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Saturns' report of Queen Convention 2002: Preparations
Queen Convention Prestatyn Sands, 2002

This page is created as a memory of the gathering of about 1,800 fans of the legendary Rock Group


at the Official International Queen convention from May 10th - May 13th 2002

in Prestatyn Sands, Wales, U.K.

Another party is over
And I'm left cold sober...

I start writing this report, while I 'm listening to the original Blue Rock cd. I got it for free (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) from Monika, who found it for about 2 dollar in a store in Switzerland. The original one, incredible, isn't it??

Okay, that was a nice start to make the jealous looks coming up already, so let me go on with it, I know you love it!

There you have it…. ON with the show!!

The official OIFC convention report 2002 What happened after the convention Convention picture gallery

The Official International Queen Convention. The preparations...

For some of you it is known what the Queen convention is, for others it is just a jump in the depth.
This year should be the 3rd time that I'd join the convention, it seems that I have to "skip" each time a year, the circumstances differ through the time but to skip those personal details, shortly spoken, this years' convention I decided to make it MY convention, MY way of going.

Pretty early my friends Bas and Lisette did decide to join me, to see what is going on with those Queen maniacs all the time. Having heared some stories of me they found it time to go and taste the Queen spirit.
Considering themselves as non queen fans (makes sense, no member of the fan club, but I know better, they know much more about Queen than some others that do pretend to be Queen fans :):)
. Talking about friends being Queen fans...
After many talks, some visits and lots of sharing it sounded wonderful to include Jaye in the trip as well..
Having had a bit bad experiences in the previous conventions, we decided that it for both of us should be wonderful to re-do the Queen convention our way. So, there you have it, Jaye was in as well

As being the experienced one I had some helpful hints to go there, such as booking the cheap flight through EasyJet, that should bring us to Liverpool, from whereon we could go to the convention by train or whatever..

So, there we had it, clicking to EasyJet date, May 9th, time, 11 am, from Amsterdam to Liverpool, 2 persons and there we have our trip on Friday the 9th..

Friday 10th it is!!!

Hell and doom! Soddom and G'morah!
Telephone, booking office, okay PFEW, we still can book over til Friday.... *relief*

Friday May 10th

It started oh, so well..

ACTION this time!

As expected I did sleep very bad the night before.
As always, being worried to oversleep myself I was up at 7 am and did a relaxing start of the day.
Tram to Rotterdam, train to Schiphol and arrival around 9 am, way in time, but better too early than too late, I drank my coffee, waiting for the time to pass away. Around 9.30 I went to the departure hall, where I met Jaye and Stephan already.
Jaye and Stephan appeared there to have been standing there for a while already, didn’t recognize each other, one with longer hair, the other with lenses…..
Soon Bas and Lisette did show up. I should have expected them more early, but well… They had been way in time at the airport, when Bas did ask Lisette where the passports should be..
The passports were at home, so hey ho, they had an extra trip to make to get those essential documents with them! That Lisette, always so organized, was that an “omen” or just a slip?????
Magda showed up and we’d check in, went through the security checks.
Did you pack your luggage yourself, did you leave your luggage un-watched, are you carrying stuff for others?
Are there any sharp subjects in your hand luggage?
Routine, but well, for one of our group it appeared that she did lie, for the checks found a scissor in her luggage. Hm hm, no sharp subjects.. * sigh *. Was that a sign for what we could expect? Should we have known by than already???

The weather was very foggy, and the plane did appear to have a 2 hours delay.
We went to drink some coffee, and did watch some shops around, until we finally did departure to Liverpool.
After a good flight we arrived, 2 hours too late, in Liverpool, where the man from Murrays’ Airport Travel Services was still waiting for the FRIEDHOFF group to arrive.
He brought us very comfortable in a bit more than an hour to Prestatyn, where we did leave the taxi at the railway station.
There we met our last “chalet-mate” Ursula, who also had had a terrible delay. We were starving and did jump in the first thing we found, to eat a burger and some chips. The owner right away noticed we were from Holland, as well as were his chips.!!

We eat our stuff, got used to the quick food already, and afterwards we made some shoppings for the first day to be.
Off we went to the Pontins, with the couch what brought us in front of the reception.
We arrived at the same time as the Dutch fanclub group, who were travelling for two days, so with the check in I already catched up with Hannie and Anja.

At the end it appeared to be good, for they got our chalet-belongings as well, so it went smooth and nicely, of we were to our chalet at # 155, at the corner of a row, in the middle of the dutch group!

Read about the Queen convention in Prestatyn Sands

Official International Queen Convention 2002 Report

I heared from many that this was the best convention ever, well, for me it was, from the 3, the most stunning and wonderful event ever happened (even better than my marriage *LOL*), apart from the Queen concerts I went to!

Some things are history making, some things are immortal.. This Weelemd, Queen etched a new picture in my soul And it could not have been done with the ones that do love Freddie so much.. Thank you so much my dear friends, for sharing

Legends live forever

May 18 2002

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We cannot do without the Queen fan club
Keep the Queen fan club alive

Reports, pics and so on:

A brief report from Linda

Queen convention 1998

Step through the planets' countries

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