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Jerry's Pizza

This was one of the few shows during the spring semester that Skip could make it to play, so MORGAN was rocking at 100%. It's cool that a band can play at the same place so many times and still get people coming back to see them. Jerry's is good for that. Anyway, we're going for a record now on how many low E-strings Marcus can break on his bass. What can we say - he plays hard. Cecil did a hell of a job filling in for him on the parts of "Mirage" that Marcus could no longer play anyway. Despite the broken string, it was a hell of a gig. If you stuck around, you also got to see some other really good bands. Unfortunately, Emptyhanded had to play minus one guy, but they still sounded really good. Other bands were: Laughlin McCarthy, Saving Monday, Meat Truck, Time For a Film, Mankind Is Obsolete, No Idea, and Halfmoon Drive.

Jerry’s Pizza & Pub
1817 Chester Ave.
Bakersfield, CA. 93301


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© Copyright 2002, 2003, 2004, Brian Gallagher, Cecil Starr III, Marcus Hampton, & Walker Starr.
© Copyright 2005, Cecil Starr III & Walker Starr.
© Copyright 2006, 2007, Walker Starr.