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A Perfect Circle- "Judith" promo ' 5min. 5/5

A Perfect Circle- Worcester, MA. (some blurr first 15min.) 5/2/2000 45min.(1st) 5/4

A Perfect Circle- Philadelphia, PA. 5/6/2000 45min. (2nd) 4/4

A Perfect Circle- Philadelphia, PA. 5/6/2000 45min. (2nd) 4/4

A Perfect Circle- Miami, FL. 5/17/2000 45min. (mas.) 5/4

A Perfect Circle- Miami, FL. (OFF.) 5/17/2000 45min. (mas.) 5/4

A Perfect Circle- George, WA. 6/9/2000 45min. (3rd) 4/4

A Perfect Circle- Sunrise, FL.(little shaky first 20min. ) 2/21/2001 65min. (1st) 5/4

A Perfect Circle- Asbury Park, N.J. 3/10/2001 75min. (1st) 5/4

A Perfect Circle- Phoenix, AZ. 8/15/2003 40min. (mas.) 5/4

A Perfect Circle- Pittsburgh, PA. 11/18/2003 85min. (1st) 5/4

A Perfect Circle- inter+promos+live clips Lisbon, PORT. TV 1/20/2004 25min. (1st) 5/5

A.C.- N.Y.C. (OFF.) 5/20/2006 30min. (mas.) 5/3

Abazagorath- N.Y.C. 12/12/1997 35min.(3rd) 5/4

Abazagorath- Providence, R.I. 11/5/2000 35min. (1st) 5/4

Abazagorath- Clifton, N.J. 2/23/2002 35min. 4/4

Abbattoir- Hollywood, CA. 3/8/1986 60min. 3/3

Abemal Atvidaberg SWED 1-29-94 35min 3/4

Abhorrance Finland ' 35min 2/2

Abigail Harajuku JAP 8-7-92 25min 5/2

Abigail Tokyo, JAP. 3/29/1997 25min.(1st) 5/3

Abigail Tokyo, JAP. 6/28/1997 30min.(1st) 5/3

Abigail Tokyo, Japan 11/3/1997 30min.(1st) 5/3

Abigail Tokyo, Japan 12/23/1997 25min.(1st) 5/3

Abigail- Tokyo, JAPAN 7/18/1998 25min.(1st) 5/3

Abigail- Berkeley, CA. 11/9/2002 40min. (1st) 5/3

Abminog Manasass VA 12-27-91 30min 4/4

Abominant Westland, MI. 8/23/1997 20min.(1st) 5/5

Abomination Chicago 11-29-87 40min 4/3

Abomination Chicago '87 30min 4/3

Abominator Melbourne AUST 7-12-96 40min 5/4

Aborted- Rotterdam, HOL. 5/14/2005 35min. (mas.) 5/4

Aborted- Sacramento, CA. 10/13/2005 35min. (mas.) 5/4

Aborted- San Francisco, CA. 10/14/2005 30min. (mas.) 5/4

Abscess Corona CA 4-28-95 30min 4/3

Abscess Corona CA 9-5-95 40min 3/4

Absu Dallas TX 12-3-92 (Off.) 40min 4/3

Absu (Rehearsal) Dallas TX 3-20-21-94 50min 3/4

Absu rehersal Dallas TX 3-31-94 55min 3/4

Absu Rotterdam HOLL 4-5-97 60min 4/4

Absu Germany 5-7-94 50min 5/4

Absu NYC 7-24-95 (1st gen.) 45min 5/5

Absu Milwaukee 7-29-95 (2nd gen.) 20min 5/3

Absu Promo Footage 94 (No Audio)(1st gen.) 10min 5/

Absu Promo 95 (1st gen.) 10min 5/5

Absu Promo (Dif Version) '95 (2nd gen.) 10min 5/5

Absu Milwaukee, WI. 7/25/1997 30min.(1st) 5/3

Absu- San Luis Potosi, MEXICO 8/97 40min. 5/3

Absu- San Antonio, TX. (OFF.) 12/1/2001 30min. (mas.) 5/4

Absu Berlin Germany TV 4-24-95 55min 4/4

Absu Germany 5-7-94 50min 5/4

Absu+Divine Eve hangin' Dallas TX 3-31-94 15min 5/5

Abysall Macon FRA 10-23-94 35min 5/3

Abysmal Nocturne- San Antonio, TX. (OFF.) 6/17/2006 30min. (mas.) 5/4

Abysmal Nocturne- Gathering of Shadows, CO.(OFF.)(dark) 7/14/2007 40min. (mas.) 4/4

Ac/Dc England TV '77 35min 4/4

Ac/Dc '"Can I Sit Next..." Promo 5min 4/5

Ac/Dc '"Dog Eat Dog..." Promo 5min 5/5

Ac/Dc '"High Voltage" Promo 5min 4/5

Ac/Dc '"Jailbreak" Promo 5nin 5/5

Ac/Dc '"Let There Be..." Promo 5min 4/5

AC/DC- "Sin City" promo on Midnight Special show ' 5min. 5/5

AC/DC- "Thunderstruck" promo ' 5min. 5/5

AC/DC- Behind the Music show VH1 '00 45min. (mas.) 5/5

AC/DC- "Live at Donnington" home video '03 120min. (mas.) 5/5

AC/DC- "Family Jewels" home video '05 150min. (mas.) 5/5

AC/DC- "Plug Me In" home video '08 420min. (mas.) 5/5

AC/DC- "Stiff Upper Lip Live"Munich, GER.(OFF.) 5/02 115min. (mas.) 5/5

AC/DC- Toronto, CAN. 8/11/2000 115min. (2nd) 4/4

AC/DC- Ft. Lauderdale, FL. 3/18/2001 120min. (mas.) 5/4

AC/DC- Ft. Lauderdale, FL. (OFF.) 3/18/2001 125min. (mas.) 5/4

Accept "Balls to...." promo ' 5min. 5/5

Accept "Deathrow" promo ' 5min. 5/5

Accept '"Staying a Life" home video '85 65min 3/5

Accept inter.+clips U.K. MTV On the Road '92 15min. 4/5

Accept '"Balls to..." Promo 5min 5/5

Accept- "Midnight..." promo ' 5min. 4/4

Accused USA ' 15min 4/4

Accused Philadelphia 7-20-88 55min 3/4

Accused USA '87 40mn 4/4

Accused Berkeley, CA. 4/27/1990 50min. 5/3

Accused- Baltimore, MD. 9/3/1987 60min. 3/3

Accused- Hollywood, CA. 3/25/2007 50min. (mas.) 5/4

Acheron Tampa FL 11-22-95 30min 3/4

Acheron Tampa FL 12-26-92 50min 5/4

Acheron Belle Vernon PA 12-2-89 35min 5/4

Acheron Tampa, FL 4-1-92 (2nd gen.) 35min 5/4

Acheron inter. Tampa FL 4-92 (1st gen.) 15min 5/5

Acheron Milwaukee 7-27-96 1st gen.) 20min 5/4

Acheron hangin' in PA. 8/89 20min.(2nd) 4/5

Acheron (Reh.) PA '89 25min 4/4

Acheron Bob Larson Show '94 55min 5/5

Acheron Lust Sin Chaos and Blasphemy '95 Home Video (off) 85min 4/5

Acheron Tampa, FL 9-6-92 (1st gen.) 20min 5/4

Acheron Monterrey, Mexico 5/31/1997 30min.(3rd) 4/3

Acheron Mexico City 6/1/1997 20min.(3rd) 3/4

Acheron Tampa, FL. 6/14/1997 60min.(2nd) 5/4

Acheron Tampa, FL. 7/21/1997 35min.(1st) 5/4

Acheron Milwaukee, WI. 7/25/1997 25min.(1st) 5/4

Acheron inter. Tampa,FL. 2/28/1998 10min.(1st) 5/5

Acheron Tampa, FL. 2/28/1998 30min.(1st) 5/5

Acheron- inter. FL. '96 35min. 4/5

Acheron- "Highway to Hell" documentary '97 35min.(2nd) 5/5

Acheron- Hallandale, FL. 10/31/1998 35min.(mas.) 5/5

Acheron- Lakewood, OH. 11/2/2001 55min. (3rd) 5/4

Acheron- Lakewood, OH. 6/24/2005 35min. (mas.) 5/4

Acheron- Hollywood, CA. 8/19/2007 30min. (mas.) 5/4

Acheron Inter. Tampa FL 11-22-95 5min 5/5

Acheron Tampa FL 3-1-96 (2nd gen.) 65min 5/5

Acheron Pittsburgh PA 5-18-90 30min 4/4

Acheron Order of the evil eyespeech Aces Records Tampa FL 5min 3/4

Acid Bath "toubabo..." ' 5min. 5/5

Acid Bath Tampa FL 11-1-94 (2nd gen.) 45min 5/4

Acid Bath Corona CA 12-10-94(2nd gen.) 20min 4/4

Acid Bath- "Double Live Bootleg" home video '01 175min. (mas.) 5/5

Acid Bath- Milwaukee, WI. '94 25min.(2nd) 4/3

Acid Bath- Hollywood, CA. (OFF.) '96 50min.(4th) 4/5

Acid Bath- Aurora, IL. 2/18/1996 40min.(2nd) 5/4

Acid Reign Paris France 10-25-89 5min 4/4

Acid Reign Dordegan Bel 10-22-88 30min 3/4

Acrimonium Pompano FL 4-11-93 30min 4/3

Acrimonium Ft. Lauderdale, FL. 7/6/1997 10min.(mas.) 5/3

Acrimonium- Ft. Lauderdale, FL. 10/16/1997 50min.(mas.) 5/3

Adnauseum Denver CO 9-30-94 35min 5/3

Adrenalin O.D. Uncle Floyd Show 12-86 15min 4/5

Adrenalin O.D. Columbus OH 6-28-87 65min 4/3

Adrenalin O.D. Norwalk CT 6-3-88 45min 4/3

Adrenalin O.D. Berkeley CA 7-87 10min 4/4

Adrenalin O.D. N.Y.C. '87 (Soundboard) 30min 4/5

Adumus- San Antonio, TX. (OFF.) 6/17/2006 30min. (mas.) 5/4

Adumus- Hollywood, CA. (OFF.) 6/24/2007 30min. (mas.) 5/4

Adversary Indpls.,IN 8-96 30min 5/4

Aerosmith- Texas Jam Live home video '78 50min.(mas.) 5/5

Aeturnus Rotterdam HOLL 3-30-97 55min 4/4

Aeturnus Norway '95 30min 3/3

Aeturnus- Rotterdam, HOL. 11/15/1998 40min.(1st) 5/3

Afflicted Esbjerg, Denmark 1-18-91 35min 5/3

Afflicted Sweden 5-9-90 45min 4/3

Afflicted Promo 5min 5/5

"Affliction"-(w/GG Allin/M. Diana/ Karen Black+more!) short film '96 45min. (1st) 5/5

After Death (ex-Nocturnus!)- Tampa, FL. 9/15/2001 40min. (2nd) 4/4

After Death (ex-Nocturnus!)- Tampa, FL. 2/24/2002 45min. (1st) 5/4

After Death (M. Browning)- Tampa, FL. 9/28/2007 40min. (mas.) 5/4

After Death (M. Browning)- Orlando, FL. 9/29/2007 15min. (mas.) 5/4

After God Manchester, U.K. 8/29/1996 25min. 3/3

Afterlife Juarez Mexico 8-12-94 20min 3/2

Afterlife Biloxi MS 8-15-94 40min 5/2

Aftermath Chicago 5-3-87 30min 4/3

Aftermath Gordon Tech. IL '87 45min 4/4

Agathocies Holland 12-21-91 35min 3/3

Agathocles Belgium 3-19-94 50min 3/3

Agathocles Belgium 6-3-89 40min 5/4

Agathocles Germany '94 15min 4/4

Agathocles Neudobern 9-9-94 25min 3/3

Agathocles- Praha, CZECH. 11/3/1996 25min. 4/2

Agathodaimon- Trier, GER. 1/24/1998 20min.(3rd) 3/4

Agent Orange '"Fire In..." Promo 5min 4/5

Agent Orange- Ft. Lauderdale, FL. (obstructed first 8min.) 2/26/1900 25min.(1st) 5/5

Agent Steel Bochum, GER 5-12-86 (Official) 25min 4/5

Agent Steel- Detroit, MI. 4/22/1985 55min. 4/4

Agent Steel- London, U.K. home video 6/1/1987 45min.(2nd) 4/5

Agent Steel- Milan, ITALY 1/31/2000 45min. (2nd) 4/4

Agent Steel- San Francisco, CA. (soundboard!!) 10/27/2000 20min. (1st) 5/4

Agent Steel- Houston, TX. 10/14/2005 55min. (mas.) 5/4

Agent Steel- Hollywood, CA. (dark) 8/31/2007 30min. (mas.) 4/3

Aggression- Quebec City, CAN. 9/23/2006 70min. (mas.) 5/4

Aggressor Belgium 5-11-91 30min 5/4

Agnostic Front Wichita, KS 12-13-90 45min 4/4

Agnostic Front Growing Conern Home Video NYC 12-15-85 30min 5/5

Agnostic Front Washington D.C. 12-28-96 40min 4/4

Agnostic Front Poughkeepsie, NY 3-7-97 25min 5/3

Agnostic Front L.A. CA 5-10-84 35min 3/3

Agnostic Front Miami, FL 6-28-86 (no zoom)(1st) 35min 4/3

Agnostic Front Albany, NY 7-19-88 30min 4/4

Agnostic Front Miami FL 8-10-92 35min 4/4

Agnostic Front Interview+Live (off.) '85 10min 3/5

Agnostic Front inter. Wash. D.C. TV '86 15min 4/5

Agnostic Front Va, Bch,. VA 8-88 50min 4/4

Agnostic Front Promo '89 5min 5/5

Agnostic Front '"Growing..." '89 Promo 5min 5/5

Agnostic Front Ft. Lauderdale, FL. 11/13/1997 45min.(mas.) 5/4

Agnostic Front- "Gotta Go" promo ' 5min. 5/5

Agnostic Front- home video '85 35min. (1st) 5/5

Agnostic Front- Detroit, MI. '88 40min. 4/4

Agnostic Front- Miami, FL. 10/25/1998 40min.(mas.) 5/5

Agnostic Front- inter.+live JAPAN TV 1/29/2000 20min. (1st) 5/5

Agnostic Front- Ft. Lauderdale, FL. 4/7/2000 40min.(mas.) 5/5

Agnostic Front- Ft. Lauderdale, FL. 4/7/2000 40min. (mas.) 5/5

Agnostic Front- Ft. Lauderdale, FL. (OFF.) 4/7/2000 40min.(mas.) 5/5

Agnostic Front- Ft. Lauderdale, FL. (dif. ang.) 10/23/2000 45min. (mas.) 5/4

Agnostic Front- Ft. Lauderdale, FL. 10/23/2000 45min. (mas.) 5/3

Agnostic Front- Ft. Lauderdale, FL. (OFF.) 10/23/2000 45min. (mas.) 5/4

Akercocke- Ft. Lauderdale, FL. 9/24/2004 40min. (mas.) 5/4

Alas Tampa, FL. (some sound flaws) 7/21/1997 40min.(1st) 5/4

Alas(w/members of Cannibal Corpse/ Monstrosity/Morbid Angel) Tampa, FL. 6/14/1997 35min. (2nd) 3/4

Alastis Switzerland 1-20-90 25min 4/4

Alcatrazz Rock Palace ' 10min 4/5

Alcatrazz Early promos (2) ' 10min 4/5

Alchemist Sydney AUST 5-28-95 30min 3/3

Alchemist- Sydney, AUSTR. 5/13/2000 65min. (2nd) 4/3

Algol- Clifton, N.J. 2/23/2002 25min. 4/4

Alice Cooper N.J. (off.) '71 30min. 4/5

Alice Cooper '"Eighteen" Promo 5min 5/5

Alice Cooper- "Poison" promo ' 5min. 5/5

Alice Cooper- "Teenage..." promo ' 5min. 5/5

Alice Cooper- Beat Club GER. TV '72 10min. 4/5

Alice Cooper- "Welcome To My..." home video '75 85min.(2nd) 5/5

Alice Cooper- Santiago, CHILE TV '95 65min.(1st) 5/5

Alice Cooper- Behind the Music show '99 40min. (1st) 5/5

Alice Cooper- San Diego, CA. 6/21/1998 85min.(2nd) 4/4

Alice Cooper- "Brutally Live" London, U.K. (OFF.) 7/19/2000 90min. (mas.) 5/5

Alice Cooper- Elmira, N.Y. 9/1/2000 100min. (1st) 5/4

Alice Cooper- Pompano,FL. (sometimes shaky/obstructed) 11/9/2001 105min. (1st) 5/4

Alice Donut '"Video Monstrosity" ' 40min 5/5

Alice Donut Dallas TX 10-1-94 60min 4/4

Alice In Chains Rio, Brazil 1-22-93 (Official) 60min 4/4

Alice In Chains Frankfurt GER 2-2-93 75min 3/4

Alice In Chains Miami FL 7-14-91 25min 4/4

Alice In Chains Seattlle, WA 7-15-89 15min 3/4

Alice In Chains '"Live Facelift" Home Video '91 40min 5/5

Alice In Chains- "Music Bank" home video '99 95min. (1st) 5/5

Alien Ant Farm- Asbury Park, N.J. (OFF.) 2/18/2001 40min. (mas.) 5/4

Alien Ant Farm- Asbury Park, N.J. (OFF. ) 4/12/2001 35min. (mas.) 5/4

Alien Sex Fiend '"A Purple Glistener "Home Video" '83 40min 4/4

Alien Sex Fiend Buggin Me... Promo 5min 4/4

Alien Sex Fiend- "Buggin' Me" promo ' 5min. 5/5

All Austin TX 6-4-95 80min 3/4

All- Ft. Lauderdale, FL. (dif. ang.) 10/23/2000 30min. (mas.) 5/4

All- Ft. Lauderdale, FL. (low sound) 10/23/2000 30min. (mas.) 5/3

All- Ft. Lauderdale, FL. (OFF.) 10/23/2000 30min. (mas.) 5/4

All Out War- St. Louis, MO. 1/19/2001 40min. (1st) 4/4

ALL STAR JAM!!! w/ members of Sepultura/M. Head/Bioh./Fight Mesa,AZ 3/12/1994 30min.(3rd) 5/4

Allegiance "Sick World" promo ' 5min. 4/5

Allegiance Krokek, SWED. '93 20min. 3/3

Allegiance Midwinter... Promo 5min 4/5

Almighty Castle Donnington '92 (Official MTV) 20min 4/3

Altar Hoorn, HOL 9-27-94 40min 4/3

Amazing Shocking Asia '(Real Gore) ' 75min 5/5

Amboogalard Hallandale FL (w/M. Manson mem.) 4-22-89 (2nd gen.) 30min 5/5

Amen- "The Price..." promo ' 5min. 5/5

Amen Coner Brazil 5-16-93 50min 5/2

Amon Tampa, FL 5-29-89 50min 5/4

Amon Tampa, FL 7-31-88 25min 3/1

Amon (pre-Deicide)- Tampa, FL. TV '88 10min.(3rd) 4/4

Amon Amarth Stockholm, Sweden 11/24/1996 15min. 4/3

Amon Amarth- Aurora, IL. 1/12/2002 30min. (1st) 5/2

Amon Amarth- Providence, R.I. 1/21/2002 60min. (1st) 5/4

Amon Amarth- Springfield, VA. 1/22/2002 65min. (1st) 5/3

Amon Amarth- Ft. Lauderdale, FL. 1/27/2002 65min. (mas.) 5/4

Amon Amarth- Ft. Lauderdale, FL. (OFF.) 1/27/2002 65min. (mas.) 5/4

Amon Amarth- Montreal, CAN. 12/11/2005 40min. (mas.) 5/4

Amon Amarth- "Amon Amarth vs. Iceland Live in Reykjavik" home video 3/5/2004 50min. (mas.) 5/5

Amorphis "My..." promo ' 5min. 4/5

Amorphis Japan TV 12/96 25min. 5/5

Amorphis Finland 4-27-91 30min 3/4

Amorphis Paris FRA. 8-23-94 (2nd gen.) 50min 5/3

Amorphis Grand Rapids MI 9-29-94 (1st gen.) 40min 5/4

Amorphis '"Against..." Promo 5min 4/5

Amorphis '"Black..." Promo 5min 5/5

Amorphis Lepakko 12/12/1992 25min. 4/3

Amorphis- Asbury Park, N.J. 3/12/1999 45min.(1st) 5/4

Amorphis- Milan, ITALY 5/18/1999 75min.(2nd) 4/4

Amorphis- Brooklyn, N.Y. 5/5/2000 65min. (2nd) 5/4

Amorphis- Detroit, MI. 7/12/2000 40min. (1st) 5/4

Amorphis- Montreal, CAN. 4/8/2001 75min. (1st) 5/3

Amorphis- Helsinki, FIN. TV 11/7/2003 35min. (mas.) 5/5

Amorphis- Sibiu, ROMANIA 7/15/2006 75min. (mas.) 5/4

Amphormora- official video ' 40min. 4/3-5

Anacrusis Milwaukee ' 30min 5/2

Anacrusis Sound The... Promo 5min 5/5

Anacrusis- St. Louis, MO. 6/20/1991 75min. (2nd) 5/4

Anacrusis- St. Louis, MO. TV (OFF.) 6/19/1993 85min. (2nd) 5/5

Anal Blast- Milwaukee, WI. 7/31/1999 25min.(2nd) 5/2

Anal Blast- Milwaukee, WI. 7/31/1999 25min. (2nd) 5/3

Anal Blast- St. Louis, MO. 2/19/2003 25min. (1st) 5/3

Anal C*nt- Kearny, N.J. 8/16/98 20min.(2nd) 5/4

Anal C*nt- Detroit, MI. 4/28/1995 25min.(2nd) 5/4

Anal C*nt- Muncie, IN. 10/7/1997 10min.(2nd) 4/4

Anal C*nt- Osaka, JAPAN 4/18/1998 50min.(1st) 4/4

Anal C*nt- Nagoya, JAPAN 4/19/1998 45min.(1st) 4/4

Anal C*nt- Tokyo, JAPAN 4/20/1998 50min.(1st) 5/2

Anal C. N.Y.C. (1st acoustic show!) 3/12/1995 15min. 4/5

Anal C.- "Masters of Sh*t" (off.) '88 15min. 4/4

Anal Cunt Davie FL 10-26-96 (1st gen.) 30min 5/4

Anal Cunt Garner, NC 12-13-95 25min 5/4

Anal Cunt Ft. Lauderdale FL 5-17-95 (1st gen.) 25min 5/4

Anal Cunt Tampa FL 5-95 (2nd gen.) 20min 5/2

Anal Cunt Brandywine, MD 6-19-93 (1st gen.) 10min 5/4

Anal Cunt Ludwigsfelde GER 7-2-94 20min 4/4

Anal Cunt Juarez, Mexico 8-12-94 (1st gen.) 15min 3/2

Anal Cunt Biloxi,MS 8-15-94 (1st gen.) 20min 5/3

Anal Cunt Raleigh, NC 8-18-94 15min 4/3

Anal Cunt Live CT '88 15min 4/4

Anal Cunt- Flushing, N.Y. (OFF.) 10/28/2006 30min. (mas.) 5/4

Anal Cunt New London, CT. 8/17/1997 40min.(1st) 5/4

Anarchus Mexico 4-2-95 25min 4/3

Anathema "Hope..." promo ' 5min. 5/5

Anathema London ENG 11-7-92 30min 3/3

Anathema Switzerland 1-23-94 50min 4/4

Anathema Boulder CO 7-29-89 30min 4/4

Anathema Krakow, POL TV 8-96 55min 5/5

Anathema '"Mine Is..." Promo 5min 4/5

Anathema '"Sweet Tears..." Promo 5min 3/5

Anathema- "A Vision Of A Dying Embrace" home vid. '02 75min. (mas.) 5/5

Anathema- Milwaukee, WI. 7/29/2000 50min. (2nd) 5/4

Anathema- Milwaukee, WI. 8/10/2001 45min. (1st) 5/2

Anathema- Sibiu, ROM. 6/25/2007 70min. (mas.) 5/3

Ancestral Montreal 1-25-94 35min 5/4

Ancient Knoxville TN 11-4-95 (1st gen.) 40min 5/4

Ancient Knoxville TN 11-4-95 (dif. ang.)(2nd) 35min 5/3

Ancient Rotterdam HOLL 2-9-97 (2nd gen.) 50min 4/4

Ancient '"Lillith's..." Promo 5min 4/5

Ancient N.Y.C. 11/12/1995 35min.(3rd) 5/4

Ancient Houston, TX. 2/28/1998 50min.(2nd) 5/5

Ancient- "Willowthewisp" promo ' 10min.(2nd) 5/5

Ancient- Wheaton, MD. (little dark) 2/14/1998 50min. 4/3

Ancient- Rochester, N.Y. 2/21/1998 55min. 4/4

Ancient- N.Y.C. 2/22/1998 55min.(2nd) 5/3

Ancient- Nijmegen, HOL. 4/30/1998 40min.(2nd) 5/3

Ancient- Bornem, BELGIUM 11/6/1999 80min.(2nd) 5/4

Ancient- Milan, ITALY 4/9/2004 75min. (mas.) 5/4

Ancient- Catania, ITALY 2/19/2005 75min. (mas.) 4/4

Ancient Rites Portugal 1-15-94 45min 3/2

Ancient Rites Beligium '93 30min 3/3

Ancient Rites Descending Into Darkness" Home VIdeo '94 35min 5/5

Ancient Rites Manchester, U.K. 2/20/1995 40min. 3/3

Ancient Rites- Leiden, EUROPE 2/6/1999 80min.(1st) 4/4

Ancient Rites- Strasbourg, FRA. 2/26/1999 30min.(2nd) 4/3

Ancient Rites- "And the Hordes Stood As One" home video 6/14/2002 90min. (mas.) 5/5

Anderson, Pam wedding + XXX home video!! ' 40min. 5/5

Anderson, Pam+Bret M.- XXX home movie ' 65min.(3rd) 5-4/5

Andrew W.K.- London, U.K. (OFF.) 2/10/2002 30min. (1st) 5/5

Andrew W.K.- JAPAN TV 3/18/2003 10min. (2nd) 5/5

Angel Casablanca history home video ' 15min. 4/5

Angel Dust- Ft. Lauderdale, FL. 5/12/2001 45min. (mas.) 5/4

Angel Witch Dynamo Fest '86 45min 2/3

Angel Witch Angel Witch..." Promo 5min 4/4

Angel Witch- Wacken, GER. 8/4/2000 45min. (3rd) 3/4

Angelcorpse NYC 11-24-96 (1st gen.) 35min 5/4

Angelcorpse Milwaukee, WI. 7/25/1997 25min.(1st) 5/3

Angelcorpse Milwaukee, WI. (dif. ang.) 7/25/1997 20min.(1st) 5/2

Angelcorpse Westland, MI. 8/22/1997 35min.(1st) 5/4

Angelcorpse- Detroit, MI. 7/25/1998 35min.(1st) 5/3

Angelcorpse- New Orleans, LA. 8/16/1998 40min.(1st) 4/4

Angelcorpse- S.F. , CA. 2/1/1999 35min.(1st) 5/4

Angelcorpse- Garner, N.C. (soundboard!!) 2/10/1999 45min.(2nd) 4/5

Angelcorpse- Ft. Lauderdale, FL. 4/30/2000 50min. (mas.) 5/4

Angelcorpse- soundcheck Tampa, FL. 5/19/2007 5min. (mas.) 5/4

Angelcorpse- Tampa, FL. 5/19/2007 50min. (mas.) 5/4

Angelcorpse- Tampa, FL. (dif. ang.) 5/19/2007 55min. (mas.) 5/3

Angelcorpse- Tampa, FL. (OFF.) 5/19/2007 55min. (mas.) 5/4

Angelcorpse- Ft. Lauderdale, FL. 5/20/2007 50min. (mas.) 5/4

Angelcorpse- Ft. Lauderdale, FL. (OFF.) 5/20/2007 55min. (mas.) 5/4

Angelcorpse (w/Krisiun mem.!)- Ft. Lauderdale, FL. (OFF.) 4/30/2000 50min. (mas.) 5/4

Angelkill- Clinton, IA. 7/26/1998 30min.(1st) 4/2

Angelwitch- Eindhoven, HOL. 11/30/1986 70min. 4/3

Anger Ft. Lauderdale FL 4-12-96 (1st gen.) 10min 5/4

Angra- BRAZIL MTV 10/94 25min.(2nd) 5/5

Angra- Sao Paulo, BRAZIL TV 8/27/1994 25min.(2nd) 5/5

Angra- Rio, BRAZIL 9/23/1994 90min. 4/3

Angra- MCM Acoustic TV show FRANCE 4/25/1996 10min. 4/5

Angra- France 5/15/1997 100min. 4/4

Angry Samoans live clip ' 5min. 3/3

Angry Samoans Berkely, CA 12-10-88 20min 2/4

Angry Samoans- "A True Documentary" home video ' 50min. 4-5/5

Anialator Houston TX 5-7-89 25min. 4/3

Animal Militia Home movie '92 20min 5/5

Annihilator "21" promo ' 5min. 5/5

Annihilator inter.+clips Hard 'n' Heavy home video '90 5min 5/5

Annihilator inter.+live U.K. MTV '90 10min. 4/5

Annihilator inter.+live German TV '95 10min. 5/5

Annihilator- "Syn Kill..." promo ' 5min. 4/5

Annihilator- "Alison Hell" promo ' 5min. 5/5

Annihilator- "Stonewall" promo ' 5min. 5/5

Annihilator- "Fun Palace" promo ' 5min. 5/5

Annihilator- "Set The World..." promo ' 5min. 5/5

Annihilator- Vosselaar, BEL. 4/24/1999 100min.(2nd) 5/4

Annihilator- Hamburg, GER. 2/20/2001 80min. (2nd) 4/3

"Another State Of Mind" movie w/ S. Distortion/M. Threat/Y. Brigade+more!! '84 80min. (mas.) 5/5

Antaeus- Paris, FRA. (B+W) 5/98 30min. 3/3

Anthrax "Antisocial" promo ' 5min. 5/5

Anthrax "Who Cares Wins" promo ' 5min. 5/5

Anthrax Brooklyn NY 2-1-84 60min 3/4

Anthrax Milwaukee 7-26-96 (1st gen.) 75min 5/3

Anthrax Toronto 7-30-87 30min 3/2

Anthrax inter.+clips Hard 'n' Heavy home video '90 5min 5/5

Anthrax Conan O Brien Show '96 5min 5/5

Anthrax inter. H.B. Ball on Married w/children set 10min 5/5

Anthrax W. Palm Bch. FL. 12/4/1997 55min.(mas.) 5/4

Anthrax- "Inside..." promo ' 5min. 5/5

Anthrax- "Only..." promo ' 5min. 5/5

Anthrax- "Metal Thrashing Mad" live promo ' 5min. 5/5

Anthrax- "Got the Time" promo ' 5min. 5/5

Anthrax- Behind the Music Show VH1 '02 40min. (mas.) 5/5

Anthrax- "Music Of Mass Destruction" home video '04 90min. (mas.) 5/5

Anthrax- inter.+live S.F., CA. cable TV 2/98 15min. 4/5

Anthrax- Essen, GER. TV '86 25min. 4/3

Anthrax- "Oidivnikufesin" home video 11/16/1987 75min.(mas.) 5/5

Anthrax- Cedar Rapids, IA. 2/2/1998 50min.(2nd) 5/4

Anthrax- Detroit, MI. 8/18/1998 90min.(1st) 5/4

Anthrax- Chicago, IL. TV 10/31/1998 20min. (2nd) 5/5

Anthrax- Detroit, MI. 11/28/1998 80min.(1st) 5/2

Anthrax- Cincinnati, OH. 1/25/2000 85min.(1st) 5/5

Anthrax- Sacramento, CA. 6/24/2000 30min. (1st) 5/4

Anthrax- Salt Lake City, UT. (OFF.) 8/18/2000 35min. (mas.) 5/5

Anthrax- Boynton Beach, FL. (little shaky sometimes) 2/3/2002 50min. (mas.) 5/4

Anthrax Ft. Lauderdale FL 4-7-94 (2nd gen.) 100min 5/4

Anthrax (w/Cliff Burton!!)- Holland (B+W) 2/12/1986 60min. 3/3

"The Antichrist" History Channel documentary '05 45min. (mas.) 5/5

"The Antichrist: Zero Hour" History Channel documentary '05 45min. (mas.) 5/5

Antiseen- Tremont Music Hall (OFF.)(soundboard) 10/31/1997 55min. (2nd) 5/5

Anvil Ontario CA 5-24-90 100min 4/3

Anvil '"Mad Dog" Promo 5min 4/5

Anvil '"Metal on Metal..." Promo 5min 5/5

Anvil 1st LP Promos 10min 4/5

Anvil- Roger's cable '81 10min. 4/5

Anvil- Tokyo, JAP. 9/21/1983 90min. (1st) 4/4

Anvil- Oxbridge, CAN. 7/27/1997 50min.(3rd) 4/5

Anvil- Columbus, OH. 2/21/1999 45min.(1st) 5/5

Anvil- Pennsauken, N.J. (low vocals) 3/10/2000 25min. (2nd) 5/4

Anvil Japan TV '84 15min 4/4

Anvil Bitch- Philadelphia, PA. '88 (?) 75min.(2nd) 5/4

Anwyl- San Antonio, TX. (OFF.) 12/7/2002 35min. (mas.) 5/4

Apocalyptica- GER. TV '05 50min. (mas.) 5/5

Apocryph- Huntsville, AL. 8/26/2006 30min. (mas.) 5/3

Apollyon Sun inter. Hallandale, FL. 9/5/1997 5min.(mas.) 5/5

Arch Enemy- "Bury Me..." promo ' 5min. 5/5

Arch Enemy- "Immortal" promo ' 5min. 5/5

Arch Enemy- "Ravenous" promo ' 5min. 5/5

Arch Enemy- Santiago, CHILE 4/3/1999 60min.(1st) 5/4

Arch Enemy- Mierlo, HOL. 5/22/1999 40min.(2nd) 5/3

Arch Enemy- soundcheck Montreal, CAN. 1/21/2000 15min.(1st) 5/5

Arch Enemy- Montreal, CAN. 1/21/2000 40min.(1st) 5/4

Arch Enemy- Worcester, MA. 1/22/2000 40min.(1st) 5/4

Arch Enemy- Asbury Park, N.J. 4/6/2002 35min. (1st) 5/3

Arch Enemy- Ft. Lauderdale, FL. (begin. little shaky) 8/11/2002 40min. (mas.) 5/2

Arch Enemy- inter. Ft. Lauderdale, FL. 8/11/2002 20min. (mas.) 5/5

Arch Enemy- Vancouver, CAN. 10/15/2007 65min. (mas.) 5/4

Arch Enemy-(w/Carcass mem) Rotterdam, HOL. 11/22/1997 55min.(1st) 5/4

Archgoat Kuopio FIN 3-13-93 25min 3/3

Archgoat- Krakow, POL. 10/27/2005 45min. (mas.) 5/2

Archgoat- San Antonio, TX. (OFF.) 2/24/2007 50min. (mas.) 5/4

Arckanum '"Gave Fran..." Promo 5min 4/5

Arcturus- Thessaloniki, GREECE 9/5/2004 85min. (mas.) 5/3

Arcturus- "Shipwrecked in Oslo" home video 9/24/2005 105min. (mas.) 5/5

Arcturus- Bassano Del Grappa, ITALY 10/15/2005 55min. (mas.) 5/4

Argento, Dario- "An Eye For Horror" documentary '00 60min. (mas.) 5/5

Argentum Mexico 4-1-95 35min 3/3

Argus (Nocturnus members!)- Tampa, FL. 5/7/2005 80min. (mas.) 5/5

Argus (Nocturnus members!)- Tampa, FL. 7/6/2007 40min. (mas.) 4/5

Arkon Infaustus- Gaia, PORT. 11/5/2004 10min. (1st) 4/4

Armored Saint- inter.+live S.F., CA. cable TV ' 5min. 4/5

Armored Saint- "Reign of..." promo ' 5min. 5/5

Armored Saint- "A Trip Thru Red Times" home video '03 140min. (mas.) 5/5

Armored Saint- CA. (off.) 4/83 50min. 4/4

Armored Saint- Wacken, GER. 8/4/2000 20min. (3rd) 4/4

Armoros Victoria Canada 10-23-87 35min 4/4

Armoros Victroia Canada 1-13-89 45min 4/3

Armoured Angel Melbourne, AUST 8-23-92 30min 3/4

Armoured Saint Minneapolis 10-15-87 (Official) 30min 5/5

Artificium Sanguis- S.F., CA. 8/22/2002 20min. (1st) 4/4

Artillery '"Terror Squad..." Promo 5min 3/4

Artillery Rotterdam, HOL. 12/13/1990 65min. 3/3

Artillery- Wacken, GER. 8/5/2000 20min. (3rd) 4/3

Artillery-"One Foot In The Grave" home video Katowice, POL. 3/8/2008 75min. (mas.) 5/5

Ash- Koln, GERMAN TV 8/15/1997 45min.(1st) 5/5

Ash Ft. Lauderdale FL 12-9-96 (1st gen.) 30min 5/4

Ashdautas- Flushing, N.Y. (OFF.) 10/28/2006 25min. (mas.) 5/4

Asmodeus Bergen, NOR. '95 10min. 4/3

Asphyx Germany 3-28-91 45min 4/4

Assassin- Dusseldorf, GER. 9/26/1986 40min. 4/3

Assuck Pinellas Pk., FL 1-10-90 30min 5/5

Assuck Anaheim CA 1-1-93 30min 4/2

Assuck Detroit, MI. 8/24/1997 30min.(3rd) 5/3

Assuck- Detroit, MI. 6/29/1998 30min.(1st) 5/3

Assuck- Wheaton, MD. 7/9/1998 25min.(1st) 5/3

Assuck El Paso TX 7-28-95 30min 5/2

Assuck Heidelberger, AZ' '90 35min 3/4

Astaroth Tampa FL 7-31-93 30min 5/4

Astaroth Bergen, NOR. '95 30min. 3/4

Astaroth- "Onward to..." promo ' 10min. 5/4

Astral Rising reh. GER. '96 10min. 5/5

Astral Rising Bietigheim, GER. 12/1/1996 50min. 3/4

At The Gates Upsala Sweden 10-8-91 30min 3/3

At The Gates Sweden 1-31-92 20min 5/2

At The Gates Frankfurt 1-9-94 40min 3/3

At The Gates Chicago IL 3-10-96 30min 4/4

At The Gates Cincinatti, OH 3-13-96 30min 5/4

At The Gates Houston TX 3-17-96 (2nd gen.) 30min 5/4

At The Gates Ft. Lauderdale 3-1-96 (1st gen.) 20min 5/4

At The Gates Pico Rivera CA 3-21-96 20min 2/4

At The Gates Corona CA 3-22-96 (1st gen.) 25min 4/4

At The Gates Vasteras Sweden 5-24-91 40min 5/2

At The Gates Corona CA 6-20-96 (Interview) 30min 5/5

At The Gates Grand Rapids, MI 7-4-96 (1st gen.) 35min 5/4

At The Gates '+Anathema inter. U.K. MTV+live 7-93 15min 5/5

At The Gates Krakow, POL TV 8-96 30min 4/5

At The Gates '"Beyond Good..." Promo 5min 4/5

At The Gates '"Blinded..." Promo 5min 5/5

At The Gates '"Burning..." Promo 5min 4/5

At The Gates '"Kingdom Gone" Promo 5min 5/5

At the Gates '"Terminal..." Promo 5min 4/5

At the Gates Wichita, KS. 3/15/1996 20min.(3rd) 4/4

At The Gates- Clisson, FRA. 6/22/2008 60min. (mas.) 5/4

At War- Jefferson City, MO. 5/27/1987 45min. (1st) 5/4

At War- Detroit, MI. 10/11/1988 50min.(1st) 5/4

At War- Wurzburg, GER. 2/23/2008 50min. (mas.) 4/4

Atanathos- Trier, GER. 1/24/1998 35min.(3rd) 4/4

Atheist Tampa, FL 10-24-93 (2nd gen.) 45min 5/4

Atheist St. Pete, FL 10-29-88 30min 4/4

Atheist Tampa, FL 11-17-91 40min 5/4

Atheist Sweden 12-23-90 30min 4/2

Atheist Tampa, FL 12-31-87 30min 3/2

Atheist Wichita, Ks. 2-20-92 40min 3/3

Atheist Hallendale, FL 2-3-90 40min 4/4

Atheist Tampa, FL 2-3-92 55min 5/4

Atheist Chicago IL 2-92 35min 4/2

Atheist Bradenton FL 7-28-91 (1st gen.) 45min 5/5

Atheist (Rehearsal) Bradenton FL 9-25-90 (2nd gen.) 75min 5/4

Atheist Milwaukee 9-29-90 20min 5/5

Atheist- Wacken Fest., GER. (OFF.) '06 25min. (1st) 5/4

Atheist- Baltimore, MD. 12/2/2006 65min. (mas.) 5/3

Atheist- Bucharest, ROM. 6/21/2007 50min. (mas.) 5/2

Atomic Aggressor San Miguel 12-28-91 40min 4/3

Atomic Aggressor Chile 12-30-88 30min 4/3

Atomic Opera '"Justice..." Promo 5min 5/5

Atomkraft- Hardenburg, HOL. 3/26/2005 40min. (1st) 5/4

Atrocity Germany 2-6-91 55min 4/4

Atrocity Promo '94 5min 5/5

Atrocity- Andermach 6/20/1998 65min.(2nd) 5/3

Atrophy Houston TX 1-21-89 40min 5/4

Atrophy- St. Pete, FL. 2/19/1989 35min.(1st) 5/3

Atta, Mohammed- Mugshots show '02 45min. (mas.) 5/5

Attacker- N.J. '88 40min. 3/3

Attacker- Lauda-Konigshofen, GER. 4/4/2008 60min. (mas.) 5/4

Attitude Berkely, CA 1-16-17-88 60min 5/5

Aura Noir- Oslo, NOR. (dark) 4/6/1996 20min. 3/3

Aura Noir- Rotterdam, HOL. 11/15/1998 50min.(1st) 5/4

Autism Milwaukee, WI. (some glitches) 8/26/1995 35min. 4/3

Autopsy Buffalo, N.Y. 10-20-90 (1st gen. 30min 5/5

Autopsy inter. Buffalo N.Y. 10-20-90 (1st gen.) 10min 5/5

Autopsy Milwaukee 12-2-89 60min 5/5

Autopsy San Pedro, CA 3-30-91(2nd gen.) 40min 5/4

Autopsy CA (Rehersal) 4-88 25min 4/4

Autopsy Detroit, MI 5-93 40min 5/3

Autopsy L.A. CA 6-12-93 55min 5/3

Autopsy Sanger CA (Outdoor) 8-12-89 (1st gen.) 10min 5/4

Autopsy Holland '89 10min 5/5

Autopsy- "Dark Crusades" home video '06 150min. (mas.) 5-4/4-3

Autopsy Torment '"Crucified in..." Promo (some jitter) ' 5min 3/5

Avatar (pre-Savatage)- Clearwater, FL. '83 15min. 3/5

Averse Sefira- Austin, TX. 6/3/2006 35min. (mas.) 5/4

Avulsed Valencia SPAIN 3-30-96 50min 3/3

Avulsed Promo '95 5min 5/5

Avulsed Madrid, Spain 6/25/1995 30min. 3/4

Avulsed- Vizelo, SPAIN 12/12/1998 50min.(2nd) 3/4

Avulsion- Huntsville, AL. 8/25/2006 30min. (mas.) 5/3

Azazel- Ft. Lauderdale, FL. 5/30/1999 25min.(mas.) 5/4

Azazel- Ft. Lauderdale, FL. 12/26/1999 30min.(mas.) 5/4

B.D.K- Quebec Can 6-1-91 25min 4/4

B.S.B.H. Brazil 3-28-93 35min 5/2

B.T.- Ft. Lauderdale, FL. '98 35min.(1st) 5/5

Babes In Toyland Toronto CAN 5-25-90 55min 5/4

Babes In Toyland West Palm Beach FL 7-24-95 (1st gen.) 20min 4/4

Babylon Whores- Cleveland, OH. 8/5/2000 30min. (1st) 5/4

Backstage Sluts Vol #1-home video w/ICP/M. Head/C.Chamber '98 20min.(2nd) 4/5

Bad Brains Ft. Lauderdale FL 11-30-93 (1st gen.) 65min 5/5

Bad Brains MTV Show In FL 3-87` 30min 5/5

Bad Brains N.Y.C. '79 (Documentary) 20min 4/4

Bad Brains Interview+live Clips CAN TV 8-89 10min 4/5

Bad Brains '"I against I..." Promo 5min 5/5

Bad Brains '"Soul Craft" Promo 5min 5/5

Bad Brains Promo 94 5min 5/5

Bad Brains- "Live At CBGB's 1982" home video '06 60min. (mas.) 5/5

Bad Brains- Philadelphia, PA. 12/81 40min. 3/3

Bad Brains- inter. + "Give..." promo FUSE TV 8/07 15min. (mas.) 5/5

Bad Brains- N.Y.C. (little shaky) '87 60min. 3/3

Bad Brains- Seattle, WA. 11/15/1998 55min.(2nd) 5/4

Bad Brains- N.Y.C. 3/3/1999 65min.(1st) 5/4

Bad Company Don Kirshener '74 20min 4/4

Bad Company- Orlando, FL. (OFF.) 5/21/1999 160min.(mas.) 5/5

Bad Religion Ft. Lauderdale FL 4-11-96 (1st gen.) 80min 5/5

Bad Religion London ENG 7-18-93 30min 4/3

Bad Religion Along The Way" Home Video 8-89 75min 5/5

Bad Religion L.A. CA '90 70min 5/4

Bad Religion- CA. (off.) '84 25min. 4/5

Bad Religion- "Go Bang" Fest. GER. TV '97 45min. 4/4

Bad Religion- Pompano Bch., FL. 8/5/1998 30min.(mas.) 5/4

Bad Religion- GER. Rock AM Ring TV 5/19/2002 45min. (1st) 5/5

Bad Seed '"Empty..." Promo 5min 5/5

Ball Saggoth Roterdam HOLL 2-9-97 (2nd gen.) 50min 4/4

Bane Of Existence- Attleboro, MA. 4/13/2003 20min. (1st) 5/4

Bane Of Existence- Worcester, MA. 9/12/2003 25min. (1st) 5/4

Bang Your Head Fest-(w/Dio/Riot/ D. Purple/WASP/G.Digger+more!)Euro TV '99 60min. 3/4

Bang Your Head Fest. (Day 1)-(w/D oro/Motorh./Exciter/N. Savage/Saxon++)h.v. 6/24/2005 100min. (mas.) 5/5

Bang Your Head Fest. (Day 2)-(w/T .Sister/Jag P./Candlem./Nevermore++)h.v. 6/25/2005 120min. (mas.) 5/5

Banned and Exposed 1999! real death/gore '99 80min.(1st) 5/5

"Banned In America I" REAL death/gore/mutilations/suicide!!! ' 45min. 5/5

Banned From Television III- real death/gore/crashes!!! '98 45min.(1st) 5/5

Banned From TV!! ' 55min.(1st) 5/5

Baphomet Milwaukee 7-18-92 15min 5/3

Baphomet Jackson MI 8-11-90 30min 3/3

Baphomet- "Mind..." promo ' 5min. 4/4

Baphomets Horn- Flushing, N.Y. (OFF.) 10/28/2006 30min. (mas.) 5/3

Barathrum Kuopio Finland 3-13-93 30min 4/3

Barkmarket Promo 5min 5/5

Baron Rojo- SPAIN TV '83 15min. 4/5

Baron Rojo- SPAIN TV '85 10min. 3/5

Bathory Autoraph sessions 5-24-87 10min 4/4

Bathory Auto. Session+Int. Portugal '90 60min 5/4

Bathory inter. Sweden TV '90 5min 4/5

Bathory inter.+clips U.K. MTV '92 5min 5/5

Bathory '"One Road..." Promo 10min 3/4

Bathtub Shitter- Baltimore, MD. 12/2/2006 25min. (mas.) 5/3

Battlelore- "The Journey" home video (OFF.) '04 30min. (mas.) 5/5

Battlezone (W/P. DiAnno) Spanish TV ' 15min 4/5

Baumeister, Herbert- "The Secret Life of a Serial Killer" '97 45min.(mas.) 5/5

Beastie Boys Sabotage" Home Video ' 60min 5/5

Beastie Boys Miami FL 5-29-92 90min(2nd) 4/4

Beastie Boys- promo collection '85-'00 30min. (mas.) 5/5

Beavis+Butthead-all 92-95 Episodes ' 5/5

Beck Phoenix Fest. CAN. TV '96 20min 5/5

Behemoth Galve Sweden 12-4-93 25min 3/3

Behemoth Rotterdam HOL 6-8-96 40min 3/3

Behemoth- "Live EeXhaton" home video '02 110min. (mas.) 5/5

Behemoth- "Crush, Fukk, Create" doc. home video '04 180min. (mas.) 5/5

Behemoth- Bonn, GER. 4/23/1998 35min.(2nd) 5/3

Behemoth- "Live Eschaton" home video POL. 4/27/2000 55min. (1st) 5/5

Behemoth- Wacken Fest, GER. 8/3/2001 45min. (1st) 5/3

Behemoth- Corona, CA. 3/20/2003 45min. (1st) 5/3

Behemoth- Tijuana, MEX. 12/13/2003 50min. (1st) 5/3

Behemoth- Buenos Aires, ARG. 12/15/2004 65min. (mas.) 5/4

Behemoth- Houston, TX. 1/25/2005 40min. (1st) 5/4

Behemoth- Ft. Lauderdale, FL. 4/14/2005 5min. (mas.) 5/4

Behemoth- Ft. Lauderdale, FL.(guitar shot/little obstr.) 4/2/2006 35min. (mas.) 5/4

Behemoth- Katowice, POL. (no zoom) 6/5/2007 60min. (mas.) 5/3

Behemoth- Burgettstown, PA. 8/4/2007 25min. (mas.) 4/3

Behemoth- Hove Fest., NOR. TV 6/25/2008 46min. (1st) 4/5

Beherit Finland 2-8-92 25min 2/3

Beherit Oulov, Finland 8-23-91 30min 3/3

Beherit reh. Finland '90 10min 3/3

Beherit- various live EUROPE (B+W) '90-'91 50min. 3-2/2

Behexen- Arnhem, HOL. 10/23/2005 40min. (mas.) 5/4

Beleiver Fed. Way WA 11-18-91 10min 5/2

Beleiver Ft. Lauderdale FL 12-1-91 (2nd gen.) 30min 5/5

Belew, Adrian- West Palm Bch., FL. 8/25/2007 95min. (mas.) 5/4

Belew, Adrian- West Palm Bch., FL. (auto. session) 8/25/2007 10min. (mas.) 5/5

Belew, Adrian- W. Palm Bch., FL. (OFF.) 8/25/2007 95min. (mas.) 5/5

Belew, Adrian- W. Palm Bch., FL. (dif. ang.)(little shaky) 8/25/2007 95min. (mas.) 5/5

Belfegor- "Loneliness..." promo ' 5min. 5/5

Belial Joensuu, FIN 2-8-92 15min 2/2

Believer- "Tour Diary" home video '91 40min.(2nd) 5-4/4

Believer- Milwaukee, WI. 7/27/1991 10min.(1st) 5/3

Belphagor Neudobern 9-9-94 20min 3/3

Belphegor- Bonn, GER. 4/23/1998 30min.(2nd) 5/3

Belphegor- Paris, FRA. 5/19/2004 60min. (mas.) 5/5

Belphegor- Sao Paulo, BRAZIL 6/17/2006 70min. (mas.) 5/4

Belphegor- Curitiba, BRAZIL 6/18/2006 60min. (mas.) 5/4

Belphegor- Tijuana, MEX. 6/23/2006 60min. (mas.) 5/3

Belphegor- Ft. Lauderdale, FL. 2/27/2007 20min. (mas.) 5/4

Benatar, Pat- Hallandale, FL. (OFF.) 3/5/2000 80min. (mas.) 5/4

Benatar, Pat- Hallandale, FL. 2/11/2001 50min. (mas.) 5/4

Benatar, Pat- Hallandale, FL. (OFF.) 2/11/2001 75min. (mas.) 5/4

Beneath The Massacre- Berlin, GER. 2/13/2008 30min. (mas.) 5/4

Benediction Bremen 1-7-95 50min 4/3

Benediction Fagersta, Sweden 6-1-91 40min(1st) 5/4

Benediction Raleigh NC 8-23-94 50min 4/4

Benediction Chicago '94 25min 5/4

Benediction '"Ashen..." Promo 5min 5/5

Benediction '"Foetus Noose" Promo 5min 5/5

Benediction Grotesque" Promo 5min 5/5

Benediction '"Leave Them..." Promo 5min 5/5

Benediction- Koln, GER. TV 10/8/1998 20min.(3rd) 4/5

Benediction- Rotterdam, HOL. 4/30/1999 55min.(1st) 5/3

Benediction- Alkmaar, HOL. 9/7/2001 60min. (3rd) 4/4

Benediction- Derbyshire, U.K. 8/18/2007 50min. (mas.) 5/4

Bent Sirkis- Poughkeepsie, N.Y. 8/8/1998 15min.(1st) 5/5

Benumb- Berkeley, CA. 8/4/2000 20min. (2nd) 5/4

Beowulf '"Thgrow..." Promo 5min 5/5

Berzerker- Lakewood, OH. 4/5/2001 40min. (1st) 5/4

Berzerker- Ft. Lauderdale, FL. (low vocals/low drums) 2/15/2003 15min. (mas.) 5/4

Bestial Warlust Melbourne, AUST 8-19-94 45min 3/2

Bestial Warlust In Studio 95-96 (2nd gen.) 30min 4/5

Bestial Warlust '"Heathens" Promo 5min 4/5

Bestial Warlust Melbourne, AUST 7-12-96 (2nd gen.) 40min 5/4

Bethlehem Ciechanow POL TV 7-23-94 40min 4/4

Betsy- "You'll..." promo ' 5min. 5/5

Between The Buried And Me- Ft. Lauderdale, FL. 5/16/2004 35min. (mas.) 5/4

Bewitched Rotterdam, HOL. 12/5/1997 40min.(2nd) 4/4

Bewitched- "World Domination Live" home vid. '98 15min.(1st) 5/5

Bewitched Rotterdam HOL 6-8-96 45min 3/3

Beyond Death (Pre C. Corpse)-NY '88 5min 3/3

Beyond Possession Madison WI 2-4-87 40min 5/4

Beyond Possession- Detroit, MI. '87 25min. 4/3

Bifrost Sonderborg, DEN. 1/13/1996 30min. 3/3

Big Black Columbus OH '85 (Official) 50min 5/4

Big Black Pig Pile "Home Video" Home Video 60min 5/5

Big Sugar Newfoundland, CAN. TV 3/97 5min. 5/5

Bikini Kill Leeds, UK 3-13-93 35min 3/3

Bikini Kill New Haven CT 3-3-96 (1st gen.) 50min 5/4

Bikini Kill Seattle WA '92 30min 2/4

Bile Milwaukee 7-27-96 (2nd gen.) 30min 4/2

Bile Berkeley, CA. 11/16/1996 40min.(1st) 5/5

Bile N.Y.C. 5/6/1997 45min.(2nd) 4/4

Bile- "When the Dead Come Home" home video '03 90min. (mas.) 5/5

Bile- Baltimore, MD. 5/29/2004 30min. (1st) 5/4

Bile St. Louis, MO 11-22-96 (Off.)(2nd gen.) 35min 4/4

Biohazard "After Forever" promo ' 5min . 5/5

Biohazard Quebec City CAN. 2-21-95 45min 5/4

Biohazard Raleigh N.C. 4-1-93 (2nd gen.) 50min 5/4

Biohazard Holland 5-16-91 30min 4/3

Biohazard German TV '93 20min 5/5

Biohazard Sao Paulo, BRAZIL TV '96 10min. 4/4

Biohazard '"A Lot To..." Promo 5min 4/5

Biohazard '"Punishment..." Promo 5min 5/5

Biohazard '"Shades of Grey..." Promo 5min 5/5

Biohazard- "How It Is" promo ' 5min. 5/5

Biohazard- inter./hosting Loud+"How it.."promo '99 10min.(1st) 5/5

Biohazard- Ft. Lauderdale, FL. 3/18/1999 45min.(mas.) 5/4

Biohazard- Detroit, MI. (OFF.) 6/26/1999 55min.(1st) 5/4

Biohazard- Montreal, CAN. (side shot) 11/7/2001 70min. (1st) 5/3

Biohazard and Onyx '"Judgement..." Promo 5min 5/5

Bird Flesh- Baltimore, MD. (side shot) 5/27/2007 35min. (mas.) 5/3

Bitch '"Be My..." Promo 5min 5/5

Bitch- "Turn you..." promo ' 5min. 5/5

Bitch- Hollywood, CA. 6/26/1987 50min. 3/3

Bitch- L.A.,CA. 2/21/2003 40min. (1st) 5/4

Black and Blue" movie w/B. Sabbath+Blue Oyster Cult '80 85min 5/5

Black Crucifixion Finland 8-23-91 20min 2/3

Black Dahlia Murder- Salem, N.C. 5/31/2003 30min. (1st) 5/3

Black Dahlia Murder- S.F., CA. 5/18/2004 35min. (mas.) 5/4

Black Dahlia Murder- Ft. Lauderdale, FL. 4/14/2005 35min. (mas.) 5/4

Black Eyed Peas- Pompano, FL. 7/31/1999 25min.(mas.) 5/4

Black Flag Detroit MI TV 3-15-83 10min 2/3

Black Flag Target Home Video '83 50min 4/5

Black Flag S.F.CA '84 (official) 70min 4/5

Black Flag- "TV Party" home video '83 30min.(2nd) 4/5

Black Flag- Amherst, MA. (OFF.) 12/15/1984 55min.(2nd) 5/5

Black Flag Berlin '82 30min 3/4

Black Flag Promos(2) '84 10min 5/5

Black Label Society- GER. TV '02 30min. (1st) 5/5

Black Label Society- Sauget, IL. 3/19/2005 110min. (mas.) 5/4

Black Metal Report Norway TV '94 35min 5/5

Black Metal Report Sweden TV '95 10min. 4/5

Black Metal Report U.K. TV '95 5min. 4/5

Black Metal Report U.S. TV '95 5min 5/5

Black Metal Report(w/Enthroned, L.O.Golgotha, G.of Desire, Occult) NOR.TV '96 30min. 5/5

Black Sabbath Rio 6-23-92 (Official) 100min 4/5

Black Sabbath Sunrise, FL 7-24-92 (3rd gen.) 115min 5/5

Black Sabbath Don Kirshner '75 20min 4/5

Black Sabbath Inter.+"TV Crimes" Promo MTV 8-15-92 10min 5/5

Black Sabbath Rock Palast GER. TV '83 10min. 5/5

Black Sabbath inter.+clips Hard 'n' Heavy home video '90 5min 5/5

Black Sabbath Chilie 9-1-94 15min 4/3

Black Sabbath Monsters of Rock Fest. ITALY TV '92 30min. 4/5

Black Sabbath Sony MTV Japan Inter.+Promo '94 15min 5/5

Black Sabbath '"Paranoid" Promo 5min 5/5

Black Sabbath '"Die Young" Promo 5min 5/5

Black Sabbath '"Neon..." Promo 5min 5/5

Black Sabbath Black Sabbath" Promo 5min 5/5

Black Sabbath Iron Man..." Promo 5min 5/5

Black Sabbath '"Born Again" Promos (3) 15min 4/5

Black Sabbath Philadelphia, PA. 6/8/1997 60min. 3/4

Black Sabbath Minneapolis, MN. 6/22/1997 60min. 4/4

Black Sabbath Las Vegas, NV. 6/28/1997 55min.(2nd) 5/4

Black Sabbath Las Vegas, NV. 6/28/1997 55min.(2nd) 5/4

Black Sabbath- "Paranoid" BEL. TV '70 5min. 5/5

Black Sabbath- The Black Sabbath Story Vol. 1 h.v. '70-'78 60min.(1st) 5/5

Black Sabbath- "Never Say Die" home video '78 55min. (mas.) 5/5

Black Sabbath- The Black Sabbath Story Vol. 2 h.v. '78-'92 55min.(1st) 5/5

Black Sabbath- Don Kirshner show 9/75 25min. (1st) 5/5

Black Sabbath- "Cross Purposes" home video '94 90min.(1st) 5/5

Black Sabbath- D. Letterman show '98 5min.(1st) 5/5

Black Sabbath- Hulsfred Fest., SWED. 6/13/1998 90min. 4/4

Black Sabbath- Oslo, NOR. 6/30/1998 85min.(3rd) 4/4

Black Sabbath- Seattle, WA. (OFF.) 1/12/1999 90min.(3rd) 5/4

Black Sabbath- Minneapolis, MN. 1/17/1999 90min.(2nd) 5/3

Black Sabbath- Toronto, CAN. 2/9/1999 95min.(1st) 5/4

Black Sabbath- Philadelphia, PA. 2/18/1999 90min.(2nd) 4/4

Black Sabbath- Pittsburgh, PA. 2/19/1999 75min.(2nd) 4/4

Black Sabbath- West Palm Bch., FL. 5/27/1999 100min.(mas.) 5/5

Black Sabbath- Tinley Park, IL. (OFF.) 6/18/2001 70min. (2nd) 5/4

Black Sabbath- West Palm Bch. , FL. 7/13/2001 80min. (mas.) 5/4

Black Sabbath- West Palm Bch. , FL. (OFF.) (mix #1) 7/13/2001 80min. (mas.) 5/4

Black Sabbath- West Palm Bch., FL. (OFF.) (mix #2) 7/13/2001 80min. (mas.) 5/4

Black Sabbath (w/Ozzy)- Costa Mesa, CA. 11/15/1992 30min. 3/4

Black Sabbath (w/R. Halford) Costa Mesa, CA. 11/15/1992 60min. 3/5

Black Sabbath (w/Rob Halford!)- Camden, N.J. (OFF.) 8/26/2004 65min. (mas.) 5/5

Black Witchery- Vancouver, CAN. 7/21/2000 25min. (1st) 5/3

Black Witchery- Vancouver, CAN. (dif. ang.) 7/21/2000 25min. (3rd) 4/3

Black Witchery- San Antonio, TX. (OFF.) 12/1/2001 40min. (mas.) 5/3

Black, Karen "The Voluptuous Horror..." home video N.Y. '94 15min. 4/4

Black, Karen- Pensacola, FL. 6/6/1998 50min.(1st) 5/4

Blackfoot London '82 (Official) 15min 4/5

Blasphemy Early Clips (B&W) ' 15min 2/2

Blasphemy Freiburg, Germany 3-28-93 40min 5/3

Blasphemy Copenhagen Dmk. 4-1-93 35min 4/4

Blasphemy Derby 4-20-93 30min 4/2

Blasphemy Master of Death" Home Video 94 20min 5/4

Blasphemy- Vancouver, CAN. 7/21/2000 40min. (1st) 5/3

Blasphemy- Vancouver, CAN. (dif. ang.) 7/21/2000 30min. (3rd) 4/3

Blasphemy- Vancouver, CAN. 8/29/2001 10min. 4/4

Blasphereion Thirimount 5-7-93 20min 3/3

Blast '"Surf And..." Promo 5min 5/5

Blessed Death- Detroit, MI. 4/30/1988 50min.(2nd) 5/4

Blind Guardian "Sandman" promo ' 5min. 4/5

Blind Guardian Firenze ITALY 12-11-95 90min 3/4

Blind Guardian- "Bright Eyes" promo ' 5min. 5/5

Blind Guardian- "Born..." promo ' 5min. 5/5

Blind Guardian- inter.+"Mirror..." promo JAP. TV '98 10min.(1st) 5/5

Blind Guardian- Monza, ITALY (no zoom) 6/9/2002 75min. (2nd) 4/4

Blind Guardian- Ft. Lauderdale, FL. 11/26/2002 95min. (1st) 5/4

Blind Guardian- inter. + auto. session Ft. Lauderdale, FL. 11/26/2002 30min. (1st) 5/5

Blind Guardian- "Imaginations Through the Looking Glass" home video '04 220min. (mas.) 5/5

Blind Illusion Detroit 10-11-88 45min 4/4

Blind Illusion N.Y.C. 9-24-88 45min 5/4

Blind Illusion- Chicago, IL. 5/19/1988 50min. (3rd) 4/3

Blind Illusion- Steger, IL. 10/9/1988 60min. 3/3

Blink 182- Hallandale, FL.(little shaky 5min.) 10/10/1998 55min.(mas.) 5/5

Blink 182- Pompano, FL. 7/31/1999 30min.(mas.) 5/4

Blitzkrieg U.K. '89 10min. 3/5

Blitzkrieg- "10 Years of Blitzkrieg" home video '91 55min. 4/5

Blitzspear Raleigh NC 2-26-93 45min 5/4

Blondie O.G.W. Test Show '78 10min 4/5

Blondie America Band Stand '79 10min 3/5

Blood Fellbach Germany 9-16-89 15min 2/2

Blood- Trutnov, CZECH. (onstage) 7/10/2004 10min. (mas.) 5/4

Blood Divine Manchester, UK 6-19-96 30min 4/3

Blood Duster- Sydney, AUSTR. 7/8/1995 30min. 3/2

Blood Duster- Sydney, AUSTR. 8/26/1998 20min.(2nd) 4/4

Blood Feast- Brooklyn, N.Y. 12/8/2007 35min. (mas.) 5/5

Blood Stained Dusk- Huntsville, AL. 8/26/2006 70min. (mas.) 5/4

Blood Stained Dusk- Huntsville, AL. (OFF.) 8/26/2006 70min. (mas.) 5/4

Bloodcoven Jackson, MI 12-3-96 55min 4/4

Bloodcoven Westland, MI. 8/23/1997 15min.(1st) 5/5

Bloodcum CA 11-19-88 45min 4/4

Bloodfeast Drexel Hill PA 10-14-89 70min 4/4

Bloodfeast- Norwalk, CT. '88 45min. 4/4

Bloodfeast- Asbury Park, N.J. 3/13/1999 30min.(1st) 5/4

Bloodlet Corona CA 5-16-96 (1st gen.) 40min 5/5

Bloodlet Northampton, MA. 2/15/1998 45min.(mas.) 5/5

Bloodstained Dusk- Huntsville, AL. 7/22/2000 55min. (1st) 5/4

Bloodstained Dusk- Sacramento, CA. 10/27/2001 35min. (mas.) 5/4

Bloodstained Dusk- San Francisco, CA. 7/18/2002 35min. (1st) 5/5

Bloodstorm Philadelphia PA Rehersal 2-18-95 (Rehersal)(2nd) 60min 5/5

Bloodstorm Milwaukee, WI. 7/27/1996 20min.(1st) 4/4

Bloodstorm Milwaukee, WI. 7/25/1997 25min.(1st) 5/3

Bloodstorm N.Y.C. 2/14/1998 30min.(1st) 5/4

Bloodstorm- Milwaukee, WI. 7/24/1998 30min.(1st) 5/3

Bloodstorm- San Antonio, TX. 12/4/1999 50min.(1st) 5/4

Bloodstorm- Milwaukee, WI. 7/28/2000 20min. (1st) 5/4

Bloodstorm- Providence, R.I. (low vocals) 11/5/2000 25min. (1st) 5/4

Bloodstorm- Sacramento, CA. (little dark) 10/27/2001 25min. (1st) 5/4

Bloodstorm- Sacramento, CA. 10/27/2001 25min. (mas.) 5/4

Bloodstorm- Clifton, N.J. 2/23/2002 40min. (2nd) 5/4

Bloodstorm- San Antonio, TX. (OFF.) 12/7/2002 55min. (mas.) 5/4

Bloodstorm- San Antonio, TX. (OFF.) 6/17/2006 50min. (mas.) 5/4

Bloodthrone- Providence, R.I. 11/5/2000 30min. (1st) 5/4

Bloodthrone- Huntsville, AL. 8/26/2006 35min. (mas.) 5/4

Bloody Mess inter. ' 5min. 4/5

Bloody Mess+The Scabs- Peoria, IL. 4/8/1989 25min. 3/4

Bludgeont Corona, CA. 7/14/1996 30min.(1st) 5/5

Blue Oyster Cult- Hollywood, FL. 10/14/2000 95min. (mas.) 5/4

Blue Oyster Cult- "A Long Days Night" Chicago, IL. (OFF.) 6/21/2002 85min. (mas.) 5/5

Blues Traveler 11-15-91 40min 5/4

Body Count "Strippers" promo ' 5min. 4/5

Body Count N.Y.C. 8-14-91 40min 5/3

Body Count- inter.+live S.F., CA. cable TV '97 10min. 4/4

Bolt Thrower Fed. Way WA 11-18-91 (1st gen.) 55min 5/3

Bolt Thrower Ft. Lauderdale, FL 12-1-91 (1st gen.) 15min 5/4

Bolt Thrower Ft. Lauderdale, FL 12-1-91 (dif. ang.) 50min(2nd) 5/4

Bolt Thrower Sweden 4-20-91 60min 4/4

Bolt Thrower Fulham U.K. 8-12-88 (off.) (B&W) 30min 3/4

Bolt Thrower Bradford, UK '88 25min 2/2

Bolt Thrower L.A. CA '91 35min 4/3

Bolt Thrower Rotterdam Holland '91 (official) 45min 2/2

Bolt Thrower '"Cenotaph" Promo 5min 5/5

Bolt Thrower '"Fourth..." Promo 5min 5/5

Bolt Thrower- Tampa, FL. 11/29/1991 55min.(1st) 5/4

Bolt Thrower- Ft. Lauderdale, FL. (dif. ang. #2) (shaky) 12/1/1991 40min. (mas.) 5/4

Bolt Thrower Chicago '94 50min 4/4

Bongzilla- Garner, N.C. (OFF.)(S.B.) 4/22/1999 35min.(1st) 5/5

Bongzilla- N.Y.C. (low vocals) 7/7/2000 25min. (2nd) 5/4

Boredomes Detroit MI 5-93 35min 4/3

Boredoms Buffalo, N.Y. 7/22/1987 35min.(2nd) 5/4

Boredoms- Pontiac, MI. 6/18/1999 60min.(1st) 5/3

Bork Nagar- Rotterdam, HOL. 1/11/1998 40min.(2nd) 4/3

Bork Nagar- Oslo, NOR. 4/14/2001 15min. (2nd) 5/3

Borknagar- Montreal, CAN. 7/15/1999 25min.(3rd) 5/4

Borknagar- Worcester, MA. 7/16/1999 30min.(1st) 5/4

Borknagar- Houston, TX. 7/23/1999 15min.(1st) 5/3

Boston Promo's '78 15min 4/5

Bowie David Phoenix Fest. CAN TV '96 15min 5/5

Bowie David '"A very special birthday concert" '97 Pay TV (mas.) 130min 5/5

Boy Hits Car- inter. + "Cloud" promo CAN. TV '01 10min. (1st) 5/5

Breakin' Metal home video w/ Thor/P. Dianno/L. Aaron/Rock G.+more '85 60min.(2nd) 5/5

Breeders Miami FL 11-27-93 (1st gen.) 30min 4/4

Brian Jonestown Massacre- Philadelphia, PA. 5/05 95min. (mas.) 5/5

Brian Setzer Orchestra- Rome, N.Y. Woodstock Festival(off.) 7/25/1999 60min.(mas.) 5/5

Brick Austin TX 3-25-95 15min 5/3

Brodequin- Baltimore, MD. 5/23/2003 25min. (1st) 5/3

Broken Bones Leeds UK 4-21-84 (Off.) 35min 4/4

Broken Bones- Las Vegas, NV. 3/3/2006 40min. (mas.) 5/4

Broken Hope New London CT 2-19-97 (1st gen.) 45min 4/4

Broken Hope Atlanta GA 2-22-97 (1st gen.) 55min 5/4

Broken Hope El Paso, TX 3-2-97 (1st gen.) 40min 5/4

Broken Hope Flint, MI 4-23-94 20min 5/3

Broken Hope Charlottesville, VA 5-27-94 30min 4/4

Broken Hope Montreal CAN 6-1-95 (1st gen.) 40min 5/3

Broken Hope Milwaukee 7-18-92 20min 5/3

Broken Hope Milwaukee 7-31-93 25min 4/2

Broken Hope '"Into..." Promo 5min 5/5

Broken Hope- Minneapolis, MN. 11/14/1999 45min.(1st) 5/5

Broken Hope+Monstrosity Backstage Atlanta GA 2-22-97 (1st gen.) 5min 5/5

Brown, James- Rome, N.Y. Woodstock Festival(off.) 7/23/1999 30min.(mas.) 5/5

Bruce Dickinson-inter.+ acoustic+"Tears of..."promo CAN.TV '94 15min. 5/5

Brujeria Hagin outside ' 5min 4/5

Brujeria '"Castigo del..." Promo 10min 3/4

Brujeria '"La Migra" (Dif. ver.) Promo 5min 4/5

Brujeria '"La Loy del..." Promo 5min 4/5

Brujeria '"La Migra..." Promo 5min 5/5

Brujeria- "Permiso De Satan" home video 2003 50min. (mas.) 5/5

Brujeria- Rome, ITALY 2/25/2007 65min. (mas.) 5/4

Brutal Mastication- Ft. Lauderdale, FL. 6/10/2002 35min. (1st) 5/4

Brutal Mastication Ft. Lauderdale FL 3-22-96 (1st gen.) 40min 5/5

Brutal Truth "Ill..." promo ' 5min. 4/5

Brutal Truth inter.+"Ill..." promo Canada TV ' 5min. 4/5

Brutal Truth Tallahassee FL 11-22-94 55min 5/2

Brutal Truth Corona CA 12-10-94 40min 3/3

Brutal Truth Hamtramck, MI. 12-21-94 50min 5/3

Brutal Truth Vancover CAN 2-6-97 (1st gen.) 55min 5/3

Brutal Truth Brandwine MD 6-19-93 (1st gen.) 25min 5/3

Brutal Truth Montreal CAN 9-24-92 25min 5/2

Brutal Truth '"Godplayer" Promo 5min 5/5

Brutal Truth- Milwaukee, WI. 7/27/1991 15min.(1st) 5/2

Brutal Truth- Milwaukee, WI. 7/25/1998 40min.(1st) 5/3

Brutal Truth- Vienna, AUSTR. 7/8/2007 80min. (mas.) 5/3

Brutal Truth Detroit MI 11-30-96 (1st gen.) 30min 5/3

Brutal Truth+S.O.B.- "I See Red" live promo ' 5min. 2/4

Brutality Tampa, FL 10-9-93 (2nd gen.) 55min 5/4

Brutality Knoxville,TN 11-4-95 (1st gen.) 30min 5/4

Brutality Tampa, FL 9-6-92 (1st gen.) 25min 5/4

Brutality St. Pete, FL. (no sound last 20min.) 7/21/1997 40min.(1st) 5/4

Budgie Birmingham, ENG 5-23-86 50min 3/4

Bulldozer Italy 5-25-90 35min 3/3

Bullet For My Valentine- Brixton, U.K. (OFF.) 1/28/2006 70min. (mas.) 5/5

Bullet For My Valentine- GER. Rock AM Ring TV 6/3/2006 35min. (mas.) 5/5

Bundy, Ted Final Inter. '89 60min 5/5

Bundy, Ted Biography cable TV show '95 55min 5/5

Burial Terneuzen 9-11-93 40min 3/3

Buried Alive- N.Y.C. 10/17/1999 25min.(1st) 5/4

Buried Alive- San Francisco, CA. 3/16/2000 25min. (1st) 5/4

Buried Alive- S.F., CA. 3/16/2000 25min. (mas.) 5/4

Burn The Priest Detroit, MI 8-20-96 (1st gen.) 25min 5/4

Burning Inside- Tallahassee, FL. 8/28/1999 35min.(1st) 5/3

Burnt Offering Chicago 11-24-87 45min 4/4

Burzum '"Dunkelheit..." Promo 10min 5/5

Bush Sat. Night Live '96 ' 5min 5/5

Bush Rich VA (some sound interrupt. 10 min) 2-20-96 (2nd gen.) 95min 4/4

Bush J. Leno Show 5/97 5min. 4/5

Bush Sat. Night Special '96 5min 5/5

Bush- Rome, N.Y. Woodstock Festival(off.) 7/23/1999 80min.(mas.) 5/5

Bush Sat. Night Live 11-96 10min 5/5

Bush+Staind- Reverb cable TV show '99 55min.(mas.) 5/5

Butcher ABC- Trutnov, CZECH. (onstage) 7/10/2004 30min. (mas.) 5/4

Butler, Geezer inter.+live clips S.F., CA. cable TV '97 10min. 5/5

Butthole Surfers Texas Trip Short Film ' 10min 4/4

Butthole Surfers "Dust Devil" promo ' 5min. 5/5

Butthole Surfers Phoenix AZ 10-5-96 (1st gen.) 20min 4/4

Butthole Surfers Detroit 3-2-85 (Official) 80min 5/5

Butthole Surfers Atlanta GA TV '85 10min 3/3

Butthole Surfers Snub UK TV ' 10min 3/5

Buzzov-en- N.Y.C. 6/5/1994 35min. (2nd) 5/4

Buzzov-en- Huntsville, AL. 7/28/1994 45min. (mas.) 4/4

C.O.C.- Detroit, MI. 11/85 30min. 4/3

C.O.C.- inter. and var. promos MTV H.B.Ball 5/21/2005 60min. (mas.) 5/5

C.O.C.+Monster Magnet hangin' in St. Louis, MO. 6/21/1995 15min. 4/5

Cacophony rehersal CA 10-2-88 25min. 4/5

Cacophony L.A. CA 10-2-88 40min 4/5

Cacophony Japan (off.) '89 20min. 5/5

Cadaver Finland 6-29-90 40min 4/4

Cadaver, Inc.- Asbury Park, N.J. 4/5/2002 30min. (1st) 5/4

Cadaveres- Vienna, AUSTR. 4/13/2007 15min. (mas.) 5/4

Canada TV Thrash Special w/D.B.C., Groovy Aardvark Soothsayer '89 30min 4/5

Cancer Milwaukee 7-18-92 5min 5/2

Cancer Milwaukee 7-27-91 30min 4/2

Cancer Milwaukee 7-31-93 20min 4/3

Cancer Tallahassee, FL 8-20-93 (1st gen.) 30min 5/3

Cancer Miami, FL 8-22-93 50min 5/4

Cancer U.K. '91 30min 4/2

Cancer (w/J. Murphy) "Back from the Dead" home video(B+W) (some jitter) 15min. 4/5

Candiria N.Y.C. 11-11-96 (2nd gen.) 40min 5/5

Candiria N.Y.C. 7/24/1997 35min.(2nd) 4/4

Candiria- "Without Water" promo ' 5min. 5/5

Candiria- Bayside, N.Y. 4/4/1998 40min.(1st) 5/4

Candiria- Montreal, CAN. 12/6/1998 45min.(1st) 5/4

Candiria- Montreal, CAN. 3/19/1999 40min.(1st) 5/4

Candiria- Worcester, MA. 4/30/1999 25min.(1st) 5/4

Candiria- S.F., CA. 3/16/2000 30min. (mas.) 5/4

Candiria- Ft. Lauderdale, FL. 3/27/2000 45min.(mas.) 5/5

Candiru Brandywine, MD 6-19-93 (1st gen.) 25min 5/4

Candlebox- Toledo, OH. 9/27/1998 55min.(1st) 5/4

Candlemass Interview+Live Clips SweedenTV ' 5min 4/5

Candlemass Hammersmith UK 10-4-89 (Official) 30min 5/5

Candlemass NY 1-12-91 65min 4/4

Candlemass inter.+clips Hard 'n' Heavy home video '90 5min 5/5

Candlemass Stockholm, SWED. (off.) 9/29/1993 60min. 4/4

Candlemass- "Mirror...." promo ' 5min. 5/5

Candlemass- "Documentary Of Doom" home video '03 85min. (mas.) 5/5

Candlemass- "Live at Fryshuset 1990" home video '03 80min. (mas.) 5/5

Candlemass- "Curse of Candlemass" home video '05 110min. (mas.) 5/5

Candlemass- "Live in Stockholm 2003" home video '05 90min. (mas.) 5/5

Candlemass- Istanbul, TURK. 12/4/2005 65min. (mas.) 5/4

Candlemass- Santiago, CHILE 3/24/2006 95min. (mas.) 5/4

Candy Snatchers- Baltimore, MD. 1/97 30min.(1st) 5/3

Candy Striper Death Orgy '"Start..." Promo 5min 4/5

Candysnatchers Lexington KY 10-17-96 20min 5/4

Cannibal Corpse live clip+inter Europe TV ' 5min 4/4

Cannibal Corpse "Devoured by..." uncensored promo ' 5min. 5/5

Cannibal Corpse making B. at Birth at Morrisound (Part 2) ' 5min. 4/5

Cannibal Corpse Cohoes, NY 10-16-94 (1st gen.) 65min 5/4

Cannibal Corpse Buffalo, NY 10-20-90 40min 5/4

Cannibal Corpse Minneapolis, MN 10-24-94 45min 4/4

Cannibal Corpse Hangin out Atlanta GA 10-30-94 (1st gen.) 10min 5/5

Cannibal Corpse Czechoslovakia 10-92 5min 3/2

Cannibal Corpse Ft. Lauderdale 11-15-96 (1st gen.) 60min 5/4

Cannibal Corpse Detroit MI 11-30-96 (1st gen.) 55min 5/3

Cannibal Corpse Montreal CAN 1-16-92 55min 4/3

Cannibal Corpse N.Y.C. 1-18-91 30min 4/2

Cannibal Corpse Toronto, CAN. 1-92 10min 4/4

Cannibal Corpse Brooklyn NY 2-17-91(1st gen.) 55min 5/4

Cannibal Corpse Raleigh, N.C. 2-17-93 65min 4/3

Cannibal Corpse Wichita, KS 2-20-92 40min 3/3

Cannibal Corpse Vancouver CAN. 2-6-97 (1st gen.) 70min 4/4

Cannibal Corpse Buffalo, NY 3-11-94 60min 4/3

Cannibal Corpse Rochester NY 3-14-94 (2nd.) 65min 5/4

Cannibal Corpse Buffalo N.Y. 3-89 (First Show) 25min 4/3

Cannibal Corpse W. Palm Bch. FL 4-16-96 (1st gen.) 75min 4/4

Cannibal Corpse Eats Moscow Alive Home Video 5-25-93 75min 5/5

Cannibal Corpse Miami, FL 6-17-96 (1st gen.) 45min 5/4

Cannibal Corpse inter. Berkely CA 6-25-94 20min 5/5

Cannibal Corpse Davie, FL 7-14-94 (1st gen.) 70min 4/4

Cannibal Corpse Montreal CAN 7-20-92 40min 5/3

Cannibal Corpse Milwaukee 7-26-96 40min 5/3

Cannibal Corpse Milwaukee 7-31-93 30min 5/3

Cannibal Corpse inter. Montreal CAN 7-4-96 20min 5/5

Cannibal Corpse Montreal CAN 7-4-96 70min 5/4

Cannibal Corpse Milwaukee 8-24-94 45min 5/2

Cannibal Corpse Milwaukee 8-6-94 (1st gen.) 45min 5/3

Cannibal Corpse inter. Nashville, TN 8-6-96 10min 4/5

Cannibal Corpse Albuquerque, N.M. '92 (off.) 10min 4/3

Cannibal Corpse Albuquerque, N.M. '93 50min 5/3

Cannibal Corpse Nashville, TN. '94 65min. 4/3

Cannibal Corpse Monolith of Death" home video '97 50min.(1st) 5/5

Cannibal Corpse Tampa FL(Hotel Room /Recording Butch ered at Birth) 20min 5/4

Cannibal Corpse '"Devoured by..." Promo 5min 5/5

Cannibal Corpse '"Staring..." Promo 5min 5/5

Cannibal Corpse Miami, FL. 8/10/1992 30min. 4/4

Cannibal Corpse Jacksonville, FL. 8/11/1992 20min. 3/3

Cannibal Corpse Lansing, MI. 6/21/1994 50min. 2/3

Cannibal Corpse Ft. Myers, FL. 7/17/1996 70min.(2nd) 5/5

Cannibal Corpse- "I Cum Blood" promo ' 5min. 2/4

Cannibal Corpse- "Centuries Of Torment" h.v. '08 420min. (mas.) 5/5

Cannibal Corpse- GERMANY '95 5min. 4/3

Cannibal Corpse- Raleigh, N.C. 2/17/1993 70min.(2nd) 5/3

Cannibal Corpse- inter.+live U.K. MTV 6/27/1994 15min.(2nd) 5/5

Cannibal Corpse- Varese, ITALY 5/15/1996 55min.(1st) 5/3

Cannibal Corpse- Detroit, MI. 7/25/1998 75min.(1st) 5/3

Cannibal Corpse- Pittsburgh, PA. 8/10/1998 70min.(1st) 5/4

Cannibal Corpse- New Orleans, LA. 8/16/1998 75min.(1st) 4/4

Cannibal Corpse- S.F., CA. 8/30/1998 80min.(1st) 5/4

Cannibal Corpse- inter.+hangin' out S.F., CA. (dark) 8/30/1998 45min.(1st) 5/5

Cannibal Corpse- Sacramento, CA. 9/4/1998 25min.(1st) 5/4

Cannibal Corpse- Wacken, GER. 8/7/1999 45min.(2nd) 4/3

Cannibal Corpse- Ft. Lauderdale, FL. 2/2/2000 75min.(mas.) 5/3

Cannibal Corpse- inter. Ft. Lauderdale, FL. 2/2/2000 15min.(mas.) 5/5

Cannibal Corpse- Ft. Lauderdale, FL. (dif. ang.) 2/2/2000 75min.(1st) 5/3

Cannibal Corpse- Ft. Lauderdale, FL. (OFF.) 2/2/2000 75min. (mas.) 5/3

Cannibal Corpse- Atlanta, GA. 8/6/2000 80min. (1st) 5/3

Cannibal Corpse- Atlanta, GA. 8/6/2000 80min. (1st) 5/3

Cannibal Corpse- Ft. Lauderdale, FL. 4/18/2001 70min. (mas.) 5/4

Cannibal Corpse- Ft. Lauderdale, FL. 12/15/2002 80min. (mas.) 5/5

Cannibal Corpse- Ft. Lauderdale, FL. (OFF.) 12/15/2002 80min. (mas.) 5/5

Cannibal Corpse- Hollywood, CA. 2/17/2004 90min. (2nd) 5/3

Cannibal Corpse- Tilburg, HOL. 4/12/2004 75min. (1st) 5/3

Cannibal Corpse- Buenos Aires, ARG. 6/6/2004 80min. (mas.) 5/4

Cannibal Corpse- Louisville, KY. 5/4/2007 85min. (mas.) 5/2

Cannibal Corpse-making "Ace Ven tura+party+hanging in Miami, FL. (1st gen.) 90min 5/5

Cannibal: The Real Hannibal Lecters documentary '02 55min. (mas.) 5/5

Cantrell, Jerry- "Anger..." promo ' 5min. 5/5

Capitalist Casualties- Corona, CA. 7/18/1998 15min.(2nd) 4/4

Carbonized Sweden 10-1-90 30min 4/4

Carcass San Antiono TX 10-12-90 40min 5/4

Carcass Tijauna, MEX. 10-6-90 ( 2nd gen.) 40min 5/4

Carcass London 12-16-89 30min 4/3

Carcass inter. U.K. MTV 4-10-94 25min 5/5

Carcass Montreal CAN 4-5-94 40min 3/3

Carcass Miami 8-17-90 (1st gen.) 40min 5/4

Carcass West Palm Bch. FL 8-20-94 50min 3/4

Carcass inter. Brooklyn, NY 8-31-90 (1st gen.) 15min 5/5

Carcass Brooklyn, NY 8-31-90 (1st gen.) 40min 5/5

Carcass Cleveland '90 45min 5/4

Carcass inter. MTV '93 5min 5/5

Carcass Raleigh, N.C. '93 (2nd gen.) 60min 5/4

Carcass Promo '94 5min 5/5

Carcass inter. MTV H.B. Ball '94 5min.(2nd) 5/5

Carcass Houston, TX 9-6-92 40min 4/4

Carcass '"Incarnated..." Promo 5min 5/5

Carcass- "Corporeal..." promo ' 5min. 5/5

Carcass- Clisson, FRA. 6/20/2008 65min. (mas.) 4/4

Carcass-"Wake Up and Smell the Carcass" home video '96 (1st gen.) 105min 5/5

Carcinogen Anaheim, CA 3-20-93 35min 5/3

Carlin, George- Ft. Lauderdale, FL. 12/31/2000 85min. (mas.) 5/4

Carlin, George- Ft. Myers, FL. (obstructed first 10min. ) 3/29/2001 75min. (mas.) 5/5

Carnage Chicago 4-31-89 45min 5/2

Carnage Chicago 5-12-88 30min 4/2

Carnal Forge- "Destroy Live" home video '04 160min. (mas.) 5/5

Carnal Forge- Hamburg, GER. 2/19/2001 30min. (2nd) 4/2

Carnivore Brooklyn NY 10-7-90 75min 4/4

Carnivore Milwaukee WI 7-26-96 (1st gen.) 45min 5/3

Carnivore Brooklyn NY '88 35min 3/2

Carnivore- Brooklyn, N.Y. '86 35min.(2nd) 5/4

Carpathian Forest- "We're Going To Hollywood..." home vid. '04 170min. (mas.) 5/5

Carpathian Forest- Rome, ITALY 1/31/2005 65min. (mas.) 5/4

Carpethian Forest- Biella, ITALY (OFF.) 9/17/2000 65min. (2nd) 5/4

Cars BBC TV ' 35min 4/5

Cars Midnight Special 9/17/1979 20min.(1st) 5/5

Cartilage Finland 1-17-90 30min 2/3

Castle Donnington Documentary w/Van Halen/AC/DC/M. Crue 8-18-84 25min 4/4

Catastrophic- Ft. Lauderdale, FL. 7/22/2001 40min. (mas.) 5/4

Catastrophic- Aurora, IL. 8/9/2001 40min. (2nd) 5/4

Catastrophic- Ft. Lauderdale, FL. 11/26/2001 30min. (mas.) 5/5

Catastrophic- Rotterdam, HOL. 5/1/2005 45min. (mas.) 5/4

Cathedral Corona CA 4-12-96 50min 5/4

Cathedral Tilburg, Holland 4-3-92 25min 4/4

Cathedral U.K. '91 30min 3/2

Cathedral Tampa, FL 9-18-92 (1st gen.) 30min 5/4

Cathedral inter.+2 promos MTV '92 20min 4/5

Cathedral "Cosmic..." Promo 5min 5/5

Cathedral '"Ebony..." Promo 5min 5/5

Cathedral '"Hopkins..." Promo 5min 5/5

Cathedral '"Midnight..." Promo 5min 5/5

Cathedral '"Ride" Promo 5min 5/5

Cathedral '"Soul..." Promo 5min 5/5

Cathedral- inter.+live S.F., CA. cable TV '97 10min. 4/5

Cathedral- inter.+live JAPAN TV '99 15min.(1st) 5/5

Cathedral Inter. UK MTV+"Utopian" Promo 10-95 10min 4/5

Cathedral 3 Promos 15min 5/5

Cathedral Charlotte, NC 4-19-96 (1st gen.) 70min 5/5

Cathedral '"Autumn..." Promo 5min 5/5

Cattle Decapitation- Ft. Lauderdale, FL. 11/24/2003 25min. (mas.) 5/4

Cattle Decapitation- Ft. Lauderdale, FL. (OFF.) 11/24/2003 25min. (mas.) 5/4

Cattle Decapitation- Ft. Lauderdale, FL. 1/20/2005 35min. (mas.) 5/4

Cattle Decapitation- Ft. Lauderdale, FL. 3/3/2005 10min. (mas.) 5/4

Cattlepress- N.Y.C. 5/11/2000 25min. (1st) 5/2

Caught on Camera real death/crashes!!! ' 55min.(1st) 5/5

Cavalera Conspiracy- Hove Fest., NOR. TV 6/26/2008 60min. (2nd) 4/5

CBGB- "Punk From the Bowery" home vid. w/A. Front/Cro-/H20/AOD/Madb. '03 100min. (mas.) 5/5

Celestial Sea.+Altar Dutch TV Special '95 35min 4/5

Celestial Season Paris France 5-7-94 35min 4/4

Celtic Dance reh. Portugal 5-14-94 5min 4/4

Celtic Frost Interview MTV ' 10min 5/5

Celtic Frost Switzerland 12-27-85 65min 3/2

Celtic Frost Detroit 12-6-87 40min 3/3

Celtic Frost San Diego, CA 6-15-86 45min 3/3

Celtic Frost Weinheim GER 6-1-85 55min 2/3

Celtic Frost Texas 6-20-86 45min 3/4

Celtic Frost inter.+clips Hard 'n' Heavy home video '90 5min 5/5

Celtic Frost Into Crypts Of Rays..." Promo 5min 4/5

Celtic Frost '"Jewel Throne..." Promo 5min 5/5

Celtic Frost- inter. U.K. Music Box TV '86 5min. 4/5

Celtic Frost- Detroit, MI. 12/6/1987 35min.(2nd) 4/4

Celtic Frost- Boston, MA. 3/22/1989 60min. 3/3

Celtic Frost- Solvesborg, SWED. 6/10/2006 55min. (mas.) 5/4

Celtic Frost- Wacken, GER. (OFF.) 8/4/2006 50min. (mas.) 5/5

Celtic Frost- Ft. Lauderdale, FL. 10/24/2006 85min. (mas.) 5/4

Celtic Frost- Bradford, U.K. 3/14/2007 70min. (mas.) 5/4

Celtic Frost- London, U.K. 3/18/2007 85min. (1st) 4/4

Celtic Frost '"Cherry Orchard..." Promo 5min 5/5

Celtic Frost '"Circle of Tyrants..." Promo 5min 5/5

Celtic Frost- inter. + "Into Crypts..." promo SWITZ./GER. TV 4/85 10min. (2nd) 5/5

Cemetary "Where the ..." promo ' 5min. 4/5

Cemetary Wels, Austria 9-24-93 30min 3/4

Cemetary '"Sweet..." Promo 5min 5/5

Cenotaph Mexico 3-7-92 40min 4/3

Cenotaph Juarez, MEX 8-4-95 45min 5/3

Cenotaph- Milwaukee, WI. 7/24/1998 25min.(1st) 5/3

Cenotaph- Istanbul, TURK. 10/2/2005 50min. (mas) 5/3

Cenotaph Soundcheck Juarez Mex 8-4-95 10min 5/3

Centinex- Torres Novas 9/30/1998 40min.(2nd) 5/2

Centinex- Rotterdam, HOL. 11/1/1998 40min.(1st) 5/4

Centurian- Rotterdam, HOL. 2/28/1999 50min.(1st) 5/4

Cephalic Carnage- Portland, OR. 3/23/1999 25min.(1st) 5/3

Cephalic Carnage- Cleveland, OH. 5/15/1999 35min.(1st) 5/3

Cephalic Carnage- Ft. Lauderdale, FL. (OFF.) 7/3/2000 30min. (mas.) 5/4

Cephalic Carnage- Ft. Lauderdale, FL. 7/3/2000 30min. (mas.) 5/4

Cephalic Carnage- Ft. Lauderdale, FL. (diff. ang.) 7/3/2000 25min. (mas.) 5/4

Cephalic Carnage- Ft. Lauderdale, FL. 11/4/2000 30min. (mas.) 5/3

Cephalic Carnage- Ft. Lauderdale, FL. 10/10/2002 35min. (mas.) 5/4

Cephalic Carnage- Ft. Lauderdale, FL. (OFF.) 10/10/2002 35min. (mas.) 5/4

Cephilic- Cleveland, OH. 4/3/1998 25min.(1st) 5/2

Cerebral Fix promo ' 5min. 5/5

Ceremonium- rehearsal Brooklyn, N.Y. 11/22/1997 25min. 4/5

Channel Zero Promo 5min 5/5

Chaos U.K.- U.K. '86 20min.(2nd) 4/3

Chasm- Milwaukee, WI. 7/24/1998 25min.(1st) 5/3

Chasm- Wheaton, MD. 10/31/1998 45min.(1st) 5/3

Chasm- Chicago, IL. 11/14/1999 25min.(1st) 5/3

Chasm- Ft. Lauderdale, FL. 1/15/2005 50min. (mas.) 5/4

Cheap Trick 1st LP Promos ' 15min 4/5

Cheap Trick Hard Rock Live show '97 20min.(1st) 5/5

Cheap Trick '"Surrender" Promo 5min 5/5

Cheap Trick- "Live At Budokan" home video '78 85min. (1st) 5/5

Cheap Trick- "Every Trick in..." home video '90 75min.(1st) 5/5

Cheap Trick- Hallandale, FL. 1/16/1999 75min.(mas.) 5/4

Cheap Trick- Hallandale, FL. 2/17/2001 80min. (mas.) 5/4

Cheap Trick- Hallandale, FL. (OFF.) 2/17/2001 80min. (mas.) 5/4

Cheap Trick-(w/Slash/B. Corgan/ A. Alexis+more!)Rockford, IL. (OFF.) 8/28/1999 120min. (mas.) 5/5

Cheech and Chong- Howard Stern Xmas Special ' 10min. (mas.) 5/5

Chemical Brothers- inter.+promos CAN. TV 9/22/1997 25min.(2nd) 5/5

Chemical Brothers- Rome, N.Y. Woodstock Festival(off.) 7/24/1999 35min.(mas.) 5/5

Chemlab '"Codeine..." Promo 5min 5/5

Chikatilo, Andrei Hunt For the Red Ripper cable special '96 45min 5/5

Children Of Bodom- "Needled 24/7" promo ' 5min. 5/5

Children Of Bodom- MEXICO 10/10/98 50min.(2nd) 3/3

Children Of Bodom- Milan, ITALY 10/5/1999 50min. (3rd) 4/4

Children of Bodom- Thessaloniki, GREECE 5/12/2000 55min. (3rd) 4/4

Children Of Bodom- Milwaukee, WI. 7/29/2000 45min. (1st) 5/4

Children Of Bodom- Seoul, KOREA TV 4/5/2001 55min. (1st) 5/5

Children Of Bodom- JAP. TV 2/15/2003 15min. (1st) 5/5

Children Of Bodom- Milan, ITALY 6/7/2003 60min. (2nd) 4/4

Children Of Bodom- Atlanta, GA. 5/4/2004 45min. (2nd) 5/4

Children Of Bodom- inter. MTV H.B.Ball 10/16/2004 5min. 5/5

Children Of Bodom- Porto, PORT. 1/19/2006 95min. (mas.) 5/4

Children Of Bodom- PORT. 1/19/2006 95min. (1st) 4/3

Chimaira- Cleveland, OH. 12/28/2000 60min. (2nd) 5/4

Chimaira- Cleveland, OH. 3/4/2001 30min. (1st) 5/3

Chimaira- Ft. Lauderdale, FL. 3/5/2007 35min. (mas.) 4/4

Choke- New Orleans, LA. 11/16/1998 20min.(1st) 5/4

"Chop Your Own Head Off" Earache home video w/Deicide/M. Angel++ '06 60min. (mas.) 5/5

Chris Barnes+Chuck Shuldiner-inter. MTV H.B. Ball ' 5min 4/5

Christ Agony Biala, Podlaska 7-26-92 (Outdoor) 30min 4/2

Christ Inversion- New Orleans, LA. '95 40min. 3/3

Christian Death Official '90 80min 5/4

Chrome Star Hustlers Wichita, KS. (outdoor) 7/5/1997 25min.(2nd) 5/4

Chum "Kindling Kind" promo ' 5min. 5/5

Cianide Int.+Live River Grove IL 3-19-95 (1st gen.) 25min 5/4

Cianide Cleveland OH 6-20-92 30min 5/4

Cianide- Aurora, IL. 7/19/2003 25min. (1st) 5/3

Cianide- Urbana, IL. 7/21/2007 40min. (mas.) 5/4

Cinderella- Hollywood, FL. 9/18/1988 55min. (mas.) 4/4

Circle Jerks Ohio 11-1-87 60min 3/3

Circle Jerks VA. Bch. VA 8-10-88 55min 4/4

Circle Jerks Rock Palast '85 10min 4/5

Circle Jerks Winnipeg, CAN. '86 30min. 4/3

Circle Jerks '"I Wanna" Promo 5min 5/5

Circle Jerks Promo '85 5min 4/4

Circle Jerks- CA. (off.) '84 25min. 4/5

Circle Jerks- CA. '91 20min. 3/3

Circle Of Dead Children- Baltimore, MD. 5/23/2003 30min. (1st) 5/4

Cirith Gorgor- Rotterdam, HOL. 3/19/2005 30min. (mas.) 5/4

Civ Cleveland OH 3-25-95 25min 5/4

Civ- Pompano Bch., FL. 8/5/1998 25min.(mas.) 5/4

Clinton Gerorge and the P-Funk All Stars- Sunrise, FL. 10-5-96 (1st gen.) 180min 5/5

Clinton, George- Rome, N.Y. Woodstock Festival(off.) 7/23/1999 40min.(mas.) 5/5

Cliteater- Rotterdam, HOL. 2/10/2008 10min. (mas.) 5/2

Cloven Hoof- Konigshofen, GER. 4/10/2004 60min. (1st) 5/4

Clutch Nashville TN 10-5-94 (1st gen.) 40min 5/4

Clutch Washington DC 2-26-93 50min 4/4

Clutch Montreal 3-15-94 30min 4/2

Clutch MI 6-95 65min 4/3

Clutch Washington DC 7-18-92 45min 5/5

Clutch Milwaukee 7-27-96 35min 4/3

Clutch Inter.+Live Canada TV 8-2-95 5min 5/5

Clutch Whichta KS '96 15min 5/4

Clutch '"Sho gun..." Promo 5min 5/5

Clutch Ft. Lauderdale,FL. 3/31/1998 50min.(mas.) 5/5

Clutch- Boynton Beach, FL. 11/21/2000 50min. (mas.) 5/4

Clutch- Raleigh, N.C. 4/4/2002 80min. (1st) 3/4

Coal Chamber "Loco" promo ' 5min. 5/5

Coal Chamber N.Y.C. 5/22/1997 40min. 4/3

Coal Chamber Lawrence, KS. 6/3/1997 20min. 4/4

Coal Chamber Milwaukee, WI. 7/25/1997 25min.(2nd) 5/3

Coal Chamber St. Paul, MN. (off.) 9/24/1997 30min.(3rd) 4/4

Coal Chamber Boston, MA. 11/1/1997 15min.(1st) 5/5

Coal Chamber Cedar Rapids, IA.(official) 2/10/1998 30min.(3rd) 5/5

Coal Chamber Ft. Lauderdale, FL. 3/29/1998 40min.(mas.) 5/5

Coal Chamber- Worcester, MA. (little obstructed sometimes) 9/19/99 40min.(2nd) 5/4

Coal Chamber- inter.+"Big..." live promo CAN. TV '99 15min.(1st) 5/5

Coal Chamber- W. Palm Bch., FL.(1st 5min. shaky) 7/30/1998 15min.(mas.) 5/4

Coal Chamber- Detroit, MI. (OFF.) 9/10/1999 55min.(1st) 5/4

Coal Chamber- Columbus, OH. 9/12/1999 55min.(1st) 5/4

Coal Chamber- Asbury Park, N.J. 9/18/1999 20min.(2nd) 4/4

Coal Chamber- Ft. Lauderdale, FL. 10/3/1999 55min.(mas.) 5/4

Coal Chamber- inter.+live M. Bullard Show CAN. TV 3/3/2000 10min.(1st) 5/5

Coal Chamber- Sunrise, FL. (little obstructed first 10min.) 3/26/2000 55min.(1st) 5/3

Coal Chamber- aftershow hangin' Fargo, N.D. 5/30/2000 10min. (1st) 5/5

Coal Chamber- N.Y.C. 3/13/2002 20min. (1st) 5/4

Coal Chamber (w/Ozzy!)- "Shock the Monkey" promo ' 5min. 5/5

Coffin Break "For Beth" promo ' 5min. 4/3

Coffin Texts- Worcester, MA. 4/16/2000 40min.(1st) 5/3

Coffins- Wilkinsburg, PA. 5/22/2008 35min. (mas.) 5/3

Coil '"Tainted Love..." Promo 5min 5/5

Coil '"Windowpane..." Promo 5min 5/5

Cold- Philadelphia, PA. (OFF.) HBO Reverb show '01 15min. (mas.) 5/5

Cold- N.Y.C. (little dark sometimes) 8/24/1998 25min. (2nd) 4/4

Cold- N.Y.C. (OFF.) 9/12/2000 45min. (mas.) 5/5

Cold As Life- Eindhoven, HOLLAND 5/19/1999 35min.(1st) 5/4

Cold Northern Vengeance- Flushing, N.Y. (OFF.) 10/28/2006 30min. (mas.) 5/4

Collapsing Lungs- Davie, FL. 7/15/1993 30min. (2nd) 3/4

"Collection of Noisy Motions"-w/ Immortal/I.Naz./A.Corpse/Gehennah+more '05 190min. (mas.) 5/5

Collective Soul Newfoundland, CAN. TV 3/97 45min. 4/5

Collective Soul- Rome, N.Y. Woodstock Festival(off.) 7/25/1999 30min.(mas.) 5/5

Collectors film about serial killers/enthusiasts ' 80min. (mas.) 5/5

College Music Journal-w/D. Lomba rdo/Korn/Deftones/X-Cops+more!CAN. TV 11-30-95 25min 5/5

Colloseum II TV ' 35min 4/5

Columbine High School- crime scene video (OFF.) '99 130min. 5/5

Conception "Power of Metal" home video Germany 9/93 20min. 3/5

Condemned- Urbana, IL. 7/20/2008 35min. (mas.) 5/4

Coney Hatch- CAN. TV '80 10min. 3/5

Confessor Interview+Promo+Live Clip ' 20min 4/5

Confessor Raleigh NC '87 15min 4/5

Confessor N.C. '88 20min 4/4

Confessor Houston TX '88 (Outdoor) 15min 5/5

Confessor Houston TX '88 (Outdoor) (Offic.) 5min 4/5

Confessor '"Condemned" Promo 5min 5/5

Conflict- Manchester, U.K. (OFF.) ' 70min. 3-4/5

Connelly, Chris ' promo 5min. 5/5

Contagion Detriot MI 1-8-94 25min 5/3

Converge- Worcester, MA. 4/30/1999 30min.(1st) 5/4

Converge- Pittsburgh, PA. 4/23/2002 45min. (1st) 5/3

Converge- Vienna, AUSTR. 7/16/2007 50min. (mas.) 5/4

Convergence From Within- Birmingham, AL. 9/15/2001 35min. (1st) 5/4

Convergence From Within- Huntsville, AL. 5/13/2005 35min. (mas.) 5/4

Convulse Finland 4-27-91 30min 4/4

Cool for August inter.+live FL. TV 7/97 10min.(mas.) 5/5

Cop Shoot Cop S.F. CA 10-25-93 50min 5/4

Cops: Tooo Hot For TV ' 55min 5/5

Cornell, Chris- Ft. Lauderdale, FL. 11/3/2007 110min. (mas.) 4/3

Coroner Orlando FL 10-15-89 40min 4/4

Coroner Philadelphia 10-22-89 40min 5/4

Coroner West Palm Bch. FL 11-24-91(2nd gen.) 25min 5/5

Coroner St. Pete, FL 11-25-91(1st gen.) 60min 5/4

Coroner Ludwisberg 6-13-93 15min 4/3

Coroner Chicago, IL '89 15min 5/5

Coroner inter.+clips Hard 'n' Heavy home video '90 5min 5/5

Coroner Wilmington, DE 9-12-89 10min 5/4

Coroner '"No More Color" Home Video in Berlin 50min 5/5

Coroner '"Last..." Promo 5min 5/5

Coroner '"Masked Jackal..." Promo 5min 5/5

Coroner- Martignacco, ITALY '91 45min.(2nd) 4/4

Coroner- Lyon, FRA. TV '92 15min. 4/5

Coroner '"I Want You..." Promo 5min 4/5

Corprophilia Tampa FL 7-2-95 35min 4/2

Corpse Vomit Lansing, MI. 8/8/1997 35min.(1st) 5/4

Corpse Vomit- Wheaton, MD. 1/20/1998 40min.(1st) 5/4

Corpus Christi- Dortmund, GER. 10/11/2007 40min. (mas.) 5/4

Corpus Mortale- Rotterdam, HOL. 5/14/2005 20min. (mas.) 5/4

Corrosion of Conformity "Dance of... " promo ' 5min. 5/5

Corrosion of Conformity inter.+"Vote..." promo CAN. TV ' 15min. 5/5

Corrosion of Conformity hosting Much Music CAN. TV+2 promos 1/97 15min. 4/5

Corrosion of Conformity Gainesville FL 10-25-86 (1st gen.) 30min 3/3

Corrosion of Conformity WIchita, KS 1-22-97 60min 5/5

Corrosion of Conformity Ft Worth TX 12-31-95 45min 5/4

Corrosion of Conformity Montreal CAN 2-1-95 40min 4/3

Corrosion of Conformity Sound Check Hallandale FL 6-1-95 (1st gen.) 20min 5/5

Corrosion of Conformity '86 20min 3/3

Corrosion of Conformity N.Y. '87 45min. 4/4

Corrosion of Conformity '87 (Soundboard) 50min 5/4

Corrosion of Conformity El Macombo '88 45min 4/4

Corrosion of Conformity Inter. Latin Amer. MTV '95 15min 5/5

Corrosion of Conformity inter.+live CAN. TV '95 15min. 5/5

Corrosion of Conformity Hallandale, FL. 9/5/1997 80min.(mas.) 5/5

Corrosion of Conformity- "Albotross" promo ' 5min. 5/5

Corrosion Of Conformity- "Diablo Blvd." promo ' 5min. 5/5

Corrosion Of Conformity- inter. CAN. TV '01 10min. (1st) 5/5

Corrosion of Conformity- Boynton Beach, FL. 11/21/2000 35min. (mas.) 5/4

Costello, Elvis- Rome, N.Y. Woodstock Festival(off.) 7/25/1999 60min.(mas.) 5/5

Counting Crows- Rome, N.Y. Woodstock Festival(off.) 7/24/1999 65min.(mas.) 5/5

Coven Interview+Promo ' 10min 5/5

Coven Victoria, CAN. 3/28/1989 40min. 4/4

Covenant(w/Dimmu+Cradle mem)- Eindhoven, HOL. 5/30/1998 25min.(2nd) 4/3

"Cradle Of Fear" movie- w/Dani Filth! (vampiric bloody carnage!) 2001 135min. (mas.) 5/5

Cradle of Filth "Malice..." promo ' 5min. 4/5

Cradle of Filth "Dusk and..." promo ' 5min. 4/4

Cradle of Filth Lisbona 11-1-94 50min 4/4

Cradle of Filth London, U.K. 11-7-92 25min 4/3

Cradle of Filth Rotterdam Holland 7-13-96 40min 3/4

Cradle of Filth Portugal 7-2-94 (Outdoor) 55min 4/4

Cradle of Filth Liverpool Eng. '93 45min 4/4

Cradle of Filth Bradford, U.K. 12/12/1996 60min. 5/3

Cradle of Filth Genoa, ITALY (smokey!) 4/18/1997 35min. 3/4

Cradle of Filth Milwaukee, WI. 7/26/1997 50min.(2nd) 5/3

Cradle of Filth autograph session Milwaukee, WI. 7/26/1997 10min.(1st) 5/5

Cradle of Filth Milwaukee, WI. (dif. ang.) 7/26/1997 50min.(1st) 5/3

Cradle of Filth- "Cruelty Brought..." live promo '98 10min.(1st) 5/5

Cradle of Filth- inter. AUSTR. TV '98 15min. 4/5

Cradle of Filth- Melbourne, AUSTR. '98 30min. 3/3

Cradle of Filth- inter.+live+promos GER. TV '98 30min.(2nd) 5/5

Cradle of Filth- "...Cradle to Enslave" promo '99 5min. 5/5

Cradle of Filth- "Pandaemonaeon" home video '99 65min.(1st) 5/5

Cradle of Filth- Madrid, SPAIN 5/18/1998 75min.(1st) 5/3

Cradle of Filth- Vasselar, BEL. 5/24/1998 45min.(3rd) 4/3

Cradle of Filth- S.F., CA.(sometimes obstructed) 10/14/1998 85min.(1st) 5/4

Cradle of Filth- Rotterdam, HOL. 11/14/1998 85min.(1st) 5/3

Cradle of Filth- Mierlo, HOL. (sometimes distant) 5/22/1999 55min.(2nd) 4/3

Cradle Of Filth- Cleveland, OH. (OFF.) 8/1/1999 60min.(1st) 5/4

Cradle Of Filth- record store Columbus, OH. 8/2/1999 25min.(1st) 5/5

Cradle Of Filth- Columbus, OH. 8/2/1999 75min.(1st) 5/4

Cradle Of Filth- Detroit, MI. (OFF.) 8/7/1999 70min.(1st) 5/4

Cradle Of Filth- Milano, ITALY (little shaky sometimes) 10/17/2001 55min. (1st) 4/3

Cradle Of Filth- Philadelphia, PA. 12/16/2003 55min. (1st) 5/4

Cradle Of Filth- inter.+live clips+promo Lisbon, PORT. TV 3/27/2005 15min. (1st) 5/5

Cradle Of Filth- GER. Rock AM Ring TV 6/3/2006 35min. (mas.) 5/5

Cradle Of Filth- Rock AM Ring GER. TV 6/3/2006 35min. (mas.) 5/5

Cradle of Filth- "Living with the Enemy" U.K. TV special 11/98 30min.(1st) 5/5

Cradle Of Filth- Milwaukee, WI. (low sound first 7min.+little dark sometimes) 7/31/1999 70min.(2nd) 5/3

Cramps Hollywood, CA. 11/97 40min. 4/3

Cramps- State Mental Hosp. Napa, CA. h.v. (B+W) 6/13/1978 20min. (mas.) 5/3

Crawl Milwaukee 7-28-95 15min 4/3

Crease- Ft. Lauderdale, FL. 7/3/1999 35min.(mas.) 4/4

Creed- Rome, N.Y. Woodstock Festival(off.) 7/25/1999 70min.(mas.) 5/5

Cremains Quebec, CAN 9-15-87 45min 4/4

Crematorium L.A., CA. 7/21/1996 15min. 5/3

Crematorium- Modesto, CA. 4/10/2006 30min. (mas.) 5/3

Crematorium- Concord, CA. 4/14/2006 30min. (mas.) 5/4

Crematorium- Sacramento, CA. 4/16/2006 25min. (mas.) 5/4

Crematory Axelburg Sweden 3-30-90 30min 5/3

Crematory Sweden 6-29-90 25min 3/2

Crematory '"Die Clips" home video '96 25min 4/5

Crematory- Wacken Fest, GER. 8/4/2001 45min. (1st) 5/3

Criminal '"...Disorder" Promo 5min 5/5

Criminal- CHILE TV concert '97 25min.(1st) 5/5

Criminal Interview+Promo MTV ' 10min 5/5

Crimson Moon- San Antonio, TX. (OFF.) 6/17/2006 45min. (mas.) 5/4

Cripple Bastards- Baltimore, MD. (side shot) 5/27/2007 45min. (mas.) 5/3

Crisis Raleigh NC 10-28-96 (1st gen.) 30min 5/5

Crisis Wichita KS 11-24-96 30min 4/5

Crisis St. Louis, MO 12-3-96 (Official)(2nd) 30min 5/4

Crisis N.Y.C. 8/21/1997 45min.(2nd) 5/5

Crisis- S.F., CA. cable TV '97 5min. 3/3

Crisis- Garner, N.C. (OFF.)(S.B.)(little dark) 10/29/1998 50min.(1st) 4/5

Crisis- Garner, N.C. (little obstructed sometimes) 10/29/1998 50min.(1st) 5/3

Crisis- New Orleans, LA. 10/31/1998 60min.(1st) 5/4

Crisis- Columbus, OH. 2/28/1999 50min.(1st) 5/4

Crisis- Tallahassee, FL. 6/6/1999 50min.(1st) 5/4

Crisis '"Different..." Promo 5min 5/5

Cro Mags Newark NJ 11-29-94 45min(2nd) 5/4

Cro Mags N.Y.C. '90? 15min 3/3

Cro Mags '"Path To..." Promo 5min 5/5

Cromags '"We Gotta Know..." Promo 5min 4/5

Cromags- Detroit, MI. (OFF.) 2/4/00 55min. (1st) 5/4

Cromags- Albany, N.Y. 8/18/2000 65min. (1st) 5/4

Crossed Out Berkeley, CA. (B+W) 1/2/1993 20min. 2/3

Crow, Sheryl- Rome, N.Y. Woodstock Festival(off.) 7/23/1999 55min.(mas.) 5/5

Crowbar St. Louis MO 11-22-96 (Official)(2nd) 50min 5/3

Crowbar Ft. Worth TX 12-31-95 (2nd gen.) 30min 5/4

Crowbar Raleigh, NC 8-4-95 50min 5/4

Crowbar '"All I Had..." Promo 5min 4/4

Crowbar '"Only Factor..." Promo 5min 5/5

Crowbar New Orleans, LA. 3/25/1998 40min.(1st) 5/3

Crowbar- "Like Broken..." promo ' 5min. 5/5

Crowbar- Cleveland, OH. 11/26/99 50min.(mas.) 4/4

Crowbar- New Orleans, LA. 5/25/1998 45min.(1st) 5/3

Crowbar- St. Louis, MO. 10/8/2001 65min. (mas.) 5/2

Crowded House- AUSTR. TV 7/7/2007 60min. (mas.) 5/5

Crown- inter. Ft. Lauderdale, FL. 8/2/2000 15min. (mas.) 5/5

Crown- Ft. Lauderdale, FL. 8/2/2000 35min. (2nd) 5/3

Crown- Raleigh, N.C. 8/5/2000 35min. (1st) 5/4

Crown- Raleigh, N.C. 8/5/2000 35min. (1st) 5/4

Crown- Lorain, OH. 8/24/2000 35min. (1st) 5/5

Crown- Ft. Lauderdale, FL. 4/23/2002 55min. (mas.) 5/5

Cruachan Cork, IRE 3-26-94 45min 3/4

Crucifier Virginia '93 40min 2/3

Crucifier- Somerdale, N.J. 8/16/1991 10min.(2nd) 4/4

Crumbsuckers "Trapped" promo ' 5min. 3/5

Crumbsuckers Houston TX 5-14-88 10min 5/4

Crumbsuckers N.Y.C. '86 35min 4/4

Crumbsuckers- Aalst, BEL. 12/25/1988 65min.(2nd) 4/4

Cryptic Slaughter Paris France 1-31-92 10min 5/4

Cryptic Slaughter Yard Party '84 35min 3/5

Cryptic Slaughter TX '88 35min 4/4

Cryptic Slaughter Long Bch. CA 9-8-86 25min 3/3

Cryptic Slaughter- Long Beach, CA. 9/8/1986 25min. 2/3

Cryptopsy Regina CAN 6-17-95 45min 5/3

Cryptopsy Montreal CAN 8-7-93 25min 5/3

Cryptopsy Montreal CAN 9-7-96 (1st gen.) 40min 5/4

Cryptopsy Milwaukee, WI. 7/26/1997 35min.(1st) 5/2

Cryptopsy Quebec, CAN. 10/4/1997 55min.(2nd) 4/4

Cryptopsy- Montreal, CAN. (OFF.) home video '06 70min. (mas.) 5/5

Cryptopsy- reh. Montreal, CAN. 1/4/1996 30min.(3rd) 4/3

Cryptopsy- Mt. Clemens, MI. 8/29/1998 35min.(1st) 5/4

Cryptopsy- Montreal, CAN. 9/11/1998 45min.(1st) 5/5

Cryptopsy- S.F., CA. 9/26/1998 35min.(1st) 5/4

Cryptopsy- Detroit, MI. 3/9/1999 35min.(1st) 5/3

Cryptopsy- Asbury Park, N.J. (low vocals) 3/13/1999 30min.(2nd) 5/4

Cryptopsy- S.F., CA. 3/27/1999 30min.(1st) 5/3

Cryptopsy- Worcester, MA. 5/1/1999 30min.(1st) 5/4

Cryptopsy- N.Y.C. (soundboard!) 11/11/2000 60min. (2nd) 4/5

Cryptopsy- Ft. Lauderdale, FL. 3/24/2001 60min. (mas.) 5/4

Cryptopsy- Ft. Lauderdale, FL. (OFF.) 3/2/2005 75min. (mas.) 5/4

Cryptopsy- Ft. Lauderdale, FL. 3/3/2005 75min. (mas.) 5/4

Cryptopsy- S.F., CA. 3/15/2005 75min. (mas.) 5/4

Cryptopsy- San Francisco, CA. 5/18/2006 70min. (mas.) 5/4

Cryptopsy- Sacramento, CA. 5/19/2006 70min. (mas.) 5/4

Crystal Method- Ft. Lauderdale, FL. '98 70min.(1st) 5/5

Crystal Method- Somerset, WI. 5/24/1998 15min.(1st) 5/5

Cult- Tibetan Freedom Concert (OFF.) '99 10min. (mas.) 5/5

Cult The S.F. CA 10-12-92(Outdoor) 35min 5/4

Current Affair D. Metal Special w/Deicide/Morbid Angel/Obituary ' 10min. 5/4

Curse promo ' 5min. 4/5

Curse Milwaukee 7-27-96 20min 5/4

Curse Branford,CT. 6/25/1995 20min. 4/4

Curse N.Y.C. 11/24/1996 20min. 4/4

Curse- Meriden, CT. 1/31/1998 20min.(2nd) 5/4

Cycle Sluts From Hell- "I Wish..." promo ' 5min. 5/5

Cycle Sluts From Hell- inter.+live N.Y.C. 6/10/1988 45min. (2nd) 5/4

Cyclone- Deventer, HOL. 12/5/1988 55min. (3rd) 4/4

Cyclone- Chaineux, HOL. 12/7/1991 65min. (3rd) 4/4

Cyclone Temple '"Words Are..." Promo 5min 5/5

Cyclone Temple- Milwaukee, WI. 7/27/1991 20min.(1st) 5/2

Cynic Las Vegas, NV. '94 10min 5/5

Cynic Davie, FL 1-28-94 (2nd gen.) 45min 5/5

Cynic inter. Miami 3-16-91(1st gen.) 10min 5/5

Cynic Hallandale, FL 4-1-89 (1st gen.) 35min 5/3

Cynic Jaxonville FL 7-13-94 (1st gen.) 45min 5/4

Cynic Davie, FL 7-14-94 (1st gen.) 40min 4/5

Cynic Orlando, Fl 7-15-94 30min 5/4

Cynic Middletown. NY 7-16-89 15min 4/3

Cynic Nashville TN 7-17-94 (1st gen.) 40min 5/4

Cynic Charlottesville VA 7-19-94 40min 4/4

Cynic Miami (grainy) 8-17-90 (1st gen.) 30min 4/3

Cynic Holland (drummer shot) '93 45min. 3/3

Cynic hangin' +backstage Holland '93 10min. 4/5

Cynic Holland '93 40min. 4/4

Cynic Amsterdam, HOL. '93 25min. 2/3

Cynic Berkeley, CA. '94 20min. 5/5

Cynic Detroit, MI. '94 40min. 4/3

Cynic Houston, TX. 7/4/1994 40min.(2nd) 5/3

Cynic Dallas, TX. 7/10/1994 35min. 4/4

Cynic- Miami, FL. 5/28/1988 20min.(2nd) 5/2

Cynic- NOR. TV 6/29/2007 60min. (mas.) 5/5

Cynic- Evpatorya, UKRAINE 8/5/2008 60min. (mas.) 5/5

Cypress Hill L.A. CA 4-29-94 20min 4/3

Cypress Hill Dusseldorf GER TV 4-7-96 35min 5/5