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Rock band Morgan lets power of grunge fly

By Danielle Belton, The Bakersfield Californian

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Morgan "Let the World Come In"

Mmm. Grungy.

I'm seeing Seattle. Some really angry guys in ugly wool socks. Thrashing guitars. Clenched jaws. Tortured wails. Smells like "Gen-X." Local rock act Morgan features Brian Gallagher's powerful wail, Marcus Hampton's smoldering bass, Skip Starr's thundering drums and Cecil Starr's vicious guitar (mixing it up with Gallagher's own). Its opening track "Indy," an ode to isolation, sets the tone. The second track, "Where I'm Going," picks up the pace but solidifies the nihilistic sound. Gallagher intones over and over "I don't know where I'm going/I don't know where I've been/I've got so much to live for/That's how I got nothing." The album features some great guitar and bass work. And a little piano -- most notably in the opening of "The Good Son" and the surprisingly near-radio-ready title track, "Let the World Come In." The piano also comes out of nowhere to beautifully set the opening of "Losing Spree." Much of the album is bleak. The music and lyrics are like a release for the things that clog the mind with pain and doubt, leaving 12 tracks could easily punctuate a foul mood or bad day.

DANIELLE BELTON, Californian staff writere-mail:

This artical copied from The Bakersfield Californian, April 2, 2004, Section: Eye Street, Page: E10

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© Copyright 2002, 2003, 2004, Brian Gallagher, Cecil Starr III, Marcus Hampton, & Walker Starr.
© Copyright 2005, Cecil Starr III & Walker Starr.
© Copyright 2006, 2007, Walker Starr.