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Ricky Charles' Party

Ricky Charles is a U.S. soldier who won the Bronze Star in Afghanistan. His family threw a surprise party for him that would include live music. Luckily, there were connections within the family. MORGAN was asked to be ready to play by the time Ricky got home.

This was the band's first gig. They would be playing for free, but they needed the experience if they were going to start playing more often. All in all, they didn't sound as good as they wanted, but it was still a great party, they got free food, and Rick got smashed!

Congratulations Rick!

Reyna & Ricky Improv Rock

Above: "ARMY's Finest!"

Above, Right: The guys backed off the mics and played some improv as it got late.
Left to Right: David, Cecil, Brian, Skip
Not pictured: Andrew Mundschau was the sound guy.

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© Copyright 2002, 2003, 2004, Brian Gallagher, Cecil Starr III, Marcus Hampton, & Walker Starr.
© Copyright 2005, Cecil Starr III & Walker Starr.
© Copyright 2006, 2007, Walker Starr.