The Town of
Torbay, Newfoundland
Duties of Town Manager
- Shall report to the council and make recommendations concerning the operation, costs and regulation of the affairs and activities of the municipality.
- Shall supervise and report to the council upon the performance of all contracts entered into by the council and satisfy himself or herself that the terms of the contracts have been fulfilled.
- Shall make recommendations to the council concerning the maintenance and construction of municipal property, facilities and services and for their development, expansion and improvement.
- Shall direct the preparation of the municipal budget on an annual and other basis that the council may direct and make recommendations concerning the budget to the council.
- Shall supervise the collection of revenues and control and administer expenditures and report on those activities to the council.
- Shall make recommendations and take the action that may be necessry to employ, discipline, suspend or dismiss and employee of the council.
- Shall supervise the conduct of negotiations with trade unions representing council employees and make recommendations to the council respecting wages, salaries and working conditions of employees and supervise a collective agreement entered into with respect to them.
- Shall initiate and encourage participation in training programs designed to improve the performance of municipal employees.
- Shall, where there is no head of a department, have the powers and shall exercise the duties of the department head, subject to the manager obtaining the professional advice necessary to perform the function where it is required.
- Shall carry out the other duties and exercise other powers that may be vested in the manager by the council.
Last updated 1997.
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Shelley O'Brien
28 Doyle's & Quigley's Lane
Torbay, NL
A1K 1A7