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Recording Let The World Come In

August 4-13, 2003. Our first album, Let The World Come In, took five days of actual recording over a 10 day span, plus some later recording and revision. A few studio touch-ups will be included on some of the songs for effect. The album includes all the songs we've written up to this point. We didn't include any of our cover tunes though. We didn't want to mess with the copyright stuff. Release Date: February 9, 2004.

These are the songs on the album:

Where I'm Going
The Good Son
Song For No One
Let The World Come In
Losing Spree
All Alone
I've Got A Gun
Feeling Low
When The Gods Rebel
Your Fool

(View Lyrics page)

Gary, Skip, & Sharon

Above: Gary, Sharon, and Skip take a break for a picture.

B2 Studios/ B2 Productions
1415 18th St.
Suite B2
Bakersfield, Ca


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© Copyright 2002, 2003, 2004, Brian Gallagher, Cecil Starr III, Marcus Hampton, & Walker Starr.
© Copyright 2005, Cecil Starr III & Walker Starr.
© Copyright 2006, 2007, Walker Starr.