The Presentation Sisters established a Convent in Torbay on October 18, 1865, under the patronage of Bishop J.T. Mullock. The founding members of the convent were Sister M.Clare Waldrom, Sister M. Ignatius Flood and Sister M. Francis Walsh.
During the life of the Convent, it is estimated that some 118 Sisters served there. In the early years, the Sisters lived in a residence provided by the community, which eventually became known as the Old Convent, before moving into the new St. Michael's Convent on December 7, 1988.
A quite significant factor in early education in Torbay was the Convent school, run by the Presentation Sisters. The Sisters were trained teachers who taught academic subjects as well as practical subjects, such as knitting and needlework.
St. Michael's Convent School continued as an all-grade school until 1956, when several grades were transferred to the new Holy Trinity School. The academic functions of the new school, however, continued to be adninistered by the Presentation Sisters for many years afterwards.
St. Michael's Covent finally closed its door on July 31, 1986 and the Convent and Convent School were subsequently domolished, much to the regret of the community. The community of Torbay requested that the Convent be retained as a town museum, in memory of the Sisters. However, it's ultimate fate was sealed by an engineering report that recommended demolition.
The History of Torbay
By: Bob Codner 1996
During the clear out of the 121 year old Convent building before demolition time, a carton full of recipies was found stored away in a copboard in the kitchen. These were turned over to the Torbay Heritage Committee. The committee complied a collection of 66 recipies in a booklet which is sold for $2.00 at the Torbay Museum.
Funds raised from the sale of these books helps defray the cost of obtaining and restoring artifacts.