Man) They can’t live without them.

(Women) (Women) Lots of pretty women

(Man) (Man) They can’t live without them


As they continued to play, Def Leppard went from being mesmerized to stunned.  This new band was fabulous!  It was apparent that they had practiced it so that its sound was perfectly duplicated.  As Joe continued to grin up at Nina as she matched his vocals note for note, Phil sat there staring up at the sultry, dark haired beauty who played the guitar with a combination of infectious fire and raw sensuality.  He was practically squirming in his seat watching her.  Every time she closed her eyes and threw her head back as she got into a particular part, Phil felt something very familiar stir down below.


“Dammit, she’s friggin’ magnificent,” he thought to himself, unable to pry his eyes away.  “And not only that…she can play!”


Phil chuckled to himself at his slightly sexist remark.  He tried to concentrate on the job that the entire band was doing with the song, but he couldn’t look away from Angie if his life depended on it.  Her incredible body, clad in black from head to toe made her all the more alluring. 


Crikey, she looks young,” he said to himself, before smiling wide.  “Like that should matter?” 


Age gap aside, Phil still maintained the health and body of a twenty five year old.   He then perked up as he preparef for Angie’s first guitar solo as Nina sang out…


“Skin on skin…..let the love begin….WOMEN!!!!!!”


Angie threw her head back as her fingers magically worked her white Jackson guitar, which was a startling contrast against her black clad figure.  Phil’s smile got even wider as he watched her, as Rick and Viv, who flanked him on either side, looked at him and grinned from ear to ear.  Rick then leaned into Phil and whispered in his ear.


“Close your mouth mate before the camera catches you like that!”


Phil turned to Rick with a hint of a blush.  “What?  I’m just impressed, that’s all.”


“With the guitar work, or who’s playing it?” Viv amusedly asked.


Phil crinkled his face, ignoring them and went back to watching Angie as she finished the first solo.  It was then just Nina, with her arm slung around Seth as he pounded the bass as she sang.


It was one part love….one part wild

One part lover….and one part child

A whole lot of fire….a little bit of ice

A whole lot of something… can’t sacrifice..


I give you……


Hair….eyes…skin on skin

(Legs) Legs….(Thighs) Thighs

What’s that spell?


The house lights dimmed lower as the band duplicated the reverb that Def Leppard used during that part in concert.  A single strobe light flashed around the stage for a moment or two before Nina’s pitch perfect voice screamed it out again.


“What’s that spelllllllllll???”


The band continued on in the song until it was time for Angie’s ending guitar solo.  When it came time, she threw caution to the wind and put her whole heart and soul into it.  She remembered from the many Def Leppard concerts that she attended how Phil would put his whole body into his solo’s.  Her mind was so lost in the memory of those concerts and the sound coming off her fingers that she absentmindedly fell to her knees and began to lean back slightly as she finished off the solo.


Phil saw this and almost thought he’d lose it right there in his seat. 


“Wow…she’s……!!” Viv exclaimed.


“Damn!” Rick chimed in.


“I could bust a nut just watching her,” Joe said.  “And that sister of hers too!”


“Yeah, well I think Phil may have first dibs on the ‘guitar’ sister,” Sav replied. 


Joe and Sav leaned forward to look down the row to gage Phil’s response.  The look on his face told them all that they needed to know.


“Think Phil’s gonna make a point to meet up with his female counterpart?” Sav asked Joe.


“Um…judging by the look on his face, it looks like he has more in mind that just a meeting,” Joe leered back, as he looked back at Nina.  “Come to think of it, I may just make a point of meeting up with my female counterpart!”


“Isn’t she dating her bass player?” Sav asked.


“I’ve got more to offer than a bass player!”


“That’s your opinion,” Sav sassed back.


Just then, Angie finished her solo and, on the last note, stretched her arm out towards the band in the front row, her eyes directly on Phil.


Her heart caught in her throat at what she saw.


Phil Collen’s eyes were popped and his mouth was dropped.



                                                Chapter  3


Immediately following the ceremony, MTV sponsored a party at a swank New York City hotel to further celebrate Def Leppard’s status as an icon.  All the performers who honored them with cover versions of their songs, as well as a handful of carefully selected other music celebrities, attended the event.


The invited guests were already in attendance when a long white stretch limo carrying Def Leppard pulled up in front of the hotel.  One by one they got out, feeling a rush from the ceremony that preceded them and the night that lay ahead.


As they walked in amongst the clicking of cameras, Joe gathered the rest of his mates in a small circle and whispered.


“Well, I don’t know about the rest of you, but I’m pumped and I plan on enjoying myself to the fullest tonight.”


“Oh, lookout!,” Rick mused.  “Newly single Joe Elliott is on the charm warpath!”


Joe grinned as his green eyes sparkled.  “Anyone else wanna join me – well, besides Collen?”


“Don’t even look at me,” Sav warned.  “I’ve got a fiance and two little boys back in Sheffield.”


“Oh, will you get off the ‘pussy whipped wagon’ for a change,” Joe sneered.


“Joe, there’s a million camera’s clicking away here tonight.  All it takes is one innocent looking picture to be taken the wrong way,” Sav justified


“Aw, the hell with you then,” Joe said, waving his hand.  “I’m gonna have me a kick-ass time tonight.  How many 40-something men have the opportunity to have 20-something lovlies fawn all over them?”


“Um….how about the last tour?” Viv asked.


“Well, like Joe, I can enjoy myself guilt-free tonight,” Phil happily announced.


“Yeah, and I know exactly what your first order of business is gonna be,” Viv mused. 


Phil looked like a kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar.  “Whatever could you mean?”


“Ha, I knew you already had an agenda,” Rick added.


“You were pretty quiet on the ride over,” Viv cut in.  “Just what are your thoughts on that lovely guitar player?”


“The thoughts I have aren’t clean enough to repeat,” Phil joked.  “But, on a serious note, what can I say that isn’t already obvious?  She’s bloody fantastic!”


“And, according to her sister’s intro, she’s idolized you for quite some time,” Sav added.


Joe tapped his finger against his chin.  “Let see….when you came on the scene it was 1983.   She can’t be more than what….28, 29.  That means she’s been getting her knickers in a twist over you since she was, what….eleven?  You dog, you!”


“So……I inspired her to take up the guitar?  Whats the big deal?  And, as far as her age, you know I like ‘em young!  And….it seems her sister there wanted to take after you, Joe.: 


“Who can blame her?”


“I could be ribbing you about her,” Phil countered.


“I’d love to give you the opportunity to, mate,” Joe said.  “I plan on making a point to get to know Nina Black and…….crikey, that Shakira is fucking hot!”



Phil looked in the direction of Joe’s gaze at the sexy Latina singer.


“Um, Joe….not only is she hot, but she’s also, what……..sixteen?”


“No, she’s older than that.  Um…speaking of indulging the younger ladies, I see a certain dark haired guitarist over by the bar and……..bloody hell!  What is she wearing?”


“More like what isn’t she wearing,” Viv snickered.


Phil looked in Joe’s direction and his mouth hit the floor.  There was Angie Black wearing a black leather skirt that was so short it was almost illegal, knee length black leather boots, a sheer, long sleeved, leopard print peasant blouse that was cut very high in the front to expose a very taut mid-section.  A thin, gold belly chain was seductively slung around her abdomen, looping through a gold hoop navel ring.  Her dark, glossy, golden streaked locks were caught up in a messy upsweep and her forest green eyes were done up with soft, smokey tones.


She was so outrageously beautiful, it was beyond description. 


Joe couldn’t keep his mouth closed, which Phil automatically noticed and got his attention by clearing his throat.


“Huh?” Joe said in a daze.


“Go work your green eyed stare on some twenty year old virgin,” Phil warned him. 


“Wow, its hard to imagine that….that…..goddess plays a wicked guitar as good as you,” Rick said.


Just then, Angie looked over in the direction of Joe and Phil and froze when her eyes locked on Phil.  A nervous smile over came her as her heart began to pound.


“Oh my God….he’s here!  Calm down, Ange….calm down!”


Joe saw that Angie’s eyes were locked directly on Phil.  He then clapped Phil on the shoulder.


“Well, I know when I’m not wanted,” Joe said dejectedly.   He then looked around to see where the rest of his mates suddenly disappeared to.  He saw Viv talking to Lenny Kravitz and Rick practically getting worshipped by Creed’s drummer.  He then peered around and saw Sheryl Crow fawning over a blushing Sav.  Joe grinned wickedly.


“Guess I’ll go torment Savage after all.  Later Phil.”


With that, Joe took off as Phil took a deep breath and headed in the direction of Angie Black.



                                                Chapter  4


Angie stood frozen as she watched Phil Collen approach her.  In the entire time it took for him to make his way over, memories from when she was 11 years old, playing air guitar, while watching Def Leppard videos or listening to their cassettes, flashed through her mind.  Playing guitar, being in a band and, most of all, meeting Phil Collen was nothing but a far away fantasy back then.  But now, her fantasy was becoming a reality.  Well, meeting Phil was not exactly the fantasy.  More like……


“You must be Angie Black,” Phil said, snapping her from yet another carnal thought this man conjured up.


“Y…yes,  I am,” she replied, wincing at her stammering.


Phil noticed the stutter.  There was no doubt that Angie was nervous, no…..starstruck over meeting him.  However, Phil wouldn’t let arrogance ruin this moment.  If anything, she were even more exquisite up close, if it were at all possible for her to be so.


“Well, luv, I’ve got to honestly say that I have never heard such an eerily similar guitar performance as I did tonight.  I was absolutely stunned.  You did a bang up job on ‘Women’ – all of you did.”


Angie thought she’d slither to the floor from that compliment.  Or….was it the cockney London accent that accompanied it?  Oh, hell, it was both!


“Phil, th…thank you so much,” she stammered again.  “You have no idea how nervous I was about doing that guitar solo justice.  I really wanted to make you proud.”


Phil couldn’t help the ear to ear grin that spread across his face over this talented, gorgeous lass wanting to impress him with her guitar skills.  She already impressed him with those – now his naughty mind was wondering about other impressionable skills she had!


“Well, you did it more than justice luv.  All the guys commented on your playing.  Hell, if I find myself out of a job one day, they may just come knocking on your door!”


Angie blushed profusely before realizing just how comfortable he was making her feel.  Phil was always known to have an infectious sense of humor and being very approachable, especially with fans.  Right now, she suddenly felt like she knew the man, not just the image on a tv screen or a voice on an album.


She downed the contents of her club soda and felt herself loosen up a bit.  Phil saw the empty glass.


“What are you drinkin’, luv?’


“Oh, just club soda, please.”


Phil raised one, blonde eyebrow.  “Staying sober tonight?”


“Tonight and every night.  I don’t drink.  Well, not since college, anyway.  I stay more focused that way.  Plus, the demands of being in a band forced me to take better care of myself.  I’m a firm believer in ‘your body is a temple’.


Phil raked his blue gaze up and down her unbelievably fit body.  “That is one temple I’d love to worship at,” he wickedly thought before shaking that thought away.


“Ah, a lady after my own heart,” he grinned, handing her a club soda with one hand as he squeezed a tiny wedge of lime into it with another.  “Don’t drink myself.  I quit many years ago.”


“I know,” Angie blurted out before realizing she did.  “I mean, well, as I’m sure you know by now that I am a big fan of yours.  Nina and I followed Def Leppard quite closely.  I guess you can say that we’ve read about all your…um…escapades.”


Phil blushed a bit.  “Yeah, well…..that was a loooooong time ago.  The eighties were a wild time, for sure.  Got it all out of my system when I was younger and, well, now that I’m older, I’ve gotten wiser.”


Angie smirked as she stared at the floor before stealing a glance upward.  “Well, in your case, older doesn’t mean old.  You’re in fantastic shape.  You could run rings around these boy bands today.”


Angie clamped her mouth shut at her bold statement, which caused Phil to flush a bit.  “Well, thank you lass.  I owe it all to a healthy lifestyle, and to California living.”


“I know, I mean…….I’ve read about your health regime.  It inspired me to take up the cause myself.  I never really realized how much playing the guitar for pure pleasure and playing it as a job differs.  Its very strenuous.  I figured, if it works for you, why not give it a try.”


“Ahhhh, so do I sense a fellow vegen in my midst, here?”


“Well, no, I haven’t taken it that far.  I love seafood too much and some chicken dishes as well.  I don’t eat red meat or pork though.  I’m into Tae-Bo, jogging and yoga which I do faithfully.  It gives me a lot of energy and stamina”


“Well, I’m sure it has a lot to do with your age too, luv,” Phil said.  “You can’t be anymore than, what…..30?”


Angie’s eyes widened.  “You’re correct.  I am 30, almost 31.  And I’ve never felt better in my life.  I owe it all to your inspiration, Phil.”


“Awww, now you’re really trying to make me blush lass, aren’t you?  And trust me, it takes about as much to make me blush as it does Joe.”


“Joe Elliott, you mean?”


“Yeah,” Phil said as he scanned the room, looking for his band mates.  “Ah, I believe he’s found his protégé.  He’s talking to your sister.”


Angie looked over to see Nina staring up at the tall, blonde green-eyed singer.  She also noticed Seth staring at Nina and Joe with jealousy.


“Her boyfriend doesn’t look too happy ,” Phil commented.


“Actually, she and Seth aren’t together anymore, well as a couple actually.  They had a bitter breakup, however it didn’t affect the band – fortunately!”


Phil dared to ask.  “So, what about you, luv?  Has any lucky bloke snagged you yet?”


Angie’s insides tumbled, before she berated herself.  “Just because he’s asking about your status doesn’t mean he’s interested himself!” 


“Um…no.  No one in my life.  Its hard to maintain a relationship when you’re in a band, as I’m sure you know.”


“Yeah, I do,” Phil said somberly.  “My marriage suffered as a result of it.  Its really hard to find someone strong enough to put up with someone in this profession.   If its not touring, it’s the writing and recording process.  Sometimes it can keep it away from your family when you don’t want to be.”


“You have a son, correct?”


Phil’s smile lit up his face.  “Yes.  Rory.  He’s thirteen and mouthy, but he’s my pride and joy.  Now that he’s older, I can enjoy things with him that I couldn’t do when he was younger.  I love watching him play soccer, I’ve been teaching him to play the guitar and he even comes on the road with me.  He’s like my little pal.”


Angie warmed all over listening to Phil talk about his son.  She knew, from all his other fine qualities that she so long admired, that he was a good father.


“So Phil, tell me.  When’s the U.S. leg of your tour starting?”


“In a couple of months.  The schedule is almost finalized, its just that we’ve been having a little difficulty finding………”


Phil cut off when the answer to his question slammed into him.


“Finding what?” Angie asked.


Phil smiled wide and dangerously leaned into Angie, who’s breath caught in her throat. 


“Well luv….I can’t promise anything, since all of us have to unanimously decide up on it, but…….how would your band like a job as an opening act?”



                                                Chapter  5 


Angie just about dropped her glass of club soda at Phil’s suggestion.


“Phil, you… must be joking?  Us….as Def Leppard’s opening act?”  She couldn’t have dreamt something so perfect.


“And why not?” Phil challenged.  “Angie luv….you guys could probably go on stage and play all our songs as good as us.   Granted, I haven’t heard any of your material, but I’m gonna make it a point to.”


Angie couldn’t believe what was happening.   To open up for a band whom she, Nina and Randy grew up idolizing and was influenced by was just too much.  As a joke, Angie reached over to her other arm and pinched her skin.  Phil saw and knitted his brows together.


“Whats that for, luv?”


“Just making sure that this is real and not a dream.”


“Hmmmm, well, here…..let me make sure too,” Phil said before he reached up and stroked her cheek.


Angie’s breath caught in her throat as she felt a strong surge of warmth travel to where Phil’s fingers touched her face all the way straight down to her…….


“You seem very real to me,” Phil concluded, breaking her from her lustful thought.  And….may I be so bold as to say….strikingly beautiful.  I gotta say that I commend you on the way you handle your image.  Its hard for a beautiful woman to find her place in rock music.  She’s either seen as some vixen, who’s sole purpose is to look good, or she tries to hard to be like one of the guys when she takes up an instrument.  You’ve balanced being a respectable guitarist, while maintaining the obvious fact that you are a woman.”


Angie blushed profusely at Phils outstanding praise.  As much as she wanted to respected for her guitar skills, his recognition of her person had her in knots.


“Phil…thank you so much.  To actually have someone notice, especially someone that I’ve looked up to and admired as a guitarist, means a lot.  That’s exactly the image I strive for.  I’m not some femininist or women’s libber or anything, but I believe that playing a musical instrument is a unisex thing.  There’s no reason that a woman can’t play it as good as a man without having to act like one.”


Phil inched in closer to her as his finger lazily ran itself down her arm.  “And you are definitely all woman, Angie.”


She felt the heat of his finger through the sheerness of the material covering her arm.  She swallowed hard and gazed into his clear blue eyes and saw something there that was absolutely dangerous.


“Aye sis!”


Angie broke eye contact with Phil as they both turned around to see Nina approach them.  When Nina saw the look on her sister’s face, she knew the very cause of it was standing right next to her.


Nina glanced from Phil to Angie and back, deleriously happy for her sister that she got to meet her personal icon tonght. 


“Nina…s..sorry.  I know I was supposed to come over as soon as I got my drink, but um……I got a little sidetracked.”


“Sorry Nina,” Phil added.  “I’m afraid I’m at fault for keeping your lovely sister occupied.”


“Oh by no means, don’t apologize,” Nina said.   “I’ve had her all my life.  I’m sure she much rather be talking to you.  By the way…..yes, I’m Nina.”


Nina extended her hand to which Phil took it, brought it up to his lips and kissed the back of her knuckles.  “Lovely to meet you, Nina.  I was just gushing over the fabulous job your band did with ‘Women’ tonight.”


“Thank you Phil,” Nina said, eyeing Angie for her reaction.  “Joe was just telling me the same thing.  It just seems like yesterday that we just discovered you on MTV, and here you are being honored by them, not to mention having the honor of covering your song.  Well, I was just coming over to see uh…..what was keeping you, Ange.”


Angie gave Nina a silent look of mortification, before Phil chimed in.


“Angie luv, as much as I’d love the pleasure of talking to you some more, I really should go find the guys and mingle a bit.  I’ll leave you in the capable hands of your sister for now.  But….later…..I’d like to catch up with you again.”


“…that would be nice, Phil,” Angie nervously replied.  “Hopefully this little soiree won’t last too long.”


Phil leaned in and whispered in her ear.  “I hope not either, luv,” before winking and taking off to find the rest of the guys and mingle.


Angie was just about recovering from the sound of that sultry London accent in her ear when the rest of their band headed on over in her direction.


“Man, I’m having an awesome time,” Randy exclaimed as he threw arm around each of his sisters.


“Me too,” Seth added.  “I can’t tell you the compliments I’ve been getting on our performance tonight.  Especially from Rick Savage.  He really thew me when he raved about my bass work.”


“Well, I was floored when Joe Elliott said I put his vocals to shame on ‘Women’,” Nina said.  “Can you imagine?”


“Yeah, well some guys will say anything to get someone in bed,” Seth said with sarcasm.


Nina rolled her eyes at Seth, to which he just looked away, obviously still pained by their breakup


“Yeah, well, from what I saw across the room, it looked like Mr. Collen paid you a compliment or two, Ange,” Eric said in her direction.


“Huh?” was all Angie could say.


“Uh oh….she’s day dreaming again,” Nina mused.  “Just what were the two of you talking about?  He looked awfully, uh…..close to you when I broke up your little party.”


Angie put her hands on her hips and shot her sister daggers.   “Will you please stop it.  Somehow I think you came over on purpose to be nosy.  You know what that man has meant to me all these years."


“Yes,” came four voices collectively.


“And because of that, no man has been able to hold your interest long enough because you’re forever comparing him to the almighty Phil Collen,” Nina said.


“Nina….you’re being ridiculous!  I’ve dated.  I’ve had relationships.  They just didn’t work out.  And now its even harder, now that were in the music business.  Its just…you know….hard to find someone that can deal with all of this.”


“Hmmm, unless he’s in the music business too.  You know…’birds of a feather……fuck together!’….” Eric mused.  “You’re both guitarists.”


“Hmm, wonder if that holds true for lead singers,” Nina said while looking in Joe’s direction.


Seth rolled his eyes.  “Christ, Nina!  The guy’s ancient!  Not to mention what he’s done over the years makes my making out with that chick mild.”


Nina got close to him.  “Seth, knock it off, okay?  We both agreed on the breakup, remember.  And, we both agreed not to let it affect the band.”


“That’s good advice, considering that we may be……” Angie began before trailing off.


“Considering…what?” Eric asked


“Well, you know their upcoming U.S. tour?  There is a slight possibility that we may do more than just attend,” Angie said.


“Meaning?” Randy asked.


“Well……and don’t say anything to anyone about this…..Phil mentioned that Def Leppard doesn’t have an opening act yet.”


Four blank faces stared at Angie.  She just stared back at them, waiting for what she said to finally sink in.  It was Randy who caught on first.


“No!  No friggin’ way!  Opening up for Def Leppard on their tour?”


“Shhhhh, quiet bro,” Angie scolded him.  “Phil just mentioned it, and thought we would be perfect because of our performance tonight.  But, its not something he can decide.  I have a feeling its gonna be discussed with the rest of the band and their management.  All we can do is wait and pray.”



                                                Chapter 6


Phil continued to mingle around the party, making new and old acquaintences, all the while keeping the lovely Angie Black in his line of vision.  As much as he wanted to stay and chat her up all night, he was one of the guests of honor and had to circulate. 


He couldn’t get over what an incredible woman she was.  And….so much like him in many ways.  She plays a wicked guitar, doesn’t drink and works hard at taking care of her body.  Her body!  Damn, he didn’t think he could keep his eyes on hers, especially when he wanted to roam them over every long, lithe, exquisite inch of her.


He remembered the look in her eye and how she shivered when he ran his finger up her arm and then whispered his desire to meet up with her later in her ear.  Actually, his desire was becoming more than wanting to just meet.  It had been quite a while since he ended his previous relationship, however, he wasn’t just looking for someone to fill a physical void.  He wanted a woman in his life that he could connect with on all levels – personal and professional.  He also had to take Rory into consideration.  He didn’t want his son seeing his father flinging from woman to woman.  He did enough of that in the 80’s!


What a stroke of luck it would be if Def Leppard could sign on Black ‘n Blue to be their opening act.  That would mean Angie would be traveling on the road with him, getting to know each other better, having her become acquainted with Rory and…….maybe just…..


“There you are,” he heard Joe’s voice come up from behind.  Phil excused himself from talking to one of the exec’s in charge of the ceremony and turned to Joe, who slung an arm around him.


“So…..tell me,” Joe snooped.  “How is the lovely Miss Black?”


Phil rolled his eyes at Joe.  “Hmm, I could ask you the same thing.  I saw you trying to pour the charm on Nina from afar.”


“Yeah, well, and I probably would’ve succeeded if that damn bass player boyfriend of hers wasn’t hanging around.  Guess he figured he couldn’t trust her alone with me.  Too bad he’s right.”


“Your humility floors me, Joe!  However, as luck may have it, she and the bass player are no longer a couple.  There’s hope for you after all!”


“Keep it up Collen and I may just contact my realtor to look for a cozy little beach side condo near you,” Joe threatened.  “Now that Sav moved back to Sheffield, I have no one to bug when the mood suits me!”


“Did I hear my name?”


Joe and Phil turned to see Sav come up from behind.   “Oh, nothing.  Just telling Phil how much I miss you since you moved to Sheffield and that maybe I’ll try out L.A. for holiday or something.”


Sav smirked when he saw Phil roll his eyes.  “Better you than me, mate,” Sav said.  “I’ve had to put up with him for…what…12 years living in Ireland?”


Its because of me that you have any excitement in your life,” Joe sassed


Its because of you that I moved back to Sheffield!” 


“Play nice kiddies,” said Rick Allen as he came up from behind Joe and Sav.  He slung his right arm around Joe and nudged Sav with his left shoulder. 


“What are you nudging me for?” Sav said.  “Like I’m one to start a sparring session?  Joe started, as he always does.”


“Aye, where can I place my bet on this fight?” said Viv as he came upon the bunch.  “Is there a little spat brewing between the two of you or are you making up for lost time apart?”


“Quiet Viv,” Joe and Sav both said.


“Okay, okay…enough with you two,” Rick said.  “I’ve been waiting practically half the night for Phil to disengage himself from Angie Black.”


“Right, that was the original conversation we were having,” Joe blurted out as he remembered.  “Tell, tell Phil.  Seems like a match made in heaven there.  So much in common too.  Whats her favorite color?  What sign is she?”


Phil stared daggers at Joe before looking at Sav who had a ‘ha ha’ look on his face.  Joe certainly knew how to press all the wrong buttons, and Sav knew that only too well.  But, he and Angie were clearly out in the open chatting for everyone to see so there was no avoiding it.


“Well…lets see,” Phil started.  “She’s….she’s fabulous!  I really can’t think of another word incredible enough to describe her.  She’s beautiful, talented, smart, independent, is into kick boxing….”


“Uh oh,” Viv interrupted.  “That’s it!   I hear the wedding bells now!”


“And is she as anal about it as you are?” Rick asked.


“I’m not anal,” Phil defended himself.  “I’m….committed.  Anyway, no she isn’t, but she, you know…takes care of herself.”


“Hmmm, and judging from that tiny piece of leather called a skirt is covering her, I’d say she takes care of herself right well!”




“What?  Crikey, Phil…I’m a man!  I can’t help but notice these things.  Right Sav?”


“Leave me out of this!”


“Getting a little testy there, Sav,” Rick mused.


“Yeah, that nice pink blush from Ms. Crow ooooohing and aaaaaahing all over you is clashing with your dark roots,” Joe chuckled


Sav glared at Joe.  You  know, I don’t think Sheffield was far away enough to move.  Maybe you should find yourself a little lovenest in L.A.

“Nooooooo!” came Rick and Viv together.


“Watch it, you two,” Joe warned.   “I’m gonna breathing down all your necks come the tour.”


Phil’s ears perked up.  “Um…speaking of the tour.  You know how were having difficulty finding an appropriate opening act.”


All the guys nodded.  Phil just stood there with an obvious look on his face, waiting for them to catch on.  When they didn’t, Phil rolled his eyes.


“Hello?  C’mon, guys.  The answer is as plain as day.  They’re right in this room.”


“You mean….Black ‘n Blue?” Joe asked.


Phil slapped him on the back.  “I see age hasn’t dulled your sharpness.”


“Keep it up Collen and I’ll offer your next door neighbor top dollor for his house.”


Do that mate, and I’ll move to Dublin,” Phil said.


“Alright stop,” Viv said.  “You know…what Phil says makes sense.  Black ‘n Blue would be perfect, especially since Def Leppard was such an influence on them.’


“And how very convenient for Phil to have Miss Angie as a traveling companion,” Rick smirked. 


“How would you like to conveniently disappear Rick?’ Phil threatened.  “C’mon, mates, admit it.   They’re smashing!  I’d think they’d suit the bill just fine.”


The remaining four Leps had no choice but to nod in agreement.


“So, what do you say?” Phil asked.  “Should we have Peter contact their manager for their availability?”


“I suppose you want a collective ‘yes’ so you can go over there, break the news to Miss Angie so she can shower you with her gratitude?”


Phil thought a moment before smiling very wide.  “Uh-huh!” 


“Well, you already know how I feel,” Viv said.  “I think its perfect.”


“I second that,” Rick stated.


“Count me in,” Sav said.


“Well it doesn’t matter what I think because it looks like I’m out-numbered,” Joe said with a sigh.  “However, even if I wasn’t, I think it’s a brilliant suggestion, not to mention that there’s the possiblity of getting that sister of hers in close quarters!”


“Well, if you wankers will excuse me, I promised Angie I’d hook up with her after I finished my mandatory mingling.”


“Um…should we wait for you to go back to the hotel together?” Joe said with a leer.


Phil scanned his bandmates, then looked over at Angie across the room who caught his glance and smiled.  Phil returned the smile before looking back to the guys.


“Later, mums.  Don’t wait up for me!”



                                                Chapter 7



Phil mingled his way back to Angie who was also busy fighting off her own throng of admirers.   When he finally made his way back to her, she was practically pinned up against a tall statue by Kid Rock who looked to be doing his best charm the sexy guitarist after his girlfriend, Pam Anderson, took off for the ladies room.


Angie looked past Kid and saw Phil standing behind him with a smirk on his face.  Angie pleaded with her eyes for Phil to rescue her, but Phil answered by tapping his finger against his chin as he feigned deep thought.  Angie’s eyes narrowed, then smoldered which really got Phil’s attention.  Ooooh, how he’d love to see those eyes smolder during an activity of a more intimate nature!


Phil stepped forward, cleared his throat and tapped Kid on the shoulder.  He turned around with a whip of his long, blonde hair and let out a loud, obnoxious whoop.


“Phil Collen!  Fuck, man you guys are fucking incredible!  I’m having a blast!”


Phil could tell by the bottle of Heineken in Kid’s hand that he probably had a few of them already.  Not having a tolerance for drunks, but needing to remain cordial and civil, he was the picture of graciousness.


“Why thanks a lot mate, I really appreciate it,” Phil replied.  “I’m enjoying my self rather well too.  In fact, you seemed to hav found what I’ve been looking for.”


Phil eyed Angie who looked to be eternally grateful to Phil.  Kid turned back to wink at her, then back to Phil.  “Fucking hot, isn’t she?”


Phil then saw a very blonde figure clad in puffy pink come up behind Kid.  Phil leaned into him and whispered.  “Uh, I wouldn’t say anything more if I were you, mate.”


Kid turned around to find Pamela standing behind him, shooting daggers between him and Angie.


“Hey, babe!  What took you so long?”


Pamela hooked her arm through Kid’s.  “I think its time for us to go,” she insisted as she pulled him away.  Phil snickered as he watched them walk away then went over to Angie.


“Thank God!” she groaned. 


“Yeah, nothing like being saved by the jealous girlfriend,” Phil said.


“Christ, he engaged to the world’s biggest big-boobed bombshell, yet he still has to hit on other women,” Angie spewed.  “What a jerk!”


“Ah, so you prefer monogamy, I see?”


Angie raised an eyebrow, remembering what she’s read over the years about Phil’s penchant for not being quite faithful.  “You have a problem with that?”


Actually, he kinda did!  But it was a problem he wanted to erase.  Perhaps he just hadn’t met the right women who could keep his eyes and body off other women.  Perhaps………


“Actually, I don’t,” Phil replied, not quite lying.  “Being with only one person is a challenge, however, if it is the right person, then the challenge can’t be that hard.”


“I guess you haven’t found the right person yet,” Angie stated matter of factly.


Phil shrugged and grinned.  “I guess you’re right.  So…..” he leaned in close, “the search continues.”


Angie couldn’t think of anything more that she would want right now than the chance to be with Phil Collen.  However, she wouldn’t be a one night stand either, nor would she put up with infidelity.  From what she knew of him, he was perfect for her in every way.  They had so much in common that she was practically the female version of him.  But there was still a lot she didn’t  know – things that you don’t read about in magazines or on the internet.  Those things she wanted to desperately find out.  And……maybe if this deal can be put together to tour with them, she’d have ample opportunity to get to know Mr. Phil Collen a whole lot better.


“Um… Phil……you think the chance may be good for us to be your opening act?”


Phil snapped his focus away from her lovely face to concentrate on her question.  “To be honest luv, I just mentioned it to the rest of the band.  They all agree that it’s a great idea.  Of course, we have to run it by our manager who’ll get in touch with yours.  If there are no schedule conflicts, then it could be a go.”


“That would be incredible,” Angie said.  “This could really open a lot of doors for us.”


“Well, I remember how it was when I first started out with the band.  Plus, I think you’ll compliment us perfectly.”


“Hmm, my sister will take to the idea of traveling with Joe Elliott very nicely.”


Phil got a bit closer.  “Well, I hope you feel the same way about traveling with me.”


Angie’s breath caught, but she caught herself quickly.  Sure, Phil oozed charm and he was pouring it on.  Even though he did respect her as a guitarist, she also wanted respect as a woman.  To travel on the road with him and the band meant that they’d be together all the time.  There were obvious sparks present between the two of them, but Angie couldn’t be blinded by lust.  She had to control what she wanted, which was Phil Collen in bed, and concentrate on what she needed – a lasting, meaningful relationship.


Would that be possible with a man like him?



                                                Chapter 8


March, 2003


The band was busy preparing to officially start the U.S. part of their tour, which commenced on the 21st in Pittsburgh.   After spending much of February between Ireland, England and Scotland, they were looking forward to going back to the States.


And, as luck would have it, Black ‘n Blue’s manager was absolutely thrilled to have the opportunity for the band to be Def Leppard’s opening act.  However, no one was more thrilled than Phil.  Well, maybe Joe, perhaps!


Both seemed to have been quite smitten with the Black sisters when they last saw them in New York two months ago.  Whereas Joe’s intentions towards Nina weren’t quite clear, Phil had been doing some hard thinking since he left Angie.  He thought about some….no, a lot of the mistakes he made in his life, especially with women, and it was time to put an end to them. 


He knew that he needed a woman that was like him in many ways for compatibility reasons, but just different enough to keep him interested and on his toes.  He realized that going for the young beauties to keep from straying wasn’t enough to keep him interested in the long run.  He needed someone with intelligence, wit, independence and strength.  So far, Angie Black displayed all those qualities.  He had stayed in contact with her since leaving New York and  now he had several months on the road with her to see if she clicked with him.


During a break in rehearsal, Joe went into the back room to get some water to cool off his burning throat.  The older he got, the strain of hitting those high notes became more and more challenging.  He hated so much as the thought of it and was looking forward to the lovely, young Nina Black to make him forget about it.


Joe left the room and ventured back into the rehearsal area to find each of his bandmates on their respective cell phones in a different corner of the room.


Grinning he went over to Rick first, hoping to hear something juicy.  When he got close enough, he heard anything but.


“Lauren sweetie, stop crying,” Rick spoke into the phone.  “We’ll get you another parakeet when I get home.  No, the bird fairy will not take it away if you put it under your pillow.  That only works with the tooth fairy.  Ask mum for a shoebox so you can bury it outside.”


Joe shook his head and moved on up behind Viv.  He didn’t hear anything much different. 


“Lily Rose, you better stop this habit of poking your sister in the eye.  No, its not funny to watch her cry!”


Joe rubbed his eyes and moved on to Sav.  He could only imagine.


“You being a good lad for mum?” Sav cooed in the phone.  “Okay, now give the phone to your brother.  I…….who’s crying?  Tyler, did you hit your brother in the head with the receiver?”


“I need something stronger than water after listening to this crap,” Joe complained as he saw Phil looking none too happy on his phone.  He got close enough to overhear.


“What do you mean you got suspended from school, Rory?” Phil shouted into the phone.


Joe grinned wide.  “Finally, something interesting!”


“Sorry pal,” Phil continued.  “You’re gonna have to wait until spring vacation before you can join me on the road.  No, I’m not taking you out of school early.  No, I’m not going to call your school and see if they can reduce it to detention.  It’ll teach you to skip class again.  And don’t think you’re gonna spend your suspension laying around the house playing X-Box or fucking around on the internet.  Tell your mother I’ll call her later on tonight to discuss a long list of things to keep you busy.  Yeah, I love you too!”


Phil clicked off the phone.  “Little shit!”


“Well, at least you’re the only one who can talk to their kid like an adult,” Joe said from behind.


Phil huffed.  “You know, I don’t drink, smoke, do drugs or eat meat, yet that kid will put me in my grave way before I’m ready.”


“Yeah, and you were such an angel at thirteen,” Joe said suspiciously.


Phil made a face.  “Yeah, well….whatever happened to ’do as I say, and not as I do’?”


“Sorry Phil, but that kid is too much like you.”


“Yeah, well I don’t want him to be,” Phil replied.  “I definitely don’t want him making the mistakes I’ve made.”


“Especially the ones with women?” Joe asked.


“Yeah, especially.  And…..I plan on starting my rehabilitation in that area when Miss Angie joins us in a week.  Man, I find myself not wanting a day to go by without talking to her.  I know I’ve said this a million times before, but there’s just something special about her.  Something different.  I swear Joe, I’m not gonna screw this up if there’s some kind of chance for us to have a relationship.”


“Christ, you really are in a twist over her!  I thought you’d just want to have as much fun as possible then…..’see ya’!”


“Is that what you intend for Nina?”


Joe shrugged.  “Don’t know.  I know for sure that I don’t want anything serious.  The last thing I want to do is find myself like those three over there, cooing into the phone about potty training and dead pets.   You on the other hand look like a man on a mission.”


“Yeah, lets just hope its not Mission Impossible!”



                                                Chapter 9



One Week Later

March 20, 2003


Both bands arrived separately at the hotel the day before the show at the Peterson Event Center the following night.


Their respective buses were parked side by side as a bevy of bodies began pouring out of each.  Phil was the first to disembark, all too eager to see Angie again.  One by one, her bandmates stepped off their bus and greeted Phil.


“Hey Phil, good to see you again man,” Randy Black said exuberantly as he shook Phil’s hand.  “Thanks again for pushing for us.”


Phil shook Angie’s brother’s hand.  “Well, it didn’t take much prodding on my part.  You sold yourselves at the Icon Awards.  We’re really glad to have you here.”


Seth and Eric were next to get off the bus.  Both greeted Phil and shook their head over his eagerness to see Angie.  Seth got a glimpse of Joe heading on over with a smile on his face.  Seth turned around to see Nina descend from the bus and meet Joe’s smile.  He turned away with a heavy sigh and headed for the hotel.


Angie was last to leave the bus.  She was very casual in a pair of loose, faded jeans that hung very low on her waist, exposing her trademark belly chain and navel ring.  A white crop sweatshirt barely grazed the bottom of her rib cage and her dark, glossy hair was in a high ponytail. 


Angie slid sunglasses on her face as she hoisted an overnight bag securly on her shoulder.  She saw Phil standing there watching her and made her way over on shaky legs.  Since she last left him at the Icon Awards, he had been nothing but a voice on the telephone.  Now he was here he was – in the flesh.  And, oh….what flesh it was!


“Hey there,” she said as she stopped in front of him. 


Phil’s expert eyes fell to her exposed midriff, his tongue wanting to following the same trail as her belly chain.


 “Long time, no see,” Phil mused, as he leaned up to kiss her cheek.  “Good to see you again, luv.”


“Same here,” she nervously responded, as the heat from his lips made her tingle.  “Um, I guess we’ve got some time to unwind.  We’d like to head on over to the Center for a quick rehearsal before sound check tomorrow.”


“Well, if you don’t have any plans, how about unwinding with some lunch?”


“Sounds great.  I’m famished!”


Meanwhile, Joe approached Nina and stopped in front of her.  He arrogantly folded his arms, waiting for her to acknowledge him.  Nina gave him a quick glance up and down, then smiled.  “Hey, big Joe.”


“Wouldn’t you like to know?” Joe wickedly replied.


Nina was determined to have fun with this man.  “So, everything they say about you on the internet is true after all?”


Joe put his arm around her and led her towards the hotel door.  “If you’re lucky, the truth can speak for itself!”


Nina took his arm off her.  “If I’m lucky?  You’ve got a ways to go before you get anywhere near lucky, big guy.”


Joe motioned towards the lounge.  “How about lunch?”


“That’s a start.”


Phil walked in with Angie by his side and went up to Malvin at the desk.  “Got my room number yet, Mal?”


Like clockwork, Malvin handed Phil his key.  “Here ya go Philip.  Rooming with Viv.”


“What else is new?”  He then turned to Angie.  “Listen, everyone’s probably going to be eating in the lounge.  Would you care for some room service and peace and quiet?”


Angie marveled that it didn’t take Phil too long to try to get her alone.  And, as tempting as the scenario would be, she kept true to her word that she would take this slow.


“That sounds great, Phil,” Angie replied.  “I love my brother and sister and the guys to death, but I need a bit of a break now and then.  I think they all headed over to the lounge to eat.  The tour manager’s taking care of the bags and the rooms.   Let me just go let them know.”


“Right behind ya, luv.”


Phil kept true to his word and followed her into the lounge, if only to have a better view of her amazing backside in those faded jeans.  In the lounge, Seth, Eric and Randy were at a table directly adjacent to a large booth that held Rick, Sav and Viv, who protectively sandwiched a flattered Nina and a very pissed off Joe, who was none-too-happy about his bandmates cutting into his time with Nina.


Phil smirked at the sight, knowing that Rick, Viv and Sav were surrounding Nina on purpose, if only to make it harder for Joe, and was glad for his decision on room service with Angie.


“Well, don’t you all look mighty cozy,” Phil grinned, as he slung an arm around Angie next to him.  “I don’t wish to cramp you any further, so this lovely lass and I are going to enjoy some room service – alone.”


That last line was directed at Joe, who was obviously biting his tongue over not suggesting room service with Nina.  Now, he was stuck here with the lovely Nina on one side of him and Viv’s elbow poking his ribs on the other side.  He looked on the other side of Nina, who was sharing a menu with Rick, then past him to Sav who mockingly waved at Joe from above his menu.


Joe’s eyes went back to Phil who snickered at him before he turned to escort Angie to the elevators.






                                                Chapter 10


Phil and Angie spent an agonizingly, platonic few hours in his room enjoying a lite fare of salad, fruit and iced tea.  When Angie uncovered her salad, Phil winced at the site of several grilled chicken strips.  She smirked over his distaste for meat and decided to have some fun with him.  She picked up one juicy, charbroiled piece with her fork and held it up to his face.


Phil backed away like a vampire faced with a crucifix, but Angie didn’t let up.


“Aw, c’mon Phil.  Just one tiny piece?  Don’t think of it as meat.  Think of it as just another source of protein.”


Phil looked at her pleading eyes and was almost done in.  For the first time in a long time, he considered consuming animal flesh.  Not being able to resist her, he reluctantly opened his mouth as she fed him the forbidden food.


Phil chewed slowly, trying to hide what he really felt.


“See, wasn’t that bad, was it?”


Phil made a face as if he swallowed vinegar.  “No, not bad at all.  Bloody delicious.”


Angie laughed.  “Pretty soon you’ll be ordering prime rib!”


“Not on your life, luv!”


The two of them continued their lunch and talked.  Phil filled her in on Rory and his recent trouble in school and his hopes for him when he joins the tour next month for his vacation.  Angie, in turn, brought Phil up to speed on all the changes that had taken place with her and the band since Def Leppard asked them to be their opening act.


“They just released our third video to coincide with the start of this tour,” Angie said.  “The first two turned out to be very popular and really pushed our album sales.  Now we hope that the tour will do even more.”


“And its helping us as well,” Phil added.  “Since you seem to draw a more younger crowd, it’ll acquaint them with our old and new stuff.”


Angie bit into a red pepper ring then reached for her napkin.  “I can’t see how anyone can’t get into your old stuff.  Hell, I was only 11 when I first saw you guys on MTV.  After that, Nina and I would take a mop and a broom.  She’d pretend it was a mic stand and sing while I pretended to play the guitar.  Then, one time Randy walked in on us and started teasing us.  We shut him up by giving him two rulers and told him they were drumsticks and that he could join our ‘band’.  The three of us would stand in front of the televison with MTV on and would play along with all the videos, but we were especially fond of the Def Leppard ones.  One time, Nina stood up on an easy chair with one foot on each armrest and jumped off, trying to do that Russian jump that Joe does in the ‘Photograph’ video.  The first time she fell into an end table and knocked over my mom’s lamp.  She was not too happy about that.  But, it didn’t keep us from ‘air-playing’ our band.  As we got older, we ditched the mop, broom and rulers for real instruments that we begged our parents for.  Nina only wanted to sing, which was fine with us.  We didn’t get very serious until after college when we met Chet and Seth.  We formed the band then and….well, here we are!”


Phil shook his head in wonder.  “Well, that’s an interesting story.  I can just picture you guys in front of the telly doing that.  Especially Nina trying to jump like Joe!  If he has his way, he might convince her to recreate the move for him…..privately!”


Angie rolled her eyes.  “Well, I will say that Nina does have a thing for him, but I don’t know how serious she’d take it.  Between you and I, she’s still smarting from her breakup with Seth and, well, I think she may be using this attention from Joe to get back at him.  I know she still cares for Seth and he still loves her.  He just made the mistake of getting caught kissing a roadie’s girlfriend.”


“Ah, I see,” Phil said.  “So, it seems your sister demands monogamy too, eh?”


Angie looked him straight in the eye.  “Absolutely.  I’m a one man woman, Phil.  Its important to my image as a female guitarist, so its crucial that I keep myself….respectable.  I hope you understand that.”


At this point, Phil would agree to anything Angie would say.  However, at this point, he could honestly say that he found no other woman more desirable than her.


Then again, the tour just started!


“I understand perfectly, luv,” Phil replied, looking into her eyes.    Phil would love a chance to be that ‘one man’.  However, would Angie be enough to be his ‘one woman’?


They continued to stare at each other for several seconds as their eyes tried to read what their minds were thinking when a knock on the door startled them both.


“Yeah?” Phil called out.


“You decent.?” Viv shot back.


Phil quickly glanced at Angie to gage her response and caught a slight blush.


“If I’m not, will you go away?” Phil countered.


“Hell no!  I’ve got a key.  I’m coming in.  Put away anthing you don’t want me to see!”


Phil and Angie stood up from the table as Viv made his way inside.  He looked a bit disappointed to not have caught them in a compromising positon.


“What did you expect to find, Viv?”


“Well….knowing you……..”


Phil shut Viv up with a glare.  The last thing he wanted Angie to hear was any talk of his promiscuous behavior.


Angie caught on and put her napkin down on the table.  “Well, I guess I better catch up with the rest of the band and head on over to the Center.  Thank you for lunch, Phil.  I’ll see you later.”


“Bye luv.”


As Angie closed the door behind her, Viv turned to Phil.


“You’re getting slow there, Phil.”


“Not getting slow, Viv.  I’m taking it slow.”




                                                Chapter 11


The following night, Black ‘n Blue took the stage at about 7:30 and played for a good solid hour.  With only a debut album to play off of, they stretched out 5 songs that were an equal mix of hard, melodic rock and ballads.  The crowd was mostly made up of Def Leppard fans -  from ones that have been loyal to the band since their humble beginnings, their children in tow, and new fans who have discovered the band since their dramatic story was told in a VH-1 biopic.


Phil stood off to the side and watched as much of  Black ‘n Blue’s performance as he was able to.  As much as he tried to concentrate on the band’s performance as a whole, he couldn’t tear his eyes of Angie’s performance – or presence!  She was simply magnificent.


He couldn’t believe that she transformed from a fresh, young lovley in jeans and a sweatshirt the day before, to a sexy rock guitarist who put every fiber of her being into her playing.  As a ‘homage’ to the band she was opening up for, she was clad in skintight, lowrise leopard print jeans and calf length black leather boots.  A black, lycra tank covered her long, shapely upper half and her gold belly chain and navel ring glimmered off the stage lights with every move she made. 


As a last second decision, Angie had decided to spend a good portion of the morning having her glossy, shoulder length dark hair corn-rowed and would keep it that way for a good portion of the tour.  It kept it out of her face when she was performing, not to mention that it made her exquisite bone structure, charcoal lined, steel gray eyes and clear red glossy lips stand out even more.  A leopard print bandana was tied over the top part of her head to complete her look.


Phil thought she looked like a long, lean, black panther, more than a leopard.  She exuded a sexiness that could never be mistaken for trashiness.  She was wild and sensuous, rocking and mysterious all at once. He was so taken with the mere sight of her that he didn’t hear his name being called.


“Phil? Phil?  Phil?  PHIL??????”


Phil turned around to see Joe standing behind him, clad in classic leather pants, black tank and a silver metallic long sleeved shirt over it.


You calling me?”


Joe rolled his eyes.  “No, I’m trying to get the lighting guy’s attention,” he sarcastically retorted.   “I’ve called you about three or four times.  How’s about leaving ‘Angie-Land’ so we can get ready to go on.  They’re almost done.”


“Sorry, but I didn’t expect to stand here and watch the entire show.  They really are amazing.  They’ve got so much energy.  Look how wound up the crowd is?  They’re gonna be pumped by the time we go on and we’re gonna feed off of that.”


Joe had to agree.  “Yeah, they do rock, I’ll say that.  Nina’s voice is absolutely incredible.  Not to mention that she looks good enough to eat in that outfit!”


Joe’s well trained eyes took in Nina’s stage attire.  Whereas Angie was ‘rock chick’, Nina was more ‘rock chic’.  She kept a more softer, yet edgy appearance with a long, mocha colored suede skirt that was cut up to her mid thigh and cream colored calf length boots. A low slung black leather belt hung from her slender hips with an onyx and rhinestone adorned buckle.   On top she wore a tight, midriff baring cream colored tank and a black choker necklace with a large teardrop shaped crystal hanging from it.  Her dirty blonde hair had a tousled ‘bed head’ look with the sides brought up with a black clip.  Large silver hoops hung from her ears and a mass of black and silver bracelets adorned her wrists and her makeup palette consisted of dark, smokey eyes and iridescent lips and a shimmer of face glitter.  She looked like a cross between Gwen Stefani and the lead singer of The Corrs.


Everytime Nina moved, the nearly obscene slit in her skirt exposed a long, silky leg, causing Joe to groan.


“Man, I’d love to get her in the sack wearing that exact outfit.”


“Yeah, well you’re probably not the only one who thinks so,” Phil said.  “Check out Seth.”


Joe’s eyes went to Black ‘N Blue’s bass player, and Nina’s ex-boyfriend, just as Nina had slung her arm around his neck as she belted out the end of one song.  Even though Nina was working the stage for show, Joe felt a twinge, especially when he noticed the look on Seth’s face as Nina stared at him while she sang.


Phil enjoyed the look on Joe’s face.  “Aw, don’t tell me you’re jealous?”


Joe looked incredulous.  “Jealous?  Jealous of what?  First, there’s nothing between us – yet.  Second, if she had to choose between him and I……well, lets just say there’d be no choice to make!  C’mon, lets go.”


Joe spun around and headed to the back room.  Phil chuckled at Joe’s arrogance then waited a few seconds more until Angie turned to see him staring at her.  He rewarded her with a sexy smile and a wink which nearly caused Angie to drop her guitar.  Phil noticed her reaction and couldn’t help feeling a bit arrogant himself. 


He then suddenly thought of Miss Angie crawling across his bed like a wild animal wearing that outfit.  The thought caused him to get hard instantly. 


And this was only the first night of the tour!



                                                Chapter 12


After they showered and changed, Black ‘n Blue hurried to catch the Leps show.  Angie was the first one done and already stage side by the start of the first song.  As soon as she heard the beginning of ‘Disintigrate’, her body became alive as it was filled with the roaring sound of Phil’s Jackson guitar.  They then segued into ‘Let It Go’ and ‘Another Hit and Run’.  By then, the rest of the Black ‘n Blue made their way over to Angie.


“C’mon, lets go watch from the front,” Randy said to his sister.


However, Angie wasn’t listeneing.  Her eyes were completely locked on Phil. 


“Sis, c’mon,” Randy repeated, snapping his fingers in front of her face.  Angie eyes quickly darted.


“What?  Why can’t I stay here?”


“Well, you can if you want,” Eric said.  “I’m getting down in the front.  Its hard to get the full experience from the side.  See ya down there.”


Nina pulled her sister’s arm.  Lets go while they’re at the end of this song.”


“No…wait…” Angie said.  “Just…..just wait till the end of the next song.”


Nina laughed, knowing full well why Nina wanted to wait.  However, Seth and Randy didn’t.”


“Why?” Seth finally asked.


Angie turned a bit pink, not wanting to answer the question.  However, Nina had no qualms.


“If I know my sister, and her penchant for Phil Collen, its probably because he usually waits until the third or fourth song before he loses his shirt.”


Angie acknowledged her sister with a dreamy grin as she continued to stare at Phil.  Randy shook his head in amazement.


“You women have the nerve to talk about us guys!  You’re just as bad.  I’m going to join Eric.  I’ll catch you horny females later!”


Randy left his sisters and Seth to go join Eric in a front row seat.  Seth saw that Nina had joined her sister in watching the Leps, although her gaze was firmly latched onto Joe.  He rolled his eyes and stepped away.


“Guess I know when I’m not wanted,” Seth mumbled.  “See ya.”


Nina heard him in time to catch him by the arm.  “Seth….please don’t act like this, okay.”


Seth let out a frustrated breath and gently pulled his arm out of Nina’s grasp.  “Sorry, Neen.  Its just a little hard, okay?  I mean, I know I fucked up when I kissed that bitch, so I guess I deserve a little payback.”


Nina’s eyes narrowed a bit.  “What do you mean ‘payback’?”


“Oh get off it, Neen!  You’ve been fawning over Joe Elliott ever since the Icon Awards.  And with his reputation, it’ll only be a matter of time before he’s in your pants.”


Nina folded her arms.  “Got a problem with that?”


“Hey, I don’t care what the fuck you do anymore,” Seth said hotly.  “But man, you’re 29 and he’s what……43?”


Nina got even more defiant.  “So?  Maybe I just want to see if that dick of his is as big as its rumored to be.”


Nina’s response got her nothing but a hurtful look from Seth.  Deep down inside she knew he still had feelings for her, and her for him.  Maybe she was trying to get back at him for his dalliance with a roadie’s girlfriend.


Seth looked as if he was totally disgusted with her.  “Good luck, sweetheart.  And, by the way, during the show, don’t put your arm around me anymore during a song.  Go hang on Eric.”


Seth walked away to go join the rest of the guys watching the show from the front.  Nina knew he was smarting, but he’d get over it.  She had to deal with it when she caught him kissing that girl, now it was his turn.


Nina saw that Angie was completely oblivious to what transpired between her and Seth.  She was still totally engrossed in Phil who had long lost his shirt.


“Ange, if you want to stay here and watch, I’ll stay with ya,” Nina said.


“Hmmm….yeah……whatever,” Angie replied, as she caught Phil’s sexy wink her direction.


Nina caught it too and wondered who would be in who’s pants first!








                                                Chapter 13


Next Night

March 22, 2003


Both bands finished the show at the Conseco Fieldhouse in Indianapolis and were now headed to Ohio for two dates on the 24th and 25th.  The sheer rush of everything made it a bit difficult for Phil to spend any time with Angie, but now the long bus ride to Ohio provided him with an opportunity.  He caught her in the back room grabbing a bottled water, apple and bagel at the hospitality table.  He snuck up behind her.


“Tsk, tsk, tsk,” he murmured.  “Bagels are loaded with white flour, not to mention that they’re pure carbohydrate.”


Angie turned around and met Phil’s wicked, admonishing look with a grin.

“Well, after all the energy I’ve expended these last two nights, a little carbs won’t kill me.  What do you do for energy?”


Phil held up a plastic bottle filled with a brownish green liquid which made Angie’s face twist with disgust.


“Aw, its not as bad as it looks, luv.  It’s a soy based protein drink.  Definitely puts hair on your chest!”


Angie glanced down at the hair peeking out from the top of Phil’s buttoned shirt.  “That it does,” she boldly said.


Phil saw where her eyes went and he started feeling bold himself.  Sure, he wanted to challenge himself by going cautiously with Angie, but these signals were driving him nuts. 


However, Phil knew that Angie wasn’t a woman to play around with then move on from when something more interesting came along.  At this point, he couldn’t think of a woman more fascinating or interesting than Angie.  Playing the monogamous rock star while on tour with a bit foreign to Phil, but he knew he couldn’t go on like that forever.  He had a newly teenage son that he had to set a good example for.


Phil pushed his thoughts aside and concentrated on Angie’s sultry gray eyes.  He then reached up and fingered one of corn-rowed braids that swung below her chin.


“You know, I meant to tell you, I like these.  Bo Derek’s got nothing on you, luv!”


Angie blushed a bit.  “Okay, okay, I’ve heard enough Bo Derek jokes from the guys.  But, they’re kind of the rage right now.  Plus, it keeps me from fussing with my hair and out of my face when I’m playing.”


“Well, only a woman with extrodinary features can get away with something so extreme,” Phil charmed.


“Th…thank you Phil,” Angie stammered.


They were so engrossed in each other that Phil, again, didn’t hear his name being called out.


“Philip!  Philip!  Philip!!”


Phil’s head spun around at the sound of Malvin’s bark.  “You rang?”


Malvin juggled a bunch of papers in his hand as he looked at Phil with exasperation.  “About three times.  Get on the bus.  Both of you.”


Before Angie departed for her bus, Phil took her arm.  “Aye, Angie….um…since we’ve got quite a ride ahead of us, I was wondering if maybe we could ride together.  Since I don’t want to subject you to Joe’s pervertedness, how’s about I ride with you?  I’ll bring my guitar.  We can play together a bit.”


Angie’s beautiful face became alight at the mere image of sitting side by side with Phil, playing their guitars together.  She thought of all the pictures she had seem with him with an accoustic across his lap playing something soothing and couldn’t think of a more incredible sight.  Being able to play in the same manner seemed…….erotic to her.


“Phil, I’d like that very much,” she replied.  “After admiring your playing for so long, I’d love the chance to play alongside you.”


“Great!” Phil exclaimed before turning towards Malvin.  “Malvin!  My guitar!”


“Yes master,” Malvin mocked before disappearing onto the bus to get Phil’s accoustic.  Once inside, Joe saw him take Phil’s guitar then turn to leave.


“Where you going with that?”


Malvin fluttered his eyes at Joe.  “Loverboy is going to ride with Miss Angie and make some music together,” Malvin quipped.


Joe stood up and held his hands out to the side.  “Well, if that’s the case, then get Nina on this bus.  Why should he have all the fun?”


“This isn’t a contest, Joseph,” Malvin chided.  “Besides, do you think that nice, young lass really needs to be subjected to all of you?”


Joe made a face.  “Mal, what do you think we’re gonna do – gang bang ‘er?  You’ll be here, Rick’s in his bunk chanting away, Sav’s sneezing his brains out and Viv’s asleep.”


Malvin raised a suspicious eyebrow.  “What about you?”


“Someone has to keep her entertained,” Joe said with a wicked twinkle in his green eyes.


Malvin sighed then turned to leave the bus.  “I’ll ask her.  Don’t get your hopes up.”


“No, but I’ve got something else ‘up’,” Joe mumbled.


“I heard that,” Sav said from two seats behind, followed by a cough.


“Go take a cold pill and mind your own business, will you?”


Sav pulled a blanket around him and turned in his seat.  “I’m sure Nina’s gonna be impressed with how compassionate you are, Joe.”


“Good night, Sav,” Joe said, wanting the last word.


Just then, Joe’s head turned to see Nina step onto the bus wearing gray, low rise drawstring sweatpants and a fitted, white hooded zip up top.  Joe took in how the material clung to every sweet inch of her and flashed her his trademark dimples..


“A good night, indeed!” he thought.



                                                Chapter 14


The guys in Black ‘n Blue had long dozed off as Phil and Angie made their way to the back of the bus.  They sat across from each other with their guitars across their laps.


“Well…what should we play?” Phil asked.


Angie thought a bit.  “Well…..if you don’t mind….I’d really just like to watch first while you play.  Your style and the way you put yourself into it is so captivating.  Uh…..that sounded corny, didn’t it?”


Phil flashed her a grin and propped his guitar into positon.  “Not at all.  I’m quite flattered.  Hmmm, how’s about I just rattle off a little something that I’ve been fooling around with.”


With that, Phil bowed his head and began to expertly pluck the strings with his pick as his fingers mastered the chords on the neck of the guitar.  Angie sat there hypnotized as she watched Phil play the guitar as if it were attached to his body.  She bit her lip as his left hand moved up and down the neck, as if he were caressing a limb.  That visual sent a chill up the back of her spine.



When Phil finished, he looked up and his breath caught at the look of what appeared to be arousal on Angie’s face.  He wouldn’t be too arrogant to think that Angie got turned on by watching  him play.  His eyes caught hers and tried to communicate what his mind was thinking.


“How was that luv?”


All Angie could do was shake her head in amazement.  “Absolutely beautiful, Phil.  I learn a lot by watching other guitarists, whether electric or accoustic.  I love watching their playing style and the expressions on their face.  But of course, I’ve been watching you the longest.”


Phil crossed his arms on top of his guitar and leaned in a bit.  “Well now, how about giving me an opportunity to watch you?  I know I can learn something from it.”


Angie gulped at the thought of this man studying her as she played.  She suddenly felt vulnerable.  He was the reason she picked up the guitar in the first place and now he wanted to learn from her.  What could he possibly learn that he didn’t already know?


Angie steadied her instrument on her lap and closed her eyes for a bit.  Then, her fingers went to work.  She kept her eyes closed as so to concentrate on the piece and not the magnificent man watching her….studying her….gazing at her. 


When she was finished, she opened her eyes to gage Phil’s reaction.  The look on his face made her heart catch in her throat.  It was a look of awe and incredulousness.


Angie, that was a fabulous piece!” Phil said with astonishment.


She blushed at his praise, but kept eye contact.  “Thank you.  Its something I wrote…well…..recently.  I call it……’Dream Come True’.


Phil’s mind churned over the possible irony of that song.  Was being on this tour her ‘dream come true’ or meeting him?  Or both?


“Absolutely beautiful, Angie,” Phil said of the song, and of her.  “However, there was one part in there where, if you changed chords a bit, it would flow better.”


Angie perked up.  “Really?  Where?”


Angie began to play it again and Phil stopped her when she went by that part.  “Stop, right there.  Change it to…….here, let me show you.”


Phil put his guitar aside and scooted over to get behind Angie.  His arms went around her from behind so that his left was on hers that grasped the neck of her guitar.


Angie just about died from the contact.  Since they both had sleeveless tops on, the inside of Phil’s upper arm caressed the outside of hers, sending a flood of warmth through her entire body.  How was she gonna play with him so close, innocently touching her like this?


“Now…play that part again,” Phil whispered into the side of her neck. 


His tone caused her flesh to tingle, even as she began to play.  When she got to the part in question, Phil expertly moved her left hand down the neck of her guitar to where her fingers orchestrated a different chord.  As Phil predicted, it enhanced the piece.


Angie turned her head to find her face mere inches from Phil’s.  “You….you were right,” she stammered.  “It does sound better.”


Phil’s left hand left hers on the neck of her guitar to run it seductively up the silky smoothness of her arm.  His eyes remained locked on hers.


“Glad you think so,” he replied, as his eyes left hers to drop to her lips.  He saw her chest rise and fall a bit as her breathing intesified due to his closeness.  Angie remained perfectly still as Phil closed the gap between them and sweetly kissed her lips.


Angie was totally and completely lost.  The feel of Phil’s lips on hers…the caress of his fingers on her arm…..made her feel as if she were made of liquid.  Her hands came up to cup his face and put more pressure into the kiss.  As she did, she was completely unaware of something slowly sliding off her lap.





Phil and Angie pulled apart, startled by the sound of Angie’s guitar as it slid off her lap and onto the floor of the bus.  It made such a racket, that it woke up the other guys up front.


“Hey, what are you two doing back there?” Randy called out.


Phil raised a quizzical brow, daring Angie to answer.  She took up the challenge.


“Sorry about that, Randy.  Phil was just….uh… me a lesson.”


Phil responded to her comment with a very naughty look.  Oh, he looked forward to giving her another lesson.


But it had nothing to do with the guitar!



                                                Chapter 15


On the other bus, Joe was not having the luck with Nina that Phil was having with Angie.  First of all, the individual noises were making him crazy.


If it wasn’t the loud humming under the bus, it was Viv and Malvin’s snoring in perfect harmony.  If it wasn’t that, it was Sav’s nagging cough!  Since Rick was still in his bunk, all was quiet with him, but the smell of his sandlewood incense seeped out from under his door and down the center aisle of the bus.  When it permeated Joe’s nostrils, he threw his head back.


“Bloody fucking hell,” he murmured under his breath. 


Nina looked up from a stack of Joe’s recently purchased CD’s she was checking out and smirked.  “Problem there, big guy?”


Joe sat back heavily and let out a breath.  “Perhaps I should’ve rode with you on your bus,” he complained.  “If I don’t get asphyxiated from the smell of Allen’s incense, I’m gonna catch whatever bacteria is being coughed out of Sav’s lungs.  I especially can’t get sick, being the singer and all.  You understand that, don’t you luv?”


Nina nodded.  “Absolutely.  Hmmm, maybe we should move out of Sav’s coughing range.”


“Where?  Malvin’s snoring like a freight train up front and Allen’s burning incense like a volcano in the back.  My head is pounding and my eyes are watering.  And on top of that, my bloody shoulder is killing me.  I must’ve pulled something doing ‘God knows what’?”


Nina couldn’t help but smirk over Joe’s incessant complaints.  She should be annoyed, but somehow it seemed to be a natural part of his personality.  She knew that just by being on the bus with him was probably driving Seth up the wall.  Oh well….let him stew a bit.  She’d enjoy this for all it was worth.  Who knows where it would lead to?


She put the stack of CD’s down then reached up to gently massage Joe’s right shoulder.  “There….how does that feel, big Joe?”


Joe began to ease up a bit as a pleasurable look washed across his face.  “Mmmm, nice,” he purred in his classic British tone.  He then turned his green eyed stare on full force.  “You know, calling me ‘big Joe’, is just pressuring me to have to prove you right.”


Nina met his look straight on, thoroughly enjoying her opportunity to flirt with him.  “Somehow, I don’t think you have to be pressured to do anything,”


Nina then squeezed a tender part of his shoulder, causing him to wince.  Joe grimaced, then put his head back, enjoying Nina’s touch.  After a few moments, she suddenly stopped.   He looked over and saw that she had leaned her head against his shoulder and had fallen asleep.


He rolled his eyes and turned his head to look out the window.  This wasn’t turning out the way he had planned.  The young woman that he wanted to seduce had fallen asleep on him, surrounded by his snoring, chanting, coughing bandmates and tour manager. 


He then heard a yawn and turned to see Sav sitting up, rubbing his eyes.  When he focused on Joe, and Nina’s head slumped against him, he sleepily grinned.


“Let me guess….you bored her?”


So not to wake up Nina, Joe answered by simply flashing his middle finger.  Sav chuckled and went back to sleep.


It wasn’t long before Joe gave up and did the same.



                                                Chapter 16


On the other bus, Angie opened her eyes to see that the night had turned into morning.  But what really got her attention was the position she was in.  Her back was nestled against Phil’s front as they laid sideways in the cushioned seat.  His head was to one side, his features relaxed and his breathing easy.


She slowly raised herself upward, only to be startled by being pulled back down.


“Where you sneaking off to?” Phil groggily asked.


“The bathroom,” Angie answered.  “Plus, the buses are stopping in front of some restaurant.  Guess we’re gonna have some breakfast.”


Phil sat up and stretched the kinks from his body, suddenly missing the warmth of Angie’s.  “Great, I’m kind of hungry.”


“Me too.  Be right back.”


Angie used the bathroom then quickly brushed her teeth and applied a bit of eyeliner, blush and lipshine.  Thankful that she didn’t have to worry about her braided hair, she exited the bathroom just in time to run smack into Seth.


“All yours,” Angie said.


“Yeah, thanks,” he mumbled.


“Wait, you’ll get coffee soon.”


“Just what I want,” he grumbled.  “Coffee and breakfast while watching Nina and Joe slobber all over each other.”


Angie put a hand on his arm.  “Seth…..”


Instead, Seth just walked away from her into the bathroom.  Phil saw the whole thing and gave Angie a questioning look.


“Guess he’s not a big fan of Joe’s,” Angie said.


“Hell, I’m not a fan of Joe’s and I’ve know him almost half my life!” Phil joked.


“Yeah, but he’s not after your ex-girlfriend!”


“No, but he can have my ex-wife if he wants – both of them!”


Angie snickered, but then realized that it really wasn’t funny.  Even though Phil joked about it, she was sure that his divorces weren’t much fun to go through.


“Aw, I take that back,” Phil quickly retorted, seeing the look on Angie’s face.  “Actually, my first wife, Jacki, is a good mum.  She holds the fort down with Rory while I’m tour until I can bring him with me.  She recently remarried too.  As for my second wife, Anita…..well, she’s a wonderful lady.  Beautiful, smart, talented.  I guess………. I just remarried too quickly.”


“Its okay Phil, you don’t have to get into all of this now,” Angie said.


“Yeah, I’d rather not.  Maybe another time.”


When the buses came to a halt, everyone began to get off, desperate for some food and caffeine.  Viv stepped off while on his cell phone, checking in with the wife and kids.  Joe and Nina got off next, engrossed in some secret looks.  Sav was right behind, coughing away, while Rick slapped him on the back from behind.


“Got some loose phlegm there, Sav?” Rick mused.


“Hit me that hard again, and I’ll cough up my kidney!” Sav shot back.


Joe turned around in Sav’s face before moving away.  “Keep your germs away from me.”


Sav feigned a hurt look.  “I suppose a good morning kiss is out of the question then?”


Nina supressed a chuckle, which got Sav’s attention.  He leaned into her while eyeing Joe.  “He’s quite a kisser, luv.”


Joe grabbed Sav’s arm and pushed him ahead of him.  “Wise ass!  Don’t give her your germs, either.”  Joe then put his left arm around Nina.  “Us lead singers have to stick together.”


Nina reached up and held onto Joe’s left hand that cupper her shoulder and nodded at him.  Her eyes then caught Seth coming off the bus.  She saw Seth’s eyes glance from her to Joe and back before looking away and walking into the restaurant.  Nina’s heart was starting to hurt for him, but he had no one to blame but himself.  Let him feel what she felt when she found him with his tongue halfway down that girl’s throat.  She didn’t mean to be spiteful, but her pride was getting in the way.  Plus, the attention from Joe was intoxicating and doing wonders for her self-esteem.


She then saw Angie get off the bus looking all lovey-dovey with Phil.  She couldn’t wait to find out how her night was.  Joe however, had no such patience and waited for Phil at the entrance of the restaurant


“So…..get lucky or what?”

That comment earned him a raised eyebrow from Angie and a none-too-pleased look from Phil.  But Phil gave Joe a determined look.


“As a matter of fact, yes,” Phil proudly stated.  “I was lucky enough to spend several hours last night in the company of this beautiful woman while playing our guitars together.  And you?”


Before Joe could answer, Viv came up behind Phil.  “Man, you scored a home run compared to Joe.  First, he subjected her to his newest CD additions, then faked a sore shoulder to get her to massage him, which caused her to fall asleep on him.  I heard everything.”


Joe turned angry eyes to Viv.  “Its amazing that you could hear anything over your own snoring!”


A horrible sounding cough suddenly rang through the nearly empty restaurant.  Phil’s ears perked up.


“Is that a sea lion?”


“No, its Sav,” Joe huffed.  “Been coughing like that all night.  I’m sitting far away from him until Mal gets him some antibiotics or something.” 


Joe then turned to Nina.  “You joining me, luv?”


Nina swept her hand ahead.  “Lead the way.”


As she followed Joe, Nina caught her sister’s arm.  “Well?”


Angie answered her sister with a glowing smile.  “Later, sis.”



                                                Chapter 17


As soon as they got situated on their bus, Nina nudged her sister.


“Spill it, girlie!”


Angie looked non-plussed.  “Nothing to spill.  All we did was play for an hour or two then fell asleep.  If you don’t believe me, ask these guys.”


Nina looked to her brother who threw his hands up.  “Hey, I was asleep,” Randy stated.  “But, no mysterious moanings or groanings were heard.”


That remark earned him a slap on the back of the head from Angie.




“Its true,” Chet chimed in.  “I just heard them playing guitar in the back.  However, they looked quite snuggly when I went to take a piss early this morning.”


Angie looked a bit defensive.  “We….we just fell asleep, that’s all.  Perfectly harmless.”


“Oh sure, sleeping is harmless, except when you’re on top of Phil Collen,” Nina grinned.


“Trust me sis, if I was on top of Phil the way I wanted to be, we wouldn’t be sleeping!”


Randy threw his head back and laughed.  “Don’t you girls ever talk about us guys being horndogs.  You’re worse than we are!”


Angie acted coy before she realized that one of their group wasn’t participating.


“Hey Seth, you gonna vouch for my virtue last night like these two did?”


Seth just shrugged.  “You’re a big girl, Ange.  You can do what you want, with whomever you want.  Right, Nina?”


Nina was a cross between being guilty and annoyed.  “Just what is that supposed to mean, Seth?”


“Just what it sounds like, Neen.  If Angie wants to bang Phil Collen in the back of the bus, fine.  If you want to bang Joe Elliott, fine too.”


“Seth,” Randy replied with a slight warning tone.


“What?  Your sisters are consenting adult women and can do whatever they want.   Just like you, me and Chet are consenting, single adult guys.  I can’t speak for you two, but I’m gonna be looking for a lovely female or two backstage soon.”


With that, Seth got up, went to one of the back bunks and shut the door.  Randy’s eyes followed him until he disappeared, then looked at Nina.  “So, is he right?  Did Joe Elliott try anything with you?”


“No, he didn’t.  I fell asleep on his shoulder.  That was it.  For now.”


“Neen,” Randy said with that warning tone again.  “Don’t start something you can’t follow through with.”

“Why are you lecturing me?  How come Ange isn’t getting warned about Phil?  My God, out of all those guys, Phil’s the most promiscuous one of them all – even when he was married!”


That was something that Angie did not need to hear.  Not that she wasn’t aware of his rumored behavior.  She just didn’t want to be reminded of it.  Nina saw the look on her face and was instantly contrite.


“Ange, I’m sorry.  I didn’t mean to blurt that out.”


Angie grabbed her guitar and stood up.  “No problem.  I mean, its probably true.  Although, I’d like to think that maybe he’s changed.  Don’t worry about me.  I don’t plan on giving anything to Phil unless I can be sure that he’s still not giving it out himself.”


With that, Angie took her guitar and went to the back to play by herself.  She wondered how she was ever going to be sure about Phil.  She couldn’t come right out and ask him.   It would have to take time.  But, after their erotic guitar playing session last night and waking up against him this morning, she wondered how long she’d be able to last. 



                                                Chapter 18


On the other bus, Phil was glowing while Joe was scowling.


“Will you please take that fucking dreamy look off your face?”


Phil’s head rolled against the cushion seat to face Joe as he flashed him glaring blue eyes.  “Problem?”


“You don’t fool me, Collen,” Joe stated.  “Angie Black may be hot and have just about everything in common with you, but….I know you.  Your eyes don’t stay in one place for long.”


“C’mon, Joe!  Its impossible not to look,” Phil defended himself.


“Yeah, like last night,” Viv chimed in.


Joe and Phil both turned around to face Viv.  “Meaning?”


Viv rolled his eyes and grinned.  “Didn’t you see that 20-something lovely in the third row flash her tits?  They were…….they were……..”


“Reeeeeal niiiiiice,” Sav suddenly blurted out.


Joe, Phil and Viv turned surprised eyes to Sav who was huddled down in his seat, a box of Kleenex by his side.


Doth my ears deceive me?” Joe mocked.  “Was that Sav making a comment of the sexual nature.


“He has half a bottle of Robitussan in him,” Malvin called out from the front.


Joe, Phil and Viv looked at each other.  “That explains it,” they all said in unison.


“So………. did you?” Viv asked again.


“I sure did,” Joe answered first.  “God, I felt like weeping.  Those were quite a pair.”


Viv looked at Phil.  “And you?”


Phil threw his hands up.  “Of course I saw!  I’m a bloody man, for God’s sake.  Even if I was happily married, I’d look.”


“Like that’s stopped you before,” Joe chided.


“I said happily,” Phil reiterated.


“So, if you were happily married and ecstatically in love with a woman who puts every other woman to shame, you’d never look again?”


“Don’t’ be absurd!” Phil said ridiculously.  “What man could never, ever look?”


“Okay, so  would say……..a woman like Angie be enough for you to faithful?”


Phil thought about what he was asked before answering. 


“As of right now, I can honestly say the answer is yes.  But, I’ve got to be honest with myself.  I mean, I though Anita would be enough and, well…look what happened.  Angie doesn’t deserve to be subjected to my mistakes.  But, on the other hand, I don’t want her to slip through my hands either.  We click in every possible way.  I know I’m capable of being faithful.  Maybe Jacki and Anita weren’t enough.  Perhaps Angie is.  I don’t know.  All I know is that Rory isn’t a baby anymore.  I can’t be screwing around like this when he’s aware of what’s going on.”


Joe listened intently until Phil stopped talking.  “Very deep there, Phil.  Easier said than done, though.”


“You don’t think I can do it?”


“Bet you can’t!”


“Sorry, Joe.  This isn’t a contest.  I have too much respect for Angie to make her the subject of a bet just to satisfy your assumption.”


Joe took a deep breath, leaned back in his seat and clasped his hands before putting them behind his head.  “Well, if you’re gonna play choir boy, I guess this means that I may have better luck with Nina than you’ll have with Angie.”


“Hope you’ve got your boxing gloves on, mate,” Phil warned.




“Seth is still smarting over breaking up with her.  You’re not his favorite person right now.   Nina could still very well have feelings for him.  And….has it ever occurred to you that she may be using you to make Seth jealous and get back at him for cheating on her?”


Joe gave Phil an incredulous look.  “What?  A woman….using me?  Not a chance.  I’ve been wetting her knickers since she was 10.  And that was from a telly screen.  Now, I plan on doing it to her in person.”


“Oh, here we go,” Sav groaned.  “Joe’s laid down the challenge.”


“Why aren’t you asleep yet?” Joe retorted back at Sav.


“You’re all talking too much,” Sav whined.


“Joe, why don’t you do yourself a favor and try a little romance for once?”


Joe perked up at the sound of Rick’s voice, quiet for so long.


“Not only do you plan on joining the conversation this late in the game, but you suggest something absolutely absurd,” Joe replied.


Its not absurd,” Rick shot back.  “You want to make sure that she’s forgotten about the ex, right?  Give her something to make her forget.”


“Oh, I’ve got something, alright!  Its about 6 inches south of my navel and almost twice as long!”


Sav began to bubble up with laughter.  “Twice?”


Joe reached over, grabbed the Kleenex box and tried to swat Sav with it, but he dodged it.


“As I was saying, before I was rudely interrupted,” Rick continued.  “..if you want to make a woman forget about another guy, you’ve got to shower her with things that cloud her senses.  I tell ya, its all about romance.”


Joe looked about to throw up.  “Allen, I’m not planning on marrying the woman, so I’m not going to all that trouble.  Besides, my idea of ‘romance’ is a bottle of courvoisier and a king sized bed.”


Its a wonder you’re still single,” Sav murmued.


“Don’t you have a child to call?” Joe shot back.


Sav sat up, wide eyed as he went for his cell phone.  “Thanks for reminding me.  Paige took the lads for their shots.”


Joe looked at him.  “You know, there was a time when you used to be fun.  What happened?”


“Its called ‘fatherhood’, Joe,” Sav said, matter of factly.


Phil kicked Joe in the foot.  “So….you gonna ‘romance’ Nina?”


Joe made a sour face.  “No way!  Listen, I’ve gotten women all these years just being myself.  It’ll be no different with her.  You’ll see.”


Phil just raised his eyebrows at Joe before turning back in his seat.  It wouldn’t be so easy for him.  He knew he couldn’t be his ‘old self’ if he planned on winning Angie.  He had to prove that he was capable of being a faithful, one woman man.


Even on tour!



                                                Chapter 19


April 8

Philadelphia, PA


The tour was moving along wonderfully.  Both bands equally impressed the other with the impact they had on their crowd.  Black ‘n Blue was amazed at the loyalty of die-hard Leppard in the audience, a majority who were clad in classic Pyromania and Hysteria concert t-shirts for nostalgia.  They also saw a sea of Union Jack flags being waved at every single show.  And with the British fighting side by side with the Americans in Iraq at the moment, the sight of the Union Jack next to Old Glory had an even more special meaning to it.


Def Leppard was also benefiting from the youthful mix in the crowd that Black ‘n Blue brought to the show as well.  Concert attendees ranging in ages anywhere from 18-25 were curious to see if the British pop metal band with the one armed drummed who practically ruled the ‘80’s lived up to all the hype.  And, judging from the infectious roar of the crowd from the moment the Leps took the stage until they screamed for one more encore answered any and all doubts.


Even more amazing, was the fact that Phil and Angie rode together on the bus practically every night and he had yet to make a serious move on her.  It was driving him absolutely crazy, but he was a man on a mission to prove to her, and  to himself, that he could be satisfied with only one woman.  Plus, Rory would be joining him on tour in a few days when his school let out for spring break.


After finishing their show tonight at the Spectrum, the band was now headed to New York City for a double show at the Beacon Theatre.  After living on a bus for the last 11 days, the thought of sleeping in a hotel bed was a welcome thought. 


What would make it even more heavenly was to have a warm, female body beside him.


Joe’s situation was a little bit different.  He was hell-bent on seducing Nina, if only to prove that he was still irresistable.  As for Nina’s intentions, he wasn’t sure if she was just trying to make Seth jealous.  He wasn’t really sure if he cared.


On the Attack bus, Phil stared out the window as it pulled up in front of their New York hotel.  He didn’t ride with Angie from Pennsylvania to New York because he wanted time to think about broaching the subject with Angie about taking it to the next level.  Eleven days without any sex was torturing him, but he wanted to be sure that he just wasn’t using Angie.


Meanwhile, Joe had his own little plan of attack.


“I’m making use of this hotel room tonight if it kills me,” Joe stated.


Viv shook his head back and forth.  “Face it, Joe.  If Nina hasn’t put out yet, chances are she won’t.  I think she’s just using you as a little ‘boy toy’.  And…’re just using her too, so why don’t you just forget about your mid-life crisis!”


Joe bristled when he heard the term ‘mid life crisis’ and turned to Viv with an extremely calm face.






“Fuck you.”


Joe then stood up as the bus came to a halt in front of the hotel.  Rick approached him, unzipping his own overnight bag.


“Here, Romeo,” Rick said, handing Joe a small candle.  “Its vanilla-mango scented.  The vanilla lends a soothing sweetness while the mango stirs up the libido with visions of a tropical island.”


Joe’s green eyes looked abdsurdly from the candle then back to Rick.  “You’re joking, right?”


Rick looked at him with all seriousness.  “Do I look like I’m joking?  Trust me, Joe.  Women love it when a man shows a romantic side.  For some reason, they’re attracted to the vulnerability of it.”


Behind Joe, Sav laughed.  “It would take more than a lit candle to prove to any woman that Joe is vulnerable.”


As Joe went to turn on him, Sav ripped two Kleenex from the box and loudly sneezed into them, causing Joe to retreat.


“Getting sick isn’t worth telling you to piss off,” Joe said, turning back towards Rick.  He slowly lifted the candle from his hand.


“Okay, Allen.  I’ll indulge you.  If I don’t get laid tonight, you’ll find this candle up your ass tomorrow.”


Rick grinned over Joe’s temperment that he was used to for the last 25 years.  “Well, you might want to give yourself a little added insurance that you’ll get lucky tonight.”


“Such as?” Joe asked with a raised eyebrow.


“Such as………not talking,” Rick calmly offered.


Joe shoved a giggling Rick away from him.  “You know, you’ve got a lot of balls for someone with only one arm left!”


Rick left the bus, followed by Viv.  Behind Joe, Sav was still laughing.  Joe turned to advance on him, but Sav feigned the beginnings of a sneeze which caused Joe to hightail it off the bus.


Phil was slow to get off the bus, wanting as much time away from irresistable sight of Angie to think clearly.  He decided that he would take her somewhere nice for dinner tonight – alone – and talk.  How that talk ended would determine whether or not he’d be sleeping alone tonight.


As he got his bag, he felt a hand on his shoulder and turned to look at Sav.


“You okay, mate?”


“Yeah, just doing some thinking,” Phil answered.  “Looks like Joe’s acting the way I used to.”


Used to?” Sav questioned.  “Does this mean that your pursuit of Angie is more honorable than Joe’s pursuit of Nina?”


Phil smiled and regarded Sav.  “Well, its been eleven days.  Eleven nights of shows with some very delicious looking women roaming around backstage and…….nothing!  I have been sex-free.”


Sav gulped.  “Sex?  What the fuck is that?”


“I think someone needs to make a phone call!” Phil mused.  “However, yours is just a flight away.  And….if Joe does keep his mouth shut and that damn candle lit, he may just succeed tonight.  I have a much more difficult terrain to plod.”


Sav slapped him on the back.  “Good luck, mate.”


Phil looked out the window and spotted Angie getting off her bus.  She was dressed in a tank top, denim jacket and low rise, fitted track pants.  Her ass couldn’t look any more perfect.


Phil’s lustful self was beginning to take over his sensible one.


For the first time, Phil Collen needed luck!








                                                Chapter 20



As soon as Phil got off the bus, he intercepted Angie before she joined up with everyone else.


“Aye luv, got a minute?”


“Sure, what’s up?”


“Listen, how does a nice, quiet dinner together in some little corner restaurant sound?  Tonight?  Just you and I?  Japanese, maybe?”


Angie didn’t even have to think about it.  “Yes, yes, yes and…..absolutely!  I love Japanese.  However, I should warn you that………uh…..well, nevermind.”


Phil was intrigued by her embarrassment and had to know what caused it.  “What?  Tell me!”


Angie put a hand on her hip and tried to stop her cheeks from coloring, but to no avail.  “I can’t!”


“Why not?”


“Because…….you’ll have the advantage, that’s why?”


Angie luv, I promise….whatever it is, the secret is safe with me.”


Angie crossed her arms and regarded him.  “Alright, fine,” she gave in.  “I should warn you that sushi and sake has, well…….kind of a weird effect on me.”


Phil raised a naughty eyebrow.  “Such as…….?”


Angie had a feeling that Phil knew and was baiting her to further enjoy her embarrassment.  She decided not to let him have the upper hand, but rather play him at his own game.


She put a hand on his shoulder and drew her lips towards his ear.


“Such as………they make me incredibly horny that I have no control over myself, that’s what?  So……you better watch yourself tonight.”


Angie leaned back and thought the look on Phil’s face was priceless.  She coyly winked at him.  “You pick the place, I’ll be down in the lobby at 6:30 wearing something not-so-conservative.  Later, Phil.”


She hoisted her bag over her shoulder and walked away from him, leaving Phil to stand there with nothing but the enticing shape of her ass to hold him over until tonight.


“That good, huh?”


Phil diverted his eyes away from Angie’s backside and closed his gaping mouth to turn towards Joe’s voice.




Joe snapped his fingers in Phil’s face.  “Snap out of it, Collen!   Crikey, is that woman a witch or what?”


Phil grinned wide.  “No, but she certainly is evil in her own way.  I’m taking her for Japanese for dinner and hopefully a little English for dessert!  Tonight’s it.  I can feel it.”


“Perfect!” Joe exclaimed.  “She rooms with Nina.  I’ll have Malvin put us together.  Sav can go infect Viv or Rick tonight.  This way here, you can take Angie back to her room and I’ll have Nina with me.”


“So, you and Nina are on tonight?”


“I haven’t asked her yet.”


“So…..what makes you think she’ll say yes?”


Joe shrugged.  “Simple.  “I’m Joe fucking Elliott, that’s what!



                                          Chapter 21



Both bands discovered a few fans waiting for them inside the hotel, although they did their best to be sure that hotel they were staying at was as undisclosed as possible.  Fortunately, there were no problems, no weirdos, no stalkers, no woman thinkin she’s one of the guys’ long-suffering wives or something!


After appeasing the small crowd with some autographs, Malvin and Black ‘n Blue’s tour manager swiftly got their respective bands checked in and began to pass out room keys.  Sav was the first to the elevator, wanting nothing more than to take some cold medicine and pass out in bed.  Rick and Viv both had their cell phones in their ears, checking in at home, as they entered the elevator as well.


Randy and Angie got on the elevator together, giving Phil a promising wink before the doors closed.  Chet and Seth headed to the lounge to unwind with a drink.  Joe looked around for Nina when he didn’t see her get on an elevator.


“I saw her head towards the lounge, Joe,” Phil said as he saw Joe’s eyes darting all over the place.  “If you’re gonna ask her out, better make sure she’s nice and drunk first.”


Joe turned a sarcastic face to Phil.  “I don’t need alcohol to convince her of anything, Phil.  Remember, I am now the possesser of of the mighty vanilla-mango candle!”


Joe then covered his face with his hand.  “I can’t fucking believe I said that!”


Phil stepped on the elevator, then turned to Joe.  “Well, if I see vanilla-mango scented smoke billowing out from under your hotel door tonight, I’ll take that as a ‘do not disturb’ sign.  Good luck!”


Phil’s words ended when the elevator doors closed.  Joe then headed for the lounge to find Nina.


Nina had entered the lounge and her eyes immediately fell upon Seth and Chet, who were standing at the other side of the bar talking to two very pretty young women perched upon the bar stools.  Jealousy like a knife suddenly cut through her.  She knew that Seth threatened to find someone when he got into

New York, but she didn’t think he’d find someone this quick.


She then brushed it off, thinking that they were nothing but two fans, and ordered herself a melonball.  As she waited for her drink, she saw one of the two women put her hand on Seth’s shoulder and pull him down so she could whisper something in his ear.  She then saw the expression on Seth’s face in response to what she was saying.  His mouth was turned up and his eyes narrowed a bit.  Nina assumed that this woman just propositioned him. 


She continued to stare as the bartender put her drink on the counter.  Then, Seth looked up and over at her, catching her staring.  He didn’t even give her so much as an acknowledgement before he took the woman by the hand and led her over to a corner booth, Chet joining him with the other woman.


Nina felt like throwing the drink across the room when she turned and found herself almost imbedded in Joe’s chest, nearly spilling her drink.


“Oh my God, Joe….I….I didn’t hear you sneaking up behind me like that.”

“Just wanted to make sure you didn’t get away,” Joe replied, flashing her a trademark green eyed stare.


Nina gave him a flirting look of her own.  “And……just where would I run off to?”


“Somewhere I couldn’t find you,” Joe replied.  “Aye, listen luv.  Phil’s taking your sister out to dinner tonight.  Since he and I are rooming together, I’m going to be alone.  I was hoping you could keep me company.  I’ll order us room service – whatever you like - , maybe order a movie on satellite.”


Nina bit her lip, absolutely flattered by Joe’s invitation.  “Sounds interesting,” she purred, taking a sip of her melonball.  She then made a face.  “Christ, how much frigging Midori did they put in this?  I like sweet things, but this is too much.”


“Is that a melonball?”Joe asked.


“Yeah, I like fruit based drinks.  They’re refreshing.”


Joe felt like an idiot, but he decided to go for it.  “So……perhaps you like……mango?”


Nina’s eyes widened a bit.  “Oooooh, I love mango!  Why?”


“Surprise,” Joe answered.  “But, you’ll only find out what it is if you say yes to tonight.”


Nina quickly thought about Seth in the booth with that woman and what she might be doing to him later, then looked up at Joe with a seductive grin.





                                                Chapter 22



Phil was down in the lobby by 6:35 and immediately spotted Angie sitting on the black leather sofa in the lobby.  She stood up when he noticed her look up at him and his mouth twitched.


Her long, bare legs were covered by a mid-thigh length, blood red skirt and a pair of strappy heels that criss-crossed halfway up her calf.  A black, hankerchief halter top covered her sleek upper half.  In truth, she had more exposed skin than she had clothing, but she looked anything but trashy.


Phil approached her as his eyes ran over every long, silky inch of her.  “I’m here.”


“Youre late.”


“Five minutes!” Phil defended, before noticing the front of her halter.  It had red stitching that matched the color of her skirt.  The stitching spelled out something in Japanese.  Angie saw where his eyes went.


“Thought it would be appropriate for tonight,” she said.


“What does it mean?”


“Don’t know.  Maybe we can get a waiter to translate it,” she mused.


Phil then held out his arm.  “Shall we?”


Angie looped her arm through his.  “I’m all yours.”


“We’ll see,” Phil leered back.


Several hours later, Phil and Angie finished up their meal at Choshi’s on Irving Place in Greenwich Village.  Phil swirled his chopstick around a few leftover soba noodles on his plate as Angie finished the last of her sake.  She put her cup down and looked at Phil with a little guilt.


“Okay, I know I said I don’t drink, but I just can’t pass up sake when I have Japanese.”


Phil cocked an eyebrow.  “Especially since it turns you into a randy woman!”


“Actually, I feel fine,” Angie announced.  “Not affected by the sake at all.  Or the sushi, for that matter, which was delicious.  No, I wanted to remain perfectly sober and have all my wits tonight.”


Phil reached over and ran his finger up her forearm.  “Any specific reason?”


Angie had been thinking of this all afternoon.  Hell, she’s been considering it since Phil approached her at the Icon awards.  They’ve been on the road with each other for over a month and have been talking almost every day for two months prior.  She spent many long busrides with him playing their guitars or just talking more.  She felt as if she knew everything about this man.  But…..she was curious about one more thing.


“Well,” she began.  “I’m assuming that the night isn’t going to end when we leave this restaurant.  Whatever happens afterwards, I want it to be its because of my own free will and not the sake.”


Just as every nerve in Phil’s body came alive, the waitress returned with his credit card and receipt.  He then suddenly remembered something and tapped her arm.


“Excuse me, miss.  Could you translate the stitching on my lady’s top?”


Angie stood up so the young, Japanese waitress could read the stitching on her halter.  After a few moments, the girl straightened up and grinned at Angie.


“It says…..a person’s destiny is written in stone.  If you want it to happen sooner, re-write it yourself.”


When the waitress left, Phil stood up and joined Angie by her side.


“What do you think of that, luv?”


Angie looked deep in Phil’s eyes and took his hand.  “I say…..lets start on chapter one.”



                                                Chapter 23


Phil pushed the ‘up’ button as the elevator doors opened in the hotel lobby.  As he stepped inside, his hand took Angie’s to pull her in.  They had remained virtually quiet the entire cab ride back to the hotel.  However, when the doors closed, they unleashed themselves on each other.


Angie wrapped her arms around Phil’s neck and had his back pressed up against the wall while her barely clad body covered his front.  Their mouths fused in a kiss that was full of weeks of pent-up frustration and fueled by the aphrodisiac effects of the sushi!


Phil couldn’t touch enough of her exposed skin.  Her arms, her bare back, the backs of her thighs – anywhere and everywhere that Angie allowed.  In her mind, no access was denied.


“Angie, dammit!” he gasped as he trailed his mouth from hers to her neck, breathing in the very essence of her as his hand trailed up the back of her thigh under the hem of her skirt.  “God, I don’t think we’re gonna make it to the room.”


Angie’s hand’s disappeared up the back of Phil’s black, silk buttoned down shirt, dragging her sharp nails lightly over his tight skin.  She couldn’t believe that he felt even better than he looked.


“We better make it,” Abby replied huskily as she bit Phil’s earlobe.  “Even though doing it an elevator has a ‘Fatal Attraction’ appeal to it, I’d rather have you behind doors that won’t suddenly open.”


Phil felt her teeth on his ear and nuzzled her neck to lightly bite her shoulder as his hand made it up her skirt to grab her…….


“Fucking hell, Angie,” he growled.  “Tell me you don’t have any panties on!”


Angie pushed away from him with a sinister smile, turned around and teasingly lifted her skirt to reveal a black thong outlining her perfectly shaped bottom. 


“God dammit, woman,” Phil murmured as he pushed her towards the wall and had her place both hands on the panel.  He then ran his own hands over her lucious bare bottom.


“C’mon, Ange, lets just ride the elevator up and down.   If I don’t do you now, like this, I’m gonna die!”


Angie admitted that she was absolutely turned out by the sheer naughtiness of the moment.  She then realized that Phil Collen didn’t seem to be a man who seduced a woman with wine, roses and a lit fireplace before being carried off to a large velvet bed to make love to her.  He was more a ‘pull-you-in-a-dark-alley-and-fuck-your-brains-out’ kind of guy.  Having fast and furious sex in a traveling elevator seemed to be more his element. And, she happily obliged.


He hand reached over to the panel as they neared their floor and pushed the button for the 12th floor – 6 more floors up.  She then looked over her shoulder at Phil.


“Good thing for you that I had just enough sake,” she said.  “Now… were saying?”


“I wasn’t saying anything, Miss Angie,” Phil said as he undid his trousers.  “Time for talk later.  I have something else in mind right now!”


He pulled his trousers down then, with a delicious grin on his face, pulled Angie’s thong over to the side.  His hands came up under her hankerchief halter until they found her breasts.  Both Phil and Angie groaned at the same time upon the feel.


“Phil, please………” she begged.  “Please…………….ahhhhhh!”


Phil slammed inside of her and was immediately engulfed with her slick, hot softness.  He leaned forward and placed his forehead against her bare back.


“Fuck, Angie!  Crikey, you feel amazing!”


Angie’s hands slid down the elevator panel to hold onto the bar along the center.  She had to hold onto something else her knees would collapse from the feel of this man, whom she’d been worshipping for years, thrusting in and out of her body.


“Phil……..yeah……oh yeah, that’s it!  Harder.  Oh, shit, there’s the bell!  Faster!”


Phil looked at the panel and saw that the bell for the 12th floor rang and knew that the doors would open.  He quickly punched the button for the lobby, hoping that no one would stop the elevator on its descent all the way back down.


“Got more time luv,” Phil panted as he slid his body in and out.  “Still want me to go faster…….?”




Phil pulled Angie up so her back was almost flat against his front and increased his tempo.  Angie bucked her body backwards, meeting his every frantic thrust.   Angie threw her right arm back to hook around Phil’s neck as she felt her body reach its peak.


“Phil!  Phil!  Oh my God!  Yes!  Yes!”


“Yeah, Angie do it!  Fuck, the bell!”


The  bell rang as the elevator reached the lobby and Phil immediately punched the button for the 6th floor then grasped Angie tight as he felt himself about to climax.


“Bloody fucking hell…….yeah!!!”


The lovers culminated their wild ride in the elevator in mutual satisfaction.  Both leaned against the wall to catch their breath.


“Damn, that was two close calls,” Phil muttered with a chuckle.


“I would’ve died if those doors opened,” Angie said with labored breath.

“Speaking of which, here’s our floor,” Phil said.  “C’mon, lets get in bed and do this again horizontally.”


As Phil and Angie straightened themselves up, the elevator doors opened to their floor.  They both stepped out and Angie immediately made a face as if she swallowed a lemon.


“What is that smell?”


Phil sniffed a bit before breaking out into a hearty laugh.  “Mango!”




                                                Chapter 24


As Phil and Angie got closer to Joe’s hotel room door, the sickeningly sweet smell of mango, mixed with a hint of vanilla, became stronger and stronger.  Suddenly, another room door opened and Rick came out and spotted Phil and Angie covering their mouths.


“What the hell was that you gave Joe – an atomic candle?” Phil asked.


Rick made a sheepish face.  “Hmmm, must’ve been one of those fast burning ones.  Probably not good for enclosed spaces.”


Then, Joe’s door suddenly opened.  When Rick saw the disgusted look on his face, he backed inside his room and shut the door.


“You can’t hide forever, Allen,” Joe fumed, as a cloud of vanilla-mango wafted behind him in the room.  Angie peeked in with wide eyes.


“Christ Joe, what are you doing in there?  Performing some sacrificial ritual?  And…..where’s my sister?”


“Out on the balcony getting some much needed air,” Joe shot back.  “Allen is dead!  As soon as the tour’s over.”


“How thoughtful of you to extend his life so he can finish the shows,” Phil added.


“Hmm, guess your romance plans went out the window, huh Joe?” Angie said.


“Just because I lit Mount St. Mango doesn’t mean that I was trying to romance your sister.”


“Oh, glad you cleared that up, because you seem about as much as the ‘lit candle type’ as Phil seems to be……….”


Angie gave Phil a secret, seductive look about what they just shared in the elevator.


“The canopy bed type, maybe?” Joe finished for her.


Angie’s eyes widened.  “Exactly!  No way can I picture Phil in one of those romance novel scenes.  No, Phil seems to be more the………..elevator type of guy.  See you in the room.”


Angie winked at Joe, then Phil, then headed to her room.  Phil looked at Joe.


“Well, guess that’s my cue.  Good luck, mate.”


Before Phil turned Joe called out.  “Aye Collen?”




“Your fly’s open, mate.”


Phil looked down and smiled.  “So it is!  Well, no sense in zipping it up.  Nighty night!”


Joe watched Phil disappear into Angie and Nina’s room.  He left his room door open a bit to air it out then saw Nina come in from the balcony.  Joe felt like an absolute idiot at the moment, but he wouldn’t show it.


“Okay, luv?”


Nina waved her hand in front of her face.  “Yeah, I’m fine.  I didn’t think that candle would burn so strong.”


“Me too.  Thought it would be a nice touch.”


She cocked her head at him.  “Funny, Joe.  You just don’t seem the candle type.”


“Hmm, your sister said the same thing.  Her and Phil were out in the hallway on their way back.  They uh….just went into the room.”


Nina bit her lip.  “Guess I won’t be going in there for a while – if at all.”


Joe saw the opportunity to have Nina here for the night and even in bed.  “Well, you could…….”


Just then Nina looked up and out into the hall through the open door.  She saw Seth standing there with his arm around the young woman from the bar.


“What’s that fruity smell?” Seth asked.


Joe saw the look on Nina’s face upon seeing Seth with another woman and walked over to the door.  “Just a candle gone mad.  Have a good night, mate.”


Joe slowly closed the door to see Nina take a seat on the couch, a somber look on her face.  He’d been picking up on little signs and signals these past few weeks and was slowly coming to a conclusion of his own.


“Listen, Nina.  Lets watch the movie.  By then the room should be aired out.  Since I think your sister and Phil won’t be budging from that room, I’ll just stay in Malvin’s room and you can stay here.”


Nina looked at him with resolve.  “No, Joe.  That’s okay.  You can stay here.  I’ll just crash on the couch.”


Joe joined her on the couch.  “No, I’ll take the couch.  No arguments.  Are you okay?”


“Why wouldn’t I be?”


Joe raised one eyebrow.  “Seth, maybe?”


Nina was caught off-guard and went for the remote.  “Seth and I have been through for a while.  I’m completely over him.  He can screw whoever he wants.  Now……lets watch this movie.”


Nina snuggled against Joe and he couldn’t help but put his arm around her, even if he knew shy was lying through her teeth.



                                                Chapter 25


Nina opened her eyes the following morning to find herself snuggled under the covers of a hotel bed.  She turned her head upon hearing deep, even breathing behind her.


On the couch, Joe laid on his back, one arm thrown over his head, one long leg bent upon the floor.  His tall frame dwarfed the standard hotel sized couch, which caused her to smile.  All she remembered of last night was settling with him to watch the movie after seeing Seth in the hallway with that woman.  As much as it burned her up, she tried hard not to show it.  She only hoped that she didn’t offend Joe because of it.


She looked at the clock and saw that it wasn’t even 8am.  She thought of her sister with Phil in their room and decided to ring her to see if the coast was clear so she could go take a shower and change her clothes.  When no one answered in their room, she hung up perplexed.  The sound of the receiver hanging up causing Joe to stir and wake.


“Oh, sorry Joe, didn’t mean to wake you.  I just called the room to see if those two were decent so I go shower and change, but there was no answer.”


“Perhaps they’re in the shower together,” Joe said with a groggy morning voice.  He sat up, stretched out his stiff joints and winced as he grabbed his right shoulder.


“Damn shoulder still hurts,” he grumbled.  He then looked on the floor and saw that Phil’s overnight bag was missing.  “Hmm, he didn’t take with him last night.”


“What?” Nina asked.


“Oh, nothing.  I just saw Phil’s overnight bag gone.  Maybe he snuck in here earlier and took it.  If there’s no answer in your room, they’re probably already up and out.  That is…if your sister can walk!”


Nina rolled her eyes and blushed.  “Joe, stop!  What is Phil…..some sort of sex fiend or something?”


Joe chuckled.  “Oh, you don’t know Phil!  You think I’m bad……he’s worse!”


“Hmm, I wouldn’t know exactly how bad you are,” Nina teased.


“Well, you didn’t give me a chance.  You fell asleep on my shoulder halfway through the movie.  I just let you stay there till the movie was over then I put you in bed.”


“I’m sorry about that Joe.  Guess I was more fatigued than I thought.”


Joe raised an eyebrow.  “Sure it wasn’t something else?”  He wanted to get her to admit that she was still hung up on Seth.


Nina, however, refused to give in, willing herself to believe that she had no feelings left for him.  “No, I’m sure that was it.  Guess that candle had a lulling affect to it as well.”


Joe got up and rubbed his eyes.  “Do not mention that candle again,” he huffed.  “The only time I’ll ever light that thing again is to shove it up Allen’s arse.”


Nina laughed as she put her shoes on.  “Tell ya what, big Joe.  Since they’re out of the room, how’s about I go get showered and changed and treat you to breakfast?”


“You’re on!  I’m sure everyone else is still asleep, Sav especially.  We’ll have no one to bother us.”


A half hour later Nina and Joe entered the dining room to find Phil and Angie sitting at a table dressed in workout clothes, their skin slightly flushed, dining on an unappetizing breakfast consisting of egg whites, fruit salad and green tea.  Phil saw them enter and picked up his tea cup to salute them.


“Well, top of the morning to the two of you,” he exuberantly said.  “Nothing like a solid 5 miles on the treadmill following a passionate night to get the appetite up.”


“Mmm, hmm,” Angie agreed.  “I could go another five miles.”


Phil snuggled her ear.  In or out of bed, luv?”


Angie giggled, which caused Joe to turn.  “C’mon, Nina.  Lets go find a corner diner or something.  This dining room is full.”


“Yep, they’re full of it, alright,” Nina agreed with a grin.”


As Phil saw the two of them leave, he called out.  “Aye!  Where ya going?  The fruit salad is nice and fresh……especially the mango!”


Phil was rewarded with a package of coffee filters aimed right at his head.



                                                Chapter 26



One Week Later

April 15th



How things have changed in a week!


Sav’s cold got better, while Joe’s shoulder got worse.  It turned out to be a torn rotator cuff that would need surgery to repair.  Joe kept his arm in a sling when he wasn’t performing so not to aggravate it further before his scheduled surgery date the first week of May.  He was still proceeding with caution with Nina. He had a feeling that her feelings for Seth were not as forgotten as she was leading him to believe and didn’t want her to get into anything with him for the wrong reasons.  He just needed for Nina to realize that.  Joe had no idea that he had become so cavalier over the past week.


Phil was  awaiting Rory at the airport who was going to be traveling with him for the next 6 days, starting with tonight’s show in Baltimore.  For the last week, he and Angie had been blissfully happy, making just about everyone around them gag with their lovey-dovey looks, their constant need to touch each other, not to mention their habit for disappearing to whatever broom closet, bathroom or their favorite, elevator, for a quickie!


And now Phil was anxious over introducing Rory to Angie.  Rory had already seen him go through two wives and Phil wanted him to understand that Angie just wasn’t some fling to bide his time on the tour. 


Even though Phil has made his share of mistakes with women in the past, he needed a starting point to begin making amends.  In the past, he had always been driven by lust first, then let the balance of the relationship build off of that.


True, Angie was a young, beautiful, sexy, woman, but Phil headed off a physical relationship long enough to get to know her other attributes first and found himself attracted to those from the get-go.  Her amazing talent, strength, independence and wit drew him in first, which only heightened their physical relationship once it happened.  For the first time in a very long time, Phil felt as if he found the total package with Angie.


And it was causing him to fall in love with her.


On the ride back from the airport, Phil got caught up with his son’s life.


“So……you staying out of trouble in school?”


Rory sat next to him, slouched down in his seat.  “Yes dad, I am,” he answered, almost agitated.


Phil raised an eyebrow at him.  “Not here even a half hour and already developing an attitude.  I suggest you lose it.”


“Sorry. I just don’t want to talk about school and stuff.  I’d rather hear what’s been happening on tour. Meet any hot babes?”


Phil smirked.  “Hmm, you could say that.  As a matter of fact, one very special one in particular.  She’s the guitarist for our opening act.”


Rory gave his father a horrified face.  “What?  A chick guitarist?  What is she, a dike or something?”


Phil smacked his son across the back of his head.  “Watch your mouth!  No, she’s not a dike!  If she was, she wouldn’t be with me.”


“Okay then…”


Phil gave Rory an evil look.  “You want another smack?”


“No,” he drawled out.  “Hmm, can’t wait to see what this one looks like.”


“Oh, I think you may be pleasantly surprised.  C’mon, we’re here.”


The car pulled up at the 1st Mariner Arena where the band was about to start soundcheck.  The car took off back to the hotel to drop off Rory’s luggage as he and Phil went inside the arena.  The rest of the Leps hadn’t arrived yet, as Black ‘n Blue were just finishing up their sound check.


Rory was busy looking around so he didn’t see his father wave Angie off the stage to come down.  When he finally turned around to see Angie walking towards him and his father, his eyes bugged and his mouth dropped.  No doubt who’s son he was!


“Angie luv, this is my son Rory.  He’s gonna be with me for the next 6 days.  Rory, this is Angie Black.  She’s the guitarst for Black ‘n Blue, our opening act.”


Angie held out her hand to the precocious teenager.  “Well Rory, its nice to finally meet you.  Your father has told me a great deal about you.”


Rory’s thirteen year old eyes couldn’t control themselves from traveling up and down Angie’s long, lean body.  Phil noticed this out of the corner of his eye and nudged him.


“Uh, nice to meet you,” Rory finally said, shaking her hand.  “Wow, I didn’t think female guitarists were such babes.”


Angie stifled a laugh and even blushed a bit seeing so much of Phil in his son.


“Excuse me, lad?” Phil scolded him.


Its okay,” Angie said.  “Well, listen, let me finish up here and I’ll hang here during your sound check.  Maybe we can all have lunch afterwards.”


“Sounds brilliant, luv,” Phil said, giving her a chaste peck on the cheek.  When she walked away, Rory spoke up.”


“Holy crap, dad!  Are you banging her!


Phil pulled his son aside by the back of his shirt.  “Rory James!  You better put a tight lid on that mouth of yours and watch what you say.”


“Sorry, sorry,” Rory groaned.  “So……are you?”


That…is none of your business!”


Rory smirked with victory.  “I’ll take that as a yes.  So…..does she have a much younger sister?”


“Well, yes, but only a year or two younger.  She’s the lead singer, up there on stage with the blonde hair.  Her name is Nina.”


Rory focused on Nina on stage and whistled.  “Damn, she’s hot too.  Thinks she likes much younger men?”


“Forget it, Romeo.  Anyway, Uncle Joe has been after her from day one.”


Rory made a face.  “Uncle Joe!  He’s too old for her!  Then again, aren’t you too old for Angie.


Phil glared at him, causing Rory to roll his eyes.  “I know, I know… my mouth!”



                                                Chapter 27


After soundchecks were completed for both bands, Phil decided to take Angie and Rory to some quiet, out of the way place so they could all talk and get to know each other.


Rory waited for his father as the other band members came off the stage first.  Sav was the first to see him.


“Aye there mate,” Sav said, slapping Rory’s open hand for a shake.  “How long you here with us?”


“Five or six days,” Rory replied.  He then glanced over at Angie who had returned to the arena after going back to the hotel to change.  “Then again, I kinda wish I was staying longer.”


Sav followed Rory’s eyes to Angie, then back.  “Easy there, lad.  Don’t go hitting on your father’s woman.”


“Oh, I’m not.  She’s just some great eye candy.”


“Yeah, your dad certainly can pick’em,” Sav said.


Viv and Rick suddenly joined them.  “Aye kiddo,” Rick said.  “Out of school for the spring break, I see.”


“Man, I can’t wait till school’s over,” Rory huffed.  “All my teachers suck, except for my geography teacher.  She wears short skirts a lot.”


Viv leaned his head back and laughed.  “You are your father’s son!  So, I see that Angie came back.  Your dad taking the two of you out for lunch?”


“Yeah.  Wish that sister of hers was coming.  Man, they are both so hot.  And…how did uncle Joe wind up with the other one?”


Sav, Viv and Rick laughed together.  “Well…..he hasn’t really wound up with her officially,” Sav said.


“Yeah, you could stay that they’re still experiencing technical problems,” Viv added with a smirk.


Rory’s ‘Collen’ mind quickly went to work.  “What’s the matter, uncle Joe can’t get it up or something?”


The guys couldn’t resist, but they managed.  “More like the ‘or something’” Rick said.  “Some guys just aren’t meant to be romantic!”


“There’s my buddy!” Joe called out from behind upon seeing Rory.  “Finally, someone who’s on my mental wavelength.”


“Was that some sly insult?” Sav asked.


“No, just a direct one,” Joe replied.


“We were just filling Rory in on all the fun he’s been missing,” Viv added with a smirk.  “He’s particularly interested in you and his father chasing after the lovely Black sisters.”


“However, Phil’s no longer chasing,” Rick added.  “You on the other hand have some catching up to do, Joe.”


“Oh don’t be so hard on Jo,” Sav mused.  “Remember, natural charm tends to fade a bit over the years.”


Joe glared at his three mates.  “Don’t the three of you have some children to go and call?”


“That’s our cue,” Sav said.  “I’m gonna go rest up before tonight.”


“Viv and I are going for Thai,” Rick said.  “Wanna join us Joe?”


“Afraid I can’t.  Nina and I are going CD shopping.”


Rick slapped Joe on the back.  “Oooooooh, now that’ll romance her pants off for sure.  Of course, you’re the one who practically wets his pants in a CD store.”


“You know Allen,” Joe said with an evil glare.  “Between that stupid candle and your mouth, you’re getting closer to me granting your death wish!”


“Candle?” Rory asked.


“Well……” Rick began.


“Don’t you even dare!” Joe warned.


“Sorry,” Rick said, as he and Viv turned to leave.  He bent down to Rory and whispered in his ear.  “I’ll tell ya another time.”


Phil then came over with Angie.  “Ready, son?”


His eyes went right to Angie.  “Oh, yeah!”


When Rory turned, he almost ran smack into Nina who was coming to get Joe.  Rory’s face was practically in her chest.  Once he got past the view and eyed her up and down in her skinny tank, low rise terry cloth sweats and mass of wild, dirty blonde hair, he felt his tongue get tied again.


Joe put a hand on his shoulder and pulled him back.  “This is too much for a thirteen year old to handle,” Joe said.  “Nina, this is Phil’s son Rory.  He’ll be traveling with us for the week.”


Nina put her hand out.  “How are you Rory?”


Rory shook her hand and grinned.  “In heaven!”


Phil grabbed him by the back of  his t-shirt.  “Okay, time to douse the hormone train.  Lets go to lunch and get you some ice water.”



                                                Chapter 28


Joe and Nina entered Flashback – an antique/junk store on South Broadway in downtown Baltimore.  What set it apart from other stores of its kind was its overwhelmingly extensive music selection.  There were only three patrons in the store at the time, but all Joe saw when he walked in was an entire wall of CD’s.  It was enough to wet his pants!


He and Nina casually perused until the owner came over to him.  He was a late 40-ish man who had one too many tattoos, not to mention one too many extra pounds around his expansive middle that was covered by a Grateful Dead t-shirt.


“If you’re looking for anything particular, then I could maybe point the way,” the man said.  “Nothing is really in any kind of alphabetical order.”


Joe couldn’t take his eyes off the CD’s.  “Oh, that’s okay, mate.  I could stay here all day until I looked at each and every one of these.”


“You from England?”


“Born there, but live in Ireland now.”


The man looked at Nina who had already made her way down to a bin of vinyl albums.  “Wife?”


Joe looked horrified.  “No!  Already had one of those.  We’re just friends – so far.”


The man continued to look at Nina with a lascivious leer.  “No way can you be ‘just friends’ with a sweet ass like that.   Why I’d……..hey….wait a minute.  I…..think I recognize you.  You in a band?”


Joe leaned in a bit and whispered.  “Def Leppard.”


“Oh, fucking cool!” he replied, a little exuberantly.  “You’re the singer, right?  Sorry, forgot your name.”


Its Joe.  Joe Elliott.”


“Good to meet ya, man.  You’re playing at the arena tonight, right?”


“Yep.  Just finished sound check and now I plan on spending an hour or so expanding my own collection at home.”


“Hey…..wait just a minute.  I’ll be right back.”


The man disappeared into a back room for a moment then came back out with a wooden milk crate crammed with CD’s.  He motioned Joe over.


“I keep these for very discriminating customers.  Since you know your music, perhaps you’ll find something in here.  Take your time.”


Joe was in his glory.  “Thanks mate.”


Joe spent a good 20 minutes rifling through the CD’s and had set aside 5 that he had to have.  He gathered his five treasures then realized that he hadn’t seen nor heard from Nina.


Feeling bad for ignoring her due to his CD obsession, he went in search of her.  He found her on her knees sifting through a crate full of old albums resting on the floor.  Joe halted a bit when he saw her white satin thong peek out from above the tops of her low rise sweats.  He groaned as he well trained eyes followed the center piece of satin all the way down until it disappeared under her sweats.


The owner was right.  She did have a sweet ass!  But, he was still hesitant to be the one to make the first move.  He wanted to be sure that Nina dealt with her feelings for Seth first and not just jump into something just to make him jealous.


This knight-in-shining-armor behaviour was definitely not Joe’s forte.


“Albums, eh?  You don’t seem like the vinyl type.”


Nina turned around to see Joe standing behind her and straightened up, clutching an album in her hand.


“Well, you caught me,” she confessed, almost blushingly.  “This may be silly to you, but I have a fondness for classic movie soundtracks.  I can’t believe I found this one.”


Joe looked at the album in her hand.  It was the soundtrack from Finian’s Rainbow.  “Ah, a Fred Astaire fan, I see.  Or…Petula Clark?”


“Well, neither actually.  I just…….well, this movie has a special meaning to me.  One night……I woke up not feeling too well.  I made some tea and watched tv for a bit.  There wasn’t much on at 2:30 in the morning, but this movie was on the classic movie channel.  I just…..fell in love with it and the music.  I have to have it.”


Joe took it out of her hands.  “Then you shall,” he said.


“No, Joe…..I don’t want you paying…..”


“I insist,” Joe said, cutting her off.  “Especially, since it means so much to you.”


Nina coyly smiled.  “Thanks Joe.  You’re really sweet.”


Joe looked almost disgusted.  “Now that’s something I’ve never been called before!”


Nina’s eyes swept him appreciatively.  “First time for everything.”


Joe put aside his chivalrous thoughts for a moment as he took in the inviting look on her face before dropping his gaze to her bottom lip, which was seductively caught between her teeth.  He couldn’t stop himself from leaning down to kiss her.


He pulled away then sunk his eyes into hers.  “I don’t know how I went so long without doing that again.”


“Me neither,” Nina purred.


“I guess I was just leaving the moves up to you.  I’ve been out of a relationship for a while.  You haven’t.”


“Joe, I told you, its……its been…….over for a while between Seth and I.”


“You sure?”


Nina nodded with a hint of uncertainty.  “C’mon, lets……go back to the room.”


Joe grinned over the prospect of finally having this woman, but not without a hint of reservation.  He stacked his CD’s and Nina’s album on the counter and paid for everthing.  He slung his arm around Nina’s shoulder and she rewarded him for the album with another kiss.  Joe then turned to the owner.


“Thanks again for all your help mate.”


“My pleasure Joe,” he replied before leaning in to whisper,  guess you two are no longer ‘just friends’!”



                                                Chapter 29



Phil, Angie and Rory returned to the hotel after a pleasant lunch together.   Angie gave Phil a peck on the cheek before she headed up to her room to rest up before the show tonight.  She then looked at Rory.


“See you at the show tonight, kiddo.”


“Don’t I get a kiss too?” Rory asked.


Phil looked audaciously at his son, who was way too much like him.  “Rory…..”


“Oh sure, why not,” Angie said as she bent down.  When she did, Rory got an eyeful of cleavage as she planted one one his cheek.  She straightened up and winked at him before disappearing into the elevator.


An enamored Rory looked at his father.  “Man, dad, it would be a waste if you aren’t banging her!”


“Okay, that’s enough young man,” Phil said, yanking him by the scruff of the neck.  “I will not have you talking like that about her.”


“Damn, can’t I have any fun?” Rory huffed.  “I get yelled at enough by my teachers.  I thought I could let loose while on tour with you.”


“Not if your’e disrespectful or nosing around in my sex life,” Phil said.


“Fine, I’ll settle for a comic book or two from the gift shop.”




As Rory perused the comics, Phil’s eyes lustily glanced at the cellophaned covered issues of Penthouse and Hustler.  Rory saw where his father was looking.


“Get it dad!  Then give it to me when you’re done.”


“Forget it,” Phil quickly said, darting his eyes away from the natural temptation.  “So….what do you think of Angie?”


Rory opened a Green Lantern comic and pretended to read.  “Well, she’s not a bimbo.”


“Praise, indeed!” Phil retorted.


“I think she’s cool.  Gorgeous.  Great body.  Nice tits.”


Phil cradled his head.  “Why do I even bother,” he murmured to himself.  “I mean……other than how she looks!”


“Well, you didn’t specify that,” Rory non-chalantly said as he grabbed another comic.  He knew his father really liked Angie and was having a bit of fun with him.  “Like I said….she isn’t a bimbo.  She actually has a brain.  Mature, even for you.  She’s in her own band, so she doesn’t need to hang on you for your money or fame.”


Phil raised an eyebrow over his son’s astuteness.  Rory had seen him go through two failed marriages, not to mention a posse of assorted other young beauties in between – not to mention during!  It was obvious that he knew which type of woman his father should avoid.


“Well, I’m glad you like her because I think she’s awfully special.”


Rory looked at his father suspiciously.  “Wasn’t mom and Anita special too?”


God he was more astute than he thought!


“Of course they were, Rory.  Its just…..both marriages just happened at bad times and for wrong reasons.”


“So….the time and reasons are right now?”


“So far, they are,” Phil replied.  “Don’t get me wrong – Angie and I aren’t ready to walk down the aisle or anything.  Its just……I’ve finally learned to take it slow and not jump into anything serious just because I’m lonely or…..”




Phil gave him a stern look before continuing.  “I’m learning patience.  And, to look at a woman not just for what she looks like on the outside, but her other qualities that are just as important.”


“Yeah, well lucky for you she’s a total babe!”


Phil smirked.  “Yeah, she is.  So……decide what you want?”


“Hmm, what I really want is a Manga comic.  I love that Japanese anime stuff.”


“Aren’t they a bit racy?”


“Yeah, but not as bad as……..Hustler!”


Touche’,” Phil said.  “Tell you what, you pick out two clean comics and I’ll forego Hustler for………here, this guitar magazine.”


“Alright,” Rory dejectedly said.  He took two comics as Phil took the guitar mag.


Maybe he can talk Malvin into sneaking him the Hustler later!



                                                Chapter 30


Joe and Nina walked back into the hotel hand in hand, both knowing what they’d be doing as soon as the hotel room closed behind him.


Joe pushed the elevator button and gave her a kiss on the forehead before handing her his room key.  “Here.  I’m rooming alone tonight since Phil’s rooming with Rory.  I’m gonna go put an order in for something to nosh on.  Be right up.” 


Don’t be too long, big Joe,” Nina said before stepping on the elevator.


Joe felt his arrogant male come to life as he couldn’t wait to show Nina just how much he lived up to that name!


As Joe headed towards the dining room, he ran into Phil and Rory coming from the gift shop.  He grinned and folded his arms.


“And did the happy threesome have a good time at lunch?”


“Went very well,” Phil said.  “At least, when my son wasn’t salivating all over Angie.”


“What do you expect?” Joe said.  “Look who’s sperm he sprouted up from!”


Rory looked around the lobby.  “Hey uncle Joe, weren’t you with Nina this afternoon?”


“Yep.  Went to the CD store.  She actually had a good time.”


“She was probably being nice,” Phil snided.


Rory was still looking.  “So…….where is she?  She had on those hot looking sweatpants and I could swear I saw a thong under them.”


Joe smirked.  “You know, Phil, if he’s this bad at 13, you’re going to have to leash him by the time he’s 15.”


“Rory, mind your business,” Phil scolded.  “C’mon, lets go back to our room and chill out.  We’ve got a long night tonight.”


Phil headed towards the elevator, but not before Rory whispered to Joe.


“Let me know if you score with blondie!”


“Rory!” Phil bellowed.


Rory rolled his eyes and huffed.  “All that soy gives him super hearing powers!” he said before joining his father on the elevator.


Joe placed an order for some sex food – fruit, cheese and crackers and some small finger sandwiches – before heading to the elevator.  When the doors opened, he was surprised to see Angie come out.


“Aye luv,” Joe said. 


“Oh, hi Joe,” Angie replied.  “I’ve got a horrible sinus headache.  Hope the gift shop has some nasal spray.  Um… Nina with you?”


Joe motioned his eyes upward.  “She’s waiting for me….upstairs.”


“Ah, I see,” she said before seeing his bag of purchases. “I see you hit the jackpot.”


“I never leave a CD shop empty handed.  And your sister nabbed quite a find too.”


“Really?  What?”


“The soundtrack to uh…..what was the name of that musical…..oh, Finian’s Rainbow.  On vinyl.  Said the movie had a special meaning to her.”


Angie’s eyebrows lifted with remembrance.  “Ah, yes.”


Joe was curious.  “What?”


Angie bit her lip.  “Well……you see… has to do with…..”


Joe caught on instantly.  “Does it have something to do with Seth?”


Angie reluctantly nodded her head.  “I’m…I’m sorry, Joe.  You see, that was the movie that they stayed up all night and watched together after they……..well, it was their first night – together, know what I mean?”


Joe felt slighted for only a moment.  “Yes, I do.  Angie, she still loves him, doesn’t she?”


“I’m afraid so, but she’s too stubborn.    I know the two of you have been pretty close since the tour started, but……..”


“…….but you think that she’s just trying to take her mind of Seth or even make him jealous,” Joe finished for her.


Angie tried to make him feel better.  “Hey, who better to make your ex-boyfriend jealous than with Joe Elliott?”


Joe thought a bit, then smirked.  “True!  Hmm, maybe a little shove is needed to get them back together.”


“You….you’d do that?”


“Sure.  I don’t want a woman to be with me while her heart is somewhere else.  Its not fair to either of us.”


“You have a plan?”


Joe’s devious mind worked and a wide smiled deepened his trademark dimples.


“I think I do!”



                                                Chapter 31


Angie went back up to her room after getting some medication for her sinus headache.  She saw that her room door was ajar and thought that maybe Nina came back.


“Sis… in here?”


“No, but will you settle for me?” Phil suddenly said, grabbing her from behind the door.


Angie first shrieked, then relaxed when she realized it was Phil.  “Hey sexy,” she purred, reaching her hand to the back of his head and giving him a kiss.  “I thought you and Rory were safe and snug in your room till the show.”


“Well, he’s engrossed in his new comic book, so I thought I’d sneak over here for a quickie since your sister’s with Joe in his room.”


“Hmmm, not sure what the outcome of that will be,” Angie said.  “Joe sort of knows that Nina still has feelings for Seth.  I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s the one to put a plan into motion to get those two back together.”


“You know, enough about Joe and everyone else,” Phil said, pulling her towards the bathroom..  Lets go do it against the vanity!”


“Uh, not that I’m complaining Phil, but….didn’t we already do it that way?”


Phil encircled her waist and hoisted her up onto the vanity.  Angie instinctively wrapped her legs around his waist.


“Yes, we did,” Phil replied with a naughty gleam in his eye.  “And, if my memory serves right, you are correct.  I didn’t give you anything to complain about!  I just love watching us in the mirror.”


“You’re such a pig!” Angie mused


They began to furiously kiss and grope each other before Phil began to slide her sweatpants off.  Angie yelped a bit at the feeling of the cool, porcelain vanity on her bare tush.  Phil’s hand then slid up the inside length of Angie’s long, silky leg until he came in contact with exquiste heat and…….


“God Almighty, Ange!” he hissed into her mouth.  “You are soooo ready for me.”


Angie moved against Phil’s hand as she worked on pulling his track pants down.  “Then what are you waiting for?  Give it to me, hot stuff!”


Phil grinned, absolutely loving how fun their sex life is, before pushing his way inside her.  He anchored Angie to him with his arms around her waist and helped her to balance on the vanity while she met his thrusts. 


They continued to go at it like little bunnies until they both gave into the pressure building up inside.  They both came instantly and hard, panting and heaving as they did.  Afterwards, Phil lightly bit the side of her neck and growled.


“Damn,  I just love it that way,” he said with a twinkle.


“I can tell!” Angie shot right back.


“Uh….Ange……what are you doing in there?”


Angie’s eyes popped when she heard her sister’s voice on the other side of the bathroom door.  “Oh shit!” she whispered to Phil before thinking something up.


“Uh…..I, uh……dropped my bottle of moisturizer and it splattered all over the floor. I’m out of breath from cleaning up the floor.”


Phil gave her an ‘ok’ sign, as if he approved of her fib.


“And…….who’s that in there helping you?” Nina called out.


Phil bit his lip and winced before an idea came over him.


“Housekeeping,” Phil called out in a mock-feminine voice.


“Yeah, right,” Nina said.  “Listen, Joe got detained with a business call so our afternoon together isn’t going to happen.  Thought I’d just come back here, but I think I’m better off elsewhere.  Come find me when the coast is clear.”


When the heard the door close, Phil and Angie emerged from the bathroom.


“C’mon,” Phil said, pulling her towards the center of the room.  Lets do it in bed for a change!”




When Nina closed the hotel room door, she heard a door across the hall open then saw Rory step out.


Rory looked at the lovely Nina and grinned.  “Lost?”


Nina shrugged.  “Well, Joe stood me up and…..well… sister…..”


“….is doing the nasty with my dad, probably,” Rory said without hesitation.


Nina laughed over his boldness – and accurateness.  “Guess I am lost, then.”


“My room has Playstation,” Rory flirted.  “Do you mind men much younger than Joe?”


Nina threw her hands up in the air.  “Oh…,why not!”



                                                Chapter 32


At the show that night, Angie and Rory stood off to the side as they watched Def Leppard perform the last two songs of the night.  Rory beamed with pride as she smiled up at Angie.


“My dad rocks, huh?”

Of course, Angie had no choice but to agree.  “Oh, yeah,” she drawled out, obviously thinking about his off-stage skills instead.


“Bet he rocks your world too,” Rory flirtatiously said.


Angie put her hands on her hips and looked down at him.  “You’re not a very shy boy, are you?”


Rory looked at his father on stage, then back at Angie.  “You tell me?”


“Touche!” Angie said


Suddenly, Nina came over, looking very nervous.  “Is it time yet?”


“One more song left,” Angie said.  “Calm down, sis.  You know every word to every song on Hysteria.”


“I just wish Joe told me which one they were doing for the encore,” Nina fretted.  “He’s been acting awfully funny today.  First we had this chemistry going between us in the CD store and I thought for sure that this afternoon would be it.  Then he winds up blowing me off.  And then……he snags me before we leave the hotel to ask me to come on stage with them for the encore.”


Angie hid her smirk, wondering if this was part of the plan Joe had to get Nina and Seth back together.  “Maybe he’s got something up his sleeve,” Angie stated.


“Who knows with him?” Nina said.


Rory boldly put an arm around Nina’s waist.  “Don’t worry darlin’,” he drawled out.  “If things don’t work out with him…..I’m free for the next few days until I have to go back to school.”


Angie looked from Rory to Nina.  “Not a bad offer, Neen!”


Nina rolled her eyes down to Rory.  “Wasn’t this afternoon enough for you?”


Rory’s eyes popped.  “Are you kidding?  I didn’t even get to first base.  What am I gonna tell the guys in school when  I get back?”


“I’m sure you’ll think of something.”


After the Leps finished their set, they briefly came offstage where they grabbed towels and cold, bottled water.  Joe swigged some water to cool off his overworked throat and wiped the sweat from his face with a towel before going over to Nina.


“Ready, luv?”


“Not until you tell me what song we’re doing?”


“Love Bites.  Just sing in your usual style and keep your eyes on me for the cues, okay?”


Nina nervously nodded and headed over to the other side of the stage where she would enter from. 


Phil’s naked upper half was still slick with sweat when he went over to his son and Angie.


“So, what’d you think, Ror?”


“Super as usual, dad.”


Phil then looked at Angie and raised his brows.


“Oh, you don’t need me to stroke your ego anymore,” Angie said.  “Remember, you’ve been my icon for years.”


Phil leaned into whisper in her ear.  “Fine then.  Later I can find something else for you to stroke!”


“I heard that!” Rory announced.


Just then, Sav tapped Phil on the shoulder.  “C’mon, we’re going back out.”


Phil winked at Angie and ruffled Rory’s hair before going back out onstage for the encore to a roar of cheers.


From the other end of the stage, Nina waited for her cue to come on.


From the back of the arena, Seth awaited with Chet and Randy for the encore as well.




                                                Chapter 33


The guys went back on the stage for the encore.  Sav immediately came in with the bass intro that caused the crowd to go wild.  He then went over to the keyboard to continue as Phil came in with the guitar.  Joe stood off to one side of the stage, trying to capture the mood of the song.  He kept his eyes on Nina from where she remained unseen by the crowd on the other side of the stage as he came in on cue.


When you make love, do you look in the mirror?

Who do you think of?  Does he look like me?

Do you tell lies, and say that its forever?

Do you think twice, or just touch and see?

Ooooh, babe.


Joe made sure to keep his eyes on Nina the entire time he sang that line, hoping that she’d catch onto the significance.  He then signaled for her to come on and continue.  When she slowly made her way on stage, the audience went nuts over the impromptu duet.  Nina kept on walking to the center of the stage until she was only a few feet away from Joe as she sang.


When you’re along, do you let it?

Are you wild and willing, or is it just for show?

Oooh, c’mon!


Then they both came in together and looked deep into each other’s eyes.


I don’t want to touch you too much baby.

Cause making love to you might drive me crazy.

I  know you think that love is the way you make it.

So I don’t want to be there when you decide to break it.


Then Joe let out the word “no” with a primal scream as they resumed together.


Love bits, love bleeds,


Then Joe sang alone.


Its bringing me to my knees.


Then together.


Love lives…love dies.


Then Nina alone.


Its no surprise


Then together….


Love begs, love pleads…..its what I need.


From the back of the audience, Seth pushed himself away from the wall.  “I’m not watching this lovey-dovey shit,” he huffed as he headed out to go wait backstage instead.


Joe and Nina finished the song to a wild applause.  Nina took her bow and a kiss on the cheek from Joe which caused a lot of the ladies in the front to throw visual daggers at her.  Nina exited the stage and immediately got a hug from her Angie.


“That was awesome, sis,” Angie said.  “Although, Joe’s choice in song had a bit of irony, didn’t it?”


“Yeah,  just a bit,” Nina said.  “I think he feels I’m still in love with Seth.”


“You are,” Angie said, matter-of-factly.  “And he’s noticed.  Why do you think the man hasn’t made a move all these weeks on the road? It would’ve been easy for him to take advantage of your broken heart, but he didn’t.   Now, just go forgive Seth and get on with it, okay?”


Just as Nina nodded in agreement, Seth had made his way backstage.  Nina didn’t think the timing could be more perfect.  Her face lit up upon seeing him.


“Hey,” she softly said to him.


All Seth did was give her a disgusted look before disappearing into the hospitality room.


Once inside, he slammed the door.  “Fucking women!”


From the couch along the wall, Rory munched on a bag of potato chip while watching Seth’s tirade.  “Yeah, tell me about it!”



                                                Chapter 34


After the show, both bands prepared to board their respective buses to head to Roane, Virginia for the following  night’s show.  Joe saw how despondent Nina looked as she gathered her things backstage and went over to her.


“You okay?”


Nina faced him and slung her bag over her shoulder.  “Just a little tired.”


“If I haven’t told you already, you did great tonight,” Joe complimented her.  “The crowd loved it.”


Nina smiled.  “Yeah, and there’s probably gonna be gossip all over the the fan sites about us having a love affair.  But Joe…..I think I know what you did….especially with that song.”


Joe folded his arms.  “Oh?”


“Well, you haven’t made any kind of a serious move on me in several weeks.  I either thought it was me or that something was holding you back.  You still think I’m hung up on Seth, don’t you?”


“I don’t think you are, Nina.  I know you are.”


Nina sighed heavily.  “Yeah, I am.  He burned me bad, but we have too much history between us for me to forget about him over kissing some bitch.  That song opened my eyes tonight, but I think it really pissed Seth off.  He probably thought the same thing the audience did about us.”


Joe’s eyes caught Seth in the backround gathering his things before he turned to Nina.  “Don’t worry, luv.  He’ll come around.  Go, get on the bus.”


As Nina left, Joe decided it was time to have a little man to man talk with Seth.


In the hospitality room, Phil grabbed a bottle of water and some fruit for the bus ride to Virginia while Rory made himself a sandwich big enough to choke a horse.  Phil winced at the roast beef and swiss monstrosity that Rory created.


“You’re gonna eat all that?”


I’m starving, dad!” Rory whined.  “Can’t get too far on potato chips.  Hey…are we riding on Black ‘n Blue’s bus?”


“No, we’re not.  We’re riding on our bus.  As soon as I get settled, I’m going to sleep.”


“Well…….can I ride on their bus?”


“No!  Your hormones are overactive as it is.  Just act like an adult and behave.”


“But I’m not an adult – I’m 13.”


Phil pulled him by the arm.  Lets go.”


Angie met them in the hall on the way out the back.  “Hey, do I get company tonight?”


Phil gave her a kiss.  “Afraid I won’t be much company, luv.  I’m flat out knackered.  I don’t think you want me falling asleep on you.”


Angie nuzzled his neck.  “Won’t be so bad.”


“Unless I start to drool on you,” Phil mused.  “We’ll do something when we get to Virginia.”


“Okay, fine,” Angie huffed with feigned disappointment.  “Guess I’ll have to serenade myself tonight.”


“Hey Angie, I can play the guitar,” Rory proudly announced.  “I can take my dad’s accoustic and ride with you.”




“Dad, I really don’t want to spend the next several hours listening to you guys snore.”


“Sure Rory, why not?” Angie said.  “See ya on the bus.”


Angie turned to board her bus as Rory gave Phil a sheepish look.  “Sorry, dad.  You snooze – you lose!”


Meanwhile, Joe approached Seth, who looked none-too-happy to see him.


“Aye mate,” Joe said.  “Mind if I have a word with you?”



                                      Chapter 35


Seth looked up at Joe and slightly rolled his eyes.  “This sounds serious,” he said with a hint of sarcasm.


Joe ignored his attitude, knowing that he was the last person Seth really wanted to talk to.  “Well, if you consider your relationship with Nina  a serious thing, then yeah….it is..”


Seth slung his bag over his shoulder and faced Joe.  “My relationship with Nina?  I don’t know where you’ve been the last few weeks Joe, but I don’t have a relationship with Nina anymore.  And if you’re here to rub it in my face, like you did onstage with that encore, I’m not really in the mood.  You’ve been quite cozy with her since the tour started and she seems to feel the same way so there’s no relationship to speak of.”


Joe was a bit taken aback, even though he couldn’t blame Seth for assuming the things he did. 


“You’re partially wrong, Seth,” Joe said.  “You may have ended your relationship, but not your love for each other.  You still care about her and I know she still cares about you.”


Seth’s face perked up a bit.  “She told you that?”


“She didn’t have to.  Its still written all over her face.  It’s the reason why I haven’t made a move on her – even though we’ve been cozy, as you say.”


Seth softly laughed and looked audacious.  “You mean to tell me that in all these weeks you haven’t tried anything with Nina – just because you thought she was still in love with me?  That doesn’t sound like you.”


Now it was time for Joe to show his arrogance.  “You’re right, Seth.  If it was 20 years ago I would’ve nailed Nina in a heartbeat – and I wouldn’t have cared if she was married!  However, I’m older and wiser now.  Even though it’s a jolt to an older man’s ego to have a hot, young woman after him, its still hard to take when you know she’s doing it to make someone else jealous.  And…as for that encore perfomance – I chose that song to open her eyes.  She may be with me, but she thinks of you.  So…..instead of standing here arguing this point with me, get your arse on that bus and go make up with her.  Oh….and if you do plan on snogging anyone else while I’m around, not only will kick that arse of yours, but I will steal Nina from you – for good!”


Seth looked down at the ground and smirked before he looked back at Joe.  “I get it.  And……thanks.”


Joe just nodded as he watched Seth head towards the bus.  He then sighed heavily and headed back to his own bus.  As he boarded, he flopped down in the seat and drew his long legs up across it.


Phil watched him, amused.


“You look like you lost your best friend.”


“Nah, I’m getting soft in my old age,” Joe replied.


“Don’t they have a pill for that?” Rick asked, overhearing.


Joe got up, which caused Rick to get up as well. 


“I believe there’s a certain ‘candle incident’ for which you need payment on!” Joe snarled as he chased Rick to the back of the bus.


                                                Chapter 36


On Black ‘n Blue’s bus, Rory worked hard to try to impress Angie with his guitar skills for about an hour.  He didn’t have to try too hard because, being the son of a rock guitarist, his father taught him well.


“You’re pretty good there, kiddo,” Angie said.  “Your dad must be a good teacher.”


Rory kept his head bowed over his guitar while his mischievous eyes looked up at Angie.  “Oh, I’m sure you know the answer to that one.”


Angie rolled her eyes and flustered a bit.  “Okay, now.  Enough of that.  Boy, you have no shame, do you?”


“About as much as my dad,” Rory proudly stated.


“Touche’!” Angie replied.  “So… have a girlfriend back home?”


Rory gave a dimpled grin and shrugged.  “Nah, not really.  I’m just looking.   A lot!  I’m not ready to settle down yet.”


Angie snickered at his humor.   “I’m sure you’ll have a long line of broken hearts before you even enter high school.”


“Ohhhhh, I’ve broken a few so far,” Rory bragged.  “Actually, I’ve probably broken their mother’s hearts even more.”


Angie knitted her brows.  “Huh?”


“Well, the kids in school, or, I should say, their parents, know who my dad is.  They were big fans back in my dad’s glory days in the 80’s.  Who knows….maybe even some of their mothers were one night stands back then?  Anyway, two months ago….this one girl in my class had a birthday party at this hip, L.A. pizza joint.  To make a long story short, she cornered me and felt me up….or uh….should I say…..down.”


Angie couldn’t believe that a thirteen year old’s candid honesty could make her blush like a girl as Rory continued.


“Anyway, after the party she asked if we could maybe meet at the mall or the movies or something.  I didn’t want to.  I mean, she was nice and all, but she just didn’t do it for me.  She got really pissed because she thought I’d go out with her because of what she did to me before.  I mean, what guy my age would turn that down?  Not me!  Then, she tried to get back at me by telling me that she didn’t like me that way.  That the only reason she did that to me was because her mother told her to so we’d hopefully get close so her mother could invite me and my dad over sometimes.  Isn’t that sick?”


Angie’s mouth dropped, not being able to fathom that a mother would use her thirteen year old daughter to snag a man – even if that man was Phil Collen.


“Yeah, that is,” Angie replied.  “I’m sorry that she used you like that.”


Rory shrugged again.  “Hey, I’m not complaining.  I did get something out of it!” Rory leered, wiggling his brows to emphasize his meaning.


“Guess your father is still hot property after all these years,” Angie said.


“Yep……he sure is the sex machine!  But….I wouldn’t worry if I were you.”


“Worry about what?” Angie asked curiously.


“Well, you know….my dad’s rep as a ladies man……two divorces.  I mean, I know he wants to settle with just one woman, he just doesn’t have too much like finding the one he wants.”


“And what makes you think I’m the one?” Angie countered.


“Well…’re young, that’s a start.  I think it’s a mid-life thing for my dad to like younger women.  You’re hot, that’s always a plus.  But…..I think you have more in common career-wise with my dad. I think the two of you would… well, ya know?  Its just been hard for him to find one person to make him happy, but……I think you may be it.”


Angie smiled over Rory’s astuteness of his father’s personality and concern for his love life.  However, as much as she and Phil ‘fit’, as Rory put it, she still couldn’t forget his longstanding reputation for infidelity.  As much as this past month on the road with Phil has been anything but perfect, its only been a month.  How can Phil be sure she’s the one?  How does she know that his roving eye may wander to other young beauties he comes across?


“What should we play next?”


Angie’s thoughts were snapped by Rory’s question.  “Oh….your choice,” she replied.


As they played, the sounds of muffled moans and groans came from the enclosed bunk at the back of the bus.  Rory flashed a wide grin and snickered.


“What’s that noise?” Chet called out from up front.


“Just Nina and Seth doing the ‘humpty-hump’,” Rory called back.


“Rory!” Angie finally scolded.


Rory turned apologetic.  “Sorry.  Dad says I have to watch my mouth.  Can’t help it if I take after him.”


Angie smiled warmly, wondering if that was a good or a bad thing.



                                      Chapter 37


Three Weeks Later

May 2, 2003

Tupelo, MS


The Leps took the stage with a mixture of excitement and a little fatigue.  They only had two more shows left in Nashville and Atlanta before they broke on the 5th for a twenty day break so Joe could have the necessary surgery on his shoulder.


But that didn’t stop him from giving the audience his all every night, pain or not.


Actually, every single one of them performed with the energy and vibrancy of a 20-something year old.  With the exception of Rick Allen, not one of them could stay still or in one place for long.


Sav flirted his ass off – figuratively and literally – for his infamous, hiphugger jeans had a difficult time staying around his hips, much to the delight of the many females in the audience.  Viv flashed his grin in between screaming guitar riffs and Phil was half naked and loving it, as usual!


And Joe was…well…..Joe!  Never at a loss for words and he used the perk of having a mic in his hand to his advantage.  When he saw a very well endowed, 30-ish woman in the third row with a homemade t-shirt that said ‘Def Leppard or Bust’, Joe wasted no time in pointing her out.


“Def Leppard or Bust, eh?” Joe said from the stage.  He then feigned deep thought while tapping his finger against his chin.  “Hmmm….from the looks of it….I’d rather have the ‘bust’!”


The crowd got randy at his comment and even more wild when the woman screamed out “you got it Joe” and lifted her shirt to reveal those naked breasts beneath.


Being the men the are, every single band member looked their fill, but it was Joe who had the last word, as usual.


“Ask and you shall receive, I suppose,” he said with a chuckle.  “If that’s the case, wonder what I should ask for next?”


A few women in the audience threw out a couple of very bawdy suggestions, to which pretended to take notes with an imaginary pen and pad.  Afterwards, he pretended to look at what he had written down and began to comment.


“Hmm, lets see….this one…this one……hmmm, now this one will rip my other shoulder, for sure.  Hey, who suggested motorcycle sex?”


A late 20-ish woman with deep auburn hair waved her hands furiously at Joe screaming “ME!”


Joe flashed her a dimpled grin.  “Now that’s my kind of woman!”


“I’m all yours Joe!” she screamed back.


“Well, you know what they say,” Joe replied.  “Lust is nice…but it ain’t…..L-O-V-E!”


The band then appropriately segued into Four Letter Word, whose upbeat rhythem had the entire crowd going.  There were women standing on top of their chairs moving their bodies to the beat – some a lot more seductively than others.


In the second row, a very tanned, very built and very bottled blonde had her arms up in the air and grinding her body in a very risque manner.  And, since she was right in front of Phil, he kept his eyes on her the entire time. 


Phil acknowledged her by running his tongue across the bottom of his upper teeth before subtly rubbing himself against his guitar.  The woman responded to Phil’s acknowledgement of her by sticking two fingers in her mouth and simulating oral sex.


The one thing that caught Phil’s eye was that this woman had a backstage pass around her neck.  His one track male mind began to fantasize about replacing those fingers of hers with his cock.  The thought got him so aroused that he was thankful for the Gibson that was covering the front of his tight trousers.


For the first time since that January night in New York, Phil completely forgot about Angie.




                                                Chapter 38


The band had a small meet and greet backstage after the gig.  A local photographer was there to take a few pictures for their paper as well as get a few words from each of the guys on how the tour’s going so far.


Phil was the last one out of the showers and headed to a side room to dry off and change.  First he poked his head out the door, clad only in a towel, and looked around until he spotted Malvin.


“What’s taking so long, Philip?” Malvin asked.  “Fotogs are here.”


“They can deal without me for once,” Phil said.  “Besides – Sav’s there, believe it or not!  He can take my place for a change.  I’m feeling really wiped out.  I just want to rest a moment.”


“Fine,” Malvin said.  “Just be ready to leave as soon as their done.  Nashville awaits us.”


“Just knock on the door in case I fall asleep,” Phil winked as he closed the door. 


He flopped on the small couch inside and let his head fall back.  For some reason, tonight’s performance really wore him out and he just wanted a breather – alone.  He then unzipped a little insulated bag and retrieved his protein drink that he pre-mixed before the show and took a few swallows to hopefully get some of his energy back.


He looked up at the door when he heard a knock and rolled his eyes.  “Mal…what?” he called out.


When the knocker didn’t answer, Phil went over and meekly opened the door.  Before he knew what was happening, the door was pushed open wider from the other end and the tanned, buxom blonde woman from the second row entered – her backstage pass strategically laying across her cleavage.


“Surprise Phil,” the woman purred.


Phil’s eyes raked her over as quickly as they could before he nervously looked around.  “How… did you get in here?  You….you shouldn’t be here.”


“Actually, it was easier than I thought,” the woman said.  “There’s so much distraction out in the hall with the interviews and cameras going off that I was able to slip right past everyone, especially with my pass.  And….why shouldn’t I be here?  You seemed to have invited it from onstage tonight.”


Phil still couldn’t keep his eyes from roaming her.  She really was hot looking with a great body, even if the boobs were fake and the hair color came from a bottle.  He then remembered her oral sex simulation and the way she moved that body of hers practically all night to the songs.  He knew this because he couldn’t keep his eyes off her most of the night.


“Well, I…..” Phil began to stammer.  “I suppose I did flirt with you a bit.  You were very um…..into the performance.”


“So were you,” she said, eying him wickedly.  “Were you thinking of something else when you were humping your guitar?”


Phil blushed a bit.  Even though it was wrong to have her here, he was thoroughly intrigued and getting a bit turned on, which his towel did not hide.  He saw her eyes look down.


“Guess you’re thinking of that ‘something else’ right now,” she cooed as her hand reached to to touch him through the towel.


“Crikey!” Phil bit out.  “I….I don’t think….I…..damn!”


The woman pulled his towel off………just as the door opened.


“Phil, Malvin said your were resting a bit,” Angie said as she entered.  “Thought you might like a little neck rub………”


Her speech cut off as she saw a very guilty looking Phil standing there in all his naked glory with a smirking blonde woman holding his very stiff cock in her hand.


Phil pulled away from the woman then reached down to grab the towel to cover himself.  He knew that no words….no explanations…..nothing short of throwing himself off a cliff would convince Angie that this wasn’t what she thought.


“Angie…..Angie….you…you don’t understand…..”


“…….Excuse me,” she choked out before she headed out of the room before slamming the door shut behind her.


“Let me make it up to you?” the woman offered.


Phil’s mind reeled over possibly losing the best thing that came into his life.  He looked at the woman with disgust – for her and himself.


“Yeah, you can make it up to me.  By getting out of here.  Now!”


As the door closed behind her, Phil realized that, even though nothing happened, he still got the screwing of his life.



                                                Chapter 39


Phil never dressed so fast in his life.  With his trousers barely fastened and black, buttoned shirt hanging off his shoulders, he threw on his shoes, grabbed his bag and headed out the door and almost smack into Malvin.


“Philip, what………”


Phil cut him off.  “Mal…” he panted.  “Did……did you see Angie?”


Malvin looked puzzled.  “I thought she was inside with you?  I told her you were skipping the interviews to rest and to go right in.  Didn’t you see her?”


Phil rubbed his face with frustration.  “More like…..she saw me,” he muttered.




“Nothing, listen….are we ready to go yet?”


“Just about…….”


Before Malvin could finish, Phil headed out the side door to where the buses were waiting, but saw that Black n’ Blue’s bus had already left ahead of them.


“Bloody fuck!” Phil hissed out, before getting on his own bus.


About 15 minutes later, the rest of the band boarded one by one. 


“Phil…what did you bail on us to hide out here?” Sav asked.


Phil’s mood was none too pleasant at the moment.  “Look who’s talking?  He who talks to no one after every show.”


Sav narrowed his eyes at Phil.  “Excuse me?”


“You heard me!” Phil bit out.  “You rarely talk to anyone, not to mention you freak if someone asks for a picture.”


Sav just blankly stared at Phil.  “I don’t think I have to get into my reasons why, especially the pictures, Phil,  Sav said with a twinge of hurt.  “Now…..what’s really bothering you that you’re jumping down my throat?”


“Who’s jumping down who’s throat?” Viv asked as he walked up the aisle.


“I don’t think we were talking to you, Viv,” Phil snipped out.


“Oooooh, am I gonna have to pass out boxing gloves here,” Rick said, approaching them.  “Where were you, Phil?”


Phil looked up at Rick with blazing eyes.  “What, do I have to account for my whereabouts after every fucking gig?”


“What the hell crawled up your ass and bit you?” Joe asked from behind Rick.


“More fucking questions,” Phil mumbled.


“Well, how about some answers?” Joe shot back. 


Phil stood up.  “You want answers?  Fine, I’ll give you answers.  I passed on the interviews because I was just plain wiped out.  I took a shower, then took a breather on the couch until some woman from the show snuck in.  To make a long story short, we were in a very uncompromising situation when Angie just happened to walk in on us.  Her bus took off.  There’s probably no chance in hell that she’ll ever listen to me.  Hell, she probably doesn’t even want to look at me right now.  And yeah, I can hear what you’re all thinking now….if only I just had my ass out there with the rest of you doing the interview, this wouldn’t have happened.  So….I’m sorry for blowing off the interivew; Sav, I’m sorry for jumping all over you and snapping at everyone else.  Now….if you’ll all excuse me, I’m going in the back to stew in my fucking stupidity!”


As Phil entered the back bunks and shut the door, Joe looked at the rest of the guys.


“Well… least he’s honest!”



                                                Chapter 40


On Black n’ Blue’s bus, Nina looked over her shoulder to where Angie had barricaded herself in the back bunk.  All she heard for the last 45 minutes was the sound of her angrily strumming her guitar.


She gingerly got up, careful that Seth’s head didn’t flop over from where it was resting on her shoulder.  She had been so blissfully happy since they got back together and can’t believe she had Joe Elliott to thank because of it!  But, she wondered if her sister’s similar happiness was hitting a glitch.  After seeing her storm out from backstage and straight to the bus, she wondered if she and Phil got into an argument of some sorts  Knowing her sister the way she did, she gave her time to herself before going to talk to her.


Nina tapped on the bunk door.  “Sis…open up, its me.”


“Not now, Neen!” she shot back.  “I’m busy.”


Nina folded her arms.  “Busy doing what?”


“I’m writing a couple of songs so please don’t bother me!”


“Angela Melanie Black… this door now!”


The bunk door opened with a fury, which matched the look in Angie’s eyes.  “Don’t call me by my full name, Nina Scarlett Black!”


Nina smirked a bit.  “Hey, don’t blame me for mom’s ‘Gone With The Wind’ obsession.  Hey..wanna tell the other guys that Randy’s middle name is ‘Ashley’?”


“If mom really wanted to be cruel, she’d have named him Randall Rhett!”


“See, you’re in a better mood already,” Nina said.


Angie frowned, remembering the source of her anger.  “No I’m not!” she spat, sitting back down on the bunk.  Before she knew it, Angie had scooped up the sheetmusic on the bed.


“Give those back, Neen!”


Nina perused the song titles.  “Hmmm,  I’m An Uttter Goddamn Fool”?  That’s an interesting title.”


Nina then shifted the pages and her mouth dropped.  “But not as interesting as this song….’Phil’s A Conniving Asshole’.  Verrrry interesting.  So…what did you guys fight about?”


Angie ignored her sister and strummed her guitar with a vengence.


“Ange, take it easy, will ya?  You’re gonna break the strings.”


“Good!  I’m pretending their Phil’s neck!  Or….better still…..his balls!”


“Tell me.”


“I walked in on him with……someone else, okay?”


Nina’s mouth dropped.  “No way?  Ange…are….are you sure that it wasn’t what you thought?”


Angie gave her sister an absurd look.  “Nina, please!  I’m 30 years old.  I think its suffice to say that when your supposed boyfriend is caught standing butt naked with some strange woman’s hand wrapped around his stiff weener, that its pretty much what you think!”


Nina fell back against the wall and covered her mouth with her hands.  “Oh…my..God, Neen!  I…I can’t believe it!”


“Yeah, well believe it, because I saw it.  Oh, I’m sure he chased after me to explain, after he threw some clothes on, but the buses were gone by then.  However, there is nothing to explain.  There is no way to misjudge what I saw.”


Nina sat down next to her sister.  “Ange, I’m so sorry.  But….I don’t know.  I mean, I know it sounds bad, but maybe…..”


Angie turned to her.  “Don’t you even go and try to explain his screwed hide to me,” she seethed.  “You…of all people.”


“Yeah, and I finally came to my senses and forgave Seth, and now we’re happier than ever.”


“Nina dear……you caught Seth with his tongue down some girl’s throat.  I caught some woman giving Phil a handjob.  I think my situaiton is a little more drastic than yours.”


“Angie, whether it’s a kiss or a fuck….infidelity is infidelity.  So don’t think that you’ve been more wronged than I.  Now….considering how ga-ga Phil’s been over you, I just can’t imagine that he’d want someone else.  I just can’t.  There has to be some logical explanation for this.”


“Yeah, there is,” Angie snapped.  “Just like the song title said….Phil Is A Conniving Asshole’!  And don’t even think of trying to get me to talk to him once we arrive in Nashville.  I’d sooner quit rock n’ roll and take up the banjo at the Grand Ol’ Opry than listen to anything Phil Collen has to say.  Now……please leave me alone so I can write more hateful songs about that man!”


Nina sighed heavily and left her sister alone.  It wasn’t until she closed the door that she heard Angie begin to cry.


Something was definitely wrong.  If Angie wouldn’t talk to Phil, Nina would.



                                                Chapter 41



Both bands arrived in Nashville in the early hours of the morning.  Angie slept very little and Phil slept even less. 


As soon as he felt the bus come to a permanent halt, Phil’s eyes flew open.  His first thought was of Angie.  Hell, she was all he thought about since that fiasco last night!  What was he thinking?  Okay, so he encouraged it from the stage, but all of the guys flirted – even Sav, who was the most cautious of all.  They never held back from giving their all, especially winding up the female fans, no matter how happily married or committed they were.


But it was his hesitation when the women slipped into the room that was his destruction.  He should’ve shuttled her out as soon as she showed her face.  But his curiousity got the best of him – curiousity about other women that was his downfall since before his first marriage.  That curiousity ended that marriage and the one after that.  If he didn’t get it in check, he knew that no woman would even be able to trust his sincere feelings for her.


But Phil didn’t care what any other woman thought except Angie.  From the moment he set eyes on her back in January, she had floored him.  Enchanted him.  Inspired him.  Drove him mad with desire, lust and……love.


Yes.  He did love Angie.  No….he was in love with her.  For the first time in he didn’t know how long, Phil was one hundred percent certain that no other woman – no matter how young and sexy – could ever surpass her.  Angie had it all – looks, talent, personality, charm, humor and amazing sex appeal.


And…..she loved him too.


So how was he ever going to explain what happened last night?  Was there an explanation that existed that she would be naïve enough to believe?


As the doors to the bus opened, Phil unbarricaded himself from his bunk and headed down the aisle. The rest of the guys were getting up out of their seats and Phil used the opportunity to make amends for his ornery behavior the night before.


“Aye….Sav,” Phil said, putting a hand on shoulder from behind.  “Listen, mate….I’m sorry about snapping at you last night.  You know that really wasn’t the real me talking.  It was the screwed up me, taking it out on everyone else.”


Sav grinned and nudged Phil.  “Don’t worry about it.  I understand.  I sure hope you can work it out with Angie.”


“Yeah, you and me both,” Phil said exasperated.


Rick then looked at Phil and immediately held his hand protectively in front of his own face.


“Are you gonna come out swinging or what?” Rick asked.


“No, I’m not,” Phil said with a hint of a grin.  “I’m sorry about last night.”


“Feeling better after a night’s sleep?” Viv asked.


“Sleep?  What sleep?  All I did was have nightmares of what a dumb fuck I am!” Phil replied.


“As I said last night….at least he’s honest,” Joe cut in, overhearing. 


“Yeah, yeah, kick a guy when he’s down,” Phil said.


Joe slung his arm around Phil’s shoulder.  “Aw, no self pity crap.  Doesn’t suit you.  Just do your charmed best to win her back.  It’ll probably take a miracle, but hey…..they can happen.”


“Well, at least you guys forgive me.”


Joe pushed him out the door.  “What?  You kidding?  You’re not totally forgiven.  Breakfast is on you today, Collen!”




Black n’ Blue’s bus halted as well and everyone began to depart, with Angie being the last one to get off.  She kept her eyes down and walked towards the hotel, even though she knew that Phil’s eyes were on her.


She made the mistake of looking up to find him almost in front of her, his face pale and contrite.


“Angie….luv…..please……..” he began.


Angie stopped dead in her tracks and looked Phil square in the eye.  “Don’t you even go there, Phil,” she warned before walking away, right past Joe.


“Well, good morning there, Miss Angie,” Joe sang out.


Angie stopped and turned towards Joe, a devious look in her eye.  “Morning, big Joe,” she said with syrupy sweetness.  “How about letting me treat you to a pre-op breakfast this morning?” 


Joe rubbed his bad shoulder, which he’d have taken care of in two days.  “Sure luv!  Sounds great.  However, Phil here was kind enough to offer to treat us all to breakfast this morning.”


Joe raised his brows at an astonished Phil, who didn’t offer anything, but rather Joe demanded.


Angie didn’t even look at Phil when she answered.  “That’s okay, Joe.  I’d rather not have anything he has to offer.  So…you gonna take me up on mine?”


Joe shrugged, knowing where this was going.  “Sure, why not?  Phil’s money isn’t good anyway.”


Angie smiled victoriously and headed into the hotel.  Joe walked after her, only to be caught by the arm by Phil.


“What are you doing?  You know she’s only flirting with you to make me jealous.  Nina did the same thing.”


Joe feigned a very excited look on his face.  “I know!  It makes me feel like such a piece of meat!  Don’t worry, mate.  I’ll keep her warm for ya till she decides if she wants to forgive you or not.”


Joe took off leaving Phil there to stew.  Until…Nina came up behind him.


“Trust me,” she said, “now is not a good time to attempt to talk to my sister.”


Phil turned cautious eyes to her.  “I take it you’re pissed at me too?”


“Actually, I’m willing to listen,” Nina said.  “What she described sounded pretty incriminating, but I’m willing to give you the benefit of the doubt and try to explain yourself.”


It was a glimmer of hope, but Phil knew that if anyone could get through to Angie, it would be her sister.



                                                Chapter 42


Phil was forever grateful that Nina allowed him the chance to explain an absolutely unexplainable situation at that afternoon’s soundcheck.


“I don’t know Phil,” Nina said after hearing him out.  I  know that everything sounds as if everyone was in the wrong place at the wrong time, but look at it from my sister’s point of view.  I mean….considering how she found you……”


Phil cradled his head and shook it back and forth.  “I know, I know,” he exasperated.  “I just don’t know how she’ll ever believe me.”


“Well, I don’t think it’s a question of believing you,” Nina said.  “But….rather trusting you.  With all due respect, you do have a reputation for the ladies.  How is she to believe that you really didn’t want it?  Or….that you may want it again?  Or….if you really want her – for good?”


“I do, Nina,” Phil said with a heavy sigh.  “I love your sister.  And not just because she’s hot and beautiful.  That’s only the icing on the cake.  I’ve never felt such a connection in my life, I swear it.  And…I don’t care how long it takes, I’ll make her believe me and I’ll make her trust me.”


Nina smiled, knowing that Phil’s near begging was nothing but sincere.  He could see how distraught he was over losing it all with Angie and he was beside himself with regret and wanting to make things right.


“Well, I know for sure that now is definitely not the time to try to win her back,” Nina said.  “She’s pretty raw.  I mean, she was up half the night writing songs about how much she hates you.”


Phil chuckled over her honestly.  “Yeah, well I was up half the night thinking about how much I hate myself.  But Neen, I’ve got to do something now.  Tomorrow night’s our last show before we break for 20 days.”


“My point exactly, Phil,” Nina said.  “If you’re going to try to win her back, do it outside the tour.  Once we all get back home for a rest, pay her a surprise visit.  That way she won’t have time to run.  In the meantime, I’ll try to soften her up a bit.  I know she loves you – you’ve got that much on your side.”


Phil gave her a relieved look.   “I can’t believe you’re doing this for me, especially after you went through the same thing with Seth.”


Nina smiled softly to herself.  “I know, but……that’s where love comes in.  I was hurt – really hurt, but I never fell out of love with him.  As shattered as Angie is, I know she still loves you, even though she thinks you’re a conniving asshole.”


Phil raised his brows.  “She said that?”


“It’s the title of one of her songs in your honor.”


“Guess I deserve it.  Okay, well then its settled.  As soon as I get home the day after next, I’m gonna spend some time with my son then I’ll pay her a visit.  Do you really think you can soften her up a bit?”


Before Nina answered, they both looked up to see Angie come down from the stage to see Phil and Nina talking.  She shot Nina a contemptable look before graciously giving Phil the finger.


Nina sighed then looked at Phil.  “Guess I have my work cut out for me!” 



                                                Chapter 43



Two Weeks Later

Los Angeles, CA



Phil stood on the redwood deck of his L.A. home and stared out into the early morning haze on the horizon.  He absentmindedly sipped a cup of green tea as he contemplated his upcoming surprise visit to Angie.


Nina had urged him to wait at least two weeks before attempting to contact her in order to give Nina enough time to try to soften Angie up.


Everyday Phil wished that he could turn back time and prevent that awful incident from happening.  Needless to say, he’ll never ditch another backstage interview again!


He slid open the glass doors and headed back inside his kitchen just as Rory came in.


“Want your old man to make you an omelet?”


Rory made a face as he pulled a box of Cocoa Puffs out of the cabinet.  “Yeah…right!  I’d rather eat something that has some taste to it.”


“Like that boxful of sugar?” Phil asked, nodding towards the cereal box.


“Dad, I’m thirteen.  I don’t need to be worried about my ‘girlish figure’ until I’m at least…….your age.”


“Watch it, pal.  Even though I’m this age, I can still kick your ass!”


Rory poured the cereal into a bowl.  “Sorry dad.  You just don’t look too threatening right now for me to take it seriously.”


Phil put his teacup down and folded his arms.  “Oh?  Just how do I look?”


“Like a lovesick fool,” Rory stated, matter-of-factly.  “So….when are you gonna kiss and makeup with Angie?”


Phil’s mouth dropped at his son’s astuteness.  “Just what makes you think we’re fighting?”


Rory shoved a spoonful of cereal into his mouth.  “Uh….because she’s not with you, nor are you with her,” he replied, spitting milk onto the table.


Phil closed his eyes and shook his head.  “Talking with your mouth full and spitting milk on the table.   Any other bad habits you want to exhibit?”


Rory grinned.  “Well, I could force a fart, but I think that would be rank, especially since we had Mexican last night.”


Phil slapped his hand against his forehead.  “I had to bloody ask,” he murmured.


“So……..answer me, dad.  Did you guys get in a lovers tiff or something?”


Phil sighed heavily and bowed his head.  “More like…..or something.”


Rory glanced up.  “Yeah?  Whats her name?”


Phil’s head came up like a shot.  “What?  Who’s name?”


“The chick you screwed around with behind Angie’s back,” Rory answered with unaffectedness.


Again, Phil was dumbfounded.  “Rory, I…I didn’t screw around with anyone.”


“So, your fight didn’t include another woman?”


“No.  Well, yes, but….not the way you think,” Phil stammered.


Rory looked down into his bow.  “Uh, huh,” he said, taking another spoonful of cereal.


Phil stared at his son with amazement, and also a bit of shame.  He didn’t realize the affect his behavior with women had on the thirteen year old, nor did he realize that Rory picked up on it.  Phil took a seat next to him at the table.


“Rory, tell me…..what do you think of me?”


Rory looked up and grinned mischievously, but saw the contrite look on his father’s face and didn’t have the heart to have fun with him.


“I think you’re a great dad, really,” he answered.


“No, I mean… a man,” Phil corrected.  “How do you see me in terms of a relationship with a woman?”


Rory lowered his head and shrugged.  “I don’t know…I mean….you’re 45 and divorced twice.  You’re in a rock band and you meet a lot of women on the road.  I guess….I guess its just hard for you to be faithful.”


Phil stared into his son’s eyes.  “You really think that of me?”


Rory nodded.  “But…..that doesn’t make you a bad person, dad.  You just don’t know what you want.”


Phil leaned back in his chair.  “You’re right – I didn’t know what I wanted.  But now I do.  I want to be with Angie, but I think I may have fucked it all up.  Rory…I want you to promise me that when you start dating girls that you don’t treat them like dirt and lie to them and sneak around behind their backs, especially one who’s your steady girlfriend.  That’s not the way to be.  Please…..don’t look to me as an example in that department, ya hear?”


Rory nodded and stared at his father.  “So… gonna try to win Angie back?”


“I sure as hell am gonna try.  God knows where to begin?  I’ve had her number on that piece of paper, waiting out the two weeks before I call her.  I’m afraid to call though.  Afraid that she won’t take it or hang up in my face.  Part of me wants to dial that number and the other part of me is scared to.”


Phil then got up from the table.  “I’m going to take a shower.  Maybe the hot water’ll give me some courage.”


Phil disappeared from the kitchen as Rory’s eyes darted to the piece of paper on the island by Phil’s cell phone.


A wicked ideal caused a wide smile to break across his face! 



                                                Chapter 44



Phoenix, Arizona


Angie, Nina and Randy were taking advantage of the time off by spending time with their family in their hometown of Phoenix.  Even though it was the middle of May, the weather was hot and dry.


Since both sisters shared a condo together, both took advantage of the weather and did some sunbathing before they and their brother went to their parents house for dinner that evening.


Angie sipped her first morning cup of coffee already attired in a bikini and a pair of terry cloth shorts.  She had long since had the corn rows removed and her dark, glossy hair was caught up in a messy ponytail.  Nina joined her in the kitchen soon after that.


“Anybody call?”


Angie looked up.  “Expecting any calls?”


Nina looked innocent.  “No, not really.  Just asking.”


“Good, neither am I,” Angie replied, pouring a second cup from the coffee pot.


“You sure about that?”


Angie slammed her coffee cup down.  “Yes, I’m sure!  Not only would I not take a call from Phil if I was expecting it, but I think he would’ve already called by now, that is….if he had the balls!”


“Maybe he’s just waiting for you to cool off,” Nina suggested.


“Oh?  Is that what you suggested to him?”




“C’mon, Neen.  I saw the two of you kabbitzing after that incident.  You’re in cohoots with him to try to get us back together.”


“Alright, I confess!” Nina admitted.  “But Ange….don’t you think you should at least hear him out?  I know what you saw looked pretty bad, but there is a good explanation for what happened.  You just walked in at the wrong time.”


“No, I walked in at the right time!” Angie spat out.  “If I hadn’t, we’d still be together and he’d still be fucking around behind my back without me knowing about it.  He’s only pissed because he got caught and now he’s trying to make it look like it was a misunderstanding.  Yeah, right!  How do you ‘misunderstand’ having a woman’s hand wrapped around your pecker?”


Nina let out a heavy sigh.  “Ange……”


“Forget it, Neen!   Just forget it.   My only regret is having to go back out on tour with him, but I guess I’ll have to be mature about it.  Maybe I’ll find some hot young guy myself!”


Just then, Angie’s cell phone rang.  She picked it up, looked at the caller ID, then threw it down.


“Hmmm, California area code,” Angie sarcastically said.   “Now I wonder who that could be?


After the phone stopped ringing, it rang again.  And again.


“Persistant little Brit, isn’t he,” Angie quipped.


“Ange, just answer the damn phone,” Nina huffed.


The ringing stopped and it didn’t ring again.  Angie picked it up and saw that she had a message.


“Oh, hell, lets see that that snivelling turd has to say.”


Angie went into her voice mail and was shocked to find, not Phil, but Rory’s voice.


“Angie, hi.  This is Rory Collen.  Remember me?  Of course you do!  Uh..listen, I really need to talk to you  about my dad.  Its kinda urgent.  He’s in the shower right now so call back now if you get this message.  Thanks, bye.”


“Ange…..what is it?”


“It was Rory.  He wants me to call him about Phil.”


Nina smiled.  “Aw, he’s worried.  Phil must be so distraught that his teenage son needs to intervene.  Ange, that’s it.  You can deny Phil, but you can’t deny that little boy.  Call him back, for God’s sake!”


Angie took a deep breath and dialed the Collen household.



                                                Chapter 45


The following afternoon, Phil continued to mope around the house with his cell phone permanently affixed to the inside of his hand.  He had placed several calls to Angie’s cell, only to get her voice mail each time.  Finally, he decided to swallow his pride and leave her a message, knowing full well that she may not even respond.


He flopped on his couch and turned the telly on, desperate for something to take his mind off possibly losing an incredible woman that he loved and respected, all because of his own stupidity.


Even if she did call back, what would he possibly say to explain what she saw?  In a way, he couldn’t blame her for not being able to trust him.  Had he walked in on her with another guy in a similar situation, he’d have thought the very same thing.


But he knew that Angie wouldn’t have even considered anyone else.  She was a one-man woman, and by professing her love to him, Phil knew that he was the one man.  And because of his curiosity and laciviousness that always did him in in the past, he betrayed her.


He turned the telly off and threw the remote on the coffee table.  He got up and paced around, looking for something to do.  He contemplated calling Joe to see how he was recovering, but he didn’t want to field any questions about his progress with Angie.  He thought about going for another run, but his body was tired.  He decided to open the fridge and look for something to eat.


He then heard the side door open and knew that Rory was home from school.  He smiled and thought that he’d spend the afternoon with him doing something fun.  Maybe go to see a cool action flick.  Anything but a love story!


“Rory, is that you?” Phil called out as he went in search of him.


“Yeah, I’m home,” he called back.  “Uh dad…wait…..”


Just as Phil rounded the corner, he stopped dead in his tracks.  Standing beside his son was Angie. 


His stunned expression over having her in his home kept the words from forming in his brain. 


Rory looked from his father, to Angie, then back.  “Uh…surprise!”


Phil found his voice.  “What?  How?”


“I sure hope you have more to say to me than than,” Angie said rather emotionlessly.


Phil held his arms out to the side.  “Where do I begin?  However, I’d rather begin with how you got here.”


“Why….airplane, of course,” Angie replied with a twinge of sarcasm before her features softened.  “That is….after a received an interesting phone call from your son here.”


Phil’s eyes darted to Rory.  You called Angie?  Rory, I don’t believe you……!”


“……I got her here, didn’t I?” Rory interrupted his father’s tirade.  “I had a feeling she wouldn’t take a call from you, but I knew she would from me.  What can I say?  I just got it!  Talked her into coming to get me at school when she got in.  You should’ve seen the look on the guys’ faces when she picked me up!  They were probably bustin’ a nut in their jeans!”


Angie smirked.  “I see some things haven’t changed,” she said, referring to Rory.  “I’m hoping that when this afternoon is over, I can say the same for you, Phil.”


Phil felt as if he was given the opportunity of a lifetime.  “I’m just thankful that you’ve given me the opportunity, luv.”


“Don’t thank me….thank your son.”


Rory stared at his father without a humble bone in his body.  Phil mussed his hair and pushed him towards the stairs.  “We’ll talk later, right now…Angie and I need some privacy.”


Rory protested a bit.  “But…..don’t I get to, like, referee or something? After all, I did orchestrate this little afternoon delight….”


Upstairs, please,” Phil said sternly, but softly.


“Promise to fill me in later?”


“Of course.”


Phil watched his son go upstairs before turning to Angie.  “Shall we?”




                                                Chapter 46


Phil led Angie outside nd motioned for her to sit on one of his cusioned deck chairs.


“Can I get you anything?”


“No, thanks,” she replied.  “I ate on the flight.”


Phil chuckled.  “Can’t be anything too healthy!”


Angie grinned over Phil’s forced humor to try to lighten the mood.  She then turned to him.


“I guess we should start off with the phone call I received from Rory that brought me here.”


“That seems a good place to start,” he replied.


Angie stood up and went to lean against the railings of the deck, looking out at Phil’s meticulously manicured lawn.


“I don’t know how much you told Rory about what happened between us,” she began. “All I know is that when I got a voice mail message from him saying that he needed to talk to me about you, I was concerned.  At first, I thought that maybe something happened to you.  I may be mad at you, but I’m not totally heartless.”


“I know you’re not, luv,” Phil quietly said.


Angie began to pace as she continued.  “Anyway, when I called Rory back, he went on to tell me how miserable you’ve been since you came home and how you’ve been beating yourself up over what happened.  He didn’t think I”d take your call, so he took a chance that I’d take his.  He was concerned about you and your happiness and practically begged me to come out here to talk things out with you.”


Phil smiled softly to himself.  “He’s a good lad.”


“Yes, he is Phil,” Angie replied.  “If it wasn’t for his phone call, I wouldn’t be here.  All my sister’s prodding and pleading to call you didn’t get through to me.  But that thirteen year old boy did.  That boy who’s seen his father go through two divorces and desperately wants to see his father find happiness with someone – permanently.”


Phil hung his head a bit at the truthfulness in Angie’s words.  “I know Angie, you’re right.  All the relationships I got myself into in the past were either with the wrong person or for the wrong reasons.  I don’t want my son to think that’s the way to be.  But, when I met you, I held out pushing anything physical because I wanted to get to know you as a person without sex clouding my judgement.  And when it did happen, it was five times as good.  I love you Ange, and I’m so sorry about what happened.  If you can just let me explain …….”


Angie put her hand up to halt him.  “No, Phil…don’t,” she said.  “Nina already explained it.  However, the sad truth is that there’s no way to explain how your dick wound up in some strange woman’s hand by accident.  It never should’ve even gotten that far.  As soon as she snuck into the dressing room, you should have insisted she leave immediately.  But you didn’t.  Its almost as if you wanted to see how far it would get.  You had a beautiful woman offering you ‘whatever’ and you were intrigued, whether you knew it was wrong or not.  However, you got caught.  By me.  And, as shocked as I was by what happened, I”ve decided that it isn’t healty to dwell on it anymore.  Its because of your son’s phone call, and the fact that I do love you, that I’m here.”


Phil had no choice but to agree with everything Angie said.  She was right that he never should’ve let it get that far in the first place.  But, she was here and professing that she still loved him.  He know had the perfect opportunity to make it up to her.


“Ange, you’re right.  And, I’m not just agreeing with you to get on your good side.  I’ve done nothing but think of what my stupid behavior almost cost me.  I love you too, baby.  So much.  For the first time, I believe that I’ve found the right person and for the right reason.  Please…..let me make it up to you.”


Angie walked towards him and stopped to lean against the railing.  “Phil, you say that you believe you’ve found the right person in me.  That tells me that you’re still not sure.  Which means that there’s a possibility that someone else may come along that strikes your fancy.


“Angie……” Phil interrupted.


“…….not to mention the fact that its going to be very difficult for me to trust you again.”


“So…what do you propose that we do?” Phil asked.


“That we put our relationship on hiaitus.  I want you to have the opportunity to be with someone else if you want.”


“And what about you?” Phil asked. 


“I’ve gone without a serious relationship for a long time,” she said.  “You’re really the first.  If I happen to meet someone on tour that I want to spend time with, then I will, otherwise I just want to concentrate on playing.  If you have any temptations that you need to get out of your system, then you’re free to do so – no questions asked.”


“But Angie….I don’t want anyone else,” Phil pleaded.


“Well…that remains to be seen, doesn’t it Phil?”



                                                Chapter 47



Several Weeks Later

Beginning of June


Both bands were back on the road to resume the tour as of May 25th.  Joe recovered wonderfully from his surgery and everyone was well rested and ready to get back to work.


All except Phil.


Not that he wasn’t ready to get back to performing, but more he was dreading the tension of being back on the road with Angie.  Even though they stayed in contact during their hiaitus, they would now be in each other’s constant company for the next several months – with the status of their relationship still in the balance.


Phil used the last few weeks to ponder all the mistakes he made in his life and the changes he’d have to make to avoid them again.  He just didn’t have himself to think about anymore.  He wanted to be a good role model for Rory as well.


But he also knew that he didn’t want to face his future going from woman to woman.  He wanted someone steady in his life.  Someone whom he connects with on all levels.  Someone whom he wants for all the right reasons.  Someone whom he could spend passionate hours in bed with one night to watching cheesy movies on the couch the next.  Someone who respects who he is and what he does and vice versa.


He didn’t need to convince himself any further that that ‘someone’ was Angie.


They maintained a close, yet platonic, relationship since the tour resumed.  It was hard on both of them, especially with each knowing what the other is like intimately.  But Angie needed to be sure of Phil’s intentions before going back to the way things were.


Both bands attended a small party given by the promoter of the gig they had just finished up.  Local personalities and a handful of lucky fans were in attendance as well and all were looking forward to a little unwinding and mingling in a contained circle.


Nina went up to Joe at the bar and rubbed his shoulder.  “How ya feeling there, big Joe?”


“Real good,” Joe replied with a smile.  “Just a little minor stiffness every now and then, but nothing that a good painkiller won’t cure.  So….how’s your love life?”


Nina grinned.  “Wonderful.  Seth and I are talking about getting married after the tour ends.  I think we’ll just run off somewhere.  How’s yours?”


“Non-existant,” Joe shot back.


“Hard to believe.  Didn’t hit on any pretty nurses?”


“Didn’t have the opportunity,” Joe huffed.  “The nurse assigned to me was a guy!”


“Hmmm, wise move on the hospital’s part,” Nina surmised.  “Probably figured they’d have a bunch of swooning female nurses screwing up patient charts.”


Joe thought about it and arrogantly grinned.  “Yeah, you’re probably right.”


Nina cleared her throat.  “Uh….speaking of ‘swooning females’……..”


Joe followed his eyes to where Nina nodded her head and they fell upon a very lovely woman with dark brown eyes, deep red hair and a tank top that revealed a generous bosom.  She glanced at Joe, bit her lip seductively, then looked away.


Joe looked looked at Nina.  “I think I’m being summoned!”


“Go get her, big Joe!”



Over on the other side, Angie was in deep conversation with a radio DJ – a late, 20-something male who seemed a bit smitten with her.


Phil was off to the other side with Rick and Sav, holding an bottle of Aquafina.  He kept his ears on the conversation, while he kept his eyes on Angie.  He drained his water and squeezed the empty plastic bottle as he watched the DJ try to work his magic with Angie.  If he were any closer to her, he’d be wearing her clothes!


He excused himself to go get another bottle of water.  It was times like this where he was glad he didn’t drink, else he’d get himself totally pissed.  When he turned, two very tanned, lovely ladies were standing behind him.


“Hi….Phil,” one of them said.  “We’re both attending a party at the other pavillion.  My brother knows the promoter and let us sneak in.  Could we trouble you for an autograph?”


Phil smiled at the two of them and took a pen and pad that one extended to him.  “Of course!”


After he gave the both of them autographs, the other one looked him up and down.  “Hey Phil, why don’t you stop by our party?  Hawaiian Tropic is sponsoring it.  Maybe they can talk you into judging the contest.  A lot of tanned bodies in bikinis to choose from.”


Phil’s male mind instantly churned, before his newfound sense put a damper on it.


“Well, I appreciate the offer, but I’ll have to decline,” he politely replied.


One of the women tried to change his mind.  “Oh, please?  It’s a perfect opportunity for a single guy like you.”


“Well, I may be single, but…..I do have a lady in my life.”


The other woman raised a brow.  “She must be pretty special.”


“Enough for me to be in love with her,” Phil replied.


The women then looked past Phil, then looked sheepishly back.  “Guess we better get out of here then.  Thanks for the autographs.”


When they left, Phil turned around to see Angie standing right behind him.


“So……you’re in love with me, huh?”


                                                Chapter 48


“So……you’re in love with me, huh?”




Phil looked dead into Angie’s eyes.  “You know I am.”


Angie’s eyes followed the two departing women, then back to Phil.  “Passed up quite an opportunity, there.  What man can say no to ogling women in bikinis?”


This man,” Phil said with certainty and seriousness.  “So…what tore you away from DJ-boy?  Did you miss me?”


Angie smirked at his obvious attempt to hide his jealousy and held up her empty bottle of water.  “Thirsty.  Its so damn hot today.  If I had on any less, I’d be naked.”


Phil’s eyes scanned her long, lithe body, clad in tiny black lycra shorts and matching black halter.  Her signature gold belly chain and navel ring gleamed against nicely tanned abdomen.  His lusty eyes reached hers.


“That’s not the visual I need right now, Ange….considering our circumstances.”


Angie glanced at the ground and bit her lip.  “Sorry.  I….I do miss you, Phil.  I mean….I miss us…..together.”


“So do I,” he whispered, as he boldly reached to take her hand.  “I told you, whatever it takes….I want to prove myself to you.”


“Well, in a way, you did,” she replied.  “I mean… could’ve taken off with those women.   You didn’t know I was listening.   You had no reason not to….”


“Yes, I did!” Phil emphatically stated.  You were my reason!  Just because you set the terms of this ‘relationship-on-hiatus-when-we-resume-the-tour’, doesn’t mean that I have to play by them.  But…I have no choice.  Yes, I fucked up, but the fact that I love you hasn’t changed.  I did nothing but think on this break.  About me.  About us.  About…….being together, in the future.  Angie, no other woman has affected me like you have.  No one!  No groupie.  No model. No bikini contestant.  They’re not even worthy of walking on the same ground as you.  Since the moment I saw you up on that stage playing the guitar at the Icon awards, I was floored.  And I don’t think I’ve been able to pick myself up since then.  But, I’ve got a task ahead of me.  I know you need time and I understand, but know this Angie.  I’m not going anywhere.  Whenever you’re ready, I”ll be waiting.  Just say the word, and I’m all yours.”


Angie stood there speechless, with tears forming in her eyes.  Phil was so intent on what he was saying and she was so focused on listening, that they hadn’t noticed that it got silent around them.  Until they heard clapping noises.


“Bravo, mate!” Viv called out, clapping. 


“Uh oh…I feel a tear coming on,” Sav mused as he clapped.


“Oh, that was so touching,” Rick mocked, touching his hand lightly to his chest.


“You’re so full of shit, Collen,” Joe shouted.


“Not the romantic type, I see,” the redhead commented to Joe.


“Please!  The last time I tried to be romantic…..well, the results were disastrous.  Tell me….are you into……scented candles?”


She wrinkled her nose.  “No, I’m allergic.”


Joe flashed his dimples and put an arm around her.  “Thank God!”


Meanwhile, Phil and Angie turned red from their public display.  Phil gave everyone a ‘ha-ha’, smile, then pulled Angie off somewhere private.


“Angie…I’m sorry.  I didn’t mean for anyone to hear.  Then again…,I don’t give a damn if anyone hears.  I want everyone to know how I feel about you.  I just….hope I didn’t embarrass you.”


All of Angie’s intentions went out the window.  All she knew was that, regardless of what happened, she had loved this man.  Loved him since she first saw him on television back in 1983.  His influence had molded her into the musician she is today.  In every way, she was his protégé and he was her mentor – her icon.  Always would be.


She threw all caution to the wind and put her arms around his neck.  “No…no, you didn’t embarrass me.  But….you’re slowly winning me back.”


Phil put his arms around her waist, groaning at the feel of her silky back.  “Anything I can do to speed things up?” he grinned.


She leaned in to kiss him then pulled away.  “I’d say yes, but….you know how I like things……nice ‘n slow!”



Phil slid his hands up her bare back and filled them with her hair.  “Angie!  You’re killing me, woman!”


She kissed him softly again and ran her tongue along the seam of his lips.  “Then lets go ease your suffering!”


“You mean it?  Angie, you……you sure?”


Angie took his hand and pulled him out of the party.  “Quick!  To the tour bus!”





January, 2004


For the tenth time in the last half hour, the doorbell rang at the Collen house.


And, for the tenth time, Phil answered the door to find, yet another 14 year old – gift in hand.


“Well, hello there lass,” Phil grinned at the pretty teenage girl.


“Hello Mr. Collen,” the girl replied.  “I’m here for Rory’s party.”


“Lucky him!” Phil mused as he motined her inside.  “Down the foyer, take a left into the kitchen, and down the open door into the lower level.”


Phil then waived to the waiting car in his driveway, signaling the girl’s parent that she was inside – safe and sound.


Phil closed the door and went into the kitchen to find Angie mastering five different tasks at once, all while balancing the telephone receiver against her shoulder.


“Yeah, everything’s in full swing, Jac,” Angie said.  “I’ll make sure he calls after everyone’s gone.  Oh…and thanks so much for that body stuff.  I can’t wait to try it.  Okay…talk to ya later. Bye.”


Angie hung up the phone and went to open all the recently delivered pizza boxes.  Phil walked over to her.


“Was that Jacki?.


“Yeah.  She just wanted to know how things were going here and to remind Rory to call her after everyone leaves.  Oh…she’s sending me a bunch of stuff from her Medieval bath and body collection.  The stuff sounds amazing.”


Phil shuddered.  Its kinda weird – you being so chummy with my first wife.”


Angie looked at him strangely. “Its not weird.  I mean, you and her are closer because of Rory so I see and talk to her more than Anita.  Besides, I think she’s cool – not to mention a brilliant businesswoman.”


“Yes, she is that,” Phil agreed.  “So…are we ready to feed the troops?”


Angie surveyed the pizza, sandwiches and soda all lined up.  “Guess so.”


Just then, Rory came upstairs.  “Dad!  The CD player’s busted.”


Phil folded his arms.  “How’d that happen?”


“I didn’t do it!  It just……stopped playing.  You gotta fix it.  We need makeout music for later!”


“Yeah, I bet!” Phil grinned.  “Speaking of which…who was that lovely little thing who just arrived?”


Rory gave an impish grin.  “That’s Lyndsay.  Hopefully, I’ll be making out with her later!”


“Rory!,” Phil warned.  “I don’t need any angry fathers knocking my door down.”


Rory then looked at Angie.  “Hey Ange…all the guys want to know who the major babe with the dark hair is.”


Angie put a hand on her hip.  “And…..just what did you tell them?”


“Hopefully, my future stepmother!”


“Rory James!  Get your ass downstairs and wait for us to bring the food down.”


“But…the CD….”


“I’ll fix it when I get down!”


Rory went back downstairs and Phil turned to Angie.  “Will he ever learn?”


“Oh, I’ve grown to appreciate his honesty,” Angie replied.  Its refreshing.  At least you know he’ll never lie to girls.”


“I hope not,” Phil said.


“Well, you’ve been doing a good job coaching him,” Angie drawled as she ran a finger across his chest.  “At least he only has ‘making out’ on his mind, which is normal for his age.”


Phil took her hand and kissed it before looking down at it.  A braided gold ring, which matched a similar one on his hand, encircled the ring finger on her left hand.  They were Christmas gifts to each other last month – promise rings.  Even though things were going well, they made a pact not to rush into marriage quite yet, but they wanted to symbolize the ‘promise’ they made to be true to each other.


“Yeah, well ‘making out’ was beginner’s stuff for me when I was 14,” Phil joked.


“Well….you are Phil Collen after all.  Had to get your rock star beginnings somewhere!”


“And now….those days are long over, luv.  You’re the only woman for me.  I can’t tell you how happy I’ve been these last 6 months.  I love you.  Rory’s bonkers over you.  And…from the sound of it…so are his friends!  You may just find yourself being brought to school for ‘show and tell’!”


Angie leaned into him.  “How about I show you my version of show and tell later?”


“Thought you’d never ask!” Phil wickedly grinned before kissing her.


“Dad!” Rory called upstairs.  “Stop playing kissey face!  We’re hungry and there’s no music!”


Phil pulled away with a huff.  “That kid will not see his 15th birthday!”


“Sure he will,” Angie retorted.  “Someone has to make ‘little Collen’ grandchildren!”


Phil narrowed his eyes at her.  “How’s about another little Collen child in the future?”


Angie smiled.  Its worth considering.  Think you’re up to the task, old man?”


“I’m always up,” he said, leaning in for another kiss.




Phil pulled away and rolled his eyes.  “Unless he puts me in my grave first!”