The Town of
Torbay, Newfoundland
Duties of Town Clerk
- Has the custody of the seal of the council and shall have it affixed to those documents that are required by the council.
- Shall record in a minute book:
The attendance at and proceedings of the council and its committees.
The resolutions passed by the council.
If required by a councillor present at the meeting, enter the votes on a resolution as given.
- Is responsible for the filing, maintenance and safe preservation of the minute books, documents and other records of the business of the council and its committees.
- Has custody of all regulations, official plans, contracts, orders and other official documents and is responsible for their filing, maintenance and safe preservation.
- Shall issue the permits, certificates, licences, notices and other documents in accordance with procedures adopted by the council.
- Shall assume the duties and responsibilities of the treasurer where no treasurer has been appointed or the position is vacant.
- Shall carry out the other duties and exercise the other powers that may be assigned by the council.
Last updated 1997.
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Shelley O'Brien
28 Doyle's & Quigley's Lane
Torbay, NL
A1K 1A7