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In occultism and magic the magic circle is a sacred and purified space where all rites, magical work, and ceremonials are conducted.
It serves as a boundary for a reservoir of concentrated power and is the doorway from this world to the spirits and gods. The circle
is symbolic of wholeness, perfection and unity; the creation of the cosmos; the womb of Mother Earth; and the cycle of the seasons
and birth-death-regeneration. Within the circle it is believed possible to transcend the physical, to expose the mind to deeper and
higher levels of consciousness. The magician enters the circle expecting to unite the spirits or gods with the forces of nature in a
harmonious relationship. Positive or desired deities are invoked, invited, and not commanded, evoked, to witness and participate in
the rites. The circle also serves to protect those within it from negative spirits and energies. The circle is been thoroughly cleansed
of all unfriendly spirits and negative energies, witches frequently symbolize this by sweeping the space with a boom.

Circles since ancient times have been reputed for magical properties. They were drawn around beds of the sick and mothers who
recently bore children to protect them from demons. Their remnants which are seen in the stone circles of Britain give credence to
the importance of the circle. Circles were frequently cast for protection in order to ward off psychic attacks or physical intrusion of
a home. They must be recast because their protective and magical powers are not permanent, but must be renewed with

The magic circle contains the four quarters, or cardinal points.


Otherwise known as the four cardinal points of the magic circle which represent each of the elements, ritual tools, and attributes.

North: To ancient pagans north was the source of great power. As the heavens, it was believed, swung around the North Star so
the ancient people aligned their temples and pyramids to this star. North, the cardinal point never touched by the sun, is associated
with darkness, mystery and the unknown.

There is belief that because of the pagan's reverence for the north that the Devil of Christianity became associated with the north.
Cemeteries were seldom on the north side of a church, if such space was used for burial at all it was for unbaptized children,
criminals, reprobates, and suicides. Many old churches throughout Europe and the British Isles had a north door, often called "the
Devil's door," which was near the baptismal font. Frequently after a baptism this door was opened to let the exorcised demons out.
Most of these doors have long since been bricked shut. The north is associated with the element of earth, the new phase of the
moon, the Pentacle, secrecy and darkness, the colors of Green or Brown, and spiritual enlightenment as keeping with the traditions
of modern witchcraft and Masonry.

East: The east has the qualities of enlightenment, illumination, mysticism and the eternal. It corresponds to the element of air,
the athame or sword, the colors of Yellow or Lt Blue. Northeast is the symbolic dividing line between the path of darkness (north)
and the path of light (east). In Masonry, the east represents mankind's highest and most spiritual consciousness.

South: The south's attributes are the sun, the element of fire, the colors of Red, and the magic wand. It is said to be the quarter of
the will, the direction and channeling of the energies of nature and the psychic. South-running water has long been reputed to have
magical powers as it has long been used by wise women and witches in preparing medicine and anti-witchcraft spells. In Masonry,
the south is the midway meeting point between the spiritual intuition of the east and the rationality of the west. The south
represents the zenith of intellectuality; as the sun reaches its zenith in the southern sky. West: The west is the quarter of the
element water, creativity, emotions, fertility, and courage to face one's deepest feelings. The chalice, symbol of feminine creative
power and fecundity, is associated with this quarter as are the colors of Blue or Greenish-blue. In Masonry, it represents reason,
common sense, and material-mindedness.

Blessed Be My Friends Hope This Helps You Some!


* * The Elements * *




The Elements play an enormous role in the natural magick that most wiccans use. Earth, Air, Fire, Water. They are more than
physical elements, more than what we see and feel, they are symbolic of both physical, spiritual and emotional attributes. Take the
time to contemplate them. What does Earth mean to you? What about Water, Fire, Air? Consider these elements in their physical
form first, then see what spiritual and emotional aspects you attribute to them. All the elements have certain characteristics, but
maybe they will have a deeper meaning to you once you've explored your insights and feelings concerning them.
Element Direction Color Time of Day Season Elemental Spirit Magickal
Tool, Air East= Yellow Dawn Spring Slyphs or Sprites Athame or Sword.
Fire South= Red Midday Summer Firedrakes or Salamanders Wand or Staff.
WaterWest= Blue Twilight Autumn Undines or Merfolk Chalice or Cauldron.
Earth North= Green Midnight Winter Gnomes Stone or Pentagram. Air
Air is the element of the mind. It is intellect, inspiration, imagination. It is ideas, knowledge, dreams and wishes. Air is the element
of new life and new possibilities and is essential to spells and rituals of travel, instruction, finding lost items, some types of
divination, and freedom. Air aids us in visualization, a vital technique in magick. Air is a masculine element and governs the magick
of the four winds.
Fire is the element of change and passion. It is creativity, motivation, will power, drive and sensuality. It is sexuality, both physical
and spiritual. Fire is essential to spells and rituals of healing, purification, sex, breaking bad habits or destroying illness and disease.
Fire is the element of authority and leadership. Fire is a masculine element and governs all candle magick.
Water is the element of emotion and subconscious. It is love, purification, intuition, mysteries of the self, compassion and family. It
is pyschic ability. Water is essential in spells and rituals of friendship, marriage, happiness, fertility, healing, pleasure, and psychic
abilities. Water is a feminine element and governs spells involving mirrors.
Earth is the element of stability and of the body. It is wisdom, strength, growth and prosperity. It is the physical earth and the
very heart of life. It is essential in spells and rituals of prosperity, business, fertility and stability. Earth is a feminine element and
governs stone and knot magick.This is a small explanation of the elements i hope that it will be of some use to you!!!!
