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Lawrence Cantwell
Evening Telegram April 18, 1969

In fond and loving memory of a dear Husband
Lawrence Cantwell
who was accidentally killed April 21st, 1967.
May the Sacred Heart of Jesus have mercy on his soul.

Ever remembered and sadly missed by his wife Agnes.

Charlotte O'Brien
March 23, 2005

In loving memory of our dear Cousin
Charlotte Jane O'Brien
who was tragically killed March 23, 1993.
Age 22 years

Of all that life has given
and all that's left to do
we'll never know a greater gift
than the years we spent with you.

It broke our hearts to loose you
but you did not go alone
for part of us went with you
the day God called you home.

A silent thought, a secret tear
keeps your memory ever dear.
Though absent, you are ever near
still missed, loved and always dear.

Dear God, take a message
to our cousin up above
tell her how much we miss her
and give her all our love.

Always remembered and sadly missed
by cousins Shelley, Sheri and Stephen.

Mary O'Brien
August 7, 2005

In loving memory of our dear Grandmother and Great-Grandmother
Mary O'Brien
who died August 7, 1989

True was her heart, her action kind
Her life was a pattern to those left behind
Always smiling, happy and content
Loved she was, wherever she went

Loving and kind in all her ways
Upright and just to the end of her days
Sincere and kind in heart and mind
Beautiful memories she left behind

Our Nan is not forgotten
Though on earth she is no more
Still in memory she is with us
As she always was before

Nothing can ever take away
The love a heart hold dear
Fond memories linger everyday
Rememberance keeps her near

Always remembered and sadly missed
by grandchildren Shelley, Krista and Kayla.

Leo Wade
January 13, 2006

In loving memory of our dear Grandfather and Great-Grandfather
Leo Frances Wade
who died January 13, 1999

In tears we saw you sinking
We watched you fade away
We cried and prayed that your dear life
Would not be taken away

Silently the angels took you
Into the mansion above
There you'll rest from earth's toiling
Safe in the arms of God above

Peacefully sleeping, resting at last
The world's weary troubles and trails are past
In silence he suffered, in patience he bore
'Til God called him home to suffer no more

Loving and kind in all his ways
Upright and just to the end of his days
Sincere and kind in heart and mind
Beautiful memories he left behind

Always remembered and sadly missed
by grandchildren Shelley, Krista and Kayla.

Riley Peter Cole-Wall
January 26, 2004

In loving memory of our dear Son and Brother
Riley Peter Cole-Wall
who passed away January 22, 2003

One year has passed
Since that sad day
When Riley the one we love
Was called away.

Our lives go on without you
Thou nothing is the same
We try to hide our heartache
When someone speaks your name.

And now he is in heaven
With the angels up above
Put your arms around him
And give him all our love

Ever remembered and sadly missed
by Mom (Tina), Dad (Robert), twin brother (R.J.), sisters (Melvenia, Courtney, Makayla), grandparents (Tom, Alice, Robert, Karen), great-grandparents (Peter, Matilda, Sarah), aunts, uncles and cousins.

Joseph Francis O'Brien
February 2, 2006

In loving memory of our dear Grandfather and Great-Grandfather
Joseph Frances O'Brien
who passed away February 2, 1999

In tears we saw you sinking
We watched you fade away
Our hearts were almost broken
You fought so hard to stay.

Silently the angels took you
Into the mansion above
There you'll rest from earth's toiling
Safe in the arms of God above.

Some day, some time, my eyes shall see
The face I keep in memory
And God will link the broken chain
Still closer, when we meet again.

You hold a spot deep in my heart
That years won't take away
Rememberance keeps you ever near
Fond memories linger everyday.

Ever remembered and sadly missed
by Shelley, Krista and Kayla O'Brien

Sarah Bridget Wade
March 13, 2007

In loving memory of our dear Grandmother and Great-Grandmother
Sarah Bridget Wade
who passed away March 13, 2005

What would we give to clasp her hand
Her patient face to see
To hear her voice, to see her smile
As in the days that used to be.

When evening shades are falling
And we sit quietly alone
To our hearts there comes a longing
If only she would come home.

Peacefully sleeping, resting at last
The world's weary troubles and trails are passed
In silence she suffered, in patience she bore
'Til God called her home to suffer no more.

Nothing can ever take away
The love a heart hold dear
Fond memories linger every day
Rememberance keeps her near.

Ever remembered and sadly missed
by Shelley, Krista and Kayla O'Brien

Charlotte Jane O'Brien
March 23, 2007

In loving memory of our dear Cousin
Charlotte Jane O'Brien
tragically killed March 23, 1993

In her home she is remembered
Sweet memories cling to her name
Those who loved her in life dearly
Love her in death just the same.

Along the road to yesterday
That leads us straight to you
Are memories of the happy days
Together we once knew.

A beautiful memory of one so dear
We cherish still with love sincere
A day that comes with sad regrets
To one that we will never forget.

Though her smile is gone forever
And her hand we cannot touch
Still we have so many memories
Of the one we loved so much.

Ever remembered and sadly missed
by Shelley, Krista and Kayla O'Brien

Last updated April 2007.

Shelley O'Brien
28 Doyle's & Quigley's Lane
Torbay, NF
A1K 1A7