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Love is in the air...
And Spideybabe is in the mood for love!
Chance has recovered from his ordeal and is back to being his cute, mischievious self!
If you're lucky, he'll bestow one of his heartmelting smiles
and may even headbutt you in the head which is his way of kissing!
(Be forewarned that he has a HARD head!)


Click photo to see Chance on Valentine's Day last year!

(Note: Click on underlined and gray colored words to go to other photos)

Chance will be giving rice crispie "kisses" to his playmates. After a 3 week absence, he returned to his playgroup which was quite a change from being holed up all day in our home! He plays with Brayden, who is several months older and the only other boy in the group. Jessica (2 1/2 years old) and Kiara (2 years old) are the older girls who fawn over him and like to touch his hair. They all get so excited and run up to him when they see him. Recently, Chance has taken an interest with Gabrielle who is the youngest of the lot...she's 4 months old. He'll make his way over to where she is and play with her. I think he likes taking the role of the older child. It's so cute! Later on Valentine's Day, Chance has a date that evening with Linda at the foodcourt. What a lucky boy! This also gives mommy and daddy a chance to wine and dine in peace! Thanks Linda!


More photos...

Meet Spideybabe's notorious Villains!!! A MUST SEE!
Check out the Valentine Tribute to Daddy from Mommy!
View me in my kimono for Chinese New Year!

Message from Chance

Me send you many headbutts and pats on the back!
Hope you like my Spidey Valentine!
Please sign my guestbook or I will pout!


Pinky Blinkies
Kasia Whisper
Simply Jill

Created January 25, 2005
This page is solely for enjoyment purposes for my son and our family/friends.
We are not affiliated with Spiderman in any manner.
After all the smile of a child is priceless.

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