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Number 1...

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If there's one thing I love more than anything in the world, it's poetry. I could lay in bed on a rainy day in my sweats, reading a few of my old velvet covered books by Emily Dickinson or T.S. Eliot. I suppose that is what started my Viggo Mortensen obsession. The man is an amazing poet, song writer, musician, artist, and actor. He's intellegent, enjoys simplicity, and loves his son. That is why he is number one on my list!


The afterthought of chimes
Filters in from next-door.
I am under the echo, not
Listening so much as noticing
It from time to time as
I look over the results
Of my landscaping and
Weeding from a white
Wicker chair.

An errant vine has sprouted
Two blue flowers
Where it reaches
The base of the lemon tree.
They are beautiful;
I am suspicious.
Are they a diversion,
An entreaty to keep me
From cutting back the vine?
I'll keep the flowers,
Put them in a saucer
By your bed.
-Viggo Mortensen

"There's no excuse to be bored. Sad, yes. Angry, yes. Depressed, yes. Crazy, yes. But there's no excuse for boredom, ever."

"I still can't get used to the fact that anybody would care about anything I had to say, and it's only a result of being in this or that movie that I'll be sitting there doing an interview."

"Photography, painting or poetry those are just extensions of me, how I perceive things, they are my way of communicating"

"When asked if he’s seen the Aragorn action figure: "Is it horrible?" he winces. "Does it look like me? As long as it doesn't look like me, then there's no voodoo risk."

"A couple of days ago, l looked at all my paintings, and I was like, "I don't know what these are." Then it snowballed. "What kind of actor am I anyway? What kind of father? I mean, what a joke. God, I'm such a vain, self-involved creature, and I should just stop making these things and inflicting them on people!" I can see why people jump out windows."

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