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MORGAN - Thank You Page


Band History




Thank You...

We want to say thanks to some friends for their help and support right here on the band site: Andrew Mundschau, Callie Fikter, Julie Burkett, Lorenzo Miranda, Janel Garett, The Contreras Family, The Harris Family, Steve Katz, Rovi Ann Sampaga, Sara Pham, Jenny Heaton, Katie Heaton, Andrew Wyatt, Ted Riviera (The 50 Percenters), David Meyers (The Bessemer Process), Aaron of Life Won't Wait, Sharon Marie & Gary Batsch of B2 Studios, Ollie Smith, Jason Frost at Borders Books, Anna and Christine Reyes, Rob Hutchinson, Debra Cook, Tim Succop, Justin Gonzales, Tanya, Adrienne, and Ty Darapiza, Robert Fewell, Alan Fewell, Will Henessy, David & Dawn Gallagher, Bud & Pamela Starr, all the folks at Guitar Center, BPD Officers C. Feola & M. Woessner, and anyone who has ever come to our shows to see us play. You're awesome.

Hunter Reyna

And of course our roadies: Hunter and Reyna Starr

And finally, our biggest thanks to former band members Brian and Marcus, bad-ass musicians and co-authors of every freakin' song we ever wrote, without whom any of this could have been possible. Best of luck and ROCK ON!

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© Copyright 2002, 2003, 2004, Brian Gallagher, Cecil Starr III, Marcus Hampton, & Walker Starr.
© Copyright 2005, Cecil Starr III & Walker Starr.
© Copyright 2006, 2007, Walker Starr.