* * LINKS * *
Invocation To
Mighty Isis,Mother of Civilization
I call out to you.Come to me this night
Queen of the Desert
enthroned among the palms and the date trees
Hear my sorrows an let me lean on your shoulder
Share my burdens for I am weary and need a rest
Help me Great Mother
for You are the champion of the weak and the young
Be with me in ritual and wash away my tears
with Your glorious light
Turn to Isis when you are down and need help
Devocation; Great Isis Queen of the Night
I thank You for Your aid.You are comfort and joy
and I ask that,as You leave my circle
You still watch over me and protect me
throughout the coming days
Blessed Be,Great Mother
Invocation To ARTEMIS Artemis Queen of the Night Lady of the Hunt
I call upon You to come with Your bear and stag
and lead me into new directions
Give me te strenth and courage to forge ahead
Help me run the path lightly
that i may pass without a trace
known only to those i choose
Be with me,Moon Lady,
and teach me to rely on myself
Blessed Be
Call to Artemis when you need inner strenth
Huntress,I have raced the skies with you
Now I bid You farewell
May You traipse the woods forever more
protecting child and animal guarding against assault
I ask that Your strenth
remain in my heart,Blessed Be
Invocation To Brighid
Brighid of the golden hair
Lady of Healing we call upon You
to join our rites this night
We seek the wells of healing
that we might renew and strenthen life
We kindle the sacred fires of creation
forging our tools with Your guidence
Let us tell the tales of the Gods
lossen are tongues as we sing
out praises in lyric verse
Great Brighid hear us this night
and join us as we celebrate Your day
Sacred Lady of Flame
You have been in our hearts this night
and we bid You now farwell
Remain in our lives kindling our fires
healing our pain,inspiring our tongues
We thank You for Your attendance
and wish You a joyous day,Blessed Be
These Invocations Are From The Book
(Embracing The Moon)by Yasmine Galenorn
Published by Llewellyn Publications
and i personaly would recommend this book
to anyone in the craft it runs about $14.95
but is well worth the small price and there is many
more invocations and spell work for you to try
Take Care My Friends And Blessed Be
*****Some Other Invocations/spells*****
(NOTE: You should design your ritual according to you own
thoughts. If you are trying for peace in your family, you would
use red
or pink candles, the earth - green candles, etc. This is up to
your own discretion)
"From out of the dark and into the light
A circular "mark"; a candle burns bright.
I look toweards the sky...my "song" that I sing
Spirits soar high and gifts do I bring.
I offer my all! My mind, I then clear
Harken my call! I feel you are near!
Candle burns higher; my spirits set free!
Hotter than fire, this magick will be!
Let magick come round, from under the ground,
to form with my sound and the, to be bound!
Around me I feel the magick so real,
Before you I kneel.. the spell I now seal!
Let all hatred CEASE! And let there be PEACE!
These words that I say, with magick AWAY!
This spell that I send is now at an end.
Let the magick I've laid, go forth and not fade!!"
To conjure transformation within yourself
Moon phase:New, crescent, or first quarter.
Moon signs: Aries, Scorpio or Pisces.
Day: Saturday.
Planetary hour: Saturn.
Deity: The Calliech.
Colours: Purple and silver or grey.
Totem animals: Stag (east), bull (south), horse (west), bear (north).
Tools: Hearthstone on altar; cauldron; cup that fits within
cauldron; one seashell necklace; one candle (your choice of
colour) for
Tea: Valerian and camomile, ½ teaspoon each in teaball. Incense:
Circle: Full ritual.
Quarters summoned and stirred: Guardians to
protect/ancients to assist.
Quarter opened: West only; acknowledge the others clockwise but
do not open.
Ancient Ones draw nigh this night
Circle around, assist my sight
Guardians of the quarters, round I go
Ease, South, West, North
Help the energy flow
Protectors of Witches, round once more
To seal this circle
I walk
I conjure
'Tis done.
North, the Earth, the wind, the rain
Assist me now, upon earth plane
East, the sun, the wisdom, the sight
Assist me now, this sacred night
South, the power, the passion, the gift
Assist me now in the energy shift
West I open, the gates swing wide
I seek the answers that lie inside.
Oh Mighty Calliech, Queen of the Underworld.
I,_____, seek the transformation of self.
I feel that I am prepared to make this transition in my life
I am ready to assume the responsibility of the chosen. Meditate
for as long as necessary again. The Calliech will appear in the
or in your mind an give your the
advice you need on your spiritual journey.
Trace a banishing pentagram over the cauldron in which the cup of
tea is placed. Place your hands over the cauldron and say:
I am the tool
You are the fire
Fill this cup
With all I desire.
Drink the contents of the cup, imagining the desired change
flowing through your body. Draw energy from the West,
imagining the Calliech is sending it to you.
Center and circumference
Throughout and about
Everywhere and nowhere
Within and without
The void
Beyond time
the turning wheel
Red, white and black
The cauldron
Changes me.
Ground and center.
Thank the Calliech. Close the West. Thank the remaining quarters.
Pull up the circle. Ground and center. Clean up.
Blessed Be To All and use whatever Goddess/God
for the inner Transformation Rite