This site is all about me. How lucky you are to learn about me. lol, just kidding. Anyway, this site shall list my gaming advancements, some misc. stuff about me, and many other things once the ideas come to mind.
12:10 PM April 6th, 2003 - Bah, lost an hour thanks to Daylights savings time. Either way, I finished the forum cmopletely. All that's left relaly is to add the fanfics once I get em. BTW, I have an idea to add some pics to Use on RM2k, just tell me via IM E-mail or Forum if you think it's a good idea.
5:37 PM April 5th, 2003 - Today, I got the majoity of the site up. ALl that is left to complete is the Rikku page, Fan-fics and Forum. Once those are complete, the site will be officially open. I may get those things done later today, but I'm not sure.
AIM: M4KmdDragon