Arroyos - dry stream bed, water only flows in times of flash flood. Also called wadis or dry washes.
Bajada - a continuous apron of coalescing alluvial fans below a mountain front.
Blowout - small, shallow depression created by wind erosion. Also called a deflation basin.
Bolson - a valley that is a closed basin
Desert Varnish - dark shiny stain, comprised of manganese, iron oxides, hydroxides, and clay minerals, found on the surfaces of many desert rocks. Many believe that it is biologically induced.
Erg - sea of sand
Inselberg - an outlying portion of the mountain front surrounded by alluvium (island-mountains)
Lee slope - downwind side of a dune
Loess - wind blown silt
Playa - the shallow, almost float, central part of a desert basin, in which water gathers after a rain and evaporates to leave behind silt, clay, and salts. Click to see pictures of Bonnie Clare playa.
Stoss slope - upwind side of a dune
Ventifacts - aerodynamically shaped rocks up to meters in size that have been cut, and sometimes polished, by the abrasive action of wind.
Yardangs - sculpted bedrock landforms streamlined by desert winds.