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The Gate (The Boiler Room)

Well, this was the first of several gigs we had planned for Summer 2004, and it looks like things are getting off to a pretty good start. Skip got home from college the day before, allowing little time for the band to rehearse, but MORGAN played a really tight set anyway. We're a little frustrated that we haven't been able to bust out any of the new songs we've been working on, but now that Summer is here, it looks like we'll have no excuses. Anyway, worth mention was the awesome crowd... we haven't have one that stoked in a while. Special thanks to the other bands, Mission: Tonight and The Significants. Mission: Tonight is the well-known Bakersfield band you'll see on Local Rock Stars as one of Bakersfield's favorites, and the Significants are an up-and-coming North High-based rock band who are definitely worth paying to see play live. Both bands were really on that night too and contributed to putting on one hell of a show. Unfortunately, Arneson couldn't make it.

Anyway, thanks to those who came and supported the bands. Next gig will be in May.

The Gate
23rd & O St.
Bakersfield, Ca 93301


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© Copyright 2002, 2003, 2004, Brian Gallagher, Cecil Starr III, Marcus Hampton, & Walker Starr.
© Copyright 2005, Cecil Starr III & Walker Starr.
© Copyright 2006, 2007, Walker Starr.