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The Boiler Room

Definitely had a great time playing. This time around, the songs probably weren't as well done as the last gig, but not bad for a last-minute rehearsal/review. Had a couple friends come to watch, but many of the fans who were there stayed to watch MORGAN after they had already seen Peleo, Most Inspirational, and The Lebecs.

All three of these bands were phenomenal; very professional, very skilled, and really energetic. Peleo and Most Inspirational rocked out with some powerful riffs and lyrics. The Lebecs were unexpectedly left without a drummer, but still did a fantastic job... it was like it was completely planned out.

MORGAN's set was as follows:

All Alone
Song For "No One"
Where I'm Going
I Got A Gun
White Room (Cream)
The Good Son

Marcus, Cecil, & Brian Skip


The Gate
23rd & O St.
Bakersfield, Ca 93301


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© Copyright 2002, 2003, 2004, Brian Gallagher, Cecil Starr III, Marcus Hampton, & Walker Starr.
© Copyright 2005, Cecil Starr III & Walker Starr.
© Copyright 2006, 2007, Walker Starr.