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ABC's on Joe

Ambition - Successful military career followed by teaching younger grade school children

Birthday - August 24

Collects - DVDs, sunglasses, knives

Dream - "My 2 kids to go to college and start up their careers and families. Grow old with my wife and travel to our properties in Miami, Phillipines, Thailand and Spain at our leisure!"

Exercise - Weight training 4-5 times a week for 1 hour, running, chasing after Chance

Favorite Foods - pizza (He claims he can eat it everyday!), his momma's cooking, HIS enchiladas, cookies and cream milkshake, rootbeer float, Crystal Weisen & Olive Garden

Good qualities - candor, physical presence, patience (especially with a very demanding pregnant wife), social skills, youthfulness

Hobby - If he had time...he would read more, play drums more and travel more frequently. He would love to coach wrestling as a volunteer.

Injuries (past) - Scar on neck from being stabbed by beer bottle and scar on thigh from knife broken bones!

Job - G-1 Strength Manager (for those not familiar with military terminology...personnel manager)

Kids - Chance (19 months old) and another son on the way!

Likes - shopping, travelling, working out, family time, non label clothing, massages, Chance's smiles

Movie - Some favs are Gladiator, Braveheart, Last Samaurai

Nickname - Prettyboy, Ratman, the Rock, GI Joe

Optimist or Pessimist - Neither. He's a REALIST...a person who puts energy into things that can be controlled.

Pet Peeves - rudeness, racial discrimination, stupidity, laziness, lateness

Quote - Every man dies, but does every man truly live?

Role Model - His dad...he finds himself more like him as he gets older

Travelled - Thailand, Croatia, Slovakia, Poland

Unfulfilled Ambition - porn star (just kidding)...a drummer in a rock band

Vacation Spot - Miami (South beach), Spain, Santorini, Thailand

Wish - "World peace...wife and sons are happy and content with their lives."

X-tra Facts - Offered full college scholarship as drummer but turned it down. He owns a motorcycle which I won't let him sell!

Years Married to Understanding Wife - 2 years & counting!

Zodiac Sign - Virgo and his Chinese sign is the sheep

There you have it! A few tidbits on my hubby who likes to keep things simple. Hope you got a better glimpse of the man I love being with every day. Click here for some past photos of his younger days!


Guestbook from Bravenet
Created August 24, 2005 for our family and friends