The Town of
Torbay, Newfoundland
Duties of Planner
- Shall recommend policies to guide and control the long term development of the municipality so as to achieve the common well being of the community and conserve the financial material resources of the municipality.
- Shall review all major capital development projects considered by the council and report on their implications for the future development of the muncipality.
- Shall prepare in conformity with the Urban and Rural Planning Act those plans, schemes, and regulations that may be required by council.
- Shall conduct and advise council on surveys and studies of land use, population growth, economic base, present and future transportation needs, public services, social services, the environment and other factors that are relevant to the preparation and implementation of development plans.
- Shall review and recommend on, or if delegated by council, shall decide upon all applications for development permits submitted to the council for approval under regulations made under the Urban and Rural Planning Act.
- Shall maintain an up-to-date record of planning applications, decisions and of all new development in the municipality.
- Shall carry out other duties that may be assigned by the manager, or where there is no manager, by the council.
Last updated 1997.
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Shelley O'Brien
28 Doyle's & Quigley's Lane
Torbay, NL
A1K 1A7