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Communication and Commands


You can communicate with other players in the game by simply starting to type; this activates the [Chat/Command Window]:

Chat: Type what you want to say to other all other players on the same screen as you (the [Chat Window] opens automatically) followed by the [ENTER] key. Your speech is displayed in white on screen along with your Player ID.

Group Chat: As with Chat but directed to only players in your Group. Select the [Group] button within the [Chat Window], or prefix your text with "@". Group messages are displayed in green. Shout: As with Chat but directed to everyone on the server. Select the [Shout] button within the [Chat Window], or prefix your text with "!". Shouted messages are displayed in yellow. Note that using this feature severely decreases your characters stamina.

Whisper: As with Chat but directed to a single player for private conversation. Select the [To] button within the [Chat Window] together with the Player ID to whom you wish to chat, or prefix your text with "/Player ID"; in order to refuse Whisper from another player (toggles ON/OFF) simply type: `ex [Player ID], or `ex to refuse all whispers. Whispered messages are displayed in blue.

Army: As with Chat but directed to only players in your Army. Prefix messages with # symbol to send messages to your army members. Army chat appears in orange text.


Players may use the mailboxes located on various maps on Earth (note - there are NO mailboxes on Signus, either on the surface of the planet or in the Sky Cities) to send mail messages and items/money to other players.

Players may also receive mail from the RedMoon NPC's.


However, if you start with the ` character (on same key as the ~) as with `ex described above you are entering game command mode. Other commands you can use include:

`music [on|off] - turns music on/off

`sound [on|off] - turns game sounds on/off

`xy - displays X and Y coordinates on current map

`movemode [on|off] - sets Move Mode on/off

`trade [Player ID] - opens the [Exchange Window]

`pickup mode - toggles automatic item pick up on/off

`asktrade [accepted|refused] - turns the ability for other players to enter into a trade with you on (Exchange Window is displayed) and off (Exchange Window is never displayed)

`recall [accepted|refused] - turns the ability for other players to Recall you on (Recall Window is displayed) and off (Recall Window is never displayed)

`chatview [on|off] - toggles the scrolling chat displays on/off (all chat is still recorded for review in the History Window)

`shortkeymode [on|off] - allows use of the Quickbar without having to hold down the [Ctrl] key. Also prevents activation of the Chat Window by accidentally hitting another key. You must press [Enter] to activate the Chat Window when it is turned on. Example:

on - [Q] for first skill or [1] for first item in the Quickbar

[Enter] to chat

off - [Ctrl]+[Q] or [Ctrl]+[1]

Bulletin Board

You can also use an in-game bulletin boards (scattered through Street and Downtown areas) by simply opening it by a [[Left Mouse]] button click on the Bulletin Board, and then [[Read]] or [[Write]] as appropriate.

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