Alec Armstrong (thats me) was born in Rochester, MI. He spent much of his early childhood there, but in the second grade moved to Egypt with his father's work. after 2 1/2 years of that unpleasant desert, he moved again to Poland, where conditions were somewhat more favorable. in the end of 7th grade, he made his final move to Germany, where he is presently attending High School. These overseas experiences have been a good thing for him, and he does not regret them. The people he has met along the way have been nothing but helpful, through the good times and bad (so cliche), and he wouldn't give them up for anything. He enjoys playing hard when he does play, and has no fear of harming himself in his wild thrashing. Alec plays lead guitar for the band and does the vocals.
Ted Beck (the Drummer) was born in Fairfax, VA. Since birth he has lived in many places around the world including, Virginia, Honduras, Guatemala, Turkey, and now Germany. Ted's life overseas has been all positive and he hopes to keep it that way. In his spare time he enjoys playing the drums, playing sports, chilling with the homies, loving the ladies, and drawing & working on cars. Ted gets his inspirations for drumming from 311's Chad Sexton and Korn's David Silveria.....Ted would also like to give a shout out to his fellow muscians he left behind in Herndon Virginia, Casey, BJ, Jeff, Mike, Justin, Paul, and Brian!!! (If he forgot you, let him know by writing him at "ROCK ON"
Eric Gebauer is the other guitarist for Makeshift. He was born in Munich, Germany and has lived in Arizona for most of his life. He has also lived in England for 3 years and Germany since 97. He Likes playing guitar(duh.), Tennis, and drinking(its legal at 16 in germany!!).
Phil is the Bassist for Makeshift. He was born in Frankfurt, Germany, July 1986. He is the youngest member of the band, having only played with them since early August 2002. He's only been playing bass since the end of summer, since thats when he got his first bass(and promptly named his dog after it, IBANEZ). He can outdrink Eric any day, since he's German. His hobbies include beer-tasting, playing bass(again duh.) and.......acting like an idiot(is that a hobby?)