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Lavita, once a lady in waiting at Signus' older palace, had her dreams of gaining rank and status shattered when Sadad spurned her love, choosing instead his duty to protect Philar. Turning instead to Destino she is a cold-hearted, strikingly beautiful woman fervent in gaining what she wants through whatever it takes.

Skills beyond Level 1 include Devil's Kiss, Hold, Dark Curtain, Mind Shield, Obscurity, Invisibility, Fire Arrow, Ice Arrow, Destruction and Slow.

Character Strategy

By the end of the tutorial you should be level 3, and have received 6 bonus points: allocate all 6 bonus points into Dexterity as your primary initial focus will be with a missile weapon - the Bows. Further bonus point allocation should primarily go to Dexterity and then to Power.

There are many ways to level a Lavita. Here is a link with some helpful leveling guides.

Leveling Guides

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