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Bill Ward

Bill Ward

Last Update: 05 / 15 / 2002

List Key:
YEAR --- Year of recording
ALBUM --- Name of album track is from, If full album click on link for tracklist
SONG TITLE --- If individual track, the name of track
COMMENTS --- Notes about track or other info
TIME --- Reflects the most complete recording I have
X --- I have this show
--- Added within the last 2 weeks
--- Added a more complete or better audio copy within the last 2 weeks
--- This show is part of a current trade and is expected within the next 4 weeks (I trade worldwide so there may be delays in shipping)

Other shows without an "X" or an icon I do not have and are looking for.
I am also looking to complete partial shows or upgrade
If there are errors on this page please let me know.

[ E-mail ]

Thank You

1985 Along the Way -- Ward One 49:09 X
1985 When the Bough Breaks -- -- 66:52 X
Unknown Unknown Black Witch With Mandragora - instrumental 4:21 X
