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Queens O.T.S.A+Kyuss.- (17 promos) ' 55min. (mas.) 5/5

Queens Of The Stone Age- "Real 1" home video '02 40min. (mas.) 5/5

Queens Of The Stone Age- Overdrive GER. TV '03 40min. (mas.) 5/5

Queens Of The Stone Age- Henry Rollins Show 11/07 20min. (mas.) 5/5

Queens of the Stone Age- Cleveland, OH. 2/1/1999 60min.(1st) 5/4

Queens Of The Stone Age- Rio de Janeiro, BRAZIL TV 1/19/2001 50min. (1st) 5/5

Queens Of The Stone Age- "Prive" home video Paris, FRA. 5/8/2007 60min. (mas.) 5/5

Queens of the Stoneage- Koln, GER. TV 8/23/1998 40min. (2nd) 5/5

Queens of the Stoneage- Conan O Brian Show 11/15/2000 5min. 5/5

Queensryche "Queen of..." promo ' 5min. 5/5

Queensryche Miami FL 6-25-95 (2nd gen.) 140min 5/5

Queensryche Essen, GER. TV '88 45min. 4/5

Queensryche- Arsenio Hall show ' 5min. 5/5

Queensryche- "Empire" promo ' 5min. 5/5

Queensryche- "Empire" promo ' 5min. 5/5

Queensryche- Philadelphia, PA. '84 35min. 4/4

Queensryche- "Live in Tokyo" home video '85 50min.(1st) 5/5

Queensryche- inter. + "Eyes..." promo JAP. TV '88 15min. (2nd) 5/5

Queensryche- "Video:Mindcrime" home video '89 40min.(1st) 5/5

Queensryche- St. Paul, MN. (OFF.) 8/27/2000 55min. 4/4

Queers- Pensacola, FL. 8/12/1998 10min.(1st) 5/3

Quicksand Dallas TX 2-14-94 50min 5/4

Quicksand Trenton NJ 2-2-92 35min 3/4

Quicksand Ft. Lauderdale FL 8-13-95 45min 5/4

Quicksand Ft. Lauderdale, FL 8-13-95 (Dif Angle) 45min 5/5

Quicksand Washington D.C. '93 10min 5/4

Quicksand Jon Stewart Show '95 10min 5/5

Quicksand Delusional" promo Promo 5min 5/5

Quicksand '"Dine Alone" Promo 5min 5/5

Quicksand '"Fazer" Promo 5min 5/5

Quicksand Interview+"Freezing" Promo 5min 5/5

Quicksand Ommision" Promo 5min 5/5

Quicksand "Thorn In" Promo 5min 5/5

Quicksand- Phoenix, AZ. 11/6/1998 35min.(2nd) 4/3

Quiet Riot With Randy R. (Various Live) 45min 3/2

Quiet Riot (3) Promos '82 15min 4/5

Quiet Riot- "Mama We'er..." promo ' 5min. 5/5

Quiet Riot- Raleigh, N.C. (OFF.) (soundboard) 1/99 80min.(2nd) 5/5

Quiet Riot- Legend Valley, OH. (outdoor) '86 20min. 4/4

Quiet Riot- "Bang Thy Head" home video '86 25min.(2nd) 5/5

Quiet Riot- GER. TV 12/18/1983 10min. 4/5

Quiet Riot- Detroit, MI. 11/7/1998 65min.(1st) 5/4

Quiet Riot- live+inter. CAN. TV 3/19/1999 25min.(1st) 5/5

Quiet Riot- Ft. Lauderdale, FL. 3/2/2000 75min.(1st) 5/4

Quinta Essentia- Huntsville, AL. (dif. ang.) 5/13/2005 40min. (mas.) 5/4

Quinta Essentia- N.Y.C. (OFF.) 5/20/2006 40min. (mas.) 5/4

Quinta Essentia- Huntsville, AL. 8/26/2006 40min. (mas.) 5/4

Quinta Essentia- Huntsville, AL. (OFF.) 8/26/2006 40min. (mas.) 5/4

R.D.P. Argentina 10-11-91 35min 3/3

R.D.P. Brazil '88 15min 4/4

R.E.O. Speedwagon- Hallandale, FL. (OFF. ) 2/5/2000 80min.(mas.) 5/3

R.E.O. Speedwagon- Hallandale, FL. 2/5/2000 80min.(mas.) 5/3

R.H. Chili Peppers Holland TV '89 20min 5/5

R.H. Chili Peppers Brazil TV '93 50min 5/5

Racer X L.A. CA 10-18-86 40min 4/4

Racer X- L.A., CA. (final show!) '90 35min. 3/3

Radiation Sickness Indianapolis IN 5-19-91 40min 5/3

Radio Bagdad Miami Fl 4-26-97 (Master) 25min 5/4

Radiohead- London, U.K. home video 5/27/1994 65min. (mas.) 5/5

Rage Promo 5min 4/4

Rage "The Video Link" home video GER. 9/23/1993 60min.(1st) 5/5

Rage Milan, Italy 6/7/1997 45min. 3/4

Rage- Bonn, GER. 11/18/1986 55min. 3/3

Rage Against Machine Philadelphia 1-22-93 50min 5/4

Rage Against Machine Germany 6-23-90 (Official B&W) 65min 4/4

Rage Against Machine Santa Monica CA '93 50min 4/4

Rage Against Machine Int.+live Clips Latin MTV '96 5min 5/5

Rage Against Machine '"Freedom" Promo 5min 5/5

Rage Against The Machine- "No Shelter" promo ' 5min. 5/5

Rage Against the Machine- MEXICO (OFF.) '99 45min. (mas.) 5/5

Rage Against the Machine- Rome, N.Y. Woodstock Festival(off.) 7/24/1999 70min.(mas.) 5/5

Rage Against the Machine- Baltimore, MD. 12/2/1999 75min.(1st) 5/4

Rage Against the Machine- Uniondale, N.Y. (OFF.) 12/3/1999 80min.(1st) 4/4

Raging Pus Bags (w/Pat on bass) Miami, FL. 6-24-88 45min 5/4

Raging Pus Bags Pompano, FL. 7-1-88 45min 5/5

Raging Slab inter. + live HOL. TV 10/14/1993 30min. 4/5

Ragnarok- Potsdam, GER. 7/8/2000 50min. 3/3

Ramirez, Richard "Nightstalker" cable TV show '97 45min.(mas.) 5/5

Ramirez, Richard "Against the Law" cable TV show '97 40min.(mas.) 5/5

Ramirez, Richard- "Mugshots" cable TV show '00 45min. (mas.) 5/5

Rammstein- "Du Hast" promo ' 5min. 5/5

Rammstein- "Engel" promo ' 5min. 5/5

Rammstein- "Sehnsucht" promo ' 5min. 5/5

Rammstein- "Ich Will" promo ' 5min. 5/5

Rammstein- "Feuer Frei" promo ' 5min. 5/5

Rammstein- MTV Family Values Tour Special 10/98 5min.(1st) 5/5

Rammstein- EURO MTV Music Awards 11/98 5min.(2nd) 5/5

Rammstein- Katowice, POLAND TV '97 45min.(2nd) 5/5

Rammstein- Bizarre Fest. GER. TV '97 80min. (2nd) 4/5

Rammstein- GER. TV '98 15min.(2nd) 5/5

Rammstein- New Orleans, LA. (OFF.) '98 15min.(2nd) 5/5

Rammstein- Berlin, GER. TV '99 40min.(2nd) 5/5

Rammstein- Koln, GER. TV 8/17/1996 30min. 4/5

Rammstein- Amsterdam, HOL. 4/9/1997 70min.(2nd) 5/4

Rammstein- Worcester, MA. 9/23/1998 45min.(2nd) 5/4

Rammstein- Phoenix, AZ. 10/12/1998 30min.(1st) 5/4

Rammstein- MN. 10/14/1998 40min.(3rd) 4/4

Rammstein- Uniondale, N.Y. 10/30/1998 40min.(1st) 5/4

Rammstein- Montreal, CAN. 6/6/1999 75min.(3rd) 5/4

Rammstein- Barcelona, SPAIN 11/11/2004 70min. (mas.) 5/4

Rammstein- FRANCE MTV 7/23/2005 40min. (1st) 5/5

Ramones Don Kirshner 10-5-77 25min 5/5

Ramones Houston TX 2-19-78 55min 4/4

Ramones Correggio Italy 3-17-92 30min 4/4

Ramones Houston TX 7-17-77 15min 4/4

Ramones Tom Synder '81 20min 5/5

Ramones Reading Festival '88 30min 2/3

Ramones Newcastle, ENG '89 65min 3/2

Ramones '"Lifestyles of the Ramones" '90 (Home Video) 55min 5/5

Ramones I Wanna Live... Promo 5min 5/5

Rancid Barrington IL 11-3-93 35min 5/4

Rancid- Pompano Bch., FL. 8/5/1998 25min.(mas.) 5/4

Rancid Decay Balt. MD. 4-5-86 30min 4/4

Rancid Vat- Portland, OR. 5/9/1998 60min. (1st) 5/4

Randy Rhoads- w/Q. Riot+Ozzy various concerts/TV shows '81-'82 80min. 4/4

Raptor Promo 5min 5/5

Ratt Hallandale,FL. 6/27/1997 65min.(mas.) 5/4

Ratt- "Round and Round" promo ' 5min. 5/5

Ratt- "Ratt-The Video" home video '85 40min. (2nd) 5/5

Ratt- inter.+"Over..." promo JAP. TV '99 10min.(1st) 5/5

Ratt- Chicago, IL. TV 10/31/1998 15min. (2nd) 5/5

Ratt- Atlantic City, N.J. 7/29/2005 40min. (mas.) 5/4

Raven "Lay Down...." promo ' 5min. 5/5

Raven U.K. TV '82 15min 3/4

Raven Interview-Live '88 20min 4/5

Raven Elec. Shock Therapy Home Video" 50min 5/5

Raven HOLLAND 3/13/1982 85min. 4/4

Raven- Kawasaki, Japan TV '95 10min.(2nd) 4/5

Raven- Utica, N.Y. 8/12/1995 45min.(2nd) 5/4

Raven- Rotterdam, HOL. 8/15/1997 80min.(1st) 5/4

Raven- Asbury Park, N.J. 3/13/1999 50min.(1st) 5/4

Raven- Springfield, VA. 6/17/2000 55min. (2nd) 5/4

Raven Inter. By B. Dickinson+Promo ' 5min 5/5

Raven U.K. TV '82 ( Part 2) 5min 3/4

Ravencult- Dortmund, GER. 10/11/2007 35min. (mas.) 5/4

Ravenous- N.Y.C. 6/10/1901 35min. (1st) 5/4

Raw Power Miami, FL 11-26-86 30min 4/4

Raw Power- Milan, ITALY 5/17/1996 35min.(1st) 5/4

Razor Ontario CAN. 5-26-90 70min 5/5

Razor Promos (3) 10min 5/5

Razor- Cleveland, OH. 8/17/1990 30min.(2nd) 5/4

Razor Norwalk CT '88 45min 4/2

Recipients of Death L.A. CA 10-3-91 15min 5/4

Red Hot Chili Peppers- N.Y.C. ' 25min. 4/4

Red Hot Chili Peppers- "Red Hot Skate Rock" Vision home video ' 30min. (1st) 5/5

Red Hot Chili Peppers- Latrobe, PA. (OFF.) '00 45min. (mas.) 5/5

Red Hot Chili Peppers- CA. (small club!) '83 ('84?) 35min. 4/4

Red Hot Chili Peppers- Rome, N.Y. Woodstock Festival(off.) 7/25/1999 80min.(mas.) 5/5

Red Hot Chili Peppers- W. Palm Bch., FL. (screen)(very low sound) 6/14/2000 80min. (1st) 5/3

Red Hot Chili Peppers- London, U.K. TV 7/7/2007 25min. (mas.) 5/5

Red Hot Chili Peppers- "Live on Yonge St." CAN. TV(unedited) '99 30min. (mas.) 5/5

Red Hot Chili Peppers and George Clinton-GER. TV ' 15min. 3/5

Red Kross '"Jimmy's..." Promo 5min 5/5

Regain Records promo comp.- "Music With Impact"w/Defleshed/D. Zero+ '07 110min. (mas.) 5/5

Regurgation Columbus OH 2-14-97 35min 4/3

Regurgitate- GERMANY '95 10min. 5/2

Regurgitation- in studio OH. 3/99 15min.(1st) 5/5

Regurgitation- rehearsal 4/22/1987 20min.(3rd) 4/3

Regurgitation- Columbus, OH. 9/26/1998 25min.(1st) 5/3

Regurgitation- Cleveland, OH. 5/15/1999 10min.(1st) 5/3

Regurgitation- Cleveland, OH. (dif. ang.) 5/15/1999 30min.(1st) 5/3

Regurgitation- Cleveland, OH. 9/3/1999 30min.(1st) 5/4

Regurgitation- Detroit, MI. 9/17/1999 20min.(1st) 4/2

Reinert, Sean (Cynic) Hallandale, FL Drum Clinic 2-1-97 65min(1st) 5/5

"Relapse Contamination Fest."- w/ Cephalic C./Mastodon/A.T.Pussy+more!h.v. '03 (part 1) 105min. (mas.) 5/5

"Relapse Contamination Fest."- w/ Pig D./D.E. Plan/H.O. Fire+more! h.v. '03 (part 2) 150min. (mas.) 5/5

Relative Ash- N.Y.C. (OFF.) 9/18/2000 30min. (mas.) 5/4

Relative Ash- N.Y.C. (OFF.) 2/12/2001 30min. (mas.) 5/4

Religous Cow Slaughter! ' 20min 5/5

Ren And Stimpy Banned Episodes (Rare ) ' 110min 4-5/5

Repulsion Buffalo, N.Y. 10-20-90 (1st gen.) 30min 5/4

Repulsion Flint, MI 1-1-88 20min 5/4

Repulsion Indianapolis In 5-19-91(2nd gen.) 40min 5/4

Repulsion Flint, MI TV '91 50min 4/5

Repulsion- Flint, MI. 11/7/1987 50min.(1st) 5/3

Repulsion- Flint, MI. 1/1/1988 60min.(1st) 5/5

Repulsion- Hollywood, CA. 7/22/2003 45min. (mas.) 5/3

Repulsion- Milwaukee, WI. 7/26/2003 35min. (1st) 5/4

Repulsion- Baltimore, MD. 5/29/2004 40min. (1st) 5/4

Repulsion- Nancy, FRA. 10/30/2004 40min. (mas.) 5/4

Requiem '"I Am..." Promo 5min 5/5

Rest In Pain Neuendorf GER 7-9-94 15min 5/3

Resurrection Ft. Lauderdale. FL 12-91 25min 5/4

Resusitator Corona, CA. 7/14/1996 20min.(1st) 5/5

Rev. Horton Heat N.Y.C. 2-13-97 45min 4/4

Rev. Horton Heat West Palm Bch. FL 7-24-95 (1st gen.) 25min 4/4

Reveille- "What You Got" promo ' 5min. 5/5

Reveille- Detroit, MI. 2/19/2000 45min.(1st) 5/4

Revenant Den Haag, HOL 11-22-91 55min 4/4

Revenant N.J. 2-17-90 35min 5/4

Revenant Newark, N.J. 6-21-91(2nd gen.) 45min 5/5

Revenant Maywood, N.J. (Rehersal) 7-28-90 (1st gen.) 20min 5/5

Revenant "Unearthly" Promo 5min 5/5

Revenge- Poznan, POL. 4/12/2006 35min. (mas.) 5/4

Revenge (ex-Angelcorpse mem!)- Corona, CA. 3/20/2003 30min. (1st) 5/4

Reverend Horton Heat inter.+"Slow" promo S.F., CA. cable TV 3/7/1997 10min. 4/4

Reverend Horton Heat- Pompano Bch., FL.(little shaky 5min) 8/5/1998 30min.(mas.) 5/4

Revile Homer, MI. 4/19/97 15min.(1st) 5/4

Revoltage N.Y.C. 7-90 (2nd gen.) 30min 5/5

Revolting Cocks London '91 90min 3/3

Revolting Cocks '"Attack Ships..." Promo 5min 5/5

Revolting Cocks '"Stainless" Promo 5min 5/5

Rigor Mortis Houston TX '88 40min 4/4

Rigor Mortis- St. Louis, MO. 9/21/1988 40min.(2nd) 5/4

Rigor Mortis- Ft. Worth, TX. 10/27/1989 80min.(2nd) 4/4

Rigor Mortis- inter.+live clip Houston, TX. 9/29/1990 25min.(1st) 5/5

Rigor Mortis- Las Vegas, NV. 1/17/2006 70min. (mas.) 5/4

Ringworm Cleveland 2-29-92 25min 5/3

Ringworm- Lakewood, OH. 11/27/1999 40min.(mas.) 5/4

Riot Long Island NY '81 (Official) 60min 4/5

Riot Promos Promos 2 10min 5/5

Ripped Tallahassee FL 7-7-94(1st gen.) 35min 5/3

Ripping Corpse Staten Isl. NY 12-14-91 35min 4/4

Ripping Corpse 12-23-89 (2nd gen.) 20min 4/4

Ripping Corpse Tampa, FL 2-23-92 (1st gen.) 40min 5/4

Ripping Corpse N.J. 4-16-88 35min 4/3

Ripping Corpse Pennsauken, NJ 4-27-91 (1st gen.) 40min 5/4

Ripping Corpse Pitts, PA 6-17-89 5min 4/4

Ripping Corpse Newark NJ 6-21-91 35min 5/3

Ripping Corpse inter. Pennsauken NJ '89 (1st gen.) 15min 5/5

Ripping Corpse N.J. 9-10-89 30min 4/3

Rise Corona CA 1-26-96 (1st gen.) 25min 5/4

Rise Corona CA 5-18-96 (1st gen.) 25min 5/4

Rise- Tijuana, MEX. 12/13/2003 25min. (2nd) 5/3

Rise- Hollywood, CA. 8/19/2007 30min. (mas.) 5/4

Rising Force Alive In 85" Home Video ' 80min(2nd) 5/5

Rising Force Osaka JAP 11-14-86 110min 4/4

Ritual Milwaukee, WI. 7/25/1997 20min.(1st) 5/3

Ritual Torment Asbury Park, NY 12-15-91 20min 4/4

Rob Zombie- "Dragula" promo ' 5min. 5/5

Rob Zombie- "Living Dead Girl" promo ' 5min. 5/5

Rob Zombie- "Superbeast" promo ' 5min. 5/5

Rob Zombie- Sports Music Fest. MTV '99 10min.(2nd) 5/5

Rob Zombie- MTV Fanatic show '99 10min.(2nd) 5/5

Rob Zombie- Upper Darby, PA. 10/26/1998 85min.(2nd) 4/4

Rob Zombie- Detroit, MI. 11/4/1998 65min.(1st) 5/4

Rob Zombie- Sunrise, FL. 3/9/1999 15min.(mas.) 5/4

Rob Zombie- Toledo, OH. 3/16/1999 45min.(1st) 5/3

Rob Zombie- Providence, R.I. 3/20/1999 60min.(2nd) 5/4

Rob Zombie- Philadelphia, PA. 3/23/1999 60min.(3rd) 4/4

Rob Zombie- Fargo, N.D. 4/6/1999 55min.(1st) 5/3

Rob Zombie- San Diego, CA. 4/17/1999 60min.(2nd) 5/4

Rob Zombie- West Palm Bch, FL. 5/27/1999 10min.(mas.) 4/4

Rob Zombie- Worcester, MA. 12/15/2001 55min. (2nd) 5/3

Rob Zombie- N.Y.C. 4/18/2002 65min. (1st) 5/4

Rock Goddess LondonENG '84 (Official) 35min 5/5

Rock Hard home vid.-w/Massacre/ Obituary/Death/Morgoth/M. Angel/Entombed +more! '91 120min(1st) 5/5

Rock Hard video Volume 2- w/M. Angel/Death/I. Earth/C. Corpse+more! ' 120min.(2nd) 5/5

Rock n Rockets-w/Better Than n Ezra/B52's+more! Pay TV special 2/99 85min.(mas.) 5/5

Rockbitch inter.+live Holland TV 3-97 (2nd gen.) 20min 5/5

Rockbitch- HOL. TV special '97 100min. 5/5

Rockbitch- "The Bitch O Clock News" home vid '98 40min. 4/5

Rocket From The Crypt Philadelphia PA 4-30-93 50min 5/3

Rocket From The Crypt Sturdy..." Promo 5min 5/5

Rods- N.Y.C. '83 45min. 3/3

Rolling Stones St. Louis,MO. (pay per view) 12/97 155min.(mas.) 5/5

Rolling, Danny- Mugshots cable TV show '00 45min. (mas.) 5/5

Rollins Band St Louis MO 6-3-87 (Official) 90min 5/5

Rollins Band Miami 7-28-92 (2nd gen.) 100min 5/5

Rollins Band Promo '87 5min 5/5

Rollins Band Sat. Night Live TV '97 5min.(1st) 5/5

Rollins Band- "Starve" promo ' 5min. 5/5

Rollins Band- "Your Number..." promo ' 5min. 5/5

Rollins Band- Cincinnati, OH. 7/3/1999 75min.(1st) 5/4

Rollins Band- Koln, GER. TV 8/20/2000 40min. (2nd) 5/5

Rollins, Henry- "Live and Ripped In London" (OFF.) '00 45min. (mas.) 5/5

Root Promo (B&W) 5min 4/5

Root Czech Rep. 9/22/1989 40min. 4/2

Root- Svojsice, CZECH. 8/12/2006 50min. (mas.) 4/4

Rose, Jim Sideshow-Home Video '93 (1st gen.) 35min 5/5

Roth, Uli inter,+live Chicago '85 15min 4/4

Rotten Sound- Anvers, FRA. 4/30/2005 40min. (mas.) 4/3

Rotten Sound- Arnhem, HOL. 1/27/2006 40min. (mas.) 5/3

Rottensound- Baltimore, MD. 5/29/2004 40min. (1st) 5/4

Rotting inter+"In Vain" Promo Canada TV 10min 5/5

Rotting Christ Holland 12-17-93 35min 4/2

Rotting Christ Mexico 4-1-95 (1st gen.) 50min 3/3

Rotting Christ Mexico 4-1-95 (OFF.) (2nd gen.) 60min 4/2

Rotting Christ Mexico 4-2-95 (2nd gen.) 35min 4/3

Rotting Christ Descending Into Darkness" home video'94 (off.) 20min 5/4

Rotting Christ Bialystok, POL. 10/9/1996 30min. 3/4

Rotting Christ- "After Dark..." promo ' 5min. 5/5

Rotting Christ- "In Domine Sathana" home video '03 120min. (1st) 5/5

Rotting Christ- "In Domine Sathana" home video '03 190min. (mas.) 5/5

Rotting Christ- Milwaukee, WI. 7/31/99 20min.(2nd) 5/4

Rotting Christ- Montreal, CAN. 8/6/99 35min.(2nd) 5/4

Rotting Christ- Strasbourg, FRA. 2/26/1999 40min.(2nd) 4/4

Rotting Christ- Montreal, CAN. 7/15/1999 35min.(3rd) 5/4

Rotting Christ- Sao Paulo, BRAZIL (drummer shot) 5/13/2006 85min. (mas.) 5/4

Rotting Christ- Vienna, AUSTR. 2/16/2007 50min. (mas.) 5/4

Rotting Corpse Houston TX 1-17-89 35min 4/3

Rotting Corpse TX 5-86 45min 3/2

Rottrevore Cleveland OH 6-20-92 35min 5/4

Rottrevore Pennsauken NJ 9-1-90 30min 3/3

Rough Cut Rock Palast ' 20min 4/4

Royal Hunt- inter.+live JAPAN TV 10/97 30min.(3rd) 4/5

Royal Hunt- "Royal Hunt-1996" home vid JAP. 5/31/1996 150min.(3rd) 5/5

Rubber Seattle WA 6-95 20min 4/4

Rumble Militia- "No Nazis" promo ' 5min. 5/5

Runaways- various early TV appearances ' 35min. 4/5

Runaways- "Edgeplay: The Story of the Runaways"movie '04 105min. (mas.) 5/5

Running Wild '"Death or Glory" (off.) 10-17-89 45min 5/5

Running Wild Bochum GER TV 4-22-85 75min 4/4

Running Wild '"Bad To The..." Promo 5min 5/5

Running Wild '"Conquistadores" Promo 5min 5/5

Running Wild- Stuttgart, GER. 4/19/1998 15min.(2nd) 5/4

Running Wild- Monza, ITALY 6/9/2002 50min. (2nd) 4/4

Rush Don Kirshner ' 10min 4/5

Rush "Tom Sawyer" promo ' 5min. 5/5

Rush "Limelight" promo ' 5min. 5/5

Rush "Red Barchetta" promo ' 5min. 5/5

Rush "Subdivisions" promo ' 5min. 5/5

Rush Much Music Big Ticket CAN. TV '89 60min. 5/5

Rush "Hemispheres" Promos 20min 4/4

Rush- "A Show Of Hands" home video '89 90min. (mas.) 5/5

Rush- Jones Beach, N.Y. 6/25/1997 145min.(4th) 4/5

Rush- E. Rutherford, N.J. (OFF.) 11/6/2002 160min. (2nd) 4/5

Rush Farwell to Kings Promos ' 15min 4/5

Rusted Root- Rome, N.Y. Woodstock Festival(off.) 7/25/1999 30min.(mas.) 5/5

S.N.F.U. Germany '88 (off.) 10min 3/4

S.N.F.U.- Montreal, CAN. 11/30/1998 65min.(1st) 5/4

S.O.B. Tokyo, JAP 4-30-90 35min 3/3

S.O.D- Cleveland, OH. 11/26/99 70min.(mas.) 5/4

S.O.D. N.Y.C. 12-22-85 35min 4/5

S.O.D. N.Y.C. 6-24-86 40min 3/3

S.O.D. '"Live At Budokan" home video '92 70min 5/5

S.O.D. '"Speak Englisah..." Promo 5min 5/5

S.O.D. Danbury, CT. 7/31/1997 60min.(1st) 5/4

S.O.D. Providence, R.I. 8/2/1997 60min.(1st) 5/3

S.O.D.- "Kill Yourself The Movie" home video '01 95min. (1st) 5/5

S.O.D.- inter. Cleveland, OH. 11/26/99 10min.(mas.) 5/5

S.O.D.- N.Y.C. 12/18/1998 55min.(2nd) 4/4

S.O.D.- Eindhoven, HOL. Dynamo Fest. 5/22/1999 55min.(1st) 5/4

S.O.D.- inter.+live JAPAN TV 6/6/1999 15min.(1st) 5/5

S.O.D.- Detroit, MI. 11/20/1999 20min.(1st) 5/4

S.O.D.- Montreal, CAN. 11/28/1999 80min.(1st) 5/5

S.O.D.- Detroit, MI. (OFF.) 3/25/2000 75min. (1st) 5/4

S.O.D. Reunion Hollywood CA '94 45min 4/3

S.O.D.+Skinlab- partying backstage Cleveland, OH. 11/26/99 15min.(mas.) 5/5

Sabaoth Asuncion ARG '94 (2nd gen.) 15min 4/4

Sabaoth S.America '96 (1st gen.) 25min 4/4

Sabbat German TV '88 20min 4/4

Sabbat E. Berlin GER '90 (off.) 60min 5/5

Sabbat- Nottingham, U.K. 6/6/1987 60min. 3/3

Sabbat- S.F., CA. 9/16/2005 75min. (1st) 5/3

Sabbat- Derbyshire, U.K. 8/18/2007 65min. (mas.) 4/4

Sabbatic Feast Westland, MI. 8/23/1997 10min.(1st) 5/4

Sabbatical Goat- inter.+live clips Dutch TV '98 10min. 4/5

Sacramentum Rotterdam HOL 6-8-96 30min 3/4

Sacramentum- Goteborg, SWED. 11/16/2001 35min. (2nd) 5/3

Sacred Blade '"Twas The Dawn..." '84 30min(2nd) 5/5

Sacred Reich St. Pete, FL 2-17-89 60min(2nd) 5/4

Sacred Reich Detroit 4-24-88 60min 4/4

Sacred Reich inter.+clips Hard 'n' Heavy home video '90 5min 5/5

Sacred Reich '"Crawling..." Promo 5min 5/5

Sacred Reich- London, U.K. (little shaky sometimes) 7/29/2007 70min. (mas.) 5/4

Sacred Steel- home video 2004 35min. (mas.) 5/5

Sacred Steel- Wacken, GER. (B+W) 8/8/1998 30min. 3/3

Sacrifice Fed. Way Wa 11-18-91 25min(1st) 5/2

Sacrifice St. Pete. FL 11-29-91 15min 5/4

Sacrifice (Rehersal) 11-88 B&W 25min 5/5

Sacrifice Toronto 3-18-88 45min 4/3

Sacrifice Milwaukee 7-27-91 35min 4/2

Sacrifice Ontario, CANADA 7-31-86 50min 4/3

Sacrifice Canada TV inter. '87 5min 5/5

Sacrifice Intervire+Promo TV '90 15min 5/5

Sacrifice (Rehersal) '91 40min 5/5

Sacrifice St. Johns, Canada 9-6-87 110min 3/4

Sacrifice '"As The World.." Promo 5min 5/5

Sacrifice '"Soliders of..." Promo 5min 5/5

Sacrifice- "Flesh" promo ' 5min. 5/5

Sacrifice- Ft. Lauderdale, FL. 12/1/1991 30min. (mas.) 5/4

Sacrifice Reanimation" Promo 5min 5/5

Sacrifice+Slaughter Partying in Canada '87 20min 3/3

Sacrilege S.F. CA 12-27-86 40min 2/2

Sacrilege (U.K.) England '87 25min 4/3

Sacrosanct Leuben, BEL, 1/26/1992 20min. 4/4

Sadism San Miguel 12-28-91 30min 4/3

Sadism Chile 12-30-88 30min 4/3

Sadist "Tribe" promo ' 5min. 4/5

Sadistic Intent Hollywood CA 12-30-94 20min 3/4

Sadistic Intent L.A. CA 3-21-96 30min 4/4

Sadistic Intent San Pedro CA 3-30-91 35min 5/3

Sadistic Intent Juarez MEX 5-19-95 45min 4/2

Sadistic Intent Hollywood CA 7-16-95 30min 3/3

Sadistic Intent Milwaukee 7-29-95 (1st gen.) 20min 5/3

Sadistic Intent Milwaukee 7-29-95 (Dif. Angle) 20min 5/4

Sadistic Intent Hollywood CA 9-28-95 40min 4/3

Sadistic Intent Corona, CA. 8/9/1997 45min.(1st) 5/4

Sadistic Intent- S.F., CA. 10/14/1998 50min.(1st) 5/5

Sadistic Intent- Brooklyn, N.Y. 2/24/2002 40min. (2nd) 5/4

Sadistic Intent- Santa Ana, CA. 4/5/2006 30min. (mas.) 5/4

Sadistic Intent (w/J. Becerra!)- Hollywood, CA. (OFF.) 6/24/2007 70min. (mas.) 5/4

Sadistic Vision Quebec, Canada 10-31-87 45min 4/4

Sadistik Execution Italy 4-29-95 35min 3/3

Sadistik Exekution Paris FRA 4-19-95 45min 3/1

Sadistik Exekution Leiwen GER 4-20-95 40min 3/2

Sadistik Exekution Berlin GER 4-24-95 40min 5/2

Sadistik Exekution Rome, ITALY '95 45min 4/3

Sadistik Exekution- Torino, ITALY 4/29/1995 35min.(2nd) 4/4

Sadness Paris FRA. 5-7-94 25min 4/4

Sadus Miami 11-16-90 35min(1st) 4/4

Sadus Montreal CAN 11-27-90 (1st gen.) 30min 5/5

Sadus Brooklyn NY 12-1-90 (1st gen.) 30min 5/5

Sadus Amsterdam HOLL 5-22-91 40min 4/3

Sadus S.F. CA 7-29-94 (2nd gen.) 25min 5/3

Sadus Sanger CA (Outdoor) 8-12-89 (1st gen.) 15min 5/4

Sadus CA (Official) '90 45min 4/5

Sadus S.F., CA. 8/18/1997 45min.(2nd) 5/5

Sadus- Miami, FL. 11/16/1990 30min. (mas.) 5/3

Sadus- S.F., CA. 10/24/1997 45min.(1st) 5/5

Sadus- S.F., CA. 6/27/1998 55min.(1st) 5/4

Sadus- S.F., CA. 8/30/1998 35min.(1st) 5/5

Sadus- Santiago, CHILE (OFF.) 8/7/2004 75min. (mas.) 5/5

Sadus- Sacramento, CA. 5/26/2006 60min. (mas.) 5/4

Saint Vitus Frederick, MD. 6/93 65min.(2nd) 5/3

Saint Vitus '"War is..." Promo 5min 4/5

Saint Vitus- Tallahassee, FL. 6/14/1993 100min.(1st) 5/5

Saint Vitus- Brandywine, MD. (low vocals) 6/19/1993 40min. (2nd) 5/4

Saints and Sinners- inter.+"Walk..." promo CAN. TV ' 10min. 5/5

Salem '"The Fading..." Promo 5min 4/5

Sam Black Church- Cincinnati, OH. 4/11/1998 45min.(1st) 5/3

Samael "Jupiterian..." promo ' 5min. 5/5

Samael Montreal, CAN 10-15-94 (1st gen.) 30min 5/3

Samael Toledo OH 10-19-94 35min 5/3

Samael Minneapolis, MN 10-24-94 30min 4/3

Samael Jax. FL 10-9-94 (2nd gen.) 30min 5/4

Samael Germany 1-16-93 15min 4/4

Samael Switzerland 1-20-90 35min 4/4

Samael Germany 3-16-91 40min 4/4

Samael Leon, Mexico '95 45min. 3/3

Samael live in Poland German Viva TV special '96 50min. 4/5

Samael '"Baphomet's..." Promo 5min 5/5

Samael- "Infra..." promo ' 5min. 5/5

Samael- "Black Trip" home video '03 170min. (mas.) 5/5

Samael- Murray, UT. 9/16/99 45min.(1st) 5/4

Samael- Dilsen, BEL. 9/25/1996 40min. 4/3

Samael- Montreal, CAN. 9/3/1999 65min.(2nd) 5/3

Samael- inter. St. Pete, FL. 9/28/1999 15min.(mas.) 5/5

Samael- Philadelphia, PA. 10/3/1999 55min. (2nd) 5/4

Samael- Kiev, UKR. 2/29/2008 80min. (mas.) 4/4

Samhain LA CA 12-15-80 45min 4/3

Samhain Interview L.A. Access '81 15min 3/5

Samhain Hollywood CA '85 25min 3/3

Samhain Baltimore MD '86 45min 5/3

Samhain IN 9-14-84 25min 3/2

Samhain Hollywood, CA.(official) 11/28/1984 15min. 3/5

Samhain N.Y.C. (off.) 7/14/1986 35min. 4/5

Samhain- "Live 1984 Stardust Ballroom" home video 11/21/1985 50min. (mas.) 5/5

Samhain- Philadelphia, PA. 11/12/1999 35min.(2nd) 5/4

Samsara- (w/S. Tendencies+ Cromags mems)Indianapolis, IN. 12/10/1998 50min.(2nd) 4/3

Samson Promo 5min 4/5

Samson- "Biceps..." home video '80 15min. 5/5

Samson- Dunstable Hall, U.K. 4/21/1982 45min.(3rd) 4/4

Samson-(w/B. Dickinson!) Brimington, U.K. '80 50min. 3/3

Sanctuary Record Store '91 10min 5/5

Sanctuary- GERMAN Mosh TV '88 10min. 4/5

Sanctuary- Detroit, MI. 4/6/1990 30min.(1st) 5/4

Sanctum L.A. CA 12-29-85 30min 4/4

Sarcofago inter.+Promo U.K. MTV ' 10min 5/5

Sarcofago Brazil (B&W) 2-87 20min 4/3

Sarcofago Brazil '93 (B&W) 40min 5/2

Sarcofago S. America '96 40min 4/3

Sarcofago- Santiago, CHILE 10/20/2007 50min. (mas.) 5/3

Sarcophagus- Milwaukee, WI. 7/24/1998 25min.(1st) 5/3

Satan- Eindhoven, HOL. (B+W) 5/7/1986 15min. 3/3

Satan- Eindhoven, HOL. 11/30/1986 55min. 4/3

Satan- Eindhoven, HOL. 11/30/1986 55min. 4/2

Satanic Hell Slaughter Sapplo Japan 1-10-92 40min 3/2

Satanic Hell Slaughter Japan 4-17-92 35min 4/2

Satanic Hell Slaughter Japan '91 30min 2/2

"Satanic Metal Slaughter" h.v.- w/C. Corpse/B. Truth/Immolation+more! '96 60min. (2nd) 5-4/4

Satans Bake Sale York PA 11-12-87 25min 4/4

Satan's God Promos (2) ' 10min 4/5

Sathanas- Lawrenceville, PA. 4/20/2007 45min. (mas.) 4/3

Satriani Joe N.Y.C. ''87 50min 4/4

Satriani Joe Jazz Fest '88 (Off.) 60min 5/5

Satriani, Joe inter. MSNBC TV '97 5min.(1st) 5/5

Satriani, Joe- "Satch Boogie" promo ' 5min. 5/5

Satriani, Joe- "Concert Against AIDS"Oakland, CA(OFF) ' 15min. 4/5

Satriani, Joe- "The Satch Tapes" home video '92 55min. (2nd) 5/5

Satriani, Joe- Sunrise, FL. 7/21/2001 55min. (mas.) 5/5

Saturday Morning CartoonsGreat est Hits" home vid. w/Helmet/Ramones/B. Su rfers/Toadies+more! 60min(1st) 5/5

Satyricon Rotterdam HOL 4-12-96 50min 4/3

Satyricon '"Mother North" Promo (2 Versions) 15min 5/5

Satyricon Tagryn, HOL. 4/14/1996 35min. 2/4

Satyricon Merkers 4/19/1996 25min. 3/3

Satyricon- "Roadkill Extravaganza" home video '01 135min. (1st) 5/5

Satyricon- inter. + "Fuel..." promo FUSE TV 6/05 10min. (mas.) 5/5

Satyricon- int.+clips GER. TV '96 10min. 4/5

Satyricon- N.Y.C. 4/3/2000 65min. (2nd) 5/4

Satyricon- Columbus, OH. (no zoom) 4/7/2000 60min. (1st) 4/4

Satyricon- Paris, FRA. 3/3/2003 75min. (1st) 5/3

Satyricon- Novi Sad, SERBIA 7/15/2007 70min. (mas.) 5/5

Sausage '"Riddles" Promo 5min 5/5

Savage Grace- Eindhoven, HOL. 6/1/1986 60min. 4/3

Savannah- E! True Hollywood Story TV show '99 90min.(1st) 5/5

Savatage Detroit '88 75min 3/3

Savatage Tampa, FL.(off.) '88 15min. 3/5

Savatage '"Hall of..." Promo 5min 3/4

Savatage- promos (7) ' 30min. 4-5/5

Savatage- Brooklyn, N.Y. '85 45min. 4/4

Savatage- live+"Chrismas..." promo Koln, GER. TV '97 35min. 4/5

Savatage- Riverside, CA. 4/3/1988 60min. 4/4

Savatage- "Japan Live '94" home vid. Tokyo, JAP. 11/12/1994 95min. (1st) 5/5

Savatage- Cincinnati, OH. 6/13/1998 115min. (2nd) 4/4

Savatage- Milano, ITALY 6/9/2001 60min. (1st) 5/4

Saxon England (Pro Shot) '81 25min 3/4

Saxon- inter.+live C.C. Rock S.F.,CA. cable TV '98 30min.(2nd) 5/5

Saxon- Old Bridge, N.J. 4/10/1998 100min.(2nd) 5/4

Saxon- Asbury Park, N.J. 4/5/2002 60min. (1st) 5/4

Saxon- Dessel, BEL. TV 6/27/2008 60min. (mas.) 5/5

Saxon Bands Played Promo '81 5min 3/5

Saxon Live Innocence HomeVideo '86 60min 4/5

Scar Culture- Ft. Lauderdale, FL. 9/22/2002 15min. (mas.) 5/4

Scattered Remmants Live Promo ' 5min 4/5

Scattered Remnants home video footage 4/94 20min. 4/5

Scattered Remnants- Springfield, MA. 9/14/1998 10min.(2nd) 5/4

Scepter Chicago, IL. 1/14/1996 20min. 4/4

Scorpions "Taken By Force" promos (3) ' 15min.(3rd) 5/5

Scorpions Promo's late'70's 15min 4/4

Scorpions- "No One Like..." promo ' 5min. 5/5

Scorpions- Indianapolis, IN. 7/10/1999 90min.(1st) 5/4

Scorpions- Fresno, CA. 8/8/1999 80min.(1st) 5/3

Scorpions- West Palm Bch. , FL. 9/6/1999 90min.(1st) 5/4

Screaming Trees Philadelphia PA 11-25-92 35min 4/4

Screaming Trees Washington DC 4-20-93 (2nd gen.) 15min 5/4

Screaming Trees Fredericksburg VA 4-21-93 55min 5/4

Seance Copenhagen DNMK 3-17-93 40min 4/3

Sear Bliss- Budapest, HUN. 8/12/2007 60min. (mas.) 5/4

Seaweed Tallahassee, FL 4-22-95 50min 5/4

Seaweed Ft. Lauderdale, FL 8-13-95 10min 5/4

Sempiternal Deathreign Enschede, HOL. 10/8/1988 50min. 3/4

Sentenced "Noose" promo ' 5min. 5/5

Sentenced inter.+promos+live clips German Viva TV 11/96 25min. 4/5

Sentenced Finland 12-14-92 30min 2/2

Sentenced Firenze Italy 2-3-95 45min 4/3

Sentenced Finland 3-28-91 (B&W) 25min 2/3

Sentenced '"Nepenthe..." Promo 5min 5/5

Sentenced- "Killing..." promo ' 5min. 5/5

Sentenced- Wacken, GER. 8/8/1998 45min.(2nd) 4/4

Sentenced- Gernika, SPAIN 8/12/2005 50min. (mas.) 4/4

Sentinel Beast Sacramento,CA. '86 45min. 3/4

Sepsism Corona, CA 12-16-95 (1st gen.) 35min 5/3

Sepsism Corona, CA. 11/29/1997 25min.(1st) 5/3

Sepultura Rio De Janerio (off.) ' 10min 5/5

Sepultura Territory+Kaiwas live Brazil MTV ' 5min 5/5

Sepultura Buenos Aires, ARG. TV (little dark) 11/96 60min. 4/4

Sepultura Philadelphia 11-5-89 (2nd gen.) 60min 5/4

Sepultura Brazil TV 1-16-94 30min 5/4

Sepultura Philadelphia Inter 11-9-89 (2nd gen.) 20min 5/5

Sepultura Brooklyn NY 12-11-90 55min 4/4

Sepultura Brazil TV (off.) 1-21-94 55min 4/5

Sepultura S.F. CA 12-23-92 15min 4/4

Sepultura Brooklyn NY 12-8-89 50min 4/4

Sepultura Brazil 1-5-88 45min 4/3

Sepultura Brazil TV 3-90 20min 4/4

Sepultura Brazil TV 4-21-91 20min 5/5

Sepultura Brazil TV 4-8-91 20min 5/5

Sepultura Brazil TV 5-11-91 10min 5/5

Sepultura Sao Paulo Brazil 5-19-89 45min 5/4

Sepultura San Diego, CA 7-19-94 45min 4/2

Sepultura Sao Paul, Brazil 8/88 45min 4/4

Sepultura Brazil (Official) '86 10min 2/3

Sepultura Brazil '87 10min 4/4

Sepultura Home Video Spain '91 60min 5/5

Sepultura Argentina 9-13-91 50min 3/3

Sepultura Brazil TV 9-14-90 45min 5/5

Sepultura inter. MTV H.B.Ball '92 15min. 5/5

Sepultura Montreal Can 9-27-96 40min 5/4

Sepultura Inter. Latin Amer. MTV '95 5min 5/5

Sepultura inter.+"Ratamahatta" Promo Latin MTV '96 25min 5/5

Sepultura '"Attitude..." Promo 5min 5/5

Sepultura Inner Self" Promo 5min 5/5

Sepultura Mass Hypnosis Promo 5min 4/5

Sepultura Orgassmatron Promo 5min 4/5

Sepultura '"Refuse/Resist" Promo 5min 5/5

Sepultura '"Roots" Promo 5min 5/5

Sepultura '"Slave New..." Promo 5min 5/5

Sepultura '"Territory" Promo 5min 5/5

Sepultura Under Siege Promo 5min 4/5

Sepultura "Rock in Rio 2" BRAZIL TV 1/23/1991 10min. 4/5

Sepultura Landgraff, HOL. TV 5/27/1996 45min. 5/5

Sepultura making "Arise" LP at Morrisound 10/10/1996 50min.(3rd) 5/5

Sepultura Glen Helen, CA. 10/26/1996 40 min. 4/3

Sepultura Sao Paulo, BRAZIL MTV 11/11/1996 25min. 5/5

Sepultura- "Policia" promo ' 5min. 5/5

Sepultura- "Choke" promo ' 5min. 5/5

Sepultura- "Mind War" promo ' 5min. 5/5

Sepultura- inter. CAN. TV '01 15min. (1st) 5/5

Sepultura- BRAZIL (off.) '87 25min. 3/3

Sepultura- inter.+live BRAZIL MTV '98 25min.(2nd) 5/5

Sepultura- Gihastico, BRAZIL (off.) 4/19/1986 40min.(4th) 4/3

Sepultura- N.Y.C. 12/8/1989 50min.(1st) 5/4

Sepultura- inter.+live JAP. TV 8/15/1998 10min.(1st) 5/5

Sepultura- S.F., CA.(sometimes obstr. last 40min) 10/2/1998 80min.(2nd) 4/3

Sepultura- Detroit, MI. 10/23/1998 85min.(2nd) 5/4

Sepultura- Portugal 11/7/1998 60min.(2nd) 3/3

Sepultura- Mike Bullard show CAN. TV 3/3/1999 5min.(1st) 5/5

Sepultura- Ft. Laud., FL.(minor glitches at top) 3/18/1999 70min.(mas.) 5/4

Sepultura- inter. Ft. Lauderdale, FL. 3/18/1999 15min.(mas.) 5/5

Sepultura- Rio de Janeiro, BRAZIL TV 1/19/2001 60min. (1st) 5/5

Sepultura- KOREA TV 8/23/2001 25min. (2nd) 4/3

Sepultura- Vienna, AUSTR. 3/20/2007 85min. (1st) 4/4

Sepultura+Jello B. '"Holiday In Cambodia" Promo 5min 5/4

Sepultura+Obituary Backstage Miami,FL 11-16-90 (1st gen.) 10min 5/5

Serial Killers- "Anatomy of Crime" cable TV show '00 45min. (mas.) 5/5

Serial Killers-"Tuers En Serie" (w/Gacy/Manson/Lucas+more!) CAN. TV ' 50min. (1st) 4/5

Setherial Rotterdam, HOL. 11/29/1997 60min.(2nd) 4/3

Setherial- Szekesfehervar, HUNG. 10/21/2007 60min. (mas.) 5/3

Seven Seconds- CA. home video '84-'85 40min.(1st) 5/5

Seven Seconds- Seattle, WA. 1/16/1999 60min.(1st) 5/4

Seven Seconds- Pompano, FL. 7/31/1999 25min.(mas.) 5/4

Sevendust St. Paul, MN. 12/13/1997 30min.(2nd) 5/5

Sevendust Ft. Lauderdale,FL. 3/31/1998 35min.(mas.) 5/5

Sevendust- "Denial" promo ' 5min. 5/5

Sevendust- Chicago, IL. (OFF.) '98 25min.(1st) 5/5

Sevendust- W. Palm Bch., FL.(1st 5min. shaky) 7/30/1998 20min.(mas.) 5/4

Sevendust- Seattle, WA. 10/17/1998 60min.(1st) 5/4

Sevendust- Rome, N.Y. Woodstock Festival(off.) 7/25/1999 60min.(mas.) 5/5

Severe Torture- Drachten, HOL. 10/29/2005 55min. (mas.) 5/4

Severed Savior- San Francisco, CA. 6/15/2002 35min. (1st) 5/5

Severed Savior- S.F., CA. 9/25/2002 40min. (1st) 4/4

Severed Savior- Baltimore, MD. 5/24/2003 30min. (1st) 5/3

Severed Savior- Rimouski, CAN. 11/30/2003 30min. (mas.) 5/4

Severed Savior- Corona, CA. 5/7/2005 50min. (mas.) 5/4

Sex Pistols Dallas TX 1-10-78 35min 2/3

Sex Pistols NBC News Special '78 15min 5/5

Sex Pistols int.+promo '96 Latin MTV 10min 5/5

Sex Pistols- "The Filth And The Fury" movie ' 110min. (mas.) 5/5

Sex Pistols- Colin Ferguson Show 10/31/07 5min. 5/5

Sex Trash- BRAZ. '96 20min. 3/1

Shades of Grey Crown Point IN 11-23-91(1st gen.) 20min 4/4

Shades of Grey Crown Point IN 7-14-90 35min 4/4

Shadows Fall- "Destroyer..." promo ' 5min. 5/5

Shadows Fall- home video (promos+instructional) ' 35min. (mas.) 5/5

Shadows Fall- Hollywood, CA. (OFF.) '01 10min. (mas.) 5/5

Shadows Fall- Clinton, MA. 1/22/1999 30min.(2nd) 5/4

Shadows Fall- Worcester, MA. 5/1/1999 25min.(1st) 5/4

Shadows Fall- Worcester, MA. 6/9/2000 40min. (1st) 5/3

Shadows Fall- Ft. Lauderdale, FL. 6/20/2000 35min. (mas.) 5/4

Shadows Fall- Ft. Lauderdale, FL. (OFF.) 6/20/2000 40min. (mas.) 5/4

Shadows Fall- N.Y.C. 3/24/2001 25min. (2nd) 4/3

Shadows Fall- Edgerton, WI. 7/13/2002 30min. (1st) 5/4

Sharon Tates Baby Chicago 7-89 30min 5/4

Sheer Terror Corona Ca 1-26-96 35min 4/4

Sheer Terror PA 8-10-86 30min 4/3

Shelter Ft. Lauderdale FL 11-13-95 (1st gen.) 60min 4/5

Shelter- Wilkes Barre, PA. 5/30/2000 65min. (1st) 5/4

Shelter '"Here We Go..." Promo 5min 5/5

Shine Richmond, VA. 4/19/1997 55min.(1st) 5/4

Shine Wheaton, MD. 8/15/1997 75min.(1st) 5/5

Shining- Clisson, FRA. (little obstr. sometimes) 6/21/2008 45min. (1st) 5/4

Shocking Asia II ' 85min 5/5

Shonen Knife New Orleans, LA ' 30min 4/4

Shonen Knife '"Redd..." Promo 5min 5/5

Shub Niggurath Mexico '92 45min 5/2

Shutdown- Whally, CAN. 7/12/1998 35min.(1st) 5/3

Shuvel- N.Y.C. (OFF.) 12/5/2000 35min. (mas.) 5/4

Sick Of It All- Charlotte, N.C. 11/26/2003 55min. (1st) 5/4

Sick of I.A./A. Front/G. Biscuits "Live in N.Y.C. '91" home video ' 55min. 5/5

Sick Of It All Albany, NY 12-1-96 55min 5/3

Sick Of It All Miami, FL 2-26-90 20min 5/3

Sick Of It All Melbourne Fl 2-28-90 30min 4/3

Sick Of It All Ft. Lauderdale, FL 8-13-95 (1st gen.) 35min 5/4

Sick of it All UT. '90 5min. 4/4

Sick Of It All '"Scratch" Promo 5min 5/5

Sick Of It All '"Step" Promo 5min 5/5

Sick of it All Lawrence, KS. (outdoor) 7/15/1997 35min.(3rd) 4/4

Sick Of It All- "Just Look..." promo ' 5min. 5/5

Sick Of It All- "Bastards on Parade" home video ' 95min. 3-4/5

Sick of it All- Viserba, ITALY '95 55min.(1st) 5/3

Sick Of It All- Norwalk, CT. 10/8/1988 25min.(1st) 4/4

Sick of it All- Poughkeepsie, N.Y. 11/27/1998 55min.(1st) 5/4

Sick Of It All- St. Paul, MN. 4/19/1999 40min.(1st) 5/3

Sick Of It All- Portland, OR. 10/17/1999 50min.(1st) 5/3

Sick Of It All- St. Louis, MO. 10/18/2001 45min. (mas.) 5/3

Sick Of It All- Louisville, KY. 6/21/2002 45min. (1st) 5/4

Sickened Las Vegas, NY 7-29-94 15min 3/2

Sickening Gore Germany '94 10min 5/3

Sickness Knoxville TN 11-3-95 25min 5/3

Sickness Hallandale FL 12-22-94 20min 4/4

Sickness Ft. Lauderdale FL 3-1-96 15min 4/3

Sickness Lighthouse Pt., FL. 8/24/1997 35min.(mas.) 5/4

Siege MA. TV '84 10min. 5/4

Siege(w/member of A.C.) Cambridge, MA. 4/92 20min. 5/3

Sigh Kawaguchi, JAP 5-26-94 35min 3/3

Sigh Tokyo, JAP. 3/29/1997 40min.(1st) 5/3

Sigh- Tokyo, JAPAN 7/18/1998 30min.(1st) 5/3

Sigh- Tokyo, JAPAN 10/29/1999 35mn.(1st) 5/2

Silverchair Ft. Lauderdale FL 5-4-97 (Mas.) 75min 5/4

Silverchair- inter.+live clips CAN. TV '00 5min. 5/5

Silverchair- German TV 8/16/1997 25min.(1st) 5/5

Silveria, Robert (Boxcar Killer!!)- Mugshots cable TV show '00 45min. (mas.) 5/5

Sindrome Chicago 1-21-88 45min 4/2

Sindrome- Detroit, MI. 1/23/1988 40min.(2nd) 5/3

Sinister Holt, MI 6-12-94 40min 4/2

Sinister Lansing MI 6-12-94 (1st gen.) 35min 5/3

Sinister inter. Berkeley, CA 6-25-94 20min 5/5

Sinister Davie, FL 7-14-94 (1st gen.) 35min 4/4

Sinister Nashville, TN 7-17-94 (1st gen.) 35min 5/3

Sinister Leviathon..." Promo 5min 5/5

Sinister Berkeley, CA. 6/25/1994 10min.(1st) 5/4

Sinister Holland 7/27/1996 35min. 4/4

Sinister- Houston, TX. 7/5/1994 35min. 4/2

Sinister- Leiden, EUROPE 2/6/1999 55min.(1st) 5/4

Sinister- Providence, R.I. 7/22/1999 45min.(1st) 5/3

Sinister- Lorain, OH. (OFF.) 7/30/1999 35min.(1st) 5/4

Sinister- Sarajevo, BOSNIA 4/22/2006 60min. (mas.) 5/4

Sinister- Heerhugowaard, HOL. 10/6/2007 50min. (mas.) 5/4

Sinister Jaxonville FL 7-13-94 (1st gen.) 35min 5/4

Sins Of Thy Beloved- "Perpetual Desolation" home video POL. '00 60min. (1st) 5/5

Six Feet Under "Manipulation" promo ' 5min.(mas.) 5/5

Six Feet Under Montreal Can 10-18-95 45min 5/4

Six Feet Under Corona CA 2-24-96 (1st gen.) 55min 5/4

Six Feet Under Montreal CAN 3-11-96 (1st gen.) 45min 5/5

Six Feet Under Long Island, N.Y. 3-16-96 (1st gen.) 50min 5/4

Six Feet Under Minneapolis, MN 3-6-96 55min 5/4

Six Feet Under Rockford, IL 3-7-96 35min 5/3

Six Feet Under Milwaukee 7-29-95 (!st gen.) 30min 5/4

Six Feet Under Raleigh NC 8-23-94 50min 3/4

Six Feet Under St. Louis 8-3-94 45min 4/4

Six Feet Under '"Lycanthropy" Promo 5min 5/5

Six Feet Under Houston, TX. 2/14/1998 70min.(2nd) 5/5

Six Feet Under inter.+hangin' after show San Jose, CA. 3/23/1998 20min.(1st) 5/5

Six Feet Under San Jose, CA. (some crowd shots last 15min) 3/23/1998 65min.(1st) 5/5

Six Feet Under- inter.+live+promos Hamburg GER.Virus TV '99 55min.(1st) 5/5

Six Feet Under- Charlotte, N.C. 10/7/1995 35min.(3rd) 4/4

Six Feet Under- San Diego, CA. 2/20/1998 45min.(2nd) 4/4

Six Feet Under- Wacken, GER. 8/7/1999 35min.(2nd) 4/4

Six Feet Under- Cleveland,OH.(little obstructed first 10min) 2/5/2000 65min.(1st) 5/4

Six Feet Under- Ft. Lauderdale, FL. (OFF.) 4/20/2000 45min. (mas.) 5/4

Six Feet Under- Ft. Lauderdale, FL. 4/20/2000 45min. (mas.) 5/4

Six Feet Under- Paris, FRA. 3/27/2005 25min. (mas.) 4/4

Sixty Watt Shaman- Boynton Beach, FL. 11/21/2000 30min. (mas.) 5/3

Skankin Pickle Tallahassee FL 4-13-95 45min 5/5

Skarhead- St. Louis, MO. 9/10/1998 35min.(3rd) 4/3

Skarhead- Ft. Lauderdale, FL. 3/27/2000 35min.(mas.) 5/5

Skatenigs Raleigh NC 8-29-93 (1st gen.) 45min 5/4

Skeletal Earth Nashville TN 12-9-94 35min 5/4

Skeletal Earth Jaxonville FL 3-13-94 45min 4/3

Skeleton Witch- Vienna, AUSTRIA 5/14/2008 30min. (mas.) 5/4

Skinlab Cambridge, MA. 8/20/1997 40min.(1st) 5/4

Skinlab Lighthouse Pt., FL. 9/3/1997 30min.(mas.) 5/3

Skinlab Houston, TX. 9/7/1997 45min.(2nd) 5/5

Skinlab- "Know..." promo ' 5min. 5/5

Skinlab- Hollywood, CA. (OFF.) '01 10min. (mas.) 5/5

Skinlab- Worcester, MA. 4/30/1999 35min.(1st) 5/4

Skinlab- Seattle, WA. 6/3/1999 40min.(1st) 5/4

Skinlab- Washington D.C. 6/8/2002 35min. (1st) 5/4

Skinless- S.F., CA. 7/2003 40min. (mas.) 5/4

Skinless- Cleveland, OH. 5/14/1999 20min.(1st) 4/3

Skinless- Milwaukee, WI. 7/31/1999 20min.(2nd) 5/3

Skinless- Berlin, N.Y. (yard party-some crowd shots) 8/7/1999 80min.(2nd) 4/3

Skinless- Worcester, MA. 4/16/2000 35min.(1st) 5/3

Skinless- Worcester, MA. 5/6/2000 35min. (1st) 5/3

Skinless- Worcester, MA. 8/1/2000 25min. (1st) 5/3

Skinless- New London, CT. 3/17/2001 25min. (1st) 5/4

Skinless- Ft. Lauderdale, FL. 7/22/2001 40min. (mas.) 5/4

Skinless- Ft. Lauderdale, FL. (OFF.) 7/22/2001 40min. (mas.) 5/4

Skinless- Ft. Lauderdale, FL. 8/16/2003 40min. (mas.) 5/5

Skinless- Sacramento, CA. 6/16/2005 30min. (mas.) 5/4

Skinless- S.F., CA. 6/17/2005 30min. (mas.) 5/4

Skinless- N.Y.C. (OFF.) 5/20/2006 30min. (mas.) 5/3

Skinny Puppy Promos (6) ' 25min 5/5

Skinny Puppy Canada TV Special ' 10min 3/4

Skinny Puppy Toronto CAN 6-1-87 (Official) 70min 5/5

Skinny Puppy Miami, FL 6-18-92 75min 4/4

Skinny Puppy Dallas TX 6-26-92 85min 5/3

Skinyard "1,000 Smiling...." promo ' 5min. 5/5

Skrew St. Louis MO 3-26-96 (Off.)(2nd gen.) 40min 5/3

Skrew W. Palm Bch. FL 4-16-96 (1st gen.) 30min 4/4

Skrew S.F. CA 7-29-94 30min 5/3

Skrew '"Picasso" Promo 5min 5/5

Skrew- inter.+live clips CAN. TV '94 5min. 5/5

Skyclad "For Fans Only" home video '93 30min. 3/4

Skyclad- Karlsruhe, GER. 9/22/1995 65min. 3/3

Skyclad- acoustic set Bonn, GER. 9/10/1997 30min.(2nd) 5/5

Slapshot Ansbach GER '91 (Off.) 25min 3/4

Slash's Snakepit- ITALY TV '95 70min. 4/5

Slash's Snakepit- Wilkes Barre, PA. 8/22/2000 35min. (1st) 5/3

Slaughter "Disintegrator/Incinerator" promo ' 5min. 3/3

Slaughter Quebec Canada 4-20-87 15min 3/3

Slaughter- "Karnival Of Karnage" (OFF.) ' 45min. 3-4/4

Slaughter- Quebec, CAN. 4/20/1987 35min. 3/3

Slaughter- Quebec, CAN. 4/21/1987 35min. 3/3

Slaughter- Toronto, CAN. 6/28/1989 55min. 4/3

Slaughter- Detroit, MI. 11/7/1998 45min.(1st) 5/5

Slaughterlord Sydney Aust. 4-18-87 60min 4/2

Slaves On Dope- inter.+clips+"Light On..." promo CAN. TV '01 10min. (1st) 5/5

Slayer Guy "Carving Slayer into arm" ' 10min 5/5

Slayer inter. Monsters of Rock ' 10min 4/5

Slayer '"War..." live promo ' 5min 5/5

Slayer "Serenity..." promo (uncensored) ' 5min. 5/5

Slayer Detroit 11-18-84 45min 3/3

Slayer Hollywood CA 1-21-84 30min 4/3

Slayer MTV New Years Special 12-31-91 15min 4/5

Slayer N.Y.C. (off.) 12-6-86 70min 4/5

Slayer Miami FL 2-22-91(3rd gen.) 60min 4/4

Slayer Miami, FL 2-23-91(3rd gen.) 65min 5/5

Slayer Poughkeepsi NY 2-28-95 85min 5/4

Slayer W. Palm Bch. 3-5-95 (2nd gen.) 95min 5/4

Slayer Miami FL 4-27-96 (1st gen.) 65min 5/5

Slayer Miami FL 7-14-91 55min 5/4

Slayer Hampton. VA 7-16-91 60min 5/4

Slayer London UK 7-7-96 85min 4/4

Slayer S.F. CA (Backstage) 8-11-88 25min 4/5

Slayer Fresno CA 8-23-94 90min 4/5

Slayer Sao Paulo, Brazil TV 8-25-94 (Official) 50min 4/5

Slayer Hollywood, CA 8-26-96 (off.)(3rd gen.) 25min 5/5

Slayer L.A, CA 8-27-83 30min 3/4

Slayer N.Y.C. 8-31-88 75min 3/4

Slayer S.F., CA '84 (B&W) 35min 2/4

Slayer S.F., CA '86 60min 3/3

Slayer Ohio '87 15min 2/2

Slayer U.K..TV '88 20min 4/5

Slayer German TV '89 10min 4/5

Slayer Chile 9-1-94 20min 4/3

Slayer Tampa, FL Record Store 9-22-94(2nd gen.) 40min 5/5

Slayer Jon Stewart Show '95 5min 5/5

Slayer inter. Latin America MTV '95 15min 4/5

Slayer Live Instrusion" Home Video '95 70min(1st) 5/5

Slayer MTV inter. '95 5min 5/5

Slayer inter. MTV Superock '95 15min.(2nd) 5/5

Slayer Rome, ITALY (outdoor) '96 20min. 5/3

Slayer Dittohead" Promo 5min 5/5

Slayer '"I Hate You..." Promo 5min 5/5

Slayer '"Seasons In..." Promo 5min 5/5

Slayer '"Serenitty..." Promo 5min 5/5

Slayer '"War" Promo 5min 5/5

Slayer- "Black Magic" live promo ' 5min. 5/5

Slayer- "Still Reigning" home video '04 90min. (mas.) 5/5

Slayer- Henry Rollins show 7/06 5min. 5/5

Slayer- inter.+live JAPAN TV 7/94 20min.(3rd) 5/5

Slayer- inter.+reh. Euro TV 7/98 10min.(1st) 5/5

Slayer- Shit You've Never Seen" comp. vid. (OFF.) '83-'03 70min. (mas.) 4-5/5

Slayer- BRAZIL MTV 9/98 45min.(2nd) 5/5

Slayer- int.+live clips+promos CAN. FAX TV '92 20min. 4/5

Slayer- M.O.R.Fest Buenos Aires,ARG.(off.) '98 65min.(2nd) 5/5

Slayer- L.A., CA. (w/ 4 unreleased songs!) 3/28/1983 45min.(2nd) 4/5

Slayer- L.A., CA. (soundboard) 7/1/1983 30min.(2nd) 4/5

Slayer- Costa Mesa, CA. 12/28/1983 40min.(2nd) 4/4

Slayer- Berkeley, CA. 1/27/1984 40min.(2nd) 4/4

Slayer- Eindhoven, HOL. 5/28/1985 95min. (mas.) 5/3

Slayer- Tempe, AZ. 5/27/1998 85min.(1st) 5/5

Slayer- S.F., CA. (OFF.) 5/31/1998 80min.(2nd) 5/4

Slayer- Columbia, MO.(low sound 1st 8min.) 6/6/1998 75min.(1st) 5/5

Slayer- Cleveland, OH. 6/10/1998 80min.(3rd) 5/4

Slayer- N.Y.C. 6/17/1998 80min.(2nd) 5/4

Slayer- inter.+live+promo JAP. MTV 7/15/1998 35min.(1st) 5/5

Slayer- inter.+ live Tokyo, Japan MTV 7/18/1998 30min.(3rd) 4/5

Slayer- soundcheck St. Paul, MN. 8/22/1998 15min.(1st) 5/4

Slayer- St. Paul, MN. (OFF.) 8/22/1998 95min.(1st) 5/4

Slayer- Verdun, CAN. 9/3/1998 95min.(1st) 5/5

Slayer- Ft. Lauderdale, FL. 9/17/1998 75min.(mas.) 5/5

Slayer- Portugal 11/7/1998 90min.(2nd) 3/3

Slayer- inter.+live London, U.K. TV 12/12/1998 90min.(2nd) 5/5

Slayer- St. Paul, MN. 4/19/1999 90min.(1st) 5/3

Slayer- Detroit, MI. (little obstructed sometimes) 7/30/2000 60min. (1st) 5/4

Slayer- Hamilton, CAN. 6/25/2001 50min. (1st) 5/4

Slayer- San Jose, CA. 7/23/2001 50min. (1st) 5/4

Slayer- KOREA TV 8/23/2001 55min. (2nd) 4/4

Slayer- Hultsfred, SWED. TV 6/14/2002 80min. (1st) 5/5

Slayer- Philadelphia, PA. 8/15/2002 90min. (3rd) 5/4

Slayer- Belfort, FRA. TV (OFF.) 7/5/2003 60min. (mas.) 5/5

Slayer- London, U.K. 7/8/2003 90min. 3/3

Slayer- Viva La Bam Show MTV 5/2/2004 20min. (mas.) 5/5

Slayer- Philadelphia, PA. 11/21/2004 90min. (mas.) 5/4

Slayer- Ft. Lauderdale, FL. 11/27/2004 95min. (mas.) 4/4

Slayer- GER. Rock AM Ring MTV 6/4/2005 55min. (mas.) 5/5

Slayer- E. Rutherford, N.J. 6/16/2006 55min. (1st) 4/3

Slayer- Sao Paulo, BRAZIL 9/2/2006 90min. (mas.) 4/4

Slayer- Rock AM Ring GER. TV 6/2/2007 80min. (mas.) 5/5

Slayer "Angel of..." promo ' 5min. 5/5

Slayer Milwaukee 8-24-94 80min 4/3

Sleep Raleigh N.C. 1-23-94 (2nd gen.) 40min 5/4

Sleep N.Y.C. 9/93 15min. 3/3

Sleep "Dragonaut" Promo 5min 5/5

Slipknot- "Spit it Out" promo ' 5min. 5/5

Slipknot- "Wait and..." promo ' 5min. 5/5

Slipknot- "My Plague" promo ' 5min. 5/5

Slipknot- inter.+"Spit..." promo JAPAN TV '00 10min.(1st) 5/5

Slipknot- GER. Rock IM Park TV '00 15min. (2nd) 5/5

Slipknot- inter. + live clips + promos GER. TV '00 20min. (2nd) 5/5

Slipknot- inter+clips CAN. TV '01 5min. 5/5

Slipknot- London, U.K. (OFF.) '04 40min. (mas.) 5/5

Slipknot- Conan O Brien TV show 2/00 5min.(mas.) 5/5

Slipknot- Jay Leno show 5/04 5min. 5/5

Slipknot- Worcester, MA. (sometimes obstructed) 9/19/99 30min.(2nd) 5/3

Slipknot- "Welcome To Our Neighborhood" home vid. '99 20min.(2nd) 5/5

Slipknot- Dallas, TX. (obstructed sometimes) '99 25min. (2nd) 5/2

Slipknot- inter. West Palm Bch., FL. 5/27/1999 20min.(mas.) 5/5

Slipknot- West Palm Bch., FL. 5/27/1999 15min.(mas.) 5/4

Slipknot- Holmdel, N.J. (little shaky sometimes) 6/8/1999 25min.(1st) 5/3

Slipknot- record store IL. 8/14/1999 15min.(2nd) 5/5

Slipknot- Detroit, MI. (OFF.) 9/10/1999 25min.(1st) 5/4

Slipknot- Columbus, OH.(little obstructed sometimes) 9/12/1999 30min.(1st) 5/4

Slipknot- Asbury Park, N.J. 9/18/1999 30min.(2nd) 4/4

Slipknot- Winnipeg, CAN. 11/3/1999 40min.(2nd) 4/4

Slipknot- Detroit, MI. (OFF.) 12/3/1999 60min.(1st) 5/4

Slipknot- Ft. Lauderdale, FL. 1/16/2000 65min(mas.) 5/4

Slipknot- Ft. Lauderdale, FL. (OFF.) 1/16/2000 65min.(mas.) 5/4

Slipknot- inter.+"Spit..." promo+live! Japan TV 2/6/2000 35min.(1st) 5/5

Slipknot- London, U.K. 3/2/2000 70min. (3rd) 4/3

Slipknot- Nujmegan, HOL. TV 6/2/2000 45min. (2nd) 5/5

Slipknot- Detroit, MI. (little obstructed sometimes) 7/30/2000 55min. (1st) 5/4

Slipknot- Asbury Park, N.J. 10/29/2000 60min. (2nd) 5/3

Slipknot- Rochester, N.Y. 7/25/2001 70min. (1st) 5/4

Slipknot- Nurburgring, GER. TV 6/3/2005 75min. (mas.) 5/5

Sloan Newfoundland, CAN. TV 3/97 15min. 5/5

Smashing Pumpkins Interview+Live MTV ' 20min 5/5

Smashing Pumpkins U.K. MTV ' 75min 5/5

Smashing Pumpkins Koln, Germany 1-28-92 75min 5/4

Smashing Pumpkins Munich, German TV 2-21-94 45min 5/5

Smashing Pumpkins Albany, NY 4-18-94 70min 3/3

Smashing Pumpkins N.Y.C. 7-15-91 40min 4/5

Smashing Pumpkins Chicago, IL TV 8-12-93 30min 5/5

Smashing Pumpkins Record Store Jam S.F. CA 8-17-94 30min 5/5

Smashing Pumpkins Miami, FL 8-5-92 (2nd gen.) 95min 5/4

Smashing Pumpkins Sat. Night Live '93 10min 5/5

Smashing Pumpkins Sat. Night Live '95 10min 5/5

Smashing Pumpkins '"Siva..." Promo 5min 5/5

Smashing Pumpkins- Vancouver, CAN. 8/4/2000 70min. (1st) 5/3

Smashing Pumpkins (w/Uli Roth!)- GER. Rock AM Ring MTV 6/2/2007 100min. (mas.) 5/5

Smiths- Madrid, SPAIN (OFF.) '85 80min. 3/5

Smiths The Derby live (off.) ' 40min 3/4

Snapcase Syracuse, N.Y. 1/1/1996 45min. 5/4

Snapcase Mesa, AZ. 8/11/1997 50min.(1st) 5/3

Snapcase- N.Y.C. 10/17/1999 50min.(1st) 5/4

Snapcase- Portland, OR. 10/31/1999 35min.(1st) 5/3

Snapcase- Asbury Park, N.J. 4/12/2001 40min. (1st) 5/3

Snider, Dee inter. +"Widowmaker" promo MTV H.B.Ball '93 15min. 5/5

Snot Boston, MA. 10/16/1997 40min.(1st) 5/4

Snot- "Stoopid" promo ' 5min. 5/5

Snot- Lighthouse Point, FL. 10/8/1997 40min.(mas.) 5/5

Snot- Detroit, MI. 10/24/1997 35min.(1st) 5/3

Snot- Poughkeepsie, N.Y. 8/4/1998 30min.(1st) 5/5

Snow Patrol- London, U.K. TV 7/7/2007 15min. (mas.) 5/5

Society 1- Toronto, CAN. 9/27/1999 35min.(1st) 5/4

Sodom German TV 5-28-88 10min 4/5

Sodom German TV 5-28-88 (B&W) 55min 4/5

Sodom Altenessen W.G. 6-21-86 50min 3/3

Sodom Sargens, Switzerland '87 60min 3/3

Sodom German Mosh TV '88 30min 4/4

Sodom '"August..." Promo 5min 5/5

Sodom "Mortal Way of Live" home video GER. 5/28/1988 55min.(2nd) 5/5

Sodom- inter.+promos GER. VIVA TV 2/97 20min. 4/5

Sodom- Dordegen, GER. 9/29/1989 65min. 2/3

Sodom- FINLAND (outdoor) 7/28/1990 55min. 3/3

Sodom- Asuncion, PARAGUAY 9/21/1997 70min. 4/2

Sodom- Milwaukee, WI. 7/25/1998 40min.(1st) 5/2

Sodom- Mierlo, HOL. 5/21/1999 65min.(2nd) 4/3

Sodom- Wacken Fest, GER. 8/4/2001 50min. (1st) 5/3

Sodom- Thessaloniki, GREECE 2/17/2002 60min. (2nd) 4/3

Sodom- "Live in Sofia" BULG. home video 2/27/2004 95min. (mas.) 5/5

Sodom- Thessaloniki, GREECE 2/28/2004 25min. (2nd) 3/4

Sodom- Clisson, FRA. 6/21/2008 45min. (mas.) 5/4

Sodom Essen, GERMANY (off.) 5/20/1994 110min. 3/5

Sodom-airport arrival+press conference Asuncion, PARAGUAY 9/21/1997 65min. 4/4

Sodomized Cleveland OH 7-13-96 (1st gen.) 20min 5/3

Soilent Green Houston TX 5-25-96 60min(2nd) 5/4

Soilent Green Chicago, IL. 11/2/1997 30min. 3/2

Soilent Green- Memphis, TN. (little dark) 4/98 50min.(1st) 5/4

Soilent Green- Cincinnati, OH. 8/6/1998 45min.(1st) 5/4

Soilent Green- MD. (obstructed sometimes) 8/16/1998 40min.(1st) 5/5

Soilent Green- Nashville, TN.(low vocals)(mostly drummer) 1/30/1999 70min. (1st) 5/4

Soilent Green- San Francisco, CA. 6/18/2001 30min. (1st) 5/5

Soilent Green- Chattanooga, TN. 4/3/2002 40min. (1st) 5/4

Soilent Green- inter. Ft. Lauderdale, FL. 7/30/2003 10min. (mas.) 5/5

Soilwork- "As We..." promo ' 5min. 5/5

Soilwork- Wacken Fest, GER. 8/3/2001 40min. (1st) 5/4

Soilwork- Milwaukee, WI. 8/11/2001 40min. (1st) 5/3

Soilwork- Milwaukee, WI. (dif. ang.) 8/11/2001 50min. (1st) 5/4

Soilwork- Gaia, PORT. 5/8/2003 45min. (2nd) 5/4

Solitude Philadelphia, PA. 4/9/1989 35min. 4/5

Solitude Aeturnus Bensalem PA 10-29-92 40min 2/2

Solitude Aeturnus Dallas TX '4-94 15min 3/4

Solstice Miami FL 10-18-91 (2nd gen.) 30min 5/4

Solstice Hallandale, FL 6-25-92 15min 4/4

Solstice Miami FL 7-5-91 (2nd gen.) 30min 5/4

Solstice West Palm Bch FL 11-24-91(2nd) 25min 5/5

Somnus- Asbury Park, N.J. (OFF.) 4/6/2001 25min. (1st) 5/5

Sonata Arctica- JAPAN TV 4/7/2003 30min. (2nd) 5/5

Sonic Youth Orlando FL 3-7-91 45min 4/4

Sonic Youth Miami FL 3-9-91 45min 5/4

Sonic Youth Dusseldorf GER TV 4-7-96 75min(2nd) 5/5

Sonic Youth N.Y.C. 7-4-92 65min 4/4

Sonic Youth Goo Home Video '91 55min 5/5

Sonic Youth- D. Letterman show 6/98 5min.(mas.) 5/5

Sonic Youth Philadelphia PA 10/18/95 (Dif Ang) 85min 5/4

Sonic Youth Philadelphia PA 10-18-95 80min 5/4

Sonic Youth CA '85 (Int.+Live Official) 10min 5/5

Soothsayer Quebec Canada 12-9-88 70min 5/4

Sorath Zatec CZECH 12-9-94 25min 2/3

Sorhin Promo 5min 5/5

Sorrow Bequest- Garner, N.C. 1/23/1998 10min.(1st) 5/3

Sorrow Bequest- Garner, N.C.(little obstructed sometimes) 7/4/1998 25min.(1st) 5/3

Sorrow Bequest- Garner, N.C. (OFF.)(S.B.) 1/23/1999 50min.(1st) 5/5

Sorrow Bequest- Garner, N.C. (OFF.)(S.B.) 6/6/1999 40min.(1st) 4/5

Sothis- Victorville, CA. (OFF.) 11/5/2005 45min. (mas.) 5/4

Sotto Pressione- Milan, ITALY (soundboard) 4/27/1996 45min.(2nd) 4/5

Soulfly- "Seek..." promo ' 5min. 5/5

Soulfly- inter. CAN. TV 7/00 15min. (1st) 5/5

Soulfly- S. America MTV on the road '98 25min.(2nd) 5/5

Soulfly- hosting LOUD show'98+"Bleed"prom '98 10min.(1st) 5/5

Soulfly- int.+"Bleed"promo H.S.N. JAP. TV '99 10min.(1st) 5/5

Soulfly- inter.+live Landgraaf P. Pop Fest TV '99 15min.(1st) 5/5

Soulfly- S.F., CA. 5/6/1998 80min.(1st) 5/4

Soulfly- Tempe, AZ. 5/10/1998 75min.(1st) 5/4

Soulfly- London, U.K. 5/19/1998 70min.(1st) 5/4

Soulfly- Porto, PORT. 6/16/1998 65min.(2nd) 3/3

Soulfly- Mansfield, MA. 7/7/1998 25min.(1st) 5/5

Soulfly- Indianapolis, IN. 7/16/1998 30min.(1st) 5/4

Soulfly- Louisville, KY. 7/27/1998 70min.(1st) 5/3

Soulfly- W. Palm Bch., FL. 7/30/1998 30min.(mas.) 5/4

Soulfly- Pittsburgh, PA. 8/9/1998 65min.(1st) 5/4

Soulfly- Detroit, MI. 9/26/1998 65min.(1st) 5/5

Soulfly- Hallandale,FL.(little shaky 1st 5min) 10/13/1998 55min.(mas.) 5/4

Soulfly- Sydney, AUSTR. TV 1/23/1999 45min.(2nd) 5/5

Soulfly- inter.+live+"Bleed"promo JAP. TV 2/9/1999 30min.(1st) 5/5

Soulfly- Sunrise, FL. (little shaky first 10min.) 4/1/2001 40min. (mas.) 5/4

Soulfly- Sunrise, FL. (OFF.) 4/1/2001 40min. (mas.) 5/4

Soulfly- inter+live GER. Viva Plus TV 6/23/2002 20min. (1st) 5/5

Soulfly- GER. Rock AM Ring TV 6/3/2006 35min. (mas.) 5/5

Soulrest- UKRAINE 3/4/2006 40min. (mas.) 4/4

Souls At Zero Grey..." Promo 5min 5/5

Soulstorm Quebec 6-13-93 40min 5/3

Soulstorm Milwaukee 7-31-93 25min 5/2

Soulstorm- "Brand..." promo ' 5min. 5/5

Soundgarden Philadelphia 12-17-91 60min 5/5

Soundgarden S.F. CA 4-19-92 100min 5/5

Soundgarden Seattle WA 8-92 (Official) 50min 5/5

Soundgarden- "Jesus Christ Pose" uncens. promo ' 10min. (1st) 5/5


South Park- rare early shorts!! '92 10min. 3/4

Southern Cross- Montreal, CAN. 9/16/2004 30min. (mas.) 5/4

Spacehog- Somerset, WI. 5/24/1998 40min.(1st) 5/4

Spawn Of Possession- Tilburg, HOL. 4/12/2004 15min. (1st) 5/4

Spawn Of Possession- Muotathal, SWITZ. 8/21/2004 50min. (mas.) 5/4

Spaztic Blurr Heemskerk, HOL. 12/27/1991 40min. 4/4

Spazz L.A., CA. 11/16/1996 30min. 4/4

Spazz Detroit, MI. 7/10/1997 20min.(1st) 5/3

Spazz Columbus, OH. 7/12/1997 20min.(2nd) 4/4

Spears, Brittany- Sacramento, CA. 6/10/2002 40min. (1st) 5/5

Speck, Richard Secret Tapes of Cable TV Special '96 50min(mas.) 5/5

Speck, Richard- Biography cable TV show 8/18/1999 50min.(mas.) 5/5

Speedball Detroit MI 12-31-96 40min(1st) 5/4

Speedealer- Ft. Lauderdale, FL. 3/27/2000 10min.(mas.) 5/5

Spinal Tap Sat Night Live '84 10min 5/5

Spinal Tap- "Spinal Tap Goes To 20" doc. (OFF.) '04 25min. (mas.) 5/5

Spinal Tap- inter. + "Christmas With The Devil" promo '80's 10min. 4/4

Spinal Tap- Letterman Show 9/00 5min. 5/5

Spinal Tap- hosting Metal Visions home video '91 10min. (1st) 5/5

Spinal Tap- reunion special NBC TV '92 45min. (1st) 5/5

Spinal Tap- London, U.K. TV 7/7/2007 15min. (mas.) 5/5

Spinal Tap Orlando FL 6-13-92 115min 5/5

Spineshank- "New Disease" promo ' 5min. 5/5

Spineshank- Houston, TX. 1/14/1999 25min.(2nd) 5/2

Spineshank- Ft. Laud., FL.(minor glitch 1st 10mn) 3/18/1999 30min.(mas.) 5/4

Spineshank- inter. Ft. Lauderdale, FL. 3/18/1999 25min.(mas.) 5/5

Spineshank- Oldbridge, N.J. (OFF.) 1/27/2001 50min. (mas.) 5/4

Spineshank- Boynton Beach, FL. 6/4/2001 30min. (mas.) 5/3

Spirit Caravan (w/Wino!)- Atlanta, GA. 7/5/2001 60min. (1st) 5/3

Spiritual Beggars- Dynamo Fest. , HOL. '98 45min.(1st) 5/3

Spiritual Beggars- inter. + live JAP. TV 4/18/2003 20min. (2nd) 5/5

Splattereah Houston TX 9-3-89 20min 4/4

Sponge Chicago (Can. TV) '95 60min 5/5

Springer, Jerry Too Hot for TV home video ' 45min.(2nd) 4/5

Springer, Jerry- Too Hot for TV Part 2 '98 55min.(1st) 5/5

Springsteen, Bruce- "Live In New York City" HBO concert '00 115min. (mas.) 5/5

Springsteen, Bruce- Ft. Lauderdale, FL. 3/9/2000 185min.(mas.) 5/5

Springsteen, Bruce- Ft. Lauderdale, FL. (OFF.) 3/9/2000 185min.(mas.) 5/5

Spudmonsters Montreal CAN 10-2-94 (1st gen.) 35min 5/4

Spudmonsters Latham, N.Y. 6/21/1997 50min.(1st) 5/4

Spudmonsters Detroit, MI. 7/1/1997 50min.(1st) 5/4

Stabbing Westward JBTV Chicago IL Cable TV ' 50min 5/5

Stabbing Westward "What do I..." promo ' 5min. 5/5

Stabbing Westward "Lies" promo ' 5min. 5/5

Stabbing Westward "Nothing" promo ' 5min. 5/5

Stabbing Westward inter. + "Nothing" promo Euro TV ' 5min. 4/5

Stabbing Westward '"Shame..." Promo 5min 5/5

Stabbing Westward- Toledo, OH. 9/27/1998 45min.(1st) 5/3

Stabbing Westward- Miami, FL.(little shaky/obstr. first 5min.) 11/13/1998 35min.(mas.) 5/4

Staind- "Mudshovel" promo ' 5min. 5/5

Staind- "Home" promo ' 5min. 5/5

Staind- inter.+ "Price..." promo JAP. TV '03 10min. (2nd) 5/5

Staind- St. Paul, MN. 7/12/1999 35min.(1st) 5/4

Staind- Pontiac, MI. 8/31/1999 40min. (3rd) 4/4

Staind- Phoenix, AZ. 10/22/1999 30min. (4th) 4/4

Staind- Miami, FL. 4/27/2001 35min. (1st) 5/4

Staind- GER. TV 8/18/2001 35min. (2nd) 5/5

Stapled Shut L.A.CA 3-21-93 (1st gen.) 25min 5/3

Stargazer- AUSTRALIA 12/11/1998 40min.(2nd) 4/3

Static X- "Push It" promo ' 5min. 5/5

Static X- "This Is Not..." promo ' 5min. 5/5

Static X- inter.+"I'm With..." promo JAP. TV '00 5min. (1st) 5/5

Static X- inter.+live clips CAN. TV '99 5min. 5/5

Static X- Fullerton, CA. (OFF.)(soundboard!) 12/1/1997 30min.(4th) 4/5

Static X- Minneapolis, MN. 3/21/1999 35min.(1st) 5/4

Static X- Minneapolis, MN. (OFF.) 3/21/1999 30min.(1st) 5/4

Static X- Chicago, IL. 4/27/1999 40min. 4/4

Static X- inter. West Palm Bch., FL. 5/27/1999 15min.(mas.) 5/5

Static X- inter.+auto session N.Y.C. 6/11/1999 15min.(1st) 5/5

Static X- Toronto, CAN. 6/22/1999 30min.(1st) 5/4

Static X- Detroit, MI. (OFF.) 8/23/1999 45min.(1st) 5/4

Static X- N.Y.C. 9/22/1999 50min. (2nd) 4/4

Static X- record store Norridge, IL. 10/24/1999 15min.(1st) 5/5

Static X- Cincinnati, OH. 11/13/1999 40min.(1st) 5/4

Static X- Ft. Lauderdale, FL. 3/12/2000 40min.(mas.) 5/5

Static X- Lowell, MA. 3/18/2000 30min. (2nd) 5/3

Static X- Sauget, IL. 4/26/2001 40min. (2nd) 5/4

Static X- Hamilton, CAN. 6/25/2001 45min. (1st) 5/4

Static X- San Jose, CA. 7/23/2001 45min. (1st) 5/4

Static X- Somerset, WI. 5/25/2002 40min. (1st) 4/4

Static X- Burgettstown, PA. (sometimes obstructed) 8/4/2007 40min. (mas.) 4/4

Stern, Howard- Biography Cable TV Show 3-97 45min(mas.) 5/5

Stern, Howard- Philadelphia PA 6-19-92 30min 5/5

Stern, Howard- New Years Eve Bash '93 (Cable TV) 120min(2nd) 5/5

Stick '"No Groovy" Promo 5min 5/5

Stompbox '"No Woods" Promo 5min 5/5

Stone Temple Pilots Illinois State 2-2-93 35min 3/4

Stone Temple Pilots New Haven CT 8-23-94 70min 4/5

Stone Temple Pilots Toronto '93 60min 4/4

Stone Temple Pilots Creep" Promo 5min 5/5

Stone Temple Pilots- Latrobe, PA. (OFF.) '01 55min. (mas.) 5/5

Stone Temple Pilots- CAN. TV '01 50min. (1st) 5/5

Stone Temple Pilots- Las Vegas, NV. (OFF.) '99 45min.(1st) 5/5

Stone Temple Pilots- Hollywood, CA. (OFF.) 3/15/2000 75min. (mas.) 5/5

Stone Temple Pilots- Miami, FL. 7/23/2000 70min. (mas.) 5/4

Stormwitch- Tenzlingen, GER. '87 75min. 3/3

Stradion St. Louis MO 6-9-95 15min 4/3

Stradion- St. Louis, MO. 6/2/2000 50min. (1st) 4/4

Straight Ahead New York City 7-86 20min 5/4

Strapping Young Lad "Detox" promo ' 5min. 5/5

Strapping Young Lad inter.+clips German Viva TV '97 25min. 5/5

Strapping Young Lad Minneapolis, MN. 8/10/1997 30min.(2nd) 4/4

Strapping Young Lad St. Louis, MO. (official) 8/13/1997 40min.(3rd) 5/3

Strapping Young Lad Albany, N.Y. 8/30/1997 35min.(1st) 5/4

Strapping Young Lad- Hollywood, CA. (OFF.) '01 10min. (mas.) 5/5

Strapping Young Lad- inter. + "Zen" promo FUSE TV 12/05 5min. (mas.) 5/5

Strapping Young Lad- inter.+live Kawasaki, JAPAN TV 10/20/1998 20min.(1st) 5/5

Strapping Young Lad- Sydney, AUSTR. 10/25/1998 50min.(2nd) 5/4

Strapping Young Lad- Calgary, CAN. 5/12/2000 35min. (2nd) 5/2

Strapping Young Lad- soundcheck Montreal, CAN. 9/28/2000 30min. (1st) 5/4

Strapping Young Lad- Montreal, CAN. 9/28/2000 50min. (1st) 5/4

Strapping Young Lad- Ft. Lauderdale, FL. 2/15/2003 30min. (mas.) 5/4

Strapping Young Lad/Devin T.- inter.+live JAP. TV 2/26/1999 25min.(1st) 5/5

Stratovarious- Milan, ITALY (OFF.) 6/6/1998 50min.(3rd) 4/4

Stratovarious- Santiago, CHILE 3/17/1999 100min.(1st) 5/5

Stratovarius- "Against..." promo ' 5min. 5/5

Stretch Armstrong- Ft. Lauderdale, FL. (no sound first 10min.) 5/16/2004 45min. (mas.) 5/4

Stryper "Live in Japan" home video 7/9/1985 55min. 5/5

Stuck Mojo "Not Promised..." promo ' 5min. 4/5

Stuck Mojo "Pigwalk" promo ' 5min. 5/5

Stuck Mojo Winnepeg, CAN 10-13-95 (2nd gen.) 45min 5/4

Stuck Mojo "Here comes..." live promo 12/96 5min. 5/5

Stuck Mojo Milwaukee 7-27-96 (1st gen.) 25min 5/3

Stuck Mojo inter.+live German Viva TV 4/21/1996 10min. 5/5

Stuck Mojo Ft. Lauderdale, FL. 1/23/1998 70min.(mas.) 5/5

Stuck Mojo- Worcester, MA. 4/4/1998 45min.(1st) 5/5

Stuck Mojo- Cincinnati, OH. 4/11/1998 85min.(1st) 5/3

Stuck Mojo- Detroit, MI. 11/21/1998 30min.(1st) 5/5

Stuck Mojo- Ft. Lauderdale, FL. 2/13/1999 60min.(mas.) 5/5

Stuck Mojo- Salem, N.C. 2/28/2003 55min. (1st) 5/3

Stuck Mojo Nashville TN 11-22-95 (1st gen.) 40min 5/4

Stuck Mojo/Merauder Crossover 2000 report Euro MTV 4/24/1996 10min. 5/5

Styx "Renegade" promo ' 5min. 5/5

Styx '"Grand Illusion" Promo 15min 4/5

Styx- Hallandale, FL. 1/8/2000 60min.(mas.) 4/4

Styx- Hallandale, FL. (OFF.) 1/8/2000 80min.(mas.) 5/4

Subhumans L.A. CA '85 25min 3/3

Sublime Ft. Lauderdale, FL 8-13-95 (1st gen.) 15min 5/4

Subpop Video Net. Program 1-w/ Tad/Nirvana/Mudhoney/Dwarves++ h.v. '91 50min. (mas.) 5/5

Subversion Bietigheim, GER. 5/3/1997 15min. 3/4

Subway To Sally- Wacken, GER. (OFF.) 8/5/2006 60min. (mas.) 5/5

Subzero "Higher Power" promo ' 5min. 5/5

Sudden Impact Promo 5min 5/5

Suffercation Australian TV '94 5min. 4/5

Sufference Milwaukee, WI. 7/25/1997 20min.(1st) 5/2

Suffocation Deer Park, NY 10-30-91(1st gen.) 50min 4/4

Suffocation N.Y.C. 1-18-91 10min 4/2

Suffocation Staten Isl. NY 12-14-91 30min 4/4

Suffocation Montreal, Can 12-16-92 (1st gen.) 50min 5/3

Suffocation Long Island, N.Y.C. 12-23-95 (1st gen.) 45min 5/4

Suffocation Deer Park, NY 3-4-92 (1st gen.) 45min 5/5

Suffocation Pennsaukenn NJ 4-27-91 30min 5/4

Suffocation inter. Corona CA 5-17-96 (1st gen.) 20min 5/5

Suffocation Montreal CAN 5-25-96 (1st gen.) 60min 5/4

Suffocation Anaheim, CA 6-13-93 65min 5/2

Suffocation Milwaukee 7-18-92 20min 5/2

Suffocation Milwaukee 7-18-92 (Dif Angle) 20min 5/3

Suffocation Pennsaukenn NJ (int.+Live) 7-26-90 (1st gen.) 40min 5/4

Suffocation Milwaukee 7-27-96 (1st gen.) 25min 5/3

Suffocation River Grove, IL '95 (1st gen.) 10min 5/3

Suffocation Tampa, FL 9-5-93 50min 5/3

Suffocation El Paso, TX 9-6-95 (1st gen.) 55min 5/3

Suffocation Charlotte, N.C. 8/4/1995 45min.(3rd) 4/5

Suffocation Detroit, MI. 3/1/1997 50min.(1st) 5/4

Suffocation Westland, MI. 8/23/1997 45min.(1st) 5/4

Suffocation Houston, TX. 12/31/1997 65min. 4/5

Suffocation Detroit, MI. 1/24/1998 50min.(1st) 5/4

Suffocation- inter. + "Surgery..." promo FUSE TV 12/05 5min. (mas.) 5/5

Suffocation- Las Vegas, NV. 8/03 65min. (2nd) 5/3

Suffocation- New London, CT. 4/3/1998 55min.(3rd) 4/5

Suffocation- S.F., CA. 5/29/1998 55min.(1st) 5/3

Suffocation- Baltimore, MD. 5/24/2003 60min. (1st) 5/4

Suffocation- Milwaukee, WI. 7/26/2003 55min. (1st) 5/4

Suffocation- Ft. Lauderdale, FL. 1/20/2005 75min. (mas.) 5/4

Suffocation- Ft. Lauderdale, FL. (OFF.) 1/20/2005 75min. (mas.) 5/4

Suffocation- S.F., CA. 2/3/2005 70min. (mas.) 5/4

Suffocation- S.F., CA. 10/14/2005 80min. (mas.) 5/4

Suffocation- Urbana, IL. 7/20/2008 65min. (mas.) 5/4

Sugar Ray "Mean..." promo ' 5min. 5/5

Suicidal Tendencies "Trip at...." promo ' 5min. 5/5

Suicidal Tendencies Ft Lauderdale FL 12-9-90 60min(2nd) 5/5

Suicidal Tendencies 3 Songs TV '86 15min 2/4

Suicidal Tendencies Sao Paulo, BRAZIL TV '94 50min. 5/5

Suicidal Tendencies '"Institutionalized" Promo 5min 5/5

Suicidal Tendencies Ft. Lauderdale, FL. 7/8/1997 85min.(mas.) 5/4

Suicidal Tendencies- "Send Me..." promo ' 5min. 5/5

Suicidal Tendencies- "Alone" promo ' 5min. 5/5

Suicidal Tendencies- "Love vs...." promo ' 5min. 5/5

Suicidal Tendencies- L.A., CA. (OFF.) (B+W) '83 25min. 3/4

Suicidal Tendencies- Hollywood, CA. '89 30min. 4/3

Suicidal Tendencies- "Lights, Camera, Suicidal" home video '90 45min.(1st) 5/5

Suicidal Tendencies- Detroit, MI. 9/26/1987 55min.(2nd) 4/4

Suicidal Tendencies- N.Y.C. (soundboard) 10/21/1989 60min.(4th) 4/5

Suicidal Tendencies- Hallandale, FL. 12/5/1998 70min.(mas.) 5/5

Suicidal Tendencies- Koln, GER. TV 8/20/2000 65min. (2nd) 5/5

Suicidal Tendencies- Santiago, CHILE 1/6/2008 65min. (mas.) 5/4

Sumeria Lake Forest, CA. 8/11/1996 25min. 5/4

Sumeria- Westchester, CA. (little dark) 12/15/2002 35min. (1st) 5/4

Sumeria- Huntsville, AL. (OFF.) 8/25/2006 35min. (mas.) 5/4

Summer Sanitarium Tour MTV(w/ S.O.A.D.,Korn,Metallica,Kid R.,Powerman) '00 65min. (1st) 5/5

Summon Jackson, MI. 5/25/1996 40min. (1st) 5/4

Summoned Corona, CA. 6/15/1996 25min.(1st) 5/4

Sundown v ' 5min. 5/5

SUPERBRAWL- Best of Vol. 1 '97 30min.(1st) 5/5

Superjoint Ritual- Dallas, TX. home video 6/28/2002 50min. (1st) 5/5

Superjoint Ritual-(w/Pantera+ Down members.!)New Orleans, LA. 2/28/1998 50min.(3rd) 4/3

Suppository- Rotterdam, HOL. 2/10/2008 30min. (mas.) 5/2

Suppression Roanoke VA 3-4-95 20min 3/3

Suppression- Washington D.C. 11/22/1997 10min.(1st) 5/5

Supuration Macon FRA 10-23-94 35min 4/4

Susperia- Turku, FIN. 12/5/2005 55min. (mas.) 5/4

Suspiria- Milwaukee, WI. 7/27/2002 30min. (2nd) 5/4

Swallow The Sun- Pushkin, RUSSIA 7/22/2007 60min. (mas.) 5/5

Swans "A Long Screw" Home Video ' 55min 5/5

Swarm (Death Angel)- CA. 3/20/99+1/2/99 55min. (2nd) 5/4-3

Sweet- "Glitz, Blitz and Hitz" home video '03 95min. (mas.) 5/5

Sweet Savage Irish TV '83 15min 3/5

Sword "The Trouble is" promo ' 5min. 5/5

Swordmaster- "World Domination Live" home vid. '98 10min.(1st) 5/5

Sworn Enemy- Lousville, KY. 4/14/2002 35min. (1st) 5/4

Sworn Enemy- Salem, N.C. 12/19/2002 25min. (1st) 5/4

Symphony X- Biella, ITALY 10/16/1998 90min.(2nd) 3/3

Symphony X- Montreal, CAN. 4/14/2001 90min. (1st) 5/4

System Of A Down- "War" promo ' 5min. 5/5

System Of A Down- "Spiders" promo ' 5min. 5/5

System Of A Down- "Sugar" promo ' 5min. 5/5

System Of A Down- "Chop Suey" promo ' 5min. 5/5

System Of A Down- "Aerials" promo ' 5min. 5/5

System Of A Down- AUSTRALIA TV '02 35min. (2nd) 5/5

System Of A Down- AUSTR. TV '05 20min. (1st) 5/5

System Of A Down- Worcester, MA. (little shaky sometimes) 9/19/99 25min.(2nd) 5/3

System of a Down- Columbia, MO. 6/6/1998 30min.(1st) 5/3

System of a Down- Seattle, WA. 12/6/1998 45min.(1st) 5/4

System of a Down- record store Babylon, N.Y. 2/27/1999 25min.(1st) 5/5

System of a Down- inter.+live JAPAN TV 4/7/1999 25min.(1st) 5/5

System of a Down- N.Y.C. (little shaky) 4/11/1999 10min.(1st) 5/4

System Of A Down- Cincinnati, OH. 2/11/2000 55min.(1st) 5/4

System Of A Down- Providence, R.I. 2/15/2000 55min.(1st) 5/4

System Of A Down- Conan O Brien Show 3/16/2000 5min. (1st) 4/5

System Of A Down- GER. Rock AM Ring TV 5/19/2002 25min. (1st) 5/5

System Of A Down- St. Paul, MN. (OFF.) 10/11/2002 55min. (1st) 5/4

System Of A Down- London, U.K. (OFF.) 4/4/2005 20min. (mas.) 5/5