The Town of
Torbay, Newfoundland
Torbay North Fishermen
In 1934, the historic crew of Torbay North fishermen rowed the Quidi Vidi Lake in the Annual Regatta in the time of 9:29. In the photo: standing, Coxswain Jack Tobin, seated, Robert "Coppertop" Codner, the best stroke man in all regatta history, William Codner, Jessie Codner, Henry Codner, William Gosse and Augustus Morey. The boat was the racing shell Nellie R. "Copertop" pulled the stroke car for the Torbay fishermen in 29 races with only one loss. "Coppertop" died at the age of 68 back in 1972 and is laid to rest in the Anglican Cemetry, Torbay. Torbay Town Council honoured his memory by naming a new street off Marine Drive - Coppertop Place.
Taken from Swilers booklet.
Last updated 1997.
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Shelley O'Brien
28 Doyle's & Quigley's Lane
Torbay, NL
A1K 1A7